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Pages 1 - 96 "The Rights of God in Christ", New York, 1917 (Volume 35).


1 Kings 17

J.T. The exercise has been that we might see how God comes in to assert His sovereign rights. Elijah, who is introduced abruptly here, represents this thought. The statement he makes in the first verse seems to be the key to his whole history and ministry. It says: "As Jehovah the God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except by my word". Whatever other authorities or powers may have existed, Ahab or anyone else, dew and rain were made to depend on the word of this man, and I thought that he in that way foreshadows the Lord Jesus. God has introduced a Man whose word is to determine things, and we know that all that has come out in connection with the gospel is on that basis.

F.L. At the end of the previous chapter we read that Ahab did more to provoke the anger of the Lord God than any other king; and then the rebuilding of Jericho was a greater expression of defiance of the rights and authority of God than in any other act. It is significant that Elijah comes abruptly on the scene after the record of those two things.

W.L.P. It is remarkable that Elijah says this seemingly of his own accord. This suggests that he realised that he had a very great place here. You were speaking of him as being a type of Christ.

J.T. There had undoubtedly been serious exercise in his soul preceding this. He is not said to be a man of any special note. He was simply "of the inhabitants of Gilead". He had no special distinction

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outwardly, but according to James' reference to him, he had prayed.

P.H.P. The meaning of his name "Jehovah is God" is striking in view of the idolatry that Ahab had set up. He was true to his name in all his ministry.

C.B. The authority referred to here is vested in Christ, and we need to have our attention called to it.

A.F.M. Would this be parallel with Mark's gospel where you have the prophetic word of Christ?

J.T. I think Elijah represents Christ as embodying the prophetic ministry. It is said in Romans that the righteousness of God had been witnessed to by the law and the prophets. Now Christ came in on that line.

F.L. It is remarkable that the introduction of Elijah is as a "man of God"; as you were saying, the man of exercise. It seems to be very significant that there is no genealogy or anything of the sort, but he comes on the scene abruptly and is recognised as a "man of God".

J.T. So he says: "As Jehovah the God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand", That was his attitude, and at the end of the chapter it is said to him by the woman: "I know that thou art a man of God, and that the word of Jehovah in thy mouth is truth". So in that way his word is confirmed.

B.T.F. Would you say Elijah referred more to the ministry of the Lord while here on earth?

J.T. Yes. It has been remarked that the gospel of Mark would correspond with it, in that Mark presents the Lord as the Servant-Prophet. The book opens thus: "Beginning of the glad tidings of Jesus Christ, Son of God", Mark 1:1. We have no record of the Lord's previous life. It is simply that He is there and God has Him there. It is not the beginning of His life, but of His ministry. So with Elijah, save

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what we hear from James in the New Testament, we know nothing of his previous history; but it is enough to know that he stood before Jehovah, that the signs that mark his ministry brought about the confession: "The word of Jehovah in thy mouth is truth". It seems as if Mark's presentation of the ministry of Christ carries special conviction with it.

F.L. It is also significant to see how the Lord at the outset of His ministry takes up this seventeenth chapter of Kings. "There were many widows in Israel in the days of Elias ... to none of them was Elias sent"; and then he continued of Elisha, "there were many lepers in Israel ... and none of them was cleansed but Naaman the Syrian", Luke 4:25 - 27.

W.B-w. He comes upon the scene because there was a moral necessity for it.

J.T. The end of the previous chapter, as was remarked, emphasises the necessity, so that in this chapter it seems to me the ministry presented is one of restoration, not the introduction of something new exactly, as under Elisha, but restoration; as the Lord said of John, when he is come he will "restore all things" (Matthew 17:11) so that the child here is brought back.

B.T.F. Elijah is a witness for God here, He came from Gilead, which means 'Hill of witness'.

C.A.M. Would the conditions in which Elijah was sustained in the beginning of the chapter suggest the Lord here upon earth?

J.T. I think so. If we compare the chapter with 2 Kings 4, what we see is that there is no over plus here, no idea of living 'on the rest'. It is simply that "The meal in the barrel shall not waste, neither shall the oil in the cruse fail", There should be enough, but no abundance, no idea of paying "thy debt", nor of living on the rest, nor of a 'great woman' spiritually. It is simply that there should be sufficient and in that way I think it denotes the state of things before the coming of the Spirit.

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F.L. "I am come that they might have life, and might have [it] abundantly", John 10:10. I suppose in the days of the Lord on earth it was more the expression of life; in the day of the Spirit it is more abundantly.

That point you brought out about recovery is uncommonly interesting; it is said that Elijah took the child to an upper chamber and there he nourished it into life. It suggests the Lord in the upper chamber unfolding all that which nourished the little company of the remnant into life. He took them up into the upper chamber, and it was there the Lord really nourished them.

J.T. You will notice in Elijah's history that the idea of elevation gives character to it. Now what is said of the child here is, that "he took him out of her bosom, and carried him up into the upper chamber where he abode, and laid him upon his own bed". That is a great point, I think. Naturally the mother's bosom was the place for the child, but there was no life-giving power there, no hope of recovery or restoration on that line. The great principle of restoration was there in Christ; but, as you said, it was the upper loft or chamber.

C.A.M. What would the barrel of meal and the cruse of oil suggest?

J.T. The woman says: "I have not a cake but a handful of meal ... and a little oil in a cruse". That is her estimation. Then he says, "The meal in the barrel shall not waste, neither shall the oil in the cruse fail until the day that Jehovah sendeth rain upon the face of the earth!" He drops the diminutive words "handful" and "little". That is, I suppose, from the divine side it was not a handful. It was infinite. As John says, "I suppose that not even the world itself would contain the books written" (John 21:25); but it would continue at any rate, that is the point.

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F.L. The outward presentation was what the widow saw.

C.A.M. Here it is what she had. In the first part of the chapter Elijah is standing independent of anybody. That is, the ravens brought him food and he drank of the brook, but I was wondering in this part whether what she had was acquired of Lord.

J.T. Of course it is on the line of sovereignty all the way through here; as was remarked, "to none of them was Elias sent, but to Sarepta of Sidonia", Luke 4:26. It was God acting sovereignly, but at the same time there was a certain measure of faith there, although it was feeble and wanting in intelligence. She was going to eat to die, which is really, you might say, a contradiction of terms. You do not eat to die: you eat to live. But at the same time, there was a measure of light, seen in the fact that she had the meal and the oil.

P.H.P. That was a reflection on Israel, because not even as much was found in them.

J.T. That is the point. In Luke 4 they would have the Lord on the line of nature. "Whatsoever we have heard has taken place in Capernaum do here also in thine own country", Luke 4:23. They would be accredited on that line, so He immediately brings in these passages because it was a question of the truth and the sovereign rights of God.

A.A.T. How do you connect it with Romans?

J.T. The righteousness of God is the great point in Romans at the outset.

A.A.T. It has been declared.

J.T. Yes, "righteousness of God by faith of Jesus Christ", Romans 3:22. That is a question of God's rights of course, but rights taken up in such a way as to be effective for man's salvation. His rights in mercy, as has often been pointed out. Elijah does not intimate there is to be no rain, but rain only

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according to his word. He does not say how long, but we know it was "three years and six months", James 5:17.

W.L.P. Would you say the righteousness of God is also seen in the judgment that Elijah spoke of -- withholding rain? His rights in mercy are seen in Elijah going to the widow.

J.T. In Luke 4, the Lord says, "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your ears" (Luke 4:21) and that scripture was, as we know, Isaiah 61:1 - 2. It speaks not of judgment, but of God intervening in grace. Romans enlarges on this great theme. The apostle says, "I am not ashamed of the glad tidings; for it is God's power to salvation, to every one that believes ... for righteousness of God is revealed therein, on the principle of faith to faith", Romans 1:16 - 17. Now that may be connected with the word "ears" in Luke 4. The scripture was fulfilled in their ears, but if there was not faith it would have gone no further, and we know they had no faith because they "led him up to the brow of the mountain upon which their city was built, so that they might throw him down the precipice", Luke 4:29. The faith was not there. The righteousness of God was there and presented to them; Romans teaches that the righteousness of God is presented to faith; otherwise it is wholly ineffective; so it is on the principle of "faith to faith".

F.L. And it was preached "for obedience of faith among all the nations", Romans 1:5. That is Romans. "The just shall live by faith", Romans 1:17. I was thinking of the difference, comparing Elijah with Christ. The Lord in speaking with His disciples of Elias says: "Ye know not of what spirit ye are", Luke 9:55. The Lord's ministry was about three and a half years and it was needful for Elijah to shut up heaven for three and a half years. I suppose in His own person the Lord brought the rain and dew, and it was there for three and a half years.

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C.A.M. The Lord identifies John Baptist with Elijah.

.J.T. "If ye will receive it;" He says "this is Elias who is to come" (Matthew 11:14); but they did not receive it.

J.S. So in Elijah you have divine power introduced.

J.T. And it is sufficient to restore. The Lord said: "Elias indeed comes first and will restore all things", Matthew 17:11. In his ministry it is a question of restoration.

P.H.P. Is restoration individual here, or is it collective?

J.T. I think that in this chapter it is a testimony, a remarkable testimony, that in a man, there was the life of Israel. This, of course, refers to Christ, who had life in Himself. The woman's son was taken from her bosom and laid in Elijah's bed in the "upper chamber where he abode". There was no power in nature (the woman's bosom) for restoration.

F.L. If that is to become effective collectively it is first demonstrated in the individual. I think we see it in Lazarus. The fact that one man was raised from corruption is taken by the Spirit of God as proof for the whole nation, and not the whole nation only but goes beyond that. God demonstrates the thing in one person but if demonstrated in one it is good for all.

J.T. Exactly. "The Son also quickens whom he will", John 5:21.

W.B-w. The idea of restoration implies that something was lost, does it not?

J.T. In the gospels the Lord's ministry assumed that certain things still remained. For instance, they had the loaves and the fishes. Now they do not refer to what He brought, but to what they had, and what He could take up and enlarge as a witness; and so in regard to the child here, although the soul

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had gone out of the child yet the impression left on the mind is that it is simply brought back. It is not resurrection from the dead exactly, but rather restoration.

F.L. I think the language supports that. It does not say his spirit was gone but that "there was no breath left in him". I think there is a distinction. Paul said, "Be not troubled, for his life is in him", Acts 20:10.

J.T. That is what I had in mind, but by the embrace of Paul he is restored.

B.T.F. Would you say a word as to the difference between the oil here and in 2 Kings?

J.T. There is no idea of filling vessels here, no idea of a superabundance. It simply was enough for current need.

B.T.F. So it would set forth the Holy Spirit only as He came on men before Christ ascended.

J.T. I think what we learn from it, the moral side, is that the flesh profits nothing. If you have introduced such wonderful remedies, indeed the power of God in a man, and yet things are not restored, all is hopeless on that line. I think that is the moral lesson in it. The Lord had said in spirit, "I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nought, and in vain", Isaiah 49:4.

A.F.M. Would you say a little about the exercise through which Elijah passed? There were certain exercises in his chamber; are they significant?

J.T. It is very interesting to compare them with the exercises of Elisha in a similar case. What is said here is, that he "carried him up into the upper chamber where he abode, and laid him upon his own bed. And he cried unto the Lord, and said, O Lord my God, hast thou also brought evil upon the widow with whom I sojourn, by slaying her son? And he stretched himself upon the child three times, and cried unto the Lord, and said, O Lord my God, I

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pray thee, let this child's soul come into him again". Now that is more restoration. In the next book it is resurrection; 2 Kings 4:32 - 35. Notice in this latter chapter the child had already been laid on Elisha's bed by his mother.

F.L. The child was dead.

J.T. That is important as a distinction. "And when Elisha came into the house, behold, the child was dead, [and] laid upon his bed. And he went in and shut the door upon them both, and prayed to Jehovah. And he went up, and lay upon the child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands, and bent over him; and the flesh of the child grew warm", 2 Kings 4:32 - 34. Now what I would suggest is, that this is Christianity. In this chapter are the eyes, and the mouth, and the hands. All is to correspond with what is presented objectively, whereas in 1 Kings 17 it is simply the restoration of the child. There is nothing about the mouth, eyes or hands, whereas in Christianity you have the idea of correspondence in perception and intelligence, in speaking. I suppose Romans answers to this as to the Christian.

F.L. The child sneezed seven times. This seems to indicate the evidences of life in Christianity.

W.H.F. In Elisha's case in 2 Kings it is not a question of restoration. How would you look at recovery: man as he is cannot be recovered?

J.T. Not as he is so Romans brings out and develops that. First of all, things are brought in through Jesus Christ and then if I reckon myself alive it is in Christ Jesus. So 2 Kings is Christianity typically, not restoration to what I was before. It is in another Man.

G.W.H. Where do you make the distinction in Romans between 'in' and 'through?'

J.T. I think 'through' refers to what Elijah

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would typify, the vessel through which the thing has come to us. That is what we might call strictly the objective, whereas the subjective begins, I think, in this, that I reckon myself alive unto God in Christ Jesus. That is another Man. Elisha identifying himself with the child suggests, I think, that there is to be correspondence with him in the one made alive. I am alive in a Man that did the will of God here. That is Romans. Christ is in that way presented to us and I am alive in Him; alive in One that does the will of God, and I get the Spirit to enable me to conform to that Man.

F.L. The turning point in Romans is at the eleventh verse of the fifth chapter.

G.W.H. So really what begins the second part of Romans is headship.

J.T. It lays the basis for it. "As by one man sin entered into the world, and by sin death; and thus death passed upon all men", Romans 5:12. That is Adam; and then in the one Man (Christ) you have life and righteousness in contrast to that. Now that is still objective, however, but it is an element introduced into our souls that prepares us for headship. So the next chapter is that I am alive in that Man, in Christ Jesus. Then I have eternal life in Christ Jesus. Everything is in that One.

G.W.H. In chapter 6 we begin to say, "What then shall we say?", Romans 6:1.

J.T. That is right. I like the idea of the mouth, and eyes, and hands, because they denote certain things, and then the sneezing shows the power that he has got, and then it goes on to say: "and the lad opened his eyes. And he called Gehazi, and said, Call this Shunammite. And he called her; and she came to him. And he said, Take up thy son", 2 Kings 4:35 - 36. Now I think that is what we often call recovery. That is permanent.

C.A.M. As to the eyes and other members of

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the body, do you make the thought apply to the physical character of things in Romans.

J.T. Our members are to be yielded as instruments of righteousness to God. In Romans it is correspondence with the Man in whom things are brought to you, because Elisha's eyes are put to the child's eyes. There is to be correspondence.

C.A.M. In Colossians it refers to the new man "renewed into full knowledge according to [the] image of him that has created him", Colossians 3:10.

J.T. That is a further development of this truth.

B.T.F. Why do you call it recovery? I thought it went beyond recovery.

J.T. The mother leaves the child on Elisha's bed dead, and she takes him back alive.

F.L. I would like to suggest that with the one we have the idea of restoration in connection with Israel, and it will really be made good after we are gone, while in the other, the case of the Shunammite woman's son we have recovery in connection with the day of the Spirit. So that recovery really comes in in both, only that in connection with the Spirit in the present day, it has a very peculiar character that goes far beyond the other.

J.T. As to Christianity the important feature is that the things presented in the gospel are said to be "in Christ". Redemption and eternal life are in Christ Jesus; and then we have, "the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and of death.", Romans 8:2.

F.L. So it brings in the Spirit too, the Spirit of that Man.

F.J.D. I suppose it is there you change your man; one is caused to pass off the scene and another is brought in.

C.A.M. In Hosea 6:2 we read: "After two days will he revive us: on the third day he will raise us

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up, and we shall live before his face"; The living seems to be a further thought than reviving?

J.T. Revival is after "two days", which I think refer to the Lord's ministry, but the third day is really more like Elisha's ministry. It is the result of death and resurrection.

P.H.P. I suppose there is such a thing as recovery from something and to something, as might be illustrated in these two cases.

B.T.F. Is it recovery to what God has found in Christ?

J.T. Our brother was remarking that we are recovered to something; and really it is that men are taken up afresh in Christ. We are not recovered as men in the flesh. We are justified by faith through the death and resurrection of Christ; and then we are to reckon ourselves alive unto God in Him.

J.S. Here there is power as a testimony in the man of God for recovery.

J.T. That is the idea, and so in Christ as become Man all was present for the re-establishment of everything for God.

F.L. I think that what comes out through Elijah in this respect is the prefiguring of what comes out in Revelation 11; that is, the testimony of the "two witnesses". It is for the recovery of Israel. It is the character of the testimony of Elijah and it extends over the period of three and a half years.

J.T. There is a very remarkable correspondence with Elijah's ministry there. They go up in the sight of their enemies.

W.B-w. "Art thou come unto me to call my sin to remembrance". Is that the conscience affected as in Romans?

J.T. The widow's exercise corresponds, no doubt; but she arrives at the point of the truth. What a great point to reach. "The word of Jehovah in thy mouth is truth!"

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C.A.M. The last part of the chapter brings in spiritual things. In the first part (verse 15) she, Elijah, and her house ate many days. They lived in that way for a certain length of time and then the further thought of a spiritual condition comes in. Eating many days accorded with Christ's pathway here, and then a spiritual order of things brought in after that.

J.T. I am sure that is so. The ultimate result in the woman is no doubt recovery. At Pentecost in a certain sense Israel, or at least a representation there, arrived at the truth. At Pentecost the coming of the Spirit sealed everything. There could be no further question as to the mission of Christ. The coming of the Spirit was the seal that His word was truth. It was a great point reached; "The word of Jehovah in thy mouth is truth". The truth is the adjustment of everything. I can understand a godly person in Israel listening to Peter in Acts 2 and seeing the evidence of the Spirit there, becoming very restful. There are no longer any puzzles. If you have truth it is the solution of things in your soul.

F.L. All this seems to me to open very beautifully in a line. That is, the Lord takes this product of Israel, as it were, His disciples that had followed Him. He takes them up into the upper chamber; He endows them with all the light of life and the love of God, and then He comes down as it were and gives them to Israel. He gives them to the"mother". Now their testimony is the testimony of those that live and they live through His touch and association, so that covers the period from His death to Pentecost.

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2 Kings 2

J.T. There are two thoughts especially in view in this chapter. One is God taking up His rights in raising up Elijah, as we had it this morning; raising him up amongst His people as one whose word should determine certain things; and then in this chapter setting him in heaven: "The Lord would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind". These were the two thoughts that were especially in my mind, and I suggested this chapter on that account; not that I wish to overlook that which comes in between, but only to seek to bring out the great principles which mark the introduction of Christianity. God would have a Man by whom everything should be regulated, and then He would have that Man where He would; namely, in heaven.

F.L. So that this chapter involves more than resurrection: there is the thought of exaltation in it. Resurrection does not go beyond being brought out from amongst the dead: this is another thought.

J.T. It would suggest a good deal as to translation, as to the setting in which it is found in the Word, and I think that one feature is prominent here; namely, that God would take Elijah up into the heavens and how He would do it, by a whirlwind. We know that the thought of translation appeared earlier, in Enoch. In Enoch it is not exactly that He would take him into the heavens, but that He would take him. "He was not, for God took him", Genesis 5:24. That was not a question of God's sovereign rights exactly, His creatorial rights to the heavens and earth, but that He would have such an one as that. He would have him, for he pleased Him.

A.F.M. Would this have the Lord's administration in view?

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J.T. That is what I thought. God would take Him into the heavens; the heavens having their own significance.

C.B. In order to fill all things?

J T. That is the result according to the New Testament.

F.L. And for the reason that administration was henceforth to be from the heavens. I suppose in that way constituting the kingdom of the heavens.

J.S. On what ground is Elijah taken up? Enoch was translated on the ground that "he pleased God".

J.T. Here I think it is more God's sovereign rights. It is not a question of Elijah's personal character so much, but that God would do that. No one can question His rights to do that. That is how it reads indeed. "And it came to pass when Jehovah would take up Elijah into the heavens by a whirlwind". The first verse clearly states the mind of God and then the chapter proceeds to narrate for us the facts leading up to this, so that the chapter shows us the death and resurrection of Christ, and then His ascension. The first verse is simply God's rights. He would do this. Then we have outlined how it was done.

Ques. Would you say Elisha was a figure of the Spirit?

J.T. A figure of that instrumentality used by the Spirit. I think he represents that more -- he received a double portion of Elijah's spirit here.

A.F.M. To shed forth the Spirit was the first thing the Lord did, we may say. So when Elijah goes up, a double portion of his spirit falls on Elisha, according to his request.

J.T. In the beginning of John 13 we have that which was in view stated; "[Jesus,] knowing that the Father had given him all things into his hands, and that he came out from God and was going to God" (John 13:3); then certain things flow from that, certain things

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happen which lead up to that, and so it is here, only here it is not that he should depart out of the world to Jehovah, but that Jehovah should take him into the heavens by a whirlwind, so that henceforth there should be a man there who had already been here in administration; but now he should be there.

F.L. This is suggestive of the second of Acts. That is, Jesus is exalted by the right hand of God, and then He pours forth the Holy Spirit. It is that point of view when it comes to be applied to Christ Himself.

J.S. Is there any significance in the means by which he is taken up, the whirlwind?

J.T. I think it is to show the character of the power.

J.S. Irresistible?

J.T. Yes, that nothing could resist the power of God. We know when we come to Christ it is different from this, but with all that it is "the working of the might of his strength, [in] which he wrought in the Christ, [in] raising him from among [the] dead, and he set him down at his right hand in the heavenlies, above every principality and authority, and power, and dominion", Ephesians 1:19 - 21. It is the one stroke of God's power.

A.F.M. The coming of the Spirit at Pentecost is somewhat of this kind.

J.T. "Parted tongues, as of fire", Acts 2:3.

A.N.W. And the sound "as of a violent impetuous blowing" (Acts 2:2) which filled the house where they were.

A.F.M. This whirlwind was connected with chariots of fire and horses of fire.

J.T. Taken as a general figure, it refers to the means by which God can carry out His will. His will is to put a man in heaven; but fire refers not to what is in heaven, but to what is on earth, to what has to be overcome; and there was much, as the previous chapters show, that had to be overcome. The power was there in the way of testimony, just

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as at the grave of Christ the angel's face shone like lightning, the testimony to the power by which God would dispose of evil here. Nevertheless, the ministry connected with Christianity is one of grace. That is to say, in the lightning the idea is that judgment is deferred, but the testimony to it is there.

F.L. I was going to suggest that Elisha was hardly a type of the Holy Spirit, but rather of that vessel which the Holy Spirit takes up as formed by Christ, and through which He effects things.

J.T. Yes, quite, and what you notice is that, whilst it was Elijah's translation, it says; "Elijah went with Elisha" showing the Spirit had in mind what was to be brought about in Elisha through this. That is, his presence there was not an incident simply. It was a main thought, and so the disciples' presence with Christ in the upper chamber, as you were saying this morning, was not an incident. It was a prime feature of the situation, so that Christ is with them. He says: "With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you", Luke 22:15. It is not simply "you with me" but "I ... with you". There was much for them to learn on this great occasion. It says: "Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal".

F.L. So it was a prime thought that "he led them out as far as Bethany" (Luke 24:50) because they should be with Him when He was taken up.

J.T. Exactly. It was not an incident merely, it was an intention. And so it is that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal. Elijah said unto Elisha, "Abide here, I pray thee; for Jehovah has sent me to Bethel". That is, it was a question of the will of God, as the Lord clearly intimates at the Supper and Gethsemane, but they would be tested. It was a testing of the heart as to how they can conform themselves to this, because the testimony was to be in their hands and it was of great importance that

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they should go through all this experience from the Supper to Gethsemane and the cross.

J.S. The way indicated here would be the way down to death.

J.T. That is the point, but first of all these points had to be traversed, as much as to say that under the old order of things the mind of God had not been reached, and Elisha was to understand that. There is not one iota of God's mind expressed to us that is to be let go; all is to be taken up again and every thought is to be maintained in the energy of the Spirit.

F.L. It is very wonderful, and we could not reverse the order of these things. I mean, Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho and Jordan. When it is taken up in connection with Christ and His disciples it is very obvious that He went that way. Each of these places had an answer in the Lord's path.

J.T. It was a wonderful experience for a man like Elisha, because he was really exercised. The sons of the prophets were not. They were there and knew what was happening but they were not in it. Elisha says: "I will not leave thee". That is the secret.

A.F.M. Then you regard these four points as being fulfilled in Christ personally?

J.T. I think that is right, as our brother has been saying.

A.F.M. And then it is taken up afterwards in the power of the Spirit by the saints. It is testimony here.

F.L. But first of all the early chapters of the Acts lead them back over this course. That is where they get their side, like Elisha ministering.

A.A.T. Does not Elisha take the steps backward? He goes through Jordan and then Jericho to Bethel.

J.T. Yes, the order is reversed. Elisha went back over the Jordan to Jericho, and thence to Bethel,

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and from thence to Carmel, and from thence to Samaria.

B.T.F. Have you been speaking of the journey at the beginning of the chapter as representing what came out in the last hours of the Lord's history on earth?

J.T. Yes, beginning with the Supper. He had desired to eat the passover with them. The experience that they had from that point onward must have had a permanent effect upon them; it would remain with them. Their souls must have been ploughed up, and it seems that in the statement here, "Jehovah hath sent me" the moral thought is that we are to be brought into conformity with the will of God. At Gethsemane the Lord said: "not my will, but thine, be done", Luke 22:42. The synoptic gospels do not give so much of the intercourse between the Lord and the disciples during those hours, as John does. They give us more the outward, historical facts, whereas John opens up more, and records more, of the private intercourse with Christ, during these hours. The whole section from chapters 13 to 17 is taken up, you might say, with what transpires during those solemn hours.

B.T.F. Then is the thought that the believer in the power of the Spirit, should be able to take the reverse journey?

J.T. I think that is the thought. Of course this goes on in figure to the covering of the whole forty days after His resurrection, which you will observe is given after they cross Jordan. It says in verse 11, "it came to pass, as they went on and talked", That was a wonderful moment, suggesting, I suppose, what there was in the way of intercourse between the Lord and His disciples after His resurrection.

F.L. I suppose much of what we have in these chapters in the gospel of John is morally after His death. I mean His death is contemplated.

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P.H.P. You get a great deal about grief in those chapters in John. Elisha had a sorrowful experience here.

J.T. It must have been a very great grief to his heart to think, that the one whom he had followed, and to whom he had become so attached, he was about to lose, as the sons of the prophets seemed to know. They said: "Dost thou know that Jehovah will take away thy master from over thy head today?" Every time they said that it must have been a pang to him, but he says: "I also know it". There must have been a ploughing up of his soul. He began with ploughing, you know. He was taken from the plough twice. There has to be the ploughing and sowing in order to be impressed. You need that. The soul has to be ploughed. As was said of Mary: "(and even a sword shall go through thy own soul;) so that [the] thoughts may be revealed from many hearts", Luke 2:35. I believe the last hours of the Lord's life brought to light the thoughts of many hearts; what was in the hearts of those that loved Him, and the heart of Judas, the heart of Pilate, the hearts of the priests. Where there was reality, as in a man like this, the effect would be lasting.

F.L. The Lord does not minimise that, because He said: "Because I have spoken these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart", John 16:6. He gives full place to it, and makes provision for it. He turns them to the side of the joy that would come from the place to which He was going. I was thinking about these questions of the sons of the prophets: they seem to suggest some of the unintelligent exercises of the disciples themselves. But then running current with that is the intelligent reply as to what was going to happen.

C.A.M. The Supper would bring before them the meaning of the Lord's pathway and that they were

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going to lose Him. Elisha knew Elijah was going to be taken.

J.T. Just so, but it would not mitigate the sorrow. I am sure the sorrow is a necessity morally. "Your grief shall be turned to joy", John 16:20. It is right in its place.

A.F.M. If these sons of the prophets were unintelligent they should at least have had sympathy.

J.T. They seem to be simply onlookers, having intelligence about things in a sort of orthodox way, without any heart. They did not follow with Elijah and Elisha.

B.T.F. Would you say they represent Christians in a way?

J.T. I think they represent a class we are familiar with now; those who are the lineal descendants of men who have had light from God, but who are wanting in heart. They are orthodox. They have knowledge, but what you sorrow about regarding them is that in result they would disregard the ascension of Christ.

Ques. The sons of the prophets bear witness that "The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha". Has that anything to do with what we get in Romans 8, "If any one has not [the] Spirit of Christ?", Romans 8:9.

J.T. The spirit of Elijah resting on Elisha surely would.

P.H.P. As to the sorrow of Elisha here, I notice in John's gospel, as the Lord proceeds with the disciples, the sorrow seems to increase. He more frequently referred to that side and He desired that their hearts should be touched with it.

A.A.T. In Colossians you get the thought of being with Christ in resurrection. There is no sorrow connected with that.

J.T. You see the chapter here is mainly taken up with what took place before Elijah and Elisha crossed the Jordan. That is, it corresponds in that

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way more with the experience at the Supper and in the hours that followed; and as our brother remarked, a great deal is said about sorrow in those communications the Lord makes to them as recorded in John 14 to 16.

A.A.T. Then after they crossed Jordan you have a different thought in mind. Christ had been through death then.

J.T. Yes, there is nothing about sorrow then. He joins them again. He says: "I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no one takes from you", John 16:22. I suppose they had that experience after He arose, and it would correspond I think with the walking and talking after Elijah and Elisha crossed the Jordan.

B.T.F. Where does Jericho come in on the journey to Jordan?

J.T. It is the place of the enemy's power, the place of the curse too. The city had been cursed; it was rebuilt just before Elijah appeared, so it represented the expression of man's will, and in that way the enemy's power. And so the fact that he visited it would show that that was to be terminated. It says, in verse 19, "And the men of the city said unto Elisha, Behold now, the situation of the city is good, as my lord sees: but the water is bad, and the land is barren". And he asks for a new cruse and goes to the source of the waters and heals them. I suppose it refers to Jerusalem, as our brother was saying; the situation was pleasant.

W.H.F. Figuratively the Jordan is death and resurrection with Christ. Colossians answers to the period spent by Christ with His disciples on earth after His resurrection, and His intercourse with them during that period.

J.T. I think it would correspond with the walking and talking between Elijah and Elisha.

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W.H.F. The ministry in connection with the disciples before He left this scene for glory.

W.B-w. Is it necessary for believers now to come into the sorrowing side in Christianity?

A.A.T. There used to be a hymn in our old hymn book about joy and sorrow mingling. There is no thought of sorrow at the Supper, is there?

J.T. I do not see that there should be any since the Spirit has come. As regards the world outside you bear that attitude. You are not with them; you cannot go with them; you hang your harp on the willow; you cannot sing with them nor have mirth with them. I do not see that there should be any sorrow of heart in the Christian now because he has the Spirit.

P.H.P. And the Man has been born: the Man has been brought into the world.

J.T. Exactly, the Man has come in, and is before your soul, and you see Him, so that it is not the time of sorrow in that way. I think that is past.

Ques. Is the point of the Supper that you miss the absent One?

J.T. You miss Him as regards your position in the wilderness. He is not there, and all is desolate here, but in your soul you are in the light of the Man. The Man, so to speak, is born, and He remains.

F.L. I presume the thought would have a place in what lies preparatory to the Supper. The passover and the feast of unleavened bread was to be taken with bitter herbs, but when it comes to the Supper itself, as given from Christ in heaven, the thought of sorrow hardly comes into it now.

J.T. I think not. There may be occasion for it in the vicissitudes of the wilderness path or conditions you meet with. As the Lord said: "These things have I spoken to you that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye have tribulation", John 16:33. That remains.

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F.L. We have the bitter herbs individually, do we not?

J.T. Oh, quite, that is essential on account of what the flesh is, and what it occasions.

C.A.M. That means self-judgment before you are there: "Let a man prove himself", 1 Corinthians 11:28.

J.T. Any sorrow we have now is not on account of Christ's position, whereas the disciples' sorrow was on account of His position. He was to be taken from them by murderous hands and put to death. It was a terrible thing.

F.L. So one would say perhaps that that condition of things was met with on the first day of the week: "The doors shut ... through fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and says to them, Peace [be] to you and ... he showed to them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced therefore", John 20:19 - 20. I think that gives the atmosphere, the light in which we are in connection with the Supper.

J.T. And that remains. There is no blot on your soul from that onward. Whatever position you may be in in regard to the wilderness your soul is always in that light. You do not lose that. So our position can never correspond with theirs. Their position between the time of the Lord's apprehension and resurrection is unique. There can never be really a repetition of that, but it was an experience that was necessary for them as the chosen vessels to represent Christ here after He left them, and explains the wonderful power and intelligence that marked them according to the Acts.

F.L. It is worth noting in passing, that the apprehension of Christ in Christendom at large is in the main part taken up with His sufferings from the time of His apprehension to His death; but we are to go beyond that. We join Him on the other side.

J.T. I think we ought to see clearly here, that these

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points which embrace the testimony are to be re-visited. That is, the mind of God is to be fulfilled from heaven. The Lord had come as recognising what had existed. John had come and the Lord had come on that line, and He took up, as you remarked, each feature of the testimony, but then nothing was accomplished, you might say. Of course, it is not that the ministry of Christ was imperfect, but the material it applied to was useless. Even in the ministry of Christ there was much that was provisional, which is a very important thing to see, so Elijah visits all these points with Elisha, as much as to imply that it is from heaven now that these things are to be taken up. John the Baptist said "I must decrease". "He who comes from above", he says "is above all"; "He must increase, but I must decrease", John 3:30 - 31. And then the evangelist goes on to say that, "The Father loves the Son, and has given all things [to be] in his hand", John 3:35. That is the heavenly Man, so that the fulfilment of the mind of God here is from heaven.

J.S. And the first thing Elisha does is to rend his clothes. He would now take on the character of the heavenly man.

J.T. Yes, the man he saw going up.

A.F.M. Will you speak of the double portion of the spirit, in that connection?

J.T. I think it refers to Christianity. That is what one would like to make clear, that Christianity represents a double portion; it is the firstborn's portion.

G.W.H. Why is it conditional?

J.T. Because of the importance of exercise and watchfulness. Heavenly and spiritual things are made to depend on that. The sons of the prophets were wanting in that. They were wanting in exercise, in intentness; these things were found in the disciples.

C.B. When He says to them: "Ye shall ask

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what ye will" (John 15:7); I suppose that implies that there would be exercise so as to ask for what would be right.

F.L. If one were going to connect what is now occupying us with Romans it would take us into Romans 8, where we have both Christ and sonship, also the Spirit.

J.T. Romans presents so much that is moral, it involves great exercise. The ministry of the twelve apostles necessarily hinge on the things which they went through. Paul makes a good deal of the things he went through. Now Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah's spirit. That was a very excellent desire and one befitting the circumstances. In fact a less portion would not be adequate, so he says: "if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so to thee". It was a "hard thing", but "if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so to thee". I think what is implied is that Christianity is more than millennial. The saints on the earth then will have a portion, but not a double one. They will not have the firstborn's portion, whereas the Christian, the assembly, has the place of the firstborn; the assembly of the firstborn, who are registered in heaven. We have the double portion, and therefore adequacy for the carrying out of the will of God here where it had broken down under the old order of things, under the law.

F.L. That beautifully fits in with John 14 and 15; that is, Christ's going in connection with the Spirit's coming and the consequences. One sees the power of it.

J.T. I think that is very important, because the Lord, I believe, has raised the question amongst His people as to the character of Christianity; what it is, and whether there is means sufficient to answer to the will of God in it; whether it is not superior to that which preceded it and that which

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succeeds it on earth, and I think the double portion here is the indication that there is ample means for the fulfilment of the will of God.

J.S. In the way of power?

J.T. Yes, in the way of power there can be nothing greater than that which we have. It is the Spirit of God. "God gives not the Spirit by measure", John 3:34. That suggests the great distinguishing feature of this dispensation.

J.S. Grace is to mark us.

J.T. That comes out subsequently, but I think it is of great moment to see the formation of the vessel, how the vessel is formed so that this double portion should not be too much. The vessel is equal to it.

P.H.P. You would require a double portion of a man's spirit to thus fully represent him.

J.T. Yes, it is not, of course, that Elisha had more than Elijah, or that he was to have twice as much as Elijah. That is not the idea here, because Elijah is a type of Christ. It is rather that we have more than they will have in the millennium.

F.L. When Elisha returns to Jericho he asks for a new cruse. There is to be a new vessel. He will proceed to do things with a new vessel.

J.T. That is it. It is not now restoration, as we were saying this morning. Things were to be new, so the second book of Kings, I think, is more exclusively Christianity, and Christianity as seen in Paul's ministry. It is Christianity in its full sense, so that the end of this chapter shows that the generation from here on becomes reprobate. They were accursed.

B.T.F. Will you open out a little in connection with this; "If thou see me?" The power given was conditional on that.

J.T. We were just touching on that, the intentness with which the disciples followed the Lord's steps, and how interested they were. It denotes interest

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of heart, that you cannot be indifferent in dealing with these things. It requires constant application of mind and heart.

C.A.M. We learn these things individually so as to enter into Christianity. Is that the thought?

J.T. You feel the importance of applying yourself with undivided heart to the things of God.

C.A.M. The difficulty I have is that things are conditional even to a man who has passed over Jordan.

J.T. I think it shows there is no allowance of indifference or carelessness in these wonderful things. Proverbs speaks of one watching daily at wisdom's gates, and waiting at the posts of its doors.

F.L. Morally He calls the company that stood with Him at the cross to view Him going to the Father. "Go to my brethren, and say to them, I ascend" (John 20:17); that in a sense, is seeing Him go up.

J.T. He would direct their mind to that thought.

F.L. And that puts its stamp on the saints of this dispensation. They see Jesus as it were, going up to the Father.

J.T. And that same chapter opens up to us the wonderful transaction between Him and them, the breathing into them, and then they are sent out.

G.W.H. In virtue of having a double portion of the Spirit, do you take up the will of God now in the light of sonship?

J.T. Surely you do, but it is the abundance of the power that is in view here, I think.

W.H.F. Is life in abundance connected with power? "I am come that they might have life and might have [it] abundantly", John 10:10.

J.T. It is a parallel thought. It is the manner in which Christians have life. I think Christianity has something distinctive about it above all other dispensations, even in regard to life. Abundant life, I think, refers to the form in which Christians have it.

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F.L. In the last few years we have been greatly helped by the emphasis upon ascension. I think our minds too generally looked upon resurrection as embracing everything. Resurrection is a necessity for everything from Adam to the end, but the peculiar light and privilege for the assembly, for the day of the Spirit, is ascension. "If thou see me when I am taken from thee". Now the thing is a company that sees Jesus go up -- ascension.

J.T. And the power we have in the Spirit is commensurate with the light.

A.N.W. And one would never cease to be conscious of the source of that power.

J.T. I think so. You connect it with the Man in heaven. Although not here, it is in the New Testament; namely, the translation of the assembly. She goes to heaven of necessity. "[The] assembly of the firstborn [who are] registered in heaven", Hebrews 12:23. It is a question of God's mind and counsel, and nothing can interfere with that.

J.S. Is that more seen in Enoch than here?

J.T. Quite so. Our translation to heaven is in one sense on account of our being the body of Christ.

C.A.M. Christianity is something entirely new.

J.T. And therefore the new cruse.

C.A.M. This morning we were speaking a good deal about restoration. How do you make restoration agree with something entirely new?

J.T. That was the point. It was simply restoration under the ministry of the prophets, ending with the Lord Himself, a power in the midst of men capable of restoring things, but on account of the conditions restoration was impossible, so the Lord had to die. Things are to be on the ground of death and resurrection, and hence Christianity is new.

C.A.M. Christianity is not on the order of restoration?

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J.T. It is a new thing, but divine thoughts are reinstated.

C.A.M. You say that God's thoughts were reinstated.

J.T. All the thoughts He had given expression to before, such as the kingdom and the house, were reinstated, and man too. Indeed that ought to be put first, man is reinstated, but, as I remarked, it is as 'alive in Christ Jesus' . Man is not restored to what he was in natural life, but being alive in Christ Jesus he has a new Head. He is still man, but man alive in Christ Jesus, and following upon that we have all other thoughts that God gave expression to. Israel shall be reinstated, and the house of God is reinstated, but all in connection with Christ.

C.A.M. It is the same man and yet it is not the same man, when you speak of reinstating.

J.T. That is where many have a difficulty. I think we ought to get in our minds the abstract thought of man; "By man [came] death, by man also resurrection of [those that are] dead", 1 Corinthians 15:21. Not the same individuals surely.

F.L. Man in contrast to angels.

J.T. Yes, that order of being. God has not given up that order of being. He has not destroyed him and brought in another order of being. He retains the idea, but in Christ.

C.B. As to the salt in the new cruse, would having salt in yourself preserve what is of God?

J.T. The new cruse refers to what is taken up in Christ, and the salt is the preservative power of the Spirit in the saints.

G.W.H. Referring to our brother's thought about Enoch, is Enoch's translation greater than Elijah's?

J.T. As we remarked this morning, Enoch's translation refers to what he was. God would have that man. It says of him: "By faith Enoch was

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translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before [his] translation he has the testimony, that he had pleased God", Hebrews 11:5. It is not that it was proclaimed about him, he had the testimony in his soul that he pleased God, so that God would have one with Him that pleased Him; whereas in Elijah there is nothing said about that. What is said about Elijah is that God would take him into heaven, not to Himself exactly, but into the heavens; meaning that He would put a Man there in order that he should administer the things of God from thence.

G.W.H. So His ascension is a greater thought than exaltation. There is the thought of the pleasure of God in ascension, while in exaltation it is more ministry manward.

J.T. When you come to ascension, referring to John 20, you see it is the Lord's own act. "I ascend". It is what He does. That is to say, it refers to what Christ Himself did; on account of His dignity as a divine Person He did it; whereas in Luke He is "carried up into heaven", Luke 24:51. That is not His own act. That is an act of God. He is carried up into heaven.

F.L. I would like to suggest that in Enoch, and of course in Christ, we get the thought of the pleasurable man; the man that was a pleasure to God, and God takes him in this connection. What we have been occupied with this afternoon suggests One exalted officially: "Wherefore also God highly exalted him and granted him a name, that which is above every name", Philippians 2:9. And then He administers from there. So there are the two aspects of the same One, the pleasurable One and the Man who takes everything up to administer.

J.T. So in John 13 He departs out of this world to the Father. It is not there a question of His right to ascend, but that He is going to the Father. That

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is much more like Enoch, whereas in chapter 20 He ascends to the Father, the emphasis is on ascension. In Luke He is carried up, not to the Father, but "into heaven"; and in Mark He sits on the right hand of God.

J.S. And in chapter 14 you have: "I go to prepare you a place", John 14:2. We are to have a special place, and we are to be with Him.

J.T. As regards the assembly, it is not said that she ascends in the sense in which it is said of the Lord. She goes up, of course, but He comes for her and she is "caught up".

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John 10:10; John 20:22; 1 Thessalonians 5:10

J.T. The abundant character of the life we have in Christ was suggested by the statement as to Elisha, that he received a double portion of Elijah's spirit, indicating that what we have in Christianity exceeds what others will have in the measure in which the firstborn's portion exceeds what the other members of the family receive. I thought it might be helpful to look a little at the introduction of the idea of life in the Scriptures. In the first chapter of Genesis it is presented perhaps in three forms firstly, in the vegetable form; secondly, in the animal form, and, thirdly (although intimately connected with the animal feature), in what one might call the intelligent form, in man, of whom alone it is said that God "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life", Genesis 2:7. Whilst the lower creatures are said to be "living", there is a clear distinction made in the fact that into man's nostrils was breathed the breath of God, the breath of life.

F.L. So "Man became a living soul", Genesis 2:7.

J.T. Yes. It is the same expression as is used of the lower creatures, although obviously it has a fuller meaning in regard to him, because it is not only that his affections are active in it, but his intelligence.

F.L. That is what we understand as a moral being. It is capable of response to God in intelligence and affection.

J.T. I thought that would help us in regard to living together with Christ. To live with Christ involves more than the gratification of our affections. It involves intelligence as to the mind of God and the things of God; so that life as Christians have it is of that higher order, although embracing necessarily

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the other two. I just mention all that to make clear what one had in view in the Scriptures suggested.

F.L. So life is a very much greater matter than that of existence. I mean by existence the capacity to move, to eat, to drink, etc. Life according to the scriptural thought is much more comprehensive.

B.T.F. Do you connect in any way the Spirit "hovering over the face of the waters" (Genesis 1:2) with life?

J.T. I think that is a divine act outside of any creature as intermediary. Historically life is seen taking form on earth. I refer to Genesis 1. The first intimation of life, I think, is on the third day: "And God called the dry [land] Earth, and the gathering together of the waters he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. And God said, Let the earth cause grass to spring up, herb producing seed, fruit trees yielding fruit after their kind, the seed of which is in them, on the earth. And it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, herb producing seed after its kind, and trees yielding fruit, the seed of which is in them, after their kind", Genesis 1:10 - 12. There I think is the first evidence of life, and it is what we may call the 'vegetable order'. It is alluded to by the Spirit in regard to the Lord Himself, one might say, in the "corn of wheat" falling into the ground, and other similar expressions. Indeed, it is very frequently referred to in the New Testament, as in the Old, as an evidence of life.

A.F.M. Does this first chapter present testimony as to what God would bring to pass?

J.T. I think there is a spiritual thought in each day, and there can be no doubt that the third day, the ordered earth brought out of the water, brought out of death as you might say, might be used as a figure of that form of life that appears in resurrection.

F.L. Yes, so that what we get in the first of Genesis brings into view what might be called

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original thoughts. The first introduction of life conveys with it, that in due course of time it will be seen that God orders life in the resurrection sphere. The significance of it appears in verses 29 and 30 of the same chapter: "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb producing seed that is on the whole earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree producing seed: it shall be food for you; and to every animal of the earth, and to every fowl of the heavens, and to everything that creepeth on the earth, in which is a living soul, every green herb for food" (Genesis 1:29 - 30); also there is the distinction that with the animal kingdom as such they had what we would call the grass and the green herbs, but for man, he being marked out separately and distinctly, his food was to be that which contained the idea of life in resurrection. So that the distinction is very beautiful to see in that way.

J.T. Things are to be continued or perpetuated according to their own kind. The emphasis is laid, I think, on the seed. First of all it says: "let the earth cause grass to spring up, herb producing seed, fruit trees yielding fruit after their kind, the seed of which is in them, on the earth ... . And the earth brought forth grass, herb producing seed after its kind, and trees yielding fruit, the seed of which is in them, after their kind", Genesis 1:11 - 12. I think there we have laid down the divine thought, that there is to be no admixture. One great thought in life is that things are not to be crossed. They are to be of their own kind, and we might perhaps regard that as the initial idea of life; whereas, when you come to the fifth day, which follows upon the lights being set in the heavens, we have not exactly life governed by intelligence, but rather by instinct. The lower creatures have affections and therefore are "living souls". The soul I suppose involves that they have

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affection, which a plant has not. That is, with an individual believer the idea is that there is a certain fruit of its kind in him, but it is not that he loves himself. Regarding him entirely as an individual, love is not the point, but when you come to a number of individuals then you have instincts and love of the brethren, because they are brethren.

F.L. When the prophet Isaiah is bringing out certain thoughts concerning the remnant which God would preserve, he makes use of this; "But a tenth part shall still be therein, and it shall return and be eaten; as the terebinth and as the oak whose trunk [remaineth] after the felling: the holy seed shall be the trunk thereof", Isaiah 6:13. It is preserved of its order by a remnant preserved of the Lord, as trees grow in connection with the seed. The idea of life is in it.

J.T. That is very helpful, and confirms the remarks in regard to the third day; and I might venture a further thought that in the gospel of John you have the vegetable figure in chapter 12. A corn of wheat falls into the ground and dies, otherwise it abides alone, but dying it bears much fruit. Life is seen there; the fruit comes up of itself as it were, being the result of the corn of wheat dying, but in chapter 13 it is regulated. The Lord regulates it. He enforces that there is to be love one for another. In that way, I think it answers to the "fifth day". And the Lord pursues the instructions in these wonderful chapters: John 14 to 16. The presence of the Holy Spirit with and in the disciples is contemplated; the instructions therefore imply the highest order of intelligence in them. The coming of the Spirit would bring in divine thoughts amongst them so that their testimony would be after the manner of the Lord's own testimony.

A.N.W. Now you are coming to the "breath" more.

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J.T. Yes. The Lord instructs them in order that they should be as He had been here. The Spirit would bring into their souls all those divine thoughts, and He would support them; and then you have in that same chapter the idea of joy that a man is born into the world, because they had come up to that point. They would come up to the idea of a man. Man is the top stone of the structure in Genesis 1.

F.L. A great thought in John 16 is the joy in the birth of the Man -- that is Christ.

J.S. Going back to the third day, do you not think the life introduced there is introduced with a view of sustaining the life which was to follow, both in the lower creation, as well as in man? That is to say, we feed on something wherein there is life and thus we are living.

J.T. That is very important. "The king [himself]", it says, "is dependent upon the field", Ecclesiastes 5:9. The king's table is served from the field as much as the poor man's table. There is no other way of support for man than from the field.

F.L. The herb and tree yielding seed, the germ of resurrection life for a new scene, is reserved for man, who has intelligence, and who has a moral being responsive to God and the brethren. So what is to mark us is that we are feeding on what God would bring in in the new sphere.

J.S. So you would make a difference between the grass of the field, for instance, and the trees.

F.L. Those two verses do make a difference, and this is in keeping with the difference between the intelligent moral being and the beast of the field.

J.T. Nebuchadnezzar had to go back to the grass.

F.L. Yes, he had become a beast.

A.F.M. Would you speak of life in those three ways, as support, affection and intelligence?

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J.T. Yes. There is the food for our souls and the enjoyment of affection, and then the mind.

A.F.M. I like that reference to living soul. I have often wondered why the creatures were made living souls. It sheds light on this section.

J.T. Well, although the same expression is used as regards man, any one can see it is of a fuller nature as to him, because he is a living soul by the breath of God, and hence his affections must be of a higher order than those in the lower creatures.

J.S. Following upon the introduction of that in the second chapter you have the tree of life introduced, which is especially for man.

A.F.M. I was going to ask, how does the tree with seed stand in relation to the tree of life?

J.T. Jehovah planted the garden eastward and put man there whom he had formed. "And out of the ground Jehovah Elohim made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; and the tree of life, in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil", Genesis 2:9. And then He said to him: "Of every tree of the garden thou shalt freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it", Genesis 2:16 - 17. They were all available save the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Well now, Romans shows that the question of good and evil is first solved. It is solved in the death of the Lord Jesus, and consequent upon that we have the tree of life; and we know from Revelation 22 that the tree of life is in the midst of the street of the city, on either side of the river, so as to be available, and the leaves of it even were for the healing of the nations; so that our food, therefore, is Christ as the tree of life.

F.L. The thought seems to be with regard to the trees, judging from the first chapter, that they all had seed and were all good, which the second chapter also confirms, and one sees when sin came

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into the world other elements were brought in like the thistle and the thorn, and I think poison and the like, which have to be avoided, but until sin came in there was no indication of any such thing. All was good.

J.T. Like the "wild gourds" in "the great pot".

F.L. They are found in the field now undoubtedly, and the children of the prophets bring them in.

J.S. When we come to the second chapter, to the garden of Eden, we have there the conditions upon which man would enjoy life. It is especially selected of God for the enjoyment of life, all that was pleasant to sight and good for food.

J.T. It opens up a very interesting line of thought, and most important, I think. When you approach the higher order of life it requires particular attention. I think John develops it, as well as certain of Paul's epistles. It is not only that we love, although that is undoubtedly one great evidence of life, but we are qualified for companionship with Christ. Now in John 20 what is emphasised is the kind of Spirit we receive. It is not simply that you have what we might call the lower evidences of life, of vegetable life, for that was there already. They had in common what others will have, for those having part in the millennium will be made to live; but there is nothing said in regard to such as to the breath of Christ. It seems to me it is one of the most important subjects in the world, His breathing into the disciples what He called "Holy Spirit". It is not the person of the Holy Spirit, but the character that is prominent.

F.L. At the outset, where man is formed from the dust of the earth, the Lord God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul, and in John 20 the New Translation reading has a remarkable similarity: "And having said this, he breathed into [them], and says to them,

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Receive [the] Holy Spirit", John 20:22. It is somewhat the language of Genesis. The Lord God breathed into their souls; He breathed into them. He is there as the life-giving Spirit.

J.T. In John 20 it is a Man breathing into men. "The first man Adam became a living soul; the last Adam a quickening spirit", 1 Corinthians 15:45. It is what we are in our spirits that tells, and it is the spirit that gives character to the man; so that the Lord is to surround Himself with a company who have His spirit. It is really wonderful to think of the divine design, that there should be such a company. The Lord says: "Because I live, ye also shall live" (John 14:19) but this passage shows the secret of it, that we live in His spirit. We understand each other because of having kindred spirits, and so we understand and enjoy living together with Christ because the spirit is the same.

A.F.M. I would like to have a word, if not diverting from the immediate line, as to this spirit of life. He says "I am come that they might have life" (that is the sheep), "and might have [it] abundantly", John 10:10.

J.T. I do not think it could take place until Christ died; man could not touch the tree of life. The cherubim were there with flaming sword, keeping the way of it, until Christ died. Of course the work of God was going on in the disciples, but it was all in view of the death of the Lord Jesus; so that both the terms "life" and "life abundantly", I apprehend, refer to what is subsequent to His death.

A.F.M. Then could you define for us between "life" and "life abundantly?"

J.T. I think life in the general use of it is power, whatever form it may take. This is seen in the first of Genesis. It shows itself in vegetation, in movements of creatures, or in men. Would you not say so?

A.F.M. Yes, I suppose what the saints in the

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world to come will have we have now, this "life", but we go beyond it. There is the excess in regard to us.

J.T. That is what I had in mind. The "abundant life" I think, refers to the peculiar way in which the Holy Spirit has come, in which He indwells us, so that we have excess. In other words, as I remarked at the beginning, we have what the firstborn had, the double portion.

A.R.S. What about Hezekiah? He says: "The living, he shall praise thee, as I this day", Isaiah 38:19. Men have forfeited life on account of sin coming in, but individuals like David and Hezekiah, while they did not have life abundantly, did they not have a measure of life?

J.T. The life Hezekiah spoke of was bounded by fifteen years, and that could not be said to be abundant life. He had light, you see. The Old Testament is like the light you get before the sun rises. You do not see the sun but the reflection, and hence they all had light. However dim the light was it pointed to a life beyond death. From the moment God acted for Adam in grace, there was the reflection back from Christ as it were. The Sun had not yet appeared, but there was reflection, so that all these people you read of as having faith and appreciating what was of God had light, some more and some less. Hezekiah, for instance, had a remarkable experience. He was brought down to the gates of the grave himself, and God brought him up again and he learned, that "By these things [men] live", Isaiah 38:16. He now finds that discipline is the sustenance of his soul "In all these things is the life of my spirit" (Isaiah 38:16) he says. So that whilst what he says may in some sense speak of what he enjoyed, in reality it is prophetic. As the Spirit says, "To whom it was revealed, that not to themselves but to you they ministered those things", 1 Peter 1:12. The Spirit was looking forward

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to the blessings presented in the gospel, "which have now been announced to you ... by [the] Holy Spirit, sent from heaven", 1 Peter 1:12. So when Hezekiah says: "The living ... he shall praise thee, as I this day" (Isaiah 38:19) the Spirit of God was thinking of Christianity. That was put down for us. It does not mean that Hezekiah had spiritual life as presented in the New Testament. He may have had glimpses of it. It was the Spirit of God who made him say these things. The circumstances through which he passed gave occasion for it in his soul, but the statement itself goes beyond his experience.

A.R.S. "With thee is the fountain of life", Psalm 36:9. I suppose that is prophetic too?

J.T. All these statements are, such as the one our brother read: "Let everything that hath breath praise Jah", Psalm 150:6. The psalmist would not himself understand much by that, but the Spirit of God had much in it. There was a spiritual thought in it. The right way to read the Old Testament is to read it in the light of what the Holy Spirit had in His mind. For instance, the Lord says, "Abraham exulted in that he should see my day, and he saw and rejoiced", John 8:56. Abraham never would have said this. The Lord referred to Abraham in that way; and so Moses esteemed the reproach of Christ. He would not have said that, but the Holy Spirit puts that interpretation on the course he took.

F.L. Christ gives us the key in the verse you quoted. "Your father Abraham exulted in that he should see my day, and he saw and rejoiced", John 8:56. The Spirit of God always saw Christ. So in reading the Old Testament we can always interpret by that key.

B.T.F. Do you connect the life more abundantly with "Whether we may be watching or sleep, we may live together with him?", 1 Thessalonians 5:10.

J.T. I was endeavouring to get on to that, to show that in what we might call the highest order

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of life intelligence is implied. Indeed you get the idea in a family. The youngest child in the family is in a sense alive. There is response in some sense there to affection, but then the grown up members are capable of entering into life in an intelligent way, and I apprehend that the breathing into the disciples implies that we live, not only in the sense in which men will have life in the millennium, but we have the spirit of that Man, and it is "Holy Spirit". As living together with Him we are not only so many children, but are capable of entering into the Lord's thoughts. We noted in regard to Elijah and Elisha that they walked and talked together. That is, there was ability in Elisha to reciprocate the communications of Elijah. So the saints, having the spirit of Christ, are able to reciprocate what communications He makes to them. He "died for us, that whether we may be watching or sleep, we may live together with him", 1 Thessalonians 5:10. Here it is not only that we should live, as we get elsewhere, but that we should "live together with him".

A.N.W. How do you account for such a high thought of life being in Thessalonians?

J.T. I think it was an encouraging feature coming in after the rapture in the fourth chapter. "God has not set us for wrath" it says, "but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who has died for us, that whether we may be watching or sleep, we may live together with him", 1 Thessalonians 5:9 - 10. In view of their apprehensions in regard to the departed ones, that would be reassuring. It seems to me it reinforces the thought of the love of Christ for His people, and that He should have us not only as redeemed, but intelligently with Him, living together with him.

F.L. This touches on "Where I am ye also may be", John 14:3. It is to be with Him. I wish you would tell us a little what your thought of life is. I think, you know, we are not very clear as to the thought of

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life. It is evident that life spiritually considered has its own meaning.

J.T. It is a great subject surely. I was thinking of the word in John, "In him was life, and the life was the light of men", John 1:4. Now, I think, in that statement we have suggested what was presented objectively for all eyes to see while the Lord was here; that is, it is a Man that is in view, and the life was there in Him as light. It was the privilege of those that were with the Lord to see how He lived. He did not live by bread alone, by what He ate and drank. That was merely incidental to His flesh and blood condition. His life was not in that. His life was with God, and, as a Man here, He was entirely free from the pressure of death, wholly immune from it; in His mind and affections He was taken up with God and God's counsels; there was also the love He had for the disciples. I think it is in that way you get an apprehension of it.

F.L. I quite go with that. I was thinking, that, if it is the life of a butterfly, the life of a fish, or the life of a saint, it involves environment and the scope opened to intelligence. So if you take the highest example in the blessed Lord, there were forty days in which He fasted (Luke 4:2), but yet in those forty days He lived. He lived to God. We are introduced into the life of Christ and it is a question of appreciation and enjoyment and feeding our souls on the things discovered in Christ. That makes life.

J.T. And all that centres around the statement as to the spirit of life. It is remarkable that in any of the environments in which men live in this world there is a spirit that pervades it. This is also true in Christianity. Normally you will find in a meeting of Christians a certain spirit marks it; and that, perhaps, is one of the most essential things to understand. "The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and of death", Romans 8:2. It

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is an indefinable thing, yet patent to all that it is there. Edification is not simply in what we say; there is a certain spirit pervading the company; and this is the vital element that gives character to what is said. This is really what the Lord breathed into His disciples, and what He names formally as "Holy Spirit". Now it says that God breathed into Adam's nostrils "the breath of life" (Genesis 2:7) without defining anything beyond that, but in Christianity it is "Holy Spirit". How blessed indeed is the circle in which the Holy Spirit is free to act as the spirit of life!

F.L. "If any one has not [the] Spirit of Christ he is not of him", Romans 8:9. It is what is derived from the spirit of that Man.

C.A.M. In this connection, how about the verse that says: "The last Adam a quickening spirit", 1 Corinthians 15:45. Do you understand that as a Spirit He quickens?

J.T. It is in keeping with John 20. In Luke 24 He says "A spirit has not flesh and bones". He formally asserts that He is not a spirit. "A spirit has not flesh and bones, as ye see me having", Luke 24:39. Luke emphasises the Man. His humanity is emphasised. Now John emphasises the spiritual side. He brings forward certain facts such as that the doors were shut, and in spite of the fact that they were shut, He appears in their midst. That is a spiritual idea, and so He breathes into them. That was a spiritual act, and so also His remark, "Receive [the] Holy Spirit", John 20:22. The whole scene is characterised by being spiritual, and I think that is the thought in 1 Corinthians 15:45: "The last Adam a quickening spirit". But then He is the last Adam, mark you. That means He is a Man, but the chapter develops that the new thing is spiritual; even as to our bodies "It is raised a spiritual body" (1 Corinthians 15:44) but nevertheless a real, human body, as the Lord's is. So it is as risen from the

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dead He is said to be, I apprehend, a quickening spirit.

C.A.M. I see. That helps in making a body a spiritual body.

F.L. You have touched on a thing of tremendous importance. I was thinking in the first of Genesis the origin of all, in connection with life in man, was seen with God; but now in connection with new creation, as I understand it, that which is taken up in Christ, the origin of all, as to the Spirit, is from a Man -- that last Adam. The import of that is tremendous, that He is the quickening spirit. It is the Man. He breathes into them and says: "Receive [the] Holy Spirit", John 20:22. It puts in a wonderful light the person of that Man.

A.N.W. The whole of God's world in that way is developed from that Man.

J.S. Reading Genesis 2 in the light of Christianity, do we not have life more abundantly suggested in the garden of Eden. Adam was set up in an environment suited to him, and into which God could come and commune with him?

J.T. The divine thought as to life was there foreshadowed.

Ques. We read something about life in Colossians 3. "For ye have died, and your life is hid with the Christ in God. When the Christ is manifested who [is] our life, then shall ye also be manifested with him in glory", Colossians 3:3 - 4. Does that life refer to what you are speaking about?

J.T. The life there is spoken of from our side; Christ who is our life. Our life is hid with Christ in God. We are speaking of life rather as presented from God's side. And it is undoubtedly developed in Scripture in the connection we have spoken of.

J.S. So that John 20 would be the fulfilment of John 10, life more abundantly?

J.T. I think it is. Life as believers now have it exceeds what those in the millennium will possess.

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It is involved in that peculiar transaction of the Lord, His breathing into the disciples; and what He breathed into them is formally stated to be "Holy Spirit". It is not a question of the person of the Spirit, although implied, but it is the character.

C.B. And when the apostle Paul said the life "that I now live", it was Christ, was it not, he lived Christ?

J.T. That is another thought. I am endeavouring to bring out the importance of what I am free to call the higher order of life. In our being brought into intelligent relationship with Christ and one another in love as having the Holy Spirit, you have the expression of the highest form of life. Ponder it! In 1 Corinthians 15 we have the great idea of victory over death, but it does not develop what I am speaking of. It does, however, say: "As in the Adam all die, thus also in the Christ all shall be made alive", 1 Corinthians 15:22. It is really elementary, but it shows that we are made alive "in the Christ"; but John 20 shows how we are made to live; it is that we have received from Christ His spirit. The breathing is into the lungs as it were, so it is the inner, vital principle by which we exist and by which we are characterised that is in view.

J.S. But wholly a spiritual idea?

J.T. Wholly spiritual, yes.

W.H.F. Life more abundantly I understand is association with Christ.

J.T. You can understand that this blessed breath, called "Holy Spirit", breathed into them, implies that we are viewed as raised with Christ.

W.H.F. Is there a distinction between life more abundantly and eternal life? I understand eternal life is condition.

J.T. I am sure it is correct, as stated by the beloved brother whom the Lord used to bring this truth before us, that the term eternal life in itself

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is a testimony as to what God brings about through Christ on earth where the defeat was, where death was. The more you consider it, the more it becomes obvious that with regard to Christians the idea necessarily goes on to intelligence with regard to Christ, and this involves not only life in the enjoyment of God's blessing for ever, but I have the spirit of Christ and in that way am qualified to be a companion of Christ, with the brethren, in regard to the highest divine thoughts; and the greatest divine thought is that I shall have part with Christ in all that God has purposed in regard to Man as seen in Him.

F.L. So that is the supreme thought of life.

J.T. That is what I was thinking.

F.L. Life is never contemplated as other than the sovereign prerogative of God; life in the insect or bird, all life is traced as having its origin in God. Then if we take the life of man it takes character from what God is pleased to give. What we have been considering is something that is far beyond the character of things enjoyed by Old Testament saints or in the millennial day. It is the supreme thought of life; that is, receiving Holy Spirit and living together with Him.

J.T. That is what I had in mind and it brings it out very clearly. Every family of men will have eternal life as named of the Father, but it will take character in each from the privilege and endowments granted.

C.A.M. Can you make an individual application of the breathing in John 20?

J.T. I am sure He breathed into each one of them. Surely you have the spirit of Christ, and that is the point, you know.

C.A.M. Who has?

J.T. You as a Christian. It is there in the gift of the Spirit. But we have to come to the thought

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of the spirit of Christ, that that is the spirit you have, and no other.

F.L. Romans 8:9 is individual. "If any one has not the Spirit of Christ he is not of him".

A.N.W. Why is the breathing immediately connected with the disciples being sent out?

J.T. It was looking toward their mission here. They go out really, you might say, from heaven. It is the spirit of the heavenly Man that is to give character to their witness here. That shows what Christianity is. There can be no other witness like it.

A.F.M. Thessalonians really is developed in Ephesians, in that verse you have read, living together with Him?

J.T. Ephesians leads on to position; whereas the thought in Thessalonians does not go beyond our living with Christ. In Ephesians you are led on to your position, seated in the heavenlies with Christ.

J.S. It is more the glory, and position, in Ephesians.

A.F.M. I was thinking in speaking of it that Ephesians gives you the sphere of life.

J.T. Of course it is there, but the epistle develops much more, because it is a question of God's counsels; Christ and the assembly.

Rem. John 20 seems to be a definite thing, being an advance upon the gift of the Spirit.

J.T. It is all there in the gift of the Holy Spirit, but we must distinguish between John 20 and Acts 2; and then again the reception of the Holy Spirit by an individual. John 20 is pattern, as we have often had it, so when you come through exercise and experience to that Spirit you have no other. Now I may have a different spirit. I may not be up to that, but when I am energised and characterised by the spirit of Christ I measure with John 20.

Ques. It is presented in John 20 as a definite transaction. Now is that same thought carried out

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in an individual at the present time, that there comes a time in his experience that Christ breathes into him?

J.T. I do not say it ever happened in the same way again. It is a pattern and therefore the reception of the Spirit involves what is presented, only many of us have the Spirit, but it does not characterise us. He has not become in me yet the spirit of Christ. I like what was brought out last night about the spirit of Christ, and the Spirit of God, and sonship. They are very important, and I think we ought to consider well the thought of the spirit of Christ. Is that the spirit that characterises me?

A.N.W. Elisha tore his own garments in two pieces after he saw Elijah go up.

J.S. John 20 is a pattern of the assembly, is it not?

F.L. The Lord says: "As the Father sent me forth, I also send you", John 20:21. That is, the disciples are sent out in connection with that pattern.

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2 Kings 4:1 - 13; Romans 8:1 - 17

J.T. It seems clear that these chapters in first and second Kings afford us in type elements that go to make up the Christian dispensation so that they link on with Romans. What has engaged us has been that the rights of God were represented in Elijah; firstly, in regard to his ministry among the people, and secondly, in regard to his being placed in the heavens. God is entitled to act in this way, and what flows from it is that it is for the benefit of man. The ministry of Elisha involves a complete change of conditions on earth in principle. The new cruse and salt introduced changed the source of things. Things are dealt with in their source and this means that, whilst for the moment individuals only are being affected, yet the earth will be affected. Things will be changed and the word new, I think, indicates that things are to be new. The principle of the new, I think, is worthy of note, because God's great thought is expressed in this: "I make all things new", Revelation 21:5. That necessarily begins now in individuals, so that in Romans 6 we have "newness of life" and in Romans 7 we have "newness of spirit". The manner of our life is new and the manner of our spirit is new. You have the thing in principle.

A.F.M. You would regard this fourth chapter as the climax of Elijah's ministry?

J.T. I think it embodies it. Other features follow, but I think the fourth chapter embodies all from the destitute widow of a prophet's son to the man from Baal-shalisha. It would cover, you might say, the whole of Paul's ministry, from Romans to Ephesians.

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B.T.F. What would you say the widow represented?

J.T. She is the wife of one of the sons of the prophets; it is evident that her husband did not leave her provided for. I suppose he would represent the old order of things.

A.N.W. Did he become a debtor under the ministry of Elijah?

J.T. Under the legal system, I should say. There was no supply. What came out in connection with Elijah was that the meal should not fail nor the cruse of oil waste until rain came, whereas here it is an abundance. There is no stay to the oil until all the vessels are full.

F.L. In connection with Elijah, there is that which speaks of Christ here in His humanity. There was the meal as well as the oil, but here the meal is gone. Christ in His humanity, as in the days of His flesh, is gone to another place, so that it is oil. It is the day of the Spirit. Everything now depends on the Spirit, and everything is apprehended in the Spirit.

J.T. The meal comes in after the oil here.

F.L. Yes, at the end of the fourth chapter.

C.B. Could we apply the principle today of the oil continuing until every vessel is filled?

J.T. Surely; that is the point of it now. It is the abundance of things in Christianity. That was what I thought might come before us, the character of the dispensation, how on God's side there is abundance and that as a result there is response as seen in this great woman. She not only pays her debts, but affords protection and shelter and hospitality in every way for the testimony of God.

A.P. Why is it a woman in both these instances: that of Elijah in 1 Kings 7, and Elisha here?

J.T. Because it is a question of the state of the people. Characteristically, Christianity accords

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subjectively with what is presented objectively. The great woman of Shunem here typifies this.

A.R. You spoke of recovery in regard to the second chapter. What you are saying now involves more than recovery, does it not?

J.T. It does not go beyond what man should be on earth. That is, recovery involves that man here on earth answers to God's original thoughts as to him.

A.R. You were speaking about making all things new.

J.T. While that leads on to the eternal purpose of God, yet the principle of newness must be introduced even for recovery. In Romans it is a new manner of life in each of us, and a newness of spirit. Your body remains what it was before. That is not made new yet, and your outward environment remains what it was before, but your manner of life is changed and your spirit is changed. These two things are new.

P.H.P. I was going to say it is the new thing in the old surroundings.

C.A.M. Up to Romans 8 the idea of newness seems to be concurrent with something old, does it not?

J.T. The environment is old; the circumstances in which you are remain what they were before. They are not altered, nor is your body altered. You are still dependent on food and raiment as you were before, only that the body comes under the control of the new.

J.T. I thought it might be helpful if we were to see how the source of things is altered, in the "new cruse" and the "salt".

P.H.P. Superseding Jerusalem, do you think?

J.T. Yes, I think so. What was wrong was not the situation, but the source, the motives that governed the situation were wrong.

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B.T.F. Do you think the oil here represents the power of the Spirit, as seen in Romans 8?

J.T. Yes.

F.L. The Lord spoke of new wine in new vessels. That was what was to mark Christianity.

P.H.P. Would that suggest John 20 in the way of the door being shut? There was a new cruse formed and the salt was in it, and now things proceed from that point.

J.T. That is right, that is the source of things, as it were, and so the disciples are sent out from that point.

H.C. Referring to what was said about recovery and new creation, I was thinking of Lazarus. He was raised, but does it go further than recovery?

J.T. John 11 speaks of life from among the dead and Romans is not exactly that. We are regarded as alive here on earth, alive in sins, and the ungodly are said to be justified in Romans. "Him who justifies the ungodly", Romans 4:5. That is, the believer is taken up in his historical position on earth, and justified. God justifies him through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, and in the light of the resurrection of Christ, not his own resurrection, but the resurrection of Christ. He is justified by faith and has peace with God, although his circumstances are not altered, nor his bodily condition. That is how the truth is presented.

F.L. Romans gives us the idea of a "new cruse". Elisha, on returning to Jericho calls for the new cruse. Morally it was Jerusalem. In another sense Jerusalem was "Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified" (Revelation 11:8) but here we have a different point of view. There is a new element in the old place. Therefore the gospel had a historical connection with Jerusalem, but ultimately it took up a totally new position.

J.T. Quite so. The situation was pleasant. The

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coming in of the Holy Spirit into the saints brought about what was new, but what was there was available really for Israel. Power had come in to rectify things, and that is the ground on which Acts 2 and 3 stand. The disciples were to tarry in Jerusalem till the Spirit came, and the gospel was to begin there. This was God's grace to Israel.

C.A.M. What I would like to know is what the cruse means?

J.T. Historically, it refers, I think, to the one hundred and twenty to whom the Spirit came at Jerusalem. It says: "Bring me a new cruse, and put salt in it. And they brought it to him. And he went forth to the source of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith Jehovah: I have healed these waters: there shall not be from thence any more death or barrenness", 2 Kings 2:20 - 21. I think that refers to the attitude of God at Pentecost.

P.H.P. Does not the interest lie in the fact that he does not create a new spring, but heals the waters at the spring?

J.T. I think that is God in grace taking things up as they were before He regards them as reprobate. It was all there for recovery for Israel. The salt refers to the preservative element in the saints. All was available for Israel on the ground of repentance. This chapter, 2 Kings 3, further sets before us the abundance of God's grace; how that, notwithstanding that conditions were wrong and the alliances formed with Jehoshaphat and Jehoram, and the King of Edom, victory and blessing come in through the prophet.

C.A.M. Would not Stephen be a sort of illustration of what the cruse is? The salt was in him. Would that be right?

J.T. I think so. The saints were surely all a representation of it. I think any one who reads the second of Acts will see that the principle of preservation

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was there. Things were preserved. The element of corruption was not yet there. "The water is bad" (2 Kings 2:19) it says. "I have healed these waters: there shall not be from thence any more death or barrenness", 2 Kings 2:21. I suppose there were deadly principles there at Jerusalem, whereas what the Spirit brought in at Pentecost was life and fruitfulness.

A.A.T. How is the woman with the pot of oil connected with the new cruse?

J.T. Well, I think in chapters 2 and 3 the Spirit sets before us what we would call objective principles, namely, the new cruse and the victory afforded through the prophet in chapter 3. We come here in chapter 4 to what the believer has. Typically it is what he has. The woman was quite ignorant of the value of what she had. In that way it connects itself with Romans 8, because the point in that chapter is to show what the believer has in the Spirit. In Romans 5 the Spirit falls into line with other things. There is a group of things in the fifth chapter that are the result of what is objective, the light, and the Spirit is amongst them; it says, "The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by [the] Holy Spirit", Romans 5:5. There it is rather the medium by which the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts, but the eighth chapter is to show what the Spirit is to the Christian.

A.A.T. I notice this chapter speaks a good deal about the oil as a type of the Spirit, whereas in other instances the Spirit is typified by "running water", the "springing well", etc. Would you open out the difference?

J.T. What the oil represents here is its marketable value. It is a commodity which may be sold. It is the value of it, I think. The use you put it to is the point here. It is a mercantile figure, the oil is a commodity of value; it is to be traded with, and evidently the first thing is how much of it one has;

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then you begin to trade, you get vessels, and enlarge the capacity.

B.T.F. Would the thought come in about ability to fulfil the requirements of the law?

J.T. It does. It comes in after you have the capacity enlarged. There is nothing said about selling it until the capacity is enlarged for it, because it would not have brought much, you know, as she had it.

C.B. Water does not make your face shine, but oil does.

J.T. You see she says to him; "Thine handmaid hath not anything in the house, save a pot of oil". Now the seventh of Romans is the widow, I think, and her husband has not left her anything. I suppose the husband may be regarded as the legal system. She was destitute and in danger of being in bondage with her two sons. So the eighth chapter comes in as taking up what she had in the house.

A.F.M. I was going to remark that in the fifth of Romans, to which you referred, we have the Spirit of God spoken of as the Holy Spirit; He is seen from God's side, but in the eighth chapter He is spoken of as in the believer and characterising him. I was wondering whether the pot of oil would refer to the latter. The Spirit as such has been given, but when you come to get the vessels and the pouring out it is rather the eighth chapter idea. Would you go with that?

J.T. Certainly. The eighth chapter designates the Spirit in different ways. It is to show the way in which the Spirit, as it were, may be turned to meet all contingencies in the believer's history. First of all, it is said that "The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free", etc., Romans 8:2. That is one point. This woman was not free. That is quite evident.

A.P. But still she had the Spirit.

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J.T. She had something in the house that was, as we know now, the Spirit typically, but she was in ignorance of it. She was in danger of being in bondage and certainly not at liberty in her feelings, and yet all the while there was the means in the house of discharging her obligations if she only knew how to use it.

F.L. Is it not important to see that while this has an individual application, yet in a broader way it really shows forth a side of the assembly? That is, the widow indicates a feature of the assembly now. The assembly got into a great condition of poverty, and the testimony was in danger of being surrendered, of getting into bondage as it were, but all the time the oil was in the house, the Holy Spirit was there. What was needed was the knowledge of the thing, and it needed that there should be light brought in so that advantage should be taken of what was "in the house". Now that has come to pass; the enlightenment has come; and it is seen that there is abundance; and liberty has come in.

J.T. That is very excellent. It makes the point of the vessels even more obvious.

F.L. So the vessels are brought in as a continuous supply, they are brought in from around and become vessels of the Spirit and contribute to the enlightenment of the assembly, and, as contributing to the enlightenment of the assembly, the testimony is set free.

J.T. So the point is to make room for the Spirit.

A.F.M. Would that be the revival of Paul's ministry?

J.T. I think the truth of Christ in heaven, as Head, on the one hand, and on the other hand the Spirit on earth commensurate with that position has been opened up; so that if room is made for the Spirit you have response to God, you have that which God seeks. It has been remarked that the

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Old Testament is demand, which is true; it is demand without supply, whereas the New Testament is the supply; whether it be in Christ personally or in the assembly, there is supply Godward. As our brother has been pointing out, the truth of the Holy Spirit had been so obscured that the fact of His presence was hardly recognised at all. In fact it is not recognised today, except in a doctrinal way, in the 'systems'. There is no room made for the Holy Spirit; whereas the truth that the Holy Spirit remains here has been made clear, and the point for us is to make room for Him; and the more room you make the more you will have, as we have seen in the type before us.

W.L.P. Would you not think that would apply to the present day recovery of the truth?

J.T. It applies all the time I think, whether it be you, or myself, or Christians generally; everything subjectively hinges on our making room for the Holy Spirit.

P.H.P. So it may even apply to a meeting like this.

Ques. In seeking to help believers, would you raise the question as to whether they had received the Holy Spirit or not?

J.T. Surely; that is what is needed.

Ques. If one were applying for the privilege of breaking bread, would that be an important question to put to him?

J.T. I think so. Some here have been exercised about that very point; that is, as to whether the applicant has established a link with those already in fellowship. It is not simply a question of your having light, but have you a link with those that are already there? One idea in the tabernacle was that it was formed of several parts, bound together with taches of gold; these refer to the affections formed

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by the Holy Spirit in the saints. So that, whilst one may not be very intelligent as to the reception of the Spirit, what you would look for is that link. Is there a link with the Person?

F.L. I hope we shall dwell on this point a little, as to the Holy Spirit. At the outset, in the early chapters of the Acts, we see great emphasis on what was of the Holy Spirit. Stephen, "being full of [the] Holy Spirit, having fixed his eyes on heaven", Acts 7:55. Stephen looked stedfastly into heaven, being full of the Holy Spirit. Now, as we are warned in the apostolic writings, there was a departure from that. Then throughout the history of the assembly the truth of the presence of the Holy Spirit was lost. The oil was there in the house, but it was lost practically. Then at what was called the Reformation, the reformers missed the road. They took the inspired Word and instead of connecting it with the Holy Spirit, they connected it with the freedom of men's minds. They said, We have the Word and our minds are capable of interpreting it, but they missed the mark as to the Holy Spirit. Now in the light that God gave eighty or ninety years ago, through Mr. Darby and others, one great feature was the recovery of the truth of the Holy Spirit, what there was in the house, and we cannot do more of importance than to emphasise at a meeting like this, what there is in the house and how it is increased as room is made for it. In touching this we are touching very deep things, and things that are more than anything else vital to the testimony with which we seek to be connected. Would you go with that?

J.T. Yes, indeed, very much. I was thinking, while you were speaking, of the creeds which have been formed, binding the things of God by a creed is the very opposite of making room for the Holy Spirit.

B.T.F. Do we reach the climax here individually

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for the Christian in the first instance, and is there progress in the chapter after that?

J.T. There is progress as we come to the Shunammite, but there is a good deal in the verses that follow the first verse as to how the believer comes into the benefit of the Spirit. Elisha here represents the light, the mind of God, and he says to her: "Go, borrow for thyself vessels abroad from all thy neighbours, empty vessels; let it not be few; and go in, and shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons, and pour out into all those vessels, and set aside what is full". Now that is the light. That is what the prophet says, and it is well to observe it because it is the way to arrive at the benefit. We have to be regulated by the light. Then it says: "She went from him", (now we have the believer's side) "and shut the door upon her and upon her sons: they brought the vessels to her, and she poured out. And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, Bring me yet a vessel". That is, she was not content with what she had. She was prepared for more, but he says, "there is not a vessel more"; and then it says, "the oil stayed". That is the position here. What the widow was told to do is what every believer should do, shut the door in view of this precious element, and be alone, as it were, with God about it. I think that is how you get the enlargement.

A.N.W. And the point would seem to be to get vessels.

B.T.F. But then you only get here that she is able to fulfil the claims upon her.

J.T. The statement is that the oil stayed. Now the woman needs more light so "She came and told the man of God, and he said, Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy sons on the rest". So that now you have the light as to what to

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do, and it fits on, as I understand, very perfectly with the eighth of Romans, because the seventh chapter shows that the speaker was left without any means of discharging his obligations. He comes to this, however: "I thank God, through Jesus Christ our Lord", Romans 7:25. He thanks God. He has light. The experience of deliverance really begins with thanksgiving. You are thankful for the light that has come in in an objective way in the work of Christ, and then the eighth chapter is additional light as to what the Spirit is to the believer. Here the prophet says to the woman, "Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy sons on the rest".

H.C. Would the faithful servant rightly using the money that was left to him correspond with this? He traded with it and made more for his master, while the other kept it. We are given the Spirit and are supposed to use it in that way, is that the idea?

J.T. I think the passage you quote from the gospels refers to what one does for Christ. It is subsequent to this. The great woman might answer to that, but primarily it is a question of what you can do for yourself by making room for the Spirit. You are in straits. I do not suppose, that in all Christendom, there is a single believer who is not recognising the Spirit, who can pay his debts. They may do their bit in regard to this world, as they call it, but are not really discharging their moral obligations, that which refers to God and that which refers to the Lord's people. These are the obligations that are imperative, whatever else may be done.

A.F.M. I think it would help if you would go back to this question of the door. She closes the door upon herself and upon her sons. Could you give us a little practical word as to these vessels, etc.?

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J.T. That is the secret of power. The Lord referred to it in His ministry. "When thou prayest, enter into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret; and thy Father who sees in secret will render [it] to thee", Matthew 6:6. Before you can have any dignity outwardly there must be this secret exercise with God. I believe that is what is here and perhaps it is the explanation of the want of power with many of us, that we live on what is public. We live in public, draw on the meetings, which, of course, is right so far as it goes, but we have to "shut the door" and be alone with God about things.

A.F.M. Where do the empty vessels come from?

J.T. I think there is expansion in our souls as we are with God. Paul says to the Corinthians, "Ye are not straitened in us", 2 Corinthians 6:12. That is, there was plenty of room in him for the activities of the Spirit, "But ye are straitened in your affections; but for an answering recompense, (I speak as to children,) let your heart also expand itself", 2 Corinthians 6:12 - 13. Enlargement is in self-judgment, because that chapter, 2 Corinthians 6, shows they were cramped by worldly associations at Corinth. So he says, "Let your heart also expand itself"; I believe it is by the abandonment of worldly associations and the like, and as you are alone with God, that you get spiritual expansion.

W.L.P. Still there is always a limitation to our side.

J.T. Quite; the Holy Spirit is a divine Person, and although each believer receives Him, no one is great enough to receive wholly. He abode in an absolute way on Christ, and He resides wholly in the assembly.

F.L. I hope it is not diverting, but I am greatly interested in what is coming out. What is true in the individual, as it is being opened out from this chapter, is true also in the assembly; and the

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counterpart of it, as I see it, is that the state of the assembly is the reflection of what is true of the individuals in the assembly. If the assembly is straightened and in a bad condition, it is but the same thing as saying that the individuals are in a bad state. It helps, I think, to see how the assembly condition depends upon the individual condition.

J.T. That suggests to my mind what marked Sardis: "I have not found thy works complete before my God", Revelation 3:2. I think the secret of that was that the Spirit was not recognised, because we cannot answer to the mind of God aside from that. It is because of the recognition of the Spirit that works correspond with the mind of God. Now the same principle, I think, appears in the foolish virgins. Outwardly they were all virgins and they had all fallen asleep, too, but those who had the oil did not come short. They reached the Bridegroom, whatever may be said about their sleep, and it is said they fell asleep, they reached the end. They did not fall to reach the Bridegroom. The oil did not fail. To go on in the Revelation to Philadelphia, you have there what corresponds with the mind of the Lord. He does not say anything to Philadelphia about incompleteness. To be short or incomplete spiritually is to be really on antichristian lines, because that is just what marks the antichrist; that he is incomplete. His number denotes that he is incomplete spiritually; six hundred, three score and six; and the number of his horns denotes that he is incomplete administratively, ten instead of twelve. Now it seems to me that the foolish virgins and Sardis are in that way on antichristian lines. They are incomplete because the Spirit has not been recognised, whereas Philadelphia and the wise virgins, although we have to admit great failure, reach the end, the divine end, and they are recognised. Those that had the oil went in to the marriage.

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A.N.W. Why were the wise virgins not permitted to sell their oil, as in this case?

J.T. I think the figure is that there is no hope for those who do not have it. It is rather to show the hopelessness of the case of one who neglects the Spirit. You cannot get it from another.

A.N.W. They tell the foolish to go and buy it.

J.T. Whilst the assembly period remains, of course, the Lord counsels those in need to come to Him to buy. The foolish virgins evidently did not go to the Lord about things; instead of that they went to the wise virgins to get help. But the time was short, and as they went to buy, the Bridegroom came and they were left outside.

A.R. Would you be free to say that Romans 7 involves the Spirit; that is, has the person referred to there the Spirit?

J.T. I would not say that, because in the main the passage refers to a time "when we were in the flesh"; but certainly verse 4 implies the Spirit "Ye also have been made dead to the law by the body of the Christ, to be to another, who has been raised up from among [the] dead, in order that we might bear fruit to God", Romans 7:4. That is a Christian, but then he goes on to speak about a past state when in the flesh, the motions of sins wrought in us; that is a past state, and he speaks of that at length. It has often been remarked that the seventh chapter of Romans is like a psalm of experience. The end to be reached is stated at the first, and then the process by which you arrive at it.

A.R. You would not compare the seventh of Romans with what you have in the house.

J.T. I only referred to it as the widow state, the law had not afforded a supply.

F.L. The seventh of Romans rather indicates one who is the subject of a work of the Spirit. That

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is, the Spirit is working with that one, but he is not indwelt with the Spirit.

J.T. Quite, that is that particular section of it which has been pointed out.

A.P. Are there not Christians who have the Spirit and do not know the value of it? Would that not be like the seventh of Romans?

J.T. It would in measure, but we must accept the fact that the major part of the chapter describes the experience of one who was not in the Christian state at all; it was "when we were in the flesh".

A.F.M. Do you not think many who have the Spirit go through the experimental part of the seventh of Romans after receiving the Spirit?

J.T. That has often been remarked, and it is, in measure, true. This woman is very much in that state. But the portion of the chapter we have been dealing with does not refer to imperfect Christian experience, but to the experience of one who did not know redemption and so had not the Spirit.

B.T.F. Would you enlarge upon what is said of the widow and her sons?

J.T. Romans 8 shows how she pays her debts and lives. The Spirit is said to be life. It is also said: "that the righteous requirement of the law should be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to flesh but according to Spirit", Romans 8:4. The point in it is to show what the Spirit avails for. That is, I apprehend, that one discharges one's obligations in the power of the Spirit, which one could not have done under the old husband. With the new husband, Jesus Christ our Lord, Romans 7:25, you have supply; you have means of discharging your obligations. That is, you love God and you love your neighbour as yourself, which the law demanded. Surely a Christian does that.

A.F.M. That is paying your debts. What is living on the rest?

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J.T. It goes on to say, "If ye live according to flesh, ye are about to die; but if, by the Spirit, ye put to death the deeds of the body, ye shall live", Romans 8:13. That is by the Spirit, who is the means of life; and then it says, "If Christ be in you, the body is dead on account of sin, but the Spirit life on account of righteousness", Romans 8:10. I apprehend it is in view of righteousness; so righteousness in a practical way is the fruit of life in this sense.

F.L. One might illustrate it from the natural sphere. In my daily experience I should meet all my obligations, business, family, and the like, and then when that is all attended to what is left over I live with. Where do I go? That indicates my living, what I do with the excess. If I am a politician I go into politics. If I am a follower of the Lord I turn to His interests and His people. I live on the excess in a way. I mean that is where I turn in my freedom after obligation is fulfilled.

J.T. That is the idea of living; it is a question of the bent of the mind, of the desire. And what about a Christian? What do you desire to live on? The Shunammite woman says here: "I dwell among mine own people". She did not want any conspicuous place in the world. She did not wish to be spoken of to the king, nor to the captain of the host. She was content to be with her own people.

Rem. She appreciated spiritual people.

J.T. Yes, she was "hospitable, a lover of goodness", Titus 1:8.

A.N.W. Is righteousness paying your debts in a moral or material sense? Is that the full extent of righteousness?

J.T. It seems to me that Romans is a question of adjustment; first adjustment of man's relations with God, and then of his relations with men. For all this the necessity for the possession of the Spirit

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is evident. Having the Spirit, the believer can be practically righteous and he can live to God.

A.N.W. What is your highest interpretation of righteousness?

J.T. Well, it is that one is here like God. "He put on righteousness as a breastplate" (Isaiah 59:17) is said of Christ. That is how He garbs Himself as it is said in the prophet, and I am corresponding with Him, and I am putting on righteousness. This marks the Christian. In the earlier part of the epistle God puts the garb of righteousness on me. He gives me righteousness on the principle of faith, but I put on righteousness by the Spirit. That is what I apprehend. I think the Shunammite, this "great woman", is putting on righteousness like God. She is not paying debts; she had no debts to pay; but the widow had debts. Righteousness with God is not paying debts, because, we might say, He owed no man anything. It is a question of His rights in mercy. "I will shew mercy to whom I will shew mercy", Romans 9:15. When your debts are all paid and things are adjusted in your soul, you want to be like God. As David said, "that I may show the kindness of God" (2 Samuel 9:3) be like God. Romans, I think, has that in view, that a Christian is like God here in the way of righteousness.

A.N.W. So even the sacrifice of his body is reasonable and right in the twelfth chapter.

P.H.P. And the Shunammite's supreme act of righteousness was to build a chamber on the wall. That was righteousness.

J.T. That is, she was abounding in liberality, but her liberality took the form of caring for the "holy man of God". If we have means, then to care for those who are concerned about the testimony of God should be our special exercise.

F.L. What you were saying suggests the verse,

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"Be ye therefore imitators of God as beloved children", Ephesians 5:1. I mean acting like God.

A.F.M. Would you regard the first woman as representing life, and the second as life more abundantly? I was thinking of the word 'great'.

J.T. The Shunammite so far does not go beyond Romans, as far as I see. She has not as yet found an object outside of herself according to the passage. Subsequent history brings in a new object, for her affections, but for the moment she is a great woman, and uses her means for the benefit of the testimony, and is content to dwell with her own people.

A.F.M. That is life rather?

J.T. That is life according to Romans 8.

P.H.P. She is what you might call a Roman Christian. When she gets an object outside of herself she passes into Colossians.

F.L. I think she reaches the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus in a way, because she will not accept anybody but Elisha when her son is taken. Life is in him; it is in connection with him. She discerns that he alone can bring in life.

J.T. And see what taste she had in selecting furniture. She considers for the man of God who is to occupy the chamber. He is a holy man of God. She perceived that by his walk, which shows that she had discernment. The passage reads: "she said to her husband". Notice how she recognises her husband. "I perceive that this is a holy man of God, who passes by us continually. Let us make, I pray thee, a small upper chamber with walls, and let us set for him there a bed, and a table, and a seat, and a lampstand". That is the furniture, which shows good taste, I think.

F.L. We would say our houses were very poorly furnished if we only had those things.

A.N.W. Yet she was wealthy.

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J.T. Yes, but it does not say what she might have had. What I wish to point out is that she thought of what was suitable to this man. She had right instincts as to what was becoming to the testimony.

C.B. It indicates what is necessary for a holy man.

A.F.M. What does the furniture signify?

J.T. I do not know what they might be in detail, but at any rate they were befitting in her mind a holy man of God.

Ques. Do you not think we have men of that type today, who are prepared to lay down their lives for the brethren?

J.T. I would not like to say much on those lines, lest we might be considered as taking too high ground, but I believe the recovery of the light of the Spirit, and the recognition that we may give to the Spirit, will bring about at the end of the dispensation what marked the beginning, not in quantity, but in quality. I believe the testimony we have in Revelation shows that the end will afford that which marked the beginning in the principle of it.

A.F.M. Going back to the little chamber for a moment, it says it was on the wall, it was elevated; and then the bed might suggest rest, the table food, the candlestick light and the stool meditation or discipleship.

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Romans 8:1 - 17; 2 Corinthians 5:14 - 18

B.T.F. Following on the first incident in 2 Kings 4, which we have considered, we get the Shunammite, the great woman, and her love for the testimony. Why did death come in upon her son?

J.T. It raises a question as to the teaching of the remaining part of the chapter. Gehazi discerned that there was a want with her, notwithstanding that she had means and a husband, and made no form of request. She was childless, and what follows suggests a maternal thought, which means that the Spirit forms Christ in the believer. He not only enables us to meet our liabilities, and to help others who care for the testimony, but He forms Christ in the saints.

G.W.H. Would you say that is the Spirit's normal work?

J.T. I think it is after our side is settled. The maternal thought is very interesting, and it runs throughout Scripture. It has been already alluded to; "the joy that a man has been born into the world" (John 16:21) -- a Man. The disciples had to go through sorrow, and so did this woman; her sorrow was that the man child born is taken away in death. But she was to have him, not as born after the flesh, or given in connection with the flesh, but out of death. It refers to what takes place in the believer's soul.

C.A.M. The child is typically after a spiritual order when brought to life again. Were you referring to that?

J.T. The child dies. The thought is that Christ is to be before us, not as He was, but as He is.

A.F.M. The second epistle to the Corinthians is

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helpful; we now no longer know Christ after the flesh.

J.T. You do not know Him in that way now. We know Him as He is.

P.H.P. In connection with Israel, it is when the Child is born, but in Christianity it is a Man. We have to get the full thought, Christ in another sphere.

F.L. The birth of Isaac, and then his being given over to death and received back in connection with the purpose of God is a kindred thought. Everything is established in the one brought back from the dead.

A.N.W. Both Isaac and this son were given of God even after the flesh, were they not?

J.T. I think they both refer to Christ as He was after the flesh. Mary Magdalene would have retained Him on that ground, but He refused her touch. He has to be known on other ground than that. He was to be known as risen and in heaven.

G.W.H. The moment comes in the history of the soul when you apprehend Christ risen and glorified. A new day dawns to you.

B.T.F. The death and resurrection of the child would occasion much exercise to the mother. In the Christian this would lead to Christ being apprehended as the heavenly One.

J.T. It leads to that. The child is given back to the mother. It says in verse 36: "And he called Gehazi, and said, Call this Shunammite. And he called her; And she came to him. And he said, Take up thy son. And she came and fell at his feet, and bowed herself to the ground; and she took up her son, and went out", 2 Kings 4:36 - 37. She has her son now in another way, and then immediately upon that you have the figure of the meal. That is Christ is apprehended now, although having passed out of death, as still a Man.

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F.L. It goes somewhat further than resurrection. I mean there immediately comes in the thought of new creation. We apprehend Christ as in a new sphere.

J.T. The thought of the "meal" here is different from what we had in connection with Elijah in 1 Kings 17. That is Christ as He was here in the flesh. That was not the remedy for things, although He brought in all that is of God and every requisite for the recovery of Israel. Really the remedy is Christ as He is now. It is Christ as He is now that the Holy Spirit witnesses to and brings in here as the remedy.

A.F.M. Nevertheless, all that He was morally in the days of His flesh is taken up in resurrection. Nothing is lost by His dying.

J.T. So the Gospels all have to be read in the light of the last chapter in each. His ministry had His death and resurrection in view. Hence the gospels are written from the standpoint of Christ risen and glorified, written really by the Holy Spirit come down from heaven, come down from that Man in heaven. Hence the Gospels become in that sense meal for us.

F.L. Mr. Darby had the thought when he said,

"There on the hidden bread
Of Christ once humbled here". (Hymn 79)

What He brought into manhood is everlasting. The manna was to be laid up in the presence of God in the golden pot. The thought is not to be lost.

A.N.W. Was the main reason for Christ having come after the flesh to put an end to the old order?

J.T. So much was involved that one would scarcely undertake to say. In Romans 8 we have a very important feature. "God, having sent his own Son in likeness of flesh of sin, and for sin, has

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condemned sin in the flesh", Romans 8:3. But there was also, in the way of testimony, in His presence here, all that was necessary for the restoration of Israel. "How often would I have gathered thy children as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!", Matthew 23:37. Throughout the Gospels you have reference to that. "Behold thy King cometh to thee, meek, and mounted upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass", Matthew 21:5. There was the testimony. He was there, with power to re-establish them, but they would not receive Him.

J.S. It was ineffective.

J.T. Because of their state it was ineffective.

F.L. In addition to that, you would emphasise that for God it was a necessity that in the scene where man had failed under the power of Satan, man should stand for God. I mean that the fact that a man dependent upon God should answer to Him in the scene where Satan had previously overthrown man, is God's side. It is very important in that way, I think.

J.T. The visits to the different points, Gilgal, Bethel, etc., by Elijah and Elisha, as referred to already, were to call attention to the fact that these features of God's testimony, although witnessed to, had not been established on that line. Even the disciples say, "We had hoped that he was [the one] who is about to .. redeem Israel", Luke 24:21. In that same chapter, we have the Lord opening up to them that He must suffer and die according to the Scriptures; but the exposition that He gave them in that chapter was from the standpoint of His position as risen. The Gospel necessarily depends on that. It is a Christ who came by water and blood that is presented in the glad tidings by the Holy Spirit come down from heaven. That is the remedy for the "death in the pot", 2 Kings 4:40.

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J.S. In Christendom they are going on with Christ as He was, and the testimony is not effective with them. They have no apprehension of Christ as He now is.

J.T. That is very true. It shows the ineffectiveness of what is about us, that nothing is remedied, whereas the true remedy is the meal. "Bring meal", the prophet says.

A.F.M. The point is the transference from the old side to the new. Would you say a little upon the difference between the expression "in Christ" in Romans and in 2 Corinthians 5?

J.T. I think in Romans "in Christ" refers to what we are here in the sphere of responsibility; one has a new head; whereas 2 Corinthians 5 says: "If any one be in Christ, there is a new creation; the old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. And all things are of the God". It takes in the whole divine thought; whereas in Romans, I am simply transferred from Adam to Christ, I apprehend.

W.L.P. Referring to Christ here, it is very important that we become familiar with Him as He was here by reading the Gospels, is it not?

J.T. I think that is really the "meal" the prophet spoke of.

W.L.P. That leads our thoughts to Him where He is, and that is where we get the blessing.

J.T. It is knowing Him where He is that enables you to appreciate what He was.

F.L. "Except the grain of wheat falling into the ground die, it abides alone", John 12:24. Up to that point you might say He was alone here for God. He was a Man who stood for God.

J.S. I think what you say about reading the Gospels in the light of the closing chapters is very helpful. We read them in the light of His death, resurrection and ascension.

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A.P. What is the difference between the Last Adam and the new man?

J.T. Well, Christ is never said to be the new man. He is said to be the Last Adam and the Second Man. The Last Adam refers to Him as a life giving Spirit, and involves that He is divine. He is God really, for to God alone belongs the prerogative to give life, whereas the point in connection with the Second Man is that He is "out of heaven". Hence the importance of the apostle's remark that we do not know Him as He was, we now know Him as He is. That is the point of it, and the Holy Spirit has come down from Him there.

B.T.F. Then what would you say regarding the contemplation of Christ as He was? Might we not feed on Him as manna, and in that way be helped?

J.T. The manna is for those who know Him as He is. It is as knowing Him as He is that you go back to what He was and feed on it.

A.F.M. Is the meal a further development of the truth in the passage?

J.T. The meal comes in immediately and I believe it refers to our apprehending the heavenly Man, and then what follows upon that is the man from Baal-shalisha, which refers, I think, to the place where He is; "The Son of man who is in heaven", John 3:13.

A.A.T. What would you say the pottage referred to, in contrast to the meal? The meal was put in the pot.

J.T. It is what was there. The passage reads, "Elisha came again to Gilgal. And there was a famine in the land; and the sons of the prophets were sitting before him. And he said to his servant, Set on the great pot, and boil pottage for the sons of the prophets. Then one went out into the field to gather herbs, and found a wild vine, and gathered from it his lap full of wild colocynths,

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and came and shred them into the pot of pottage: for they did not know them. And they poured out for the men to eat. And it came to pass, as they were eating of the pottage, that they cried out and said, Man of God, there is death in the pot! And they could not eat [it]. And he said, Then bring meal. And he cast [it] into the pot, and said, Pour out for the people, that they may eat. And there was no harm in the pot" (2 Kings 4:38 - 41). I think, what may be noticed is, that it was the prophet who cast it in, he represented God. It is, I think, the way in which Christ is introduced in the ministry of the Spirit.

G.W.H. In this fourth chapter do you get an account of the complete work of the Spirit in the soul?

J.T. It seems so.

F.L. I suppose we get a kind of climax in the concluding verses of the chapter, barley loaves and the full ears of corn.

J.T. The last paragraph typifies a heavenly scene.

F.L. New creation is spoken of in 2 Corinthians 5, and typically it is seen in this chapter in 2 Kings.

J.T. In 2 Corinthians we have the idea of a man in Christ, and that he was caught up into Paradise. That really fits in with these closing verses.

F.L. Do you not think, that if 2 Corinthians 5 went on to show us the full product of the ministry of reconciliation we would have what we get in the end of 2 Kings 4? The product of the ministry of reconciliation is the barley loaves and the full ears of corn.

J.T. Of course barley loaves refer to what Christ is as the firstfruits. I suppose the barley was the first part of the harvest, and no doubt the sheaf of firstfruits in Leviticus 23 was the barley, so that it would all point to Christ as He is now.

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B.T.F. Are the firstfruits on the same line as the meal?

J.T. The firstfruits are for God, as we see in the sheaf being waved before Jehovah in Leviticus 23.

B.T.F. The meal is the heavenly One?

J.T. I think the meal is Christ as He is now, the Second Man out of heaven.

J.S. Are not the barley loaves included in Christianity? Referring to the closing paragraph in 2 Kings 4:42 - 44, the man from Baal-shalisha would suggest Christ in heaven and then the barley loaves and corn would embrace Christianity, would they not?

J.T. I should say so. It reads: "And there came a man from Baal-shalisha, and brought the man of God bread of the firstfruits, twenty loaves of barley, and fresh ears of corn in his sack. And he said, Give to the people, that they may eat. And his attendant said, How shall I set this before a hundred men? And he said, Give the people, that they may eat; for thus saith Jehovah: They shall eat and shall have to spare. And he set [it] before them, and they ate, and left [thereof], according to the word of Jehovah", 2 Kings 4:42 - 44.

P.H.P. The bread in the end of the chapter is Christ according to Ephesians. The woman receiving the child again is according to Colossians, "Christ in you".

A.F.M. I suppose the prime thought is the greatness of the supply; "they ate, and left [thereof]", 2 Kings 4:44.

J.T. So that the whole chapter taken together is a wonderful presentation in type of Christianity, the magnitude and abundance which mark it.

A.F.M. There will be something for the Jews by and by.

J.S. So at the close it is not yet exhausted. We are first, but, as you say, we leave something for the Jews.

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J.T. What has occurred to me of late is that, whilst we should surely be very much humbled on account of conditions that exist, the failure that marks the history of the church, yet the Spirit of God would emphasise the character of the dispensation, what it is from the divine side. It remains what it was, and the Holy Spirit being here, we may count upon an answer to God's desires at the end.

F.L. I think we have the same thought of abundance brought forward in John 6. It was "five barley loaves". Here where it is indicative of the day of the Spirit it is twenty loaves, beside the full ears of corn.

P.H.P. What you were suggesting would culminate in a real heartfelt desire for the Lord to come, so the bride would say, "Come".

C.A.M. In John 6 it is the bread come down from heaven; and that refers to Christ personally?

F.L. Yes, quite so.

W.H.F. Knowing Christ, where He is is not simply a question of faith as to where He is, although that is involved, but it is conscious knowledge by the Spirit.

J.T. I think the teaching of Colossians centres in the mystery, as the mystery is presented in that epistle, "which is Christ in you, the hope of glory", Colossians 1:27. In Ephesians it is said that God "has raised [us] up together, and has made [us] sit down together in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus", Ephesians 2:6. We are in Him in heaven. Then it is further said in Ephesians, "that the Christ may dwell through faith, in your hearts", Ephesians 3:17. It is a further and a greater thought than simply that He should be in us, but that He dwells in us.

C.A.M. Would you say the passage in Colossians, "Christ in you the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27) is a further thought than Romans, having the Spirit of Christ?

J.T. In Romans 8 there is an "if". "If Christ be in you", although it was true, no doubt, of the

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Romans, at the same time it may not have been true of some of them. "If Christ be in you" the apostle says, "the body is dead on account of sin". But in Colossians he says, "Christ in you", without an "if".

F.L. I think Colossians suggests the definite formative work. Ephesians goes further and gives the full developed result.

A.F.M. Would you say that in Philadelphia we have the same thought in connection with recovery? The thought of the Lord's coming is there too, and it is carried right through and found in Revelation 22.

J.T. Would you not think that in regard to Philadelphia, Christ is in them really, because everything is personal there; it is My word -- My name -- My God, etc. It seems to me that what has brought about Philadelphia is a presentation of Christ so that He has become the supreme object of the saints.

C.A.M. To go back in the chapter for a moment, when this child was brought to life again in the image, as it were, of the man of God, would that correspond with "renewed into full knowledge according to [the] image of him that has created him", Colossians 3:10.

F.T. I apprehend that the prophet stretching himself on the child, and putting his eyes on the child's eyes, and his hands on the child's hands, and his mouth to the child's mouth, is the way Christ is formed in the saint. It typifies how Christ is presented to the believer so that a corresponding subjective result may be produced.

J.T. The new man in Colossians 3 is "according to the image of him that has created him".

C.A.M. I was struck with the idea of image.

A.F.M. In verses 32 - 34 of 2 Kings 4 the expression child is used, and afterwards he is called son. "Take up thy son", Elisha says, and she "took up her son and went out", 2 Kings 4:37.

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J.T. Evidently the desire of her heart was to have a son and now she has him as risen from the dead. Compare Isaiah 9:6.

W.H.F. Christ dwelling in your heart by faith is the exalted Christ. That would take account of Him in relation to the divine system, as "the Christ".

A.R. Referring to 2 Corinthians 5:16; when we come together to remember the Lord, do we remember Him as He was or as He is now?

J.T. As He is now I should say. He does not exist as He was.

A.R. Do we not contemplate Him as the Man down here when we come together in that special way?

J.T. You recall the circumstances, but it is Himself you call to mind.

A.R. He is the glorified Man now.

F.L. So if a man goes away from home for a year his wife looks at his photograph, it is to bring him to mind.

J.T. Morally what Christ is now He was when here on earth, and really it is by our knowledge of Him now that we apprehend His manner of life when here; but it is a mistake to think that the Lord's supper is meant to be a remembrance of what He was. "This do in remembrance of me" (Luke 22:19) was given out from heaven. It is the Person that is to be remembered, and, of course, He exists only as He is now in heaven. The apostle says: "though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more".

A.F.M. We do not remember a dead Christ exactly?

J.T. The Lord's supper recalls Himself, the living One, who became dead; death is the proof of this love. I think we feed on a dead Christ. His flesh is truly meat and His blood is truly drink. We need

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such food as that whilst we are down here. That is John 6.

A.F.M. But that is not the Supper?

J.T. Only there is the idea of food in the Lord's supper. It has been remarked that there are two ordinances in Christianity; baptism and the Lord's supper; one introduces me into the wilderness, and the other sustains me in the wilderness. You do feed on what is presented. The thought of food is present. "Take, eat; this is my body", 1 Corinthians 11:24. Surely there is spiritual sustenance in that. It is Christ come down from heaven and dying. That is a very solemn thing, but it sustains our souls as we feed on it while we are down here.

A.P. Why is it called "Supper?"

J.T. Well, it is the last meal of the day, but it is a meal, and so involves sustenance. The idea in Scripture is you eat to live. This is taught in John 6.

A.P. It is to sustain us down here in our wilderness journey, but I was wondering why it is called Supper.

F.L. And not dinner, you mean. I suppose dinner is connected with the introduction of the millennial day, John 21. The supper comes when the work of the day is over. We sit down restfully at supper; we have not a day before us.

J.S. There is nothing to disturb, so you are free to enjoy it.

A.N.W. And we regard the Lord just about to come.

A.F.M. Would you limit John 6 to the Lord's supper?

J.T. No, but the thought enters into it. What we have before us in the emblems is a dead Christ. The blood is separate from the body. That is a solemn thing. It is death that is before us, but it is death as the evidence of love. That is what it is.

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A.F.M. So we recall Him as He is, but feed on Him as having died.

F.L. I think the Lord's presentation to John personally helps us in that way. John says, "I became in [the] Spirit on the Lord's day" (Revelation 1:10) and then the Lord presents Himself. "I am the first and the last, and the living one; and I became dead, and behold, I am living to the ages of ages", Revelation 1:17 - 18. Now as we are in the Spirit on the Lord's day, He discovers Himself to us as the living One, who was dead, and is alive for ever.

J.S. Had you any thought of dwelling further on Romans 8?

J.T. It is the variety of ways in which the Spirit is available to the believer. It says: "ye are not in flesh, but in Spirit, if indeed God's Spirit dwell in you". There the believer, as having the Spirit, is entitled to regard himself as in the Spirit. It is a matter of light as to the Spirit.

C.A.M. And a man in that condition would be able to say "When we were in the flesh" (Romans 7:5) as a past thing, would he not?

J.T. Yes. You are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit if so be that God's Spirit dwell in you.

B.T.F. "A man in Christ" (2 Corinthians 12:2) goes further than that?

J.T. Yes. Here the believer is entitled to regard himself as in the Spirit and not in the flesh. It is a delivering thought. The flesh is a present thing with us and asserts itself, and we are at times baffled, discouraged and dejected, whereas this comes in as a matter of light and comfort. As having the Spirit of God, you are entitled to ever regard yourself as in the Spirit.

W.H.F. Would you call that the divine side?

J.T. It is the ground the believer is to take, as corresponding with his position in Christ.

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W.L.P. The Spirit of Christ would be that which is produced in us, I suppose, by the Spirit of God?

J.T. He characterises you. The Spirit becomes characteristic of you.

F.L. What we get here is very largely a question of title, while Galatians 5 is more what is worked out subjectively; the fruit of the Spirit. You are entitled to reckon yourself that way.

H.C. Is this statement, "Ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit" true of every believer from God's side?

J.T. Every one who has the Spirit of God, and then we have the Spirit of Christ: "If any one has not the Spirit of Christ he is not of him" and then, "If Christ be in you, the body is dead on account of sin; but the Spirit life on account of righteousness. But if the Spirit of him that has raised up Jesus from among the dead dwell in you, he that has raised up Christ from among the dead shall quicken your mortal bodies also on account of his Spirit which dwells in you ... . If ye live according to flesh, ye are about to die; but if by the Spirit, ye put to death the deeds of the body, ye shall live: for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God". There are the different connections, and it is most important for each believer to see that he has the Spirit and that is power, as indicated here.

A.R.S. What is the difference between "in Spirit" here and in Revelation where John says, "I became in [the] Spirit on the Lord's day", Revelation 1:10.

J.T. There, I think, he is wholly under the control of the Spirit, in a state of blessed abstraction, whereas Romans is light for those who have the Spirit, they are no longer in the flesh. They are thus fortified against the flesh.

A.R.S. What you are saying recalls to me what I heard a great many years ago. Mr. Stoney spoke of standing and state. Now this is standing, is it not?

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J.T. No, this is state, only it is presented abstractly. In virtue of the possession of the Holy Spirit you have a state corresponding with your standing. According to chapter 6 I reckon myself alive to God in Christ. That is a reckoning, you see, but then this chapter supports the reckoning, so that in it you find the support of the Spirit and you are entitled to regard that as qualifying you subjectively for the presence of God. This helps one, too, against the inroads of the flesh. I know it helps me. Under all circumstances I hold to this one thought. I know I have the Spirit and, as having the Spirit, I am entitled to regard myself as in the Spirit and not in the flesh. It is a great stay to the heart.

Ques. Do you call Romans 8 light?

J.T. It is light, just as what we get in 2 Kings 4. Elisha represents the light of God. Now Romans 8 is light in regard to the Spirit.

A.N.W. I thought light refers to what is objective.

J.T. Yes, but you need light as to what is subjective. The widow needed light as to what she had in the house. That is light as to what is in the house, so to speak.

A.N.W. Corresponding with chapter 5, which is objective?

J.T. I think so. The epistle is divided into two parts, as we know, at chapter 5, and I apprehend that what we get up to that chapter is what has been effected in Christ outside of myself; but I want to know what is "in the house", what I have. I have the Spirit, and chapter 8 is light as to this. So it is in that way that I am guided. Even the resurrection of the body, the quickening, is by the Spirit in this chapter, whereas the Lord does it elsewhere and God does it. Here it is "on account of his Spirit which dwells in you".

J.C. Will you speak of: "If any one has not the Spirit of Christ, he is not of him".

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J.T. That disqualifies a great many. The question is, Have you the Spirit of Christ? That is how a man is marked off.

Rem. You can see it if a man has the Spirit of Christ.

Ques. Would Stephen illustrate it? He is spoken of as being full of the Holy Spirit, and at the end of Acts 7 he is marked by the Spirit of Christ.

J.T. That is very beautiful. You mean that he prayed for his enemies.

A.F.M. You do not unchristianise a man if he has not the Spirit of Christ? You would not say he was not a believer?

J.T. You do not know. What have you to go by?

A.F.M. No, but he is not of Christ's order or kind if he has not Christ's Spirit.

J.T. It means that he has no part in Christ.

F.L. The only thing we can go by is fruit. Beyond that we have to leave it. If proud, haughty and pleasure loving, we are checked by this if we profess to be Christians.

A.F.M. There are many weak believers that stumble at that verse and wonder if they are believers at all.

J.T. It does not refer to such. In this same epistle it says, "him that is weak in the faith receive", Romans 14:1. One may be weak in the faith and yet a brother; so it does not refer to people like that at all, but to pretentious people with great light and natural intelligence, but not a right spirit.

A.A.T. I once heard you remark that nobody could judge himself unless he had the Spirit.

J.T. Not rightly and fully without the Spirit of God.

W.L.P. Others have to judge by the fruit if you have the Spirit of Christ.

J.T. Yes, quite.

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F.L. The distinction in the New Translation is important. In the authorised version it is, "If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his", but the language rightly should be, "If any one has not the Spirit of Christ he is not of him".

H.C. Speaking of the Spirit of that Man, Christ, is it the result of formation that is referred to here; as we are formed by the Spirit, the Spirit of that Man comes out. Is that not what this refers to?

J.T. Yes.

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Psalm 118:22 - 24; Acts 2:1 - 4, 32 - 36

In reading this passage from the Psalms what I had in mind was to call attention particularly to the twenty-fourth verse: "This is the day that Jehovah hath made". I wish to call attention to that day, a day of divine design and making; and in speaking about the day that the Lord hath made one is reminded of the first piece of workmanship in the creation as we know it. It was a day: "There was evening, and there was morning -- the first day", Genesis 1:5. God in that way began His work with one day. I am not ignoring what He had done before, for much preceded that day, both in regard to time and in regard to work. God speaks to Job of a day, antecedent to this, a period in which God had laid the foundations of the earth. He wrought by weight and measure, having in mind the top stone, as it were, so that all should be perfectly poised. He wrought with design, and it is said that "the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy", Job 38:7. They took account of what He was doing and they sympathised with Him in it. They were "glad in it".

In Genesis 1 the measure of time that we find, covered by the word "day", involves, as I said, a piece of workmanship. God had commanded that there should be light. He commanded that. It was imperative; anything that God commands is imperative. It was imperative on account of the darkness; it says, "there was light", and, the light appearing at His word, He names it. "God called the light Day" (Genesis 1:5) and it "was good".

Now I mention all this so that you may at the outset have before you what I have in mind, namely, that a day is a measure of time, and that it is equivalent to light. "He called the light Day" (Genesis 1:5) then, as

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a measure of time divinely prescribed and named, it involves responsibility. In other words, in our histories each day has its own responsibilities and its own possibilities. As the sun arises on each of us, normally we think of what lies ahead, of the possibilities of the day, and of the responsibilities of the day. So that our lives are just so many days.

Now God makes each day for us, as I was saying. I never look at my days as simply the product of the revolution of the sun; that is mechanical. They were all seen in the distance by God, and I never curse any of them. A Christian never curses any of his days. Do you ever regret the days? Jacob's were six score years and ten multiplied by three hundred and sixty-five. They were evil days, according to his own judgment of them. "The days of the years of my sojourning", he says, "are a hundred and thirty years. Few and evil have been the days of the years of my life", Genesis 47:9. Now that should not be a Christian's experience. Job cursed his day, the day on which he was born. Think of that! A day on which the sun arose, a day in which, as we might say, the moon and the stars with all their benign influence appeared. A puny man lifts up his voice to curse a day on which he was born! Were there no others born on that day? Such is man left to himself. He cursed his day in eloquent language, too.

I am making these remarks in a very practical way to raise concern with us as to how we look at our days, and how we spend them. It is happy for us if we can take a retrospective view, and see that there has been something for God in each day that is past; and thus as day is added to day, and week to week, and month to month, and year to year, there is woven out in my history that which God can take up, and this is in view of the great moral system of things that He has in His mind for the

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future. Such I perceive are Christian days, days in which men and women, justified through the death of the Lord Jesus and indwelt by the Spirit of God, spend their time on this earth. Such days are not evil: a day in which one lives in the Spirit and walks in the Spirit is truly very good. But what I have in mind is not our days, but the day which God has made for His own satisfaction; a day in which His nature and attributes are seen.

Now I want to say a word about a day mentioned in the book of Joshua, about which the Spirit of God says, there was none like it before nor after; that is, up to the time in which the event was recorded. It was a day in which God's people, led by Joshua, were confronted by powerful enemies, and Joshua lifts up his voice to God. He prays, as we may say, to Jehovah, and the word was that the sun should stand still and the moon in the valley of Ajalon. Now think of that for a moment, as a day. It was an arresting of the course of the heavenly bodies at the voice of a man. Is that not like our day? Has not the course of moral history been stayed by the voice of a Man? As the Lord Jesus Christ hung on Calvary's cross, there was being perpetuated a crime the like of which never had been enacted before nor since. The normal answer to that crime, the normal penalty, would have been vengeance. The normal course of government implied that penalty should have been meted out to the perpetrators of that crime, and others that had been accumulating up to that time; but a Man speaks! One might picture all the heavenly intelligences hushed, if those on earth were not, to hearken to the movement of those holy lips of Christ on the cross, as He says, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do", Luke 23:34. We might say the course of government was arrested as that voice arose. He dies; He is buried; He rises; He goes into

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heaven, and again a voice of prayer. He received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, and He sheds it forth, and we have thus introduced what we may call "The day which the Lord hath made". Viewed from the governmental side, a parenthesis had begun. The clock, as it were, the clock of time, as we have often heard it, had stopped. In that parenthesis, I may say, following the figure, we have brought about according to divine design, a day.

Joshua caused the sun to stand still. It stopped its course then for vengeance. Heaven helped Israel in the execution of vengeance on their enemies. Now contrast that with the voice of Christ! "Father, forgive them", He says, "for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34) and the clock stops. Christ dies, as I said, and goes into the grave. He is "raised up from among [the] dead by the glory of the Father", Romans 6:4. That does not involve judgment. In that word, "glory of the Father", we have the secret of this great day. It was in the heart of the Father that there should be such a day. Christ was "raised up from among the dead by the glory of the Father"; and it is said that He "is set down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:2) not on His own throne yet. That does not enter into the day which the Lord has made; He is on the Father's throne. Jesus is on the Father's throne tonight. Instead of wrath, Christ says to His disciples, "Do ye remain in the city till ye be clothed with power from on high", Luke 24:49. He had a day in His mind, and He says further to them that "repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name to all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem", Luke 24:47. That is another element of the day.

After saying these things He blesses His disciples and is carried up into heaven. He is thus made the Head of the corner. Now it is in Christ being there that one sees the completion of what one might call the heavenly side of the day, for the day stretches

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down to earth. The light is there. The Psalmist says, "This is of Jehovah" (Psalm 118:23) He has placed that Man on His throne. It is said of Solomon that he sat on the throne of Jehovah. A remarkable expression, meaning that in that man's reign there should be the fulfilment of the promises of God to Israel. Now what about Christ's position on the Father's throne? What does that mean to me? It means the fulfilment, not of promises, although promises will be fulfilled; it means the outshining of what God is. I want to make that clear to you.

What I am leading up to is the day in which we are now. Christ on the Father's throne means the outshining of what God is, and the administration of all the blessing He has in His heart for men. It is the day of the reign of grace and of the activities of the Holy Spirit. Think of all that entering into a day! We must allow God to limit the length of that day. If He makes it, He makes it great enough and long enough to accomplish His blessed designs. Jesus is on the Father's throne! Let those words sink down into your hearts. He is on the Father's throne. John says, referring to this very thing, "The Father loves the Son, and has given all things [to be] in his hand", John 3:35. Now there must be a period of time in which Jesus, the Son, administers the "all things" and so, the next person He meets, according to John's record, is the woman of Samaria. Jesus "sat just as He was". If there is one thing about the blessed Lord more than another, it is that He never was affected. He was always just as He was. He "sat just as he was at the fountain" (John 4:6) but beneath that outward garb of humanity, yea human weariness, was the Son. "If thou knewest" He says, "the gift of God, and who it is that says to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water", John 4:10. Living

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water is given in that day that the Lord has made. It belongs to it.

The Spirit of God in the second of Acts sets out in beautiful order the facts that occurred on the day of Pentecost. It says, "When the day of Pentecost was now accomplishing ... there came suddenly a sound out of heaven as of a violent impetuous blowing", That was what was observable in Jerusalem. Instead of wrath, there came out of heaven a sound "as of a violent impetuous blowing, and filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them parted tongues, as of fire, and it sat upon each of them". And then it says, "they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave to them to speak forth". Now these are the facts and I want you to note them. They are all simple, well known perhaps to many of us, but I wish you to note them. "They were all filled", it says, "with the Holy Spirit". Filled! You see the day had extended down to earth. It was complete. The Son is in the heavens, Jesus is on the Father's throne, and as there, as Peter explains, "having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this".

Now I want you to dwell on these things. My point is that we might go back to the beginning and see what the day is that Jehovah had made. It says, "he has poured out this which ye behold and hear". You may say to me, 'We have no difficulty about Christ in the heavens. We believe it. We believe that Christ is in heaven, but our difficulty is that we do not see here on earth that which is spoken of in this chapter' . With shamefacedness we, as Christians, have to admit that, whilst we are assured, yea certain, that the Holy Spirit is here, yet there is very little to "see and hear"; but, whilst I say very little, I imply that there is something on earth. You

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will remember how the Lord said to Philadelphia, "thou hast a little power", Revelation 3:8. Now it is worth while to look out for that "little power", if you desire to have some idea of the day in which we live. It may require, and indeed men of God have done this, that we put our faces between our knees, like Elijah at mount Carmel, to see it. Elijah sent his servant to see the sign of the blessing coming. He says, "Behold, there is a cloud, small as a man's hand, arising out of the sea",1 Kings 18:44. That is enough! If you put your face between your knees, or as Paul says, "Bow my knees" (Ephesians 3:14) in exercise of soul, you may depend upon it that you will see the evidence of blessing. The use of the words "a man's hand" is suggestive. A man's hand belongs to the day. Whilst the Lord was here His hand wrought. "I must work ..". He says, "while it is day. [The] night is coming, when no one can work" (John 9:4), and so the work goes on. What work? The work of God. I have not a doubt about it. At the beginning we see "the wonderful works of God" these works continue, the Holy Spirit being here, the hand of God is here, and so the work goes on. Thank God for that! I thoroughly believe that as we are exercised before God we shall see it, and the more you see it the less discouraged you are. But it is not only that that hand is for me, I want to be with it. You want to be with that hand, and the more you are with it, the more you realise that it is with you. That is the encouragement that I see for the moment.

Now that is the nature of the day; that is, the day which Jehovah has made, and I want to appeal to every one of you and to myself, as to whether, first of all, you see it, as to whether you are aware of it and its magnitude, and as to whether you have any joy in it? The Spirit of Christ says, "we will rejoice and be glad in it". I am prepared to get down with brethren as regards the failure of the

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church. I believe it; I own it; but we must not lose sight of the day that the Lord has made. We must not lose sight of that day, and in apprehending it you are not going to be out of accord with it. I would cite you as an example of what I am remarking, Gideon. The book of Judges depicts a period in which Jehovah was acknowledged to be Israel's King. Gideon accomplished a great victory and the people are prepared to make him the king. Ours is the day in which there is outwardly no king. I hope it is not a day in which every one does what is right in his own eyes. We should be like the locusts who have no king, yet "they go forth all of them by bands", Proverbs 30:27. Now we do not want to alter that state of things. The people say to Gideon "Rule thou over us". Gideon replies: "I will not rule over you ... Jehovah will rule over you", Judges 8:23. That was a noble reply. Is there anyone who wants to be in the place of leadership? Think of Gideon! He was true to his day. His son Abimelech, alas, came forward to rule, and slew his brethren to this end. We do not want that, we want things as God has made them. We cannot improve on the day. It is the day which Jehovah has made. Our part is to rejoice and be glad in it. Is it so with us?

I close with that, although I have treated the subject very imperfectly and inadequately; but I think I have made clear to you that God has inaugurated a period of time, a day, which is according to His own blessed nature. It is governed from His own throne, the Father's throne, by a Man. As Ezekiel saw in the vision the figure of a man in the bright spot "above the expanse" (Ezekiel 1:26) so Stephen sees Jesus in the brightest spot in the glory. Seeing Jesus there, Stephen bows his knees. He was a wonderful reflection of the light of the Father's throne and the prayer uttered by Christ! "And kneeling down, he cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay

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not this sin to their charge", Acts 7:60. He was in wonderful accord with the day that Jehovah had made. He was equal to it under the most painful circumstances. He was a perfect reflection of Christ in the midst of the darkness in Jerusalem. How one would seek to be that! To be just unvarnished, unaffected, to be here according to the divine appointment, maintaining in one's ways, and walk, and spirit, the day which Jehovah has made, and rejoicing in it and being glad in it! May God grant this to us!

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Luke 24:33 - 40; John 20:19 - 23

The word mutuality has been much in my mind today, and it is the word I wish to speak about from these scriptures to show that Christianity in its inception was to be marked by this.

The Lord in leaving His disciples on earth and going to the Father, took great pains to fortify them in view of the varied contingencies which would arise during the period of His absence, and I need not remind you that His words were not simply local in their bearing; they show the end from the beginning; indeed one might say that the gospel narratives are rarely, if at all, local. They are on the divine platform, it being the divine mind for them to be narrated and left with us. Their bearing is general and universal, so that in treating of the truth from different points of view they treat of it in its entirety, at least in principle. The epistles no doubt give details, but the gospels set out the truth in its general bearing, and this especially as referring to the truth of the assembly.

The Lord at the close of His sojourn on earth, having withdrawn from His public service, devoted Himself to the company He had drawn around Himself. He was about to suffer, and He had them in His mind, He was not thinking of the nation now, but the "you", the tiny band of whom He had previously spoken as "a little flock". He loved to regard them in that light. He said, "Fear not, little flock, for it has been the good pleasure of your Father to give you the kingdom", Luke 12:32. It was the Father's pleasure and He would prepare them for that, and for occupying here on earth until His return. So He devoted Himself to them, especially on the last night, the night of His betrayal, and the disciple John is specially

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selected by the Spirit as the vessel to enlarge on that evening. The disciple John, who styles himself as "that disciple ... whom Jesus loved" (John 21:7) was humble and unpretentious as to himself, yet enjoying the greatest thoughts and privileges. He had access to the heart of Jesus. He was, we may say, the antitype of the Urim and Thummim. Hence he was qualified to be taken up by the Spirit to narrate for us the occurrences of that last evening. He lived to be a very old man, and I have not a doubt that he reverted continuously to that time. It was the evening of all evenings to him, the evening in which he received impressions that never left him.

So he tells us in this whole chapter and the four following ones, about what happened, what the Lord Jesus did on that night. It is an account in which every one who loves Jesus delights, for he lives in what is there. The Lord, at the end of His discourse in connection with feet-washing and His betrayal, said, "A new commandment I give to you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you" (John 13:34) That ye love one another: it is an enforced statement, and then to reinforce this He said, "By this shall all know that ye are disciples of mine, if ye have love amongst yourselves", John 13:35. Yourselves. Have we that? It is this word that I dwell on for a moment, for it conveys to us the thought I have in my mind, namely, mutuality. The word "yourselves" refers to John and James and Peter, Matthew, Thomas and all the others. It is a word that conveys mutuality. We are to have love amongst us.

Now before I dwell further on this point I wish to remind you that in John's gospel the Lord places Himself, as it were, in the centre of a vast expanse, an expanse far exceeding what we call 'the solar system' The Lord was "the true light ... which ... lightens every man", John 1:9. The light was impartial. The word impartiality may be conveniently grouped

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with mutuality. If you are partial you will not be mutual. If you are impartial you will arrive at mutuality. The Lord Jesus shone "on every man", not every Jew merely. John says further, "In him was life, and the life was the light of men", John 1:4. Dear brethren, let me press this on you and on myself, let us not refuse to be tested by that one statement. The Lord Jesus sets forth the great idea of impartiality. Christians are to be impartial. James says we are to act "without partiality".

John tells us in chapter 13 that supper being ended, Jesus took a towel and water and washed the disciples' feet. He might have requested that one of His disciples should help. No: there is to be no help in feet washing. You are to do it yourself. Do not say you cannot. The Lord did it Himself without any aid. Martha had complained that she did not get any help. There was ground for it from the natural point of view, but none at all from the spiritual. In service you do not seek it. The Lord was pleased to gird Himself. He took water, poured it into a basin, and washed the feet of each disciple. He did it. What a model for us! He says, "Do ye know what I have done to you?", John 13:12. Doubtless we all know the letter of that wonderful chapter, but have we understood it? "Ye call me the Teacher and the Lord, and ye say well, for I am [so]. If I therefore, the Lord and the Teacher, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another's feet", John 13:13 - 14. It is not that Peter should wash John's, and that John should wash Peter's in return; that is not the idea in "one another". "One another" is a mutual expression.

Now to proceed. Judas then went out, and this new commandment was given. I have no doubt that Judas' defection and betrayal of Jesus had brought into evidence their need of love amongst themselves. He had already probed them, in saying, "one of you". They looked on one another, but each said, "Is it

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I?" Let us thus turn it on ourselves. That is the sure way of eating the sin offering. Do not say, "It is he", but "Is it I?" Apparently they did not know Judas then. It is one of the twelve, "He it is to whom I, after I have dipped the morsel, give it", John 13:26. "What thou doest, do quickly". Jesus knew what was in Judas' heart to do. It was to be done quickly. And as he received the morsel Satan entered into Judas, and he went out, and it was night. Judas was the leader of the betrayal and hatred against Christ; he is the inaugurator of the anti-Christian world. "He went out", and took out into the world that which had never been there before, the spirit of the betrayal of the Lord Jesus. He left the circle in which Christ was, so there was the necessity for a new commandment in regard to them. Let us never be satisfied with our love for Christ. It is not anything like what it should be. In Peter's case love was so hidden that apparently only the Lord knew it, but it was there. The Lord would have others know of your love for Him. Our love for Him is proved by our love for each other.

It is not wise to tell the brethren that the Lord knows your heart. Make inquiries as to how much they know. Do they know anything about your love? It is a good question. How much do the brethren know of it? Peter says, "Lord, thou knowest that I love thee" (John 21:16); but did John know? The disciples evidently did not know Judas, and that he had no love for Christ. The presence of love amongst ourselves enables us to detect evil, and the good also is rightly estimated. If we take note of who contributes to the saints we shall soon find out who has love. The apostle says, if we have not love we are nothing. The Greeks did not have love, nor the Jews; no nations had it; on the contrary they were hateful and hating one another. What a terrible spectacle the nations present at the present time! But the

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Lord's thought was that there should be a circle here marked by having love amongst themselves. It was ever to be there. What a stand-by it has been for Christians since. See how Christians love one another. They have love. It is manifest in their meetings and in their general relations to one another. They prove, we may be assured, that "love never fails", 1 Corinthians 13:8.

Now Jude comes in at the end, in view of the great apostasy: "Beloved ... keep yourselves in the love of God", Jude 1:20 - 21. No one of us is a source in himself, nor can we do without each other; there is to be mutual preservation. "Praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God". The love of God always exists, but we are to keep ourselves in it. The Lord says, "When the Son of man comes, shall he indeed find faith", Luke 18:8. One might add, Shall He find love. He has left the Spirit here and has given a new commandment that He might find love when He comes. If a brother fails, the Lord will not cease to shine on him. He will shine on his back; but how much better to be in the circle of the praying ones:

"Ye beloved ... praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God", Jude 1:20 - 21. It becomes mutual. You get love from the same source from whence I get it, for it is entirely impartial. It produces impartiality in your soul and mine, and hence a mutual state of things will exist.

I want to show you further from Genesis how a state of things such as I have described invites a divine visitation, and this visitation is characterised by mutuality. You will have observed that the conditions were such as the Lord could delight in; in other words, Abraham was living up to his light. He was in a tent. The Lord had spoken to him about circumcision. He had changed his name and indicated to him that he was to be the father of many nations. His name was changed from Abram to Abraham. He was in the light of the almighty power of God.

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"Walk before my face and be perfect", Genesis 17:1. God says. And now Abraham is in the full light of his calling. He is intelligent as to it. He is sitting in the door of his tent in the plain of Mamre. Abraham lifts up his eyes; previously he had been told that the land, north, south, east and west was his, according to counsel, but Abraham never dug the foundation of a house. He lived in a tent. In Hebrews the Spirit tells us he dwelt in tents by faith with Isaac and Jacob.

The Lord acknowledged the walk and ways of His servant. He comes to His servant; He comes in company, not alone. Abraham saw "three men". Lot saw two angels, but Abraham said "My Lord", though there were three. He was intelligent and humble, yet in perfect liberty, recognising what the Lord would condescend to. He knew the Lord, so be addresses Him, as the passage reads, "My Lord", and "they said", The principle of mutuality is there, dear brethren, but Abraham carefully addresses the Lord, which every one who loves Him, I am sure, would do. The apostle says, "No one can say, Lord Jesus, unless in [the power of the] Holy Spirit", 1 Corinthians 12:3. That is a remarkable expression. It is an expression of affection and respect. The Lord is pleased to be amongst us in grace, so in answer to Abraham's proposal it says, "they said". It is to convey the simplicity and mutuality of this remarkable occasion. There was a mutual answer to the proposal of the patriarch, as if the Lord would set Abraham at perfect liberty. There were three visitors to converse with, and before whom he could set down a repast. "They said, So do as thou hast said", Genesis 18:5. Is it not attractive? Is it not worth our while to bring about these conditions? It is. The conditions themselves involve blessing unspeakable.

How much is attained when a visitation of the Lord is secured. He approves what He finds according

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to His own mind. He takes a place amongst us as recognising mutual relations, although, of course, always pre-eminent. Compare Peter and the tribute money. "Take that and give it to them for me and thee", Matthew 17:27. The Lord is the Firstborn among many brethren. His message by Mary was to the company who had been attracted to Him, who had continued with Him through His temptation. They were precious in His sight. They were to be regarded as His brethren. Earlier He had partaken of the passover with them. Here again we see mutuality: "with them". The Lord graciously imparts to the scene of Mamre the spirit of mutuality. I believe this spirit of mutuality will be in heaven eternally. It is "Jesus alone with themselves", Mark 9:8. It is marked by perfect simplicity, and yet fraught with infinite blessedness. It is simply "Jesus alone with themselves" -- ourselves. In the meantime, as we are true to His principles, we enjoy His presence in our own circle. There will be suffering, but how can this compare with the enjoyment within, the presence of the Lord amongst us? May He give to understand it, dear brethren.

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Matthew 18:1 - 6

References to children in Scripture are numerous, and none are more interesting than those in the gospels. A little child is usually attractive.

In Matthew we are told that the disciples inquired of the Lord, "Who then is greatest in the kingdom of the heavens?" Before replying, "Jesus having called a little child to him, set it in their midst". As in the midst, the child would be before the eyes of all the disciples. The Lord's object in this was to demonstrate to their vision what He was about to convey in words to their ears. So He said, "Verily I say to you, Unless ye are converted, and become as little children, ye will not at all enter into the kingdom of the heavens". The kingdom of heaven is of such, hence the urgent need that believers should become as little children. For this conversion is the first necessity, for naturally we do not wish to be considered little children; to become great or conspicuous is the governing motive in the unregenerate heart. The teaching of Christ suggests the opposite of this, and a little child represents the spirit of His instruction. Humility, simplicity, guilelessness and confidingness mark the little child. Hence the Lord says further, "Whoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of the heavens".

We must inquire more closely into the instruction our Lord was pleased to furnish in this connection. For this we may turn to Mark 9:33, 37. In Matthew 18 it is simply a question as to who is greatest in the kingdom, but in Mark we read of a disputation among themselves who should be greatest, and Luke 9 of the "reasoning of their heart" as to this. Evidently the question was, Who should be greatest

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amongst themselves. The Lord discerns this reasoning of their hearts, and rebukes it by setting the little child before them.

In Matthew the child is called; he was not exactly with the Lord, we may say. This is often true of us, although in a general way we may have the character of a little child. But how blessed to have this character, and to be at least within the call of Christ, so that He might use us to reflect His own Spirit and nature before others. According to Mark He takes the little child and sets him in their midst. This suggests previous nearness. It comes after He had "called the twelve", having sat down, and said to them, "If any one would be first, he shall be last of all, and minister of all", Mark 9:35. Following this He takes the little child in His arms. How lovely is the picture. How worth while it is to be of no repute in one's own eyes, if, as a consequence, one is taken into the arms of Christ! With this representative of a believer formed after Himself in His arms, the Lord further says, "Whosoever shall receive one of such little children in my name, receives me; and whosoever shall receive me, does not receive me, but him who sent me", Mark 9:37. From this statement it is clear that the believer's concern should be, in all his relations to be marked by the spirit and character of Christ. Being "one of such little children" here on earth in Christ's name, the attitude of others towards him, whether it be of love or hatred, is really their attitude toward Christ and toward God. The Lord would call His people to Him, indeed He is doing so, and would sit down and instruct them in this way. May we all hearken and be learners!

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Pages 106 - 228 -- "Readings on Leviticus", Brooklyn, 1917 (Volume 36.)


Leviticus 1

F.L. To understand the point of view in this book I suppose we should refer back to Exodus 40:25. In that chapter things are seen in suitability to God; hence He came to dwell in the tabernacle.

J.T. I think it is well to keep that in view, because the book of Leviticus depends on the teaching of Exodus. Exodus shows how the tabernacle was introduced and reared up; how that in every part it was according to the divine pattern, and anointed with oil; so God was complacent in it and came in to dwell there. "The glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle", Exodus 40:35. It is from this position that God speaks to Moses. It will be observed here that God called unto Moses, "and spoke to him out of the tent of meeting". He is now in a position to be approached.

F.L. And it is suitable that He should begin with the burnt-offering.

A.A.T. Would you say that Exodus is God's approach to man, and Leviticus man's approach to God?

J.T. Yes. God came down to dwell. He delivered His people out of Egypt, brought them into the wilderness, and desired them to build a tabernacle that He might dwell among them. Therefore Exodus typifies the Lord Jesus as become Man and effecting redemption, and on the ground of this the Christian system has been established, and the way is now opened for man to approach God through Christ.

F.L. It is well to have our minds upon that central thought. The great central thought is that God

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would be approached in the place where He is at home.

J.T. And He begins with what denotes the highest spiritual ability to enter into; namely, the burnt-offering.

A.F.M. Would you say why Moses is addressed, he being the apostle, instead of Aaron, the priest?

J.T. Because it is a question of communication; authority is involved; hence Moses is addressed. In Acts 2 it is said that Christ "received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit". That was on our side. Then it says, "he has poured out this, which ye behold and hear" (Acts 2:33) which was more apostolic, as were all the communications that followed; hence in Hebrews Christ is referred to as the "Apostle and High Priest of our confession", Hebrews 3:1.

A.N.W. Priesthood is on our side; hence we have in verse 5: "and Aaron's sons, the priests, shall present the blood, and sprinkle the blood round about on the altar".

F.L. Authority, revelation, and communications, suggest apostleship. Whereas the priest is on our side, and is necessary if man is to approach.

J.T. Yes. The priest would come in on the side of the offerer. He carried on his service in the full light of the revelation made.

C.B. I notice that it is said "Aaron's sons", not Aaron and his sons.

J.T. That is worthy of note, showing that the priestly service, typified in the offerings, is carried on by the saints.

A.F.M. In the opening of Numbers the wilderness seems to be prominent in connection with the tabernacle; but here it is the tabernacle itself.

J.T. Yes. Primarily the title of the book of Numbers seems to have been "In the wilderness". It treats of the position of the testimony in a contrary

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scene. You will observe that Numbers opens as follows: "And Jehovah spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai in the tent of meeting, on the first of the second month, in the second year after their departure from the land of Egypt", Numbers 1:1. This fact helps to an understanding of the teaching in the respective books. In Leviticus there is nothing said about the tabernacle being in the wilderness, nor are any dates given in the opening verses, as in Numbers. Outward position and time have nothing to do with approach to God. Besides, God would have all His people approach, however young some of them may be in the truth. Whereas He does take account of our spiritual age in setting us in our relation to the testimony. Every Christian with love in his heart for God wants to draw near.

F.L. Exodus gives us the structure of the tabernacle, Leviticus the moral element which is seen in the offerer approaching God. Numbers sets the believer in relation to the testimony.

J.T. Exodus is the groundwork of all. Redemption is seen there and on this everything rests.

Ques. Why is the tabernacle called "The tent of meeting"

J.T. Because it is a question of God meeting with man here. In Numbers it is more the tabernacle of witness; because the point there is what is presented outwardly in testimony.

W.B. Hebrews would correspond with Leviticus for us. We are there encouraged to draw near, "Having ... boldness for entering into the [holy of] holies by the blood of Jesus, the new and living way which he has dedicated for us through the veil, that is, his flesh", Hebrews 10:19 - 20.

J.T. We may say, however, in this respect, that Hebrews is usually in contrast to the types. But having the Holy Spirit, we are enabled to avail ourselves of the teaching of the types in reading

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Hebrews; hence the understanding of Leviticus greatly helps us in reading Hebrews.

F.L. We have now title to enter the holiest, "[Having] a great priest over the house of God", Hebrews 10:21. This privilege is not limited for us to once a year; it is always open to us.

J.T. We should take note of how the subject is introduced, 'When any man of you'; namely, any one who is in relationship with God. It is the believer who brings the offering. The worshipper comes into evidence in this way typically. He draws near to God; and he draws near with a full appreciation of Christ in his heart. One can understand how a priest, Eleazar, for instance, would take account of an Israelite coming up out of the camp with a bullock as an offering to Jehovah.

A.R.S. So that the offering here is not an offering brought by a sinner. It is a worshipper who approaches, typically, because he knows God and loves God.

J.T. This offering supposes the highest spiritual ability. The full answer to it in Christianity, no doubt, was seen on the day of Pentecost. Perhaps that occasion furnishes the greatest evidence of spiritual energy and power in the saints. God took account of all that, and it is in view in this type.

F.L. Abel's offering was evidently of this order.

C.B. It is said of him, "By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain", Hebrews 11:4.

J.T. The offerer of the burnt-offering has, typically, a very great appreciation of Christ. The priest would be greatly interested in this offerer, for the priest ever considers for God.

A.F.M. Will you tell us what this burnt-offering suggests? You spoke of the size, what does that suggest?

J.T. It suggests the great appreciation of Christ in the offerer. The priest would take account of the

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size, or value, of the man's offering. Typically he apprehends Christ as having come to do the will of God. The Lord said, "Lo, I come ... to do, O God, thy will", Hebrews 10:7. He was here entirely for God's will. He did not exercise His own will. The man who brings a bullock as a burnt-offering appreciates all this in Christ, and that suggests that he too is subject to God's will and delights in it. Whereas the offerer of the pigeon, as mentioned at the end of the chapter, has evidently, not come to this. The pigeon's head was to be pinched off, and his crop and feathers cast beside the altar on the east part, by the place of the ashes. It is questionable, therefore, whether the offerer of the pigeon is marked by a subdued will. He has but a feeble appreciation of the devotedness of Christ.

F.L. It helps us to see this distinction in the offerers, as denoted in their offerings. It is worthy of note, too, that there is no compulsion, the offerings are all voluntary.

J.S. The priest, we may assume, takes account of the size of the offering. He would consider for God, and for the provision for God's house.

J.T. There is that too. The priest will consider for God, he always does. One who is in a priestly state values a brother on account of his contribution in the assembly. Exodus is the divine side. It is the revelation, typically, of what God is, and of His mind as to the character of His abode. It was all presented concretely before the eye of the Israelite in the tabernacle. The cloud rested on the tabernacle as the witness to every Israelite that God was there. It was now his opportunity to show how much he appreciated this; hence he would come up with his offering. The offerer's spiritual measure therefore, would be indicated by the value of the offering he brought.

A.N.W. I thought God had a right to look for the

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bullock in view of all that He effected for the people, as recorded in Exodus. The bullock would necessarily afford more sweet savour than a smaller offering. God would get more and the priest would get more.

J.T. The whole of the burnt-offering was for God with the exception of the skin, which belonged to the priest who offered.

F.L. In John's epistle we have a gradation of the family: fathers, young men, and babes. There can be no doubt we have the same gradation here; I think John's writings are generally on the line of the burnt-offering. He speaks much of the Lord having come to do the Father's will, and this works out in the saints, as seen in John's epistles. Romans sets before us the way the believer is brought to appreciate the will of God. He presents his body a living sacrifice and proves "what [is] the good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God", Romans 12:2.

T.A. Why is it said, "make atonement" in verse 4?

J.T. It must ever be remembered that the types are but a shadow of the truth. The teaching of Hebrews is, "for by one offering he has perfected in perpetuity the sanctified", Hebrews 10:14. So that our consciences are purged, there is no more need of sacrifice for sin. It is true, however, that the efficacy of the sacrifice of Christ is ever present to the conscience, so that the Christian draws near by the blood of Christ, "sprinkled as to our hearts from a wicked conscience, and washed as to our body with pure water", Hebrews 10:22.

B.T.F. The order of appreciation here is downward, that is, from the bullock to the sheep or goat, and then to the turtle doves or young pigeons.

J.T. It is well to see that the offering denotes the spiritual stature of the offerer. How delightful to God to see a man here so appreciative of Christ,

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as having come to do His will, that he also is devoted to the will of God.

B.T.F. Do we see greater appreciation in those who offer a burnt-offering than in those who offer a meat-offering?

J.T. The meat-offering is Christ as He might have been in the ordinary circumstances of life when here on earth; all the grace that was peculiar to Him as a Man amongst men, but tested even unto death. A man who brought such an offering undoubtedly typifies a spiritual believer, for only such an one appreciates the Man Christ Jesus.

But the burnt-offering obviously has the first place as involving the complete surrender of the Lord in every respect, and His entire devotion to the will of the Father. "On this account the Father loves me, because I lay down my life, that I may take it again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it again. I have received this commandment of my Father", John 10:17 - 18. Then in Gethsemane we have the, full expression of it. He recoiled from the forsaking of God but went through it in obedience, saying, "but then,, not my will, but thine be done", Luke 22:42.

A.N.W. So that the burnt-offering is the basis of all. Are not all the other gospels in a sense dependent on John?

J.T. I think so. There the Lord says, "I have glorified thee on the earth, I have completed the work which thou gavest me that I should do it", John 17:4. And on the cross He uttered, "It is finished". What infinite satisfaction there was for God in all that! What a basis, too, for the accomplishment of all His counsels! In view of all this we may well understand how God values the man who draws near with Christ in his heart in this light. One who appreciates Gethsemane can thus draw near to God.

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F.L. The mention of atonement here suggests a wonderful thing. Sin having come into the universe Christ comes and touches it in such a way that He glorifies God in the removal of it. John speaks of Christ as the One "who takes away the sin of the world", John 1:29.

T.A. John is the only evangelist who records for us the Lord's expression on the cross, "It is finished", John 19:30.

P.H.P. "Not my will, but thine, be done", Luke 22:42. The Lord was entitled to have a will, therefore the surrender of it was all the greater on that account.

J.T. I think we may take note of the word sacrifice here. A sacrifice is that which costs us something.

A.N.W. The turtle dove or pigeon would not cost much.

J.T. "And the priest shall bring it near to the altar, and pinch off its head, and burn it on the altar; and its blood shall be pressed out at the side of the altar. And he shall remove its crop with its feathers, and cast it beside the altar on the east, into the place of the ashes", Leviticus 1:15 - 16. Notice how that this offering was not to be divided asunder. There can be no doubt that the offerer of it typifies a believer who has not fully judged his will, and who retains certain natural traits which would be an occasion of natural pride. These are typified in the crop and feathers.

W.L.P. It is sweet to see, however, that even this offering is said to be "a burnt offering, an offering by fire to Jehovah of a sweet odour", Leviticus 1:17.

J.T. That is true, and it shows how God accepts the offerer on account of his love for Christ. This applies, it seems to me, especially to young believers toward whom there is peculiar grace and consideration

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from God. However, the fact that this third offering is not to be divided asunder would indicate the smallness of it in a spiritual sense. At the same time, the character of it is the same as the greatest offering. It affords a sweet odour unto Jehovah.

C.B. There is nothing said about the blood being put on the altar in this third kind of offering. It is said to "be pressed out at the side of the altar".

A.N.W. Nor are Aaron's sons mentioned as in the other offerings. It is simply said, "the priest"

J.T. Evidently the spiritual stature denoted by this offerer is very small. There is not much intelligence as to the import of the blood, nor the priesthood. There is, however, a recognition of both, and this God values. And what is most important of all is, as already noted, that the offering is spoken of as "to Jehovah of a sweet odour". This fact should be very encouraging to every young Christian. The grace, too, indicated should lead those more advanced to be considerate of their younger brethren, especially in their service in the assembly.

We may now look for a moment at the law of the burnt-offering, Leviticus 6:8 - 13. "And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying, Command Aaron and his sons, saying, This is the law of the burnt-offering; this, the burnt-offering, shall be on the hearth on the alter all night unto the morning, and the fire of the altar shall be kept burning on it". It will be observed that the law of the offering is directly for the priests, Aaron and his sons. Chapter 1 does not enlarge on that, it is more for guidance of the offerer. Whereas, the law of the offering is especially for Aaron and his sons.

F.L. There is a beautiful suggestion in that. Christ and the assembly preserve this sweet savour for God until the morning, which is the world to come. After that there is no night. But, in the meanwhile,

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it is maintained through Christ in the assembly until the coming of the Lord.

J.T. Chapter 1 is for the individual believer; but the law is for the whole company of saints, viewed as priests, who are to see what use is made of what is brought in. If a brother has something, the saints should see to it that it is enhanced rather than detracted from. The priests, normally, consider for God, so that the offerings brought are rightly presented to Him. All the sweet savour is caused to ascend by the careful attention of the priest. The fire is to be burning all night, according to the law; hence it is always in readiness when the offerer comes.

T.A. Is this from the day of Pentecost on to the rapture? Are things secured during all this time for God?

J.T. All is secured by Christ. All that is built by Him is preserved under the eye of God, though it is not visible in testimony to the world, as it was at Pentecost.

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Leviticus 2

J.T. The meat-offering typifies what Christ was as Man in all His ways.

F.L. So that it is the perfection of His walk.

A.R.S. The fine flour represents the perfect evenness of His life.

J.T. There were no incongruities, but absolute perfection in the Lord's humanity. The burnt-offering is more what He was inwardly, His motives, what came under God's eye. "Lo, I come ... to do O God, thy will", Hebrews 10:7. All was for God. The meat-offering speaks rather of what He was externally.

A.R.S. To what does the oil refer?

J.T. There is mingling with oil, and anointing with oil. The former refers to the Lord's humanity as conceived of the Holy Spirit; the latter has reference to the Spirit coming on Him as the power by which He walked and carried on His service. The general view of the meat-offering is presented in verses 1 - 3. It is fine flour, oil upon it, and frankincense. It is the perfection of the Man who could have been seen every day in the period of His life here on earth. What follows in the chapter affords additional details of His humanity.

B.T.F. The burnt-offering speaks of the perfection of His work; the meat-offering speaks of the perfection of His humanity.

J.T. Of course, there, is perfection in both, but the meat-offering is what might be seen at any time during the Lord's life on earth: His ways, manners, words. He was always a perfect Man. There was nothing incongruous in the Lord in any relation in which He was seen; whereas, the burnt-offering takes account of His motives more, what He became man for: "Lo, I come ... to do, O God, thy will", Hebrews 10:7.

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The meat-offering is everything that is perfect and morally beautiful seen in him as Man. If it were His relation with His parents, or with men as such, meeting them in whatever capacity, He was always right and perfect in what He did and in what He said.

F.L. I suppose you would see that coming out, for instance, in His parents' house. He was subject to His parents; it went on throughout His path here as Man right up to the cross itself: when He prayed, "Father, forgive them", Luke 23:34; when He confides His mother to John; when He speaks to the thief; all was in the perfection of that life. What is seen in the meat-offering is parallel to and blends with what is seen in the burnt-offering.

J.T. It comes under the action of the fire: "The priest shall burn the memorial thereof on the altar, an offering by fire to Jehovah of a sweet odour". The greatest test brought out the greatest fragrance.

B.T.F. Will you say what the fire sets forth?

J.T. As seen here it is the means of testing. No doubt it refers to the cross, but as that which brought out fully the perfection of His humanity. The burning of the memorial brought out the fragrance that was there. Fire is referred to by Peter as that by which things are tested: "gold ... proved by fire", 1 Peter 1:7.

B.T.F. Would you not connect it also with the testing that the Lord passed through all along His pathway from beginning to end?

J.T. Yes. But I think that leads up to the final issue. For nowhere does the perfect humanity shine more than on the cross. Of course, the burnt-offering mingled with it there, but every grace suitable to man in those circumstances was present. His affection for His mother found its place there. He was a Man there; He was there with all the sensibilities

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and affections that were suited to a man. All in Him is perfect, too, as regards the thief, and as regards those who put Him to death. He says, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do", Luke 23:34.

A.N.W. Would you agree that Luke rather gives us the side of the meat-offering? The centurion says, "In very deed this man was just", Luke 23:47. In Matthew and Mark it is "Truly this [man] was Son of God", (Matthew 27:54 and Mark 15:39).

J.T. In John He speaks to His mother when on the cross, and speaks to John in regard to her, so that the thought of the meat-offering is there also. But no doubt in Luke it would be found more frequently, because his gospel gives us "[the] man Christ Jesus", 1 Timothy 2:5. In Luke His humanity is prominent from beginning to end. The perfection of His humanity shines, whereas John gives us more the burnt-offering, but they are so blended in the Lord's life, that both aspects are found in all the gospels.

A.N.W. Luke is the only one that gives us the instance of the Lord commending His spirit to the Father; He is not seen as forsaken in Luke.

W.B. What does frankincense refer to?

J.T. There was a moral fragrance in Christ that was delightful to God.

The priests are brought in very prominently in the law of the offering; it speaks of what they have in it, chapter 6:14 - 23.

A.R.S. I was very much struck with the fact that it says, "All the males among the children of Aaron shall eat of it", Leviticus 6:18.

J.T. The males refer to the saints as formed in intelligence.. In Luke Zacharias represents the male side. In some instances Aaron's daughters had a part in the offering; his whole household had part; but here it was only the sons. It belongs to mature Christians, it is what we might call "strong meat".

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F .L. It would express both intelligence and moral fitness.

A.A.T. At our first reading it was mentioned that Leviticus is approach to God. Exodus being God's approach to man. How does approach to God apply in this chapter?

J.T. As approaching to offer a meat-offering, one has advanced from one's own side and has come to an appreciation of the order of man seen in Christ. "To you therefore who believe [is] the preciousness", 1 Peter 2:7. Those that believe come under the eye of God in the preciousness of Christ. No doubt He is precious to us. The offering denotes it, but you come under that as you approach. God will take account of you as identified with the offering. Therefore the saints are taken up under God's eye as in all the value of it. "To you therefore who believe [is] the preciousness", 1 Peter 2:7.

C.B. When does the offerer give expression to his appreciation of Christ?

J.T. It appears in us in the part we take in the assembly, when we are in the apprehension of Christ according to the perfection which the fine flour here suggests. To have Christ in one's heart in this light would also produce similarity to Him in other relations. There would be a certain evenness of character. In drawing near to God all this is present, and hence one is pleasing to God.

C.B. The offering in that way is tangible; you give expression to Christ as He is seen in it.

J.T. You give expression to Him in your measure, and this is what pleases God. The character of Christ is also to be seen in one's everyday life. Paul says, "That the life also of Jesus may be manifested in our body", 2 Corinthians 4:10. Here it is not only that the believer is righteous, but that he is a man of a new order altogether. The life of Jesus, as reproduced in us, is what is delightful to the eye of God. In this sense the believer is always an offerer, at least he is so in

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an abstract sense. No doubt the idea of offering appears more definitely when we are gathered together. All the frankincense goes up to God with the meat-offering; the remainder was for the priests.

B.T.F. Hence the great advantage of apprehending Christ in this light. The effect is seen both individually and collectively.

J.T. It is a great thing to have in your mind a standard as to what is pleasing to God; Christ is that standard and you delight in it. God takes account of you according to what is in your heart. Christ is your ideal, and God regards you accordingly. In Philippians 3, Paul speaks of his ideal. The believer is regarded by God according to the desire and aim of his heart. God looks at the heart.

A.A.T. The offerer here would refer to the individual saint as expressing his apprehension and appreciation of Christ; the sons of Aaron would be those forming the assembly as such, would they not?

J.T. It comes to that. The offerer is one coming, so to speak, out of the camp; what he brings is the product of his exercise. It is not secured for nothing, he has had to pay for it. We pay for it by self-judgment, by exercise.

F.L. The line along which it is presented is individual exercise. We get the burnt-offering, then the meat-offering in which the priests were to share, and as assimilating it they would take character from it. The priests have a special provision in the "law" which is not provided in the primary instructions. They themselves make an offering of like character, which would be wholly for Jehovah, a like character to that which they have eaten; the "law" goes on to the sin-offering, then the peace-offering. The reversal of order is very interesting and significant; the peace-offering, which presents fellowship, comes last.

J.T. Before we arrive at it we have to judge sins.

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F.L. Then we get the assembly. The burnt-offering and peace-offering are mingled there.

J.T. It is well to see all that. The one who offers come up out of the camp. In the camp he would have to do with a different order of man from that required in the sanctuary, so that the exercise occasioned by this produces what is offered. One going up out of the camp with the offering, shows in type that he is of the order of Christ. It is the tabernacle of the congregation here; the tabernacle of witness is more in Numbers. Going up from the camp, as it were, the Israelite had, in type, worked out in his soul what was suitable to God; he drew near with something that typified Christ. In Christianity, the offerer of course, merges into the priest. The meat-offering for the priest was wholly burnt. The meat-offering of the ordinary offerer ministered to the priest as well as to Jehovah; whereas the offering of the priest was wholly for Jehovah. There is that in the ordinary exercises of the saints which is for God, but his spiritual power has also to be sustained and increased. In connection with this latter, he is a priest, and so offers what is wholly for God.

B.T.F. John looked upon Jesus as he walked. Is that the meat-offering?

J.T. The effect of our appreciation of Christ as seen in the meat-offering is seen in our every-day experience. It is apparent also when in priestly vigour all take part in the assembly.

A.R.S. Coming out of the camp, we realise what the hymn says, 'Closed the door we leave behind us' .

J.T. It is all what Christ is, and you are equal to that in spiritual power through your exercise. The daily experience, when gone through with God, increases our spiritual power.

F.L. The trespass-offering comes into view when

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there is the sense of trespass; the peace-offering is in connection with fellowship; the burnt-offering leads to a life devoted to God in the believer -- his body is presented a living sacrifice; the meat-offering leads to similarity to Christ in one's manner of life.

J.T. A point of great importance as to the burnt-offering is that through it everything that is of God is permanently maintained before Him. The fire was ever burning upon the altar. Our appreciation of it may vary, but the infinite value of the offering of Christ is always before God.

A.N.W. There is not the variety of degrees of appreciation in the meat-offering as in the burnt-offering?

J.T. No. The facts presented suggest general equality in the offerers of the meat-offering. Of course, there are different vessels in which the material is subjected to the fire, each having its own meaning.

F.L. These suggest the different aspects of the testings and sufferings of Christ and our response to them.

A.N.W. It needs more energy to discern the result of the fire through the oven.

J.T. The oven would be covered, whereas the frying pan would be open. Many saw what went on at the cross in an outward way. The centurion saw and recognised that the Sufferer was the Son of God. In the pan the heat would be underneath only; in the oven it would be all round. In every place of testing the Lord was perfect. The pan may refer to the effect of testing as seen by others, the oven may suggest what was seen inwardly, and known to the Father and Himself only. In each case the fire was there and the perfection of Christ was there. Firstfruits are introduced here, leading up to the assembly. The assembly is typified by the meat-offering

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in Leviticus 23:16, 17, showing that as the order of man seen in Christ. In it, however, leaven is seen. At Pentecost there was leaven recognised, but it was not active.

F.L. It is interesting to note that leaven is seen in the meat-offering in Leviticus 23:17 The Lord says, "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am meek and lowly in heart", Matthew 11:29. Though leaven remains in us we partake of His character.

J.T. The different cities referred to in Matthew 11 were "raised up to heaven" (Matthew 11:23) fulness of inflation was there. At that time Jesus "rejoiced in spirit", Luke 10:21. He was not dismayed by the combination of things against Him. He rejoiced in spirit, thanking the Father, and bowing to His will. Such was the order of man that came under the Father's eye. There was perfection of manhood in all circumstances. "I praise thee, Father, Lord of the heaven and of the earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them to babes. Yea, Father, for thus has it been well-pleasing in thy sight", Matthew 11:25 - 26. He presents Himself to them and to all as a Model. That is the order of His humanity. They were to be brought into that, and the apostle laboured to that end, to present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.

F.L. Philippians 2 gives us the meat-offering. "Let this mind be in you, which [was] also in Christ Jesus", Philippians 2:5.

P.H.P. Will you say a word about the anointing?

J.T. It refers to the Holy Spirit coming on the Lord. As Man, He was marked by the power of the Spirit. In the meat-offering there is anointing with oil, and mingling with oil. The former refers to the Holy Spirit upon Him.

F.L. I suppose mingled means that it was impossible to conceive of that One apart from the Holy Spirit in all His holy being as a Man. "[The] Spirit

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of [the] Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach", Luke 4:18.

P.H.P. I was thinking that the Spirit was there before and did not depend on the anointing or baptism.

J.T. As to His humanity, He was conceived by the Holy Spirit. The anointing is God committing Himself to that Man. After His anointing, it is said that He was driven of the Spirit into the wilderness; this was to emphasise the fact that now the Spirit had come upon Him, He would be wholly governed by Him. Prominence is given to the action of the Spirit. It is not presented as the Lord's own action. In coming out of the wilderness it is His own action. He returns from the wilderness "in the power of the Spirit", Luke 4:14. If we learn from Christ we avoid evil. We do not go near it. If a man of God touches evil, it is because he is driven of the Spirit to deal with it for the sake of others. He abhors it, but it is necessary. But coming back from the wilderness the Lord's heart was free.

Ques. What is the difference between mingled and indwelt?

J.T. Mingled refers to the Spirit being there. The Spirit came in the form of a dove, and abode upon Him, meaning that there was nothing to disturb. That could not be said of any other person.

F.L. In regard to Adam, the Lord breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. That was characteristic. He could not be without that breath which constituted him a living being. The second Man out of heaven is a life-giving Spirit. He breathed into His disciples the breath of life. As Man, He is seen as inherently connected with the Holy Spirit; in that way we are helped to see the difference between Adam and Christ, the second Man.

J.T. John the baptist says, "He it is who baptises with [the] Holy Spirit", John 1:33. Before the Lord

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was formally anointed, all His actions recorded were largely to prove the reality and perfection of His humanity. He was perfect in every stage. We have a few facts presented as to what He was. In no case does it say that He acted by the Spirit. The point was to bring out the humanity that was there, and when the Spirit comes upon Him, the point is to show that the Spirit is there, and all that He does is by the Spirit.

F.L. There is a difference between the meat-offering and the manna.

J.T. They are very intimately connected. The manna is what He was in dependence on God in a scene of contrariety. The soul has to learn how to depend on God and for that he feeds on the manna. It was found everywhere in the wilderness, and it rested on the dew.

B.T.F. Will you say a word about "firstfruits" and "green ears of corn".

F.L. Firstfruits are in anticipation of what is brought in in connection with the feasts in chapter 23.

J.T. Firstfruits necessarily involve death. Christ is the firstfruits from among the dead, but it is a question whether it is not more than that here; whether there is not provision made for the thought of the assembly coming in here in type.

W.B. They refer to Christ in resurrection.

B.A.M. John's testimony to the Lord, "Behold the Lamb of God" (John 1:36) would apply to the meat-offering.

F.L. The Lamb suggests the burnt-offering; looking upon Him as He walked, the meat-offering. They have to be taken together.

J.T. John the baptist may be regarded as a typical offerer in that sense. His heart was filled with a sense of the perfection of that walk. In John 3 he rejoiced to hear the Bridegroom's voice. His joy was full in hearing it. It has often been remarked that honey is the sweetness of human

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nature: right in its place, but it has no place before God as an offering.

F.L. The frankincense suggests the altar of incense, which was put upon it. There was that which was wholly for God. This links the meat-offering with the burnt-offering.

J.T. "Every oblation of thy meat-offering shalt thou season with salt". In Christ there was always the antidote to any corruption. "Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another" (Mark 9:50) is the word to ourselves.

F.L. "[Let] your word [be] always with grace, seasoned with salt", Colossians 4:6. Salt enhances the flavour.

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Leviticus 3; Leviticus 7:11 - 38

J.T. The instruction connected with the offerings refers to the present period rather than to the time of the Lord's sojourn here. The priesthood is seen in Aaron's sons more than in Aaron himself. It is noteworthy that the priests are not so prominent in this offering. The "law of the burnt-offering" (Leviticus 6:9) is addressed directly to them, whereas here in chapter 7:12 it says, If he offer it; the offerer is more in evidence. I mention this as helping to elucidate the subject.

When priesthood is mentioned we are disposed to connect it exclusively with the Lord; that, of course, is right in certain connections; but here it is more in connection with the sons of Aaron than with Aaron himself, showing that the saints are in view. At times Aaron is mentioned with his sons. In these instances Christ and the saints are typified.

B.T.F. What is the thought in the peace-offering?

J.T. It refers in type to what we enjoy together; it is collective, our mutual enjoyment of Christ and His things.

In the "law" of the offering much is said of what was to be eaten and what was not to be eaten.

B.T.F. It is not exactly that peace has been made by the blood of the cross; but rather what would flow from that?

J.T. Yes. It is what we enjoy together. "I leave peace with you", the Lord said. This was to be enjoyed. The Holy Spirit engages our hearts with Christ; we make progress in this way, and as we come together there is mutual enjoyment in what we bring.

F.L. Peace with God is more the result of the burnt-offering. Here we are brought into a

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sphere of reconciliation where things are enjoyed together and where the Lord has His portion.

J.T. The Lord is apprehended in His relation to the saints. He said, "With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer", Luke 22:15. This offering sets before us the thought of a company enjoying Him. Prominence is given to the blood. It was to be sprinkled "on the altar round about". In the peace-offering it is not approach to God exactly; it is "fellowship with one another", 1 John 1:7. If we walk in the light as God is in the light we have fellowship one with another, the fellowship of Jesus Christ His Son.

In the law of this offering it is said that blood and fat were not to be eaten. These represent what are exclusively for God. Christ's life was devoted to God; all His motives and hidden energy were for God. Death brought out their full fragrance. There is to be a correspondence with this in us.

F.L. In the law of the offering we are also enjoined not to eat what is unclean. This involves evil associations, and corresponds with the teaching of 1 Corinthians 10 as to the Lord's supper. On the other hand, there is the privilege of sharing together the love of Christ and the precious things of Christ.

Ques. Why is the female admitted as an offering here as well as the male? The burnt-offering admits of the male only.

J.T. However feeble, or however strong we may be, all are to be together on common ground. To apply it to ourselves. Our meetings do not exclude any Christian; the fellowship is open to all Christians provided, of course, that they are clean and apart from wrong association. But though the youngest or weakest believer has part in the peace-offering, the male in the burnt-offering refers rather to strength and intelligence, seen perfectly in Christ, but reflected in the offerer. Thanksgiving is a characteristic of

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this offering, "giving thanks at all times for all things to him [who is] God and [the] Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ", Ephesians 5:20.

B.T.F. Would you connect the peace-offering with the Supper?

J.T. It has just been remarked that 1 Corinthians 10 and 11 fit in here. No one can partake of it in uncleanness; that is, we must be apart from evil associations, otherwise we come under the discipline of God.

J.S. There must be self-judgment if we partake of the Lord's supper.

A.N.W. There seems to be a great searching of the inwards suggested in these offerings, especially in this one. We must be right in "the inward parts".

J.T. God feeds, as it were, on what of Christ is in your heart; the saints get what comes out. In Christ all was perfect, and He is before us here. While together we recognise that there is that which is for God, as well as a portion for each of us; chapter 3:9.

F.L. So that really contemplates that the will is devoted to God. Death brought this out fully in Christ.

J.T. Our spiritual prosperity is for God. If you connect it with yourself, as something added to you as a man here, it makes you proud, and that is an abomination to God. We are apt to pride ourselves on our spiritual attainments.

B.T.F. We all get together, and then there are offerers.

J.T. As we are gathered, if there is one who has an offering he thinks of the Lord's people. He thinks of Christ and loves Christ; but thinks of Him in this connection, "Assemble the people, and I will give them water", Numbers 21:16. One who has a peace-offering is on that line. He is not a scatterer, he is a gatherer of the people. That is the idea in a peace-offering

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and as together we have that whereof to enjoy and feed upon. The inwards, "the food of the offering" (Leviticus 3:16) was for God, All the motives and inward energy of Christ were for God.

B.T.F. So that in the Supper the Father gets His portion: the food of the offering is there, and we also have our portion in it.

J.T. The Lord's supper is related to this offering. "The breast shall be Aaron's and his sons'", Leviticus 7:31. Christ and the assembly are typified here. The love of Christ is our food at the Supper. Then there was also the heave-shoulder; this was also for Aaron and his sons. The principle of the peace-offering is seen in 1 and 2 Corinthians. The apostle laboured that the saints should be together in the light of the Lord's supper, and he was himself in accord with the teaching of it. John 17 speaks about the Lord's support of the disciples; He had supported them and kept them. John 13 shows how His love and care had been manifested. In chapter 17 He tells the Father how He had kept them.

F.L. "Having made peace by the blood of his cross ... to present you holy and unblameable and irreproachable before it", Colossians 1:20,22.

J.T. "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not [the] communion of the blood of Christ?", 1 Corinthians 10:16. That comes in in connection with associations. We are to be together as clear of evil associations. Then we are to be together as loving one another. "Peace [be] to you" (John 20:19) involves that there should be no shadow on their spirits in any way.

Another point which is of immense importance is that "The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin", 1 John 1:7. It is not only sin committed, but all sin. The conscience is free; one is not hampered before God by the presence of sin in virtue of the blood, though the flesh is still in us. To say we have no sin would be to deceive

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ourselves; but God maintains us free from it through the blood of Christ and the work of the Spirit which produces self-judgment.

F.L. Although sin exists in us it does not act if we judge it, and the blood cleanses us from all effects of it.

W.B-w. The "backbone" is spoken of here.

J.T. That is no doubt what a great many of us lack. The backbone, I suppose, denotes that the general character is marked by spiritual strength; the shoulder is more specific.

A.N.W. Do you think that the absence of mention of the pigeons here, though all the other animals are mentioned as in chapter 1 except pigeons, would suggest such a simple appreciation of the death of Christ that is hardly sufficient for fellowship?

J.T. I do not know that the state suggested by the pigeon belongs to the gathering together it may belong to an individual, but the fact that it is not mentioned here may point to the individual rising to a higher level in the company. I only suggest that.

F.L. God in infinite grace is prepared on His side to receive the smallest appreciation of Christ; but when it comes to a question of what is to characterise the assembly things are on a different footing. Still the youngest in the faith has a place there. If such an one comes with even a small appreciation of Christ, he is on right lines, and so shares in the food of the whole company.

J.T. They belong to the family, as it were, and so share in all the good things of the house.

Our brother raised the question of the man who offered a pigeon for a burnt-offering. It may be that most of us have not gone beyond that; but being in fellowship we have part in all that is ministered in the assembly. It might be assumed that some Christians would be omitted from the fellowship;

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on the contrary, the weak are to be received. "Him that is weak in the faith receive", Romans 14:1. I think that in many, especially young believers, there is a state which corresponds with the pinching off the head of the bird offered as a burnt-offering, Leviticus 1:15. The will is not wholly judged; still God accepts them in grace.

This offering, which may be regarded as a prosperity offering, provides for those that are not prosperous. They get gain by being with the company; they get it otherwise than by their own exercise. God provides it for them. When young people come to the meeting, God takes account of it, although they may not be marked by exercise. In identifying themselves with the meeting they are committing themselves. So long as you do not turn away God owns and helps you. Keeping with God's people is a committal of yourself in a certain way, and God sees to it that you get benefit. I am sure that this is the experience of many. God graciously takes account of our committal of ourselves to the company though we may be spiritually feeble. God has great consideration for young people, notwithstanding the small measure they may have, for there is some appreciation of Christ, otherwise they would have no offering at all, and God takes account of that.

P.H.P. How great a thing it is to be a priest, as we learn from these types! Such an one is qualified to handle divine things.

J.T. This is within the reach of each one of us. The priest considers for God and also for His people. In regard to the sin-offering, the priesthood is more emphasised; it is "the priest that is anointed", Leviticus 4:3.

P.H.P. Any believer can bring the offering; but only the priest can present it. When we apply the type to a Christian the offerer really merges into a priest.

J.T. The offerings contemplate us in type as we

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are here on earth. John says, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves", 1 John 1:8. This is met by the sacrifice of Christ. "The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin", 1 John 1:7. We are thus perfectly restful in the presence of God and with each other.

A.J.P. This takes cognisance of us as we are here.

J.T. In the "law of the offering" in chapter 7:10 - 13, we see this clearly. The "unleavened cakes mingled with oil" refer to Christ Himself. But then it is said, "Besides the cakes, he shall present his offering of leavened bread with the sacrifice of his peace offering". This denotes the presence of sin in us. So that both the unleavened idea and the leavened idea are present.

F.L. Verse 12 is really that which is perfect according to Christ, and verse 13 is what we must admit is the truth as to ourselves.

J.T. The apostle said, "as ye are unleavened", 1 Corinthians 5:7. Abstractly, as in and of Christ, the saints are unleavened, but as in flesh and blood condition sin is in us. The two things are recognised in 1 Corinthians 5:7. To the Corinthians the apostle says, "Purge out the old leaven", and at the same time he adds, "according as ye are unleavened".

B.T.F. Is the peace-offering for worship?

J.T. I think it is more a question of God's people being together in the enjoyment of their portion in Christ collectively; but it may indeed go on to worship; for if God has His place in our hearts, there is worship.

F.L. In Luke 22 the Lord expresses His desire to eat the passover with His disciples. Then the Supper is introduced; this sets forth His love for them. Connecting this passage with John 13, we see how Christ's love was to regulate them, how they were to love one another.

J.T. When we are together Christ is to have His

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place in our midst, and He becomes our joy and bond.

W.B-w. What do you say about chapter 7:15 - 17?

J.T. Communion with one another must not be too far separated from the altar. We are always to maintain our relation with the altar, the judgment of sin in the light of Christ's death.

B.T.F. The ground of being together is the death of Christ.

J.T. We can never separate ourselves from that. We should not assume because it is Monday or Tuesday that we can be less separate; we assume that very often. We do things during the week that we would not do on the Lord's day; but this "third day" in verses 17, 18, will prevent that. The more you value spiritual things, the nearer you keep to the altar.

A.N.W. In the systems the Supper is celebrated at intervals of a month or even longer.

J.T. It shows how far they have departed from the Lord's thought in it.

A.N.W. The weekly coming together is to keep us near the altar.

A.P. Are not all the offerings voluntary?

J.T. Yes. But you can hardly be regarded as on Christian ground if you do not recognise the necessity of coming together with the Lord's people. But there is excess as "a vow, or a voluntary offering", verse 16. It is not simply that one is breaking bread; there should be exercise as to contribution, the evidence of spiritual prosperity.

P.H.P. You cannot attend the assembly by a representative; you must come yourself, "his own hands shall bring Jehovah's offerings".

F.L. Chapter 7:37 is different from the order in which the sacrifices are given in the earlier chapter. It is the moral order no doubt. The peace-offering, which typifies the fellowship of the saints, comes last.

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When we come together in the assembly it is in appreciation of what comes forth in this moral order; we have reached it in this way.

J.T. Verse 35 shows the place the priests have in relation to all these offerings; the law is generally connected with them.

B.T.F. In what way does that apply to us?

J.T. The priests are responsible to see that the "law of the offering" is carried out. Christendom is marked by lawlessness, whereas the priests have the law and adhere to it; it was given to them.

B.T.F. All believers should be conscious of their privileges and responsibilities as priests.

J.T. God's priests consider for Him and look out for His law.

F.L. In John 13 Christ takes a priestly character: "A new commandment I give to you, that ye love one another", John 13:34. That was a law, as it were; it is for us to maintain it.

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Leviticus 4

J.T. It helps to arrive at a right thought of the offerings by noting the references made to the officiating priest, or priests. It will be observed in this offering the priests are not alluded to as Aaron's sons, as in the other offerings. It is here "the priest that is anointed" The priesthood is more official. We are dealing with a matter that refers directly to God's holy nature. It has reference to God's nature and His rights. It is not a question simply of Christian privilege, which is covered by the expression, "Aaron's sons the priests"; but rather of responsibility as dealing with sin. It is not so much privilege as a serious responsibility.

Another thing is, that the priest eats it. According to the law it is said, "The priest that offereth it for sin shall eat it", Leviticus 6:26. Although it is a fact that "All the males among the priests shall eat thereof" (Leviticus 6:29) yet it is said, the priest that offereth it is to eat thereof.

J.S. What does that involve?

J.T. I think it suggests the person who especially feels the sin on the Lord's account; he judges the thing in himself. As we get in Galatians, "If even a man be taken in some fault, ye who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of meekness, considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted", Galatians 6:1. You have to consider yourself in self-judgment.

A.N.W. Nehemiah and Ezra were samples of that, were they not?

J.T. I think so; you are referring to their confessions.

G.W.W. What is contemplated in this section of Scripture is that communion has been interrupted by sin.

J.T. "If the priest that is anointed do sin".

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It begins with him. Necessarily all is affected if he is affected. Then, following upon that we find, "If the whole assembly of Israel sin", verse 13; then, "When a prince sinneth", verse 22; then, "If any one of the people of the land sin", verse 27. So it is a question, not of a sinner who does not know God, but people who are in relation with God are contemplated. Sin has intervened, and so communion is interrupted.

G.W.W. It has often been taken up in connection with a sinner; that is to say, what one might speak of as the first dealings of God with a sinner, but that is not what is contemplated here.

J.T. The congregation is already viewed in relation with God, and it is a sin through ignorance that is in view. It is not a provision for wilful sin, but for a sin through ignorance; therefore it applies to Christians in the various sects now. They are not aware of the evil of their associations. God graciously regards Christians under these circumstances as sinning ignorantly. Wilful sin or apostasy is not forgiven.

G.W.W. The sin of ignorance has really come home to the soul, because communion is interfered with; and the question is raised as to what has obscured or destroyed communion. Then there is self-judgment. The eating of the sin-offering is a very serious thing.

J.T. Hence the Lord graciously raises up ministry that leads to conviction in the hearts and consciences of the people of God. Although they may have been ignorant of the sin, God has taken account of it, and for recovery there must be judgment of the sin.

G.W.W. The sense of loss of communion becomes a serious exercise for the believer's soul; he feels that something has come in between his soul and God which must be judged.

B.T.F. While this deals primarily with the case

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of a believer who has sinned, do we not get here also the great principles which mark God's dealings with sin, as proclaimed in the gospel?

J.T. Yes. Only that we do not get here the blood brought in and put on the mercy-seat as on the day of atonement, as in chapter 16. In this chapter it is not God placing Himself as the centre of the universe, putting Himself in relation to the universe in righteousness. It is not so great as that here. The blood is not taken beyond the altar of sweet incense in this chapter; but in chapter 16 the blood is taken within the veil and sprinkled upon the mercy-seat and before the mercy-seat. That refers not only to the congregation in relation to God, but God's majesty having been offended He has to be vindicated in regard to the whole realm of creation. Everything for God and men is necessarily founded on what took place typically on that great day.

It is well to notice that in the last two instances mentioned in this chapter, namely, the ruler and one of the common people, the blood is not brought into the holy place, not even to the golden altar. It is simply put upon the horns of the altar of burnt-offering, and the blood poured out at the bottom of the altar of burnt-offering. Whereas some of the blood of the offering of the priest, and of the whole congregation, is put upon the horns of the altar of sweet incense. It is evidently a question of restoration of communion between God and His people first as a whole. Then the priestly relation having been restored we have the case of the ruler and the common person, which represent certain individual states amongst God's people; but the communion of the people in general is not interrupted, although, no doubt, it is hindered. All is adjusted on the ground of blood-shedding, communion having been interrupted.

Ques. Is this on the line of intercession l

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J.T. It is brought about by the intercession of Christ. But the recovery of the priest, or priestly state, makes way for the intercession of the saints, too. The way of intercession is thus opened up again through access to God. The hierarchal system in Christendom denies all that. It denies the priestly place of all the saints. God desires that this should be re-established.

G.W.W. All the classes contemplated here are what every believer is called to. It is not the idea that one is a ruler, another a common person, another a priest; but every believer may not have taken up his place in connection with priesthood. If he has, his failure is much more serious. The blood is carried much further than in the case of one who is only regarded as one of the common people. In Leviticus 16 we have the establishment of relations between God and the people and all things; but here in this chapter what we have is God's gracious provision for the maintenance of those relationships in restoration if sin has come in.

Ques. Why should the offering be brought unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation? Why is the place so definitely pointed out?

J.T. It is the public place. The judgment of sin must be open. This holds good when evil has to be dealt with amongst God's people now. "Remove the wicked person from amongst yourselves", 1 Corinthians 5:13. That is in keeping with the thought of the door of the tabernacle. It is a public action.

G.W.W. The door corresponds with what we get in connection with the gate, the place where the principles of the city are administered.

J.T. The gate of the city is a public place, the place of concourse. As in Proverbs, where wisdom crieth, "Beside the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors, she crieth aloud", Proverbs 8:3. The door of the tabernacle is a public place; a

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place of administration, corresponding with the gates of the city.

W.B. The brazen altar was there, where God dealt with sin. It was public. When coming back to God we pass the brazen altar.

J.T. Sin has to be dealt with and that publicly. Of course we deal with things in secret with God. It is not always necessary to expose sin. "For love covers a multitude of sins" (1 Peter 4:8) but when the evil is such as to affect the glory of God, the holiness of His house, as at Corinth, and as has occurred since, alas! it is obvious that things have to be dealt with publicly, so that all may know it has been judged. The people of God are marked by the judgment of sin. They are not hypocritical; they judge sin according to God.

Rem. Open and public confession.

J.T. "Remove the wicked person from amongst yourselves", 1 Corinthians 5:13. That is what the apostle said; it was to be a public act. That man was no longer regarded as in the fellowship of God's assembly.

B.T.F. Is not this in line with, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us [our] sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness", 1 John 1:9.

J.T. That is true individually; but in speaking of the door, the public place, it refers to what is due to God in the assembly, in the light of which His people seek to walk.

A.N.W. Is the burning of the bullock outside the camp a still further public act?

J.T. It shows what God thinks of sin. It is actually taken outside and burnt; but it is said, "unto a clean place".

P.H.P. The sin at Corinth was not one of ignorance, it was wilful.

J.T. In one sense every sin is wilful. Sin is the

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action of the will, but it may not be deliberate. Wilful sin is dealt with in the epistle to the Hebrews. "For where we sin wilfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains any sacrifice for sins" (Hebrews 10:26) there is no more provision made. In the types we find that for the man who gathered sticks upon the sabbath day there was no forgiveness, Numbers 15:32 - 36. But while at Corinth the sin was wilful the man was not beyond recovery. Every sin is the action of the will in some sense; but wilful sin as seen in Scripture is unpardonable.

G.W.W. That is not contemplated in this chapter. Here it is that through lack of vigilance the will has worked and sin has come in and communion been interrupted. God's provision for the removal of all that state of things is thus seen.

J.T. I think it helps to place it on wider ground than the mere committal of sin by an individual, because it is the communion of God's people, the whole congregation, that was affected. The instruction begins with the priest. It is not a priest. It is "the priest that is anointed".

C.A.M. Regarding a sin of ignorance, Peter said, "I know that ye did it in ignorance", Acts 3:17.

J.T. The greatest of all sins, the murder of the Lord Jesus, is called a sin of ignorance. It is spoken of in that way to show that pardon was offered to Israel in spite of their sin. Had they humbled themselves, had they responded to the word of Peter, the means were there of bringing the whole nation back to its place in relation to God; but they spurned the offer. The same thing has come to pass in the history of Christendom. The communion of the whole congregation was interrupted, and God has brought in light. And I trust we all have come to see that, in order for any recovery today, I have to judge not only what I may be personally, but all

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that exists in Christendom. That has to be judged and departed from in order that the believer's communion with God in the light of the assembly should be resumed.

G.W.W. That is indeed important. The state of Christendom is extremely offensive under the eye of God; but God has brought some souls to judge it, and on the ground of this He is free to enable such to walk in the light of His own purposes.

J.T. Were it not that God in forbearing grace places things on the ground of ignorance He would necessarily have to come in and act against all on the ground of wilful sin. He would have been justified in acting against Israel on the ground of wilful sin at the beginning of their departure from Him, but His forbearance was so great as to regard even the slaying of Christ as a sin of ignorance, and He made overtures to them on that ground, as we see in Peter's sermon in Acts 3. Peter said, "I know that ye did it in ignorance", Acts 3:17. God bears with Christendom on that principle now. If He did not, He would necessarily have to act against it now as sinning wilfully, and so the case would be hopeless. The ground today is that God's attitude to man is in grace in virtue of the sacrifice of Christ. The principles of God's house have been violated all over; but God in grace puts it down to ignorance as yet, though judgment from Him will fall on it at the end, when the day of grace is over, but in the meantime some of us through grace have bowed to the fact that there has been sin and that we have had our part in it.

G.W.W. This being so there is an answer to God's attitude. We have come to a sense that things have been displeasing to God, that there has been sin, which is to be judged and abandoned. In this way only can we be free from it before God.

Ques. Can we connect it with what God said to

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Abraham "I will not destroy [it] for the ten's sake", Genesis 18:32. Does God hold back the judgment which is impending when He finds a judgment of the sin in the souls of His people?

J.T. There will be no judgment until Christendom is openly apostate, and this will not be until the assembly is translated. I think 2 Timothy answers to what we are considering. "Let every one who names the name of [the] Lord withdraw from iniquity", 2 Timothy 2:19. There is no other way. There must be a complete judgment of the evil, and this is expressed by the believer in withdrawing from it, or rather from those who support and practise it.

Ques. What is a wilful sin in the New Testament?

J.T. The Jews are so regarded as refusing the testimony of Stephen. The Lord says, "Whosoever shall have spoken a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him; but whosoever shall speak against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this age, nor in the coming [one]", Matthew 12:32. The Jews were guilty of that and are so regarded in the New Testament. It is dispensational.

A.N.W. How do you view Stephen's prayer, "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge" (Acts 7:60) and the Lord's own words, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do?", Luke 23:34. What is the difference?

J.T. Stephen did not say, 'They know not what they do' He was, however, in keeping with the dispensation of grace. He was not on Old Testament ground. If it had been the dispensation of the Psalmist, he would have prayed for vengeance. He maintains the spirit of the present dispensation in a wonderful way; but that is not saying it was answered. Stephen said to them, "Ye do always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers, yealso", Acts 7:51. So they are arraigned and convicted before God. They are not regarded as sinning ignorantly any longer.

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J.S. In Saul of Tarsus you have one obtaining forgiveness. He said, "I did it ignorantly, in unbelief", 1 Timothy 1:13.

J.T. I do not think the overture is again made to the nation as such, although Paul faithfully presented the truth to the Jew. But Peter's address was formally to the nation. He calls them 'the Sons of the prophets' "Ye are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant which God appointed to our fathers, saying to Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. To you first God, having raised up his servant, has sent him, blessing you in turning each one [of you] from your wickedness", Acts 3:25 - 26.

A remarkable tract was printed many years ago by J.N. Darby, 'The Notion of a Clergyman Dispensationally the sin against the Holy Ghost' The statement is true, but it has to be spiritually discerned. The religious leaders of the present day have, in principle, resisted the Holy Spirit, sinned against the Holy Spirit, but God bears with it yet. God in grace is still acting on the ground of sins of ignorance.

G.W.W. There are people who do admit of the wrong and confess it, and God goes on with them.

J.T. At the same time Christendom has not yet been formally rejected. Its rejection, however, can be and is discerned spiritually.

C.A.M. You would not come to a decision that any certain sin was wilful, would you? You might have great difficulty in deciding as to whether a sin was a wilful one.

J.T. It taxes our spiritual discernment. The epistle of John is very interesting in that way. It is abstract. He says, "If any one see his brother sinning a sin not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for those that do not sin unto death. There is a sin to death: I do not say of that that he should make a request", 1 John 5:16. Also "Whoever has

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been begotten of God does not practise sin, because his seed abides in him, and he cannot sin, because he has been begotten of God", 1 John 3:9. "Begotten of God" is the foundation of what is subjective here. What is begotten of God cannot sin. That is an absolute statement: "he cannot sin, because he has been begotten of God". What is begotten of God by the Spirit cannot sin. That was not said in the Old Testament. What makes the difference between the New Testament and the Old Testament is that the New Testament supplies that which the Old Testament demanded.

B.T.F. Does it mean that you cannot go on sinning?

J.T. It is absolute. That which is begotten of God by the Spirit is of His nature, and cannot sin. His seed remains in him. He shows there is that here subjectively which corresponds with Christ. That is Christianity in the vital sense of the word.

G.W.W. It is a feature in the groundwork of all true self-judgment.

J.T. There is that which in virtue of the Spirit answers to God revealed in Christ. It shows what vital Christianity is.

P.H.P. If a wilful sin, is it not a specific act?

J.T. In Hebrews a wilful sin is seen in a turning away from what had already been acknowledged. It is said there they had "tasted the good word of God, and [the] works of power of [the] age to come", Hebrews 6:5. In the Old Testament it is seen in the man who gathered sticks on the sabbath day, which was an open disregard of the symbol of the covenant. We who have the Spirit know that what answers to that is done constantly; but we hold to the dispensation in which God is still bearing with things, although He maintains what is due to Himself; but "sins of ignorance" are still provided for.

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Ques. When we fail, do we call that a sin of ignorance?

G.W.W. We do well to remind ourselves and one another that we need to get rid of the word failure and to say sin, acknowledging that the will has been in motion. The action of the will is what has to be judged if communion is to be restored.

J.T. That appears here. It is said in verse 3, "If the priest that is anointed sin according to the trespass of the people; then for his sin which he hath sinned shall he present a young bullock without blemish to Jehovah for a sin-offering". In bringing the bullock he is judging the sin. What does he bring the bullock for? It is not a burnt-offering; it is not a voluntary offering. In the burnt-offering it was "of his own voluntary will" It was a question of worship. Here in every step the offerer takes towards the door of the tabernacle, he is judging sin. The bullock did not sin; he sinned, that is what would come home to his conscience.

B.T.F. Is it possible for a Christian not to sin?

J.T. Let John answer. He does not say a Christian; but, "Whoever has been begotten of God does not practise sin", 1 John 3:9. What do abstract statements in Scripture mean? There are many of them. That is one. John says it twice, 1 John 3:9; 1 John 5:18. What these abstract statements mean is a most important question.

You have one in Romans 8"For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and of death", Romans 8:2. The apostle there predicates something definitely of himself. Then he goes on to say, "God having sent his own Son, in likeness of flesh of sin, and for sin, has condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law should be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to flesh but according to Spirit", Romans 8:3 - 4. That was God's purpose. We do not know who the us may be,

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except as Paul says it is those who walk after the Spirit. It is an abstract statement. The us refers to some persons; but it is quite obvious that it does not include all Christians, for all do not walk according to the Spirit. It is brought in abstractly to show what Christianity in its true sense is. The terms of Christianity are used by the world, by the professor, but it is only what is vital, what is a continuation of Christ, that is real Christianity, and God triumphs in Christ.

In view of the breakdown of Israel in the wilderness the righteous requirement of the law is to be fulfilled in those "who do not walk according to flesh, but according to Spirit", Romans 8:4. The epistle to the Romans shows that Christianity in its vital sense is not a failure. It is the work of the Spirit and therefore a triumph for God in Christ. It is not a question of what this Christian or that Christian is. In all, the walking after the Spirit is a question of measure. In such an one as Paul we see what the power of Christianity as the work of the Spirit is.

Rem. The apostle, having such a sense of that in his soul, is enabled to write such an epistle as the one to the Corinthians.

J.T. He says in 1 Corinthians 5:7, "As ye are unleavened". This again is abstract. It is not as ye should be unleavened, but "as ye are" That is what they are in Christ. So on the ground of that they are to 'Purge out the old leaven [the flesh that is still in them], that ye may be a new lump' .

C.A.M. There are three statements in the epistle of John, to which you referred, which are abstract. "Whoever abides in him, does not sin" (1 John 3:6) and "Whoever has been begotten of God does not practice sin, because his seed abides in him: and he cannot sin, because he has been begotten of God", 1 John 3:9. Also, "We know that every one begotten of God does not sin", 1 John 5:18.

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G.W.W. These are remarkable statements, they are abstract.

J.T. It is said in Romans 8, 'God, having sent his own Son ... . condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law should be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to flesh, but according to Spirit' And then he goes on to say, referring to the Spirit, "whereby we cry, Abba, Father", Romans 8:15. That is another statement to show how God secures what He seeks in Christianity. Then at the end of the chapter he says, "we more than conquer through him that has loved us", Romans 8:37. It is put in that positive way to show what the Spirit can effect. I think Paul and the other apostles were examples of that. He makes a remarkable statement in the epistle to the Corinthians, "For whatever promises of God [there are],in him is the yea, and in him the amen, for glory to God by us", 2 Corinthians 1:20.

A.N.W. Might we refer to 1 John 1:8? "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us".

J.T. That is the believer as he is actually here in the flesh. Note that it is not sins, but sin there, and he also says in chapter 2, "If any one sin, we have a patron with the Father", 1 John 2:1. James says, "We all often offend", James 3:2. This refers to conduct. James insists on what Christian conduct should be in spite of the humbling fact that we all offend.

G.W.W. That keeps us in the place of dependence. God never proposes anything to believers without providing ample power in the gift of the Spirit for carrying it out. Failure may and does come in; but God has never proposed anything without supplying ample power for the carrying of it out.

J.T. God has presented to us in the gospels a perfect walk in Christ, and in the epistles He has presented to us a walk in the power of the Spirit, which is realised in proportion as we in our measure

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are followers of Christ. Paul was a true follower of Christ.

J.S. And thus he could say, "Be my imitators, even as I also [am] of Christ", 1 Corinthians 11:1.

P.H.P. Does it not show the importance of self-judgment going on continually?

J.T. Yes. We have the judgment of sin as at the brazen altar. We see there what God thinks of sin. The blood in all its infinite efficacy cleanses us from all sin. "The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin", 1 John 1:7. There it is not said all sins but sin. The point is, that although conscious you have sin in you, your conscience is free of it according as you walk in the Spirit, and you thus are free to enjoy what you are in Christ before God.

B.T.F. The pouring out of the blood as we get it in chapter 4:7, would imply deep soul exercise, would it not?

J.T. I think it shows the fulness of death. Death had to take place in all its reality. We may have thought lightly of the sin; but the blood is poured out where God's judgment is. Self-judgment according to God is expressed in that.

B.T.F. What is the thought conveyed in the blood sprinkled before the veil of the sanctuary?

J.T. In the first instance we read, "And the priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle of the blood seven times before the Lord, before the veil of the sanctuary. And the priest shall put of the blood on the horns of the altar of fragrant incense which is in the tent of meeting, before Jehovah and he shall pour all the blood of the bullock at the bottom of the altar of burnt-offering, which is at the entrance of the tent of meeting". Notice the locations are most carefully given to us. The sprinkling of the blood before the veil is to re-establish communion with

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God in the sanctuary in a general way, we may say. But its being put on the altar of incense is to re-establish access; that is, prayer. So that you can pray again. The distance is gone. You can lift up your heart to God. The blood being poured at the bottom of the altar would signify the public judgment of sin. Not only has the particular sin been dealt with, but the sinner himself has been ended judicially and in a public way.

B.T.F. Is that the blood of atonement?

J.T. Atonement is Romans 3. That refers more to what was brought inside and put on the mercy-seat. That which is within, in the holiest of all, refers to God's majesty. That had been offended. Atonement was effected between God and Christ and typified by Aaron going inside with the blood, Leviticus 16. It is now announced in the gospel. Leviticus 16 typifies the great work of atonement. I suppose it is the most profound of all the types. The priest went in once a year, and was alone with God when He dealt with sin. There is a great deal said as to the garments he wore; but that is not found in this chapter.

J.C. Will you say more about the publicity of this?

J.T. It is important that sin should be judged publicly where it has compromised God's rights and His majesty, as, for instance, at Corinth. So in 2 Timothy 2, you are told to purify, and separate yourself; you withdraw yourself from iniquity. That is a public action. You formally separate. The defection in Christendom is what is contemplated in the "great house".

G.W.W. Many judge the thing secretly to be wrong but go on in it; but the man of God says that he must judge it publicly by separating from it.

P.H.P. Pouring out all the blood would signify the entire judgment of the thing.

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J.T. The blood in total refers to the life gone, the whole man judged.

B.T.F. Then the whole bullock was to be carried forth without the camp.

J.T. That is in keeping with the publicity of it, and emphasises the abhorrence that God has of sin, also the Christian's abhorrence of it now that he has come to judge it.

G.W.W. The fat and inwards were to be burnt on the altar of burnt-offering.

J.T. So it is sacrificial. The offering is Christ. Although there is the testimony to God's utter abhorrence of sin there is also that which denotes His infinite complacency in Christ as offered as a sacrifice for sin.

G.W.W. It is very humiliating to find I have allowed something in my "inwards" that found no place in Christ.

J.T. We have in Hebrews 4:12, "For the word of God [is] living and operative, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and penetrating to [the] division of soul and spirit, both of joints and marrow, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of [the] heart".

It is to be noted that first it is the priest who is anointed, and then the officiating priest. Obviously he could not officiate for himself because he has lost his priestly character, he is dependent on another. I think the priest being spoken of here as "the priest that is anointed" emphasises the official priesthood. What I mean by official, is that which God regards as such. Applying it to Christians it would be one who has the Spirit. It occurred to me yesterday in regard to fellowship, that many of us are apt to assume that because we are converted we are qualified for fellowship; but the question is, Have you the Spirit? That question lies at the basis of assembly fellowship. When Paul went to Ephesus he asked the question, "Did ye receive

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[the] Holy Spirit when ye had believed?", Acts 19:2 This is significant in many respects, especially because Ephesus is treated as in a way representing the whole assembly. One who has the Spirit has certain spiritual instincts, and in coming in touch with the Lord's people he forms links with them. He does not assert his title to break bread; but on account of the spiritual instincts he possesses he forms spiritual links with the saints. The "priest who is anointed" (typically speaking) has the Spirit and it is he who comes into the breach.

I believe this has taken place among God's people historically. God has brought in that element. There has been self-judgment and a return to the recognition of the Holy Spirit as indwelling believers. The Spirit should characterise the believer. That is where the link is. The priest who came into view was one who had previously eaten the sin-offering; but all the males, the whole priestly company, were adjusted by it.

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Leviticus 8

J.T. It is quite clear that we have first the priesthood as seen in Christ. The introduction of it in this chapter of the book would show that the import of the sacrifices is supposed to be understood. Up to this point the priesthood was connected with the offerers. The priest acts for the offerer as he makes his offerings, but as we get the benefit of his service on our behalf we are prepared to see his function in relation to God and to the universe.

A.F.M. Is it Christ Himself in the opening part of the chapter?

J.T. Yes. His personal dignity in regard to the universe, and then typically the saints who form the assembly with Him.

F.L. The tabernacle sets forth the universe. Christ is anointed as Man in relation to it, and then the saints, typified by Aaron's sons, are anointed with Him on the ground of His death.

J.T. As we apprehend the service of the Priest on our side, we are prepared for His function on God's side as the Minister of the sanctuary. The tabernacle is anointed, and then he is anointed.

F.L. I suppose that this is really the only occasion in which Aaron can be called a complete expression of the priesthood of Christ; that is, he had on the garments, the breastplate and the mitre. He is not termed "High Priest", but he sets forth Christ in that character. For a brief moment we see the character of the thing before breakdown comes in. We never see it again, not even on the day of atonement.

J.S. Moses has the place of directing all.

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J.T. He represents the element of authority, which is always present; it can never cease. We are in the apprehension, in that way, of what is presented to us in the gospels the Lord Jesus as Man here and anointed in relation to the whole system under God's eye. The tabernacle and Aaron are anointed without blood.

A.F.M. Why is it that the tabernacle is anointed first, and then Aaron afterwards?

J.T. I think it is to show what God had in His mind in the creation. He did not create the universe without a purpose. He had Christ in His mind. Sin is, of course, taken account of in the sin-offering later. All is finally founded on redemption, but we see the personal glory of Christ in the opening of the chapter. He was anointed without blood.

F.L. To understand this really we must apprehend that for the moment Christ is seen as both Moses and Aaron. The Apostle and Priest go together.

B.T.F. This would not refer to that side of the priesthood which supports the people in their wilderness journey.

J.T. No. It is what He is in upholding all things by His power; it is Christ in relation to all things. He maintains everything for God. It is a wonderful scene. We get a full type of Christ as Priest, and then in Aaron's sons those who typically form the assembly as associated with Him.

A.F.M. Why were all the congregation gathered together here?

J.T. This is a public scene. Christ was anointed at His baptism; the Holy Spirit descended upon Him. The coming of the Spirit at Pentecost also was public. He "sat upon" each of them. The priesthood is established in the presence of those who were to benefit by it.

G.W.W. A peculiar character attaches to the offering here. It is not like a special offering for

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sin; it is for the consecration of the priestly company. There is no confession of sin.

F.L. The opening passage refers to Christ in relation to the universe.

J.T. Aaron is anointed first without blood; he is afterwards anointed with his sons on the ground of death. The personal dignity of Christ is seen in the first, but on account of sin, His relation with His own must be on the ground of redemption.

G.W.W. That is the important point. God has set it up on such a ground; it was due to Himself, and besides that permanent security depended on it.

B.T.F. What do the garments worn by Aaron represent?

J.T. They all point to the inherent qualities of the Lord Jesus, His heavenly origin, and His service of love. It is as looking at Him as set forth in the gospels that we get the right thought about it.

Moses "put upon him the vest, and girded him with the girdle, and clothed him with the cloak, and put the ephod on him, and he girded him with the girdle of the ephod, and fastened the ephod on him. And he put the breastplate on it, and put on the breastplate the Urim and the Thummim; and he put the turban upon his head; and upon the turban, on the front of it, he put the golden plate, the holy diadem; as Jehovah had commanded Moses". All these refer to features that shone in the Lord personally as seen in the gospels. Take these details up bit by bit, and you can trace them in the gospels. He associated His disciples with Himself in Luke 24. Then He goes to heaven and receives the Holy Spirit from the Father, and gives it to them. He is set up as their Head. We have the full view of the priesthood set forth here. They go inside now to keep the charge of Jehovah, verses 33 - 35. Typically this refers to Christians.

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Our place is within. The charge of Jehovah is to be kept.

C.A.M. Christ was not anointed by the Spirit at His birth?

J.T. In Luke 3 He is anointed, and then we have His genealogy given right through to Adam to show that He is a real Man. The Spirit of God shows His true manhood, and then it is said, he "was led by the Spirit in the wilderness", Luke 4:1. The Spirit is supreme in Him; He recognises the Spirit. Then it is said that He "returned in the power of the Spirit", Luke 4:14. He returned. It was His own act, but in the power of the Spirit. He went into the synagogue and He stood up to read, and turned to the Scriptures; that is what is becoming to a priest. He takes the Scripture, the recognised word, and "found the place where it was written", Luke 4:17. It is not that He opened it accidentally, but it really is that He found it. Found what fitted that particular moment. He says, "[The] Spirit of [the] Lord is upon me" (Luke 4:18) and He carries on now His priestly ministry in the power of the anointing.

F.L. He is not restricted to the Jews. His service is toward all men.

B.T.F. Do we get Hebrews 2:11 here; the Sanctifier and the sanctified being all of one?

J.T. Yes. Only it is not a question here exactly of His "brethren", those that should be with Him, but those that should keep the charge of Jehovah with Him.

G.W.W. In all His wonderful life here among men He has shown His perfect competency as being the One who could hold everything for God. He is competent to hold the whole universe for God.

F.L. In Melchisedec we have the priesthood introduced, and then Aaron.

J.T. Melchisedec shows us the order. We have nothing of the garments connected with Melchisedec.

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He simply appears as priest, without father or mother or beginning of days or end of life. It was, I suppose, to show the deity of Christ; but we see the priestly functions in Aaron. Christ is a real Man, with a man's affections. He can call us by name. That is what the breastplate denotes. It is of all moment to have in our minds that He is not only Melchisedec, a divine Person, but a true Man, One who can love each of us, and can call each of us by name.

W.L.P. Who do the "congregation" typify here?

J.T. Those who are to get the benefit of the priesthood. The Lord in Spirit had spoken about preaching righteousness in the great congregation, Psalm 40:9. All His ministry was there before them. They marvelled, it is said, at the words of grace that were coming out of His mouth. The affect of the anointing was there; it is for them to get the benefit of it.

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Leviticus 10

J.T. This chapter shows how the priestly service began. It is a sad reflection that will, independency, was found in the sons of Aaron at the very outset.

A.N.W. I suppose the fire here would be the vindication of God's rights. It is very different from the outshining of the glory in the last verse of the previous chapter.

J.T. In the previous chapter, "there went out fire from before Jehovah, and consumed on the altar the burnt offering, and the pieces of fat"; The fire consumed the burnt-offering, instead of devouring the lawless men as in this chapter. It says, "there went out fire from before Jehovah, and devoured them".

A.N.W. I was thinking of the people falling on their faces; the contrast between the people there and the two sons of Aaron here.

J.T. In chapter 9 there is a worshipful spirit in the people. Here it is lawlessness. Chapter 9 would show the appreciation of Christ, as offered, I suppose.

A.N.W. Whereas, in chapter 10, God has to "hallow" Himself by devouring the lawless men. It says in verse 3, "I will be hallowed in them that come near me".

J.T. It reminds us of the beginning of things in the assembly and how God vindicated Himself in dealing with evil in Ananias and Sapphira.

F.L. I suppose the point of the thing was, that they used a different kind of fire than that which was usual?

J.T. "Strange fire" would be in contrast to that.

F.L. Do you not think we find the same principle in the assembly?

J.T. Some other principle of judgment than that which is from God. The word strange suggests the

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leading thought. It indicates some principle of testing or judgment other than that which is of God. They offered strange fire, "which he had not commanded them". There was a specific command about it apparently. One is reminded how men have been placed in responsibility, like Adam. How God has given a test by which we prove whether we are obedient or the contrary. Here it is said, "he had not commanded them".

P.H.P. There was nothing to be gained by offering strange fire. One wonders what their incentive was to do it. I suppose it was allowed as a testimony that the carnal mind is not subject to the law of God.

J.T. The sin was all the more reprehensible, for evidently there was no temptation.

P.H.P. I was thinking of Acts 5. There was no occasion for the sin that is seen there either.

A.F.M. Do you not think there was some natural excitement which produced this action?

J.T. The instruction which follows may suggest that. They were clearly governed by the mind of the flesh. These men, Judas, and Ananias and Sapphira, show what the flesh is. In the most favoured circumstances and without any provocation, it is not subject to the law of God. It is essentially lawless.

A.R.S. Why is it in connection with the strange fire that the Lord Himself acts in judgment, whereas when the man gathered sticks upon the sabbath day all the congregation stoned him?

J.T. The latter happened outside; this happened in the sanctuary before Jehovah, therefore He must act Himself. Just as we were remarking about Acts 5, it was a sin against the Holy Spirit. The gathering of sticks was public. It is said, 'while the children of Israel were in the wilderness' without giving the year or the month. It is within that period during which the children of Israel "were in

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the wilderness", Numbers 15:32. It was an occurrence in that period of time. Whereas here it is "before Jehovah". It says, "they offered strange fire before Jehovah".

C.B. I suppose what the saints can detect God lets them deal with?

J.T. Yes. Stoning enabled the people to commit themselves to the judgment executed. You can have any number of stones thrown at a man. What is before us here is not within the province of man's dealing in assembly discipline; it is God acting Himself.

B.T.F. Who would Nadab and Abihu represent at the present moment?

J.T. Those who are responsible in the assembly. Of course, all are responsible, for all Christians are priests. Nadab and Abihu were responsible with the other sons of Aaron; but they acted strangely. That element continues in the assembly; there are those marked by the introduction of what is strange.

B.T.F. In connection with what is commonly known as worship around us, we get natural elements introduced, such as music and so on. Would you connect this with that?

J.T. Yes. All such innovations are strange, contrary to what is commanded.

A.R.S. Do you not think these men defied God like Hiel in building Jericho?

F.L. I think Mr. Darby's translation gives it a little differently. It says, 'which he had not commanded them' It would seem that a certain fire had been commanded and they had offered some other fire. These men were so lawless that they had no respect for the holiness of the sanctuary.

J.T. There was no commandment for it. That is the test of things. Ofttimes it is affirmed that things are expedient and advantageous, although

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there is no commandment for them; but the absence of the commandment should be enough.

C.B. Do you think that corresponds with modern innovations in the professing systems?

J.T. Yes. Whereas the true priest is concerned as to the commandments, as to the principles in Scripture which govern the house, so that introducing strange things is reprehensible.

F.L. There are things which are absolutely repugnant. Take pride, position, worldly status, and the regulation of worship, so called, regulated according to the principles which previously obtained in idolatry; they have been carried over into Christendom. Strange fire is universal.

J.T. It is quite obvious the whole system of worship inaugurated among men is of that order. It is professedly under the divine sanction, but how utterly obnoxious to God it must be!

A.N.W. Would not these be more a figure of those who would inaugurate it? Nadab and Abihu were the two eldest sons; those who were in a position to give a lead in evil. Hence the seriousness of their act.

J.T. Judas held a position that was unique; he was in a position to commit such a sin as he committed; so were these two men.

A.N.W. They are carried out in their garments; their official standing had to go with them.

J.T. Yes. Their official status went out with them. The priesthood had really broken down.

A.F.M. Will you say why it was that the remaining sons were not to 'uncover their heads, neither rend their clothes, lest they die'

J.T. Natural affection is set here alongside of spiritual position and office, and I think it is a sort of clue to the teaching of the chapter. "Moses called Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel the uncle of Aaron, and said unto them, Come near,

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carry your brethren from before the sanctuary out of the camp". Natural relationship is recognised in connection with the judgment, but those who remained as priests must maintain their service. Even the judgment of God must not interfere with their service before Him. It is said, "And Moses said to Aaron, and to Eleazar and to Ithamar, his sons, Your heads shall ye not uncover, neither rend your clothes; lest ye die, and lest wrath come on all the assembly but your brethren, the whole house of Israel, shall bewail the burning which Jehovah hath kindled". It seems as if natural feeling is fully admitted; but the priesthood must be preserved, the spiritual line must be preserved at the expense of the natural.

A.F.M. Is there a connection between that and where Levi gained an everlasting priesthood throughout their generations, when they answered to the challenge, "He that is for Jehovah?" Exodus 32:26. They thus did violence to natural feelings.

J.T. Yes. That would be the whole tribe of Levi. It seems to be a mark of priesthood that they refuse natural claims.

F.L. While what is natural is always recognised in its place, yet the principle is, that in the assembly, what is due to the Lord there, what is spiritual, must be supreme, and it is not to be diverted from on account of anything that is natural. Aaron and his sons were anointed for service to God, and nothing of that service was to be allowed to drop before the Lord.

A.R.S. "I will be hallowed in them that come near me, and before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron was silent". Is it not significant here that Aaron is silent?

J.T. I think in that he was true to his calling. When things occur amongst the saints, discipline and the like, natural feeling is apt to be aroused;

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the relatives of the person are very likely to think and feel on natural lines. This chapter would condemn all that. It is a question of what is due to the Lord. If it be your wife, or your husband, or your brother, it is the same; it is a question of what is due to the Lord and natural feeling must not be admitted in the sanctuary. It seems as though Aaron was true here. Authority comes in immediately to help him, saying, "Your heads shall ye not uncover, neither rend your clothes"; It is a question of the Lord's rights. It was the breakdown of the priesthood; but it is very comforting to read, his sons that were left. They did not all go; there was a remnant for God, and authority comes in immediately in Moses. It came in to regulate those who were left, which is a principle in the assembly.

F.L. In connection with Korah there was a consuming in judgment by the Lord; but we find the whole family of Korah was not consumed, "But, the children of Korah died not", Numbers 26:11. And in the days of David (see the second book of Psalms) the remnant that were left in Korah came into view in very marked favour with God. So here there was a remnant of the priests left.

J.T. So all the instruction that follows is to regulate those left, the remnant. It has instruction in that way to ourselves, because we are in remnant times. So it is well to pay attention to the regulations given here. Moses immediately says to Aaron in verse 3, "This is what Jehovah spoke, saying, I will be hallowed in them that come near me, and before all the people I will be glorified". This was a good word, a good principle laid down. And it is added, "And Aaron was silent" as if he acquiesced. Then Moses directs what should be done with the sons of Aaron who died.

F.L. "The anointing oil of Jehovah is upon you". The presence of the Spirit typically is recognised.

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J.T. "And they did according to the word of Moses". It is encouraging to see that they did according to the word of Moses; in that way things were maintained.

A.R.S. Does it not appear that while the priesthood broke down, the Lord sustains it here? For Moses says to Aaron that he is not to rend his clothes.

J.T. Yes. They have a direct charge, and that charge has to be fulfilled in spite of what had happened. It seems as if it were the principle on which things are to be maintained right up to the end. They did what Moses commanded. Whenever a breakdown occurs there is usually after that a word from the Lord to regulate us as to what is to be done, and the thing is to recognise that, and in the recognition of that things are maintained for God even in a day of weakness and breakdown.

F.L. When there is a serious trouble, what we call a breakdown, the weight of it and the sorrow of it is to come upon all; all bewail it. But in the assembly convened the burden is not to be in evidence. It is right that the sorrow should rest upon our spirits ordinarily, but when we come together to remember the Lord the weight and sorrow of such a thing is not to be brought there.

J.T. What is in the sanctuary is not affected by the failure. The sanctuary remains. Christ is the minister of it, so in and notwithstanding the ruin we may have the privileges of it. This is a very important chapter, as showing how those who are left of the priesthood come under the regulation of the Lord. Moses represents His authority. And then it shows that they did as Moses commanded. That is where the safety lies.

Ques. Why does Aaron say, "Such things have befallen me"?

J.T. That shows how he was damaged by what

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had happened. Many of us come to the assembly with our spirits under the influence of things outside. Our service is thus impaired. But it says, "And Moses heard it; and it was good in his sight". The Lord takes account of infirmities. The Lord, in His grace, has to be content with us sometimes. Aaron was not actuated by will. He was subject, although affected. The desire of Moses was to maintain Aaron in the right spirit.

A.N.W. Moses was wroth with Eleazar and Ithamar, the two sons, and Aaron, it seems, intercedes for them. It is said, "Moses diligently sought the goat of the sin offering, and, behold, it was burnt up: then he was wroth with Eleazar and Ithamar, the sons of Aaron that were left"

J.T. Love "does not behave in an unseemly manner", 1 Corinthians 13:5. It was seemly that one should feel such a sorrow, as Aaron did; but there was a measure of confusion and error, too, in their service. No doubt they were all affected by what had happened.

F.L. That is evident, for Aaron said, "Had I today eaten the sin-offering, would it have been good in the sight of Jehovah?" While Moses calls attention to the two sons whose place it was to preserve the goat of the sin-offering, still Aaron was involved.

J.T. They should have eaten it, it is clear. For it says, 'Lo, its blood was not brought in within the sanctuary: ye should certainly have eaten it in the sanctuary, as I commanded' .

B.T.F. The passage emphasises that priesthood in perfection is to be found in the Lord alone.

J.T. 'And Jehovah spoke to Aaron, saying, Thou shalt not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, and thy sons with thee, when ye go into the tent of meeting, lest ye die -- it is an everlasting statute throughout your generations, that ye may put difference between the holy and the unholy, and between

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unclean and clean, and that ye may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which Jehovah hath spoken to them by the hand of Moses' . These verses are to preserve the priesthood from being governed by natural excitement or feeling.

P.H.P. It would exclude all natural sentiment.

F.L. This would include music, paintings, eloquent appeals. These things act on men's minds and imaginations in regard to divine things. And, under such impulses, the question is not raised whether the man is right with God or not. Multitudes are swayed. This is universal in Christendom.

J.T. The cathedrals with their stained glass windows, fine painting, music, represent what is intended to affect the flesh religiously. It has a subduing effect on the mind of man, creating what he thinks for the moment to be spiritual. On the other hand lively ranting singing, would also appeal to the flesh. All that is contrary to priestly intelligence and feeling. Wine excites the flesh. The priests were required even to wear linen because the tendency in that is to subdue. Wool causes heat and excites in that way. The priest is thus guarded so that the flesh should have no place.

F.L. Ephesians gives us, "Be not drunk with wine, in which is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit", Ephesians 5:18. These men were probably under the influence of wine. One would judge so from the way in which it comes in here.

J.T. Whereas, "Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and chanting with your heart to the Lord" (Ephesians 5:18 - 19) suggests the subdued outgoing of the heart Godward.

F.L. Do you not think it is of value to see that this is a direct word of the Lord to Aaron?

J.T. The first direct communication to him after

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his anointing. So that he is formally recognised, as it were, after the failure.

A.N.W. In the previous verse we have in type apostolic authority; verse 8 is a direct word from the Lord to Aaron.

A.A.T. Does not Moses shine specially in this chapter?

J.T. In this chapter he is more a type of Christ's authority. He represents the authority of God. That authority comes in and asserts itself in the way of regulation when failure takes place. The Lord usually gives a word if there is exercise after a breakdown.

B.T.F. We find the spirit of Aaron good all the way through.

J.T. I think he was greatly affected by what had happened; but he was subject. Another point, which we might notice here, is the question of food. Verses 8 - 11 form a direct word from the Lord to Aaron. Then it is said in verse 12, "And Moses spoke to Aaron, and to Eleazar and to Ithamar, his sons that were left, Take the oblation that is left of Jehovah's offerings by fire, and eat it with unleavened bread beside the altar; for it is most holy". The priesthood is now to be sustained. A word from the Lord reassures Aaron. The word left seems to me suggestive. We are on remnant ground now. What were the sons that were left to feed upon? The meat-offering, which is typically the humanity of Christ. That is what the priest is to feed upon. It is said, "Take the oblation that is left of Jehovah's offerings by fire, and eat it with unleavened bread beside the altar; for it is most holy. And ye shall eat it in a holy place, because it is thy due, and thy sons' due, of Jehovah's offerings by fire; for so I am commanded". It seems that there the priesthood is formally sustained. It is regulated by

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a word from the Lord; but the right food is presented, and where that food is to be eaten is specified; that is, priestly state is sustained in the sanctuary. We feed on Christ, as Man, in the holy place. It is our due, it is allotted to us. We are to grow in the order of Christ. We do not make anything of natural status and the like. It is the order of Man suggested in the meat-offering that we are built up in. So, as wine is refused, and we feed on the meat-offering, that order of Man is built up in us.

A.F.M. The peace-offering seems to be wider?

J.T. Therefore, we drop in a measure. For in the next paragraph it is said, "And the wave breast and heave shoulder shall ye eat in a clean place; thou, and thy sons, and thy daughters with thee". There we come down simply to "a clean place". It is not necessarily now the assembly in function, as we speak, but it is a place where evil is not allowed.

F.L. Such an occasion as this.

J.T. Where the saints are viewed as related to Christ; but not necessarily exercising priestly functions. We are related to Christ, and in a clean place, and we have fellowship one with another.

A.N.W. A Christian's house may be regarded in this way.

F.L. The suggestion is of a sphere where we can enjoy reconciliation. The peace-offering would be in keeping with that.

A.N.W. It is where love (the breast) and strength (the shoulder) are developed.

J.T. Yes. These offerings suggest Christian affection, as you say. There is affection and support when the saints come together as we are now. We have fellowship in what pertains to Christ; but not exactly as exercising our priestly functions.

P.H.P. And what you feed upon is pleasurable to God.

F.L. In such a meeting, it is inevitable that in

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some way or other Christ, who has gone into death, thus supplying pleasure to God, will be brought before us.

P.H.P. I suppose the first two sons sinned, because they did what the Lord had not commanded; and the other two sinned because they did not do that which was commanded. Do you not think that we might be driven to these two extremes in our meetings? Very often people do things which should not be done, and the opposite.

F.L. There is a very great difference, however, for the eldest two are cut off; but the other two are left.

A.F.M. Which chapter, the eighth or ninth, is our standard regarding what is priestly?

J.T. Chapter 8 shows our place as priests, but chapter 9 shows, in part, the manner of Aaron's ministry. There is a standard in this way. For us the standard, of course, is Christ. The apostles, especially Paul, as following Him are examples for us. It is so striking that the strange fire should appear immediately after the divine fire (chapter 9:24) had come out, making it all the more serious. It is very encouraging to see here how the priestly remnant, those "that were left", is provided for immediately; so the priestly system is maintained. In spite of the breakdown the service of God is to be carried on.

F.L. There is a wide difference between the use of strange fire and failure to eat the sin-offering.

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Leviticus 11

J.T. It is to be observed that the food in this chapter is not priestly food, as in the previous chapter. It is for the people, for the children of Israel. It is said, "Speak unto the children of Israel", therefore, it would refer to us in our ordinary circumstances.

F.L. Yes; I was thinking that in this book you get an idea of a great system. The centre of it is the mercy-seat; God dwelling among men and everything takes character from this. Here we have prescribed the food that the people were to eat; it must be in suitability to the One who dwells amongst them.

J.T. Viewed as priests, we not only eat suitable food, but we have to eat it in a certain place, either the "holy place" or in a "clean place". But viewed in our ordinary circumstances it is not a question of even a clean place but clean food, because, as a matter of fact, this chapter supposes us in an unclean place. The world is polluted, but we are to be sustained on earth, and this chapter furnishes us with instructions as to the kind of food we are to eat morally.

A.F.M. Moses and Aaron are combined here when commanded to address the people. It would seem that the priestly element has a place in this chapter in regard of what is clean and what is unclean. In the previous chapter they were not to drink wine nor strong drink in order that they might be fit to put a difference between the holy and the unholy, and between clean and unclean. I suppose the "holy" refers to God, and the "unclean" to men.

J.T. Moses and Aaron are addressed together. Aaron's sons are not in view here; therefore, Moses

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and Aaron being allied would set forth both, in type, the authority and the priesthood of Christ as concerned in regard of our associations, and what we eat morally. In this chapter the point is not where we eat, but what we eat.

B.T.F. Would this imply what the mind is engaged with as well as our associations?

J.T. Yes, I suppose it would. So that it would imply that on which the mind feeds. Scripture speaks of "the pure mental milk of the word" by which we are to "grow up to salvation", 1 Peter 2:2.

F.L. The Jew took this up literally, as far as the material thing is concerned. The sheet let down from heaven to Peter (Acts 10) clears us as to any obligation regarding the material thing, so we come back to the moral and spiritual bent of it all.

J.T. In Deuteronomy the instruction corresponding to this is based on what is suitable to the people as being "sons of Jehovah your God ... . For thou art a holy people unto Jehovah thy God, and thee hath Jehovah chosen for a people of possession unto himself", Deuteronomy 14:1 - 2. Here it is, "These are the animals which ye shall eat of all the beasts that are on the earth". In Leviticus it is a question of what is suitable to God. In Deuteronomy it is what is suitable to the people.

F.L. I was thinking that what is suitable to God is left more to discernment, and what is suitable to man is specifically expressed. In Deuteronomy you may eat this, that, and the other, but in Leviticus you are told to eat, or not to eat, certain animals which have certain characteristics. It needs spiritual discernment to tell whether or not they have these characteristics.

A.N.W. Why are the instructions confined to the animal kingdom?

J.T. The animal kingdom is a convenient means by which to convey the thoughts of God as to food.

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Being used by men since Noah's time for food, animals are spoken of in this way to suggest what is clean and unclean in a spiritual sense.

A.N.W. I was thinking that the animal kingdom may be regarded as standing rather more in relation to God than the vegetable kingdom. Life belongs to God, and God seems to use His prerogative in that way, directing what His people should eat or should not eat of those animals.

J.T. There are well-known characteristics, both as regards what is clean and what is unclean. God uses the latter to call attention to what marked men as away from Him; the former suggests what marked men as converted to Him. For instance, chewing the cud is a characteristic of a certain species of animal that everyone is acquainted with. It is a simple way of calling attention to something, namely, the reception of what is of God and the careful assimilation of it. It is a very convenient figure for God to use to call attention to what a converted man is. His walk is regulated according to the light he receives; he divides the hoof, he discriminates between good and evil and cleaves to the good. Chewing the cud and dividing the hoof distinguishes, as clean, the first category of creatures. Of the second category, the fish, it is said, "Whatever hath fins and scales in waters ... these shall ye eat". Those which have fins and scales are clean. The power of movement, along with power of resistance or protection, suggests those who do not "follow the multitude for evil", Exodus 23:2.

As to birds, those that cling to the earth, although they have means for rising from it, are unclean, they do not rise from the earth, they cling to it. That would point to those, perhaps, who have power, but do not use it to rise from the earth; and in that sense they are not clean.

F.L. Man's food was exclusively from the vegetable

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kingdom before sin came into the world, and even before the flood; but then there comes in another line of things which always involves the sacrifice of life. It is a question of the prerogative of God, which never would have come up in that way if sin had not come into the earth.

A.A.T. Noah had instructions to take "clean beasts" without designating what the clean beasts were.

J.T. He evidently understood what clean beasts were. I suppose he had sacrifice especially in view, for he took of everyclean beast, and of every clean fowl for sacrifice after he reached the dry land. And, as was remarked, God ordained that he should have the lower animals for food after that.

A.A.T. You mean it was not God's original intention to feed man with meat.

J.T. The food which He gave man in Genesis 1 was "Every herb producing seed ... . and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree producing seed", Genesis 1:29. Then in chapter 8 it is said, "Noah built an altar to Jehovah; and took of every clean animal, and of all clean fowl, and offered up burnt offerings on the altar. And Jehovah smelled the sweet odour", Genesis 8:20 - 21. Then in chapter 9, "let the fear of you and the dread of you be upon every animal of the earth, and upon all fowl of the heavens: upon all that moveth [on] the ground; and upon all the fishes of the sea: into your hand are they delivered", Genesis 9:2. So, clearly, the whole animal kingdom is subservient to man, and to be used by him now.

B.T.F. Would a very practical point be, that what should characterise a Christian is found in the features of clean animals

,J.T. Christians are typically in view in these Scriptures. We are not so much concerned with the letter, "for the letter kills, but the spirit quickens", 2 Corinthians 3:6.

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We are engaged with the spirit of the thing, therefore it becomes a question as to what the creature represents who chews the cud, and does not have the divided hoof. It seems to me, that such an animal represents a person who professes to be a Christian, who seems to care for the things of God, but who does not use discrimination in regard of his walk.

F.L. If you follow it through you will see that there are certain characteristics. With some there is no character; the coney and the hare, and the like. Then, those that feed on carrion, or corruption. Then, those marked by violence, that would set forth man in another aspect. With others, pride, soaring into the heavens. Others are mean, crawling upon the earth. These bring in the need of discrimination. With whom should we associate?

We are set up as Christians in relation to a system of things in which God dwells, and we are to be in accord with that, with His holiness. It is not only that I am right personally as to coming to meetings, and enjoying them, and so on; it becomes a question as to the persons I am associated with and whose company I keep. It was said to Jehoshaphat, "Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate Jehovah?", 2 Chronicles 19:2. And the Psalmist says, "Do not I hate them, O Jehovah, that hate thee?", Psalm 139:21.

P.H.P. The great point is, it seems to me, that we should discriminate in regard to the food we eat morally. People are apt to be fastidious as to their material food, this ought to mark us in regard to spiritual food.

A.N.W. You mean we are critical about what we eat. We get poisoned by the food if it is poisonous.

J.T. I think this chapter is one of the most important because of that very thing. It enters into everyday life, because you are viewed here as in your public capacity, in a defiled scene, where

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what these creatures set forth is, and it is a question as to whether you use discernment.

F.L. In the idea of food is absorption, and we absorb from two sources.

J.T. One source is those with whom we associate; and the other what we read.

F.L. In other words, our minds and our affections are fed.

A.N.W. The instruction seems to rest upon the fact that the people had been brought out of the land of Egypt.

J.T. "I am Jehovah thy God that brought you up out of the land of Egypt": In Psalm 81, there is added to this, "open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it", Psalm 81:10. It is further said there, "He would have fed them with the finest of wheat; yea, with honey out of the rock would I have satisfied thee", Psalm 81:16. The passage in 1 Peter 2 helps: "as newborn babes desire earnestly the pure mental milk of the word, that by it ye may grow", 1 Peter 2:2. It refers to what the mind feeds on as it enters on everyday life, as to what your mind will be occupied with. Books, it seems to me, have become a vehicle of evil influence more than anything. Bad books are most pernicious.

A.F.M. "Solid food belongs to full-grown men, who, on account of habit, have their senses exercised for distinguishing both good and evil", Hebrews 5:14. If we read bad books and keep bad associations we shall not "grow up to salvation", 1 Peter 2:2. Besides, we shall be unclean.

F.L. We really become characterised by what we eat. If we absorb corrupt things, our minds become corrupt. If we mix with violent men, strong, heady, self-willed men, we absorb that character, and become marked by it. If we go with those who are mean, and degenerate, we become like them. It is very easy to show the opposite effect if we go with the godly and spiritually minded.

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J.T. The New Translation of verses 29, 30 reads, "And these shall be unclean unto you among the crawling things which crawl on the earth: the mole, and the field-mouse, and the lizard, after its kind; and the groaning lizard, and the great red lizard, and the climbing lizard, and the chomet, and the chameleon". I thought particularly of the different kinds of lizards. The little creatures are often kept as pets.

A.N.W. The chameleon changes its colour constantly, according to its environment.

J.T. I was greatly struck with the variety of the lizard family. Evidently they represent a large class, who although they have not salient features of evil, are yet unclean. They may be congenial and interesting, but they are unclean. The verses read suggest a class of people who are not violent, nor unclean in an exaggerated way, like the swine; but they are unclean. They represent, no doubt, the people who like a show: those who climb; those who groan; but they are all alike unclean. I think a very large class of people are in a way covered in these verses, people who are "nice", congenial, interesting; but the Spirit of God stamps them as unclean. That is the solemn part.

A.N.W. The chameleon, which changes its colour is often very attractive.

J.T. Among Christians he might be nice, and seem to participate in what they enjoy, while at the same time he would be free to take part in certain of the world's pleasures.

A.N.W. 'Shall be unclean unto you' Sometimes we form a judgment of a person by his standing in the world. He may pass very well in the world; but be utterly unclean unto Christians.

J.T. Yes. You are not to be governed by the world's judgment of him; you are to estimate a man according to the divine standard. We come

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now to the creatures in the waters, verses 9 to 12. It is said, "Whatever hath fins and scales in waters, in seas, and in rivers, these shall ye eat; but all that have not fins and scales in seas, and in rivers, of all that swarm in the waters, and of every living soul which is in the waters -- they shall be an abomination unto you". Then it says further, "Whatever in the waters hath no fins and scales, that shall be an abomination unto you".

B.T.F. What is your thought about the fins?

J.T. They suggest power to go against the stream.

B.T.F. The scales suggest protection.

Ques. What does it mean 'ye shall not touch them?' Under certain circumstances you cannot avoid coming in contact with what is said to be unclean.

J.T. We have here in type God's requirements from His people in the wilderness. Neglect on our part must not be excused. What is suitable must be maintained. It is a question of what is suitable to God.

A.F.M. Jeremiah helps us; he says, "Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy words were unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by thy name, O Jehovah, God of hosts", Jeremiah 15:16. That is the idea of assimilating. And again, "I sat not in the assembly of the mockers, nor exulted: I sat alone", Jeremiah 15:17. There is instruction. He would not touch what was unclean.

P.H.P. "Shall be unclean until the even". I was thinking, that it is a great relief to us, after passing through the world, to be able to cast all off before God at night. So we begin the day afresh, clean.

A.A.T. I. thought the evening was the beginning of the day.

J.T. It is so from the side of our experience.

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This may be learned in Genesis 1. The morning refers to what Christ is. The evening undoubtedly refers to judging the thing, a certain process which the soul goes through. I suppose that in our soul's history it is a question of days, and things are to be settled in the evening. "Let not the sun set upon your wrath", Ephesians 4:26. Things must be adjusted then. Do not let anything go over to the morning. The soul's history is composed of days, I think.

B.T.F. Where are you applying the days in this chapter?

J.T. "Shall be unclean until the even" is frequently repeated. This chapter is so important as to the regulation of our souls in the outside world. Chapter 10 is somewhat more simple, if we understand priesthood, because the food is provided, and the place in which to eat is designated; but outside we are face to face with all kinds of people, and it is a question whether or not we have spiritual power for discrimination. I think one of the simplest things, and yet one of the most important, is "Cease to do evil; learn to do well", Isaiah 1:17. We ought not to be discouraged, "learn to do well"; it is a matter of education. And learning comes about, and develops, as we habituate ourselves to discriminate evil and to cleave to that which is good. Scripture speaks of "A lover of goodness", Titus 1:8. It is a wholesome word to young people especially.

F.L. This fits in as a part of a great scheme. When there is discrimination as to what is good everything must be taken up in reference to God. The light we get here may be connected with 1 Corinthians 10:31, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatever ye do, do all things to God's glory".

J.T. The Lord's table, which implies fellowship, should be the great central feature in this respect. Can I enjoy partaking in that which is inconsistent with it?

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A.F.M. Paul, for example, answers to the fishes with fins and scales. I am thinking of the energy that marked him, and the resisting power.

J.T. Then as to the birds. You will notice a discrimination made in favour of a certain class of creatures, "which have legs above their feet with which to leap upon the earth". There is some power to get away from the earth.

A.F.M. The earth is not spoken of in a good sense here.

J.T. It is in the sense which James speaks of it: "Earthly, natural, devilish", James 3:15. Colossians speaks of it in contrast to heaven.

A.F.M. Certain flying creatures are clean.

J.T. And some are not clean. A winged creature, a bird, is a type of power to rise above the earth. The Spirit of God makes the Christian independent of the world. He can rise above earthly people, he is far above them, in the power of the Spirit of God. A man who has worldly means, and position, has power to rise above others; but he is unclean.

F.L. "Whatever goeth on its paws", I think they are animals of violence and are to be avoided.

P.H.P. The point of the "sowing-seed" in verse 37 is interesting. What would you say about it?

J.T. You will notice in verse 36, "Nevertheless, a spring or a well, a quantity of water, shall be clean. But he that toucheth their carcase shall be unclean. And if any part of their carcase fall upon any sowing-seed which is to be sown, it shall be clean"; First of all, you have a fountain, plenty of water. Would it not suggest that where there is the energy of the Spirit things are thrown off. The assembly normally, for instance. The presence of an unconverted person would not defile the whole company. Even at Corinth the whole company was not defiled. "As ye are unleavened" (1 Corinthians 5:7) and yet they

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were to put away the man. I suppose the seed to be sown would be the germ of life.

F.L. In Genesis 1 it was the only kind of food to be eaten, "Every herb producing seed ... and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree producing seed", Genesis 1:29. The water in a spring or well suggests the energy of life in the Spirit; but, perhaps, the water which was put on the seed simply made a point of contact between the corruption of the carcase and the seed. While, if that were not there, there was no contact.

A.N.W. Does the water cause it to germinate?

J.T. The passage reads, "but if water have been put on the seed, and any part of their carcase fall thereon, it shall be unclean unto you". The water here is no doubt a type of the word, applied in connection with the death of the Lord; the application of it to the soul as applied to the Christian involves responsibility; he is rendered unclean if he touches any evil thing. Job said, speaking of a tree cut down, that "through the scent of water it will bud", Job 14:9. Budding is the evidence of life, and this involves responsibility. The apostle says in 1 Corinthians 6:11, "Ye have been washed", on this account they were responsible.

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Leviticus 13

J.T. The description of leprosy and the working of it, is lengthy. We can well understand the necessity for this, for it is a type of sin. It might be worth while to point out the divisions of this chapter. Verses 1 and 2 read "When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a rising or a scab, or bright spot", verse 9, "When a sore as of leprosy is in a man", verse 18, "when in the skin thereof cometh a boil", verse 24, "a burning inflammation", verse 29, "a sore on the head or on the beard", verse 38, "white bright spots", These are typical of the different appearances of the working of sin in a person. Then in verse 47 we have sin in one's circumstances; that is, garments.

P.H.P. In chapter 14 it is seen in the house.

A.F.M. Say a word as to what leprosy is, as to its significance as a type.

J.T. It is a very loathsome disease and well known in the East. I suppose it is selected by the Spirit of God to typify sin, to bring it to our attention according to what it is, the loathsomeness and the infectiousness of it.

L.T.F. It expresses the condition of man before God; he is unclean.

J.T. It does. The chapter shows that, as the disease is pronounced to be in a man. It is said, "And as to the leper in whom the sore is, -- his garments shall be rent, and his head shall be uncovered, and he shall put a covering on his beard, and shall cry, Unclean, unclean! All the days that the sore shall be in him he shall be unclean: he is unclean; he shall dwell apart; outside the camp shall his dwelling be", verses 45 - 46. In that way his condition is defined, and he

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acknowledges it in the announcement by his own lips; he "shall cry, Unclean, unclean"!

R.S.S. It is a question of state, not of guilt. You get an illustration of it in Naaman, who was a great man, and brought in a great deliverance, but he was a leper. It was a question of what he was, not what he had done. His ways were good in one way.

J.T. The Lord even used him.

W.L.P. There seems to be uncleanness in the head, which would refer to the working of his mind.

A.F.M. Do you think that leprosy suggests the energy of will as well?

J.T. Yes. The first evidence of it; we have to deal here with evidence of its presence in "a rising or a scab, or bright spot", so that would show some outburst of the will, I suppose.

B.T.F. Something like "the passions of sins" spoken of in Romans 7:5?

J.T. I suppose so. There is some evidence of its presence, for it is usually active.

B.T.F. The matter was to be brought to the priest; "he shall be brought unto Aaron the priest, or unto one of his sons the priests".

J.T. The function of the priest is very prominent in this book. Here it is a question of discerning and dealing with sin. When Aaron is mentioned, I suppose it is the Lord Himself that is in view in type, the Lord as over the house of God as Priest. Under Him discernment of sin and the judgment of it are seen in the house of God.

R.S.S. Moses and Aaron are addressed in verse 1. Why Moses?

J.T. As representing the authority of Christ, and when Aaron is associated with him it is to represent Christ as Priest.

Ques. Does Moses represent headship?

J.T. I think he represents divine authority in

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Exodus and Numbers; that is an important feature of the government of the house; these books have the house in view and also the authority that is vested in Christ. In dealing with sin, the lordship of Christ is in evidence, as we see in Paul's first letter to the Corinthians.

A.N.W. It is also said, "or unto one of his sons the priests".

J.T. That makes room for the function of the saints in dealing with sin, but all is necessarily under Christ, the "great priest over the house of God", Hebrews 10:21.

A.N.W. I think it is remarkable that leprosy is not dealt with until it rises to the skin. You said it is never latent, and I suppose the Lord would discern it working even before it rises to the skin, but in these cases it is when it comes to light, and not until then, that the priests deal with it.

J.T. It is not formally taken account of until there is evidence of its existence. This evidence is represented by a rising, scab, or bright spot on the surface.

L.T.F. The responsibility of the man comes in there; he is hardly responsible for having sin, for he is born in sin, but for allowing it to act.

J.T. It is the eruption on the surface that leads to the disease being dealt with. The skin reveals that a sore of leprosy is in a man.

B.T.F. The examination is to discover whether the thing is active or inactive.

J.T. In Scripture sin is recognised as present in the Christian, but it should be inactive, 1 John 1:8. It is rendered inactive by the activity of the Spirit. Similarly there was leaven in the "new oblation" (Leviticus 23:16); the "loaves" were baken with leaven, but through the action of the fire the leaven was rendered inactive.

B.B-w. Is it not sin in the believer that is in view here?

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J.T. In these books the people are recognised as already related to God, so that here it is sin breaking out in such.

R.S.S. Would you not say that they are looked upon as redeemed from the time of the passover, and that all these books, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus, look at them as such? but it is a question of maintaining them there.

C.A.M. So that the teaching in type points to the Christian company.

J.T. It is in relation to the house of God.

C.A.M. In Matthew 8 it seems to be more in relation to the testimony. The cleansed man was sent to the priest to offer a gift for a testimony to them.

J.T. It was for a testimony there; the principle of going to the priest is right; the instruction here is for us, we should go to the priest. I think that the second letter to the Corinthians somewhat corresponds with going to the priest; the first letter is the priest discovering the evil.

A.F.M. In connection with the discernment of sin, are we to discern it ourselves, or is it the work of another? What answers to the sons of Aaron?

J.T. I think it is the saints as dealing with evil in one of their number. The leper himself is not viewed as a priest. It would show that in some cases of sin, the thing is not so apparent, whereas in others it is quite apparent. In Corinthians there was no need of further waiting, the apostle said it was there; it was of such a character that any one should be able to discern it.

B.T.F. Would you say that the saints should be always able to discern sin now? Does it apply in that way?

J.T. The saints are called upon in the house of God to discern sin, and not only that, but to aid in the cleansing. The apostle's second letter to the

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Corinthians calls upon them to restore the man, whereas in his first letter he says: "(ye and my spirit being gathered together, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ), ... to deliver him,[I say,] [being] such, to Satan" (1 Corinthians 5:4 - 5); there they were occupied with judging it.

B.T.F. The priestly function is seen in both epistles.

J.T. Exactly. Paul represents Moses and Aaron, because as apostle he represents the authority of Christ, and then he represents the priestly function in that he discerns the sin that was there. He calls upon them to judge it, and in the second epistle he calls upon them to restore the man.

L.T.F. The instructions here suggest that there should be care in dealing with one who may sin.

J.T. There should not be hurry, but when the sin is manifest, then there is to be no delay.

R.S.S. The Lord waited a long time until the leprosy in Judas, so to speak, came out. He knew of it when others did not.

J.T. He waited until it showed itself.

R.S.S. That would illustrate the principle, would it not? So that although there may be consciousness that there is something wrong, and exercise about it, yet there should be waiting until the sin is manifested.

A.N.W. The Lord discerned Judas the whole time. He said that he was a devil long before.

A.R.S. In that connection you would say that it is not the part of the saints to ferret out sin, but wait until it is manifested?

J.T. It will show itself in some way, and then investigation should be made.

A.R.S. The world employs a detective, but faith would not have a detective.

J.T. Faith waits on God, who will bring all to light; but when it is brought to light it should be dealt with, it should not be allowed to drag.

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B.T.F. This would show judgment commencing at the house of God.

J.T. I think it shows how sin is dealt with in the house of God. We have the high priest in Aaron, and the authority of Christ in Moses, and then in the sons of Aaron we have the saints viewed as priests, all these show that there is provision for the maintenance of the holiness of the house of God.

L.T.F. Why so much reference to the hair?

J.T. It is very remarkable the hair turning white; that would raise an interesting line of thought as to what the hair represents. I suppose that as on the head it would suggest ornamentation, and in its natural colour it denotes vigour and health.

A.F.M. Here it mentions black hair specifically.

J.T. Yes. This would be its natural colour. The black would suggest health and vitality; grey hair denotes that natural vitality is on the wane; I suppose spiritual vitality being on the wane in any of us would show that the Spirit is grieved, vital energy has declined or ceased.

P.H.P. On the other hand white hair is regarded as the result of experience; an elder has white hair.

J.T. If grey hairs appear in the way of righteousness, they are to be honoured, but that is normal. But if they appear abnormally, it shows lack of vitality.

B.T.F. Decay has set in.

J.T. Yes, the nourishment is gone.

A.F.M. Yellow is another colour.

J.T. That would be worse still; another colour taken on. White is loss of vitality, but yellow is some other element in the person, it might be apostasy, or something different from what the man has been. I think the hair in a general way is an ornamentation, and indicates vitality of person, so that a change would denote the opposite of that.

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R.S.S. Would you say that by nature we are all leprous?

J.T. I think that is right, only that nature is dealt with in Leviticus 12; that is, at the outset nature is corrupt, our uncleanness is there.

A.N.W. Chapter 12 has only eight verses, whereas this has fifty-nine!

J.T. While we are born in sin, yet leprosy is something different from that, and refers rather to man's responsibility the uncleanness in chapter 12 is not the same as leprosy.

A.F.M. Leprosy is more the energy of will.

J.T. Breaking out in the form of a scab, boil, sore, or burning inflammation.

R.S.S. "Sin is lawlessness", 1 John 3:4.

W.L.P. What does verse 13 mean; the disease covering the leper?

J.T. Nothing is kept inside, it has all come out. Sin is wholly and unsparingly judged and acknowledged; there is transparency. He acknowledges it. There is no part of him that is not covered, it has all come out.

P.H.P. Peter in Luke 5 is a good illustration, "I am a sinful man, Lord", Luke 5:8.

J.T. He is a very good illustration, and his conversion comes in immediately before the cleansing of the leper in verse 12.

H.B.G. What does baldness denote?

J.T. I think it is the same principle we have been considering, that the moisture and nourishment for the hair has ceased; it is more negative. Baldness does not render a man unclean, but it is called attention to as abnormal; a negative effect raises a question.

A.N.W. There is a liability of a sore of leprosy in the bald head.

J.T. Leprosy in the head was the most serious of all; verses 40 - 44. It is the only instance in which

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we have the expression "utterly unclean" in the chapter. This shows the seriousness of it.

P.H.P. The leprosy is in his head, the highest part is touched.

A.N.W. It may be regarded as originating with the man, it is not contracted. It affects his mind; it might be bad doctrine. It seems to be very serious.

J.T. Yellow "thin hair", as in verse 30, would mark a person off very distinctively; yellow would be very noticeable.

C.M. How would you discover it in a practical way?

J.T. I think it would come out in that he is diverse. "Contrary to the doctrine which ye have learnt", Romans 16:17. Heresy, I should say, is what would distinguish a man or his followers.

A.N.W. Why is woman introduced in connection with this form of disease?

J.T. I suppose it probably might represent the development of sin in the way of heresy in the church.

A.N.W. The "woman Jezebel". The hair of a woman is her glory.

J.T. There is order in the chapter. The subject typified is sin and the various forms in which it manifests itself. We have to remember that in these chapters the Spirit of God is occupied typically with the assembly; and it is the working of sin in that way, I think. The yellow hair appearing in the head, either in man or woman, would denote the introduction of some moral leprosy or false teaching by which the people of God would be diverted, and caused to take on a different appearance from what is normal. The yellow hair indicates that something foreign has been introduced.

R.S.S. And Satan very often uses a woman to bring that in.

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C.A.M. What would answer to the shutting up and waiting to see if the thing develops?

J.T. I think that indicates the deliberation which is becoming in the administration of the house of God. God is dwelling there, and the instruction here is to the end that His people might be suitable to Him. "Be ye holy, for I am holy", 1 Peter 1:16. The first thought is to have things according to God; and secondly, "Purge out the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump" (1 Corinthians 5:7), and along with that, that the flesh in the one who sins may be destroyed, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

R.S.S. There are two things in view then, the holiness of God's house to be maintained, and the restoration of the one who sins.

J.T. So that the teaching in these two chapters, Leviticus 13 and 14, shows that there is no other thought than that the leper should be cleansed.

C.H.B. It is important that there should be priestly scrutiny amongst the Lord's people.

L.T.F. How should a leper be shut up? What answers to that in the present day?

J.T. I do not know except that it suggests the general principle of patient waiting on the Lord, for we are so apt to misjudge if we act in a hurry. I do not think it is a formal act of discipline by the assembly that is typified here; it is rather the way you regard one whose ways are doubtful.

L.T.F. Is that by withdrawing yourself from him?

J.T. There would be that in principle, but it is only when his leprosy is determined that the leper is put outside the camp.

L.T.F. Here is one shut up seven days, how is that done? Is it by the saints acting in reserve toward him?

J.T. Yes. It is the state of their minds toward him, how they regard him.

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C.A.M. He is made conscious of that, and he feels sure it may be made apparent some way or other?

J.T. Yes. He is not yet regarded as a leper, but he is under suspicion because there is the sore, and as the saints wait and show diligence and care, the true state of the man comes to light.

R.S.S. Do not act towards a person as though you are judging him guilty. There is a little danger of taking an attitude which really amounts to a judgment.

J.T. But a certain thing has happened by this sore or scab which he cannot deny. You are not sure of the course, or what it may lead to, so that there is a certain amount of justification for your attitude toward him. He knows the saints are concerned about him, and that a certain thing has happened which gives them occasion for it. The question is whether the sin develops or stays.

B.T.F. Whether it works inward or outward.

,J.T. Verses 5 and 6 show that such watchfulness may lead to the sin being checked, so that the person may be pronounced clean.

A.N.W. 'He shall be brought unto Aaron the priest, or unto one of his sons the priests' ; it does not say his sons, but one of his sons.

J.T. I think if a man is given an opportunity it suggests grace. It is not only stated that the priest pronounced him clean; it says, "he shall wash his garments and be clean"; that is what he does, showing that he is now adjusting matters.

A.F.M. In 2 Thessalonians 3:14 we get the principle which underlies that verse.

J.T. The brother is concerned now about his circumstances, he washes his garments. This has not happened without purpose, and so he takes account of it and adjusts himself and meets the conscience of the saints in every way.

L.T.F. As practically holy we are able to discern.

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J.T. The name priest suggests holiness. Aaron is the only one, I think, in the Old Testament who is formally called a saint; that is, a holy one. "Aaron, the saint of Jehovah", Psalm 106:16. He was marked out as separated to God, to maintain what is due to Him in the sanctuary.

A.F.M. What of "a trace of raw flesh" in verse 10?

J.T. Verses 10 and 11 speak of "an old leprosy". I suppose such a man had never really judged sin in the flesh, and it is now active. This is the result of not apprehending Romans 7 in our souls.

A.F.M. If we do not judge the root of the sin, there is sure to be a recurrence of it in ourselves.

A.P. Romans 7 is more a normal experience?

J.T. What I mean is that each one of us should discover by experience that sin is in us as a principle. "I myself with the mind serve God's law; but with the flesh sin's law", Romans 7:25. The experience gone through leads to this grand result. The believer loves to serve the law of God, but if the flesh acts, it serves sin, it should not therefore be allowed to act.

B.T.F. The epistle of John says, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves", 1 John 1:8.

J.T. That is it, but the man in Romans 7 discovered sin in himself. It is an admitted fact, and in him Satan is defeated, for he serves the law of God. In Romans 6 it is "Sin shall not have dominion over you, for ye are not under law but under grace". In Romans 7 it is the man himself, "I myself with the mind serve God's law", Romans 7:25. With his mind he serves God's law, wholly repudiating the flesh.

Rem. Such a man could not have the outburst of sin suggested here.

J.T. Romans 8 gives the power, which is the Spirit, by which the believer, as recognising the sin, is superior to it.

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R.S.S. An illustration of a cleansed leper would be the publican who smote on his breast and said, "O God have compassion on me, the sinner", Luke 18:13. That man was justified.

J.T. And so here -- when the leprosy covered the man all over, he is clean. The Lord said of the woman in Luke 7, "her many sins" He took account of them all; He had judged them all, but He says, "are forgiven"; As Priest, the Lord looks at us, and sees us through and through; and seeing that all is owned, He pronounces us clean. How encouraging to think of the Lord taking account of one who owns all his guilt, who hides nothing; he pronounces him clean, and he is clean.

B.T.F. The disease is not in any way working in that man.

J.T. It is not working when it is all out. He is clean.

A.F.M. Chapter 14 is necessary to complete the work of cleansing.

J.T. That is really being brought to God, but the statement in verse 13, that "he is clean", refers to what is moral; verses 12 and 13 involve self-judgment. The man is clean on this account, but the teaching of chapter 14 is required in order that he should be consciously suitable to God. The prodigal was clothed before going into the house.

A.W. In this case, in verse 13, it is not said that he must wash his garments; in the other case, in verse 6, he washes his garments and is clean, but in this case "he is clean".

J.T. I think it refers to what is moral. As he is going to wash himself he is morally clean, but to actually remove the dirt he has to use water. So in chapter 14 every trace of leprosy being removed from the man he is anointed and set up before God in all the value of the sacrifices.

P.H.P. Transparent people are the happiest.

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Leviticus 14

J.T. Chapter 13 speaks largely of the hair of the leprous person, whether the hair turned white or yellow, or whether it had fallen off the head, and the disease had manifested itself in the bald forehead. Disease showed itself in these connections indicating the lack of vitality, and the introduction of something different; the latter is suggested by the yellow hair. Then in the leprosy in the bald forehead, I think, the thought is, that it was the working of the mind. We must assume that the appearance of sin typically here is in those that are already in relationship to God. The appearance of sin in one who is a believer is the outcome of the Holy Spirit being grieved or disallowed.

F.L. Leprosy implies that which is deep-seated. Certain things might be examined for leprosy and not found to be deep-seated. Infirmity sometimes takes the appearance of leprosy, and it might be judged as being deep-seated, and the result of will, but infirmity is not the same thing as the will working, so the priest looks into it and examines it. Leprosy expresses the outward sign of that which is deep-seated, the will.

B.F.T. Is the thought that when the Spirit is not allowed sin breaks out?

J.T. I suppose in the Christian it is. It shows itself when the Spirit is disallowed and the flesh works; so that where it is will, the hair turns white there is decay and a change in the outward appearance. Of course, there may be what apparently is leprosy, but it turns out to be just a local outbreak. The danger with us is that when sin occurs in what we may call a local way, that it becomes permanent through neglect, and want of self-judgment, hence

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the great importance of judging it at the beginning. In chapter 13:30 it speaks about "yellow thin hair", which would point to something satanic, I think. And then in verse 42, "If there be in the bald head, or bald forehead, a white reddish sore, it is a leprosy which hath broken out in his bald head, or his bald forehead". And verse 44, "He is a leprous man, he is unclean; the priest shall pronounce him utterly unclean; his sore is in his head"; it seems the worst form of the evil.

B.T.F. Would that be applicable to evil doctrine?

J.T. I think it would. It is pronounced utterly unclean, as if to emphasise the evil; and it is said to be in his head, "his sore is in his head".

W.L.P. That signifies will?

J.T. I think it would be mental activity in what is evil. You might have the will working in other ways, but when it is through the mind, it is like a person defiling the temple of God, as in 1 Corinthians 3:17.

A.A.T. The priest is a man designated to discern this evil. Is there that in Christianity which corresponds?

J.T. It is addressed to "Moses and Aaron". The instruction in chapter 13 is also addressed to "Moses and Aaron", showing that it is Christ in His authority over us, and in His priestly function as well. As to actual service, when it says, "he shall be brought unto Aaron the priest", there Christ is formally recognised; but when it says, "or unto one of his sons the priests", I suppose the priestly state in the saints is referred to. So that while we recognise Christ over the house of God in these things, the saints exercise priestly service in detail.

F.L. It is important to see that God brings them in in that way and expects them to be morally fit for it.

J.T. So that all down the chapter it is the priests,

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but you cannot have the discerning of sin before God apart from the recognition of the authority and priesthood of Christ, and the priestly state among the saints.

F.L. The position in which the leper was placed gives one a deep conception of the tremendous solemnity of the thing; he was excluded from family, camp, worship; he was an outcast in the wilderness.

J.T. Leprosy is a very solemn matter that seems to engage the Spirit in a more extended way, next to the offerings, than any other in this book. The space occupied by it appears to cover about the same space as that given to the offerings divided into six or seven chapters, showing how the Spirit would have us to look into the subject, how sin works in us and shows itself in us. And then how it is met in the way of self-judgment first of all. The leper was to pronounce himself "unclean"; following this a certain process had to be gone through, as we see in the beginning of chapter 14.

F.L. You find more or less reference to the priesthood and the offerings scattered over Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, but almost all the teaching as regards leprosy is concentrated in these two chapters.

B.T.F. Speaking of shaving, does that not follow on exercise, indicated in the beginning of chapter 13?

J.T. The end of the instruction as to an individual in chapter 13 is, "the leper in whom the sore is, -- his garments shall be rent, and his head shall be uncovered, and he ... shall cry, Unclean, unclean! All the days that the sore shall be in him he shall be unclean: he is unclean; he shall dwell apart; outside the camp shall his dwelling be". The chapter has reference to the discernment of leprosy rather than the exercises of the leper; the latter belongs to chapter 14, which gives us the law of "the leper in the day of his cleansing": The leper, as outside the camp, would

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necessarily undergo most terrible exercise; that is perhaps what we need to be reminded about so that sin might be felt. I believe, that in a measure every one coming into fellowship, as we speak, should go through this; there should be a sense, not that you are conferring an honour on the saints in coming amongst them, but that you feel what it is to be alone before you come. I do not mean that one is a leper, but the sense of having been in isolation and that we have been deprived of what we should have. I believe if that were felt, the assembly would be more valued. How this man would value being reinstated in the camp.

The beginning of chapter 14 indicates typically that the sin is judged. It says, "when the priest looketh, and behold, the sore of leprosy is healed in the leper, then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two clean living birds, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop". The will has been judged and has ceased to act, and now we have a course of instruction to show how the person is cleansed and restored to communion.

C.A.M. Do you apply this to a person coming into fellowship?

J.T. Not exactly. I was referring to it by the way, as to the importance of a Christian feeling spiritual isolation, and not supposing that you are conferring any honour on the saints by coming in; you feel that you must do so, you need the Christian circle.

C.A.M. This has to go on before you can be there truly?

J.T. This strictly supposes one who had been there, but even if we had never been there, it is essential that there should be a judgment of what hindered us in being there; why have we not been there? What has hindered us?

F.L. If one had been there and had gone out, the

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day of recovery to him must have been a wonderful day. On the other hand those in the camp could not look upon his recovery except with thanksgiving; he is back again in the circle. I was thinking of the man excommunicated at Corinth, how the apostle let his heart go out as we see in the second epistle, on account of the recovery of such an one.

A.N.W. If the house in the land suggests the local assembly thought, what does the camp in the wilderness suggest?

J.T. The camp, I think, is more the assembly as viewed in 1 Corinthians. 1 Corinthians is not the land, but rather the gathering together of God's people by the testimony presented. Paul said, he had declared unto them the testimony of God, and in that way they had been rallied around it in Corinth, hence it was said to be "The assembly of God which is in Corinth" (1 Corinthians 1:2); you do not get that expression in Ephesians. The saints are viewed as brought together by the trumpet sound, the testimony, and as observing the order that becomes them in that condition, and this book speaks of the holiness that was suitable for God there; how He could be approached. Leviticus 13 is very much like the first letter to the Corinthians, and chapter 14 like the second letter.

F.L. That is interesting and helpful. The first epistle treats of the judgment of evil in the assembly, and of what is suitable to the Lord's table, and the Lord's supper; the second epistle speaks of restoration to communion.

P.H.P. The apostle regards the company as clean.

J.T. Yes. He says "According as ye are unleavened", 1 Corinthians 5:7. They were to purge out the old leaven on account of this truth.

A.A.T. Would they not have become altogether contaminated otherwise?

J.T. Yes. But they were to become a new lump;

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"a little leaven leavens the whole lump" (1 Corinthians 5:6); if the sin remained unjudged it would have leavened them all.

P.H.P. What about the two birds here?

J.T. I think the use of the bird is significant here. There were two goats on the day of atonement. Goats cannot fly, so they undoubtedly refer to cleansing of an earthly people. I think that the birds would perhaps suggest a reference here to Christians.

F.L. The living bird is, no doubt, a type of Christ as going up on high and making a place for us. It seems to me that characterises Christianity.

J.T. It says the living bird was to be let go into the open field.

A.R.S. Would this typify the resurrection of Christ?

J.T. I think the living bird let loose represents more than Christ's resurrection. Resurrection does not go beyond the earth. The scape goat would be a type of Christ risen too. Like Thomas, Israel will see Him in resurrection. Thomas saw Him, but not at the meeting which represents Christianity, with this first gathering with which Mary's message seems specially connected. Thomas was present at the second meeting in which the Lord showed them His hands and side. There was the evidence that He had died and risen. Thomas said then, "My Lord and my God" (John 20:28); he had said he would not believe unless he saw. What he saw answers I suppose to the scape goat; flying represents more than resurrection; it rises from the earth. In Ephesians it is said that God has raised us up together; that is not from the grave, but from the earth; it is elevation.

P.H.P. The open field would be ascension.

J.T. The light of Christ's ascension is, therefore, introduced here as a great element of cleansing. Of course, His resurrection is necessarily implied. He goes into death for us, and comes out of death for us, and goes into heaven for us.

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A.N.W. Normally the bird rises to its own atmosphere.

J.T. "If then ye see the Son of man ascending up where he was before?", John 6:62.

A.A.T. These two birds were to be "clean". They typify Christ. The means of cleansing was not in the leper but in a different order of Man.

J.T. It says, "he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let the living bird loose into the open field. And he that is to be cleansed shall wash his garments, and shave all his hair", verses 7 - 8. What we are engaged with here is the subjective side; we have to shave off the hair. All that which I was, the exercise of my will; all that appearance in which I may have prided myself has to go. That is a point of great importance. The appearance that you have borne in the exercise of your will does not correspond with the blessed Man who has died and is risen and gone into heaven. Here the heavenly order of things to which you are recovered is in view, I think, so that Colossians comes in.

A.N.W. And the nearer you come, the more severe is the shave! The nearer you come to the camp, there is a further process of shaving; compare verses 8 and 9. "and afterwards shall he come into the camp, and shall abide outside his tent seven days. And it shall come to pass on the seventh day, that he shall shave all his hair, his head, and his beard, and his eyebrows, even all his hair shall he shave".

F.L. There is tremendous subjective work implied here, which answers in the soul to the death of Christ. There is the removal of everything which has contamination. The recovery of one who has sinned in this way needs great care on the part of the saints. Those seven days in which he is to remain outside his tent are very important. In those days he may

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go over the whole of his sinful course with God; otherwise the work may have to be done over again.

T.H. Where does this man get the appreciation of Christ indicated in verses 9 - 20 after being outside so long?

J.T. As has been pointed out, he has been inside the camp seven days, verse 8. The "eighth day" suggests a wholly new beginning; the "seven days" refer to the period in which the evil is thoroughly gone into and judged in relation to the camp, in which God was known. The "eighth day" is the positive thing. Christ is now before the soul in all His intrinsic and sacrificial perfections. It is in connection with all this that the soul is positively restored. Communion is established.

A.P. What is the cure of leprosy?

J.T. The cure as regards what was due to God is in the bird, but the cure obviously in the man is the experience outside the camp under the sense of God's judgment of him; every time he said, "Unclean, unclean", and every moment that he feels his isolation from the people of God, he was reminded that it was on account of sin.

A.P. Why all this cleansing if he is cured?

J.T. There is the death of one of the birds, and the other dipped in the blood of the one slain is let loose in the open field. This refers to the death and resurrection of Christ, and how God's claims have been met, as we have been saying. This is the objective side; then there is the washing of the man's clothes, the shaving of his hair and his abiding outside his house, although in the camp, seven days. All this sets forth exercise of soul as to sin, and to adjustment with God and the saints. I think the eighth day is the new beginning; it is not a reinstating of the man as he was, but a new beginning. In Colossians the man totally disappears; he dies with Christ. The first day is a totally new beginning; it

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does not recognise any previous day, but the eighth day recognises the previous seven days and the exercises which we have had in responsibility.

A.F.M. It is more the first day in Ephesians.

C.A.M. Why did the Lord send the cleansed leper to the priests for a testimony?

J.T. I think it indicates a testimony to what was there in His Person. The priests should have the evidence of the power of God working in their midst. A man cured of his leprosy was a very great testimony to this.

C.A.M. To what does the washing here allude?

J.T. Washing his garments, I suppose, refers to bringing in the death of the Lord on those circumstances, but when you come to verse 10 you come to a new order of things, a new beginning, and so you have two he-lambs without blemish, referring to the intrinsic excellency of Christ. Here we are on the line of acceptance. On the eighth day the cleansed person is set up before God typically in all the acceptability of Christ; "he shall take two he-lambs without blemish, and one yearling ewe-lamb without blemish, and three tenth parts of fine flour mingled with oil for an oblation, and one log of oil. And the priest that cleanseth him shall present the man that is to be cleansed and those things, before Jehovah", verses 10, 11.

C.A.M. It is still "the man that" is to be made clean notwithstanding all that preceded.

J.T. I think it shows that cleansing is not alone in what is negative, that is self-judgment, it also includes the soul's appropriation of Christ in His intrinsic excellences as offered for sin; also the reception of the Holy Spirit.

F.L. So that when the blood and oil have their rightful place, restoration is complete, first the blood and then the oil.

J.T. In verse 12 we see God's part in the procedure,

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and in verse 10 Christ is seen as having His portion in it. In these verses we are on most blessed ground. It is a spiritual scene filled with all the excellence of Christ the cleansed person is in it, indeed he is the occasion of it. He is made consistent with it through the blood put on his right ear, hand and foot. Then the oil is sprinkled by the priest before the Lord and afterwards the cleansed person is anointed with it. It seems to me to be a wonderful setting forth of the Christian's position. The oil on the head implies that the man is dignified according to God, and so has his place in relation to Christ.

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Leviticus 16

P.H.P. Is there any importance attached to the fact that this was spoken after the death of the sons of Aaron?

J.T. The Spirit of God waited until things had broken down before introducing this great subject. I suppose it would be in view of what is said in the New Testament that the way into the holiest was not yet made manifest. Aaron is personally disqualified. The word is "Come not at all times into the sanctuary inside the veil".

W.B-w. He had liberty to go in previously.

J.T. I think the allusion here shows that he had liberty; but the breakdown gives occasion to bring in this shutting out of man after the flesh. The linen garments call attention here to the personal holiness of Christ. Aaron did not enter here in his garments of glory and beauty. In chapter 8 he was anointed as clothed in his garments of glory and beauty. It was typically Christ anointed in connection with the universe, but here there is no allusion to that. Instead of it, you have the linen clothes, speaking, I think, of the personal holiness of Christ. You will observe that a bullock is mentioned: "In this manner shall Aaron come into the sanctuary: with a young bullock for a sin-offering, and a ram for a burnt-offering. A holy linen vest shall he put on", the clothes come in after the mention of the offering. Here it is not a question of Christ's outward dignity as Priest, but of His personal holiness as accomplishing the great work of atonement. In the consecration of the priests the work was performed outside, whereas here the main feature is what was done inside, although, of course, the death of the victim was outside.

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B.T.F. Aaron here represents not only his house, but also the people.

J.T. The breakdown of man in the flesh was evident, so it is the personal purity and holiness of Christ that comes into prominence, rather than His outward priestly dignity. It is His work on the cross, in its universal bearing as the foundation of everything, that is in view. God had indicated His mind as to Christ in chapter 8, and the breakdown in the priesthood gave occasion for the introduction of this great subject.

A.F.M. "He shall bathe his flesh in water", this is to show how Aaron was to represent the personal purity of Christ.

J.T. In chapter 8 Aaron is anointed in relation to the tabernacle; here he is to make atonement for it. The tabernacle represented the universal order of things, and Christ, having become Man, is seen in relation to it. Then in this chapter He is seen as accomplishing atonement, so that all should be established on this ground.

F.L. Romans 3 refers to this directly. The blood on the mercy-seat is universal in its bearing; "towards all, and upon all those who believe", Romans 3:22.

J.T. Romans shows that the bearing of the death of Christ is towards all men. It is the righteousness of God towards all, when man as under law and without law was proved to be utterly wanting in righteousness. But in the type we have only Aaron and his house and Israel mentioned; the Old Testament does not present the gospel fully; hence in order to get a complete gospel in Leviticus we have to supply it from Romans. There it is said, "towards all, and upon all those who believe", Romans 3:22. Righteousness of God is upon those who believe; it is theirs by faith in Christ Jesus. The blood of the bullock and the goat are brought into the sanctuary and placed on the mercy-seat and before the mercy-seat.

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Great care was to be observed by Aaron; both his hands were to be full of fragrant incense, the cloud of which was to cover the mercy-seat before the testimony. These features refer to the personal excellences of Christ as accomplishing redemption; without them, Aaron would be exposed to instant death. In the early part of Romans the names "Jesus Christ" or "Jesus" are prominent, referring to the Man who did God's will here. Later we have "Christ Jesus".

F.L. Without the linen clothes, the fire and the incense, Aaron could only represent what he was naturally, and therefore, as approaching God, he only merited judgment.

B.T.F. Romans is "God's glad tidings ... concerning his Son ... Jesus Christ our Lord", Romans 1:1 - 4. In Him as man we see all that Aaron's garments and the incense represent.

J.T. Yes. The "Spirit of holiness" in Romans 1:4, would answer to the linen garments. Romans answers to Aaron, the bullock, the goats, the ram, the incense, the altar, and the mercy-seat. As risen from the dead, Christ is the mercy-seat. The blood is upon it; He is, as it were, set forth. God's rights in mercy are perfectly presented to all men in Him.

C.A.M. His death has everything in view. All things, as well as persons, are to be reconciled.

F.L. That takes in both Romans and Colossians.

W.L.P. The whole universe.

J.T. The reference to the tabernacle in Hebrews 9 shows what is in God's mind. It is the universal order of things in holiness. That is what is in God's mind, and this chapter shows how God, through the death of Christ, purposes to set all on the ground of redemption.

P.H.P. This chapter then is the work of Christ in relation to the universe. In Romans 3 it is only in relation to people.

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J.T. In Romans the gospel is presented "on the principle of faith, to faith" (Romans 1:17) so that persons only are in view in the announcement of it; still, the creation according to chapter 8 will be delivered. In our chapter men are reconciled and things, the tabernacle, are also reconciled. In this chapter you have typically outlined the whole scene that is to be recovered through redemption.

P.H.P. Not only mankind, but the whole creation.

J.T. Paul says in Colossians that the gospel was preached to all the creation. The Lord had commissioned the apostles to "go into all the world, and preach the glad tidings to all the creation", Mark 16:15.

W.L.P. Paul's gospel has gone to all the world.

F.L. The mercy-seat is the great central feature of the day of atonement.

J.T. What corresponds with this in us, sinners, is self-judgment. On the day of atonement the people were to afflict their souls. There was to be a sense of sin. The sin, through sacrifice, was covered typically on the day of atonement. Sin offended the majesty of God, and so the blood of the sin-offering was carried inside and sprinkled on the mercy-seat and before the mercy-seat. While the blood was being sprinkled a cloud of incense covered the mercy-seat. This represented the fragrance of Christ's humanity before God as seen in the cross. How infinitely perfect is the work of our Lord Jesus Christ! Our souls may well rest in it. Here the work of Christ is seen as glorifying God in the whole universe in respect of sin. As a result all things, as well as persons, are to be reconciled.

C.A.M. Atonement is made for all things.

J.T. It is. It involved the full satisfaction that God required in His holiness against evil, satisfaction that was due to Him and to the majesty of His throne; atonement is made for Aaron and his house, for the congregation of Israel, for the tabernacle and for

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the altar. It is made for himself and his house first, and then for Israel.

C.A.M. To avail themselves of what is presented here, there must be a subjective work in those to whom it is presented.

J.T. There must be a sense of guilt before God, and repentance of it.

A.N.W. Would it be right to suggest that atonement is negative, and reconciliation positive?

J.T. I think that is right; you get reconciliation in this sense in Ephesians 2:16. Reconciled 'in one body'; that is positive; in Colossians it is "in the body of his flesh through death; to present you holy and unblameable and irreproachable before it", Colossians 1:22.

A.N.W. The bullock seems to present what is more positive than the goats. The former was for Aaron and his house, the priests; the latter was for the people, and there was to be confession of sins in connection with the goat on whom their lot fell.

J.T. "Aaron shall present the bullock of the sin-offering, which is for himself, and shall make atonement for himself and for his house". Note, that it is for his house, not here for his sons. It is more the family aspect.

A.F.M. In verse 33 we read, "for the priests, and for the whole people of the congregation shall he make atonement".

J.T. First his house, and then in verse 16, atonement is made for the sanctuary, because of the uncleanness of the people of Israel; verse 17, he shall make "atonement for himself, and for his house, and for the whole congregation of Israel" and again in verse 18, "he shall go out unto the altar which is before Jehovah, and make atonement for it"; verse 33, "he shall make atonement for the holy sanctuary; and for the tent of meeting, and for the altar shall he make

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atonement; and for the priests, and for the whole people of the congregation shall he make atonement"; this latter is a summary of what Aaron did on the day of atonement.

F.L. Beginning from the inside and coming out.

B.T.F. What is the difference between the bullock and the goats?

J.T. I think they indicate in type the relative places that Israel and the assembly have in the affections of Christ. The bullock, being for Aaron and his house, denotes that the assembly has the first and greatest place in His heart; the goat, being a much smaller animal, would denote the place that Israel has. The bullock denotes the fulness of the love of Christ. He loved the assembly and gave Himself for it.

B.T.F. What is your thought of the scape-goat?

J.T. It is Christ as He will be seen by Israel in the future. There will be the evidence that their sins have all been borne away. Aaron confesses over the live goat all the iniquities of the children of Israel and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat. We know forgiveness on the principle of faith, the Spirit being a witness to us. "Their sins and their lawlessnesses I will never remember any more", Hebrews 8:12. There is, therefore, no "scape" bullock.

F.L. "Christ also, having been once offered to bear the sins of many, shall appear to those that look for him the second time without sin for salvation", Hebrews 9:28.

J.T. In chapter 14 there is nothing said about confessing sins over the bird, whereas here there is confession of sins by the priest. Chapter 14 refers more typically to Christianity; the cleansing of the leper involved not only the resurrection of Christ, but also His ascension. There is liberty for the soul as well as cleansing. The scapegoat could not fly; it refers to Christ as appearing to His earthly people.

F.L. The type refers to Christ as bearing sins, going away and returning. It is seen that the sins

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have been borne away. There is the evidence that He has been into death, so that sins have been dealt with, they have been borne away sacrificially.

P.H.P. The Holy Spirit is to us what the goat will be to Israel, a witness that our sins are borne away.

A.F.M. Christ has gone in; He is not seen yet; He has sent the Spirit out.

J.T. I know I am forgiven, not only by the fact of the gospel; I know it in my soul by the Spirit.

F.L. Besides, we have liberty of access, Christ has gone in, and we go in; His place is our place.

A.N.W. Thomas answers in a sense to those for whom the scapegoat is; he saw and believed.

J.T. "Blessed they who have not seen and have believed", John 20:29.

A.N.W. Thomas says, "My Lord and my God.", John 20:28.

J.T. But the Lord did not breathe into him as He did into the other disciples at the first meeting. Thomas lost through being absent at the first meeting. The Lord says to him, "Bring thy finger here and see my hands; and bring thy hand and put it into my side; and be not unbelieving, but believing", John 20:27. He calls attention to the evidences of His death. Thomas wanted tangible evidence and the Lord granted it, but it was more blessed to believe without seeing.

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Leviticus 23

J.T. These feasts indicate, I suppose, how God reaches His thought. He sets down at the beginning the end He has before Him, namely, the sabbath; and then He proceeds to show how that is reached.

A.F.M. He puts the end first.

J.T. Yes, I think so. The rest remains; but we have to learn how it is entered into, how it is reached. So we read, "Concerning the set feasts of Jehovah ... these are my set feasts. Six days shall work be done; but on the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, a holy convocation; no manner of work shall ye do: it is the sabbath to Jehovah in all your dwellings". Then the passover is mentioned, "These are the set feasts of Jehovah, holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons: In the first month, on the fourteenth of the month, between the two evenings, is the passover to Jehovah".

B.T.F. What is the meaning of feasts of Jehovah?

J.T. I think they mean seasons in which His people drew near to Him, seasons in which He had His part.

B.T.F. Would you say it was something Jehovah valued?

J.T. Yes. He fixed these periods for His people to draw near. In Deuteronomy three times in a year are mentioned. Whereas here we have seven times. Here it is a question of the means by which He reaches His purpose.

F.L. Does a feast suggest that there is that which God appreciates, that which is responsive to Him, that Jehovah gets a portion in?

A.F.M. The number seven gives the thought in its completeness; three, as in Deuteronomy, would be what is adequate for God.

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J.T. In Deuteronomy it is presented as an occasion by which they would show their love for Jehovah; while here it is rather how He accomplishes His designs. In Deuteronomy the thought was to give the people an opportunity of showing their love for Jehovah. Three times in a year was adequate, complete testimony to their love. Here in Leviticus, where we have seven, it is a question of spiritual history rather than testimony to the love of the people. But spiritual history, not in regard of the assembly, but in regard of Israel on the earth; it is what takes place on the earth.

F.L. In Deuteronomy the significant point is, that it was to be in a place which Jehovah chose. Here the question as to where the passover was to be kept is not raised but in Deuteronomy there had to be movement which would bring them together. It is to be "At the place that Jehovah thy God will choose", Deuteronomy 16:6.

J.T. In this chapter time is more in view than place. So the sabbath would be, I suppose, what God set forth in the Lord Jesus as here. He sets forth in testimony what He intends to reach in all. He found rest in Christ, and He intends to find rest in all.

F.L. Is there not, therefore, a suggestion here that God reverts to the original thought in Genesis? That is, He rested on the seventh day. His intention as seen in the opening of this chapter is that He takes it up at that point and shows how it spiritually will come to pass in the world to come.

J.T. It is a confirmation of what we have already dwelt upon, that God relinquishes no thought to which He gives expression. He shows here how His original thought, as seen in Genesis, is reached. It is reached through a spiritual, not a natural process, so the beginning of the spiritual history is in the passover.

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Ques. Would you mind saying what you mean by Israel's history being portrayed in this chapter?

J.T. I think all the feasts refer to God's ways on the earth. The heavenly side of the truth is not indicated here, unless we may introduce it at Pentecost. We know that Pentecost refers to the assembly period; but here it is the assembly in relation to Israel. It does not go beyond that. We may be introduced as a parenthesis, but the feasts go right on from Pentecost to the blowing of trumpets. Some may say the blowing of trumpets is the gospel going out to the nations, but, strictly, the awakening of Israel is in view. It suffices to see how God reaches His rest. It is an earthly thought. We see how He reaches it, but it is on spiritual lines rather than natural lines.

W.L.P. In Hebrews it is said, "there remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God", Hebrews 4:9.

J.T. The fact that it is said, 'there remains' shows it was not reached by Israel. "There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God". "Therefore" refers to the fact that David in the Psalms had spoken of another rest, so the rest is still future "there remaineth". But then He says, "we which have believed do enter into rest", Hebrews 4:3. It is not a question of the time we enter, but the fact, and the character of it. It is connected with God's ways on the earth.

F.L. I suppose the thought of rest is quite broad. We enter as faith lays hold of Christ, and the system of which He is the Centre.

J.T. "We which have believed do enter into rest", Hebrews 4:3. The point is not when; but that we do enter, it is the character of the believer in contrast to those who do not enter through unbelief.

C.A.M. In that sense we enter into the meaning of all this. Looking at it historically I can see the history of the children of Israel in it; but in our

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own soul's history we enter into it as a complete thought, do we not?

J.T. Yes. As He says, "We which have believed do enter into rest", Hebrews 4:3. It is the character. When or where is not the point; but rather to show that things were still future and were true to faith. They had not taken place on the line of natural history in Israel. It was a spiritual idea.

F.L. So it was to be morally apprehended. One sees it at the end of Matthew 11:28, "Come to me, all ye who labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest". Then He goes through the corn field on the sabbath day and "his disciples were hungry, and began to pluck the ears, and to eat", Matthew 12:1. All this goes to show that He is greater than the sabbath. Therefore, in reaching Him we reach all the blessings that are set forth in Him. All that we get here is really reached for us, in moral character, when we reach Christ.

A.N.W. You do not give over this chapter to Israel altogether, do you?

J.T. Strictly it refers to Israel. Pentecost is a feast of Jehovah. It does not go beyond Israel. "For to you is the promise and to your children, and to all who [are] afar off, as many as [the] Lord our God may call", Acts 2:39. That is not Paul's gospel. That is not the gospel strictly that characterises our dispensation. Peter says, 'This is that which was spoken through the prophet Joel', Acts 2:16. As far as the testimony went, it did not go beyond what was promised in regard of God's earthly people.

C.A.M. Are not these feasts entered into by us in a spiritual way? Does not Paul's line of truth embrace all these feasts?

J.T. We may use them. They are all for us. But as to their primary application they refer to God's ways on earth, because the feast of tabernacles is the millennium. That we may enter into these

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things in a spiritual way is true; but that would be a question of application to ourselves after we apprehend the primary bearing of the chapter.

F.L. "For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in [the] Holy Spirit", Romans 14:17. We really get elements of the feast of tabernacles in righteousness, and peace, and joy.

J.T. Yes. It is rest for our souls. Whereas God in the sabbath meant rest from labours.

C.A.M. Why is there this blowing of the trumpets if, at the day of Pentecost, the remnant of Israel were brought in There is a space of time between the day of Pentecost and the blowing of the trumpets.

J.T. We might introduce Christianity between verses 21 and 22. "And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not in thy harvest entirely reap the corners of thy field, and the gleaning of thy harvest shall thou not gather: thou shalt leave them unto the poor and to the stranger: I am Jehovah your God". The "poor and the stranger" is not Christianity, because Christianity is not a tail-end of what was presented to Judaism. In a way it is greater than Pentecost. Christianity is in the light of Paul's doctrine. Whereas, "Arise, shine! for thy light is come, and the glory of Jehovah is risen upon thee" (Isaiah 60:1) is what is for Israel. I understand that Pentecost, as recorded in the Acts, meant that Israel's light had come. The gift of the Spirit was that which had been spoken of by Joel, and Peter explains it to them, "This is that which was spoken through the prophet Joel", Acts 2:16. His address really, while being an explanation, is the blowing of the trumpets. It is an announcement. It is the bringing to bear on the consciences of the people what had taken place. It is said, "And having heard it they were pricked in heart, and said to Peter and the other apostles, What shall we do, brethren?", Acts 2:37. That was, in principle,

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the day of atonement. They 'afflicted their souls' and all the nations could have come into that. It was available for them. "For to you is the promise and to your children, and to all who [are] afar off", Acts 2:39. All the nations could have come into that; but, instead of that we read the Lord "added [to the assembly] daily, those that were to be saved" (Acts 2:47) namely, the spared remnant. This is, at least, the outward aspect of the testimony to Israel at Pentecost. Of course it is quite clear that the assembly was in view from the outset. From that point we may date the assembly, but this chapter goes on from that to the day of atonement, and the feast of tabernacles, without making any reference to a new thing having come in from heaven, such as Christianity, properly speaking, is.

F.L. I think, as to its full application, we get help if we see that the blowing of trumpets is introductory to the feast of tabernacles. In a sense the trumpets were blown through the proclamation of Cyrus, and the effect was that the remnant heard, and responded, and they came back into the land. We read in Ezra 3:1, "And when the seventh month came, and the children of Israel were in the cities, the people gathered together as one man to Jerusalem". It is interesting to see, in that light, that they came back in the day of the blowing of the trumpets. "In the seventh month, on the first of the month", So they were there, prepared to afflict their souls, prepared for the day of atonement and the feast of tabernacles. I think it is of interest to see that point in Ezra.

C.A.M. Do you think the blowing of the trumpets will begin again? You were saying they were blown by Peter on the day of Pentecost; but there seems to be an interval here between the day of Pentecost and the blowing of trumpets. When the assembly is gone will not this be fulfilled?

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J.T. There is no doubt that an interval of several months, which elapsed between Pentecost and the blowing of trumpets is intimated here in the reaping of the harvest of the land; but, at the same time, it is not developed. The chapter simply goes on to the awakening of the nation.

F.L. In Ezra it is said, "from the first day of the seventh month they began to offer up burnt-offerings to Jehovah", Ezra 3:6. Then the feast of tabernacles brought in on the fifteenth day a continuation. "And they held the feast of tabernacles, as it is written", Ezra 3:4. One sees here the way in which the remnant of Acts 2, and again the remnant after we are gone, is provided for. After the assembly is gone the blowing of trumpets will be taken up through prepared instruments from amongst the Jews, and thus the remnant is secured.

C.A.M. Do you mean that this blowing of trumpets took place in Cyrus' day?

F.L. In effect it was the blowing of trumpets then. In Ezra 3:6 we read, "from the first day of the seventh month they began to offer up burnt-offerings to Jehovah". Then in verse 4, 'They held the feast of tabernacles, as it is written' That is how it is worded.

C.A.M. If the blowing of trumpets in Acts 2 was first to secure a remnant, then, after the assembly is gone, will there be a remnant secured, and the stranger go and glean in the field?

J.T. Yes. There is provision made for the stranger before the blowing of trumpets.

B.T.F. When was the direct introduction of Christianity?

J.T. I think Christianity is strictly Paul's light. The message of the twelve was primarily to Israel, although they had been directed to go elsewhere:

"Go [therefore] and make disciples of all the nations", Matthew 28:19. But the ministry of Paul set forth a Man in heaven,

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a place in heaven, sonship, and all that, while what we are concerned with here is the development of God's ways on earth, and how He reaches His end on the earth. Of course, we enter into rest now in a spiritual way, and in heaven too; but the sabbath, or rest of God, is what He has in view for a scene which had been marked by labour.

C.A.M. Where do you locate the first feast?

J.T. You will notice it is divided. In verses 1 and 2 we read, "And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the set feasts of Jehovah, which ye shall proclaim as holy convocations -- these are my set feasts". Then in verse 3, "Six days shall work be done; but on the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, a holy convocation; no manner of work shall ye do: it is the sabbath to Jehovah in all your dwellings". Then again in verse 4, "These are the set feasts of Jehovah, holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons: In the first month, on the fourteenth of the month; between the two evenings, is the passover to Jehovah". So, I think, strictly speaking, the beginning of the feasts is the passover. Whereas what God has in His mind is set forth first, which is the sabbath, the rest of God. But in order to reach God's rest the passover, the sacrifice of Christ, is necessary, so He begins the feasts with the passover, and repeats in verse 4, "These are the set feasts of Jehovah", and goes on to give instruction as to the passover.

C.A.M. These feasts are yearly. They are set year by year; but the sabbath was weekly.

J.T. The weekly sabbath was not to be interfered with by these feasts, showing that it was the one which Jehovah had in His mind. It occurred weekly; but the fact that these feasts are to be held yearly, in order to reach it, shows He had not yet reached it. The seventh day refers to the millennium.

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A.N.W. And all the feasts, though kept yearly, circle around the sabbath, they stand in relation to the sabbath.

C.A.M. They are finished in seven days.

J.T. I suppose it is a spiritual year. As these feasts were celebrated this chapter would be referred to, and so the importance of the sabbath would be pressed upon the people. Numerically, seven is the key to this chapter.

F.L. The feast of tabernacles is completed on the eighth day, verse 39. I think the number eight is very largely connected with the restoration of Israel, and the feast of tabernacles takes it in. It begins on the fifteenth day of the seventh month.

A.A.T. The passover being the beginning of the feasts, I suppose it refers to the cross?

J.T. Yes. In the incarnation there was that in which God could rest. As a testimony the Spirit came down and abode upon Christ, showing there was nothing there to disturb the blessed God in that Man. But that was in the way of testimony. He will bring all the creation into harmony with that, and in order that He should reach such a purpose we have in verse 5 that which speaks of His death, "In the first month, on the fourteenth of the month, between the two evenings, is the passover to Jehovah". He has to begin with the passover in order to reach His purpose. The passover, we know, is the death of the Lord Jesus. "our passover, Christ, has been sacrificed"; 1 Corinthians 5:7.

A.P. Were these feasts to be celebrated in the land?

J.T. One can understand that from the time this law was given, from the very outset, after they came out of Egypt, they were to keep the sabbath. In fact, all these instructions were given in the wilderness; but the passover was in Egypt. But it says in verse 10, "When ye come into the land that I

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give unto you", That means, spiritually speaking, that Christ is risen.

A.R.S. As I understand it, while these feasts were given in the wilderness, they were never held until they got into the land.

J.T. According to Deuteronomy all these feasts were held in the land. Of course, the purpose of God was that the people should be in the land. The wilderness was incidental, so these yearly feasts contemplated a people in the land. But verse 10 is striking: "And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them, When ye come into the land that I give unto you, and ye reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the first-fruits of your harvest unto the priest". That is Christ risen. "The land" implies to us that Christ is risen.

A.R.S. Is not the idea of the sabbath on earth?

J.T. I understand that the Scripture treats it as reached on the earth.

A.R.S. In the garden of Eden Adam and Eve had perfect rest, and they lost it through sin, so the death of Christ is the ground on which God would bring in His rest.

J.T. Christ's death is the first step to it. In Hebrews it is said, "There remains then a rest to the people of God", Hebrews 4:9. Judaism did not bring them into that rest.

A.A.T. Strictly speaking, the people did the eating in the feast of the passover. Yet Jehovah calls the feasts His feasts, "The set feasts of Jehovah".

J.T. These were offerings which indicated what God finds in Christ. It was prescribed that they were to "present to Jehovah an offering by fire seven days"; verse 8. And then in verse 12, the feast of first-fruits, it is said, "And ye shall offer that day when ye wave the sheaf, a he-lamb without blemish, a yearling, for a burnt-offering to Jehovah;

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and the oblation thereof: two tenths of fine flour mingled with oil, an offering by fire to Jehovah for a sweet odour; and the drink-offering thereof, of wine, a fourth part of a hin". Thus God had His portion. The burnt-offering was for Him, so the oblation, and so the meat-offering. There was food in that for Jehovah. He had His part. "Two tenths of fine flour mingled with oil, an offering by fire to Jehovah". The sweet odour was for Jehovah. Then the drink-offering, of wine, the fourth part of a hin, that too would be for God. That is what Jacob poured out on the pillar; it was in type God's satisfaction and pleasure in Christ. So God has His pleasure in these feasts.

F.L. It is interesting to see the part Jehovah had in these feasts. Were it a burnt-offering, or meat-offering, or the drink-offering, He had His portion.

J.T. Then we have the offering of first-fruits. That was for Jehovah primarily. In verse 14 it is said that they were not to eat anything "until the same day that ye have brought the offering of your God". You see they had something for God first. So the resurrection of Christ was for God primarily. He had the joy and glory of it first. The saints did not come into the joy of the resurrection of Christ first, for God knew it before they did. The end of each of the gospels shows how the saints came into it; but God had it first. The sheaf was waved, so to speak, before Jehovah first.

Ques. Did Israel come into the good of the resurrection then?

J.T. Historically the whole nation did not come into it. They have not as yet come into it; but the disciples who followed the Lord did. Luke 24 shows us how Mary Magdalene and the other disciples were all gradually brought in to rejoice in the fact that Christ had risen. "The Lord is indeed risen and

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has appeared to Simon", Luke 24:34. When they came together in Jerusalem what joy each one had in telling his part in the glorious event, how he had seen the Lord, risen.

Rem. Do you think that will be repeated again in the future in their history?

F.L. While we have had the remnant of Israel, of which we have been speaking, merged in the church, and in the future Israel will come into blessing -- the whole nation will -- I doubt if they will ever have this peculiar enjoyment the disciples had. Israel was there in principle; but we know the nation was not there. The disciples were the remnant given to Christ, and what they enjoyed is undoubtedly what is spoken of here. They had companied with Christ, they loved Him, and they had what the nation will never have in the way of enjoyment. That must be so. The disciples had the joy of the resurrection of Christ in a character that can never be repeated.

J.T. I have no doubt that the antitype to this is in the latter part of Luke, to which I have already referred. For instance, the two on their way to Emmaus when their eyes were opened and they knew Him. "rising up the same hour, they returned to Jerusalem. And they found the eleven, and those with them gathered together, saying, The Lord is indeed risen and has appeared to Simon", Luke 24:33 - 34. They were exulting in that. Then it is said, "And they related what had happened on the way, and how he was made known to them in the breaking of bread". That was another element in the feast. Then we find, "And as they were saying these things, He himself stood in their midst, and says unto them, Peace be unto you. But they, being confounded and being frightened, supposed they beheld a spirit".

F.L. That really brings in the peace-offering.

J.T. Quite so.

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C.A.M. Do you still regard them as an earthly company?

J.T. They do not go beyond the Jewish position. They came into the light of the resurrection of Christ. There followed "a holy convocation", for they were found together. As thus gathered the Lord came into their midst. They "rejoiced" when they saw the Lord, and He had joy with them.

Ques. What is your thought of the wave sheaf?

J.T. The thought is Christ risen, as before God. What occupies the close of the gospels is just that Christ is out of death and before God. When you come to the day of Pentecost the saints "were all together in one place", Acts 2:1. They are now qualified to receive the Spirit, so you have in the feast of Pentecost among other wonderful things, "And ye shall sacrifice one buck of the goats for a sin-offering, and two he-lambs, yearlings, for a sacrifice of peace-offering. And the priest shall wave them with the bread of the first-fruits as a wave-offering before Jehovah, with the two he-lambs; they shall be holy to Jehovah, for the priest", Leviticus 23:19 - 20.

A.W. Verse 16 speaks of "a new oblation".

J.T. I think the prominent feature of the first day after the sabbath is that Christ is risen; but the prominent feature in connection with Pentecost is that the saints are brought in. They are not before God in Luke 24, because they are not really fitted for the presence of God. They were "confounded and ... . frightened". The point there is not the saints, but Christ risen. But when we come to Acts 2 the point is not only that Christ is risen, but that the Spirit is given to the saints, and they are before God accordingly. They are now seen as after the order of Christ.

Ques. What about the two wave loaves, baken with leaven?

J.T. As an offering of the saints there had to

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be leaven. The baking refers, I think, to the exercise the saints went through, leading them to answer to Christ in character. They are typified in the loaves as having taken account of all that had transpired from the death of Christ up to that time, judging themselves in it. All these things had been gone through in the exercise of their souls, and God owns them publicly by the gift of the Spirit.

F.L. Those must have been ten days of tremendous exercise after the Lord left them at the end of the forty days. That is what is indicated here, the ten days before the Holy Spirit came. Christ has gone; they cling together and pray and are governed by the Scriptures. Then they appear according to what is set forth here typically.

J.T. You will observe if you compare Acts 1 with Luke 24 that the former scripture shows you the disciples governed by right principles, although the Lord was not there. Whereas in Luke 24 they were not governed by right principles. The main part of the chapter, as regards them, is occupied in telling of their unbelief and slowness of heart. In Acts 2 the gift of the Spirit consequent on the resurrection of Christ is not so much a question of the earnest, but of God recognising the saints publicly. It is as if He said, 'These are the people who are for Me, these are the first-fruits' . Honour is put upon them.

A.N.W. Answering to the recognition which the Lord Himself received when He came up out of Jordan.

J.T. Yes. Only the Spirit carefully tells us that the wave loaves here were baken with leaven, showing that the saints as in flesh and blood condition are in view.

C.A.M. "And there appeared to them parted tongues, as of fire, and it sat upon each one of them", Acts 2:3.

J.T. There is always a fear in speaking of the

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Lord's people in this way. It is much better to speak of Christ; but still the Spirit of God in presenting the saints to us in this way, in type, is pleased to use the very same term as is used in regard of Christ; that is, first-fruits.

Rem. It is called "a new oblation". And it also says they are the "first-fruits to Jehovah".

F.L. It is most carefully guarded. While it is said, "ye shall present a new oblation to Jehovah", and "as first-fruits to Jehovah", nevertheless, 'with leaven shall they be baken'; and, "ye shall sacrifice one buck of the goats for a sin-offering, and two he-lambs, yearlings, for a sacrifice of peace-offering". There was fully recognised those two things which did not come in in connection with the type of Christ. The difference, therefore, between Christ and those who believe on Him is most carefully guarded.

A.N.W. Why was it with the wave sheaf one he-lamb, but seven he-lambs with the two wave loaves?

J.T. I suppose we have in view the complete appreciation that the saints had of Christ. The numbers, I think, of the offerings in regard of Pentecost refer to the increase of affection; in fact, the complete answer to God in the saints to whom the Spirit came. Things were perfect under the eye of God in the way of appreciation of Christ in the hundred and twenty at Pentecost. Whereas, in regard of the sheaf, it is more what is intrinsic than in quantity. The intrinsic value of the offering is there in view.

F.L. In the first instance, there was the one lamb representing more what was in Christ personally. The seven is the perfection of the company that was clothed with all the value of what Christ is.

J.T. There was perfection of full spiritual appreciation of Christ amongst them in a collective way.

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F.L. One feature of the teaching of the two wave loaves is unity.

J.T. They had taken note of all that had come out from the time Christ was apprehended until His ascension into heaven, and what they brought out of their dwellings refers to what they were themselves. Leaven was recognised as there, but it had ceased to act. It had come under the action of the fire. They had judged it, and in the light of the death of the Lord Jesus. Sin was never judged in man fully before the death of the Lord Jesus. There may have been a sense of sin; but only in the light of the cross is sin really judged.

F.L. I think we get an illustration of it in Exodus 12, in the passover. And then after the passover they come out of their dwellings with their unleavened bread. They come out with it.

J.T. Yes, they did. But here the wave loaves refer to a new order of man in them. It is not simply that they have judged themselves; they were formed after Christ. The product of their exercise is that they correspond with Christ, so that they can be waved before Jehovah. They are pleasing to God.

B.T.F. Is that the same thought as Hebrews 2

"for both he that sanctifies and those sanctified [are] all of one; for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren", Hebrews 2:11.

J.T. I think this hardly goes as far as that. I do not think our position as "brethren" and as "of him" admits of sin. There we are viewed strictly as altogether of Christ. But in the assembly, viewed historically, that is, as we are recognised on earth among men, you are recognised to be a man after Christ, like Christ. It is what the saints are here in the world under the eye of man. These people who were together in Jerusalem, the one hundred and twenty, may have been known, and were known

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personally by some in Jerusalem, but now, though the leaven is there, it is no longer active in them; they are like Christ. The coming of the Spirit was public, and it was a great triumph for God that He had brought about a people that could be seen to be like Christ. And, although sin was admitted to be there, it was not active.

A.N.W. The product of the corn of wheat.

A.P. Would the baking process speak of fasting rather than feasting?

J.T. It refers to the fact that they had come under the action of the fire. You cannot get bread without the action of the fire. It is not dough. Two loaves, brought out of their dwellings, baked. They have come under the action of the fire, so that sin is not active. John 12:24 goes further than this passage, I believe. "Except the grain of wheat falling into the ground die, it abides alone; but if it die, it bears much fruit". The "much fruit" is the saints viewed as wholly of Christ; they are the fruit of His death. We should know very little about the fire if we had not leaven in us. There will be no need of the action of the fire in heaven. It is in view of sin in us that fire is necessary.

A.F.M. There is a counting. "Even unto the morning after the seventh sabbath shall ye count fifty days; and ye shall present a new oblation to Jehovah". And then it is said, "out of your dwellings shall ye bring two wave loaves, of two tenths of fine flour; with leaven shall they be baken; as first-fruits to Jehovah. And ye shall present with the bread seven he-lambs without blemish, yearlings".

J.T. Pentecost did not present an infantile state amongst the saints. It was manhood. Then it goes on to say, "And one young bullock, and two rams"; rams usually denote maturity. "They shall be a burnt-offering to Jehovah with their oblation, and their drink-offerings, an offering by

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fire of a sweet odour to Jehovah". All was presented to Jehovah. Pentecost was a wonderful day for Him. Then we have the sin-offering: "And ye shall sacrifice one buck of the goats for a sin-offering, and two he-lambs, yearlings, for a sacrifice of peace-offering. And the priest shall wave them with the bread of the first-fruits as a wave-offering before Jehovah, with the two he-lambs; they shall be holy to Jehovah, for the priest". What a wonderful scene that is!

A.F.M. If the saints were in the good of verse 18, what liberty amongst us, what joy there would be! God would get His portion, and the saints having their portion, joying in Christ.

J.T. I am sure the cause of much weakness amongst the saints of God is that things do not go on in secret with God. 'Out of your dwellings shall ye bring' means there had been secret exercises with God, feeding on and assimilating Christ. The word of God brings the mind of God to us in Christ. Then prayer; "enter into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret; and thy Father who sees in secret will render it to thee". I believe the reward applies to when we are together. The secret of spiritual power is to be with God in secret.

B.T.F. Do you think the disciples went through great exercises in those ten days?

J.T. They did. They took account of what had been witnessed in Christ and took it home to themselves. We may be sure there were many serious and earnest conversations between these men and women, and much individual self-judgment before God as to all that had passed. There had passed much to their shame.

F.L. In connection with what you were saying, we might read a verse in Acts where they were getting ready to bring the wave loaves out of their

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houses, so to speak: "And when they were come into [the city], they went up to the upper chamber, where were staying both Peter, and John, and James ... . These gave themselves all with one accord to continual prayer", Acts 1:13 - 14. The Lord had left them and they come together in an upper chamber and they are there with one accord in prayer and supplication. Then Peter turns to the scripture. There are all the elements. And, when the day of Pentecost was fully come, God endorses it by the pouring out of the Holy Spirit.

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Pages 229 - 343 -- "Privilege and Responsibility" Indianapolis, January, 1917 (Volume 37).


1 Kings 1

R.S.S. I may say there has been a good bit of exercise locally as to what we might take up in our meetings here. We had thought a little that we might have something on the responsible side, and the privilege side.

J.T. The early chapters of this book bring out both sides. David represents the responsible element, and how that was becoming almost extinct in his old age, but resuscitation came in and he was enabled to assert the rights of God, and in that way overthrow the antichristian element in Adonijah, and enthrone the true king, Solomon. Then following upon all that, Solomon brought in the house; 1 Kings presents the heavenly side of things, so that the latter part would conform with the thought of privilege.

W.B-t. Is your thought that the period of time that is being brought before us corresponds with the present time, that Christendom, so to speak, is being covered with clothes, but there is no vitality?

J.T. There is a strong analogy at any rate. I think, it is a type intended by the Spirit to foreshadow our own period. The responsible element, represented in David here, is become well nigh extinct and the spirit of antichrist lifts up its head, taking advantage of this.

W.B-t. There is a verse in Psalm 71 that points to this time: "Now also, when I am old and grey-headed, O God, forsake me not; until I have proclaimed thine arm unto [this] generation, thy might to every one that is to come", Psalm 71:18. In this first verse

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of 1 Kings 1, it says, king David was old; that is, the moment had come that he prayed about years before. In verse 15 it says, "the king was very old".

J.T. Age should not detract from us spiritually. Certainly it did not in the case of Moses. His age had not detracted from his spiritual sensibilities and energy. In the Psalms we read of freshness and vigour in old age, so that I think this reference to David is rather a reproach. Although David could not help being old literally, there was evidently weakness spiritually.

H.G. He was weak when he went out to face Ishbibenob, the giant. It says he "was exhausted", although he was a smaller man than Goliath, 2 Samuel 21:15.

W.B-t. There is here typically what we can see at the present time in Christendom; spiritual vitality is disappearing and raiment is applied to keep things going.

J.T. The clothes have no vitality in themselves. They are very useful to keep in heat or to exclude cold, but if there is no heat to keep in they are valueless, so that what is needed is vitality inwardly, and evidently Abishag comes in as a divine remedy. If we have responsibility without vitality the things of God, so to say, go to the wall. It requires the energy of life to sustain divine rights.

R.S.S. What would the clothes represent?

J.T. External appliances which are necessary for the regulation of the temperature of the body while life is there, but useless on a corpse. Isaiah 1 corresponds. Outward religious observances are valueless when the inward state is wrong.

L.T.F. Would you distinguish between David as looked at in God's purpose and in responsibility?

J.T. Certainly. The most casual reader will notice a very great difference between the end of 1 Chronicles and the beginning of 2 Chronicles, and

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the end of 2 Samuel and the beginning of 1 Kings. In Chronicles we have nothing of what is recorded in our chapter; it is more the David of purpose. He is engaged with the house and the material for the house; he is marked by fulness not only of affection but of intelligence. He instructs Solomon in the fullest way as to the building of the house, evincing most extraordinary spiritual vigour and understanding. Solomon sits upon the throne of Jehovah in Chronicles, and thus there is the resumption of relations with Israel as brought out of Egypt and brought into the land. Solomon goes to Gibeon, in Chronicles, where the tabernacle was. Chronicles is rather the connection with the earthly side, with Israel, so the temple there has a veil, and the altar is mentioned, and Solomon is answered publicly by fire from heaven. Therefore in Chronicles it is evidently the earthly side of things; how Christ shall take up the threads in relation to Israel and establish everything according to God's counsels on earth, for Israel and for the nations too. Kings takes account more of Christianity and how the responsible side had weakened, and how resuscitation is brought about, so that the antichristian element is overthrown, and that primarily not by outward force but by the introduction of what is positive. That is to say, Christ is introduced typically in a positive way, and antichrist in that way is brought to nothing; his overthrow here is not brought about by outward force, but by the bringing in of Christ positively in the power of the Spirit, and that I think is what fits in with our own position now. It is a question of bringing in Christ, in the power of the Spirit, so that all will see the folly of antichrist. Adonijah's folly became apparent, and then there was complete collapse.

R.M.L. It refreshes your spirit to pass from David in his decline to David revived, and then to Solomon

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in his vigour. Some of us have been considering that a little.

G.A.T. Is your thought that wherever Christ is brought in, what is not of Christ has to go?

J.T. That is what we ought to be exercised about. God will deal with antichrist according to 2 Thessalonians 2:8; "whom the Lord Jesus shall consume with the breath of his mouth, and shall annul by the appearing of his coming". But that period has not arrived. Antichrist is here in principle, as John tells us; "even now there have come many antichrists", 1 John 2:18. Then he goes on to say that "He is the antichrist who denies the Father and the Son", 1 John 2:22. He has not yet arrived; the complete denial of the Father and Son has not yet occurred in Christendom, but the antichristian spirit is at work. "Even now", he says, "there have come many antichrists".

R.S.S. How is their presence shown?

J.T. It shows in various forms of activity against Christ. Without declaring themselves professionally as antichristian, they act against Christ among God's people. What marked them at the beginning was, going out. "They went out from among us", John says, "that they might be made manifest that none are of us", 1 John 2:19. That is, the apostolic spirit and power forced them out, but I doubt whether that marks the present time. The spirit of antichrist is active against Christ amongst God's people now, and the point is for us to know how to meet it; this chapter affords instruction in this respect.

H.G. As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, and like Adonijah, their folly shall be manifest to all. There is a complete exposure, without the thing being fully developed as antichrist.

J.T. That is very excellent. You might deal with a thing judicially without manifesting the folly of it, and I think it is greater to expose a thing by the positive than to deal with it in an arbitrary way.

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Even in cases of discipline amongst God's people that ought to be the principle, that the folly and evil of a thing is manifested before it is formally dealt with. "Those that sin convict before all", 1 Timothy 5:20. When a man is convicted it is manifest that he has been sinful, and so I think the spirit of antichrist should be in that way exposed.

A.F.M. It would seem from verse 5 that Adonijah exalts himself consequent upon Abishag coming in. It says: "And Adonijah the son of Haggith exalted himself". Would you mind saying a word about what Abishag stands for?

J.T. There can be no question that she represents some vital element, or rather, you might say, a life giving element. Her service was to infuse warmth into David; that was the point. So it is for us to gather up by experience and observation what it is that brings that about amongst us.

H.G. It is evidently a wonderful element. I mean when applying this to the present moment, one feels that the crisis in the history of the world has become the occasion of morally infusing new blood amongst us.

J.T. I think that is right; the exercise has brought about freshness and vigour, old age in spiritual things is serious. The energy of youthfulness is what pleases God. Indeed He reminds Israel of what she had been in her youth; Jeremiah 2.

Ques. Is there any connection with first love?

J.T. "Thou hast left thy first love", Revelation 2:4. It is suggestive, because the Holy Spirit would bring us back to the energy and freshness of youth.

M.L.H. Will you emphasise a little more the point that our brother brought out? I want to get hold of this thought of infusing life at this time.

J.T. It is, I think, the form in which divine love comes in and brings about resuscitation. I have no doubt that it all centres objectively in the

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Lord's supper. That is where divine love focuses itself before us, but it is intended to have a subjective effect in our souls; and I believe the Lord has emphasised the Supper so that we should return to the vigour and freshness of youth.

G.A.T. Is the thought, in this young virgin being brought in to infuse warmth into the heart of David, that the young amongst us would be expected to carry on what the old ones have to leave?

J.T. Well, the energy of life is brought into this passage to support the responsible element. You see, while we are down here responsibility remains. Hence the Lord appeals seven times over, as you might say, in addressing the assemblies, to the responsible element in their midst; to the angel of the assembly in Ephesus, in Smyrna, in Pergamos, in Thyatira, in Sardis, in Philadelphia and in Laodicea. Each angel addressed represents those responsible in his respective assembly. Now the power of life brought in in the Spirit would support that. As the responsible element accepts its responsibility it is supported by the energy of life, and I think that Abishag here suggests to us that which the Lord has brought about, namely, the revival of affection for Himself and for one another, which I think is contemplated in Philadelphia. It is brotherly love, and where that exists there is support for the rights of Christ. The rights of Christ are maintained, and correspondingly, all that goes with the house of God and its principles is maintained. Hence it says, "Let every one who names the name of [the] Lord"; (2 Timothy 2:19) that is a question of His rights. Let such "withdraw from iniquity".

W.B-t. It is remarkable how all the coasts of Israel were searched for this young virgin, and when found certain things are said of her that were said of Rebecca.

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R.S.S. It is said of her that she cherished him and ministered to him, and that is what we have to do, to cherish what is of God amongst us, and to minister to the people of God, and seek to maintain what is here.

J.T. "Strengthen the things that remain, which are about to die", Revelation 3:2.

M.L.H. Was that which is introduced in Solomon the result of her ministry to David?

J.T. Yes, only you must bring in the other elements that follow, Bath-sheba, Nathan the prophet, Zadok the priest, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada. They all follow on this and all tend to the one end; namely, the assertion of divine rights in Solomon, but the first thing to bring in is this life-giving element.

J.B. Later, Adonijah sought Abishag for his wife. That is, the enemy seeks to control that which produces warmth and life among the saints.

J.S. I suppose David meets his responsibility here more definitely than he did at the time of Absalom's rebellion. He meets it and takes the advice of those who had God's interests at heart.

J.T. Yes. But before we come to that we should notice that it is said of Adonijah that "his father had not grieved him at any time in saying, Why doest thou so?" David was not only weak in vitality but the moral element had been greatly weakened. He had not displeased Adonijah. That is to say, things had been allowed to pass without protest, which is very often apparent among God's people. Things that are really against Christ are allowed to pass without protest. It is bad enough not to be able to meet them, but it is worse not even to protest against such things.

L.T.F. Does this reviving come about by a peculiar ministry of Christ?

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J.T. I think it does; the ministry that keeps us in accord with the Supper.

L.T.F. Would it be a ministry that addresses itself to the heart rather than the intelligence? Something that addresses itself to the heart has a warming influence.

J.T. The Lord's supper focuses for us all the love of God and the love of Christ. These are presented to us and kept before us in the Supper, and I have no doubt the recovery of the Lord's supper and its re-establishment amongst the people of God has been used to this end, but in addition to Abishag you have the prophet. That is an important feature, a prophetic ministry, which I believe may easily be traced. Would you not say so?

R.S.S. Yes, in Nathan.

W.C.R. I was wondering if the principles we are considering would be found in connection with Eutychus, who fell down from the third story, and Paul says: "Be not troubled, for his life is in him". Paul fell on him and apparently revived him. Would the revival of Paul's ministry be what we need for that which has grown cold?

J.T. It is quite a feature of it. Paul's ministry stands in relation to the Lord's supper especially.

B.T.F. What would you say the promise given to Bath-sheba regarding Solomon represents?

J.T. It was a question of counsel. David had sworn in regard to Solomon that he should be king, so that in a way David was doubly responsible. On that account there should have been no question in his mind as to Solomon, and yet he never displeased Adonijah. He had uttered no protest against the aspirations of Adonijah, which I think is rather solemn. So much is allowed to pass amongst us, you know, that obviously is not right.

G.W.W. Do you not think that was just the principle of decadence in connection with responsibility?

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The thought of God is more or less before the soul, but the passing over of that which is in opposition to it brings about the state of decadence.

J.T. I think that is it. One has often noticed the inability or indisposition to even protest. Although you may feel you cannot cope with the difficulty, at any rate, you lift up your voice against what is against Christ. However covered it may be, you test it and you lift up your voice against it; this David omitted to do here.

G.A.T. Sometimes we pass things over rather than allow them to be the means of bringing trouble.

J.T. But it is a poor thing to be silent when the rights of Christ are in any way infringed.

J.K. It is more in accordance with God's mind to make at least a protest.

J.T. Very often power comes in with the protest. God comes in to support it.

A.F.M. Do you regard this principle of antichrist, as found in Adonijah, as corresponding with what we find all around us in the terrible doctrines that have been formulated, or do you come closer than that? I was wondering if the saints were responsible for what we see around us, like Russellism, Christian Science, etc. That is all the spirit of antichrist, is it not?

J.T. A godly man would have an exercise as to everything that is found in the sphere of Christendom. You feel with Christ about things. The addresses to the assemblies cover the whole history of Christendom. If with the Lord, you feel things with Him; not only what may be connected with the few you are walking with, but the whole sphere of Christendom. The Lord's name is connected with it, and you would feel with Him about things.

A.F.M. I was thinking that concurrently with the revival of the Supper and affection for Christ,

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these terrible things are being formulated by the enemy as an offset to that.

J.T. There are "many antichrists", 1 John 2:18. It is the character of them here. They had not avowed themselves openly. They went out that they might be manifest. They did not take on opposition to Christ openly. It is rather the character of their course, not what they said or taught that is in view.

W.B. Would you say that in a measure Luther was right? They were called Protestants. They protested against certain things done at that time.

J.T. Yes, only they made the formal protest and supported it by worldly organisation, which has now resulted in Christendom, a leavened thing. If they had made their protest and withdrawn, and depended on the Lord and the Spirit, then they would have had the truth of the assembly.

W.B. Instead of that they used military arms and all that sort of thing to support it.

R.S.S. So that merely a protest is hardly sufficient?

J.T. No, but one feels if you make one in the right way the Lord comes in to help, provided you do not lean on a brother to do it, or form a combination with others. If one has faith the Lord will come in to help in the protest, but the Reformers formed a worldly organisation to support theirs, which the Lord could not go on with.

G.A.T. If something was wrong, would you not speak to such a one before protesting?

J.T. Yes, but the danger is of forming special compacts for supporting a certain thought, or resisting a certain thought, which simply brings about a party or sect. If you make a protest look to the Lord to support it. He comes in, and as He comes in you have things divinely supported, and God is glorified in it.

A.L.M. Paul did that way, he was fearless in meeting and contending with evil.

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J.T. Yes, he said, "I withstood him to [the] face", Galatians 2:11. He did it on his own account, and the Lord supported him in it.

D.R. Is that what is set forth in Bath-sheba retiring to the king in her effort to overthrow the antichrist? Adonijah did not form a compact with her.

J.T. Bath-sheba is moved by the word of the prophet. It is by Nathan's word she is guided as to what to do. In fact she was remiss too. She apparently was not exercised of herself. Nathan brought about the exercise. It was the prophet.

W.B-t. Would you say it was a matter of life and death to her?

J.T. And so it is now.

H.G. The prophet often discerns dangers that get in amongst us and has courage to expose them, with a view of the continuance or saving of the testimony.

J.T. That is the thought. He was in that way a seer. He saw how things were, and Nathan really brings about the exercise. It is his word that brings about the movement.

W.C.R. It says in John's epistle, "prove the spirits". That is in connection with the spirit of antichrist. Bath-sheba had not proved the spirits, but Nathan had.

A.F.M. Do you connect Nathan with the ministry of Abishag?

J.T. I think he is a counterpart. He goes to the one to whom the promise was made. He acts with skill and intelligence. It says in verse 11, "And Nathan spoke to Bath-sheba the mother of Solomon, saying, Hast thou not heard". He goes to her first because it was to her the promise was made. Like Israel when Peter spoke to them; "For to you is the promise" he says, "and to your children, and to all who [are] afar off", Acts 2:39. It was for them to be moved at that time. They had crucified Christ but

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now the promise was to them; "of whom" ..., says Paul, "[is] the Christ", Romans 9:5. He had come to them and they had a claim. It was for them to come out and assert themselves. Three thousand did and they came into all the good of the true Solomon, in that way, but Peter's word was a prophetic word.

A.F.M. So Bath-sheba represents the responsible element, does she not?

J.T. She does from the maternal side. David was the paternally responsible element. Now, looking at the saints as represented in Bath-sheba, the promises are ours. We come in for all that refers to Christ, now and we do not want to lose these things. We are to share with Him in His glory.

A.F.M. Hence the value of a prophetic ministry.

J.T. Yes, Paul says: "For whatever promises of God [there are], in him is the yea, and in him the amen", but it is "for glory to God by us", 2 Corinthians 1:20. He states this, and then seeks that the Corinthians should be in the good of these things, of what was in Christ. Hence, no matter how you look at it, we should lay hold of what is available for us, and not let the enemy take it away from us. We are in danger of being deprived of things. The danger is always present, the antichristian element endeavouring to take away what belongs to Christ.

D.R. Do you not think that if the Lord had His place in our midst, that which is antichristian would be exposed?

J.T. No doubt, but there is a constant tendency, not only to overlook that responsibility should be sustained by life, but to lose the sense of responsibility altogether; that these things are carried out in the energy of life by a right spirit being with us. It is very inspiring to see here how everything of God goes forward, and that His counsels are effected also that antichrist typically is exposed and comes to nothing.

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G.W.W. It is not so much what is going on in Christendom outwardly, but the hindering of that which is according to God, seeking to introduce what would be destructive into our very midst. We are not only to see it in its terrible form all around, but how in an insidious way Satan seeks to instil these things into our midst. Hence we want, in regard to the Supper, strength which is of God, that what is contrary to Christ may be detected.

A.P. Were not these things in David's kingdom from the start?

J.T. It is very remarkable in reading the Psalms how conspicuous the antichristian element is, as ever present to the spirit of the psalmists. From John's writing up to the present the antichristian spirit has existed, and the godly have always had to contend with it, and it continues now; so that the "many antichrists" exist and the little children are always exposed. Young Christians are peculiarly exposed to antichristian influences.

F.W.T. Will you please explain how the Supper works in connection with responsibility?

J.T. What I think has come before us is that the Supper introduces the vital element, by which the responsible persons are supported in carrying out their obligations in maintaining the rights of Christ.

G.W.W. In the Supper we have the exact opposite of what characterises antichrist, it refers to the One who went down to establish divine pleasure; in antichrist we see one going up to establish his own. Therefore when our souls are in the good of what is set forth in the Supper we are on our guard against the insidious spirit of antichrist; we shall not exalt man after the flesh.

J.T. It says, 'Adonijah the son of Haggith exalted himself' . "I will be king; and he provided

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himself chariots and horsemen, and fifty men to run before him". He exalted himself.

D.R. Do you connect the antichristian spirit with the spirit set forth in Judas? It says of Jesus, "was troubled in spirit" (John 13:21) and later He said to Judas, "What thou doest, do quickly", John 13:27.

J.T. The elements were all there. The Lord exposed him and he went out after he received the morsel.

J.K. How do the ninth and tenth verses of John's third epistle connect with the antichristian spirit?

J.T. That surely would be an antichristian spirit, only Diotrephes casts others out of the assembly, whereas the antichrist went out. I think it is very beautiful to see how the prophet, and the priest, and Benaiah the military representative, all combine and bring in the true man, the true king, Solomon. How very encouraging that God has helped in that way and brought about the enthronement of Christ in the saints' affections, to the utter confusion and exclusion of all that is antichrist!

R.S.S. We have had a good deal on the side of Nathan the prophet. Now how does Zadok the priest come in in connection with this?

J.T. The priestly state is ever needed in having to do with God; it was by the priest the true king was anointed. It says, "Let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him there king over Israel"; All is in perfect order here, it seems to me. There is resuscitation, for those responsible, the assertion of the rights of Christ in David; the prophetic word; and then the priestly element as anointing Solomon. It is very beautiful to see the true man, not only recognised, but anointed.

W.B. The priest seems to take the lead there. Nathan the prophet comes in first and produces exercise, but in carrying out the wishes of the king the priest takes the lead?

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J.T. You see there is order in that. The priestly side naturally takes precedence of everything when it is present, but you know it has to be present; and I think the work of the Spirit is to bring about a priestly state among God's people. Otherwise you do not have things according to God. Without a priest you do not have divine service. I am only introducing that remark as an additional feature. It is not a question of service, but without a priest you do not have things according to God. The prophet brings in God and exercises your soul, and then you are a priest as truly exercised.

E.J.W. Benaiah seems to be the man in whom God's power is shown. He takes the place of Joab. Joab comes out in his true character in this chapter, for he is carried away with Adonijah, but there is another man associated with Nathan and Zadok -- Benaiah. I suppose he would represent the power of God working with that of which you were speaking. It is a great comfort to think that the power of God at the present time is with that which is working for the maintenance of the rights of Christ here. It is not only discernment in Nathan, and the priestly element in Zadok, but also the power of God with us. His power meeting the enemy I mean.

J.T. Yes, that is very nice. Benaiah was finally over the host instead of Joab; 1 Kings 2:35.

A.F.M. I suppose the point is that these elements should be existent amongst the saints at the present time.

D.R. Referring to what you said about the priest having divine sensibilities, is that what the apostle had in view when, in writing to the Corinthians, he said, "Thus there is not a wise person among you?", 1 Corinthians 6:5.

J.T. Yes. The priest is essential. If things are to be established and preserved according to God we must have the priest.

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M.L.H. Does the priest not come in here in confirmation or support of the divine order, in accordance with the promise made to Bath-sheba?

J.T. Yes. The way the facts are stated is very beautiful and inspiring: "Zadok the priest took the horn of oil out of the tabernacle, and anointed Solomon. And they blew the trumpet; and all the people said, Long live king Solomon!" Then it says, 'All the people came up after him' . How great the victory; how complete it was! You have not only the assertion of the rights of Christ, but you secure the people in that way. There may be a fear that in raising your voice for Christ you will cause a disturbance and perhaps division. These of course are things you do not want, but the result is, if you really act for God you save not only the rights of God, but the people as well. The saints are preserved. "A true witness delivereth souls", Proverbs 14:25. He really serves the people and secures them.

W.B-t. That is very encouraging.

J.T. Yes, "Thy people" it says, "shall be willing in the day of thy power", Psalm 110:3. One has to reckon on that. The saints are perhaps, not as far away as you may think.

W.B-t. We are a little afraid sometimes to act like Nathan.

J.T. You have to count on what is of God in the saints however weak it may become in effect. When a true saint hears the "trumpet" sound he usually responds.

W.B-t. "The people piped with pipes, and rejoiced with great joy, so that the earth rent with the sound of them".

J.T. And further in regard to David, when he refers to Solomon he says, "Blessed be Jehovah, the God of Israel, who has given one to sit on my throne this day, mine eyes even seeing it". What a great change from the beginning of the chapter, where

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Adonijah was acting in his pride and self exultation, and David saying nothing! Now Solomon is anointed and David is exulting over it. I think the wonderful range of truth in 1 Chronicles 22 to 29, comes in after this. David has come back to the counsel of God in Solomon.

G.W.W. That is very interesting.

W.N. In what character is the Spirit manifested here in the prophet?

J.T. The Spirit of God works in all these different characters, whether in Abishag, Nathan, Zadok, Benaiah or Bath-sheba, the Spirit works in all these characters.

A.F.M. We have not to combat evil. We are to judge the character of the moment, of course.

J.T. We are to go on with the good, the positive. Nathan in going on with it displaced the antichristian system. The Lord will deal with antichrist in judgment. Of course we contend for the truth, but that is positive. The time is coming when the Lord shall deal with evil in a retributive way; we have not to do with that. Even Adonijah is not put to death until after David dies; that is, until this dispensation ends we do not have definite judgment.

W.C.R. They brought in Solomon, that is the point.

H.G. I had an exercise as to how we would locate amongst us today the elements found in the prophet, and the priest, and Benaiah. I understand in Nathan there is more the exposure of evil and indicating the Man that is to come in. Is the thought in the priest one who would build that Man into the hearts of the saints?

J.T. I would agree with that. The priest has a true apprehension of Christ. Here he anoints Solomon. Of course here that is literal, but it means, that you commit yourself so completely to that Man that all see it; your ministry, your demeanour, your

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words, all indicate that you are committed to that Man.

R.S.S. Is it like Mary at Bethany anointing the Lord?

J.T. That is a very beautiful illustration of it. She was committed to that Man.

R.S.S. The only thing Zadok does here, I think, is to anoint Solomon. And so it is a priestly state to anoint the Lord as Mary did. We can all do that.

H.G. How about Benaiah. In what way does he come in now?

J.T. He represents the military side. There is that which is to be defended and preserved; in that way you come on to Ephesian ground, to military service.

W.C.R. All these men represent elements found amongst the saints now.

G.W.W. In connection with Benaiah, is it not interesting to see here a man who met things single handed? He faces an Egyptian with a great spear, plucks the spear from his hands and slays him with it; and goes down in the midst of the pit in time of snow, to slay a lion. In him we have one who single handed met the power of the enemy and overthrew it, 2 Samuel 23:20, 21. That sort of spirit comes in to actuate us in a time when things opposed to God have to be met single handed.

E.J.W. I was thinking as to Benaiah that what we get in 2 Timothy would answer to it. Timothy is to remember not only to labour like a good husbandman, to be a good workman, and to wrestle lawfully, but he is also to be a good soldier, and the power of God was to come out in suffering evil along with the testimony.

W.B. The power of endurance is what marks a soldier.

G.W.W. Our exercise must be that all these things we have been looking at should really have their

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place in our own souls, so that there may be a fulfilment of responsibility in connection with Christ.

E.J.W. One could hardly think of anything more to be desired than to have part in that which is being carried on by the Spirit of God here for the maintenance of Christ, when, so to speak, the responsible side, as represented in David, has grown old and feeble. God would have the testimony maintained until Solomon comes in, and one could hardly think of anything more to be desired than to have part in that.

W.B. I was struck with the rapidity with which things go on: the king is anointed and sits on the throne. He reaches the throne quickly. There is generally a good deal of delay in seating a king on a throne, but things seem to have gone on very rapidly here.

J.T. The king's business required haste. You feel there is no delay to be made when His things are in question.

R.S.S. It was a critical moment.

J.T. The opposing element was in its strength, there was no time to lose. John says it is the "last hour", and there are "many antichrists", 1 John 2:18.

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1 Kings 2:1 - 12; 1 Kings 5

W.B-t. Why do you bring in Shimei and Joab before the building of the house?

J.T. I would like to show how the spirit of the previous dispensation takes precedence of the one under Solomon. Whilst David remained alive judgment was not executed; he had a judgment of things but it was not executed. It was held in abeyance. I wish particularly that we might dwell on the spirit of this dispensation, and how current events are to be taken account of; that God is not now dealing in a retributive way. Things are held over. It is still the day of His grace and patience, and David has to be regarded in a different light in the beginning of chapter 2, from the light in which he is seen in chapter 1. Here it is simply that the days of David drew nigh that he should die, and he charged Solomon his son. He is now in the sense of his position and in the vigour suited to it.

W.B-t. He says, "thou knowest also what Joab the son of Zeruiah did to me", as though it were personal against him.

J.T. It was against him, but the judgment was deferred; it was not executed, which I think we should take account of. The present is not the time of vengeance. We are not the executors of vengeance.

J.B. Reward too is at the end, as we see in Barzillai the Gileadite?

J.T. Yes, he represents those that have taken sides with the Lord in the day of His rejection. It is the spirit that marks this dispensation that is in view. We have a judgment of things, both as regards good and evil, but the execution of judgment is suspended. It is the time of long-suffering.

A.F.M. The one that does not love Christ will be accursed at the coming of the Lord.

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J.T. Yes, at the coming of the Lord. So I thought in that way chapter 5 might be connected with chapter 2, in which is the spirit of grace, which bears long, and chapter 5 is what goes with that; that is, "Hiram always loved David". He loved him under all circumstances. It is that which has been in the dispensation all along, under all circumstances.

G.W.H. So you would say the present dispensation is greater than that which follows?

J.T. That is what I thought might be helpful to come before us;, that it necessarily takes precedence of all that follows, and the twelfth verse confirms this. It says, "And Solomon sat on the throne of David his father; and his kingdom was established greatly". Now in Chronicles it is the throne of Jehovah. That is to say, it connects the kingdom of Solomon with Jehovah and His covenant relations with Israel; whereas here it is the throne of David, more what characterises our own dispensation, the dispensation of grace, the day of the Spirit, taking precedence of all that follows.

R.S.S. Would you speak of chapter 5 as representing the day of grace?

J.T. Well, I was thinking that that chapter shows the love that marks the dispensation. "Hiram always loved David", it says. That is, he loved him through all circumstances.

A.F.M. What does Hiram set forth?

J.T. I think he sets forth the love that is found now amongst us.

A.F.M. I think so too. The mark of believers is that they love.

J.T. I think one point in it is that he always loved David. His love was not spasmodic.

W.B. In what way did he stand relative to David? What position did he fill?

J.T. He was not equal to the queen of Sheba,

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if we make comparisons. There is no record, as far as I know, that he visited or associated himself with David or affiliated with him, but he loved him. It was the love of admiration, not of association; whereas the queen came to the king to see him. But still, Hiram's was a love that the Spirit of God takes account of.

D.R. Have you in your mind in connection with Hiram as a lover of David, that he would be found supporting the one on his throne; that is, Solomon?

J.T. Yes. He looked at Solomon in relation to David. It was because of that I felt encouraged to connect the two scriptures. It is to show the connection with David. It says, verse 7, "It came to pass when Hiram heard the words of Solomon, that he rejoiced greatly, and said, Blessed be Jehovah this day, who has given to David a wise son over this great people". He looked at Solomon in relation to David.

A.B. He says: "I will do all thy desire concerning timber".

J.T. He is prepared to contribute, according to his power, to all that which is to be established. It was a love dating back to the past, that stretched back to David, a love that subsisted through all circumstances, and is now prepared to come forward and contribute to that which Solomon was about to establish. That is the kind of love that one would seek to have. This is just an outline. I thought we might dwell on it. It marks the present time. We are so apt to take account of current events as retributive, as though God were penalising the nations. It is not that, because He is true to His own principles, and therefore, He is still waiting on them in grace, Although He has to knock hard, it is in the light of grace, His long-suffering being still salvation.

M.C.H. Do you speak of the reign of David as

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one of grace? He was continually surrounded by the enemy, and by wars?

J.T. Yes, he dealt heavy blows against the enemies of God's people. He was a man of war, but as regards what occurred within the kingdom, things were left over.

L.T.F. Was the idea of judgment carried along in connection with grace? I refer to Joab and Shimei.

J.T. That is what I was saying. We have a judgment; we do not shut our eyes to things. The spirit of antichrist is active, and we have a judgment of things, but the way to meet them for the moment is not to deal with them in the sense of penalty. You do not penalise people now, but act on the principle of chastisement for their good.

L.T.F. The Lord, "[when] reviled, reviled not again; [when] suffering, threatened not; but gave [himself] over into the hands of him who judges righteously", 1 Peter 2:23. Is that the way we deal with things?

J.T. That is the principle. We suffer for righteousness, but we have a judgment as to those that cause us the suffering; we leave them, however, to Him who judgeth righteously.

L.T.F. We commit ourselves to Him who will judge in righteousness by and by.

J.T. "Vengeance [belongs] to me, I will recompense, saith the Lord", Romans 12:19.

H.G. "Alexander the smith did many evil things against me. The Lord will render to him according to his works. Against whom be thou also on thy guard", 2 Timothy 4:14. Is that the idea of judgment to come? But meantime he warns Timothy.

W.C.R. Do you connect discipline with this?

J.T. It is that too. In 1 Timothy 1:20, Paul says of Hymenaeus and Alexander; "whom I have delivered to Satan, that they may be taught by discipline not to

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blaspheme". His action was in the nature of discipline.

W.C.R. Judgment administered now is in the nature of discipline, and it works for the good of the saints.

R.S.S. We receive chastisement for our good. "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself", (that is still true), "not reckoning to them their offences", 2 Corinthians 5:19. If we do wrong God does not pass it over, but instead of punishment there is discipline, which has our blessing in view.

R.M.L. And David accepts the cursing of Shimei in the way of discipline?

J.T. That is it. He had his judgment about it; he did not excuse Shimei, but he deferred punishment; he hands it over to Solomon. It is a question of what the type means. He was true typically to the present dispensation. Judgment is deferred.

R.S.S. When does the time for punishment come in?

J.T. It is at the change of the dispensation, which of course is seen here in Solomon. The present time is the "kingdom and patience", Revelation 1:9. The Lord is on His Father's throne, which speaks of nothing else but grace for man. He remains on it still; as soon as He arises from it, and takes up His own throne, then He is dealing with the world directly, and must necessarily put evil down. Hence it says, "whom the Lord Jesus shall consume with the breath of his mouth, and shall annul by the appearing of his coming", 2 Thessalonians 2:8. The spirit of His mouth is not now breathing out destruction; it is what we see in John 20, the spirit He breathed into the disciples. That was the spirit of grace, and more, it was the spirit of the heavenly Man. In that spirit they were sent out to humanity, to the world, to convey what God is in grace. Now when He moves from His present position it is, "whom the Lord Jesus shall consume with the breath of

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his mouth", 2 Thessalonians 2:8. It will then be a question of consumption, not of grace, and the brightness of His coming will test all that is opposed. In this sense Solomon is Christ taking up the kingdom in the future, and meting out judgment for sin, hence we see in chapter 2 that every one of these men that exhibited the spirit of antichrist is brought into judgment.

R.S.S. So the reign of David is connected with grace; the reign of Solomon with judgment and glory.

M.L.H. While Christ sits upon the Father's throne the dispensation of grace continues, but when He takes His own throne there will be judgment.

J.T. Jehovah's throne; 1 Chronicles 29:23, suggests the covenant relations with Israel. Hence Solomon goes to Gibeon, and the old system is recognised; the Israel of God's purpose comes into view. In Chronicles it is covenant relationships with His earthly people. So in 2 Chronicles we are told that "fire came down from the heavens and consumed the burnt-offering and sacrifices" (2 Chronicles 7:1) after Solomon had prayed, showing God's public acceptance of the earthly people as re-established typically under Christ; whereas here in 1 Kings, he "sat on the throne of David his father; and his kingdom was established greatly". I think it is bringing into evidence the importance of David's throne, that it takes precedence over Solomon's. Solomon sits on it.

G.A.T. What you say about David and Solomon is a change from what I have heard and what I thought I knew. That is, Solomon's reign was a reign of judgment. I thought David's was a reign of judgment, because as far as we have gone in connection with Solomon, he has exposed the thing, but has not brought judgment in.

J.T. The exposure is not by Solomon. It is through the exercise that preceded Solomon's enthronement.

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G.A.T. But take chapter 3, in the case of the two women with the child. Solomon exposes where the evil was, but he has not yet brought in the judgment.

J.T. He can tell the mother of the child, so he is a man of wisdom, and he received that from the Lord; but the exercises that brought in the judgment of him who typifies antichrist were in connection with David and David's servants.

W.B. There is a verse in Revelation 3 that says, "He that overcomes, to him will I give to sit with me in my throne; as I also have overcome, and have sat down with my Father in his throne". That is in His address to Laodicea.

J.T. There is the distinction. He is at present on the Father's throne.

W.B. You are bringing in the thought that He has sat down on His Father's throne. In this day of grace God is revealed as Father.

J.T. Yes. David had a great knowledge of God. That is what marked him. He said, "Let us fall, I pray thee, into the hand of Jehovah; for his mercies are great", 2 Samuel 24:14. The Psalms show he had a great knowledge of God, and his 'last words show this' . He had a right estimate of what a king should be, so his throne is a throne marked by what God is, which is typically the present dispensation. It is a question of what God is, not exactly as judging evil, that is more the future, but as introducing and establishing the good. That is the thing to get hold of. Of course David acted in judgment upon the enemies of God's people; this would correspond with Christ's death, and His constant defence of the saints; otherwise grace marked David's throne.

W.B-t. If I gather your thought, the present state of things in the earth is not in the nature of punishment for the nations.

J.T. That is what I was remarking. We must

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not misjudge the dealings of God. They are not, as I said, retributive, but are of the character of chastisement. God is loth to cast off the nations, so He is knocking loudly at their hearts at the present time.

J.B. I suppose the present moment would be a continuation of the history of the Lord Jesus Christ when here; according to Luke 4 He could say:

"[The] Spirit of [the] Lord is upon me", Luke 4:18. And Peter says later, "Jesus ... of Nazareth: how God anointed him with [the] Holy Spirit and with power; who went through [all quarters] doing good", Acts 10:38.

J.T. Christianity is a continuation of that.

L.T.F. In David's reign there was much blood-shed, was the idea in that the removal of things contrary to God rather than judgment?

J.T. The kingdom is God's power exercised in grace; that is David's throne. There were things that acted against that; they had to be overcome, and the Lord you might say, accomplished that in His death.

G.A.T. Is that where you bring in the distinction, that David's war was not actually judgment?

J.T. David's kingdom was the exercise of grace, and so was for the benefit of man. That was what it was, hence it is a type of Christianity; his was really a greater throne than that of Solomon.

J.B. I suppose the throne of the Lord Himself is introduced in Revelation 4 and 5, the throne set in heaven?

J.T. I do not know, there is a good deal in that. In the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, is the Lamb slain. I think there are developments from that that lead directly to judgment. Of course, it is a point that would lead to prophetical subjects, but I may make this remark as to the seals, they are opened by the Lamb. Now that does not suggest or bode anything

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against man. The effect of opening the seals is to bring the elect of God to light, not necessarily to execute wrath, although the inhabitants of the world say, that the wrath of the Lamb has come; it was not just that. It was more a question of the Lord acting governmentally to bring to light the elect, the hundred and forty and four thousand. Then in chapter 8 of Revelation He is seen typically in the angel with the censer at the altar of incense. Well, now, that in itself does not suggest judgment. What He is doing is presenting the prayers of the saints before God; the result of that, however, brings judgment. That is, it is not the direct action of Christ. It is rather the result of the exercise and prayers of God's people. The fire of the altar is taken and cast upon the earth and then you have the woes; that is, the woes come as the issue of the prayers of God's people. It is not the throne that is acting, but rather that God is taking account of the exercises and prayers of His people, but you see their prayers are not prayers begotten under the Christian dispensation; if they were, there would be no judgment. They are prayers for judgment (chapter 6:10), whereas ours are not prayers for judgment. Ours are like Stephen's. We do not pray for judgment. We pray for grace and forgiveness, so we do not bring down judgment. That is the reason I wanted to call attention to the dispensation as signified here, that while David lived and reigned judgment was not executed.

W.B. And even in the reign of Solomon there is a lingering in the case of Joab and Shimei; they have another chance. So the present dispensation, the grace and forbearance on the part of God seems to linger in this passage.

J.T. What you see first of all is limitation. He says to Adonijah, "Go to thy house", 1 Kings 1:53. That is a good place to send a man imbued with such a spirit.

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He gave him another opportunity. He limited him, but it was good as far as it went, and so they are all limited, you know. It is in a fresh outbreak of opposition to Christ that direct judgment comes down.

G.W.W. Referring to what you were saying about prayers, you could not possibly bring into the present dispensation such a prayer as in the sixth chapter of Revelation, "How long, O sovereign Ruler, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell upon the earth?", Revelation 6:10. That character of prayer of which you have been speaking, would be wholly inconsistent with the present dispensation.

J.T. That comes from beneath the altar. It is from those who were martyred under the circumstances mentioned.

H.G. The conversion of Saul of Tarsus answers to the prayer of the present moment, for example. You pray for your enemies in that way.

J.T. That is the idea. Instead of being destroyed he is converted, and that characterises the present dispensation.

M.L.H. Would you speak of David's reign as marked by things being ordered according to God?

J.T. Yes, that is more 1 Chronicles, however. It makes much of David's headship. He had the light about the temple from the Lord, and it says, he gave the pattern to Solomon. You do not see that here, but what you see here is the spirit that marks David's kingdom. It is the spirit of things, and hence in connection with all that, the house you get in 1 Kings is a pattern of the heavenly thing, the Father's house. It is the Father's house typically in 1 Kings, whereas in Chronicles the house is more in relation to Israel, with a veil, etc.

R.S.S. Stephen manifested the spirit of Christ in his prayer.

J.T. Yes, and it was according to the breathing that He breathed into the disciples. In John 20

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it is the spirit of the heavenly Man. Christianity is marked by the spirit of that Man.

W.B. I suppose the apostle Paul is the result of Stephen's prayer.

J.T. Not only that, but the result of the wonderful spirit Stephen showed before Saul; the spirit of one that could kneel down and pray while being stoned to death.

Rem. And could say: "lay not this sin to their charge", Acts 7:60. That would be the spirit of Christ on the cross.

J.B. Then you would not regard David's forbearance as weakness, but long-suffering?

J.T. There is no evidence of weakness, but of strength in this chapter. He is able to charge Solomon in regard to judgment, so here it is more that which is proper to him.

G.A.T. I think the opening of this second chapter is very encouraging both to parents and children. Here was a man that lived and maintained the testimony, and at his close God entrusted him with a son that he could call to his bedside and commit to him the testimony. The father in leaving, could say: "Be of good courage, therefore, and be a man". That is an encouragement to the young, that when the older ones leave they can leave with a free heart and leave those behind that are able to fill their places.

J.T. It is a great thing to see things taken up in the energy of youthful manhood. "Quit yourselves like men"; Paul said, "be strong", 1 Corinthians 16:13.

J.S. Would you say these men had been under grace and they persisted in not availing themselves of it, and on account of this a judgment overtakes them?

J.T. But the greatness of the dispensation is set forth in that they were borne with. It is a great

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thing in having to bear with evil to be above it in your spirit.

J.S. So that what is taking place in Europe today you can attribute, in a certain way, to the refusal of the truth and light that has been presented there.

J.T. Yes, but it is very comforting to be assured that God is true to His own principles, and inasmuch as He is pleased to prolong the dispensation, all His dealings with men are in the light of this, and are consistent with it. Hence these things work together for good, not for evil.

A.F.M. You might say a word about Barzillai, there was to be a special consideration shown to his sons.

J.T. That would show, would it not, how all done on behalf of Christ is taken account of. It is taken account of in the judgment of the saints.

J.B. Is it not remarkable that in regard to the sons of Barzillai, consideration was to be perpetually continued?

J.T. "Shew kindness to the sons of Barzillai the Gileadite, and let them be of those that eat at thy table; for so they came up to me when I fled because of Absalom thy brother".

M.L.H. He stood for the testimony when it was in reproach.

J.T. Yes, he supplied according to his abundance for the support of the king and his household in his rejection. One is reminded of Paul's word: "The Lord grant mercy to the house of Onesiphorus, for he has often refreshed me, and has not been ashamed of my chain; but being in Rome sought me out very diligently, and found [me]", 2 Timothy 1:16 - 17.

H.G. Why was it that Barzillai drew back in a certain sense? He seemed to be lacking in ability to enjoy all that David would have led him into at Jerusalem. I have wondered why that is.

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J.T. I think it is an indication of spiritual weakness, but it is nice to think that David thought of his sons, evidently assuming, they would go in for the greatest things, to sit at Solomon's table.

G.W.W. Barzillai thought of the sons; he requested that Chimham, who seems to have been one, should go over. That was Barzillai's own request, and David is now really seeing that that request is going to be granted.

W.B. Barzillai was "a very great man", 2 Samuel 19:32. We do not often get that said of a man in Scripture.

J.T. Yes, you get him spoken of as a very great man, and the Shunamite, as "a great woman", 2 Kings 4:8.

R.M.L. The descendants of Barzillai continued a long time, but they were set aside because they could not prove their clear title to serve in a priestly way. They had to wait till a priest should arise "with Urim and with Thummim", Ezra 2:63.

G.W.W. The point you have before you is that in the present dispensation we have to take our attitude from the position which Christ now occupies largely in relation to things in the world, and that as long as grace is on the throne the ways of God with men will not be punitive, but in the way of chastening. So in looking around today, and seeing all the things happening in the habitable world, we see the chastening of God measured out, perhaps, towards Christendom as a sort of call from God, to make His voice heard in the midst of a people who have really turned their backs on Him. And we are to be characterized by that spirit. That is what it comes to now.

J.T. Yes, that is what I understand.

W.B. I have always had difficulty in regard to David because his life is set forth in a double way. He was the rejected one, and then he is the one that reigns. I think you are helping us on that line now.

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Then do you look at Solomon's reign, the beginning of it, as a continuation of that?

J.T. And the Spirit of God emphasises the superiority of David's throne, I think, because obviously David is greater than Solomon here, in that he is instructing him.

W.B. You say it is the day of Christ's rejection, but really Christ is on His Father's throne and not His own throne.

J.T. And therefore it is the character of His administration, the character of it.

Rem. He has the key of David. That is a present thing, is it not?

J.T. The key of David I think is the administration of what is good. He has the keys of death and hades too, the power for limitation of evil. You see it in the chapter before us. Things are limited; evil is limited. Christ has power to limit evil. It is a great comfort to us; whilst you do not want to see judgment directly executed, you are thankful for the limitation of evil, but the key of David, as we were remarking, is the administration of good. That is what Christ is doing now.

E.J.W. It is interesting to see how Paul reminds Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:8, that Christ was raised from the dead as the seed of David according to his gospel; and then in Revelation, as we have been speaking of it, He is seen as having the complete power of divine administration.

J.T. And it is very significant that even in Romans, the great gospel letter, he introduces the fact that Christ was made of the seed of David according to flesh. It seems to me a spiritual reference in connection with the gospel.

G.W.W. And in Luke's gospel, which is properly our gospel, He is brought in in that way; Luke 1:32.

A.P. Does the Father's throne cease when the Son takes His own throne?

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J.T. I should not say it ceased, because the Father remains as the Father. He remains in His own absoluteness as the Father, but then judgment is necessary, executory judgment. He will judge the secrets of men, and He will judge the world by Christ. All judgment is given to the Son, because He is Son of man; John 5.

R.S.S. It would not be consistent for the Lord, speaking reverently, to be on the Father's throne to execute judgment. It says, "Neither does the Father judge any one, but hath given all judgment to the Son", John 5:22. It would be a moral inconsistency.

A.F.M. It makes the present moment a remarkable one. What a character there is in the throne, and the gospel going out to every creature as a result!

W.B. Is your thought that sitting down on His throne, we shall be connected with Him in the day when He takes things up?

J.T. I think that is quite clear; it is proved in what is said to the overcomer in Thyatira, and also to the overcomers in Laodicea. We are to rule the nations with a rod of iron, and we shall sit with Christ on His throne. Rome, which is seen in Thyatira, would execute judgment now, but the Lord says in principle to the overcomer in that church, That is for you to do; but it will be in the future, it is not the time for it now.

M.L.H. That will be the day of vengeance of our God.

W.C.R. The tares are to grow with the wheat till then.

G.W.W. But the apprehension of Christ's position governs our attitude.

J.T. That is the point to get clear.

G.A.T. Then there is a difference between the kingdom and the assembly. The wheat and tares "grow together" in the kingdom, but not in the assembly.

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J.T. You cannot go on in evil associations. Fellowship involves the assembly.

G.W.W. We have to be on our guard lest we take up in a punitive way things that are intended to be taken up in a chastening way.

J.T. You do not want to execute judgment. "Vengeance [belongs] to me, I will recompense, saith the Lord", Romans 12:19.

M.L.H. Did you say they grew together in the kingdom? I thought it was in the world; the field is the world, in which they are growing.

J.T. Yes, quite, only that is one of the parables to illustrate the history of the kingdom, and illustrate the different features of it outwardly. At the end, all things that offend and those that do iniquity are gathered "out of the kingdom".

W.C.R. The parable refers to what the kingdom became.

G.W.W. It is the sphere in which the Son of man cast His seed.

J.T. I thought we might dwell on chapter 5 a little, it is the love side. It says, "And Hiram king of Tyre sent his servants to Solomon; for he had heard that they had anointed him king in the place of his father; for Hiram always loved David". I think that is a very remarkable expression.

D.R. Would that be a superior love to that of Jonathan towards him?

J.T. I think so. Hiram sent and built David a house. Jonathan never did anything like that.

H.G. He turned away from David, did he not?

J.T. Yes. Jonathan chose to stay in the house of Saul, but we read in 2 Samuel 5:11, that Hiram, king of Tyre, sent messengers to David and cedar trees, and carpenters, and masons; and they built David a house.

G.W.W. There you find that which really was special coming into evidence. There you get a remarkable evidence of Hiram's interest in David.

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J.T. Yes, and what follows on that is, that "David perceived that Jehovah had established him king over Israel, and that he had exalted his kingdom because of his people Israel", 2 Samuel 5:12. The interest of Hiram seemed to have suggested all this to David; he "perceived that Jehovah had exalted him king over Israel", and it was "because of his people Israel".

R.S.S. He was a Gentile, so his love is the more remarkable.

G.A.T. This compares with the first part of Luke 7, where they besought Jesus to come and heal the servant of the centurion on account of what the centurion had done.

J.T. "He loves our nation, and himself hath built the synagogue for us", Luke 7:5.

W.B-t. Solomon says to Hiram, "thou knowest that David my father could not build a house unto the name of Jehovah his God because of the wars which were about him on every side, until Jehovah put them under the soles of his feet". Hiram built David a house, but David could not build Jehovah a house, and Hiram knew it. There is intelligence there.

J.T. What one sees in Hiram as ever a lover of David is, that he was a man of supply. You love to see that among the Lord's people, that they have supply; they have something.

G.W.W. What would you think was the meaning typically of Hiram building David a house? Is it something typical of what is being done for Christ at the present moment?

J.T. Whatever David's house may typify, it was built of cedar. Hiram was a man of supply, and of such kind as suited the glory of the kingdom -- cedar wood. Hiram's provision for David suggests what love would do now for Christ.

A.B. Would what Lydia said to Paul and his companions at Philippi illustrate it? "If ye have

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judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come into my house and abide [there]?", Acts 16:15.

J.T. That would be it in kind.

G.W.W. I suppose the thought of building a house for a man is that all of that man can be freely in display, and where all is according to him. We get that thought in connection with the house.

J.T. The material is worthy of note. "Hiram, king of Tyre, sent messengers", it says, "to David, and timber of cedars, and carpenters, and masons; and they built David a house". What you note is the suitability of the material. It would have been a good deal if he had simply sent the material, but he sent the carpenters and the masons and completed the thing, he completed the work, so that there was that which suited the king.

H.G. Is the supply resultant on Hiram having followed the vicissitudes of the testimony, if you may so speak of it in David, so that he is prepared for the move of it? It does not matter in whose hands it is exactly, he is prepared for the move of it, and can be an intelligent contributor in connection with it. Is that the idea?

J.T. Yes, I think he was ever ready with his supply, and ever ready to do the work of building, but the time of the building of Jehovah's house had not yet arrived, hence he could not build it in David's day, but now he is prepared for it. As the testimony moves, as you said, he is prepared to go on that line.

H.G. And was prepared to accept the movement of the testimony, which I think is a testing thing. As one has often had to see in connection with the house of God, there have been men who have gone a good long way, but if there is a move of the testimony they are not prepared to move, and it would seem as though possibly they never had been lovers of David.

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J.T. I think that is the point, whether your love is capable of going through all the vicissitudes of the testimony; whoever the persons may be through whose hands it is passing, you think of it, and are always ready with your supply and your skill in building.

G.A.T. It is a great thing to have a brother with supply.

Ques. What does that mean?

J.T. Hiram evidently was a lover at a distance. Even in regard to David's house, he sent messengers, but he is a lover, and a lover of such a kind as to go through all the vicissitudes of David, of the testimony, and he has the right kind of material.

G.A.T. Was that like the widow of Sarepta, she was a person with supply; she had the handful of meal and a little oil in the cruse and was going to bake a cake for herself and her son and die, but instead she gives the supply to Elijah to support the testimony?

J.T. That is the idea to a point. She did not have very much and the little she did have was even minimised in her eyes. She was going to eat it and die. Eating is for living, not dying. It was inconsistent to say that, but you see Hiram has abundance, and the kind he has is just what is necessary, he had cedar. Now the circumstances required cedar, not shittim wood, as in the wilderness, but cedar which refers to glory and dignity. That is what you look for in brethren, that they are not narrow and petty. The flesh is extremely small, whereas the spiritual man is marked by dignity and largeness. He has an object before him and thinks of that, and supplies for that. That is what you see in Hiram.

A.F.M. He was not asked evidently to supply David's house. He supplies it on his own initiative, so to speak. It is interesting too, to see that in David's mind the house of God takes rise from his

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having such a house. It was when he sat in his house that he said, "I dwell in a house of cedars, and the ark of God dwells under curtains", 2 Samuel 7:2.

R.S.S. Joseph of Arimathaea illustrates what is being said. He was a man that had a supply, and he lovingly offered it. He went in and begged the body of Jesus and laid it in his new tomb.

J.T. I think that is very good. All the way through the gospel of John he is a distant lover; but at the opportune moment, when needed, he comes forward with his spices without stint, and he goes in and begs the body of the Lord from Pilate. He shines there.

A.P. What would you say of the word used in the New Translation -- he "demanded" it?

J.T. Showing that he would have it, I suppose.

Ques. Would you say we have men of supplies today?

J.T. I think each one of us should contribute something.

G.A.T. I was wondering if you would compare Hiram with many good persons today who would like to give hundreds away, and really would die for the name of Christ, but when it comes to taking the outside place with Him, close by Him, like those in the cave with David, they are not ready for it?

J.T. I would be free to speak of Jonathan in that respect, but when the Spirit of God singles out the bright features of a man, and passes over the dark spots, you like to be sympathetic with the Spirit. Hiram is such a fine character you would not like to cast reflections on him.

E.J.W. Then we might remember, that it was proper to be a lover at a distance; he was not called upon to cast in his lot, as Jonathan was, and strictly he represents the Gentiles in the coming day, who will contribute to the glory of Christ and what is His on the earth here.

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W.B-t. What is your thought as to food for his household?

J.T. I thought it shows the principle of mutuality, because that marks Christianity. That is, he supplies the material for the temple and Solomon supplies food for his house. Christianity is not a one-sided thing, indeed mutuality is a strong feature in it.

D.R. Would you not say in one aspect the work of Hiram represents the subjective work of the Spirit in finding out the material to build the house?

J.T. You might use it in that way.

G.W.W. Have you any thought as to the last reference to Hiram, while engaged with him? When the house of the Lord was finished, and Solomon's house was finished, then Solomon gave him certain cities in the land of Galilee. Hiram came to see the cities but they did not please him and he called them, "the land of Cabul" (1 Kings 9:13) and then he sends Solomon a very great gift of gold.

J.T. I think that instance is mentioned to show decline in Solomon, that Solomon was not really equal to the position, and true to it, he was not great enough. He ought not to have left Hiram complaining. It is a poor thing to leave a brother complaining for the want of your liberality. Solomon could easily have satisfied him.

G.A.T. Nowadays you find brothers that no matter what you do for them they complain.

J.T. I do not think Hiram was one of those. I do not think Hiram was an unreasonable complainer.

W.B-t. Your thought is that Hiram loved through thick and thin.

J.T. Yes, quite, and he receives honourable mention in the Scriptures in that way.

G.W.W. After Hiram looked around at the cities given to him by Solomon, it is said he sent the king a gift of six-score talents of gold. Solomon made

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him a very inadequate return for all he had done. Hiram nevertheless is not stopped for his giving is spoken of in chapter 10.

J.T. He was morally greater than Solomon in that way. How much there is about that in the New Testament, as indicative of the spirit of Christianity

Ques. Would not Paul be a great example of what marked Hiram?

J.T. Well, he is as supplying, I think, and as building. Paul exceeds this, however.

G.W.W. Really as to giving in Christianity, it begins with the thought of God. "If thou knewest the gift of God" (John 4:10) and then what the apostle has to say as to the liberality of the saints is very interesting in that connection, 2 Corinthians 9:12 - 15. It is all the reflex of what God is in His free giving.

J.T. And the reference to the two brothers that carried the bounty of the assembly; they are said to be, "messengers of assemblies, Christ's glory", 2 Corinthians 8:23. They were carrying bounty for the needs of God's people. It is remarkable that the first move among the Gentiles at Antioch was marked by a bounty sent to Jerusalem. They determined "according as any one of the disciples was well off", it says, "each of them to send to the brethren who dwelt in Judea", Acts 11:29.

W.B-t. "He that gives, in simplicity", Romans 12:8.

G.A.T. So with Lydia; the Lord opened her heart and she opened her house.

J.B. It seems that Hiram had these cedar trees and building stones, but the motive which led him to furnish them was his great love for David. And so love must be the motive. That is what is taken account of.

W.B. "And the people rejoiced because they

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offered willingly, for with perfect heart they offered willingly to Jehovah", 1 Chronicles 29:9.

G.W.W. The last chapter of 1 Chronicles, which speaks of David rejoicing over all the gifts the people spread out before him, is one of the most beautiful outpourings of a heart that delighted in that spirit, and that attributed everything in connection with liberalities to God.

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1 Kings 6; 1 Kings 7:1 - 12

R.S.S. Do you look at the earlier part of Kings as illustrative of the period through which we are going, the period of the assembly?

J.T. Yes. Chronicles speaks rather of Christ's resumption of his relations with Israel, and the establishment of the promises. 1 Kings is Christianity, as we speak, and then the continuance of the spirit of the dispensation, so that, whilst we have a judgment about things, we do not execute it. Penalty is not meted out for sin yet. The character of the dispensation is maintained. Here judgment is not executed on the offenders mentioned until David dies.

R.S.S. Which indicates the close of the dispensation. So God's dealings with His people and also with the world, are not of a punitive character, but rather chastisement of His people. Does this apply to the world also?

J.T. The same holds good as to the world. The dispensation has not altered. The Lord said to the disciples in Luke 24 that they were to preach repentance and remission of sins to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. That is to say, Luke presents grace, and therefore the preaching would begin at the wickedest spot, and that principle remains. It is still the reign of grace, and that of course is not limited to Christians. It is toward all men, so that God's dealings with men are on this principle.

R.S.S. God is not punishing the nations now, He is allowing them to punish one another.

J.T. And it becomes a chastisement and a voice from God, so that men should turn to Him, and there are many turning to Him.

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W.C.R. You said God was reluctant to throw them off.

J.T. Yes, and we should be in accord with that.

G.A.T. In what way do you mean that God is not punishing the nations now, but allowing them to punish one another?

R.S.S. It was just pointed out that God's attitude is one of grace toward all men; repentance and remission of sins are preached; also, "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, not reckoning to them their offences", 2 Corinthians 5:19. God is allowing the nations to chasten each other.

W.C.R. We have to be careful not to have national feeling. We often wish, perhaps, that some of the nations might be punished more severely than others. We become national in our thoughts, favouring the nations we spring from.

M.L.H. Would you say a word about the grace of God restraining the nations, which it seems not to be doing at this moment? We are under the reign of grace, and it is not restraining the nations from injuring each other.

J.T. The grace of God is restraining now, but God allows the principles that are at work to disclose themselves. Of course I am not overlooking the government of God. It still remains, and "Whatever a man shall sow, that also shall he reap" (Galatians 6:7) applies to nations as much as to individuals. Hence it is remarkable that those nations that have not valued the light have suffered most. The government of God is always true to its own principles. I believe there is a voice for the human race at the present time.

R.S.S. Then the state of things that exists at the present moment is really through the utter disregard of the principles of Christianity. Take almost the very simplest one, in the Lord's words to Peter. "all who take the sword shall perish

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by the sword", Matthew 26:52. That is what the Christian nations of the earth largely have done, and what is happening to them? Many say Christianity has failed. That is not true. Men have failed to maintain the principles of Christianity. The difficulty is with men, not with Christianity.

J.T. They have not applied its principles. It is a very remarkable thing that a voice has gone out that Christianity is a failure, whereas it is not a failure. If you get one answering to it, it is a triumph. If one, why not many?

W.B. The principle on which God is working, is what we get in Job 33. When a man gets to the extremity and is in the face of death, then God speaks to him; a messenger is sent to him.

G.W.W. Is there not another thing? Men have been utterly impatient of all control on God's part. They desired to go without the control of God and have listened to the suggestions Satan has made to them through the world, and found them pleasant, and God is letting them have a full taste of what is the power that lies behind the world, the power of Satan, working out in hatred and violence in men. Man is getting a taste of what the power really is, that he has been trifling with all his days.

J.T. And another thing is that God is allowing the world to weaken itself.

G.W.W. One is struck with that. I came across a remark of Mr. Raven's, that in the ways of God, He would allow the world to wear itself out.

J.T. It is in our favour that the power of the world is weakened.

W.B-t. Does not the thought of grace carry with it exposure, not for condemnation but for mercy?

J.T. Yes, and it teaches us, "that, having denied impiety and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, and justly, and piously in the present course of things", Titus 2:12. How important it is that whilst we maintain

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separation, we hold a right spirit, we maintain the spirit suitable to the dispensation. One feels Satan is endeavouring, inasmuch as the character of the dispensation has been revived, to nullify it in us.

R.S.S. The military spirit is seen in Peter when he took the sword and cut off the ear of the high priest's servant. It was fleshly activity.

J.T. Following on that he denied the Lord.

M.L.H. Will you speak a word in regard to the Lord's direction to His disciples to take the sword? "He that has none, let him sell his garment, and buy a sword", Luke 22:36.

J.T. It has to be read in the spirit of things rather than in the letter. They say, "here are two swords", Luke 22:38. That was enough. They did not seize the thought. It was a moment like Jacob's trial, between the time of the Lord's apprehension and His resurrection. They were left exposed and they would not only need a sword, but a purse. It was to emphasise in their minds the exposure that was coming on until the Lord rejoined them. He did rejoin them we may say, from heaven, and so I think it would be well if we could see the heavenly side of things in this book, because it is that. It is not like Chronicles, the resumption of things on earth, which, in a way, the second of Acts suggests. The second of Acts is not the full Christian position. It is more like Chronicles; that is, there was a public vindication of the disciples there, and of Christ. The Spirit came publicly and sat upon them. It was God's vindication of Christ and of the disciples. "And having come", He says, "He (the Spirit) will bring demonstration to the world, of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment" (John 16:8) the demonstration was something public; but you do not get that exactly in Kings. It is more the heavenly side.

M.L.H. I would like to ask for your thought in regard to the greatness of man, which is now being

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brought out in a special manner, tending to remove the thought of dependence upon God. I was thinking of the "Titanic"; they said it was unsinkable. Man has entirely got beyond the place of dependence.

J.T. That is a fact, and it all goes with what is of antichrist, and so it is for us to set forth in a practical way the true order of man, the "new man". The shittim wood in the wilderness represents this. It is what you are in the presence of men. You can sustain what is of God in the presence of contrariety. You are content to be nothing. Paul said the apostles were "become as [the] offscouring of the world, [the] refuse of all, until now" (1 Corinthians 4:13); but, although that, he maintained sedulously every right of Christ, every item of God's testimony. That is the kind of man he was. He is the representative man in Christianity. Before men it is the shittim wood, but then he says, "I know a man in Christ", 2 Corinthians 12:2. That is another idea, it is not a question of maintaining things, but of dignity and glory. So it is the man in Christ with whom we have to deal in these chapters, thus the cedar is the prominent feature. It is in the consciousness of being the cedar that one can be little in the world.

H.G. I was thinking of the cedar and shittim wood in regard to Hebrews 10, whether being entitled to go into the holiest indicates your dignity with God, and then you are prepared to go outside the camp. As regards things here, you are prepared to be small.

.J.T. It is, inside the veil, outside the camp. The littleness that one can accept outside is really in proportion to his apprehension of his dignity inside. That is to say, the cedar inside is reflected in the shittim wood outside, but the shittim wood, whilst little, is morally great, and that is what is needed outside.

G.W.W. Why do you say the shittim wood is outside?

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J.T. What I mean is that the wilderness position is before men. The tabernacle in the wilderness represents typically what is before men. It was comparatively small, outwardly, but what was inside was great. Of course there was that in the tabernacle which was not visible outside. I am speaking of the woods in a general way.

W.B-t. Is your thought that the shittim wood sets forth Christ in us, and the cedar we in Christ?

J.T. I would say more, "I know a man in Christ", 2 Corinthians 12:2.

Ques. Why does he say fourteen years ago?

J.T. Because it was so very special. Of course we, as Christians, are all men in Christ. We are in Christ, every Christian really, but to know "a man in Christ" is the great point. Paul speaks of it in that way. I know such a man, he says, "(whether in [the] body I know not, or out of the body I know not, God knows;) such [a one] caught up to [the] third heaven", 2 Corinthians 12:2. We should be exercised so as to be able to speak like that in some way. It was an extraordinary experience that Paul referred to, one that would scarcely be accorded to all men in Christ, but it was an experience that a man in Christ had; not an apostle, but a man in Christ.

J.S. Would you say that was a psalm which Paul had matured for fourteen years?

J.T. That is a very good suggestion.

R.S.S. It was an experience he had gone through fourteen years before.

J.T. And he had kept it all that time.

R.S.S. Probably he kept it to himself, too!

L.M. None of the sweetness of it had been lost.

H.G. You say all Christians are in Christ as a matter of light. Do you distinguish between "[There is] then now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1) for example, and the "man in Christ" in Corinthians? I thought that in Romans it was a transference from Adam to Christ merely, but when

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you come to Corinthians there was a subjective work, so that man was really built up in Christ.

J.T. Yes; in Corinthians it says: "If any one [be] in Christ [there is] a new creation, the old things have passed away" (2 Corinthians 5:17); but you notice in Romans 8 it is, "There is then now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus". It is not, to you that are in Christ Jesus, but 'to those in Christ Jesus'; whoever they may be. It is abstract in that way. They are removed from condemnation; then he goes on to expound, that Christ coming in the likeness of flesh of sin, and for sin, has condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law should be fulfilled in us (there, it is not "in those" but "in us") who do not walk according to flesh but according to Spirit. He shows how the righteous requirement of the law is fulfilled, but it does not say "in us" and stop, but "in us who do not walk according to flesh, but according to Spirit", Romans 8:4. "A man in Christ" refers to a state wholly outside our responsible or wilderness life.

W.B. There are three materials spoken of in this chapter. One is stone, another cedar, and the third gold. These are each very prominent in connection with the house.

J.T. I think what you suggested a moment ago, ought to be dwelt on a little, namely, what Hiram represents, because it is a question of the supply of what is needed. We want to get to the heavenly position. The revival of the truth is to that end. It is not only that it is a dispensation of grace, but it is a dispensation marked by what is heavenly. Hence the supply that is needed is men in Christ.

G.W.W. What is at issue at the present moment is that the Spirit is raising a witness as to the greatness of what is heavenly, and Satan at once comes in, with other tremendous influences, in order that he might nullify the Spirit's witness in the souls of

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God's people. Therefore he seeks to introduce what would be destructive of the heavenly position, by means of socialism, nationalism, military prowess, and all that sort of thing, that he might fight against the re-establishment of the heavenly position in our souls.

J.T. So you need to have the idea of a man in Christ.

A.P. Paul's name means "little one" but that is not mentioned of a man in Christ.

J.T. That stated his position outwardly, he was little. I have no doubt the reference to the name in Ephesians is to call attention to that: "I, Paul", but a man in Christ is not little. He is great. "Of such [a one] I will boast, but of myself (that is to say, what he was here in the presence of men) I will not boast, unless in my weaknesses", 2 Corinthians 12:5. He maintained his outward smallness.

G.A.T. If a young convert were to ask what you mean by a man in Christ, how would you explain?

J.T. It is a question, as our brother remarked a moment ago, of mental transference. It must be through the mind, because the mind is a sort of eye through which you receive light. You see, you are no longer regarded as in Adam, you are in Christ. It is a matter of light. But then there is the work of God, which corresponds with this. "If any one [be] in Christ [there is] a new creation", 2 Corinthians 5:17.

W.B-t. Is there any suggestion of it in Hiram?

J.T. Any one who loves Christ and the saints has the Spirit, and so is in Christ. As regards how you arrive at it, it is through the mind. One has to receive light as to God's pleasure about him. It is a matter of what God has effected, but there is the Spirit, and the proof of the possession of the Spirit is, that you love Christ, and, to make it simpler still, the proof that you love Christ is, that you love His

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people. This is the subjective evidence that you are in Christ.

W.B-t. I was thinking as to Hiram, that he "always loved David" (1 Kings 5:1) in the first place, and in the next place, he recognised that God had raised up David's son as king over this great people, and thirdly he provided material suitable for the house which Solomon purposed to build. I was wondering if there was any suggestion in Hiram of a man in Christ.

J.T. I think there is. He loved David.

Ques. Is it really 1 Corinthians 13 apart from love I am nothing?

J.T. Quite so. Apart from love there is no evidence of "cedar", and you are utterly useless for the building.

G.A.T. If I want to prove to myself that I am a man in Christ I can know it by the fact that I love Him and His people. If I have not respect or affection for God's people there is no proof that I am in Christ.

J.T. No, and then you have no supply. These things go together. You know you have the Spirit because you love the Lord's people; that being a proof that you love Christ, and hence you have supply, in a measure at least.

W.B-t. It says in Ezekiel 28, speaking of the king of Tyrus, "Thou wast upon the holy mountain of God", Ezekiel 28:14. I was thinking of the view one gets from the mount of God, and of the word "Remember therefore whence thou art fallen", Revelation 2:5. There is the idea of falling in Ezekiel in connection with the king of Tyre.

J.T. Yes. In 1 Corinthians there is a great deal said about love, and the thirteenth chapter I think is most convicting, in that it shuts everyone out who does not love. "I am nothing", 1 Corinthians 13:2. Without love I am nothing. The Lord Jesus was "cast away

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indeed as worthless by men", 1 Peter 2:4. He was nothing in their account; He was no material for them. Turning the thing around, one who has not love is worthless in God's account; so that love is the great thing, and therefore the importance of the remark, "Hiram always loved David", 1 Kings 5:1. Such an one has supplied material for the house.

B.T.F. Is the point, that what king Hiram supplied typically was purely Christ, and hence we should supply that as men in Christ?

J.T. That is the only material that is of use, hence you like to be a man in Christ in your consciousness. It is as men in Christ we are taken account of in connection with the new system.

A.F.M. If one is a man in Christ, is he able to supply all this material?

J.T. Hiram did not supply everything, that is quite clear; but what marks him is, that he is a man of supply.

R.S.S. There is another element in connection with being in Christ which is very important. You touched on it a moment ago. "If any one [be] in Christ [there is] a new creation", 2 Corinthians 5:17. The enemy cannot touch this. It is to that order of things you would direct our attention now.

J.T. That is what we want to arrive at, something that is outside the range of the flesh. It is in this way you come to what is heavenly. I believe these chapters present what is heavenly. It is not here, as in Chronicles, that Solomon builded a temple on the site located by David. David's headship and wisdom are more accentuated in Chronicles. The grace of the dispensation is in evidence in Kings; also, wisdom and all that goes with headship is in Solomon, rather than in David in Kings, so it is Solomon's work here. There is nothing said about David's pattern, or his foundation. It is what Solomon does. That is to say, it is Christ as the

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heavenly Man, I apprehend, and the order of things He brings us into.

H.G. The cedar suggests the heavenly. You get the olive here too, so that we have the spiritual as well as the heavenly. They go together in the "man in Christ". I was thinking of the Sidonians; none had skill to hew like the Sidonians, and one feels what a mighty hewer Paul was; see, for instance, the first epistle to the Corinthians; how he attacks all that is opposed to what is spiritual and heavenly. They were very earthly, reigning as kings, and very carnal, but at the end he can present in himself, and no doubt in the Corinthians too, men who were in Christ and who were thus contributory of what is heavenly and spiritual. Is that the idea?

J.T. That is very fine, 2 Corinthians develops the idea of a man in Christ. First, "If any one [be] in Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:17) in the fifth chapter, and then he brings forward himself in the twelfth chapter as the full expression of a man in Christ. We arrive in that way at the idea. We have first the date of the building of the temple, then the dimensions, and then the fact of the chambers, showing the point of view here. It is a dwelling-place that is presented to us.

R.S.S. It is remarkable that these small dwelling-places or chambers are spoken of first.

J.T. I think the fact is suggestive of what is in the mind of the Spirit in the chapter.

W.B. Hebrews speaks of the babes being unskilful in the word of righteousness. They do not attain to that, but the man in Christ does, illustrative of the Sidonians.

J.T. Quite so. Paul, as was remarked, was a good hewer. The second letter to the Corinthians develops the idea of a man in Christ.

Ques. Have you the idea of a man in Christ in 2 Corinthians 12:15: "I shall most gladly spend

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and be utterly spent for your souls, if even in abundantly loving you I should be less loved?"

J.T. That shows the character. He was prepared to spend and to be spent; although not loved, he loved abundantly.

L.T.F. Why were the chambers not fastened to the house?

J.T. The house was to be intact. It has to be regarded as a separate idea in our souls. Here it is the divine dwelling. It is the "Father's house" really. The Lord says, "In my Father's house there are many abodes" (John 14:2) but the house has to be apprehended by itself.

J.L.J. Say a word as to those three chambers, one five cubits broad, the second six, and the third seven. What is the difference?

J.T. The third being seven cubits broad refers, I suppose, to heaven. The gradations may be regarded, perhaps, as beginning with that which refers to the nations, and then what refers to Israel, and to ourselves.

G.W.W. In connection with your remark as to the building, in John's writings, in which he in such a remarkable way unfolds the Father's house, it is noticeable how often you get the words "abide" and "dwell".

J.T. A point in his writings is that we have heavenly enjoyment now.

G.W.W. Hence the importance of abiding in Christ or with Him, if we are to be of service in the testimony.

W.B-t. Why are the cherubim made of olive wood?

J.T. The olive, I think, refers to what is spiritual. That which is seen is temporal, that which is not seen is eternal, and the things that are not seen are spiritual things. In the tabernacle it was shittim wood, pointing to the durability of things in a scene

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of contrariety. But the second Man is out of heaven, and all is of a spiritual order now. In Luke it says they were terrified and afraid because they thought they had seen a spirit, and the Lord says, "a spirit has not flesh and bones as ye see me having", Luke 24:39. It was not a spirit, it was real humanity that was there in Him. It was important that they should be assured of His humanity; but in John we get what is more in keeping with the olive. In John 20 the point is not exactly that He was a Man, but the order of the humanity in Him. He appeared in the midst, in spite of the fact that the doors were shut. It was a spiritual order of Man.

W.B-t. I notice you seem to be connecting durability with the tabernacle and spirituality with the temple.

J.T. Things are spiritual. Paul emphasises this in writing to the Corinthians. "For who of men hath known the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Thus also the things of God knows no one except the Spirit of God", 1 Corinthians 2:11. And furthermore, "we have the mind of Christ", 1 Corinthians 2:16. All that goes with the temple. In the next chapter he says: "Do ye not know that ye are [the] temple of God, and [that] the Spirit of God dwells in you?", 1 Corinthians 3:16. It is in connection with the Spirit, and I have no doubt the olive in the cherubim and the doors point to this. Compare also Ephesians 2:19 - 22.

B.T.F. What is the difference between boards in the tabernacle, and stones in the temple?

J.T. The boards in the tabernacle stood upright they refer to the saints here in testimony. The sockets of silver in which they were set, represent redemption, the work of Christ. The boards stand upright in the energy of life; they were bound together with a bar, which would suggest unity. That is what is before men. Whereas the stone is not seen as set in silver, it is a question of what we

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are as of Christ. It is not a question of redemption here. Peter had said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God", Matthew 16:16. It was a question of the kind, the order of man there, and then the Lord replies, "Thou art Peter". That is to say, he was a stone, of the Rock; he was of that kind.

B.T.F. You refer to something formed by the Spirit, and it was brought in without any sound, so to speak.

J.T. That is what is said here.

E.J.W. The stone would seem to bring in the thought of divine workmanship, whilst it was not noticed in connection with the boards so much. That is, there was the excavating and the hewing; a great deal of work is seen in connection with stones to prepare them for their position in the divine structure, and I thought that would bring before us the formative work of God in us, for what we are to be in the assembly;

J.T. Yes, it says that here: "And the house, when it was being built, was built of stone entirely made ready before it was brought thither; so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was being built".

E.J.W. Hewing was spoken of, "hewed stones", stones that a good deal of work had been spent upon.

R.M.L. It speaks also of "costly stones".

J.T. In chapter 5:17, it says, "And the king commanded, and they brought great stones, costly stones, hewn stones, to lay the foundation of the house. And Solomon's builders and Hiram's builders and the Giblites hewed them, and prepared timber and stones to build the house". So that all the preparation of the stone is done before it is brought in. It is a question really of what we are in a spiritual sense. "Yourselves also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house", 1 Peter 2:5.

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H.G. The stones suggest the one new man in the second of Ephesians, and then the building together for a habitation of God, because that has involved a tremendous amount of hewing in secret: the absolute abolishing of the Jew and Gentile, or, if you like, the English and German which is rather more practical just now, and bringing them together in one new man, forming a structure in which God as Father is known, and in which He dwells.

G.A.T. In the scripture now before us, the stones are brought to the building.

J.T. That is also how Peter presents it. Peter is specially qualified to give us light about stones.

G.A.T. In Peter, as we had last night, the stones come, here they are brought by others. I want to see the difference.

J.T. Movement, as in Peter, is the evidence of life. It is a remarkable figure, because ordinarily a stone does not suggest life. As I said, Peter is the one to whom to go for the idea of a stone, because that was what he was himself. It is different from the idea of a board. David was anointed and raised up on high. God did that. But then he was a psalmist, and it is the psalmist who provides the psalms and the temple service. One who is a stone can give us an account of stones. In Matthew it is "Thou art Peter", Whereas in John his name is Peter, because in the latter it is a question of Christ being the last Adam, whereas in the former Christ is seen as Builder. So He speaks of what Peter was; namely, a stone, and so Peter in his letter opens up to us what marks a stone. He calls attention to the need of laying aside certain things, and of growing up to salvation and then says, "To whom coming", 1 Peter 2:4. So instead of being brought, in Christianity we come, showing there is spiritual energy; and in coming we are said to be stones. We are being built up a spiritual house.

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W.C.R. It is a living structure He is building. It says "living stones".

J.T. And then he goes on to say, "a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices", 1 Peter 2:5.

E.J.W. Do you not think we get both coming and being brought in the New Testament? It seems to me here the stones are brought because the great point is the greatness of the builder; it points to Solomon's work, the ability and wisdom of Solomon to build that which was in the mind of God. In that way it is the divine side, which surely we also get in the New Testament. In Matthew 16 the Lord says, "I will build"; then we have our side, which is Peter; "To whom coming". It seems to me in these chapters it is the divine side; that is, Christ the Builder, and the material that He builds, and how that material is provided.

Ques. What were the great and costly stones?

J.T. That is just what we are speaking of. They refer to what we are. We are little outside, but we must not overlook that we are great in the Lord's account inside, and we are costly. See the Lord's account inside, and we are costly. See what we cost! The apostle, in speaking to the elders at Ephesus, said, "the assembly of God, which he has purchased with the blood of his own". A strong appeal to them, showing what we cost; "the blood of his own", Acts 20:28.

H.G. Peter, speaking of stones, says, "Ye have been redeemed, not by corruptible [things, as] silver or gold, ... but by precious blood ... [the blood] of Christ", 1 Peter 1:18 - 19.

G.W.W. There is a thought in Chronicles to which I do not think we get any reference in Kings at all; that is, David provided an immense amount of silver "to overlay the walls of the houses", 1 Chronicles 29:4. So if you have cedar wood overlaid with gold, you have also to make place somewhere for an immense amount of silver.

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J.T. The fact that it is omitted here would point to what we have been saying, that here it is the heavenly side of things.

G.W.W. Yes, and so the difference between Chronicles and Kings is interesting. In Chronicles we get something a little more analogous to what you have in connection with the tabernacle, and a great deal is said about the silver.

A.F.M. There is also a veil in Chronicles, but not in Kings.

J.T. How great is the thought of being "great stones" and "costly stones!" It is not a small idea. The greater we are as before God the more humble we shall be, and content with littleness outwardly, and suffering and reproach. The Lord has great thoughts as a Builder, and He uses great things to accomplish His great thoughts. These "great stones" are Christians typically.

A.F.M. I was going to ask if you were connecting the "laying aside" of Peter with the stone squaring of the fifth chapter here?

J.T. That is implied no doubt; there is to be a laying aside certain things. We are not suited for the building with those things. They have to be laid aside. Peter is like a stonesquarer. The word "stonesquarer" is a peculiar word. Here I suppose it refers to some people, in some particular locality marked by that particular craft, but they are essential mechanics in Christianity, those who square the stones. The building requires stones that fit in.

A.F.M. The idea is that the stones coming, have to be builded together.

J.T. We are to fit in one with another.

B.T.F. When formed by the Spirit of God the stone takes its place very quietly in the building.

J.T. Yes, there is no noise. That is a good point. Noise is not a feature of the building.

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L.M. The thought in having the stones squared is that they may rest close together.

H.G. There was not much noise when the great and costly stone, Saul of Tarsus, was brought into the structure.

J.T. The Lord was the Stonesquarer; then Ananias came in after.

R.M.L. Ananias took him by the hand, there was no need of mortar. There was a bond of love formed.

J.T. Ananias said, "Arise and get baptised, and have thy sins washed away", (things had to be laid aside) "calling on his name", Acts 22:16. There you get a great stone. He is now fit for the building. I suggested chapter 7 to be read because it shows the vastness of the domain of glory, the heavenly system of things. It is not limited to Christianity. We come into it now by faith. It is really a system of unseen things into which we are brought, as in Hebrews 12, what we "have come" to. It is a faith system yet, only we get the good of it. As was remarked, John emphasises the idea of dwelling; he brings in heavenly things and makes them available to us now in the principle of them.

L.T.F. What would you call now the house Solomon built?

J.T. What we enjoy together in a spiritual way. Paul says, "God's dispensation, which [is] in faith". That remark is found in 1 Timothy 1:4, which speaks of the house. The word "dispensation" involves the "house". Hence the letter to Timothy is to teach us how to behave in it, and I think in the house of God we get anticipatively the good of all this heavenly system.

And as regards the seventh chapter, I think the house in the forest of Lebanon would point especially to what is heavenly. The windows were placed rank against rank in the house in the forest of Lebanon. Evidently things were transparent.

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W.B-t. There seems to be the thought of judgment. It is the place of judgment.

J.T. That is a necessary adjunct to the system. You must have that.

W.B-t. There is a great deal of light.

J.T. In the house of the forest of Lebanon windows are rank against rank, a great deal of light admitted, whereas in the temple all the light was inside. What was outside is rigidly excluded, but in the other house apparently things are open, and light is admitted.

R.S.S. And what about the house for the daughter of Pharaoh? Does that suggest the Gentile?

J.T. I think it suggests a special place for the assembly.

R.S.S. Taken out of the Gentiles?

J.T. I think in that way, in the Colossian sense.

G.A.T. Say a little more about the porch of judgment.

J.T. It is needed because the mediatorial system of things is in view, and whilst the conditions exist to which it applies, you must have judgment.

M.L.H. What is your thought in regard to the forest?

J.T. No doubt a lot of cedars, a class of people outside of the flesh. That is where Christ lives, so to speak, in relation to such men as that. The greatness and grandeur of the heavenly system of things are in view here. Hebrews 12 shows what we have come to; we have come "to [the] spirits of just [men] made perfect" (Hebrews 12:23); it is wonderful to be surrounded with such. And we have come to the assembly of the first-born who are registered in heaven. Not one man in Christ merely, but myriads of them.

W.C.R. Is that suggested in the forest?

J.T. I thought so.

A.R. It is right to have windows in a place like that.

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G.W.W. In connection with judgment here, it is more the spirit of discernment. We must not always think that because it is a throne of judgment it is a throne of condemnation. It is the place where the one sits who has ability to discern. In the place of judgment you have set forth what is according to God and how He views things.

W.B-t. It is quite remarkable in connection with Solomon's judgment of the two women that claimed the one child, the one woman who lied about the child does not appear to be punished, yet we find Israel feared the king because of the judgment wherewith he had ruled. The real mother gets the child.

R.S.S. Is the throne in connection with the assembly, with the house of God? That is, we recognise there is now a throne of judgment, to which we can come, is that the thought? We have difficulties in regard to things that arise in the meeting, and it is a great thing to know there is a throne of judgment we can come to in regard to it.

J.T. Yes, quite. It is ever present.

W.C.R. I want to ask about the cherubim made of olive. Would they suggest the guarding care of the Spirit?

J.T. That is what I thought. They are not made of shittim wood nor of cedar. It is not a question of the greatness of man. It here shows the greatness of the Spirit guarding things. Sometimes there is the suggestion of failure, and our not coming up to our responsibility, but the Spirit of God is here. The cherubim, as you say, were made of olive, and while the Spirit of God is here we cannot admit for a moment that things are let go; they are maintained for God.

W.C.R. It is not men that maintain them exactly. It is the Spirit.

J.T. We must make room for the Spirit. He

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acts through men, but the point in the olive wood is, that things are in the hands of the Spirit.

R.S.S. Before closing I would like to ask how the Lord's attitude in Revelation 2 and 3 accords with what we have just been looking at here, in regard to the throne? We have been saying that this is the period of grace, yet in those scriptures in Revelation we have the Lord in a character which led John to fall at His feet as dead, and it refers to this period.

J.T. Notice in chapter 7: "And his house where he dwelt had another court within the porch, which was of the like work. And he made, like to this porch, a house for Pharaoh's daughter, whom Solomon had taken". It would appear that the house of Pharaoh's daughter accorded with the porch of judgment. That is, the Lord, taking the place of judge in the assemblies, would maintain things aright. Things had got out of accord with the porch of judgment, so to speak, and the addresses to the assemblies would be to rectify this, and I think, in principle, they were rectified. The assembly of Philadelphia would show that the Lord had brought about recovery. There was in that assembly an agreement with Himself. He was the Holy One and True, and they kept the word of His patience, did not deny His name, and they had a little power. That is, there was a recovery of the main features of the house in that assembly; but surely that was His own doing. It was no doubt brought about by the word of prophecy, as we have been saying, but He brought it about.

R.S.S. It is an aspect of which we do not take sufficient account in regard to ourselves, and especially in regard to the responsible side of things in the house of God. Slackness is apt to come in, and we forget the Lord is moving about amongst the assemblies, and the character in which He is presented.

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I think it ought to have a very salutary effect upon us to know that we have to do with the Lord in that way, His eyes are as a flame of fire and out of whose mouth went a sharp two-edged sword.

J.T. There is what He says and then what the Spirit says; the latter corresponding doubtless with the olive. The Spirit remains, and, as here, He speaks. He is not silent, like David who did not say anything to Adonijah. The Spirit of God will never be silent in the presence of the spirit of antichrist. He speaks to the assemblies, and it is encouraging to see that in the end the Lord says "I, Jesus". Instead of sending John, or speaking of John, he says, "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify these things to you in the assemblies", Revelation 22:16. It is as if He drew nearer to them, and formally recognises the assembly. Then the Spirit and the bride say "Come". The Spirit had, so to say, carried things through, and brought about a response to the Lord at the end.

R.S.S. That is very encouraging.

A.P. Are the addresses in Revelation connected with the judgment seat of Christ?

J.T. It is that He is in the character of a judge, not on the throne, but walking in the midst of the assemblies. Nothing passes His notice. He sees everything.

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1 Kings 10

J.T. At the end of Solomon's prayer in the eighth chapter, it is said "And it was so, that when Solomon had ended praying all this prayer and supplication to Jehovah, he arose from before the altar of Jehovah, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread forth to the heavens, and he stood and blessed the whole congregation of Israel with a loud voice, saying, Blessed be Jehovah, who has given rest to his people Israel, according to all that he promised: there has not failed one word of all his good promises, which he spoke through Moses his servant! Jehovah our God be with us, as he was with our fathers; let him not forsake us nor cast us off: that he may incline our hearts to him, to walk in all his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, which he commanded our fathers. And let these my words, with which I have made supplication before Jehovah, be nigh to Jehovah our God day and night, that he maintain the right of his servant, and the right of his people Israel, as the matter of each day shall require; that all peoples of the earth may know that Jehovah is God, that there is none else; and that your heart may be perfect with Jehovah our God, to walk in his statutes, and to keep his commandments, as at this day", 1 Kings 8:54 - 61. It is worthy of note that instead of the fire coming out from heaven, it is blessing by the king himself. It is what the saints need, not public acknowledgment by God, but blessing.

R.S.S. To what do you refer in the fire not coming out from heaven?

J.T. We might turn to 2 Chronicles 7:1; "And when Solomon had ended praying, the fire

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came down from the heavens and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of Jehovah filled the house". It is public acknowledgment there, which is in keeping with Israel's position, and I think it corresponds also with the day of Pentecost; whereas we are not looking for that, but we need the blessing.

A.F.M. To what would this particular act of Solomon answer in the New Testament?

J.T. I think it is what we get in Paul's ministry. It is not public recognition, but inward gain. Paul's ministry is more private. It does not appear in the heavenly city, but it is evidently that which sustains things. I only suggest that, as showing the character of 1 Kings.

H.G. You mean the thought of our heavenly citizenship, etc.

J.T. Yes; the calling, and the mystery.

J.B. Maintaining the cause of His people at all times. Is that significant?

J.T. Yes, the saints are sustained; things are sustained. "The cause of his people at all times", 1 Kings 8:59. Our cause is maintained by God.

R.S.S. Is Solomon looked at here in the same way as David, as head, rather than king?

J.T. I think he is. There is very little said about David's wisdom, and it is noticeable that the queen of Sheba makes no reference to him. Hiram is the link with David here. Hiram and the queen of Sheba are the two great representative figures here, the one linking on with David in his affections, and the other wholly taken up with Solomon, with Christ in glory.

E.J.W. There would seem to be a correspondence between this prayer of Solomon's and the Lord's prayer in John 17. In the latter the saints are regarded as in heavenly relationships; the chapter has in view really the whole history of the Christian

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company, and one loves to think of it, as that which is, so to speak, underneath the saints; the desires of Christ for His own, presented before the Father, and, so covering our whole history. In regard to the testimony the end in Solomon's prayer is that all the people of the earth may know that Jehovah is God and there is none else.

G.A.T. When the Lord was leaving here He led the disciples out to Bethany and lifted up His hands, as Solomon did, and blessed them, as He departed from them.

A.F.M. In Kings there is no veil, which fact suggests liberty of approach.

J.T. Yes, but the idea here is dwelling. That is, it is not so much approach, but rather God dwelling with His people, so that instead of a veil the doors are folding, as if all could be thrown together, so that fatherly affection should flow. "The Father [of our Lord Jesus Christ], of whom every family in [the] heavens and on earth is named", Ephesians 3:14 - 15. The affections of the Father flow out freely. I think that is more the idea here.

R.S.S. That is exceedingly interesting about the doors being folding. It seems the idea was that all could be thrown into one.

J.T. I think that is the thought in the chambers there. In the Father's house the affections of the Father are supreme.

R.S.S. These folding doors were made of fir. What is the significance of that?

J.T. I do not quite know. It is referred to as green, Hosea 14 8.

Ques. Does Hiram, as being with David, represent being with Christ in rejection, and the queen of Sheba with Christ in glory.

J.T. That is quite right. Hiram's was a love that subsisted through all circumstances, whether David was in rejection or otherwise, he "always loved

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David" (1 Kings 5:1); whereas the queen is affected by the glory of Solomon; Solomon in his glory.

G.W.H. Does the queen of Sheba answer to Colossians or Ephesians?

J.T. Ephesians, I think.

G.W.H. I was thinking of the greatness of His Person in Colossians.

J.T. Yes, but Colossians does not set forth the environment suited to Him. She comes to him in the full height of his glory and speaks of the things surrounding him. She speaks of that, and she connects the glory with God's love to Israel. Ephesians speaks of "his great love wherewith he loved us", Ephesians 2:4. She connects Solomon's wisdom and glory with the fulfilment of that; she regards it as the result of that love. She says "Blessed be Jehovah thy God, who delighted in thee, to set thee on the throne of Israel! Because Jehovah loves Israel for ever". She rises to a great height in that way, as seeing that it is all the result of God's love to Israel for ever. In Ephesians it is because of "his great love wherewith he loved us, (we too being dead in offences,) has quickened us with the Christ", Ephesians 2:4 - 5.

H.G. Would it be the apprehension of the power in raising Christ from the dead and setting Him at His own right hand, and then the assembly in association with Him?

J.T. I think so. We see things in that light and we trace it to the source, namely, the great love of God. In Romans it is the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given to us, and the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, whereas Ephesians is His great love wherewith He loved us.

H.G. I was thinking of the third of Exodus, where God says, "I will come down" and was wondering if this is the climax of all that activity, and now the saints go up in that sense.

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J.T. I think that is right. This is the full result.

E.J.W. The passage we get in the sixth chapter confirms that, where we get the date of the building recounted from the coming out of Egypt; four hundred and eighty years; as if to show what God's thought was from the beginning of His work in redemption. The climax of the divine thought is reached here.

J.T. Yes, God had waited and He had walked with them all that time.

E.J.W. And all His walk and ways with them had had this in view, as with ourselves. God takes us up, we start with redemption, but His great end is to bring us to have a place in this great structure, as living stones, living in the life of Christ in association with Him.

A.F.M. Do you connect the queen of Sheba with a state of soul?

J.T. She is a typical personage. She comes in at the time of Solomon's glory. She had not come in before. Hiram, as a type, fits in earlier.

L.T.F. Of whom is she typical?

J.T. Of the Christian, as appreciating all the light that is available, and approaching it. She made the journey in order to see Solomon and his glory with her own eyes.

W.H.F. Does she represent the individual believer affected by the greatness and glory of Christ, or is it a collective thought?

J.T. I think it would be individual, because she was moved by testimony, by what she had heard in her own land.

The love begotten for David in Hiram is a feature that precedes this. As a consequence there was material for the temple. Love is the great feature. What you will observe is the greatness of things throughout these pages; great stones, etc. I was especially struck with how things were founded.

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All these buildings, it says, were founded in great stones and costly stones, "stones of ten cubits and stones of eight cubits" (1 Kings 7:10) showing that at the foundation of things there had been an answer typically to responsibility.

A.F.M. How do you apply this patience to us? God had waited all those years.

J.T. Well, it is the attitude of God, the patience of God waiting on a soul or waiting on the assembly. He waits, but the point to see is that He brings in Christ in some sense. He brings in David, who begets lovers, and consequently there is supply. It is very important, I think, to see the character of the foundation of things.

E.J.W. Are you connecting with such, the foundation of the apostles and prophets?

J.T. That was just what I was thinking, of the character of the foundation.

Ques. What had you in mind as to the stones of eight and ten cubits?

J.T. I think ten is a numeral usually denoting responsibility, and would show, I think, that at the foundation there were those that came up to the mark.

Ques. Is Paul among the apostles who laid the foundation?

J.T. Yes, Paul speaks of himself as one that finished his course and kept the faith. He was, you might say, a stone of ten cubits. It was in keeping with God that things should be founded in that way.

W.H.F. He was an overcomer.

E.J.W. And as shown this morning, the language the apostle uses would certainly be the language of a man who was a very great stone; he could say he was ready to spend and be spent, though the more he loved the less he was loved. That is the language

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of a man who is a very great stone. It seems to me there is something wonderful about those words.

H.G. You spoke about the patience of God. You feel that spirit in a man like Mr. Darby, for example, who was content to keep on serving others although often but little appreciated. When we were singing our hymn at the beginning of the meeting, I was thinking how slow we have been to reach the point that he in his own soul had reached and longed to have the saints reach. You see the patience there, do you not?

J.T. I am sure you do. We do not fully see the fruition of our service, nor the full result of it. What do you say about that?

G.W.W. Yes, one has been struck with what our brother was drawing attention to, about Mr. Darby, how patiently he toiled on. One has sat in meetings and heard a great deal said in his presence that one knew he could not go on with; yet the patient way he could go on and build up what was truth letting what was not go by.

J.B. We read in Thessalonians that they were characterised by work of faith, patience of hope, and labour of love. Therefore Paul would have laid that same foundation there.

J.T. He would impart in his ministry not only the light, but set out the idea. As a model he conveyed the idea. He said to the Corinthians that the signs of an apostle were wrought among them in all patience, and signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds. They were wrought among them.

G.W.W. I suppose it would very much humble us if we had to lay a foundation. We ought, however, in some measure to be able to represent the features of the true foundation.

G.A.T. How does what you were saying agree with what we were having last night when we were

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advised to build our foundation on a rock? Is laying a foundation for others on a different line?

J.T. When the word foundation is used one has to consider what is in view. You are to lay your own foundation, as was pointed out, in repentance, Luke 6 48. Then there is the "foundation of God"; "Other foundation can no man lay besides that which [is] laid, which is Jesus Christ", 1 Corinthians 3:11. Now the point there I think is the order of man, Jesus Christ, and the whole structure must be in keeping with that order of man; whereas, in Matthew it is "the Son of the living God", Matthew 16:16. Life is prominent there. Things must be living, but at Corinth it was a question of the order of man. They were allowing the wrong man a place, which would deny the foundation Paul laid.

W.R.C. What is the difference between that foundation and the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself the chief corner stone?

J.T. I think the foundation of the apostles and prophets is like what we have here, great stones and costly stones. It is not a question of Christ personally, but of the testimony of the apostles.

G.A.T. You would say that in Matthew 16 Christ refers to Himself as laying the foundation of the assembly, but in the apostles' doctrine we have the truth of the assembly?

J.T. And the men themselves are in view, what they were.

G.W.W. I think that is important; it is not only what they said, but the men themselves were expressive of what they said, and that is why the apostle could say, "Be my imitators, even as I also [am] of Christ", 1 Corinthians 11:1. With such a positive presentation of Christ in them there was something truly and morally of Christ. Their walk and ways were after Christ.

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H.G. In Psalm 122:4 we get "whither the tribes go up", but here in 1 Kings 10, it is a Gentile that goes up.

J.T. Yes, and she came to Jerusalem with a very great train.

B.T.F. Was she a contributor such as we have been speaking of?

J.T. It is remarkable how the Spirit puts her alongside of Hiram here. After she comes with the great train, and after she has the interview with Solomon, and all her hard questions are answered, then it says, "When the queen of Sheba saw all Solomon's wisdom, and the house that he had built, and the food of his table, and the deportment of his servants, and the order of service of his attendants, and their apparel, and his cupbearers, and his ascent by which he went up to the house of Jehovah, there was no more spirit in her". That is, the whole array of glory was put before her and she was lost in it. She becomes in that way a remarkable type of a believer who has made the journey to Christ where He is, one who is not simply content with the light of things, but who has taken the journey. His fame had gone out into all lands. Others had the opportunity as well as she. It was a world-wide testimony, and she is moved by it. She is not content simply with the tidings that come to her, she takes the journey.

B.T.F. It says there was no spirit left in her. Self was gone. She was completely absorbed with the glory of Solomon.

L.T.F. Is that like beholding the glory, so that we are "transformed ... from glory to glory", 2 Corinthians 3:18.

J.T. Yes, only it goes further here. I think the "glory" here refers to what we are taught in Ephesians.

H.G. I was thinking of the end of Ephesians 3, the apostle's prayer. He prays for certain things

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specifically, but then he says: "But to him that is able to do far exceeding above all which we ask or think", Ephesians 3:20. It is as though there is that which, with all his mighty energy, he could not compass in prayer. In that same way here, the glory and greatness is such, that it cannot be expressed.

R.M.L. Would you compare the fourth verse here with the first of Revelation, "When I saw him I fell at his feet as dead", Revelation 1:17.

J.T. There is an analogy, of course. However, the scene that came before John's eyes was a judicial scene, calculated to cause terror, which is not this. This is Solomon, as the Lord Himself says, "in all his glory", Matthew 6:29. There is nothing here to terrorise. It is rather the greatness and grandeur of it that so eclipses all she had ever seen before.

A.F.M. What was there about this ascent, that seems to be the climax? "His ascent by which he went up to the house of Jehovah".

J.T. I suppose it is typically how the Lord Jesus would approach the house, and it is a very suggestive thing, because one often is exercised as to how saints regard the house, how they go into it. "Keep thy foot", it says, "when thou goest to the house of God", Ecclesiastes 5:1. Keep thy foot! One is exercised as to what kind of feet one goes with, to the house of God, and how one keeps them. Then it says further, indeed it is Solomon himself who says it, "draw near to hear, rather than to give the sacrifice of fools", Ecclesiastes 5:1.

G.A.T. Would you mind applying what you say, to us at the present time?

J.T. It is how you regard the house of God. You must not be careless and take things up in a natural way. The feet are referred to; it is how you go.

R.S.S. What is signified by the "vow" in its application now?

J.T. It is the resolve of one's heart. David had

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resolved in his heart that he would not give sleep to his eyes nor slumber to his eyelids until he found a place for the Lord. That is what every true Christian desires, a place for the Lord. If you are right you think of the Lord, so that in going to the house you have that before you. What is there to be for Him? Therefore, your resolve is, that you are not to be in evidence. You are not going to be a fool. He has no pleasure in fools; that is quite clear.

R.S.S. In fact it is in that connection he says; "Remember for David all his affliction", Psalm 132:1.

J.T. I think we might dwell on the ascent, how you go up. It was that which affected her very much, and it does affect people, to see how saints go to the house. Mark you, it is going up. The house is on an elevation morally. It is "whither the tribes go up", Psalm 122:4.

J.C. Does that involve exercise?

J.T. It involves exercise to go up.

G.H.W. "Who shall ascend into the mount of Jehovah? ... he that hath blameless hands and a pure heart", Psalm 24:3 - 4.

E.J.W. Speaking of the way we go up, and what impressed the queen of Sheba, just brought to my mind an incident that occurred a good many years ago in the old country. I happened to be staying in the house of a sister in a little country place, where there was a very poor little meeting, which she had identified herself with, and I asked her what first reached and affected her, to draw her to the few gathered together. 'Well', she said, 'I live on the opposite side of the street to the meeting-room and it was the way the few saints deported themselves as they went in and came out of the meeting that first attracted my attention, their loving attitude and deportment toward one another and I thought I must go in and see what was there'.

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W.B. There was a case the other week here, a man came into our meeting and when he went out he said to me; 'I have been very much impressed in being here, by seeing how the people come in. Where I am accustomed to go they talk, but here the people are quiet'.

J.T. Our brother's illustration helps us as to how we go, whereas 1 Corinthians 14 deals with what goes on afterwards. It is, as he says here, "Let thy words be few", Ecclesiastes 5:2. So that if one comes in, he is affected by what is there.

B.T.F. Does not the ascent imply the heavenly position of the house?

J.T. It would show that it is in that connection. I do not say the house is in heaven. Of course the Father's house is, but the house of God is here, it is that which we enter into now. It is called "the gate of heaven" in Genesis 28:17 so that it is very near to it.

G.A.T. In contrast to going up, Proverbs 5:5, speaking about a foolish woman says: "Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on Sheol". That is just the contrast.

J.S. The glimpse of his glory overcame the queen of Sheba. No such spectacle ever came after.

J.T. You see if you proceed here she gives an account of things. Whilst there is no spirit in her, that does not mean she is not quite conscious and in all her senses. She is, and so she proceeds to give an account of things as she sees them. She says "It was a true report that I heard in mine own land of thine affairs, and of thy wisdom; But I gave no credit to the words, until I came and mine eyes had seen; and, behold, the half was not told me: in wisdom and prosperity thou exceedeth the report that I heard". And then she says: "Happy are thy men! happy are these thy servants". I wish to call particular attention to the way she looked at those

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surrounding Solomon. There were those she called, "thy men". She further says, "Happy are these thy servants, who stand continually before thee, who hear thy wisdom". She took account of things in that intelligent way.

Ques. What was the difference between the men and the servants?

J.T. Well, his men would be such as he would have.

Ques. The heavenly man in type?

J.T. Yes, quite, his men.

B.T.F. Would the men at Ephesus, Acts 19, correspond?

J.T. Yes, there were twelve men at Ephesus, all of whom got the light and the Spirit at the same time. It is Paul's light they received. They were remarkable men.

Ques. Would it imply companionship?

J.T. I think it would; the men he surrounds himself with.

G.W.H. I would like to ask at this point, what is the difference between brethren and companions?

J.T. Brethren are what Christ has, His brethren. There is an affection in brethren peculiar to themselves.

G.W.H. Is it a greater thought than companionship?

J.T. I think so, his companions are his brethren, but it is necessarily a greater thought because it involves family relationship. You may have a companion who is not a brother.

E.J.W. As regards our association with Christ, we are given a place as His friends in the presence of the world in John 15; but in chapter 20 the Lord regards us as His brethren before the Father; not now before the world, but with the Father. Then in Hebrews 1, which is a quotation from Psalm 45, it is a question of the kingdom glory. The king has companions, which to my mind would

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answer very much to the thought we get here. Solomon's men would suggest the idea of courtiers, those who would be his associates.

G.W.W. That there should be those with the Lord who were His Father's gift to Him, might well cause feelings of admiration to arise in the soul.

J.T. And they were constituted men of His own order, in the breathing into them of His Spirit. He has brethren; that is His portion. The Father has sons.

B.T.F. Would you say in connection with the earlier part of Solomon's reign that God had reached His thought typically? That is, that He had found a son in Solomon. In contrast to Adonijah, Solomon was the true son.

J.T. Yes, and Solomon had his men. I think it is well to see that the men the Lord has, are given to Him of the Father out of the world, and they are sanctified through the truth; they are constituted as suitable to Him, by His Spirit being breathed into them.


"As sons like Him, with Him to be:
In thine own house". (Hymn 88)

A.F.M. In chapter 4, the "superintendents" were all sons. Is there a correspondence?

J.T. There are twelve of them set over certain things. The fact that they were sons, seems to be in keeping with himself, he being the characteristic son; see, Proverbs 4:3.

D.R. In the Lord's prayer in John 17, part of it reads: "Father, [as to] those whom thou hast given me, I desire that where I am they also may be with me, that they may behold my glory", John 17:24. Would the men here who stand around Solomon, hearing his wisdom and beholding his glory, answer to that?

J.T. I think they do.

G.A.T. How about the servants?

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J.T. That would be another thought. In John 20 they are sent out. As the Father sent Him, they are sent out, but they are sent out with His Spirit. As thus dignified, what a service they must render!

G.W.W. We may connect the thought of servants with what we get in John 17:1, "Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son may glorify thee". There is a work which the blessed Lord is carrying out in connection with the Father's glory, which now constitutes the highest form of service. I refer to John 20. It was in connection with that thought He expressed the carrying out of the Father's glory and the continuance of it, and we feel it is a character of service of which perhaps we have thought but little, and that is the Son's desire that from the glorified position where He is, the Father's name should be glorified.

E.J.W. That would harmonise with the suggestion made just now, that God has a son in Solomon figuratively; "he shall be my son" (1 Chronicles 22:10); one who could take up things for God and establish them in the intelligence and affection of a son. This is really what we have come to in Christ, or, rather, what God has in Christ. It seems to me, that is a prominent thought in Scripture. Take Abraham, for instance, he looked for a son, not simply that he might have a son to be with him, although no doubt there was that in it, but one of the great desires of a man in those days was to have a son who could take up his interests for him and maintain them. And so the servant, when he goes to seek Rebecca, speaks of all the vast wealth of his master, and that it has all been given to his son, as one able to take care of it and perpetuate his father's name and honour.

W.B-t. It says especially in regard to Solomon in 2 Samuel 7:14; "I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten

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him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the sons of men; but my mercy shall not depart away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away from before thee".

E.J.W. That was what I was alluding to, that Solomon should hold the place of son for God.

G.A.T. In the New Testament we read the heavens opened over God's Son, and in speaking of Him God could say, "in whom I have found my delight", Matthew 17:5. The queen of Sheba said: "Blessed be Jehovah thy God, who delighted in thee".

E.J.W. What I had before me was what Solomon did; what he built and established; the whole system of things that he formed and established for God, and I was noticing in the first verse of this chapter that we get the fame of Solomon and the name of the Lord connected.

J.T. I think it is nice to see how the queen of Sheba has Jehovah before her, not David. In Ephesians 1:17 it is, "The God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory". Then "For this reason I bow my knees to the Father [of our Lord Jesus Christ], of whom every family in [the] heavens and on earth is named", Ephesians 3:14 - 15. The Father is the source of everything, and so she, it seems to me, represents an Ephesian Christian as connecting things with Jehovah. Solomon's fame was concerning the name of Jehovah. She says further: "Blessed be Jehovah thy God, who delighted in thee, to set thee on the throne of Israel!" (not on the throne of David, but of Israel) "Because Jehovah loves Israel for ever". She connects it with God and His love for Israel.

R.S.S. It was a queen not a king. Does that indicate that the subjective side is in view?

J.T. She represents those who form the assembly in the way of intelligent interest and affection. And then her peculiar gift is worthy of note. It says, "she gave the king a hundred and twenty

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talents of gold, and spices in very great abundance, and precious stones: there came no more such abundance of spices as those which the queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon". She excels in that regard, and then immediately the Spirit of God brings in Hiram, setting him down alongside her; as it were placing them together. They are together in love for Christ, and for God in the accomplishment of His counsels, so it says in the eleventh verse, "(And the fleet also of Hiram, which carried gold from Ophir, brought from Ophir sandal-wood in very great abundances, and precious stones. And the king made of the sandal-wood a balustrade for the house of Jehovah, and for the king's house, and harps and lutes for singers. There came no such sandal-wood, nor was there seen to this day)". That is Hiram's part, and then it goes back to the queen again. "And king Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatever she asked, beside what he gave her of the bounty of King Solomon. And she turned and went to her own land, she and her servants". I think it is beautiful to see how she and Hiram are found together in the peculiarity and excellence of their gifts.

H.G. In Chronicles he gives what she brings but not in Kings, no doubt this is because Kings presents the heavenly side.

J.T. He gave of his royal bounty. The royal bounty is something like Ephesians, "far exceeding above all which we ask or think", Ephesians 3:20. I think it is the excess of things here.

E.J.W. I was thinking of the correspondence between Hiram and the queen of Sheba. It is a little remarkable that they apparently both brought the same amount of gold. It says of Hiram that he sent one hundred and twenty talents of gold (1 Kings 9:14); and the queen of Sheba brings exactly the same amount. This would go to confirm your

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thought as to the spiritual correspondence between the two.

R.S.S. Is there anything today that corresponds to the hundred and twenty talents of gold? It would seem very often, that our meetings are characterised by a great deal of poverty rather than tremendous wealth. God's portion is but very little considered.

E.J.W. A great deal of silver sometimes! We dwell upon the benefits that have accrued to ourselves. I was thinking of redemption; often the Lord's supper is taken up in that way.

J.T. When you come to gold and spices, you have what is peculiarly for God; spices being special, I suppose. As we have already noted, Mary of Bethany yielded that.

W.C.R. It was a question of affection with Joseph of Arimathaea, when he buried the Lord in his sepulchre. He also furnished spices there.

J.T. I am sure the question of supply is a great one. It is a very great one in the nations at the present time, but a great one in the house of God too.

A.L.M. The wood Hiram brought was used for pillars for the Lord's house. Pillars are for support, are they not?

J.T. "Balustrade"; it was something to lean on. The sandal-wood was also used for harps and lutes for singers.

G.A.T. Would you say the reason we do not have supply, is because we do not admire the One we come to enough? The queen was so taken up with Solomon, so admired him, that she freely gave of what she had.

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1 Chronicles 16:35, 36; Ephesians 3:20, 21

R.S.S. It is striking that you get the same thought in both these passages. In the former in a way the climax of the Old Testament is reached -- in Jerusalem, and in the latter of the New Testament -- at Ephesus. 1 Chronicles 16 follows upon David's bringing up the ark to Jerusalem (one of the greatest events in his life), and he hands to Asaph and his brethren a psalm to thank the Lord which closes thus, "And say, Save us, O God of our salvation, And gather us, and deliver us from the nations, To give thanks unto thy holy name, To triumph in thy praise. Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, from eternity and to eternity! And all the people said, Amen! and praised Jehovah". Then Ephesians 3 closes with the words, "But to him that is able to do far exceeding above all which we ask or think, according to the power which works in us, to him be glory in the assembly in Christ Jesus unto all generations of the age of ages, Amen".

G.W.H. The last words of the psalm are, "from eternity and to eternity".

R.S.S. God evidently gets His place in both these scriptures, in connection with the service of praise.

J.T. It leads to an inquiry as to the setting in which we find praise, or what you might call temple service, in the Scriptures.

R.S.S. Do you mean the conditions and surroundings?

J.T. Yes, in the Old Testament it would appear that up till the time of David, as far as Jehovah was concerned, wilderness conditions existed. He said to David that from the time they came out of Egypt he had walked with them in a tent and in a tabernacle. He had walked with them till that time.

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R.S.S. And David's exercise was that he dwelt in a house of cedar, but the ark of God was in a tent.

J.T. Yes. For God, the circumstances that existed were wilderness circumstances. The staves of the ark were not drawn out until it was set in the temple; therefore there is very little as to God's portion up till this time, corresponding, doubtless, to the history of our souls.

R.S.S. And we were noticing too that there is very little said about singing until we come to this psalm. As we know, David was "the sweet psalmist of Israel", 2 Samuel 23:1.

J.T. After they got out of Egypt there was a song; "Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song" (Exodus 15:1); but we may say there was very little that was subjective. Miriam's singing, I suppose, represented the subjective side, but she died and it ceased.

R.S.S. So it is rather interesting that in the very next chapter after the record of Miriam's death, we read of another song. In Numbers 20 she dies, and in chapter 21 we have, "Spring up, O well".

J.T. That refers to the Spirit. There is a new beginning; but as yet it is scarcely for God. It is "Sing ye unto it"

R.S.S. What would that mean?

J.T. Simply recognition of the Spirit, I think. It was not yet what God sought. It does not go typically beyond what the Spirit is to us. In John 4, the worship of the Father is spoken of in addition to the living water.

R.S.S. We may notice Deborah's song, but I do not know if there is any other until we come to this.

J.T. There is no temple worship until we come to David. Psalm 90 may be noted, but evidently it was incorporated in the Book of Psalms by David or someone after him. There is no provision in the

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wilderness for a worship of song really, nothing is said as to the worship of song while Israel was there and one might say that that condition existed right up to the days of David. David, at the end of his days, gives utterance to what are called, "the last words of David". He says, "David the son of Jesse saith, And the man who was raised up on high, The anointed of the God of Jacob, And the sweet psalmist of Israel saith", 2 Samuel 23:1. It is the introduction of a discourse and the ground of it is, first of all, that he was the son of Jesse -- of humble origin; then he is raised up on high, and anointed by God; that is what God had done for him, but what he is, is the "sweet psalmist of Israel". God raised him up and anointed him, but he was not a mere overseer, he was the "sweet psalmist" himself, so that he speaks on that ground. His last words are on that ground, and I think it is in that connection that he is called a "man of God", 2 Chronicles 8:14.

R.S.S. It is very remarkable that a king should order the service of God; that this had been in God's mind, and that he takes precedence of priest, prophet and all.

E.J.W. In that connection, is it not rather significant that he is clothed with a linen ephod on this occasion? In the end of the previous chapter (1 Chronicles 15:27), we find David in priestly array.

J.T. He takes the place of head in Chronicles. The ark being the supreme interest of his heart seems to qualify him morally for all that follows here.

H.G. In regard to what David sets forth, and what the ark sets forth, what would answer to it? We have been speaking about praise and singing, consequent upon the ark finding its place. What would answer to what you get at the beginning of this chapter in a practical way as amongst ourselves?

R.S.S. Before that good question of yours is

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answered, we might read a few verses at the end of chapter 15, verses 25 - 29, and the beginning of chapter 16, verses 1 - 9.

J.T. I think the ark here represents Christ in His own place. As He has that place God secures what He seeks. What we see in David really merges into the ark, so to say. As He has His place, we really reach what we might call temple worship.

H.R. Does the Supper at all suggest the recurring moral condition that is referred to here? I mean to say, the ark being established in the affections of the saints?

J.T. Well, I think the Supper is intended to maintain Christ in His place amongst His people. If He has not that place there may be a certain outgoing, a giving of thanks to God for what He has done, His benefits, but we come short of worship. We come short of that which God is really seeking from us.

G.W.W. That word in Psalm 22:3 was to be fulfilled, "thou that dwellest amid the praises of Israel". The ark must be in its place, and so with us, unless the ark is in its place in our souls there is not moral appreciation of it as the foundation of praise in the heart. Is that the idea?

J.T. Quite. No doubt the Lord alluded there to the well known position of the ark in the Mosaic system, or the David system -- that is, the dwelling there amid the praises of Israel. But now that Christ has gone through death and has risen God dwells in the assembly, amid the praises of the assembly. There is a transference -- at least the citing of it in Hebrews would show it was the assembly that the Lord had first in His thoughts. There is a transference from the praises of Israel to the praises of the assembly. Hence, "I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee", Psalm 22:22. There they are now secured.

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R.S.S. Do you think that in Psalm 22 the expression "assembly" is exactly the church?

J.T. I am referring to the quotation in Hebrews. It is the word "assembly".

R.S.S. Yes, there it would be, and refers to the church. It is putting an interpretation on the word. It says "congregation" in the Psalm.

A.F.M. Do we not find what you have been speaking of in Ephesians 3:17? "That the Christ may dwell, through faith, in your hearts". Is not that a parallel with what you have been speaking of? He is in the hearts of the saints.

J.T. Yes, so in verse 35 we read, "Save us, O God of our salvation, And gather us, and deliver us from the nations, To give thanks unto thy holy name, To triumph in thy praise" The psalmist had the right thought -- that they should be "gathered together".

G.W.H. You were speaking a moment ago about temple service. They had passed under the hand of David as Lord, and had been saved from their enemies, but now it is that they might praise God in His temple.

J.T. Yes, I think it brings into great evidence what David was. He was the sweet psalmist of Israel, and his psalms show what a great acquaintance he had with God, what a great knowledge of God he had, and, as knowing God, he knew what God sought; so that if you compare him and his psalms with John 4, you may see how God gets His place. The Lord explains to the woman that the Father sought worshippers, and how they should worship Him; so that one can understand how the Lord would set forth in pattern the divine worship. Hence, after the Supper they sang a hymn. He sings with them, and they would, in that way, get the idea. There was the pattern of what would be established for God in the power of the Spirit.

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G.A.T. I like the word "together" in the thirty-fifth verse. I think the Spirit of God has a good bit more for us in it than we appreciate really. The desire is here expressed that the people might be gathered together, and in the New Testament we are exhorted not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. Would you connect them?

J.T. Yes, it was a great feature of the assembly at the outset that, "all that believed were together", Acts 2:44.

H.G. I am not quite clear in regard to the ark being brought up to Jerusalem and connecting that with Ephesians 3:14 - 15, where Paul bows his knees "to the Father [of our Lord Jesus Christ], of whom every family in [the] heavens and on earth is named". Does Jerusalem contemplate the praise, so to speak, of the universe? It is a question of Christ being placed in the affections of the saints in that position so that what they accord to Him now in affection and praise the whole universe will give Him later; is that the idea?

J.T. I think so. Hence Ephesians, I think corresponds with Jerusalem.

R.S.S. Viewed in what aspect?

J.T. Viewed as the centre on earth of light and government.

H.G. Because he speaks of the breadth and length, and depth and height, it seems as though the whole vast system of which Christ is Head and Centre is before his own soul; and besides it would be before the souls of the saints. It gives a wonderful expansion to one's thoughts in regard to Christ.

G.A.T. I would like to get hold of what the motive is that brings us together and causes the song.

J.T. I think it would help us to get clearly in view that whatever giving of thanks or praise there may be in the wilderness has to do with our side of things. It honours God and God accepts it, but

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in order to arrive at God's side of things we must see that Christ first has His place. There is no doubt that He has it, that God has placed Him in heaven. There is no doubt about that with any of us, but the question is whether He has His place with us, and hence I think what our brother remarked is important, that the Supper secures this to us. It is at least intended to secure it that the Lord should have a place; that He should dwell in our hearts. In Colossians 1:27 it is, "Christ in you the hope of glory": but Ephesians 3:17 is, "that the Christ may dwell, through faith, in your hearts", which means that it is not only that you love Him, but He is in your heart in relation to God, and what God has in His mind. Hence it is by faith.

B.T.F. Would you say true worship is only reached when the ark has reached its rest?

J.T. That is quite clear here. Christ must have His place.

W.C.R. Jonathan loved David for what he did, but Ruth loved Naomi for what she was to her, what she was in herself. Thus often with us, we love Christ for what He has done for us, that is prominent in our minds and introduced often by us; but is your thought that we should have appreciation of Christ for what He is in Himself?

J.T. That is right; that suggests a great deal, because those who love like Jonathan love at a distance. There are those who (to use a telephonic expression), are "long distance" lovers and their fellowship is of the same character. It is long distance fellowship. That is, they are content at a distance both from Christ and from the saints, and they seem to be able to subsist at that distance. The remarkable thing about Joab's house was that it was in the wilderness. With Jonathan, you have artillery (the more exact translation is "weapons", which imply action at a distance). His communications

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with David before their final separation were in connection with this. Now I think those who love at a distance, are those who love Him because of what He has done for them. Jonathan was evidently one of those, whereas Ruth was not like that. With her it was, "Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God; where thou diest will I die, and there will I be buried", etc., Ruth 1:16 - 17. Nearness, and only nearness, could satisfy the heart of Ruth.

L.T.F. The leper that returned would express it. The nine went their way, but he returned to "give glory to God", Luke 17:18.

W.C.R. Ruth said, "Do not intreat me to leave thee", Ruth 1:16.

H.G. Later she lies at the feet of Boaz on the threshing floor; she took a lowly place, but she would be near him.

J.T. It becomes an important question as to fellowship, and why we are in fellowship, as to whether it is the fruit of the Spirit's activities, because coming into fellowship means you want to be near Christ as among His people; you must be where He is. If it is not so, you may have love, but it is such as to be content at a distance. The worship of God is never reached by those who love in this way.

G.A.T. What would you say is the cause of the long distance, also what is the cure?

J.T. Well, in Jonathan's case he evidently never judged the evil of his father's house, he never judged his associations. He knew David was injured and loved him. Like many a person in the so-called "systems" they would not allow a word said against Christ, but then they associate with those who do not love Christ. Jonathan associated with those that did not love David, although he loved him.

A.F.M. Were not natural comforts his last snare? When he left David the first time, he goes to the

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city, 1 Samuel 20:42. When he came again to David, to strengthen his hand in God, and proposes a place with David next to him in the kingdom, he leaves David in the wood and returns to the comforts of his house (1 Samuel 23:16 - 18), while the mighty men stayed with David and shared the discomfort.

Rem. But Jonathan died on mount Gilboa with Saul.

G.W.W. There were those who went down to David and said: "Thine [are we], David, And with thee, thou son of Jesse: Peace, peace be to thee! And peace be to thy helpers! For thy God helps thee", 1 Chronicles 12:18. David received them. They came into fellowship!

J.T. And Ittai is another beautiful example of one who would be with the object of his affections. "Thou didst come yesterday" (2 Samuel 15:20) said David. He was a recent convert, so to speak, and David gave him the opportunity of remaining in the city, and in that way avoiding the discomforts of rejection but no, he would be with David. Ittai answered: "[As] Jehovah liveth, and [as] my lord the king liveth, surely in what place my lord the king shall be, whether in death or life, even there also will thy servant be", 2 Samuel 15:21.

R.S.S. Jonathan's was a downward course. If he could not have brooked being away from David, everything would have been right. The difficulty is we are satisfied with being at a certain distance, and I suppose that the Lord measures that distance with every one of us. We are all at a certain nearness -- I will put it that way -- but some of us are at a good deal more of a distance than others, and it comes out in many ways. It comes out in prayer. When a brother gets up to pray I think you necessarily gauge in your soul how near that man is to the Lord, not what is expressed. The simplicity of it very often is the result of nearness to the Lord.

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J.T. So the end of chapter 15 shows typically the affection for Christ that marks those in the assembly, I think. It says of David that he was "clothed with a robe of byssus", and "all Israel brought up the ark of the covenant of Jehovah with shouting, and with sound of the trumpet", etc., 1 Chronicles 15:27 - 28. And David danced and played. We see here, in type, those who are truly lovers of Christ, and delight to see Him in His place. Now there is one there who is despising, that is Michal. It says, "Michal the daughter of Saul looked through a window, and saw king David dancing and playing; and she despised him in her heart", 1 Chronicles 15:29. It is sad to be a distant lover, but it is a terrible thing to be a despiser of a lover of Christ -- to despise such an one as that!

R.S.S. I think the great secret often of our getting on is appreciating those that do love Christ. Our brother, Mr. Raven, used to encourage us to keep the company of spiritual men. This is the very opposite of it. That is the way we surely get on, and I think you can gauge a person in this way very well. Another way of gauging people is to find out if they appreciate the thing that is good, the thing that is right, and the thing that is spiritual. Though you may not be spiritual yourself, if you appreciate those that are, that is one way of getting spiritual.

J.T. Yes, here is one who is closely related to David, and yet she despises him for his interest in the ark.

G.W.W. The despising spirit did not just come into the house at that moment, but the bringing of the ark discovered it. It was there, and the moment the ark got its place the terrible spirit that was there came into view.

J.T. It is a very searching thing because it is when an excess of spiritual energy appears, latent opposition is brought into evidence.

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E.J.W. It reminds one of what you get in John 12. Mary anoints the Lord and the house is filled with the odour of the ointment, and that brings out an element that does not appreciate it at all, but rather the contrary. Judas comes out and exposes himself by his attitude toward it. It would seem to correspond very much with Michal here, and is that which no doubt we must expect ourselves.

R.S.S. "Why was this" waste?

G.W.W. But every fresh appreciation that we get of Christ will bring light into our souls, which enables us to meet opposition of this kind, and deal with it as David dealt with it. 'Very well', he said in effect, 'that spirit shall be unproductive'. He condemned that spirit to unproductivity. He said in principle, 'There shall be no repetition of that'. That spirit shows itself when there is a fresh appreciation of Christ in the heart, and it has to be relentlessly put on one side.

J.T. She is a despiser. "Behold ye despisers", Acts 13:41. It is an element that often arises where you get excessive spiritual energy. It has been there all the time, but until a certain spiritual movement takes place it is not discernible.

B.T.F. Was it because David had resigned for the moment his kingly position that she despised him?

J.T. He had taken the place of a priest really; he was clothed with a linen ephod. He took a humble, yet appropriate place in the presence of the ark.

H.G. On one occasion Michal saved his life.

J.T. Yes; there, no doubt, she was governed by natural affection. There may be a natural regard and respect for a servant -- perhaps on account of acquired fame even among the Lord's people, but when it becomes a question of wholehearted devotedness

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to Christ and delight in Christ, this nature cannot endure.

L.T.F. Was that expressed in his dancing?

J.T. That is what it says here, When she "saw king David dancing and playing", 1 Chronicles 15:29. She saw him do it. But the window was between her and him. She was not identified with the scene of Christ's glory.

L.T.F. There was excess of spiritual energy before her.

J.T. It is put in that way. She was not at the meeting, so to speak. She looked out of the window.

A.F.M. Would you connect this with Luke 15, the "elder son"?

J.T. Yes. He "would not go in" (Luke 15:28), she would not go out, we may say. Neither would have part with those who appreciate Christ.

G.A.T. Speaking about the ark like this, have you in your mind that it is a type of Christ amongst His people now?

J.T. It is. That is the point, I think, in Ephesians 3, but it is so important to see the qualification of David -- how he qualified to become head; and here his headship is not exactly to order the kingdom, but to order the service of Jehovah.

G.W.H. Are we not slower in apprehending His service as Head than as Lord?

J.T. Very much slower, because headship, whilst it is an immense gain to us, has in view the accomplishment of what God has in His mind. God has certain things in His mind to be accomplished. The woman of Samaria said, "I perceive that thou art a prophet", and, "I know that Messias is coming, who is called Christ; when he comes he will tell us all things", John 4:25. She had that much light. But it is not only that He tells us all things, He accomplishes all things. Hence the importance of being available to Him. So you find in the chapters that follow this, things are all available to David. The Levites, thirty-eight

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thousand of them, are all available, 1 Chronicles 23:3. Christ is now in His place, and so the service of God is established.

D.R. Would that answer to Zechariah 6, the priest sitting on the throne, ordering everything in the priestly service?

J.T. Here it is more a king in a priest's position; there a priest in a king's position; in a way, priesthood is greater than kingship. But there is a connection in the passages. In Zechariah he builds the temple of the Lord.

W.B-t. I was thinking David had gone through great exercise. He had been afraid to bring up the ark according to the thirteenth chapter; and then the house of Obed-edom is blessed. Subsequently David brings up the ark. Would you say a little on that?

J.T. Well, he lost considerably in not taking the ark up at first, but then he was quick to discern his loss. He found out that the Lord blessed the house of Obed-edom, and he wanted his house and the whole kingdom blessed. Hence the wisdom of bringing up the ark.

W.B-t. I was thinking the house of Obed-edom was not great enough for the ark. He would bring it up to the place that had been prepared for it in the city of David.

B.T.F. Is your thought that we do not reach Ephesians 3, until we come to the temple, and the ark in the temple?

J.T. No, we do not. That is what is in view in Ephesians 3.

W.B. There is a great difference in the spirit of David here. He was afraid of the ark before. It says they brought it up "with joy". There is a good bit of that in the Psalms; there must be spiritual joy if there is to be any worship.

J.T. He learned his lesson, and this helped to

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qualify him as head. We must see that we are available to the Head. I want to be available to the Head, and what you find here chapter after chapter is how everything needed for the worship of God is available to David.

R.S.S. You said a moment ago that we noticed here how David qualifies for headship. You did not follow that remark up.

J.T. I think his qualification is seen in the great appreciation he has of the ark. He had learned what was suitable to it. He is set for what is of God. The ark represented what was of God. That was his great desire from the outset of his life.

"We heard of it", he says, "at Ephratah, we found it in the fields of the wood", Psalm 132:6. And God was associated with it in his mind. "Arise, Jehovah, into thy rest, thou and the ark of thy strength", Psalm 132:8. That was what was in his mind, and he is alluding to that here. He has reached his thought. The ark is in its place and now, "Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power", Psalm 110:3. "All the people said, Amen!". So everyone is available to David from this time onward.

R.S.S. And what you mean by qualifying, was just expressed in the Psalm from which you quoted (Psalm 132), which, I suppose, referred to the time when he was tending his father's sheep. And beginning with that point, he is now qualified. It had taken many years.

J.T. But we see he has reached it now. When he went first to bring the ark up he was not fit; he really was ignorant of what was becoming to Jehovah, you might say, but now, delighting himself in the ark, he delivers this psalm first, he makes his first great contribution -- not here of gold, silver or iron, but of a psalm. That is a wonderful contribution. He delivers that first. It is his psalm. This was something greater than the gold, the silver and the

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iron that he provided with such liberality later on. This is the first great contribution to the new system.

Ques. What do you mean, please, by being available to the Head, as applicable to us?

J.T. What is seen here is that authority (in the king) had been effective -- it had brought about subjection. This the Lord effects in us by the Spirit. As we are thus subject to Christ, we are available to Him as Head.

A.F.M. I am wondering how Asaph and his brethren were qualified to sing. The point of our meeting is to reach a climax of praise, as I understand it, and I would like to know how we are brought to that point. You were saying it is brought about by subjection to Christ.

J.T. It is. Chapter 25:4, gives the names of the sons of Heman, and verse 6, says, "All these were under the direction of their fathers Asaph, Jeduthun, and Heman, for song in the house of Jehovah", 1 Chronicles 25:6. That is a typical group of Levites. They were "under the hand of their fathers .. for song in the house of Jehovah".

H.G. Your thought is, in connection with headship, that the great thing is to be sensitive to divine impulse; is that the idea?

J.T. Yes; one has no will of one's own in the matter. One has no pet hymn nor tune. One has his psalm. That is the thing to have. If one has a psalm -- has an experience -- which is put into words, this reaches the ear of God. That is the idea. This first great contribution of David's presents the idea to us.

W.B-t. It was his own composition.

D.R. Would that answer to what goes on in the assembly: "To offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ"?

J.T. That is it. Our brother alluded to Mary in John 12. She had the box of ointment. We do not know how long she had had it, but she had it,

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and the Lord says of her in that passage, "Suffer her to have kept this for the day of my preparation for burial", John 12:7. She had kept it.

W.B-t. What is your thought about keeping it?

J.T. It shows that one has a certain thing before one, as David had. Mary had a certain thing in her mind. She knew the Lord was going to die. She was intelligent, and she kept this box for that moment. John is the only one that says she kept it.

A.F.M. She did not use it for Lazarus.

Ques. Is a hymn for the benefit of the brethren, or for God?

J.T. For God, it should be a contribution for the occasion in a general way. It should express worship. It says here (verse 7), "Then on that day David delivered first this psalm". It was his great contribution at the beginning.

B.T.F. Is a psalm generally in connection with wilderness experience, and God's goodness in that respect?

J.T. It may be the result of any experience with God. We must be sure that it is our experience with God. There is much experience that is not with God, which is not suitable for a psalm at all.

R.S.S. One of the psalms illustrates that. The writer says, "This is my weakness", Psalm 77:10. He was going through an experience not spiritual. I think we go through a great deal of experience and exercise of mind and heart not spiritual at all.

J.T. Our chapter (1 Chronicles 16) is a typical psalm. It says "David delivered first [this psalm] to give thanks to Jehovah through Asaph and his brethren. Give thanks unto Jehovah, call upon his name; Make known his acts among the peoples. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, Meditate upon all his wondrous works. Glory in his holy name: Let the heart of them rejoice that seek Jehovah. Seek Jehovah and his strength, Seek his face continually";

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etc. That is the idea of a psalm. He delivers it to Asaph and his brethren. We have to note the working out of headship in the service of God.

G.W.W. Are you conveying the idea that his former experience in attempting to bring up the ark prepared his own soul for the production of this psalm?

J.T. No doubt; it was the outcome of his experience with God. He had learned God through experience. It is very interesting to compare David's writings with Solomon's writings. Solomon's are largely the product of observation. I mean, he did not go through things so much, but he was a great observer, a great student, and the Spirit of God uses him to that extent. He spoke three thousand proverbs -- wise sayings -- founded largely on observation, and a thousand and five songs; whereas the Spirit does not give us more than one song, and perhaps one-tenth of his proverbs; but nearly all are founded on observation.

R.S.S. He spoke of trees, from the cedar of Lebanon, to the hyssop, etc. Just as you say, it was from observation. That is a very interesting point.

J.T. With David it is different. Of course he was observant, but he went through things.

G.W.W. About this time in David's history, he built his house, we are told. May we take Psalm 30 as an example of the experience through which he had passed? It is titled, "A Psalm of David: dedication-song of the house". At the end it says, "Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing; thou hast loosed my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness; That [my] glory may sing psalms of thee, and not be silent. Jehovah my God, I will praise thee for ever", Psalm 30:11 - 12. He had been in mourning and in sackcloth. His sack-cloth had been put off and his mourning had been

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turned into dancing and gladness. He gives expression in the psalm to the experience through which he had passed.

J.T. It makes the house Hiram built for him all the more suggestive. I mean the love that provided it.

M.L.H. As head he delivers the psalm to Asaph and his brethren. Say a word about that.

J.T. I was going to show how headship works out; it is seen in David placing the psalm in proper hands (chapter 5:7), in the hands of the qualified musician. I apprehend that it is requisite that the music should be in accord with the psalm. I think you will find there is more in the way of inscription on headings in the earlier psalms than you find in the later ones. I think David was concerned that what was to be for God should reach Him through proper channels. Transferring that to Christianity, I think everything must pass through the hands of the Lord Jesus, whether it comes from God to us, or whether it goes from us to God; and as we go on with the Lord we recognise that, and we come to know what suits Him. These leaders in song here, Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun, acquired efficiency, no doubt, through acquaintance with David, and so should we by acquaintance with Christ. There is not a bit of good in what you say but what He takes account of and although nine-tenths may be unsuitable, the Lord takes account of the one-tenth and presents it to God, but it is a poor thing to have Him occupied in any way with what is unsuitable.

G.W.W. In the burnt offering the crop and feathers of the birds were flung into the ashes.

J.B. You ascribe wisdom to Him. David was able to take account of the Levites and everything under his hand. He was wise enough to do so.

W.C.R. Our brother alluded to the birds offered

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in the burnt offering. What was the thought that the birds were not divided?

J.T. They were so small. One's contribution is so tiny there is not much in it to go around.

G.W.W. But the tiny bit that was acceptable reached the altar, and what God could not find any pleasure in, the priest wrung off and flung into the ashes. That, I suppose, refers to the human side that gets mixed up with what we have to say about Christ. In that way it does not get through to God.

J.T. I think so; the will is in it. The head is "pinched off" It is not slain in the ordinary way. It shows that one's own head is at work, I think.

Ques. What about the crop?

G.W.W. I suppose the undigested thoughts -- an admixture of what is purely human. The whole thing is flung into the ashes.

J.T. What we are apt to be proud of naturally is cast into the ashes.

G.A.T. Is that why we are told to examine ourselves and so let us eat?

J.T. Yes; there must be self-judgment -- the disallowance of our wills. Now to go on to Ephesians. There is a beautiful connection between these verses we read and Ephesians 3. I have no doubt that Paul, in a way, is the sweet psalmist of Christianity. It is very beautiful to dwell on his doxologies in his various epistles, and this one in Ephesians is necessarily of the highest order. At the closing of each of the first four books of Psalms you will have observed a correspondence with verse 36 (1 Chronicles 16): "Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, from eternity and to eternity! And all the people said, Amen! and praised Jehovah". In Psalm 106:48 it is, "Let all the people say", whereas here it is "All the people said". That is, they were all in accord with what was presented.

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A.F.M. The Psalm is prophetic, and so the desire is expressed that all should say, Amen. Say just a word as to the last six psalms. They begin with praise to the Lord and end with it.

J.T. One is struck with the stream of praise seen in the ending of the Psalms, how the divine thought is reached; the end is, "Let everything that hath breath praise Jah", Psalm 150:6.

C.W.W. Praise to Christ too, who is the Man of God's purposes, is really seen there. He is supreme. The evil man has disappeared and God's Man alone occupies the scene, and every breath breaks forth in praise.

E.J.W. I was thinking of those closing psalms as giving us the proper character of a psalm as you were thinking of it -- the divine thought of it as being an ascription of praise to God.

J.T. Yes. In the New Testament, in that psalms and hymns and spiritual songs are grouped together, you have suggested varied Christian experience. In this way others get the benefit of the experience that we have in the power of the Spirit. The result of all our experience, however, should be for God. It is a poor experience that does not issue in that way.

W.H.F. A psalm would be individual, would it not? Giving out a hymn in the morning meeting ought to be the expression of the company, not only of the person who gives it out.

J.T. It is very nice to see that Romans 7 (which is a great experience, and that which most of us go through, more or less, if we are to be for God) issues thus: "I thank God, through Jesus Christ our Lord". A fine ending of an experience!

D.R. Would that answer to Psalm 4"In pressure thou hast enlarged me"?

J.T. Yes. I think your thought in Ephesians 3 is to show how God is the end of everything?

R.S.S. Yes, and that everything flows out from

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our hearts to Him. "But to him that is able to do far exceeding above all which we ask or think, according to the power which works in us, to him be glory in the assembly in Christ Jesus unto all generations of the age of ages". That is a wonderful ascription of praise. It is the outgoing of his heart in the light of all that has been unfolding.

J.B. Is that connected with verse 14: "I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ"?

J.T. God is in view; "That ye may be filled", it says, "even to all the fulness of God". "And to him", etc.

R.S.S. That is, his prayer ends in an ascription of praise.

J.T. Yes, he bowed his knees, but it ends in this: "To him be glory in the assembly in Christ Jesus unto all generations of the age of ages".

R.S.S. At our morning meeting, perhaps it begins with a prayer, but it should end with the highest note.

J.T. On "my stringed instruments". (Compare Habakkuk 3:19).

R.S.S. I think it is most essential to bear that in mind.

E.J.W. It is like the worshippers in Ezekiel's temple; it was enjoined upon them that they were not to leave by the same gate they went in. They must go out by a different gate than the gate they went in at, Ezekiel 46:9.

G.A.T. A number of years ago we used, as a rule, to pray for the gospel in the evening at the morning meeting. Would you think that would be bringing it down to a low note, or would it be a high note?

J.T. That would be going out by the same gate you came in!

W.C.R. You cannot assume to close the meeting, can you?

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J.T. No, you leave it. The assembly is the Lord's. You do not close the door and put the key in your pocket. You leave that in His hands. Do you agree with that?

G.W.W. Yes, I think we have to get a little more sense of what it is for Him to have His right place in the administration of things in the assembly. Samuel stood over the prophets, 1 Samuel 19:20. The Lord must get His right place in connection with His administration in the assembly; He is the Minister to take charge of the divine services.

R.S.S. So you do not give out a hymn on your own impulse.

G.W.W. It is an impropriety.

H.G. Mr. Stoney once asked a brother why he gave out a certain hymn. He said it was because he had it on his heart, and Mr. Stoney asked why he did not keep it there.

M.L.H. Say a word about everyone having a psalm, etc.

J.T. That fits in with what has been said. You have it, but wait on a suitable opportunity. You do not give it out just because you have it.

M.L.H. Where did you get it?

J.T. Through experience with the Lord. Mary, as we remarked a moment ago, kept the box. The Lord had been there before, but she did not use it. She evidently had it before but kept it for a special purpose -- His burial.

W.C.R. It will not spoil though you keep it.

H.G. There are two things you desire: to be intelligent and at the same time to hold yourself apart from lawlessness. In this way you are sensitive to divine impulse.

G.W.W. That is practical.

W.B-t. As regards headship, I think the difficulty with us has been to see the two types of Christ operating at the same time. The ark is evidently

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the greater type, but you have the type of Christ in David also, as head.

J.T. The thought in the ark merges in David as head. You see, the ark represents all divine interests -- it represents God really -- but there is very little said of it in this book after this point, and this shows that the two types merge into one. From this chapter (1 Chronicles 16) onward, headship is prominent. As we give Christ His place, that is, the ark installed, we come into all the good of the wisdom that is in Him.

R.S.S. In David as a type, is there not a transference from his position as king, in which he brings about subjection, as you were saying, so that when he orders things, it is not exactly as king -- although, of course, it is the king that does it -- but as head?

J.T. That is what I thought, and that is what we see in this book from this chapter onward.

R.S.S. He orders things in the house of God more as head.

J.T. As head. It is hardly ever mentioned there that the Lord told him to do things. He does them himself. It is a question of the wisdom of David.

R.S.S. Like Moses in Deuteronomy.

W.H.F. In the assembly it is the Head that gives influence.

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Exodus 39:42,43; Leviticus 27:1 - 3; Mark 11:11; Mark 12:41 - 44

What I have before me is to say a word about the principle of inspection and appraisement in the things of God. The scriptures I have read will suffice to show that it exists, and, inasmuch as it exists, it necessarily becomes a question of responsibility on our side, and we are reminded that the whole of our life comes under the eye of the Lord.

Now the principle of inspection goes far back. We are told in Hebrews 1:2, that the worlds were made by the Son; "by whom also he made the worlds". He wrought by weight and measure in that service, there was wonderful accuracy, so that we have perfect poise in the different bodies. "Where wast thou", says Jehovah to Job, "when I founded the earth?", Job 38:4. It is well to have our attention called to the wonderful handiwork of Christ seen in these stupendous bodies that are visible to us, and others that are not visible. And more than that, to see that what He made He upholds; as it is said, "upholding all things by the word of his power", Hebrews 1:3.

Then we are brought down, in the Scriptures, to the things with which we are more conversant, the earth and its immediate environment. In these, His handiwork is nearer to us. Whilst there is no time given for the creation of the worlds, yet the creation of what we are more immediately interested in, is divided into time, six days: and the principle of inspection is introduced, as if God in making things, in creating and making, would have no flaws. "God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very good", Genesis 1:31. God looks upon His own work and He says that it is good. He passes upon it.

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So that at that early date in the Scriptures, in Genesis 1, we have the principle of inspection, not in regard of man's work, but in regard of God's work. It was good. And in ceasing from His labours He blesses the seventh day and sanctifies it. He rested there.

Well now, when we come on to Exodus, you have God designing, not a material world, but a moral world, a moral order of things, an order of things in which He should dwell. He had created the material world without employing man, but now He is pleased to lay it upon His people to build a habitation for Him. There is nothing said about dwelling in Genesis 1, but now, having a people out of Egypt, on the ground of redemption, He would dwell with them. They were to build a sanctuary in order that He should dwell amongst them. It is a wonderful thought that God should have it in His heart to dwell amongst us. In Exodus it is more than simply to rest from His labours. One might rest from one's labours without entering his home. The sabbath was not His home. He rested on that day, we are told in this book of Exodus, and was "refreshed". Moses did not use that word in Genesis. Referring to the sabbath in Exodus, he says that Jehovah rested on it and was refreshed. In Genesis, as I said, there was no habitation, whereas in Exodus He desires a habitation. God says, "They shall make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them", Exodus 25:8. For that there had to be material, and this the people were to supply.

I desire just to pass over the book by a remark on one or two points. The people were to give a "heave offering" to Jehovah. One who can give a heave offering has a heart that is touched by the divine interest and love shown in redemption. It is God that has done it. It is He who has seen your affliction and has come down to deliver, and He has

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effected it, and now your heart is touched. You are a lover of God. "The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by [the] Holy Spirit which has been given to us", Romans 5:5. It is the heart God seeks. Out of it are the issues of life. Hence the Spirit must go there and shed abroad in it the love of God. If He secures that He has the man. Hence, if the Holy Spirit is in the heart, making the love of God real, there is a heave offering for God.

In Romans 5, we are told of the shedding of the love of God in the heart; in Romans 8 is its upspringing. "All things work together for good to those who love God", Romans 8:28. God takes account of the heart. "He who searches the hearts knows what [is] the mind of the Spirit, because he intercedes for saints according to God", Romans 8:27. God searches the hearts. "Look not", He says to Samuel, "on his countenance, or on the height of his stature ... man looketh upon the outward appearance, but Jehovah looketh upon the heart", 1 Samuel 16:7. Jesse had called all his sons except David; but David had to be called. God's eye was resting on the heart of that young man, as he was caring for the sheep. He was much more interested in him than in all the other sons of Jesse, and so David arrives. He must come. Samuel says, "we will not sit at table till he come hither", 1 Samuel 16:11. It is a very fine thing in a meeting when the saints refuse to sit down, so to speak, until Christ comes. Do not sit down till He comes. You will understand me. There should be deep exercise till He is known in the midst. David arrived and the Spirit of God tells us about his beauty, for he was ruddy, and besides of a lovely countenance and beautiful appearance. The energy of life was there. The love of God was in his heart. The ark was the object of his affections. And the Spirit says "Arise, anoint him; for this is he", 1 Samuel 16:12. And the meeting now proceeds! The anointed of God is there. I have enlarged

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somewhat on the love of God in the heart, and God taking account of it; it is needful.

And so the one who loves God, is exercised about preparing a habitation for Him. There is a heave offering (see Exodus 25), and this implies that there is a supply of material for the dwelling place of God. The house of God on earth is the outcome, from the subjective side, of hearts touched by and filled with the love of God. Now Paul triumphantly speaks of the love of God in Romans. We should read Romans with Corinthians. Romans is triumph. It is the triumph of God in Christ. Let us not detract from it in any way. Paul triumphantly says, after enumerating many things, that nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. It is there tonight as it was then, unchanged by any occurrence in men or in the world. It is in Christ and no one can separate us from it. "The love of God, which [is] in Christ Jesus, our Lord", Romans 8:39. It is there, but it must be in my heart too. It was in Paul's heart, for he was a lover of God. And so, beloved friends, a lover of God has got supply, a heave offering. It is the heaving up of the heart, so to speak, Godward.

Well, the people in Exodus 35 come forward willingly, and they offered gold, silver, and brass, and what was required. So it is said here in Exodus 39:42, "According to all that Jehovah had commanded Moses, so had the children of Israel done all the labour". Not now Bezaleel alone, or Moses, but "the children of Israel". God has the saints before Him as providing for the houses not the ministers merely. Even Solomon in all his glory was put on the throne, on account of the love of Jehovah for Israel, 1 Kings 10:9.

Do you think God gives you a gift to make much of you here? Never! As a matter of fact you cannot be added to, by a gift. A man in Christ is greater

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than a gift, and that is what each true Christian is. If a brother have a gift, it is on account of the great love of God for the saints and everyone who has a gift should so regard it, and so use it. Bezaleel is not mentioned here. It is the children of Israel that did the work. What I have is yours. "All are yours" says Paul, "whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or [the] world, or life, or death, or things present, or things coming", 1 Corinthians 3:22. Who then is Paul, who Apollos? Ministering servants. To whom did they minister? The Corinthians. Let us understand that ministers are not greater than the congregation. They are ministers of the congregation, although they are the Lord's servants and responsible to Him, and what they do is accredited to the congregation. We would not have it otherwise. The more one loves the saints the more one delights to think that all is the heritage, the dowry, of the assembly. "God has set certain", says the apostle, "in the assembly" (1 Corinthians 12:28); not to rule over it. They are really assets in the assembly. They belong to it. How lovely that here the children of Israel do the work according to the commandment of the Lord, and they bring it to Moses. That is the point I want you to notice. It says: "According to all that Jehovah had commanded Moses, so had the children of Israel done all the labour. And Moses saw all the work, and behold, they had done it as Jehovah had commanded -- so had they done it; and Moses blessed them". What is there in these meetings? Has there been anything done? The saints have done it through God's grace. It is so accredited to them. Of course it is true that each servant is rewarded according to his faithfulness. "And Moses blessed them" May He do it tonight, dear brethren. He will, too. "Your toil", says the apostle, "is not in vain in [the] Lord", 1 Corinthians 15:58. How wonderfully encouraging! The work is done and done

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according to the commandment of the Lord, perfectly answering, as stated in the scripture before us, to the measure of responsibility devolving upon the people, and as a consequence, Moses blessed them.

Well now, in Leviticus we get a vow, not a work. The tabernacle is completed, but persons are wanted. So it says: "Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying: Speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them, when any one devoteth anything by a vow, the persons shall be for Jehovah according to thy valuation". God appreciates what we may give. "But of doing good and communicating [of your substance] be not forgetful, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased", Hebrews 13:16. But God is seeking persons; He seeks ourselves. Now what about your person? That is one thing that is always available, however rich or however poor in this world's goods, one has always, so to say, himself. The Lord graciously allows that, although, in another sense, I am His. He has bought me with a price, but here, as it were, He allows me to regard myself as my own property. Maybe you regard yourself in that light. Now what are you doing with your person? How are you using your body? You come to the Lord, have you in any way made a singular vow? You will understand me. I use these expressions in a Christian sense. A singular vow is a resolve of the heart. Deborah's song speaks of "great resolves of heart" (Judges 5:15) in the divisions of Reuben, but in what did it issue? They did not come to the battle, in spite of their resolves.

If you make a vow, as we have said today, "defer not to pay it", Ecclesiastes 5:4. The Lord has heard what you said. In Numbers 30:7, we read that if a woman makes a vow in the presence of her husband and he is silent, her vow stands, never to be revoked. Now the Lord Jesus Christ has never forgotten your vows and He is your true Husband. He has never forbidden it. Hence every one of them stands. But what about

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the fulfilment of them? What about the discharge of the obligation that is assumed? It is a serious matter, because the principle of inspection is ever present. And then there is the appraisement. Now, as you come with your vows before the Lord you resolve in your heart to be for Christ; you are to be on His side and to be for Him. Your body is the Lord's. You yield it up to Him for His use, and He appraises it. "The persons" it says here, "shall be for Jehovah according to thy valuation"; Moses typifies Christ.

How searching that is, and yet how blessed that one is under the eye of Christ and valued by Him. Paul says, "It is the very smallest matter that I be examined of you, or of man's day", 1 Corinthians 4:3. We have to leave all that. Our brethren value us in various ways. Their estimation is usually low; you may as well accept that; but the Lord Jesus estimates us rightly. "Thy valuation shall be fifty shekels of silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary", the currency of the sanctuary. That is how estimations are made by Him. Alas, with us, the currency of the sanctuary is but little taken account of. We do not estimate each other correctly, but Christ does. He estimates me according to the currency of the sanctuary. One would not have it otherwise. We must not think more highly than we ought to think, but as the apostle says to the Romans, "to think soberly". We must avoid mock modesty. We ought to be simple. One loves to hear and see simplicity in the Lord's people. Paul says: "By God's grace I am what I am", 1 Corinthians 15:10. He was something. Sometimes Christians are regarded as noughts on the right hand of the numeral one, which is Christ, but that is not the idea at all. You are something.

We were speaking this afternoon about a stone. It is not only that you are called a stone. You are a stone. "Thou art Peter", the Lord said to Simon.

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The Lord knows just how long that stone is, and how broad, and how deep. He measures, we may say, every stone that comes. "To whom coming" as Peter says. It must be, because there is a place for you which you must fit. He has destined you for it, and it is according to His measure. Paul says he did not care for man's judgment. What about their measure? They might worship me as a god today and stone me tomorrow. So with the Lord, they would make Him a king at one time and cast Him down headlong from the hill on which their city is built at another. One wants to be just what one is under the eye of Christ, and we may as well admit it, because He orders, that in the government of the house of God your measure comes into evidence. If you have not love you are "nothing". Your measure is your love for God and the saints. It is said there that "the persons shall be for Jehovah". Are we all for the Lord? May I challenge our hearts tonight? "The persons shall be for Jehovah according to thy valuation". Are we here for God in regard of His house according to His estimation?

I now want to say a word about Mark, who, as you know, is the evangelist who brings forward the Workman in the New Testament. He presents Christ to us as the perfect Servant, and hence you would look for the very things that are recorded in these two passages. He comes into the temple and it says He looked around on all things. Suppose the Lord Jesus were to personally come down to earth tonight. He would look around. Christendom geographically is a very wide area, but the Lord would look around upon it; one is assured of that. In fact it is so. Chapters two and three of the Revelation state it. Although He is a Judge He is not on the bench; He is clothed in judicial garb, but He is walking. Now that is a very serious matter,

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because He comes to you. He is walking in the midst of the churches. Samuel, you remember, had a judicial circuit. He went around the circuit year by year and judged Israel. His house was at Ramah. It is the same with the Lord. There is no part of Christendom that is not visited, so to speak, by the Lord. He looked around in the temple, but He did not stay there. Could He stay where you are? That is a very serious question; and can you stay where He could not?

There are multitudes of God's people today, in associations in which Christ could not be. He could not be there, but He looks around and sees you there. That is a serious matter. He sees you. How sad to be found where He cannot be. Alas, how dreadful are the things His holy eye sees in that which professes His Name on earth? It says, "having looked round on all things, the hour being already late, he went out to Bethany with the twelve". Now that is the situation. He could not rest in the temple one might say. It was eventide and He went out with His companions, the twelve, to Bethany, where there was affection for Him. The twelve are with Him. We may regard the scene as a picture of what exists at the present moment. He takes account of everything that bears His name, but He can only abide where there is separation from evil and love for Himself. Through His grace there are those with whom He can thus be, even in this day.

Now, there is just one other thought. In Mark 12:41, we read "Jesus sat down opposite the treasury". He was not seeking the money. He sat down opposite the treasury, and He "saw how the crowd was casting money into the treasury". He beheld how they did it. The Lord takes account of the motives that may be behind what we give. He sees how the thing is done and He reckons, not by the amount that is

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put in, but by the amount that is kept back. That is how the Lord reckons. So He says of this widow, she has "cast in more than all who have cast into the treasury: for all have cast in of that which they had in abundance, but she, of her destitution has cast in all that she had, the whole of her living". That was how she did it.

Now I do not desire to occupy you with the material, but the spiritual, and I would close with an appeal, in saying to every young person, that the Lord is looking on "opposite the treasury". What are we casting in, beloved brethren? May the Lord impress us that He is looking for supply from us; I mean a spiritual supply. No matter how little you are able to do, it is taken account of by Him who sits over against the treasury. May the Lord put it upon our hearts that we may have something to give. There is one little word, in this same evangelist, about the woman that anointed the Lord's head in the house of Simon the leper, that is worth quoting; "What she could she has done", Mark 14:8. That was enough. She could do no more, she did all she could. May God grant that every one of us may do that.

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Pages 344 - 458 -- "As is the Heavenly". Chicago, January, 1918 (Volume 38).


Genesis 14

J.T. I thought we might get some special good from the consideration of certain chapters of Abraham's history. We may consider the circumstances of his calling and how he was led on, typically, to a heavenly path. Perhaps we may divide the subject as follows: chapters fourteen, seventeen, twenty-two, twenty-four and twenty-six. In the last you reach the full Christian position, typically, in Isaac.

Abraham, being the father of all believers, becomes in a special way a model for the Christian. Ours is a dispensation of faith. We belong to the household of faith, and in that way he serves as a model for us. He was more a pattern for Christians than for those who shall follow on, because they will be blessed on the principle of sight. He walked by faith, not by sight, and so foreshadows our dispensation in a special way. Further, we are called saints, so that he furnishes the history and outline of the dispensation in that way too. Then there was departure, alas, in his history, and also recovery; thank God! There was recovery, too, in a brotherly spirit, and to the position of a stranger and sojourner.

E.G.M. Why do you start with this particular chapter in the history of Abraham, rather than that which tells of his call?

J.T. I thought that, in thus dividing up his history, we could embrace the two previous chapters in dwelling on this one, because this is a sort of sequel to them. It shows us where he dwelt, by the oaks of Mamre, and the brotherly spirit that marked him.

Abraham is not on either side in the conflict.

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He belongs to a group apart. There are really three groups in the chapter; the two groups of kings contending, and then Abram's group; for it is said, "And one who had escaped came and told Abram the Hebrew. And he dwelt by the oaks of Mamre the Amorite, the brother of Eshcol, and the brother of Aner. And these were Abram's allies". So his group is apart from the two kingly groups, and he comes in for blessing from Melchisedec; thus this chapter is a section in the history. The next chapter begins another subject.

G.W.H. You spoke of the "dispensation of faith" and the model of faith. What is faith?

J.T. I suppose the best definition is the one the Spirit of God uses; "[the] substantiating of things hoped for, [the] conviction of things not seen", Hebrews 11:1. By faith things are substantiated to you and you are convicted that they are true.

G.W.H. Would it be right to say that faith brings the world to come into view now to the believer?

J.T. Yes. The "things hoped for" and the "things not seen" belong to that world. So that it indicates what the dispensation in which we are is, in contrast to the coming one. "Blessed they", says the Lord, "who have not seen, and have believed", John 20:29. Abraham, being a typical believer, is said to have seen much. Although he had things on the principle of faith, yet he is said to have seen many things, but evidently he saw them on the principle of faith.

W.C.R. He was one of whom it says, "having seen them from afar off and embraced [them]", Hebrews 11:13.

L.R.M. Would you say that Abraham, Caleb and Joshua, being men of faith, were living in anticipation of what was yet unseen, which kept them bright in their journey as they went along?

J.T. Yes, Abraham looked for a city, and he

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saw Messiah's day. He saw things, so I think in that way he furnishes us with a model of Christianity, for it is said, "God's dispensation which [is] in faith", 1 Timothy 1:4. In the course of his history you see how he was convicted of things, and the conviction he had governed his course. So I thought this chapter is one of the landmarks on the way and shows that the man of faith, having profited by his failure in going into Egypt, dwelt apart from the world.

W.B-s. You get Abram in Bethel. He comes back to the place where he was at first. The second time he was confirmed in his faith. Abram acquired a lot of wealth in Egypt, but he went back to Bethel. Lot made his choice of the plain, a well watered place, but Abram was content to have the place of which God told him. That is faith.

J.T. In the primal call in Genesis 12, the Lord had said, "Go out of thy land, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, to the land that I will show thee. And I will make of thee a great nation, and bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing. And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. And Abram departed as Jehovah had said to him. And Lot went with him", Genesis 12:1 - 4. That is the primary movement, and then the brother was there. "Lot went with him". He was not the direct subject of the call, but he went with him. Also into Egypt Lot went with him, but it is at the point of recovery that the brethren disagree. As you said, Abram came back to the place of the tent, which he had at the beginning, but then, alas, he and Lot had accumulated wealth during the wide detour into Egypt, and the wealth became the occasion of the disagreement.

J.A.T. Why should they have gone down to Egypt?

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J.T. It was a lack of faith. He deviated from the path of faith. The call was to go into a land Jehovah should show him, and that was not Egypt.

W.J.Y. Is your point that if we are in the pathway of faith there is no disagreement?

J.T. It is a remarkable fact that what they accumulated in Egypt became the occasion of the quarrel. It says, "And Abram went up out of Egypt, he, and his wife, and all that he had, and Lot with him, towards the south. And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold. And he went on his journeys from the south as far as Bethel; as far as the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bethel and Ai; to the place of the altar, that he had made there at the first. And there Abram called on the name of Jehovah", Genesis 13:1 - 4. Further it says, "And Lot also, who went with Abram had flocks, and herds, and tents". I read that fifth verse to show the situation at the point of recovery, that, whilst Abram overcame the handicap of possessions, being fully recovered, Lot did not.

E.G.M. It is evidence that the exercise was all on Abram's part. What characterises the man of faith is he comes back to the point of departure.

J.T. You may lead a brother into a false position, but you may not be able to lead him out of it. That is the serious side of the circumstances here, that Abram was not able to take Lot out morally, although Abram came out of it himself, for the next chapter shows that Egypt was in Lot's mind. He "beheld all the plain of the Jordan that it was thoroughly watered, ... like the land of Egypt", Genesis 13:10.

B.T.F. As far as Abram was concerned there was no strife on his part.

J.T. No, he is entirely recovered, and the cattle do not seem to have overcome him. The Spirit of God makes a point of the fact that he came back to

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original principles. He came back "to the place of the altar that he had made there at the first. And there Abram called on the name of Jehovah", chapter 13:4. He came back to first principles, but Lot did not come on in his soul, he was damaged in Egypt.

E.G.M. The departure of Abram was a very serious thing for Lot.

J.T. More serious for Lot than for Abram, because Lot was not recovered. What damage may be caused to a weak brother by one who is stronger. You may lead him astray, but you cannot recover him. You may lead him into a false position, but you cannot take him out of it.

W.B-t. Was not Lot confused in his perception, for he could not distinguish between the garden of the Lord and the land of Egypt? He seems to mix them in his mind.

J.T. It is so presented at any rate, "Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of the Jordan, that it was thoroughly watered, before Jehovah had destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah; as the garden of Jehovah, like the land of Egypt, as one goes to Zoar", Genesis 13:10.

A.L. You spoke of Abram coming back to first principles. Is the inference that Lot refused them?

J.T. By his behaviour, a believer gives expression to the progress he had made in his soul through the previous experience. It does not appear here that Abram made any headway spiritually whilst he was in Egypt, but it is quite evident that having returned, he had lost nothing. That is, he comes back to the point of departure and begins over again. It says in chapter 12, verse 8, "there he built an altar to Jehovah, and called on the name of Jehovah". Then in chapter 13, verse 4 it says, he "called on the name of Jehovah"; the same expression. There is no indication that he had made any headway since the time he builded that

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altar, but then he is recovered. It is, as far as I understand it, that he has come back in his soul to the point he had left, and that is what I think you might call complete recovery; that one has not carried back any of the principles of the country into which he departed. I believe, that in our day this truth is most important, because generally speaking there has not been complete recovery. Certain principles of the world, which the saints have acquired, have been brought back and mixed with first principles. Would you say that?

H.G. Yes. You see at the beginning of chapter 13, that Abram's journeys take him back to Bethel, unto the place of the altar which he had there at the first.

J.T. It is quite evident that he advanced at Hebron. "Then Abram moved [his] tents, and came and dwelt by the oaks of Mamre, which are in Hebron", chapter 13:18. I refer to it, because it indicates a certain stability reached in connection with the purposes of God. He takes up his dwelling place in Hebron. Was that what you had in mind?

H.G. I thought there had been surrender on his part. He lets Lot have his choice and then God gives him His choice, and the result is he gets enlargement and dwells in the plain of Mamre, in Hebron; we may remember that Hebron is the point Caleb took from the hands of the Anakims. It is the heavenly position and he was there on a decidedly higher platform than that he had been on before. It indicates the measure in which the man knew God.

J.T. Not only was he recovered from Egypt, but got on to that which was before the world, Hebron being builded before Zoan in Egypt. It seems to me that he made distinct spiritual headway. You might say he was in Colossians. Bethel would not go beyond Romans, I suppose, the revelation of God;

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God made known, a great point surely, but Colossians we may say, is that which was "before the ages for our glory", 1 Corinthians 2:7. Abram lived there typically; in other words, in heavenly associations, as you say.

W.B-t. In chapter 16 Hagar is spoken of as being an Egyptian. Would it indicate that Sarai came under the influence of Egypt in any way?

J.T. It is very likely. She had this Egyptian handmaid.

W.B-t. While Abram seems to have been entirely recovered, I was wondering about Sarai, because Hagar comes in in connection with Sarai and makes a good deal of trouble for Abram.

J.T. Maternal instincts and exercise associated with Egypt cannot produce anything but evil. Her maternal instincts were associated with Egypt. I think that is quite clear.

G.A.T. How would you apply that today?

J.T. It is the principle of admixture, a godly father, and a worldly mother. It is that which has resulted in Christendom. The right idea in the father is presented, but the mother is all wrong. The system which gives birth to the children is of the world.

W.B-s. It makes a wild man.

J.T. Yes. "A wild-ass of a man", chapter 16:12.

E.G.M. You spoke about Abram being brought back and recovery by the brother. Abram was recovered to Bethel. Lot came back positionally, but not in his soul. How do you correct that?

J.T. The question is whether Lot was ever really recovered; that is, really recovered to heavenly ground. He was "saved, but so as through [the] fire" (1 Corinthians 3:15), at the end, but Abram pursued the line of recovery. I mean this chapter shows he had his brother in his heart. That is the thing. You cannot really produce anything in his soul; but there are certain means by which a brother may help another.

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E.G.M. You seek to recover your brother, but do not go on with him?

J.T. Abram dwelt in the plain of Mamre, in Hebron, where he built an altar. Now that altar would denote, that he was coming on to the knowledge, not only of God, but of God's purpose. I think he had light as to God's purpose and he dwelt there, and he dwelt there at the time the war broke out; it was a "world war", you might say. It was not a local war between two nations, but a war of the nations grouped under two heads. Abram is apart in his own dwelling place, as it says, and someone came and told him. He was not versed in what was going on. "He dwelt by the oaks of Mamre the Amorite, the brother of Eshcol, and the brother of Aner. And these were Abram's allies". That is, there is a distinct group here in connection with Abram which he dominates, and the word brother is there both in regard to confederacy and in regard of Abram's affections.

H.G. Abram was called for the first time "the Hebrew" and he is in perfect correspondence with the heavenly man.

J.T. The word Hebrew here is really of spiritual import, whereas the word Hebrews as used by king Saul in 1 Samuel 13:3, was natural. He used it as the Philistines would use it, but here "Abram, the Hebrew" suggests, I believe, one belonging to another land, a stranger here.

H.G. It is also remarkable, that it says the victorious kings took "Abram's brother's son", but in connection with recovery, Abram recovered "his brother", not his "brother's son", which is still upon the spiritual line.

B.T.F. Would Abram be a picture of a man who had entered into the heavenly position and appreciated fully the depths to which Lot was in danger of falling?

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J.T. He made distinct headway by dwelling in Hebron. He reached the purpose of God typically.

W.B-t. What you say about the three groups is very interesting. I think we have all noticed the two groups and have rather isolated Abram. I notice in verse 7, that the Amorites that dwelt in Hazazon-Tamar had been smitten, whereas these three men that were confederate with Abram were Amorites and seem to have been safe.

J.T. It seems as if everything spiritually, depended on Abram's confederacy. Certainly safety is dependent on what corresponds with it in our day; that is, Christian fellowship and all connected with it.

E.G.M. When Abram starts out to recover Lot he takes only those trained in his own household.

Ques. Why do you think at a later period in the history of the people Egypt is seen as a refuge for the child Jesus.

J.T. It was the fulfilment of prophecy. Israel had gone down there. It was a refuge on account of the famine. Jacob evidently had great reluctance in going down, but the Lord appears to him at Beer-sheba and says, "I am God, the God of thy father: fear not to go down to Egypt", Genesis 46:3. In going down to Egypt Jacob was to be assured that God was everything; and that typically, all was secured in Isaac (Christ) the risen Man. Besides this, Joseph was there. The Lord Jesus in going down into Egypt fulfils the prophecy, "Out of Egypt have I called my son", Matthew 2:15. He had called Israel out before, saying to Pharaoh that He must have His son; the history of Israel is taken up in the Messiah, and so He is called out of Egypt.

W.C.R. So He would be perfectly sympathetic with what they had gone through; all their sufferings?

J.T. "In all their affliction he was afflicted", Isaiah 63:9.

W.J.Y. How would you apply the thought of confederacy to us today; that is, distinguishing

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between the household of faith, and that which is confederate with it?

J.T. I suppose it would be fellowship. There is a good deal said today, you know, by the Government as regards organisation. Christianity is an organism, and involves certainly the most perfect organisation that one can conceive. It is a unity, operated by power, the power of the Spirit, and controlled by divine order, "for God is not [a God] of disorder but of peace", 1 Corinthians 14:33. It is really a perfect organisation in a spiritual sense. It says here that "they were confederate (Lit. 'Masters of covenant' ) with Abram" not he with them. In that way, they would come under his wing.

H.G. As Paul and his company on the way to Rome.

J.T. Yes, quite. It was said to him, "God has granted to thee all those that sail with thee", Acts 27:24. God gave them to him. I suppose in that way God includes in his care what comes under faith, like a household.

J.E.N. If it were not for the man of faith the organisation you speak of would fail.

J.T. It is sustained by faith. This is the dispensation of faith.

W.J.Y. Referring to that which was confederate with Abram, would you define it this way, that there is safety in keeping company with that which is spiritual?

J.T. I think that is very clear. The principle may be worked out in a great many ways. You may see it in a man's household, and I believe a district is helped by the presence in it of men of faith. I am only applying the principle. I do not say that is what is seen here, but the presence of Christians, people of faith, in a country brings down divine care there. I only refer to these things to show what a wonderful thing it is to have faith,

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to "believe God" as Paul says, Acts 27 25. Our brother called attention to what Abram had. It says, he had "trained [servants], born in his house, three hundred and eighteen",. There is the first point, I think, in regard to recovery; that for conflict he had trained servants born in his own house. They would in that way belong to the household of faith, and these come under special care.

E.G.M. Would you say the first workings of recovery would be seen in a man's own house?

J.T. No doubt, but the idea of a man's house widens out in Christianity to the household of faith, which embraces all those who are of faith; the word trained here is very suggestive.

E.G.M. Trained for war?

J.T. Quite so. We surely cannot escape war. Christianity involves war, but it is to be the "good conflict of faith.", 1 Timothy 6:12. That is the warfare for the trained servants in the household of faith.

E.G.M. Using those weapons which are not carnal?

J.T. Quite. The weapons of these servants are not fleshly, "but powerful according to God to [the] overthrow of strongholds", 2 Corinthians 10:4.

G.A.T. What do you mean by Christianity involving war?

J.T. The expression "the church militant" involves that while the assembly is down here there will be war, so we have to be trained for war. Our struggle is against spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies. Satan marshals his forces to deprive us of our blessings and privileges, so we are to be prepared to contend for these things and hold them. Christians "do not war according to flesh" (2 Corinthians 10:3) as the apostle says.

B.T.F. There is to be war with Amalek; that is war with Satan in the flesh.

J.T. That is Galatians; "the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh", Galatians 5:17. That is

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what you might call the lowest character of Christian conflict, what goes on in a man's own breast; but Ephesian conflict is not that. There the conflict is with spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. The conflict in Ephesians is the way Christians maintain the position that apostolic testimony brought them into. They are to stand in it.

W.B-s. Do Ephesians and Joshua run together in that respect?

J.T. I think so. In Ephesians the Christian is to stand. It says, "For this reason, take [to you] the panoply of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having accomplished all things, to stand" chapter 6:13. The thought, I suppose, is that Paul had taken the territory. The apostles took the territory and the saints are to occupy it.

G.A.T. That is a very important remark. Do you infer that we are expected to maintain the position the apostle has taken?

J.T. Quite, and not to give up any of it. That is, I think, what Ephesians supposes.

W.B-s. Flesh would give way to striving with one another. It is better to give way as brethren.

J.T. When a conflict between brethren is threatened, Abram says to Lot, "I pray thee let there be no contention between me and thee, and between my herdsmen and thy herdsmen, for we are brethren", Genesis 13:8. That is the language of the man of faith, and so Moses says, "Ye are brethren". They should not contend one with another, but it was the man that did his neighbour wrong that thrust Moses from him, Acts 7:26 - 27.

H.G. The contention of the herdmen of Abram and Lot was consequent upon their abundance. One often finds it in connection with ourselves if we are few in number we greatly appreciate each other. We love and there is no trouble, but if there is abundance more grace is called for. It is the herdmen.

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'I am with this man' and 'I am with that man' and that is where the spiritual brother shines. He refuses to become a party to the movement.

J.T. Their substance was great, so that they could not dwell together. That is very serious. Their substance becomes so great, that it adds to each brother so that he feels independent of the other and can get along by himself; it were infinitely better that we remain poor as regards this world's goods than that our riches should interfere with our brotherly relationships one with the other. If means are of any use at all they are to become the occasion of sacrifice.

Ques. Should we have all things in common today?

J.T. Under Paul's administration provision is made for individual possessions. If one had to lay down his means today, to whom could he entrust it? When Barnabas sold his land he confidently laid the proceeds down at the apostles' feet. I suppose they could administer it better than he, and he recognised that, but it would be a question today as to who you could trust with the administration of any means you might have. I think, generally speaking, Paul's instructions would suffice; he says, "But of doing good and communicating [of your substance] be not forgetful, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased", Hebrews 13:16. As having material things one has a means in that way of pleasing God every day.

W.J.Y. The principle would be in accordance with the early part of Acts. That is, he would be dividing his substance.

J.T. Quite.

W.B-t. "Sell what ye possess and give alms", Luke 12:33. I thought in connection with that verse that a man holds what he has for God, and gives alms. The thought is not with him that it is

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private property, but rather that he holds it for the purpose of giving alms.

J.T. We have often spoken together of certain of the Levites who required wagons. I suppose one who has means can afford the wagons whereby these Levites can carry their burden. So long as we hold a right principle in our souls the working out of the details becomes simple. If one is not to be trusted with a few dollars he certainly is not to be trusted with spiritual things, for the spiritual is much greater.

B.T.F. As far as Lot was concerned, what brought him into the place of difficulty was that he went to Sodom, choosing worldly position and associations.

J.T. Quite; so our position is to be apart from the world. Dwelling by the oaks of Mamre we are outside of it all, and known to be such, for Abram is called "a Hebrew" there.

W.C.R. In contrast to Abram dwelling by the oaks of Mamre, it says Lot "pitched tents as far as Sodom" (Genesis 13:12), and then it says, "The people of Sodom were wicked, and great sinners before Jehovah". He seems to have no moral sensibilities. I suppose that is the effect of the false position he took. If you take a false position you lose your moral sensibilities.

J.T. Yes. How solemn that a believer, should drift into such circumstances. The very word Sodomite has been an expression of extreme wickedness ever since.

G.A.T. The evil was not that he had to go through the city, but that he took a place in it.

J.T. Taking a position in the gate of it. When the angels visited him and would have taken him and his household out of the city, he sought to take his sons-in-law with him, but he seemed to them

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as one that mocked. He had no power with his house, with his children.

W.C.R. Then when the men of Sodom came to interview the strangers who came to Lot, he calls them brethren.

W.B-s. Is there any difference between this and Ziklag, where David pursues the enemy and recovers all?

J.T. It is much like it, only here Abram's exercise was to recover his brother. That was what he had in his mind. It says, "he brought back all the property, and brought again his brother Lot and his property, and the women also, and the people". It was complete victory; and it is very interesting to see a man like Abram taking the place of a general and having military servants under him. You would not have thought of it before this. It would not have suggested itself to you, for a Christian does not exhibit anything of a military spirit ordinarily. But when the testimony is touched, or the brethren, then it is that he sets himself to fight.

E.G.M. You infer from that, that a man in the heavenly position, that is, a Christian, is fully qualified to meet any emergency?

J.T. Yes, and he is not taken by surprise. He is ready.

B.T.F. You would say the training corresponds with "Children, obey your parents in [the] Lord", Ephesians 6:1.

J.T. Yes. Every man of faith if he baptises his child has the assembly in view. He has not anything less than that in view for his child, so the household of faith is in that way a place of training.

Ques. The battle was fought at night, was it not?

J.T. Yes. "He divided himself against them, by night, he and his servants".

G.A.T. Do you think a man who has his house in order, as Abram had, is bound to be used in the

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hands of the Spirit for helping and upholding his brethren?

J.T. I think that is evident. Now we come to divine intervention here, the divine sequel. It says, "The king of Sodom went out to meet him after he had returned from smiting Chedorlaomer, and the kings that were with him, into the valley of Shaveh, which is the king's valley. And Melchisedec king of Salem brought out bread and wine. And he was priest of the Most High God. And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the Most High God, possessor of heavens and earth. And blessed be the Most High God, who has delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him the tenth of all", Genesis 14:17 - 20. It seems as if this is God's side. What the saints see now is that all this terrible strife brings into view that God is the possessor of heaven and earth. He is the great Proprietor of the heavens and of the earth. All the boundaries of the nations are determined by the purpose of God. He sets their bounds according to the children of Israel; so that whatever international boundaries may be set, they will all be upset when God comes in. He sets them in relation to the children of Israel. He is the possessor of heaven and earth and puts the assembly in the heavens, and puts Israel upon the earth, and all the nations are subordinated to that. He will set their boundaries. Faith sees that, and Abram, it seems to me, is a model in that way. Abram is not interfering, nor is he concerned except as to his brother.

Rem. God determines "the boundaries of their dwelling", Acts 17:26.

J.T. As being of the household of faith, that ought to enter our hearts, that God will come in. Whatever happens, God will have the last word.

Rem. So if we fight for the fellowship we get the same reward as Abram got.

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J.B. We get the refreshment which will be universal when God asserts His rights as possessor of heaven and earth.

J.T. Melchisedec, priest of the most High God, is also king of Salem. He is king of righteousness, and king of Salem, which is king of peace. The most high God disposes of things according to His sovereignty, peace is coming in, divine peace, but peace based on righteousness. It says, "For this Melchisedec, ... first being interpreted King of righteousness, and then also King of Salem, which is, King of peace", Hebrews 7:1 - 2. So we have here the suggestion of the peace founded on righteousness, which shall be abiding, and all under the direction of Him who is the possessor of heaven and earth.

E.G.M. And the man of faith waits for that.

J.T. We just wait. In the meantime we get the good of the priestly ministration of Christ.

A.L. Melchisedec comes forth here before the test comes to Abram and strengthens him and when the test comes he is able to stand it.

J.T. Yes. The king of Sodom says to him, "Give me the souls". That is the proposal:

"Give me the souls and take the property for thyself". No, Abram was not seeking after the goods at all. He set out for the persons. Faith is not exercised about goods, but about persons. "I do not seek yours, but you"; says Paul, 2 Corinthians 12:14.

H.G. Abram's concern was the brother.

J.T. Satan often lets us have the goods if we abandon the brethren. The king of Sodom says, "Give me the souls and take the property for thyself. And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lifted up my hand to Jehovah, the Most High God, possessor of heavens and earth". What an answer was that! Talk about goods! God is the possessor of heaven and earth, and Abram had lifted up his hand to Him. He said, "if from a thread

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even to a sandal-thong, yes, if of all that is thine, I take [anything] ... ; that thou mayest not say, I have made Abram rich; save only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men that went with me, Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre; let them take their portion". It seems to me one of the finest stands that a Christian can take. In the full light of God, the Lord of heaven and earth, you refuse all. When it is a question of the deliverance of persons you want them alone.

B.T.F. The priest came out at the right moment here, so that Abram had the priestly support he needed in order to enable him to refuse?

J.T. Abram was strengthened to stand the test proposed by the king of Sodom. Those that were confederate with him come in for their reward, rather for their portion. It says, "Save only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men that went with me, Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre, let them take their portion". I suppose he in that way asserts a right principle, that those that take part in the conflict are entitled to certain gain, but as regards himself, he is on other ground. Like Paul I suppose, he has no thought for anything but for the testimony. Paul maintains that those who serve in the gospel should live of it, as a principle, as a right, but as regards himself he was speaking only of the testimony, not his rights.

G.W.H. The great move seems to be from Bethel to Mamre. That is where the increase came in. Would that be from Romans to Colossians?

J.T. I think so. The spiritual increase. Colossians suggests what was before the world, before Egypt.

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Genesis 17; Genesis 18:1 - 8

J.T. I think the twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth chapters of Genesis form one group; and then the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth chapters, as determining the heir and who was to be the mother of the heir, form another group. This comes in on the maternal line. The maternal question is important; that is, who was to be the mother, and it is in that connection you get the revelation or announcement, that God is almighty.

W.C.R. Why do you say the maternal thought is important; is it as suggesting influence?

J.T. Yes; and motherly care and nurture. There is a reference to it in the epistle to the Galatians; there we learn who our mother is. Sarai had associated the maternal thought with what was of Egypt, and the result was disastrous. So the subject before us is a very important part of the truth.

B.T.P. You have in this section the child of promise indicated in a marked way.

J.T. Yes, and who the mother of the child should be.

G.W.H. Why is the covenant so prominent here?

J.T. I think it refers to what God would do. It was His covenant and was unconditional. "I will establish my covenant between me and thee, and thy seed after thee in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be a God to thee, and to thy seed after thee. And I give to thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land of thy sojourning, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be a God to them", chapter 17:7 - 8. It is, I think, to bring in what God accomplishes of Himself.

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W.B-s. It reminds you a little of Exodus 6 where you get I will seven times.

W.J.Y. In speaking of the maternal idea, do you mean the system under which God carries out His purposes?

J.T. Yes, that is the thought in it. I have in mind the epistle to the Galatians, in which we have the development of what is maternal. It is a feature of the truth that perhaps is not much attended to. Abroad in Christendom it certainly is not known at all. The paternal side is clear enough, perhaps, but not the maternal side.

H.G. "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband [also], and he praiseth her", Proverbs 31:28. Is that the idea?

J.T. Yes. You are quoting from Proverbs 31.

W.B-t. Galatians 4 speaks of two covenants, expressed in Hagar and Sarah.

B.T.F. Referring to Galatians, is the thought in your mind that "the Jerusalem above ... is our mother"? Galatians 4:26.

J.T. Sarai here shows by her suggestion that she had not really judged Egypt. She introduced an Egyptian maid in connection with the maternal thought, which ended in disaster. The product ever after was a detriment to the testimony, although recognised of God, and indeed, blessed of Him on account of Abram. This shows the importance of having a right mother.

W.C.R. Abram fell under that influence too more or less. He said, "Oh that Ishmael might live before thee". He was evidently not clear about it.

J.T. Quite so; he did not fully judge what had happened. In chapter 15 the Lord says, "This shall not be thine heir; but he that will come forth out of thy body shall be thine heir". This brings in the paternal side, but in chapter 17 the point is not simply that it is to be Abram's son.

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God says, "[As to] Sarai, thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name. And I will bless her, and I will give thee a son also of her; and I will bless her, and she shall become nations; kings of peoples shall be of her". And then Abram says, "Oh that Ishmael might live before thee!" And God said, "Sarah thy wife, shall indeed bear thee a son; and thou shalt call his name Isaac; and I will establish my covenant with him, for an everlasting covenant, for his seed after him". So the point in chapter 17 is the maternal side, and who is to be the mother of the heir.

L.G.M. What would Ishmael answer to at the present time, in relation to Jerusalem above being our mother?

J.T. Ishmael is the product that is formed of a right father, that is the objective side of the truth; objective truth allied to worldly principles results in what Ishmael typifies. So Christendom today is the product of the objective side of the truth being connected with worldly principles. The doctrine may be right, but the organisation is worldly, it is of the world. It is simply the principles of the world taken over and associated with Christian doctrines. I think that especially applies to what is called Protestantism. The doctrines are, in measure, correct but the system is the world, and the product is a mongrel.

H.G. One is thankful for the constant adjustment of a spiritual ministry which prevents the insidious influences of the world from getting in amongst us, and which would deliver us from them, in order that the proper character of the mother might be maintained. Otherwise children would not be born for the maintenance of the testimony.

J.T. That is the thought. The recovery of the truth of the assembly brought in the right mother. Luther, I suppose, had the father, so to speak, the

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objective side, in that which was of God; God presented manward, but he never reached the mother. I do not think Protestantism has ever reached the idea of the mother according to God.

W.J.Y. Do I understand then, that in the mother thought you have before you the activities of the Spirit?

J.T. The activities of the Spirit in the new system. The mother suggests a new system of things, and the young Christian, or newly converted person, requires that for formation. Hence a believer coming into fellowship gradually becomes instructed in right principles and feelings and sympathies, which he can never acquire in the house of Hagar.

W.J.Y. You would say the Roman Catholics have an idea of the mother, but a corrupted one?

J.T. I think that is just, but we know what her children are. Indeed the very expression is used: "her children will I kill with death" (Revelation 2:23), but the children of Jerusalem above are not killed with death; they live!

H.G. The recovery of the truth brought in the mother, but we need the constant touch of the Spirit that the maternal side may be preserved. Otherwise the testimony would die.

J.T. The truth of the headship of Christ, the assembly in subjection to Christ, and the order that is becoming to the house of God, all have to be insisted on if the maternal principle is to be maintained amongst us.

J.B. It says in Thessalonians, when the apostle was with them he taught them how to walk and please God. And he said further that the Jews who were not pleasing God were contrary to all men, 1 Thessalonians 2:15.

J.T. He was like a nursing father. So in writing to the Galatians he uses a maternal expression, saying that he travailed "in birth until Christ

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shall have been formed in you": not, in me, but "in you". He was travailing for them. They ought to be travailing themselves, so to speak.

J.B. I suppose the Galatians were like Sarai and Abram as seen in Genesis 16.

J.T. The Galatians were like Sarai in that she would bring in an Egyptian element, a bond-slave. That is what Christendom has come to. The system is altogether of the world now.

B.T.F. Why did Abram say; "Oh that Ishmael might live before thee!" Was it on account of the fact that he had become attached to Ishmael as a son?

J.T. Ishmael was tangible. He was there before him, whereas there was no hope of another heir from the natural point of view. It must be on the principle of faith and that necessarily brought in the great subject of the chapter, namely, the power of God. Things must be in that connection, so it says even of Sarah herself, that through faith she received strength to conceive seed, Hebrews 11:11. It must be on that principle.

L.G.M. Sarah was the vessel which God had formed to become the mother of the child of promise.

J.T. She was the vessel, and moreover she was dead as far as nature went, so everything had to be on the ground of faith and the power of God. Paul says "the kingdom of God [is] not in word, but in power" (1 Corinthians 4:20) and his word amongst them was in power. It was "in demonstration of [the] Spirit and of power", 1 Corinthians 2:4. Things must be on that principle amongst us; that is, faith and the power of God.

A.L. So in Galatians it says in regard of the covenant, "God is one". In the old covenant there were two parties. We have nothing to do with it in this case. "God is one" in regard to the promise.

J.T. It depends wholly on God.

A.L. In the covenant with Israel there were two

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parties to it, and a mediator of it. There is no mediator here.

W.B-s. Speaking of Sarah, I understand her name means princess. This corresponds with Jacob's name being changed to Israel, meaning prince.

J.T. Abram's name is changed here. He is now father of a multitude. This also involves divine power, for he could not be a father according to the flesh. Satan also endeavoured to damage Sarai in Egypt, but God protected her there.

G.A.T. I might come in amongst the people of God, and if I have not judged Egypt, be liable to bring its principles with me.

J.T. That is exactly the point. These principles are constantly coming in and if we allow them there will be permanent damage.

H.G. Does not Galatians express the truth in regard to the mother. "Jerusalem above is free, which is our mother". She is regarded as free of every influence. I was thinking in connection with the word you gave us yesterday, "Know that our brother Timotheus is set at liberty" (Hebrews 13:23); that if we are to have free brethren there must be a free mother.

J.T. If we allow in our souls the idea of Plymouth Brethren, to use an illustration, we are in bondage, because that is an element of the world, that is Egyptian. Whereas if we hold to the truth expressed in Matthew 12:48 - 50, Mark 3:33 - 35, Luke 8:19 - 21 and John 20:17, we shall be free brethren. In Matthew those who do the will of His Father are the Lord's brethren; in Mark those who sit around in a circle and listen to Christ, are recognised as His brethren; in Luke those who hear the word of God and do it are so regarded. In John I think we may regard faith in Christ as the Son of God as a distinguishing feature of the brethren. These great principles and characteristics mark off the brethren

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in this world. We are thus free. As the Lord says in Matthew 17:26, "then are the sons free". In that way, we are in keeping with Jerusalem above, and that I believe is one of the most important features of the truth for us.

As already remarked, if you admit an Egyptian element it becomes gradually a dominating principle, and if it is not judged you legalise it. In the addresses to the churches you get the "Nicolaitanes". Their works were hated at Ephesus, but they gradually got a place among the saints, and so in Pergamos their doctrine was accredited, Revelation 2:15. When worldly principles are doctrinised (if I may use this word) they become legalised to those who accept them. I believe that is how Christendom has developed. Hence you get "the doctrine of Balaam", Revelation 2:14. There is nothing said about his prophecies. They were not being treasured alongside his doctrines! They are of great account to the spiritual mind. But his doctrine was what he taught Balak. It was something that Balak should do against the people of God; how he should withstand them; that principle became legalised in the church. Jezebel too taught the Lord's servants to commit fornication and to eat of idol sacrifices. That kind of practice becomes legalised amongst the saints. All that is on the maternal side, and so the end of the professing church is apostasy. It is seen in Jezebel whose children are killed with death. The Lord says, "her children will I kill with death" (Revelation 2:23); this was to the end that all the churches might know that He judges. In this way one sees how things that seem trifling at the outset may soon become dominant and legalised, so that they give character to those who receive them.

Rem. Jezebel is the mother of the Babylonish system.

J.T. She is the mother of harlots and abominations

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of the earth. She has the name of "Mystery, Babylon the Great". As seen in the Lord's address to Thyatira Jezebel is wife and mother, but finally, she throws off all allegiance to a man and says, "I sit a queen, and I am not a widow; and I shall in no wise see grief", Revelation 18:7.

W.B-t. In John 8:30 - 32 we read, "As he spoke these things many believed on him. Jesus therefore said to the Jews who believed him, If ye abide in my word, ye are truly my disciples; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free". Freedom comes from the knowledge of the truth, connected with the work of the Spirit in us.

W.J.Y. Weakness in this connection has been manifest in the presentation of the gospel. It has been presented so much objectively, apart from that which suggests the maternal idea, and there has been great weakness as a consequence.

J.T. Yes; so the gospel and the assembly should go together in the testimony. Peter says, "he has poured out this which ye behold and hear", Acts 2:33. He referred to the effect of the Spirit in the saints, and this involved the truth of the assembly.

W.B-t. I do not quite understand how the subjective goes with the objective; that is, with the gospel in an elementary way. Christ has to be set before a soul in an objective way first; and the subjective comes afterwards.

J.T. Yes; only in the beginning of Romans, for instance, He is declared to be the Son of God with power by resurrection of the dead, and it is according to the spirit of holiness -- the spirit of holiness. Now I suppose we would admit that Romans 1 sets out the gospel as it is presented to the soul, for it is said to be "concerning his Son", Romans 1:3. The "Spirit of holiness" is mentioned; surely that is an element that ought to come into the soul as one believes the testimony. The truth is broken up

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for us, but in the gospel you preach Christ, not only what He has done, but Himself. The elementary feature of the gospel is, that there is a Man presented to the soul who afterwards becomes its Ideal, and that is formative. So the gospel, if rightly presented, is a formative element even when first received. There is the conception of a Man in the soul. In Acts 8:5 it says Philip at Samaria "preached the Christ to them"; then it further says that the eunuch was reading the prophet Esaias; the subject of the passage, (chapter 53), was Jesus, and hence the evangelist, as is stated, "announced the glad tidings of Jesus to him", Acts 8:35. The result was that the eunuch said, "Behold water; what hinders my being baptised?", Acts 8:36. The man had a conception in his soul of what he read and heard. Jesus was henceforth the "hidden man" of his heart undoubtedly.

W.B-t. It is quite remarkable that in this chapter you get circumcision introduced by God and then the mother of the heir comes in. Circumcision is brought in and immediately Sarah is spoken of. That strengthens what you were saying in regard to the subjective side being maternal. Circumcision meant the cutting off of the flesh.

J.T. I think it is very practical. Circumcision is said to have been a seal of the righteousness of faith which Abraham had; it is thus like the Spirit. If one believes the gospel he is sealed. Circumcision is, however, more the effect of the Spirit in the believer.

W.C.R. That would bring in the spirit of holiness you spoke of. Would you say a little more about that?

J.T. The Man presented to me in the gospel has the spirit of holiness. "concerning whom", says the eunuch, "does the prophet say this? of himself or of some other?" It was of the "some other" the prophet spoke, and Philip announced the glad

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tidings of Jesus to him. One can understand how much Philip would have told him about the Lord, what a Man He was; as Peter says how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth "with [the] Holy Spirit and with power; who went through [all quarters] doing good", Acts 10:38. So the eunuch would get into his soul the conception of a Man like that, and hence he says in effect, 'I am prepared to disappear; that Man is to live in my heart'.

W.J.Y. That is subjective.

J.T. Quite; "for he went on his way rejoicing", Acts 8:39. The rejoicing was the product of the light received in his soul.

W.J.Y. I have been thinking a good deal about Christendom, the objective having a place there, but not the subjective, and that was in my mind when I suggested that there had been a difficulty with us on the same lines in connection with the gospel.

J.T. Yes. I believe one ought to bring in the light of the assembly, as essential to the salvation of the soul practically.

B.T.F. Referring to what Philip said to the eunuch about the Lord's life being taken from the earth, no doubt in connection with that the thought of the Sin-bearer was introduced.

J.T. Yes. There can be no doubt that the evangelist presented a full gospel to the eunuch.

W.B-t. Will you say a little more about circumcision being the seal? Is your thought that the flesh in the believer is set aside by the Spirit?

J.T. The Spirit disallows the flesh. "If, by the Spirit, ye put to death the deeds of the body, ye shall live", Romans 8:13. There is an evidence of life. The Spirit is life on account of righteousness; that is subjective. One has the evidence in one's self of righteousness, by the presence of the Spirit.

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W.B-t. You connect the presence of the Spirit in a believer with righteousness?

J.T. Yes; it is the practical evidence of his righteousness before God; "the Spirit life on account of righteousness", Romans 8:10. Life here is in the sense of power, and so corresponds with Genesis 17. One can walk before God and be perfect by the power of the Spirit only. Paul says, "We are the circumcision, who worship by [the] Spirit of God, and boast in Christ Jesus, and do not trust in flesh", Philippians 3:3.

E.G.M. In connection with the teaching of circumcision God's power was manifested in bringing in the right kind of man in Isaac. This is seen in what was said to Sarah as much as in what was said to Abraham. The mother as well as the father is energised by the power of God.

J.T. Yes, so it is shown later in this history that Sarah was particular as to the influences surrounding Isaac. After he is weaned the mocking son has to be cast out. He is allowed to remain until he shows his spirit and character.

G.A.T. And it is through her influence he is cast out.

J.T. Exactly. Abraham would have retained him. She had learned a lesson; I believe she received the maternal idea from God. A good deal is said here by Jehovah of what was personal to Sarah.

G.A.T. So if I come under the influence of the assembly, that influence will result in formation.

J.T. Directly you apprehend and recognise the assembly in its spiritual and heavenly character, you are on the maternal line.

E.G.M. Do you not think, that much of our failure lies in the lack of apprehension of what is presented in Sarah?

J.T. Yes. If we get the truth of the assembly in our souls we want to promote it locally, because

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there are young people coming along, and we want to have the principle of the free woman, constantly maintained in the circle of the saints. It is a question of life, of the power of God working in the saints. It works out practically in a brother in the way he cares for the saints, attends the meetings and contributes to them.

E.G.M. It is not so much my attendance at the meetings, though essential, but what effect my attendance has on the meetings.

J.T. What you contribute, the spirit in which you are there. If we all have that before us, the characteristics of the assembly are maintained, and young people coming in get right motherly influence.

G.A.T. We see this in Sarah, she sees Isaac as the heir, one in whose hands the testimony is to be, and so protects him from damaging influences. We see the young coming along and we older ones ought to seek to be in the good of the assembly and that we would protect them.

J.T. That is it. We want to protect them. You have your own enjoyment too.

G.A.T. So instead of causing them concern on account of our walk we should be exercised so as to set a right example before them.

J.T. Sarah is a model as seen here. She was a woman of faith. In Hebrews 11:11 - 12 it says, "By faith also Sarah herself received strength for [the] conception of seed, and [that] beyond a seasonable age; since she counted him faithful who promised. Wherefore also there have been born of one, and that of one become dead, even as the stars of heaven in multitude, and as the countless sand which [is] by the sea shore". Peter also speaks of her as a model for others. Thus Sarah is signalised in the New Testament.

G.A.T. Would you mind saying a word about Abraham's request here? Why should he, having such light, pray to God to have Ishmael remain in

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His presence? He also circumcises Ishmael. If a child after the flesh why should Abraham so long to have him before Him?

J.T. It indicates that he was not up to the light presented to him.

L.G.M. Would you say he was viewing Ishmael according to the natural relationship?

J.T. As remarked a while ago, Ishmael was tangible, whereas Isaac was still only in promise. We naturally cling to what is visible.

G.A.T. Why does he circumcise all his house, even the servants?

J.T. Circumcision as a principle must apply to all in a believer's household. It is the negation of the flesh. But the point is, who is to be the mother of the heir? It was not only that Abraham was to be the father, but who was to be the mother? Abraham was just as much the father of Ishmael as he was the father of Isaac; the important point here is the mother.

E.G.M. So when Abraham implores God that Ishmael might live before Him, God immediately turns and says, "Sarah, thy wife shall indeed bear thee a son".

H.G. Sarah's voice in a certain way suggests the voice of the Spirit in the assembly; we are to have an ear to hear what the Spirit says. Jehovah enjoined Abraham to hearken to her voice in regard to Ishmael, Genesis 21:12.

J.T. So the Spirit is occupied for the moment with what is suitable to the present time. Abraham as a type extends to other dispensations, because the objective side goes on, but the Holy Spirit is here now in a peculiar manner, in a manner different from that of any other dispensation, and so asserts His rights. I think, that Sarah in this connection, represents the assembly principle maintained in the energy of the Spirit. This, I believe, is what the

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Lord is pressing continuously, that the assembly, the light and the privileges of it, should be maintained amongst the saints.

In chapter 18 there is an element of education for both Abraham and Sarah in regard of Isaac. The men came to Abraham, "And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold, in the tent. And he said, I will certainly return to thee at [this] time of the year, and behold, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah was listening at the tent-door, which was behind him. Now Abraham and Sarah were old [and] advanced in age: it had ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. And Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am become old, shall I have pleasure, and my lord old? And Jehovah said to Abraham, Why is this, that Sarah laughs, saying, Shall I indeed bear, when I am become old? Is [any] matter too wonderful for Jehovah? At the time appointed I will return to thee, at [this] time of the year, and Sarah shall have a son. And Sarah denied, saying, I did not laugh; for she was afraid. And he said, No; but thou didst laugh".

J.B. And as a result of that education she counts Him faithful that had promised.

J.T. Quite. According to the Spirit's comment in Hebrews she had faith in regard to it and so she became eventually the suitable mother for Isaac.

G.A.T. She could not have had faith in introducing Hagar.

J.T. In chapter 17 she was governed by Egyptian principles, for that is the sure accompaniment of the want of faith in God. You go back to Egypt, which is the resource of the flesh, and bring in something to carry out a right thought. You may have a right desire, but carry it out in a wrong way, and the result is confusion.

W.C.R. The faith of parents evidently affects

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the child; the faith of Moses' parents affected him afterwards. His mother nursed him; indeed we may say she baptised him, for in after years, he identified himself with the people of God.

J.T. So when Sarah said, "Cast out this handmaid and her son" (Genesis 21:10) that was virtually admitting that she had been wrong herself. She had judged what she had done and is now clear of Egyptian principles; she says, he "shall not inherit with my son". She is now completely in accord with the mind of God.

O.J.O. Why did Sarah laugh?

J.T. I am not disposed to condemn the laugh, because it is right if spiritual; only there seems to be an element of unbelief in the two laughs here; chapter 18:17; 18:12, and yet the Spirit of God turns them into a spiritual thought, for Isaac signifies laughter. Compare, Psalm 126:2. If we can lay hold of this one thought in our reading, that there is such a thing in the truth as the maternal idea, and that it has to be cherished and devotedly preserved amongst us, great gain will accrue.

G.A.T. I can see it is a good thought, but for myself I question if I have the real meaning of it in my soul.

J.T. It takes this form, that you get light as to the assembly's relation to Christ. The assembly is subject to Christ. The assembly is formed of the saints, and the principle of subjection to Christ should thus be maintained amongst them. Then there is the heavenly calling; the calling of the assembly is heavenly; it belongs to heaven. That is an element of light in the soul: "such as the heavenly [one], such also the heavenly [ones]", 1 Corinthians 15:48. We are here in that heavenly light, which includes sonship. This promotes freedom amongst the saints. All works out practically through our being together. There is a word in Hebrews which has come to me

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very forcibly of late, "not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the custom [is] with some; but encouraging [one another], and by so much the more as ye see the day drawing near", Hebrews 10:25. That has encouraged me to believe that the Christian through current events sees the day approaching, and as he sees it, he repairs to the company of the saints, covets it, and as there, is exercised about maintaining the order becoming to the house of God. So the maternal spirit in that way is preserved amongst us.

W.C.R. In Timothy you get Paul's exercise as to the continuance of the testimony, and this would involve the maternal side.

J.T. I think the letters to the Thessalonians coupled with that to the Galatians furnish us with the maternal spirit in the apostle. In 1 Thessalonians he speaks of himself like as a nurse cherishing her own children.

W.C.R. You would look forward to things continuing on the ground of responsibility, if the Lord leaves the saints here.

J.T. You want to have the younger ones brought up under the right influence.

E.G.M. Is the maternal idea in Galatians 4:19, "my children, of whom I again travail in birth until Christ shall have been formed in you"?

J.T. Yes, that is what I have been referring to.

E.G.M. The coming together, as you referred to it in Hebrews, is not simply the maintaining of right principles, which you get in the father, but to rear up each other in the maternal idea, so that Christ is formed in us.

J.T. In Proverbs 31:10 you find the principle in a remarkable way in the "woman of worth?" whose "price is far above rubies". Great profit will result from prayerfully reading verses 10 to 31 of the chapter.

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W.B-t. The passage is a remarkable picture of the assembly.

J.T. It is. It presents the true maternal idea, not in the sense of conception and bearing, but in the sense of bringing up and providing for children and the household.

J.A.R. How do you apply that? Would it apply to an individual?

J.T. It works out in the way we care for one another. We care for one another in the light of the assembly. That is what you have in view in regard of each believer you meet with and seek to help.

J.A.R. If that is the case, it is an important thing that we be present at all the meetings, care meetings and all the meetings, because we are responsible in that connection.

J.T. Yes.

H.G. In Genesis 18 Abraham is at leisure and free to receive a divine visitation, his wife apparently in sympathy with him. It suggests the two sides, the objective side in the husband and the subjective in the wife, forming a suitable atmosphere for the Lord to draw near to.

Rem. You get the spirit of that in the previous chapter, where Abraham takes account of God's rights and judgment of the flesh; where that stand is taken God is sure to come in.

J.T. It shows the heavenly position of the man too. "And Jehovah appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre". Chapter 13:18 tells us, that he dwelt there, and God visited him there, as if to honour and confirm him in the promise of a son. It is really the truth of Colossians. His dwelling associations are in Hebron, that is where he lives, and he is there in a tent. It says, "he sat at the tent-door in the heat of the day; and he lifted up his eyes and saw, and behold, three men standing near him".

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The word men is dropped in chapter 19:1, in the visitation to Lot; "two angels" visited him, whereas "three men" visited Abraham.

G.A.T. Would you say that was on account of where both men were sitting ? One sat in the tent door and the other in the gate of Sodom.

J.T. I think God is honouring Abraham in taking this form, in drawing near to him in the form of a man, as if to say that it was a question of mutual enjoyment rather than communications. The coming of the "three men" would denote that there was mutuality in view. It is not official. There is no distance suggested, nor disparity between the three men and Abraham. There is; as it were, a common platform, all, I think, based on the progress that Abraham had made, and the environment in which he was. In other words, he is on heavenly ground in his soul, so that the appearing is in this form. It is what we enjoy, you might say, as the companions of Christ. It says, "when he saw [them], he ran to meet them from the tent-door, and bowed himself to the earth, and said, Lord, if now I have found favour in thine eyes sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant. Let now a little water be fetched, that ye may wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. And I will fetch a morsel of bread; and refresh yourselves; after that ye shall pass on; for therefore have ye passed on towards your servant. And they said (notice not"the Lord said"but" they said"), So do, as thou hast said". It seems to me that there is a reference to mutuality. The Lord, in a personal sense, is not prominent until afterwards, although Abraham respects and reverences Him.

H.G. I was wondering if the thought you refer to is on the same line as "Be not forgetful of hospitality"; the spirit of hospitality is very evident.

J.T. Yes. Abraham had advanced, and is here

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typically outside the world, corresponding with a heavenly position; it is on heavenly ground that the Lord is pleased to be with us. So you see He is pleased to be as one of three men, not "the Lord and two others" simply. Whilst the faith and piety of Abraham led him to recognise and respect the Lord, yet it says they were entertained by him. "They said, So do as thou hast said". There was mutuality. The Lord is, as it were, merged in the company. To my mind it is a most touching scene, and all the result of the progress that the heavenly man has made in his soul, and his wife as well, and his young men. We may say they were all in accord with the great privilege accorded them.

G.W.H. Is it near to John 20?

J.T. Very near, but not quite as far. It is in Hebron, not Jerusalem yet. It is a question of what is before the world, what God has ordained before the world. That is the thought of Hebron; "that hidden [wisdom], which God had predetermined before the ages for our glory", 1 Corinthians 2:7.

J.A.R. I notice in verse 10 it reads, "and he said". Before that it was "they said".

L.G.M. The Lord Jesus says in John's gospel, "Abraham exulted in that he should see my day", John 8:56.

J.T. I think He refers there to the weaning of Isaac, when Christ typically obtains His place in the house, Genesis 21:8.

W.C.R. As to the visitation, will you open that up a little more, the mutuality and the preparedness?

J.T. You see everything is ready. "They said, So do as thou hast said", and then it says, "Abraham hastened into the tent to Sarah, and said, Knead quickly three seahs of wheaten flour and make cakes. And Abraham ran to the herd, and took a calf tender and good, and gave [it] to the attendant; and he hasted to dress it. And he took thick and sweet

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milk, and the calf that he had dressed, and set [it] before them; and he stood before them under the tree, and they ate". That is the record we have.

G.A.T. Would you say we get the idea in that of a man who gives himself, his wife, his home, his services and his possessions? They are all at the disposal of the Lord.

J.T. They all appear to be equal to the position they are in, and there is no evidence of surprise on Abraham's part in the appearing of the three men to him.

W.C.R. He is equal to the occasion; he knows how to act.

J.T. Exactly. He is governed by the principles that govern the position.

W.C.R. How does that work out for us? Do we not have visitations?

J.T. I think we do, on this ground. John 14 shows us the ground on which we get visitations from the Father and Son. The Spirit is already here. In connection with what we were saying in regard to the three men, the Spirit is already here, He abides with us for ever, and the Father and Son come. I think visitations are always conditional; would you say that?

H.G. I was just going to quote John 14 as suggesting it. You get elements which ought to mark the Christian circle in connection with what Abraham provides. I mean there is water for feet washing and there was rest under a tree, he himself knew what it meant to find rest from the heat of the day; and there was the morsel of bread and comfort for their hearts; "after that ye shall pass on". The whole thing is in such modesty; He says, "a little water" and "a morsel of bread". It suggests, "thou hast a little power, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name", Revelation 3:8. Yet all the elements are there which the Lord would look for and value;

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found in a circle where there has been the maintenance in integrity of divine principles. Here you not only have the objective idea, but also the subjective: Sarah is in full sympathy with her husband and has her part in preparing the feast for the divine Visitors.

W.C.R. Do we often find ourselves not at home in the Lord's presence? Abraham seemed to be perfectly at home.

J.T. As you said, he knew what to do. Of course, you do not look for haste, for things to be done in a hurry amongst us, but the idea of haste here is that it needed to be done at once; there is no need for delay when it is known what is to be done. Abraham shines here in this way.

Ques. Would you not get encouragement here to be hospitable towards the Lord's people? Scripture tells us, that we should use hospitality, for in this service others entertained angels unawares.

J.T. Yes, but there is more than that here. It was the Lord Himself, as we have been dwelling upon it; and this shows the importance of being prepared for a divine visitation; the Father and Son come to us. How it behoves us therefore to be ever, as to the state of our souls, on the heavenly platform so that there may be no surprise.

G.A.T. This chapter very often challenges me in this way; when it comes to contributing to the Lord I am liable to think anything will do, as little as I can give, but with Abraham the very best he had he gave. And so the women in Luke 8 ministered to Him of their substance.

J.T. You will observe there is nothing said here about unleavened bread, whereas in Lot's case there is. It is to his credit too, but the idea of unleavened bread is not necessary here. It will not be necessary in heaven. There is no element of evil there, nor is it where our souls are on heavenly ground. Evil is judged. Would you say that?

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H.G. Yes.

W.C.R. Is that the reason Lot provided it, because he was not on heavenly ground?

J.T. He was in wrong associations and there could be no contact with him without unleavened bread, without the judgment of evil. We must always maintain the judgment of sin.

A.R. Is this a picture of what we get in John 12:2? "There therefore they made him a supper".

J.T. Very much like it.

B.T.F. The cakes were to be made of fine meal.

J.T. It suggests, I think, the place Christ's humanity has in such a scene.

J.B. In John 14 the Lord tells His disciples that if He goes away He will come again unto them. Then he says, "If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, that I go to the Father: for [my] Father is greater than I", John 14:28. Is the thought there, that He was coming again to them and He tells them before He goes away? I suppose it sets us at ease in regard of His coming to us.

J.T. Yes.

W.C.R. Our brother raised the question of this being a picture of John 20.

J.T. It is akin to it, only it is at Hebron here, as was stated. This takes place by the oaks of Mamre. I think John 20 is Jerusalem more, if you understand me. It is the full position of the saints in the counsel of God, the heavenly position, and the ascended One breathing into them in that setting.

H.G. Then, as you said, the Lord merges Himself with the company; so room is made for men. What I mean is that it would suggest the sphere where heavenly men might find a welcome, and that is what ought to mark us. We ought to be heavenly men. It is not only that the Lord has gone up, but there should be heavenly men here.

J.T. That is what the breathing means in John 20.

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The Lord breathed into them so that they were constituted men like Himself.

A.L. I suppose when we come to what you speak of as heavenly ground we have to do with divine Persons. Would Abraham not set that forth?

J.T. I think he does.

A.L. You were saying a moment ago that we know them. It is remarkable that in John 14 we are said to know the Spirit even. It is said we know Him. It is a remarkable statement.

W.B-s. Is there not a greater thought in Christianity than what is indicated here? Here it is a visitation, but there is the thought of God dwelling.

J.T. That, I think, is Ephesians. You do not get the idea of God dwelling in the saints developed in Colossians. Colossians is merely on the way, and so here it is simply a visit. Ephesians is final; the assembly is there viewed as the habitation of God by the Spirit. There is nothing beyond the assembly as to the creature, "to him be glory in the assembly in Christ Jesus unto all generations of the age of ages", Ephesians 3:21. It is finality.

A.L. In John 14 20 we read, "In that day ye shall know that I [am] in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you".

J.T. That refers to Christianity; "that day" would be the Spirit's day.

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Genesis 22

J.B. What is the thought connected with the weaning of Isaac?

J.T. I suppose it is the soul being made independent of the natural source of supply, but typically, I think it would refer to the Lord as independent of Israel; that is, viewed as entirely in the light of His own person.

E.G.M. Why should this come in as a test to Abraham now?

J.T. The trial of our faith is "much more precious than of gold which perishes", 1 Peter 1:7. God has pleasure in putting faith to the test and the evidences of it are in the test. This, I suppose, is the supreme evidence of Abraham's faith. We are really being led, as you might say, out of the world in these chapters, one step after the other. It is well to remember that word, "who walk in the steps of the faith, during uncircumcision, of our father Abraham", Romans 4:12. There are steps of it; one after another, these lead us outside of the world. Colossians takes us out, although one can scarcely say it takes us in.

E.G.M. You mean that in Colossians you are delivered from the rudiments of the world, but Ephesians brings you into Canaan.

J.T. Ephesians presents the believer as seated down in the heavenlies in Christ.

Ques. The literal offering up of sacrifices to God has nothing to do with the Christian, has it?

J.T. This is much more than that. The references to these incidents in the New Testament give light. What is said about this one is, "By faith, Abraham, [when] tried, offered up Isaac, and he who had received to himself the promises offered up his only begotten [son], as to whom it had been said, In Isaac shall thy seed be called: counting that God [was] able to

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raise [him] even from among [the] dead, whence also he received him in a figure", Hebrews 11:17 - 19. It was the giving up of the promised seed, hence a supreme test of faith.

There are points to be noted in chapters 18 and 19 that help to bring Abraham's position into greater relief as heavenly. He is the depository of the mind of God in regard to the judgment of the world. In chapter 18 it is said, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing? Since Abraham shall indeed become a great and mighty nation; and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him. For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of Jehovah, to do righteousness and justice". "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing?" That is a point to be noted. Before passing on to chapters 21 and 22 it is important to note the position that Abraham occupied in regard of what God was doing on the earth. He was about to come in in judgment and Abraham was to be made the depository of His purpose in this respect.

E.G.M. How do you connect that with the assembly?

J.T. The assembly is, as has been said, the confidante of God. God has disclosed to her His thoughts as regards what He is doing. Now what God is doing is of great importance to us. He always acts in any given dispensation in keeping with that dispensation; here the time for judgment had arrived and so the light of it is not withheld from Abraham. He was to be in the secret of it. I think it is well to bear in mind that what God is doing is in keeping with the dispensation. When the time of judgment arrives the dispensation shall have changed. It shall be no longer what it is now. It is not the time for judgment yet, so that one must not interpret what is going on in the world in the

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light of judgment. However terrible the events, God is over-ruling them for the furtherance of His own work of grace.

H.G. You say it is not judgment?

J.T. No, but more in order that men should turn to God and be saved. So you do not look for the literal fulfilment of prophetic events or prophetic things; such things belong to another dispensation strictly.

H.G. In regard of our brother's question, how should we pray now? How would the intercessory spirit find an intelligent outlet from us as in keeping with what we get here? Abraham seems to pray in view of the godly element that was in Sodom. He begins with fifty and stops with ten.

J.T. You will notice he does not refer to anyone in Sodom as his brother. It is not the brotherly spirit that comes into evidence here. It is rather a question of what is due to God. "And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also cause the righteous to perish with the wicked? There are perhaps fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not forgive the place for the sake of the fifty righteous that are therein?", Genesis 18:23 - 24. He has in mind that the Lord would forego the judgment in view of the presence of fifty righteous persons, not here fifty brethren. And the Lord said that He would. "And Jehovah said, If I find at Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will forgive all the place for their sakes". So we have here, I think, a principle that the righteous become a protection against judgment.

H.G. But are the righteous not brethren?

J.T. No doubt, but you see righteousness refers to God; the brother refers to you. It is your brother, but a righteous man is of very great value in God's eyes, so that the Spirit is given to us on account of that.

H.G. So Lot is called in 2 Peter just or righteous.

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J.T. He was that. "through seeing and hearing", he "tormented [his] righteous soul day after day" and God had respect for this. He was saved out of Sodom's overthrow. Had there been ten like him the Lord would have spared Sodom, so it is a question now as to how many righteous there are. That is what God takes account of -- the number of righteous persons that there are; and would we not like to see the number multiplied? A righteous man is rare, and is of great value in God's account. We are to follow righteousness, 2 Timothy 2:22. The traits of brethren are outlined in the gospels: they do the will of God, keep His word, but Abraham says nothing about his brother here. He is thinking now of what is due to God in view of judgment. The judgment is averted by righteousness.

W.C.R. Righteousness seems to have a peculiar place. "[The] fervent supplication of the righteous [man] has much power", James 5:16. God takes account of it.

J.T. That is quite in keeping with what we are considering. It is the value of a righteous man.

H.G. The Lord's eyes are said to be over the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers. Peter indicates that none can harm the righteous.

J.T. Peter is on the line of the government of God, and makes much of practical righteousness.

H.G. You said righteous men were very few.

J.T. It seems to me, that it becomes a question for us as to whether we are righteous.

H.G. What constitutes a righteous man?

J.T. I think it is one who submits to the righteousness of God, the righteous requirements of God. "The righteous requirement of the law should be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to flesh but according to Spirit", Romans 8:4. That is one thought in righteousness, another is that you "present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God,

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[which is] your intelligent service", Romans 12:1. It is due to God. Romans sets before us what practical righteousness is. So love in its varied workings in the saints is righteousness.

G.A.T. Is it not the platform upon which God comes to us first?

J.T. Yes, grace reigns through righteousness, from God to us, and we yield righteousness by the Spirit, so the Spirit is given on account of righteousness. The Spirit is "life on account of righteousness", Romans 8:10.

G.A.T. If we go back to the commencement, when we had to do with God first, He came out in love on the ground of righteousness. Righteousness is the first principle, is it not?

J.T. Yes, He must be just and the Justifier of him that believeth in Jesus, and we submit to the righteousness of God; but then there is a yield of righteousness for God, so that Christians are practically righteous. Hence John says, "If ye know that he is righteous, know that every one who practices righteousness is begotten of him", 1 John 2:29. God is looking for those who practise righteousness, and that is by the Spirit.

W.B-t. I am very thankful for this, because in a way the future of the world hinges on it, as I gather from what you say.

J.T. Yes, I think so. God has respect for the areas in which there are righteous persons.

W.B-s. It is like the salt, a preserving power.

E.G.M. If that is so, and the righteous are found in the assembly, how do you make the statement fit in, that because He could not find ten righteous, judgment was bound to come?

J.T. I should say that God is sovereign in judgment, as in love. We cannot restrict God to conditions here, but there is the fact stated that for the sake of fifty righteous, and even less, He said He would spare Sodom.

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W.B-s. Is it rather than God looks for a basis on which to act? If there is righteousness in a place, it is the work of the Spirit of God in men, and God takes account of it in a governmental way.

J.T. Yes. The righteous in that way become a protection against judgment. Of course, God is sovereign in His actions, as already stated.

J.B. In chapter 19:22 the angel says to Lot: "Haste, escape thither; for I cannot do anything until thou art come there". Lot, the righteous man, had to be taken out.

J.T. Quite.

W.B-s. The righteous man suffers for righteousness now, like Joseph. This is seen in Peter's epistles.

J.T. The righteous suffer, but they come under protection. As quoted already, "[the] eyes of [the] Lord [are] on [the] righteous, and his ears towards their supplications", 1 Peter 3:12.

W.B-s. John speaks of Abel suffering here on account of righteousness, 1 John 3:12.

J.T. Righteousness is sure to suffer whilst evil is dominant, but at the same time, it has a protecting virtue. God has respect to it and spares others on account of the righteous.

B.T.F. Would you say the Spirit maintains righteousness here, and when the righteous go then judgment will come in?

J.T. The presence of the righteous holds evil in check on the earth. There is that which holds evil in check and maintains the rights of God. When that is withdrawn then lawlessness will lift up its head; "then the lawless one shall be revealed", 2 Thessalonians 2:8. He who is the embodiment of wickedness is to be revealed. The presence of the righteous has a wonderful effect on this earth.

B.T.F. Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 says, "he who restrains now".

J.T. There is "that which restrains" and "he

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who restrains". Whoever or whatever it is, whether it be the Spirit, the saints, or whether government, there is power here for the restraint of evil. Undoubtedly "he who restrains" is the Spirit in the assembly maintaining practical righteousness. That is the check on evil, so it cannot prevail whilst the Holy Spirit remains here in this way.

W.J.Y. You were saying this morning that Abraham had reached a certain spiritual elevation. Do you think it was only on that elevation that God could speak to him as He did?

J.T. I think so. "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing? Since Abraham shall indeed become a great and mighty nation". Then, "he will command his children and his household after him", Genesis 18:17 - 19. "I know him", God says. God recognised him as knowing him, and makes him the depository of His thoughts, and now this gives Abraham the opportunity of being a priest. He is not only the friend of God, but a priest. That is, he becomes an intercessor and intercedes intelligently. He intercedes according to what God is.

G.A.T. He was so acquainted with God that he kept on praying.

J.T. It is very beautiful as referring to the position of the assembly, the confidante of God now. She is not content with enjoying divine benefits herself, she has an intercessory character. Believers become priests, who intercede for others. "Wilt thou destroy the righteous with the wicked?" He appeals to what God is, and God has delight in that.

G.A.T. Then this trouble in the world at the present time is not the fulfilment of prophecy. That comes in after the assembly is taken up?

J.T. It must not be regarded in the light of the fulfilment of prophecy. God is acting according to the dispensation. In any given dispensation what

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He is doing is in keeping with that dispensation, and this dispensation remains as it is until Christ removes from His present position. He is on the Father's throne yet, "Neither does the Father judge any one", the Lord said, John 5:22. Whilst He is occupying that throne, as I understand it, the time of judgment is deferred, and we must not bring it in too soon. Hence the present occurrences are to the end that men might turn to God. It is not now a strong delusion that men should believe a lie. On the contrary, men are rather disposed to believe the truth, having their eyes opened. Of course it remains true that what men or nations sow they reap. The present conditions are the outcome of long sowing.

W.C.R. What is happening is more chastisement to awaken men as was said.

J.T. Many precious souls are being converted through all that is transpiring.

G.A.T. "Ye will hear of wars and rumours of wars", Matthew 24:6. We very often hear that quotation. How does it fit in with the present time?

J.T. There may be certain developments preparatory to the last days, and there is no doubt, that certain existing conditions are like the "hour of trial", but then they are not the "hour of trial". The "hour of trial" is an hour, and an hour is a very short period of time, a condensation of tribulation. Out of that hour the assembly is to be kept. It is to come upon all the world for a specific purpose namely, "to try them that dwell upon the earth", Revelation 3:10. The assembly is a heaven-dweller, and those in the light of it are not earth dwellers; they are heaven dwellers. The hour of trial is for all those who are outside of the assembly, not for those who form it, but, as remarked, certain things may happen that are preparatory to the last days, and the believer sees the day approaching. He sees it that is, he sees certain conditions that suggest it.

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These would include the activities of the Spirit in the assembly.

B.T.F. You would say a certain amount of prophecy was fulfilled early in the Acts, would you not? For instance, the pouring out of the Spirit and the reference to Joel 2:28 - 29 in Acts 2:16 - 18.

J.T. Yes, but the judgment is stayed. It was the pouring out of the Spirit.

W.B-s. Today intercession should mark us, according to 1 Timothy 2.

J.T. That chapter remains still. It is the position we occupy. There is no change.

W.B-s. Do you not think we greatly fail in carrying that out?

J.T. I believe the prayers of the saints are the great factor toward the solution of the present calamity. It is our prayers that are heard, just as Abraham's prayers here. Although the ten were not in the city, yet we see how God hearkened to him, and we may be sure, that God will hearken to us if we take up our service as priests and intercessors.

W.J.Y. The result of the prayer is the good of God's people, "that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all piety and gravity", 1 Timothy 2:2.

J.T. Yes; and the apostle says, "our Saviour God ... desires that all men should be saved ... for God is one, and [the] Mediator of God and men one, [the] man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all". Paul was a herald of all that, a teacher of the nations. So that our prayers should also have the salvation of men in view.

W.B-t. That is the main point in the passage, is it not?

J.T. Yes, so the saints have their position marked out for them and that has not changed. No happening on earth can change it, because it is a question of the fixity of the things in heaven; the heavenly bodies, taken together are a figure of what is established

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in Christ. We all know, that the clouds, or the influence of the elements below, cannot affect the sun or the other heavenly bodies; so no occurrence on earth can alter what God has fixed in heaven. Christ is on the Father's throne and the Father's name is not connected with judgment, but with grace.

E.G.M. Connecting 1 Timothy 2 with what we have here, is the idea that we are to pray according to the intelligence we have, that as long as God tolerates the situation He withholds His judgment because of the righteous?

J.T. I think that is plainly taught in the word. "account the longsuffering of our Lord to be salvation". The scoffers say, "Where is the promise of his coming?" but they are willingly ignorant of the judgment of God in the deluge, 2 Peter 3:3 - 15. Peter is writing of the government of God.

G.A.T. Abraham had some knowledge of it.

J.T. He had intelligence as to what God was, and his intercession was based on this.

C.H.B. One benefit a heavenly man has is that he gets God's mind.

J.T. You will notice in chapter 19:29, that when the judgment falls on Sodom, it says, "And it came to pass when God destroyed the cities of the plain, that God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow, when he overthrew the cities in which Lot dwelt" God remembered Abraham; the deliverance of Lot was on account of Abraham's intercession. Now is the time for the deliverance of the Lots that are in the world. That is really what I believe should exercise the saints, the many true believers that are in Sodom.

Ques. Why did not Lot have the mind of God, being a righteous man?

J.T. It is said that his righteous soul was vexed. I do not think he could be called a righteous man in the full sense of the word. Abraham was the typically

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righteous man; the one who answered to the rights of God, but in grace Lot is recorded as righteous being one of God's people; besides, he was vexed day by day with the filthy conversation of the wicked.

L.G.M. Would you say Lot had a sense in his soul of what was right, but put himself in such a position that he did not have power to do what was right?

J.T. His position was a denial of whatever light he may have had, so to his sons-in-law, "he was as if he jested" when he sought to lead them out of Sodom. However much correct doctrine we have, there is no power, or moral weight, if we are linked up with the world, and there are many Christians in Sodom. In view of the judgment that is nearing we cannot but see, that it is a time for us to pray for them.

W.B-s. Some of our brethren of whom you speak are no doubt going through great exercise, if we only knew.

W.B-t. Might I ask here what "sin unto death" is? In 1 John 5:16 - 17, it says, "there is a sin to death: I do not say of that that he should make a request. Every unrighteousness is sin; and there is a sin not to death".

J.T. I think it is a question of discerning as to whether the sin is such that death is the only right termination of the person's course. It is due to God and the testimony that such an one should die. It seems to me it is a question of discernment as to whether it is such a case as that. "There is", he says, "a sin unto death"; but it is not defined. It is rather left to our discernment.

W.B-s. I was thinking of one I have known, who seemed to be bright in the truth, but for many years has been a backslider living in sin. What would you say about such a one as that? Is it

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possible for him to die in that state and yet be saved?

J.T. Of course you cannot be very sure about such cases, whether they are really genuine. We cannot assume to be perfectly sure. If one does not practise righteousness; if his course is the practice of sin, how can we regard him as one of the children of God? You may hope he is from earlier evidences, but you cannot speak positively about it.

W.B-s. Would you look for recovery before death of one who was really a child of God?

J.T. Generally speaking, one would, but then "there is a sin unto death" and, although the one who sinned might be restored in his soul, the governmental penalty would fall on him.

C.H.B. You mean physical death?

J.T. Certainly. "On this account many among you [are] weak and infirm, and a good many are fallen asleep", 1 Corinthians 11:30. That was a solemn thing and was the Lord's doing.

B.T.F. What does the destruction of Sodom represent to us?

J.T. I think it is the final overthrow of the world. "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing?" God was beginning to judge; He was about to judge the world and those who have faith, are in the light of the mind of God as to it.

B.T.F. Do you get anything here as to the saints, the assembly, being taken out of it?

J.T. I do not think that is seen here. The point emphasised, it seems to me is, that Abraham had the mind of God as a faithful man, and became an intercessor.

B.T.F. I suppose that would really be the outcome of the scene at Mamre?

J.T. It is the sequel to it.

O.J.O. The nations are trying for a permanent peace now. Scripture says, "When they may say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction comes

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upon them", 1 Thessalonians 5:3. I was wondering if after this peace the time would be near when the assembly would be taken up?

J.T. There is no doubt that an era of peace is coming to the world, but it will be suddenly broken in upon; it will be "sudden destruction" then, which cannot be said exactly of the present upheaval. God makes "a short work" of judgement. When He undertakes to judge, things are done quickly.

W.C.R. I would like to hear more about intercession for those ensnared in Sodom.

J.T. That is a great point now. Our exercise should be that believers in the world, should be extricated from it, and it seems as if prayer should be made for them.

G.A.T. You have said a good bit about Abraham and his wife, and about Lot; but what about Lot's wife?

J.T. She is a monument in a negative way as "a pillar of salt". The Lord says of her, "Remember Lot's wife" That is a very solemn word for us. It is the judgment that falls on one who, as delivered out of the world, or as having the opportunity of being delivered, looks back desiringly into it, her heart being there.

W.C.R. What is the pillar of salt?

J.T. Preservative.

W.C.R. It preserves others from following the same course.

J.T. These chapters show the way out of the world. In chapter 20 Abraham gets into another entanglement, but as you enter chapter 21 you are on the way out of the world. Your judgment is fixed, and now Christ comes into view as Isaac is weaned; and a great feast being made on his account. Christ is seen typically as getting His own distinctive place. I speak of going out of the world, having Colossians in mind. Abraham and Sarah

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disappear gradually and Isaac comes into evidence. Christ is becoming all. Chapter 21 is Christ personally; chapter 22 is Christ as having died and risen, the soul is here seen as reaching its climax; and at the end of chapter 22 you have the assembly brought in in Rebecca. She is introduced as of the same family as Isaac, so that now the assembly's position is opened up. Henceforth it is Christ and the assembly.

G.A.T. Sarah, being removed, is a figure of Israel.

J.T. That is chapter 23, but so far your soul is in company with the risen Christ, with the assembly brought into view in Rebecca at the end of chapter 22.

G.A.T. It is most interesting to find love brought in in this chapter. It is the first time the word is mentioned in Scripture.

J.T. "Take now thy son, thine only [son], whom thou lovest, Isaac, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and there offer him up for a burnt-offering on one of the mountains which I will tell thee of" (chapter 22:2). The question raised here is, Am I now prepared to let all go here as after the flesh, even Christ after the flesh? Am I prepared for that, and to know Him henceforth as having died and passed out of this present order of things? As Paul says, "But if even we have known Christ according to flesh, yet now we know [him thus] no longer. So if any one [be] in Christ, [there is] a new creation; the old things have passed away", 2 Corinthians 5:16 - 17. The man of faith here is passing out of the world into the new order of things where Christ is all and in all. It is a question of Abraham's faith here. We do not really consult with anybody when it is a question of faith. It is what you do yourself.

B.T.F. Would you say a little more about what you alluded to, Am I prepared to let Isaac go? Referring to the manna in the golden pot, preserved

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in the ark (alluding to the pathway of our Lord Jesus when here upon earth), in what way would you speak of that in connection with allowing Isaac to go?

J.T. The perfect humanity of Christ remains, but the condition in which He was is not the condition that answers the purpose of God.

H.G. Sarah receiving strength to conceive seed, as we had it this morning, suggests the formation of Christ subjectively in the saints, which we all would cherish; but this is a faith movement, which indicates that our relationships in Christ are outside of flesh and blood and really belong to new creation; so we have to learn to appreciate and take account of one another entirely outside of the realm of nature, which is a slow lesson and one we do not readily take up; but yet Christianity hinges upon that, does it not?

J.T. It does.

C.H.B. Does that not become a test at the present moment?

J.T. And the secret of all difficulty with us is that we do not take account of each other in the light of Christ risen.

G.A.T. Abraham had actually two tests. He had to cast out the bondwoman and her son, which, as you said this morning, was his son. Now with this son, Isaac, he has to offer him up. What is the difference between the two tests?

J.T. The first test is that of natural affection he loved Ishmael as his offspring and wanted to retain him in the house along with Isaac, whereas Sarah had the mind of God. Therefore, it is a question of the assembly in chapter 21, showing the exercises of the saints, that they will not allow what is mongrel along with Christ (Isaac). A mongrel is one begotten of two kinds, what is partly of God and partly of the world. Like the many, so called, Christian institutions; they are not all Christ.

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The apostle insisted at Corinth that it was to be only Christ, and Christ crucified too.

G.W.H. That condition of things is very hateful to God, is it not? It is like Genesis 6:4.

J.T. Yes, there you get the thought of the mongrel. Whilst Sarah is in evidence in chapter 21 it was Abraham that made the feast for Isaac; but she insisted, that Ishmael must go. She allowed him in the house for one year with Isaac. He shared the house with him for that time, but directly Isaac is weaned and the feast is made for him, then Ishmael persecutes. That is to say, if you make everything of Christ the man born after the flesh will persecute. It is to be remarked that a babe of a year old is most lovable. I suppose at no period of its life is a child more lovable than then. Why then should he be persecuted? It shows what Ishmael is; how unreasonable he is; for there is no occasion for it. As the Lord said, "But now they have both seen and hated both me and my Father", and "they hated me without a cause", John 15:24 - 25.

W.B-t. Isaac had not hurt Ishmael, it was jealousy that made the hatred.

J.T. It shows what Ishmael is, and how the religious element will not tolerate a simple recognition of Christ.

W.B-t. So the scripture says, "Cast out this handmaid and her son", Genesis 21:10.

J.T. It is the voice of God really. Now when you come to chapter 22 Sarah drops out of view. It is not the maternal feature there. It is a matter now of the supreme test of faith, whether I am prepared to forgo every link of nature, all that on which I might have been building up my hopes. Am I prepared to forgo all?

W.B-t. There is no other way.

J.T. That is the supreme test and many break down at this point.

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Genesis 24

J.T. It is essential to link this chapter with chapter 22, in order to get the lineage of Rebecca. Her lineage is given in that chapter. After the resurrection of Christ, typically, we have our genealogy given, Rebecca is of the same stock as Isaac. She appears in chapter 22; the assembly is seen typically there. The death of Sarah corresponds with the removal of Israel from the sphere of testimony, so that there should be room made for the assembly. As we remarked yesterday, the steps of faith indicated here lead us out of the world. They lead us outside of the order of things set up on earth, into the presence of Christ risen. As it is said, "By faith Abraham, [when] tried, offered up Isaac, and he who had received to himself the promises offered up his only begotten [son], as to whom it had been said, In Isaac shall thy seed be called: counting that God [was] able to raise [him] even from among [the] dead, whence also he received him in a figure", Hebrews 11:17 - 19. Here faith has Christ, typically, in resurrection, it is Christ only, not the assembly as yet, but immediately Isaac is received back from the dead in figure we have Rebecca's lineage recorded.

B.T.F. Is that to bring out what we get in the early part of Hebrews, "he that sanctifies and those sanctified [are] all of one", Hebrews 2:11.

J.T. That is the truth of this passage in the New Testament. We are all of one, for which cause He is not ashamed to call us brethren.

B.T.F. We do not therefore look upon the assembly as having a past history.

J.T. Well, the truth set out here, I think, is that she is of the same stock as Christ. It is to be noticed that it is not Eve here. It is not the assembly

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taken out of Christ as having died. That is not the point here. The point with Eve is that she was bone of Adam's bone and flesh of Adam's flesh. She was taken out of the man. Here Rebecca is of the same lineage as Isaac. It is not so much that the assembly typically comes out of Christ as having died, but rather, that she is the product of the Spirit; she is the fruit of the Spirit. She belongs to that family, but has to be brought to where Isaac is. There is nothing like that with Eve. Eve was presented to the man; her environment is the same as his, whereas Rebecca is found in an environment to which Isaac must not be taken. She must be brought to him, he must not go to her. That was the one point, coupled with that of lineage, that the servant had to swear to.

H.G. You would say she is of the stock of the risen man. Does it go further, reaching to the heavenly man?

J.T. I think the latter is perhaps more accurate. In that connection, what I think is a point of importance is that heaven comes into view in the narrative. After the birth of Isaac the angel spoke to Hagar out of heaven, chapter 21:17. He had spoken to Hagar before chapter 16, but it is not said that he spoke to her out of heaven. After Isaac is on the scene, the speaking is now from that position, like the epistle to the Hebrews; hence it is intimated clearly that we have arrived in the history of Abraham at the heavenly order of things. We have passed out of the earthly into the heavenly; so when we come to chapter 22 he receives Isaac from the dead in a figure. It is Christ in resurrection, as heavenly, and Rebecca's genealogy would be in that light. As you remarked, she is heavenly as he is, so Isaac does not have two wives like the other patriarchs. He has only the one. It is, therefore, Christ as He is known now, in heaven, and the assembly in relationship

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with Him; that is what is before us here. Jacob had two wives, and Abraham had two, but Isaac is distinctly the heavenly man, and Rebecca, typically the assembly, is his bride. According to Luke, directly Christ is born, a multitude of the heavenly host is seen.

J.A.R. Then you would say that Eliezer is a type of the Spirit?

J.T. He is. In chapter 22 there is the surrender of Christ as He was here in the flesh.

W.J.Y. Do you mean surrender by a man of faith?

J.T. Christ having become Man, having taken on flesh and blood, the hope of faith would be centred in Him. As it was asked, "is it at this time that thou restorest the kingdom to Israel?", Acts 1:6. Faith clung to that, whereas there were new and better things for faith, and that is where believers often come short; we stop there.

B.T.F. Is there a certain phase of faith connected with the cave of Machpelah?

J.T. Yes. Genesis 23 becomes interesting as the burying place of Sarah, indeed it contains the first mention we have in Scripture of burial. So that it is faith committing its dead to the earth, in a particular spot, in the light of resurrection. That comes after the light of the resurrection of Christ typically therefore, we can leave our dead and be restful about them. All is secured in a risen Christ.. That is how faith reckons. "For whatever promises of God [there are], in him is the yea, and in him the amen", 2 Corinthians 1:20. I think that is what is seen in that chapter.

H.G. For Israel, you mean, God has secured the land on the ground of redemption, it is a burying place now, but Israel will reappear there. He has paid the price, current money of the merchant.

J.T. I think that is the thought. Romans teaches us that "all Israel shall be saved", Romans 11:26. That is

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the faithfulness of God, as seen in Romans 9 to 11, and is in line with Genesis 23. Faith is assured that all Israel shall be saved. Nothing shall be lost, so you leave it for the moment, and faith is occupied with Christ and the assembly. You are not occupied with Israel henceforth, although you have in your mind that every promise of God is yea and amen in Christ.

H.G. One feels that in a certain sense the enemy would divert us often by occupying us with what really belongs to the earth and Israel, and would hinder us from making the passage to our proper heavenly position, which, as you said, is the crux of these chapters.

J.T. So it is one man and one woman now, and really in that way we come back to the divine thought in marriage. Polygamy is not in keeping with the divine thought, but it comes in in the ways of God. The Lord says, "On account of this a man shall leave father and mother, and shall be united to his wife; and the two shall be one flesh", Matthew 19:5. That is the divine thought, so that in connection with Christ and the assembly we have come back to God's original thought, and it is an eternal one. All that is seen in connection with plurality of wives is provisional. It is what God resorts to in order to carry out His purpose on earth, but is not a primary thought. There were no more than two persons in the primary thought. Love appears in these two chapters, Genesis 22 and 24, and I think it is the pure, unadulterated love that is of God. That is what we get here figuratively.

Rem. These things could not be brought out until Isaac comes into view; that is, Christ and the assembly as one.

J.T. Quite. Isaac has to appear; he is of the free woman, and then he has to go into death. That is the solemn thing in chapter 22, that faith endures

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that terrible wrench. The one whom Abraham loved must be offered up; but then he receives him back in a figure. Faith receives Christ back from the dead, and has Him now for ever. Faith can never be deprived of Christ again. Death can never overcome Him again, He lives evermore. Then the next thing that arises for faith is, "It is not good that man should be alone", Genesis 2:18. Abraham discerned that. So Paul says, "I have espoused you unto one man", 2 Corinthians 11:2. He takes up the same thought. I suppose chapter 24 is really Paul's ministry typically; it is one man and one woman.

G.W.H. It was never God's thought that Christ should remain in flesh and blood, was it?

J.T. No. That was what Abraham had to learn. The child of promise on whom everything rested, and in whom everything centred had to go into death. That is probably the most solemn lesson faith has to learn. At the outset faith in the disciples, was occupied with earthly hopes, connecting them with Christ after the flesh. The prophets had foretold that the Messiah should come and set up the kingdom, but what the disciples were not prepared for was that He must die. Not only did God give Him up, but faith gave Him up; "he who had received to himself the promises offered up his only begotten [son]", Hebrews 11:17. It was the result of faith in Abraham, and we all have to come to it, to the apprehending of Christ as He is, and we would not have it otherwise. We would not have the hopes of faith connected with Christ in flesh, it is infinitely better to have them in Him risen.

W.C.R. Apparently Rebecca took that in, because when asked if she would go, she says, "I will go". She was prepared to relinquish what nature would cling to; she got an impression of what Abraham's servant displayed to her, something of the glories of Isaac, and these moved her.

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J.T. That is very excellent. So the speech, as you might call it, delivered by the servant in the house of Bethuel has to be studied. It embraces the testimony brought to us in Paul's ministry. That is, it is the testimony of a heavenly Christ, that He is the Son and inherits everything. That has a formative effect in the saints, so they are prepared to relinquish all earthly hopes and relationships. "I will go" Rebecca says.

H.G. In a practical way you get it suggested in connection with the ministry of Paul. He seems to welcome all that would reduce him according to flesh, in order that what is "in Christ", in connection with new creation, might become a practical thing. I was wondering if that was the path along which the soul has to be led.

J.T. I think 2 Corinthians is just the line along which we travel to this point.

H.G. As you were applying it yesterday, "But if even we have known Christ according to flesh, yet now we know [him thus] no longer. So if any one [be] in Christ, [there is] a new creation", 2 Corinthians 5:16 - 17. It is all on that line apparently.

J.T. "All things are of the God ...", 2 Corinthians 5:18. In 2 Corinthians 12:2 it is brought in in a concrete way. "I know a man in Christ, fourteen years ago, (whether in [the] body I know not, or out of the body I know not, God knows;) such [a one] caught up to [the] third heaven". He was himself in the enjoyment and state of what it is to be in Christ, he said he did not know whether in the body or out of it.

B.T.F. Is your thought in regard to Isaac, and also in regard to Rebecca, that in Christianity seen things must go?

J.T. Well, that is the lesson we have to learn. Even if there are things, as it was with the disciples, that were divinely accredited. With us, of course we have very little of that, especially religiously;

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we have, however, natural relationships and these are divinely ordained, but these we have to forego in order to arrive at the truth of the assembly. We have to surrender all that belongs to nature for this.

W.C.R. I suppose we never make the move unless there have been impressions created by the Spirit having written Christ on the heart. That sets the soul in movement. The flesh never moves. It must be something wrought by the Spirit.

J.T. The Holy Spirit brings in the testimony of what Christ is in heaven. Peter could say "God has made him, this Jesus ... . both Lord and Christ", Acts 2:36. "Having therefore been exalted by the right hand of God, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this, which ye behold and hear", Acts 2:33. Paul sees Christ in heaven, and therefore is a competent witness of what He is as in heaven.

J.B. Would you not say the faith of Simeon in Luke 2 would rise somewhat to this, he referred to the death of Christ?

J.T. I think so. A sword was to pierce through Mary's soul.

B.T.F. Would you say a word regarding the intense earnestness of Abraham desiring the servant not to bring his son thither again?

J.T. We were remarking that Eve's environment as she was brought into being was in no way different from Adam's; that is union. Whereas Rebecca, although of his lineage, is found in another environment and Isaac is not to be brought to that. She has to be brought to where he is; I suppose it would point to those who had faith and the Spirit being brought from Jewish, or worldly associations into heavenly ones.

G.W.H. Does it go further than risen with him through the faith of the operation of God?

J.T. I think Rebecca goes to heaven; I mean

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as to the light that is vouchsafed. Isaac is typically the heavenly man, and she goes to him. I do not mean that it is literal, of course it is not a question of the rapture, because she ultimately goes into Sarah's tent. The light here implies that Isaac is the heavenly man and she has to come to him in that position.

G.W.H. It is more Ephesians here.

J.T. The basis of union is in Colossians, but properly it belongs to Ephesians.

W.B-t. Have you any thought in regard to Rebecca's nurse? "And they sent away Rebecca their sister, and her nurse".

J.T. Well, you are a man of family, you have some idea of the functions of a nurse.

W.B-t. Is it the thought of care?

J.T. I think so, care so that there may be development. It is spoken of in 1 Thessalonians 2.

W.B-t: How would you connect that with the former life of Rebecca?

J.T. I suppose Rebecca represents the saints as they were in Israelitish associations, before the heavenly truth came in.

W.B-t. So they went on for a while in Jewish circumstances.

J.T. I think so. They had to be brought out of them. Christ is not to be brought into them again.

W.B-t. Rebecca's nurse dies later on and there is a record made of the death.

J.T. That was at Bethel in chapter 35.

W.B-t. What is your thought of that?

J.T. I suppose it is the provision made for the saints, the ministry of the twelve perhaps. The nurse goes with Rebecca, but she rides upon camels sent from Abraham's house, which would point, I suppose, to the power of the Spirit by which we travel from earthly associations to heavenly and spiritual ones.

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G.A.T. So the power that brought her to Isaac was sent from Isaac?

J.T. Yes. It is to be noted here that Isaac does not take her to heaven typically, he takes her into his mother's tent. That is to say, she represents that which is here in testimony now. It is not going to heaven, but that we are heavenly and in relation to a heavenly Christ, and so our testimony is of that character. We occupy Israel's place, only the vessel is greater than Israel.

W.B-t. The entering of the tent is not the rapture?

J.T. Far from it. It is the provisional thing, until the revival of Israel.

W.B-t. But it touches heavenly ground.

J.T. Being Sarah's tent, it is the position that Israel abandoned, only I apprehend the tent is graced more by the presence of Rebecca than it could have been by the presence of Sarah, for she is a heavenly person typically.

W.C.R. It says she comforted Isaac.

J.E.N. So you would say it is more a heavenly people holding the earthly position?

J.T. That is it.

W.B-s. Do you think we have a great advantage over what Israel had in their time? I mean the testimony God is giving souls now is from heaven. We have never been connected with an earthly Messiah. Mary Magdalene had been; she had had personal links with Him on earth, and did not like to part with Him, but she had to do so. We have never been through that experience. I mean that God has revealed His Son to us as in heaven; and our affections are drawn to Him there from the outset.

J.T. Quite so. The Supper as we have it comes from the Lord in heaven; all is from heaven, but we occupy the place of Israel in the way of testimony.

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B.T.F. Would you say that now the Spirit is forming the affections of the saints in the way that Eliezer attracted Rebecca, so that they might go to Christ?

J.T. That is what is going on now.

W.B-s. I remember when I was first brought to the Lord my heart was drawn to Christ up there, because the testimony was from thence, and the One I looked for was the Lord from heaven. Beginning with what is heavenly the point is to continue on that line. Of course, one has to be weaned from things here; the Ephesians epistle was written to Gentiles, and it has this character.

J.T. If we get hold of the truth set before us in our chapter it will enable us to be here according to the mind of God, in heavenly lustre. The tent was vacant, you see, and the point is that it was to be occupied by Isaac and Rebecca. I mean that it was vacant so far as the wife was concerned; and so Isaac brings Rebecca into it.

H.G. In Paul himself there must have been a wonderful transference. He graced the position with heavenly lustre. So the whole course of transference is seen in that one man. Would you say that?

J.T. Yes, hence in dealing with Ephesus, which stands for the whole assembly in its Rebecca character, he says, "I have not shrunk from announcing to you all the counsel of God", Acts 20:27. He revealed to that company the whole purpose of God, and in writing to them he enlarges on the fact that we are seated in the heavenlies in Christ, and all the exhortations in that letter are based on the light vouchsafed, hence you have a vessel of testimony presented in Ephesians that is heavenly.

H.G. The Supper is spoken of in Acts 20; it comes in after Paul's ministry in Ephesus and before his address to the elders. They ate the Supper there

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on the third floor, and we may say the full heavenly position is suggested. We may connect it with what we get here, because Isaac moves here, there is movement in his affection and there is movement in her affection. Rapture joys are entered into in connection with the Supper; it is there we meet the Lord, it is there we enjoy His love and He ours. I speak of this in connection with the meeting of Isaac and Rebecca. The light that governs the position is heavenly.

J.T. Hence the Lord in the Supper has the saints for His affections. I apprehend that as we come together it ought, to be always with that in view, that we are to be for Christ. As Rebecca comforted Isaac, so the Lord finds His solace now in those who form the assembly, as we assemble together.

G.A.T. What you are speaking of is collective. May I ask the question as to how this would apply to us as individuals? I was thinking it ought to be a great cheer to us to be even part of that which would give comfort to the heart of Christ.

J.T. One has to learn, I believe, to forego all natural relationships. Although divinely ordained, yet in order to reach the assembly one has to learn to forego them in one's soul. One has to learn to leave them, so that one is wholly for Christ, as Paul says, "we henceforth know no one according to flesh; but if even we have known Christ according to flesh, yet now we know [him thus] no longer", 2 Corinthians 5:16. Natural relationships have their claims, but they belong to the wilderness. Our life is outside of them.

W.B-t. Luke 14:26 - 27 would support that. The passage includes one's own life also.

J.T. Quite, one has to surrender one's own life.

L.G.M. It is really true separation, is it not?

J.T. It is more than that. Separation is that one withdraws from what is Babylonish or evil. That

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is a question of fellowship; this involves not only separation, but that one has to forego all natural relationships in order to reach and enjoy what is heavenly and spiritual.

W.J.Y. Would you say we should not get the message of Eliezer except in company with the saints?

J.T. I am not prepared to say that. I suppose it is there that He witnesses, the Spirit witnesses in the house as a general thing. Mr. Darby, I believe, got light individually as to Christ in heaven, and one would not like to say an individual might not be enlightened by the Spirit as to it. I think one may be. In fact we know Paul was. At the same time, in a general way, it is in the assembly that the Holy Spirit makes His disclosures.

E.G.M. Can you use the journey of Rebecca as the individual experience of a soul and the coming into the tent the relationship of Christ and the assembly?

J.T. I think that in the primary thought we get what is collective. There is the withdrawal from Israelitish associations into heavenly ones. If you get that you can understand how each individual has to travel that road.

E.G.M. Some of us at least have heretofore thought that taking Rebecca into Sarah's tent indicated the rapture, but on the road it was the attractiveness of Christ, presented by the Spirit to the assembly. Now you have brought out a different thought and I wondered if you get the individual exercise in Rebecca's journey?

J.T. As I see it, the primary thought is collective. That is, Paul's ministry brought the saints from Israelitish associations into heavenly ones; instead of Jerusalem being the centre, heaven was the centre for faith, and the saints from that time regarded themselves as connected with Christ in heaven as

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their Head. If you see that as the primary thought in the passage it can easily be worked out that each individual has to travel that way. One has to learn to leave natural associations for the heavenly and spiritual.

B.T.F. You recognize that in the responsible scene there is the natural relationship, yet you cannot allow it to hinder or retard spiritual progress.

J.T. One has to leave it. Rebecca says, "I will go". Her mother evidently had a good bit of influence over her, and her brother. Apparently the mother and brother had more influence in the house than Bethuel had, for some reason, and they would have detained her for ten days. The natural affections of a mother are very captivating, you know. A mother's affections and a brother's affections are elements that have a strong hold on us all. She forgoes them and promptly says, "I will go". How many of us are prepared to subordinate natural affection and natural interests and hopes to the spiritual ones? Who is there among us who does not think more of his own natural relations than he does of the saints? It becomes a great test as to whether our reckonings are in relation to the natural or the spiritual. I do not mean what is Babylonish, but what is right as in nature. How many of us are willing to forgo all this and make them subordinate to the heavenly relationships into which we are brought in Christ?

W.B-t. It seems easy in a way to separate from what is wrong in nature, the supreme test comes when we have to separate from what is right in nature, but I think the Lord will have the supreme place in our hearts.

J.T. That is the object of the servant's testimony. He faithfully keeps Isaac, as Abraham's son, before the heart of Rebecca; and he would also have

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Bethuel and Laban, and the mother, whose name is not given, to know this wonderful testimony.

O.J.O. Rebecca lighting off the camel and covering herself with a veil, would mean that the natural must go out of sight, that Isaac must be all?

J.T. I think the supreme point is reached now, in the presence of Isaac she veils herself. Affectionate respect for Isaac marks Rebecca. This should mark us in the assembly.

J.A.T. Why should the servant need so many camels?

J.T. I suppose the number would indicate the wealth of his master. It says, "the servant took ten camels of the camels of his master".

J.A.T. Would it mean the power of the Spirit?

J.T. I suppose ten would suggest the element of responsibility.

L.G.M. One camel would not be in keeping with Isaac's position, with his resources and wealth.

J.T. The number denotes responsibility; power involving responsibility connected with the bringing back of the bride.

E.G.M. In connection with the number ten, the mother and brother would have liked to detain Rebecca ten days. Is that the natural that would like to keep us back from what is connected with the heavenly man?

J.T. I think so. The ten camels denote adequate power, involving responsibility, because whilst down here we cannot eliminate the thought of responsibility. It must ever be fulfilled in connection with the ministry of the Spirit, there is adequate power.

J.B. There is ample provision for all the journey.

J.T. The camels, I believe, on the one hand, as our brother suggested, represent the wealth of Abraham. It was suitable, but then the number ten undoubtedly involves there was responsibility

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in the commission, and adequate power for the fulfilment of that responsibility.

B.T.F. There were men also with the camels. I suppose strengthening the thought of responsibility.

J.T. Quite. Then it says at the end, "Rebecca arose, and her maids, and they rode upon the camels, and followed the man". There she acts of her own volition; then it says, "The servant took Rebecca, and went away". There you have the will or disposition of the saints, having availed themselves of the power that is available, and on the other hand, the servant fulfilling his function in taking her; so that whilst we go, the Holy Spirit takes us, so to speak, and in that way you have, I think, the element of fulfilled responsibility. Paul's faithfulness in his ministry is, I believe, the answer to it. Compare Acts 20.

E.G.M. Then in Rebecca going, it is a complete surrender of herself.

J.T. Yes, she avails herself of what is available.

E.G.M. She does not continue in her own power, but goes in what is provided.

J.T. She makes no suggestion as to taking one of her father's camels, but rides on the camels the servant brought.

L.G.M. Would you say she leaves her identity behind?

W.B-t. I think she took it with her.

J.T. Yes, so do I. One would not like to forgo the blessed fact that one is of the lineage of Christ. She belongs to that family and she retains it.

W.B-t. She left a great deal behind.

L.G.M. She becomes identified with another. It is no more Rebecca as she was, she becomes identified with Isaac as his wife.

J.T. I think her veil would denote that. It denotes she is now henceforth merged in Isaac, but then she is a wonderful personage. We must never

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forget that the assembly is an entity by itself, having a lineage which qualifies her to be the companion of Christ.

J.B. John says, "he that has the bride is the bridegroom".

S.C. Say a word on the gifts of gold and silver being given to Rebecca by the servant rather than by Isaac.

J.T. I think that is the service of the Spirit, He adorns the saints. We are quite unadorned in ourselves. The Holy Spirit adorns each of us with heavenly ornamentation, so that as reaching Christ, we are in suitability.

E.G.M. When Isaac meets Rebecca he finds her adorned. It is His own beauty Christ finds in the assembly.

J.T. Some people who are of a good family think they can be as uncongenial and clothed as shabbily as they wish. They think their being of a good family makes up for all that. It is not what you get here, Rebecca belongs to the family, but she must have the adornment, family links are not enough. We must have the adornment, and it is brought to us from Isaac and put upon us.

G.A.T. Is that the "best robe"?

J.T. It would involve that. It says, "And it came to pass when the camels had drunk enough, that the man took a gold ring, of half a shekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands, ten [shekels] weight of gold; and said, Whose daughter art thou? tell me, I pray thee. Is there room [in] thy father's house for us to lodge?" And further, "Laban ran out to the man, to the well. And it came to pass when he saw the ring and the bracelets on his sister's hand, and when he heard the words of Rebecca his sister, saying, Thus spoke the man to me" -- he said to the servant, "Come in, blessed of Jehovah!" The bracelets were a

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testimony to Laban; and then after the servant's speech it says, "And the servant brought forth silver articles, and gold articles, and clothing, and he gave [them] to Rebecca; and he gave to her brother and to her mother precious things". Here you see he gave her clothing, so that would involve the best robe. The principal things, however, are the precious adornments.

L.G.M. Would you say it was her wedding garments?

J.T. There is no wedding at all connected with Rebecca. That is a point to be noted. There is nothing at all said about nuptials or wedding garments. The point is she is brought privately and unostentatiously to Christ typically. The wedding is future and public. It is then that His wife is seen. "I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife", Revelation 21:9. She is called His wife before marriage, which is unusual, and it is exceptional in this case, because we are already in the wife's place, but it is marriage in a private sense, as they call it in the world, a private marriage.

E.G.M. What type would give us the other, the wedding?

J.T. I am not sure there is one. There is no ostentation in any of the marriages in the Old Testament, no display, because it is all in the faith period. Display is when the Lord comes back and the assembly is prepared, and she comes down as the bride, the Lamb's wife, from God out of heaven.

E.G.M. Is it the thought that marriage is a private affair, for His heart now?

J.T. Quite. You have all the benefits and enjoyment of marriage, but the public display is future.

B.T.F. You do not allude to the rapture, but I suppose you would say the Spirit is producing in the saints that which is suitable for it?

J.T. But that is not the point here. The point is

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that He produces what is suitable to our joining Christ now. We are to be brought, you see. There was no great show about Sarah's tent, but when you come to Revelation 21, you have display. The assembly comes down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God, and shining like a most precious stone.

G.A.T. Would you say there is encouragement for us in the jewellery and clothing? Eliezer fits her with what he has from Isaac. Then the camels are testimony to us that he has sufficient power to maintain us all the journey through?

J.T. The journey is really not very long. You will be surprised if you see how quickly the points in the scripture follow on. It says in verse 59, "They sent away Rebecca their sister, and her nurse", and then in verses 61 and 62, "Rebecca arose, and her maids, and they rode upon the camels, and followed the man. And the servant took Rebecca, and went away. And Isaac had just returned from Beer-lahai-roi; for he was dwelling in the south country". There is no suggestion of any great distance or length of time. Directly she rides on the camels and the servant takes her, Isaac is in view.

W.C.R. Directly she says "I will go", she is there in spirit.

J.T. Yes. That is true spiritually now. It is not a wearying, prolonged journey. Directly you resolve in your soul to go to Christ you are there and He comes into view. There were but eleven days' journey from Horeb to Kadesh-Barnea by way of mount Seir, Deuteronomy 1:2. I believe mount Seir refers to the brethren; compare Deuteronomy 2:4.

J.B. Is not the point that the Spirit of God has a great concern to satisfy the heart of Christ now?

J.T. That is the thought. He is comforted in view of Israel's decease. We perhaps think but little of what the Lord found in the midst of Israel.

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He found joys there, hut they had all to be given up. He now has the assembly to comfort Him until Israel is reinstated.

A.L. In the epistle to the Romans the apostle says it was of Israel that Christ came, Romans 9:5. Is that Sarah's tent?

J.T.. I think the whole passage there would suggest it, all that Israel had in the way of testimony.

A.L. You spoke of the assembly following. Did Rebecca make the transference in her soul from Sarah's tent to Isaac?

J.T. She was transferred from natural associations to Isaac, but Sarah's tent is a spiritual thing, it is a question of the testimony. The word temple is spiritualised; it had been a material thing; the words house and nation conveyed material thoughts, whereas all these things in 1 Peter are spiritualised. We have these things in a spiritual, and so in a true, sense. In this way we have come into Sarah's tent.

W.B-t. You spoke about the servant's address to Rebecca and to the household of Bethuel. You have something on your mind about that.

J.T. It begins in verse 34, "And he said, I am Abraham's servant". That is the first thing, he announces himself. He is entitled to speak, being commissioned. The Holy Spirit is here in this sense, just as the Lord Jesus was. As He came commissioned of the Father, so the Holy Spirit has come. Then the servant says, "And Jehovah has blessed my master greatly; and he is become great; and he has given him sheep and cattle, and herds, and silver, and gold, and bondmen and bondwomen, and camels, and asses. And Sarah my master's wife bore a son to my master after she had grown old; and unto him has he given all that he has". Now that is one part of the message, of the testimony. The Holy Spirit brings to the saints the tidings of what God is, and of what Christ is, and how all the

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wealth of God is given over into the hands of Christ. Then he says, "My master made me swear, saying, Thou shalt not take a wife for my son of the daughters of the Canaanite, in whose land I am dwelling; but thou shalt by all means go to my father's house and to my family, and take a wife for my son". That is another feature of it. Isaac must have a wife, for it is a wife here, and she must be of Abraham's family. That is the second point that he makes. All these points ought to be observed by us. The Holy Spirit would press them upon us, He will not connect you with Christ in the flesh, however great you may be. He will not use that in any sense at all in relation to Christ. It must be altogether what is after the family of Christ; it must be spiritual.

J.B. Is not that the thought in Paul saying, "To me, less than the least of all saints, has this grace been given, to announce among the nations the glad tidings of the unsearchable riches of Christ", Ephesians 3:8.

J.T. That is it exactly.

S.C. Would you say a word on Isaac meditating in the field and noticing the camels coming; and Rebecca being the first evidently to notice Isaac, because she calls attention to him.

J.T. I think it is brought in to show his loneliness, if one may use that expression. There is no one with him, although his father had plenty of servants. It is to show that the Lord Jesus before the assembly was brought to Him in this way was companionless. He needed the assembly.

B.T.F. You would say that was shown in His words, when He said, "Except the grain of wheat falling into the ground die, it abides alone", John 12:24.

H.G. You referred to the journey being short and to Rebecca arising with her damsels and riding on the camels. She followed the man. It is a very commonplace remark, but I am sure the difficulty

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with us all is that we are not spiritual, in regard to our natural relationships finding their proper place and in regard to divine movement along the line of the Spirit's activities, and pursuing them. The whole thing hangs upon the question, Are we prepared to follow the man? Any difficulty amongst ourselves, whatever it is, can all be traced up to the simple and yet wonderful fact as to whether we are spiritual, whether we are listening to the voice of the Spirit and making room for Him. I know it is so myself, that if you find a person that is spiritual they learn, they move, they are easy to get along with amongst their brethren. Whatever it is, there is moral adjustment, and they become spiritual and heavenly; they learn what it is to be divested of elements which are earthly and fleshly and they become spiritual and heavenly. Do you not think so?

J.T. I do. That is just the lesson that I believe the Lord would press upon us in this meeting, the importance of being spiritual. The question is, Are we prepared to follow the man?

L.G.M. You were speaking about losing our own lives, and I was thinking, How many of us are, in heart and soul, prepared to lay down our lives for the brethren.

J.T. The place the Holy Spirit has assumed in the ministry of Paul is a most interesting subject. It is in the ministry of Paul, I think, that the thought of the man here is seen, because there had to be movement. The ministry of the twelve had set up the saints and led them to a point, but there was to be a movement and the test comes as to whether we can follow the leading of the Spirit.

G.A.T. What has been said does not mean we give up our family circle or our business circle, but we give up the influence of them. We do not allow them to influence us.

J.T. You have one thing before you, your relationship

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with Christ in heaven. That one thing, the uppermost thought in your mind, is the place God has given you in Christ. You cannot conceive of anything greater for the saint than that, and it gives character and colour to you. You are righteous, of course, and to be righteous you have to respect all that God has ordained in nature and in business, but I believe the difficulty is that the business and the family are more in the mind than Christ and the assembly.

Rem. The ministry that went out from the twelve, went out from Jerusalem; but the ministry of Paul went out from Antioch, the apostle is given that which is set forth for us in the assembly.

J.T. You see how the Spirit is emphasised. "The Holy Spirit said, Separate me now Barnabas and Saul", Acts 13:2. It is put there distinctly to call attention to the sovereign activity of the Spirit, and you must be prepared to follow that man, so to speak. The saints at Antioch, if some were Jewish believers from Jerusalem, would say, This is something we must think over. The Spirit said, "Separate me now Barnabas and Saul", without any reference to Jerusalem at all. He was acting and speaking in Antioch.

Rem. We see the grace that is characteristic of Rebecca in the serving of the camels. "I will draw [water] for thy camels also".

J.T. That is very interesting because it shows the grace that marked her. In verse 18 Rebecca said, "Drink, my lord! And she hasted and let down her pitcher on her hand, and gave him to drink. And when she had given him enough to drink, she said, I will draw [water] for thy camels also, until they have drunk enough". Enough -- that is, it was not a matter of politeness simply, she supplied him with enough. That is Christian benevolence. We are to be cheerful givers.

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W.B-t. It must have been a remarkable thing for a maiden to draw enough water for ten camels.

J.T. She gave the servant enough and then it says, when she had given him enough to drink she said, "I will draw [water] for thy camels also, until they have drunk enough". I do not know how much a camel could drink, but there must have been a considerable amount of water for ten camels to drink enough. And then it says, "And she hasted and emptied her pitcher into the trough, and ran again to the well to draw [water], and she drew for all his camels". That is, I think, an indication of Christian liberality. "She ran" it says, depicting the promptness and energy she showed in her service. Then it says, "the man was astonished at her, remaining silent, to know whether Jehovah had made his journey prosperous or not". He was looking for the marks and they were apparent; the spirit of liberality and kindness were in evidence.

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Genesis 26

J.T. It may be well to mention that the heavenly man is great not only because of his position and office; he is great morally. The heavenly takes precedence of the earthly on moral grounds rather than official, so the reference to Isaac in Hebrews is that he blessed both his sons, Jacob and Esau. That is, the heavenly dispensation, as we may call it, is unlimited in the extent of its influence and blessing. He blessed not only Jacob, but also Esau. I thought it well to call attention to that, because it suggests to us the dispensation in which we are. John the baptist referred to Christ, saying, "He must increase, but I must decrease. He who comes from above is above all", John 3:30 - 31. I mention that in connection with this chapter because, as you will observe, it is devoted wholly to Isaac. Therefore, it is typically the present dispensation, and I think the Lord will enable us to see the features of the dispensation in the facts presented to us here.

B.T.F. It is Christ personally here.

J.T. Yes, Isaac is Christ risen and exalted to heaven, the heavenly man; so that he is not marked by strife, but he overcomes evil with good. That is the principle of the heavenly.

W.C.R. Yieldingness seems to mark him.

J.T. Yes, and yet he triumphs. He secures his point. I think it is the character of the dispensation. You give way but triumph in it. You overcome evil with good.

W.C.R. You would say it is the spirit of the kingdom. I mean the character in which I come out in the kingdom would be that spirit.

J.T. Yes, the heavenly rule. I suppose the gospel of Matthew indicates it in some sense, but the

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heavens ruling is founded on moral grounds. It is not an arbitrary rule.

B.T.F. There are many details in the chapter that we would find it hard to associate with Christ.

J.T. It is the main outline of the chapter that we are considering here. He is not to go down into Egypt. That is, God makes provision for the maintenance of the new system. It is not to be dependent on Egypt. It is to be preserved from Egyptian influence. He is to remain in "this land"; that is, Canaan. Those who have part in the heavenly administration should be zealous to avoid Egyptian influences.

W.C.R. What do we understand by the famine touching him, as a heavenly man?

J.T. It is, I think, a test; both in Abraham's case, here, and also in Jacob's time, it is a test but Isaac is not to be moved by it. He is to sojourn in the land.

L.G.M. He is given to understand that he will increase.

J.T. Yes, it says, "Jehovah appeared [you will notice there are two appearings here, the first is at Gerar] to him, and said, Go not down to Egypt: dwell in the land that I shall tell thee of. Sojourn in this land; and I will be with thee and bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries; and I will perform the oath which I swore unto Abraham thy father. And I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven, [there is nothing said about the sand of the seashore here] and unto thy seed will I give all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth bless themselves"

W.B-t. Why is the sand of the seashore left out?

J.T. Because it is wholly the heavenly side, I think, here. That is what we are occupied with now. The earthly will come in in time. We hold to it in

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faith, but for the moment it is the heavenly side about which we are concerned.

W.B-t. I notice that in the third verse God said, "Sojourn in this land; and I will be with thee"; and in the twenty-eighth verse Abimelech and those with him said, "we saw certainly that Jehovah is with thee".

J.T. Yes, it is quite clear that in order to have God with us we must maintain the position in which He has set us.

G.A.T. Naomi did not stand the test. There was a famine in the land, and she and her husband went out. The great danger, if the test comes to us, is that we are liable to turn to Egypt for support.

J.T. Yes, whereas there is abundant supply with God. We must not be concerned about the external. It all depends on God being with us.

H.G. So Isaac sowed in the land and he reaped a hundredfold, but in the land the idea is that you maintain your heavenly position.

J.T. The hundredfold here is the opposite of famine. God was with Christ. It says, "who went through [all quarters] doing good, ... because God was with him" (Acts 10:38) and so as we hold to the position he has given to us, He is with us, and He blesses us, and we are a blessing.

G.A.T. Now bring that down to our present walk. Supposing there was famine amongst us; that in any local meeting we felt there was a famine, how would you set about to get the good of these things?

J.T. You see here how he is to hold to the position God has given him. You do not surrender the position on account of the outward circumstances. You hold to the position and God will come in for you. Many things might be said of course with regard to prayer, but the point is to hold to your position. Do not surrender that. Do not admit a need of human help. Do not seek human help.

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H.G. Would you say that in a certain sense it was famine when Paul said, "At my first defence no man stood with me, but all deserted me", 2 Timothy 4:16. It was famine as regards human support and the brethren. "But the Lord stood with [me], and gave me power, that through me the proclamation might be fully made, and all [those of] the nations should hear". The testimony was maintained. In fact, even though he was alone in a certain sense, he maintained the ground; is that the idea?

J.T. That is the idea. God will not allow anything else to prevail now save the heavenly. That is what increases, so as we hold to that in the principle of it in our souls, there will be increase according to God. That is the increase we should desire. There may be increase of another kind, but it will not stand or prevail. The increase of today is heavenly. It is the heavenly man that prevails. That is what John establishes in speaking of the Lord: "He must increase" he says, "I must decrease", John 3:30. He must increase. That is what you hold to in your soul, and as you hold to it God comes in for you. There is nothing else for it. God will not allow anything else, so the point for us in that sense is to hold to the position God has assigned to us, as He directs Isaac here. "Dwell in the land", He says, "that I shall tell thee of: ... and I will be with thee and bless thee" Ephesus left her first love, which involved her place, as indicated in Rebecca, with Christ in heaven. She left that. Any increase under those circumstances shall not abide. Increase comes in maintaining the heavenly position.

C.H.B. It is the day of small things, and you count upon God, and do not turn to human expedients.

J.T. You hold to heavenly principles, and as you do there will be increase. It may not be such as you might wish naturally, but it is that which abides.

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L.G.M. This was an opportunity for real exercise of faith.

J.T. That is just what it is. It is faith in the way in which it holds to the position God has assigned to us.

G.W.H. With the increase of divine light are you always tested?

J.T. I think so. As we get light we are tested as to whether it is made good to us. Great light had been vouchsafed here. Isaac had a great place. He was Abraham's son. As the twenty-fifth chapter shows, Abraham had sent away all the children of his other wives so that Isaac should be alone. He gave to all the others gifts, but "all that he had" he gave to Isaac. They should not inherit with Isaac. He must be alone. Now it was for him to hold to that. That is the position God has given to us; and as we hold to it I believe we shall find that God increases us.

L.G.M. Rebecca came in for her portion of the inheritance with Isaac?

J.T. Certainly. God increases us because, as John says, "He [Christ] must increase", John 3:30. The heavenly must increase; so, as we hold to it, we gain in that way.

B.T.F. Are you referring to our position in Christ?

J.T. Yes, in heaven. It is what we are called to. We are to occupy the ground in the light of our heavenly position, and we are not to move away from that. Be "not moved away", it says, "from the hope of the glad tidings". We are not to be moved away. The Colossians were in danger of being moved away; as moved away, you miss the divine gain consequent on the heavenly position at the present time.

B.T.F. We are to be in the world, but not of the world.

H.G. Paul speaks of how all in Asia had turned

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away from him; but he encourages Timothy to "be strong in the grace which [is] in Christ Jesus. And the things thou hast heard of me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, such as shall be competent to instruct others also", 2 Timothy 2:1 - 2. Is that the thought, no matter how difficult the way, provision is maintained for the teaching of what is heavenly?

J.T. I think 2 Timothy is provision for the maintenance of the heavenly light, although in greatly reduced circumstances. It was like a trust handed on to others. It was precious, and it has come to us today; so our increase according to God depends on our adherence to and maintenance of it. All that were in Asia turned away, and so there could be no further increase there according to God. As you said, Paul says, "the Lord stood with [me]", 2 Timothy 4:17. "Luke alone is with me. Take Mark, and bring [him] with thyself, for he is serviceable to me for ministry", 2 Timothy 4:11. Each of those men was with Paul, and this was evidently because he was supporting the testimony. He says, "Alexander the smith did many evil things against me ... he has greatly withstood our words", 2 Timothy 4:14 - 15. The issue was really the testimony.

G.A.T. That is a good remark you just made, that they were not with Paul simply on account of what they thought of him personally, but rather that they supported him on account of the testimony. We are affected by that. If I like a brother, perhaps I support him a little better than if I do not, but I should support him whether I like him or not, if he is standing by the testimony of Christ.

J.T. "Onesiphorus ... has not been ashamed of my chain ... sought me out very diligently, and found [me]", 2 Timothy 1:16 - 17. That is, Onesiphorus was interested in what Paul stood for. There was great reproach attached to him, but Onesiphorus was not ashamed of Paul's chain; so "the Lord", he said, "grant mercy to the house of Onesiphorus", 2 Timothy 1:16. He sought out

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Paul and was not ashamed of his chain. Each of those individuals in 2 Timothy stands with Paul to support what he held. That is, they supported what was heavenly, and it is in that way the increase comes, for the heavenly must increase.

L.G.M. The Spirit of God would have us apprehend our heavenly calling, and we are left here to answer to it in the sphere of responsibility.

J.T. You hold it in your soul, acting on the principle of it in relation to the saints; and so you have God with you. The testimony here is, "I will be with thee and bless thee"; and then Jehovah goes on to say, "for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries; and I will perform the oath which I swore unto Abraham thy father. And I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven". These are promises. These are the things that we rely upon, as heavenly men. Faith relies upon them, and as you hold to them, you get increase, God is with you.

W.B-t. You are encouraging us greatly. There comes a time often in the history of a Christian when there is real famine. He has the feeling that there is a famine. As our brother has pointed out in regard to the apostle Paul: all Asia forsook him, but the Lord stood by him. I see in this chapter, as you are bringing it out, how much there is to encourage one to go on and hold to divine principles.

J.T. There is indeed much to encourage; because the heavenly must increase. You are with the wind, or rather the wind is with you, so to speak. "A sound out of heaven as of a violent impetuous blowing", is what came to them at Pentecost. "And filled all the house where they were sitting", Acts 2:2. That is a token of the power that is with those on this line, so that the point for us is to hold to this line at all costs, even if there be only one, "the Lord stood with [me], and gave me power, that through me the proclamation

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might be fully made", 2 Timothy 4:17. The preaching must go on.

G.A.T. Now to bring this down to ourselves practically. If everything in a meeting is going wrong, what you are saying would encourage me to take a stand myself for the testimony in the midst of that confusion; and if I take such a stand God will support me in it.

J.T. And the stand you take is to be marked by the yieldingness seen in Isaac. If we went over the chapter we should find a certain yieldingness, and yet a cleaving to right principles, to what Abraham had introduced. The Philistines had stopped the wells, but Isaac would unstop them. That is, whatever had gone before that was of God must be maintained. There is weakness, and even failure, seen in his going to the Philistines and in giving way to them as to the wells, but in the main he maintains the truth of his calling.

W.R.C. He calls the wells after the names his father had given them. There was no surrender with him.

J.T. No, the link with what was of God in the past is maintained.

E.G.M. Referring to our brother's remark, we sometimes hold to right principles arbitrarily, whereas Isaac was willing to be reduced to nothing, in order that God's power might be shown.

J.T. In holding to right principles you have the right spirit, so Paul says "thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life", 2 Timothy 3:10. The manner of life must be in keeping with the doctrine. It is the manner of life that prevails. You will find the spiritual man always triumphs.

E.G.M. So Isaac withdrew, and withdrew until God found room for him.

J.T. Rehoboth refers to the Spirit. It is really in resurrection. When surrendering all natural proclivities

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and sensibilities you will find room by the Spirit on the ground of resurrection.

G.A.T. I think we perhaps have failed in maintaining the right principles in a bad spirit. If I see the right principles I must maintain them with the spirit of Christ. Is that right?

J.T. That is what God loves. As I was remarking on Lord's day, it is the spirit of holiness in which Christ is declared to be the "Son of God in power ... . by resurrection of [the] dead", Romans 1:4.

C.H.B. Is that "holding the truth in love"? Ephesians 4:15.

J.T. That is what it would involve.

O.J.O. Paul could say, "if even in abundantly loving you I should be less loved", 2 Corinthians 12:15.

J.T. Yes, I think Paul's letters to the Corinthians show us how a heavenly man acts in relation to defection in the assembly, how he acted in regard to the Corinthians. It is the triumph of what is heavenly. It always triumphs. It may go to the wall outwardly, but it triumphs in a moral way.

Rem. The Philistines seem to have been a very difficult people to get on with.

J.T. They were envious, and for this reason, they said, Isaac was mightier than they. They could not stand that. You know what that means I am sure. The religious element feels eclipsed by those who recognise the Spirit. This was evidenced in the last century in what was known as the "Essays and Reviews". They came out after this heavenly principle had been asserted and maintained. The headship of Christ and the Spirit on earth had been asserted and maintained and the religious leaders were put in the shade, and they felt it. They could not but feel it. "Go from us; for thou art become much mightier than we". There were feelings similar to this. The promulgation of papal infallibility was an effort to fortify Rome against the power of the truth recovered by the free action of the Holy Spirit.

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C.H.B. So it is either carnality or spirituality with us. We are either set for digging the wells, or filling them.

J.T. Yes, the Philistines, it says, filled the wells with earth. Earthly principles nullify what is heavenly. The time is coming when the heavenly and the earthly shall be in accord. "The heavens ... . shall hear the earth", Hosea 2:21. That time is coining, but for the moment the heavenly is the point. It is the heavenly truth, and the Philistines would bring in what belongs, perhaps, to another dispensation, the earthly side.

H.G. What is the point of Isaac denying his wife for fear of his life, and thus coming under the rebuke of Abimelech? I was wondering whether there was a moral teaching in connection with the thought of compromise, of which we are in danger, in view of saving ourselves?

J.T. I suppose so. Whilst in a general way the chapter shows us the heavenly man, Isaac is not without his defects. There is compromise. That is, he did not admit the whole truth. There was a certain amount of truth in what he said, that she was a sister, being a relative, but the full assembly position is more than that, more than the thought of a sister and brother. It is union really. She is his wife.

L.G.M. Although Isaac was a heavenly man, and generally answered to his heavenly calling, yet he failed in regard to Gerar.

J.T. He failed in going to the Philistines, and in not confessing typically the full assembly relation I think. A sister, however loved, is not a wife. That is, the mere thought of brotherly relationship is not the full truth. The full truth of the heavenly position is union; the marriage idea. That is the full truth of our position, and short of that we are defective. I think many will admit the thought of

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brethren, but come short of union. Union perhaps, is the least understood of all truths.

W.B-t. That is a very important remark.

J.F. I suppose we are willing to admit union as to the future, but it is not taken account of sufficiently as existing now.

G.A.T. I am a little puzzled that Isaac being a type of Christ, and Rebecca of the church, he should deny her.

J.T. You cannot strain the type. It is more the general character of the heavenly man; it is more the spirit of the heavenly man in us than Christ personally. You want to see that what God is looking for, is that you should occupy this position, and be possessed of the spirit of the heavenly man.

W.J.Y. Is affection the great spiritual significance of union?

J.T. It involves affection, of course, but on it depends the shining out of Christ in the assembly; the complete reflection of the Man in the woman. "They shall become one flesh", Genesis 2:24. That is union; so that the female is merged in the male. He "called their name Adam", Genesis 5:2. It was one idea, and, in order that that one idea should be expressed in the saints now, we must understand union.

J.B. Is not union an eternal thought; whereas the thought of our being Christ's brethren could hardly go into eternity, could it?

J.T. I think it does go into eternity, but it is more what we are to Him, you see, as companions; whereas union involves that there is a representation of Him in us, because we are one flesh. There is only one idea which is man. He "called their name Adam".

C.H.B. Does the expression "the Christ" cover that?

J.T. Yes. "So also [is] the Christ", 1 Corinthians 12:12.

H.G. In the providence of God it seems, that He

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allows conditions to come to pass which enable the world to look in on the privacy of our lives, and to discover if there has been the surrender of a heavenly position. Whatever it is, that we fail in, if we are led to judge it, it is gain. After Isaac is recovered, by a rebuke, to his proper position, it is there we get the sowing in the land, the hundredfold, and the Lord blessing him. So present exercises in the world, I think, are really the occasion of investigation with many of us as to how far we are of a truth heavenly men.

J.T. I think the necessity of the moment requires specially the truth of the heavenly calling. We should be prepared to suffer for the maintenance of the heavenly position. The present situation brings that out, and it appeals to us as to whether we are prepared to suffer for it, for, as we do, I believe the Lord will be with us, and the Lord will bless us.

H.G. There seems to be a very great gain with Isaac in the way he is spoken of, possession of flocks, and possession of herds, and great store of servants. He "went forward" it says.

J.T. Reading from the twelfth verse it is; "Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year a hundredfold; and Jehovah blessed him. And the man became great and he became continually greater until he was very great". It was in the land where he had been tested. That is the idea of increase. He must increase. And he had possessions of flocks, possessions of herds, a great number of servants, and the Philistines envied him. That is the position. The big men of the land, those who had been there, and occupied the ground without divine commission or permission envied this man.

W.C.R. Is that the definition of a Philistine?

J.T. Yes, he is a man that professes to occupy the land, but he is not there by divine calling. He is not called to it. Subsequently it comes to light

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that he did not get into it through death and resurrection, as the Israelites did; but Abraham did not get into it in that way either, only Abraham was called to it, and Isaac was, whereas the Philistines were not. Divine calling is a great feature of the testimony. "As many as [the] Lord our God may call", Acts 2:39. The sovereignty of God is seen in it.

H.G. The Philistine steals what another man has gained by exercise. Abraham brought the water, and then they stole it; which has been done all through.

J.T. There is an institute in this city that has certain text books that were written by a spiritual man, a man who dug wells. They use his books as text books, but they never were exercised to get things themselves, except to pay the price for printing. The idea is Philistine. Abraham digged the wells; that is exercise. All the light comes in by men that hold to the heavenly position and suffer for it. A Philistine takes that and uses it, adding to himself thereby.

G.A.T. You said something once about working on another man's capital.

J.T. That is the principle of it. Of course we are not suffering. I mean to say a spiritual man who has living ministry does not get impoverished by others using it. "Ye have received gratuitously, give gratuitously", Matthew 10:8. You are only too glad to have them use these things; only the using of them without exercise and the Spirit, indicates what is before us, that men are prominent in connection with the things of God who really have no exercises according to God themselves.

W.B-t. They bring in earthly things in such a way that the well is stopped. The water here is the Spirit, is it not?

J.T. If you minister in the power of the Spirit and another takes up what you present, the normal

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thing is that he should connect it with the Source of it. These people to whom I alluded have not done this. All is connected by them with earthly principles. Hence those that hear them really do not get the water. They do not get to the Source. It is not a spring. Is not that what you have found in your experience?

H.G. It is very true. Really they are content to use the water that drove the mill eighty years ago, but one desires to be in touch with the water that drives the mill today, a living stream flowing. You want to be in touch with that.

G.A.T. You would not deprive me of the privilege of using what I hear another brother give out; if I go to the source of it myself after I hear it.

J.T. No; if you hold the thing in power in relation to the source of it; but if you connect it with what is earthly, with an earthly organisation, there is no water at all really, and that is what the modern Philistines do.

W.B-t. When you say the source of it you have in mind the Spirit, have you not?

J.T. The Holy Spirit. It says in the sixteenth verse that "Abimelech said to Isaac, Go from us; for thou art become much mightier than we. And Isaac departed thence". I think that is the principle of the heavenly man. He is not going to contend with people. The area is large; there is plenty of room, so there is no need of contention with regard to this point. So it says; "And Isaac departed thence, and pitched his camp in the valley of Gerar, and dwelt there. And Isaac dug again the wells of water, that they had dug in the days of Abraham his father; and that the Philistines had stopped after the death of Abraham; and he called their names after the names by which his father had called them. And Isaac's servants dug in the valley, and found there a well of springing water". I think that word

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Springing might be translated living. He dug a well in which was found living water.

L.G.M. What do you mean by living water?

J.T. John 4 develops what the living water is. In the third chapter of John, the Baptist calls attention to the fact that the heavenly man must increase, and then it says: "The Father loves the Son, and has given all things [to be] in his hand", John 3:35. In the next chapter He speaks to the woman of a fountain of living water, a fountain in herself springing up into eternal life.

B.T.F. In what way would the herdsmen strive for the spring?

J.T. I Suppose it is the way in which the religious leaders would wrest from us the gain of the Spirit. What you see here is that they do not prevail. They move from one to another until he reaches the well of Rehoboth. That is, the Lord makes room for you.

G.A.T. It is not giving up divine territory or principles, is it?

J.T. I think not. I think it is the elasticity of divine warfare; you give way as the conqueror. The superiority of the heavenly triumphs. Its superiority becomes manifest.

W.J.Y. The Spirit follows the heavenly man.

W.C.R. "A bondman of [the] Lord ought not to contend, but be gentle towards all", 2 Timothy 2:24. Is that the idea?

J.T. These first two wells, Esek and Sitnah, refer to opposition and strife, whereas Rehoboth is room. I think the Lord gives room; as we recognise the assembly there is room for the Spirit. It is really resurrection, I think.

B.T.F. Do you refer to the Philistines as open enemies here?

J.T. No, it is more the insidious way in which the truth would be wrested from us through earthly minded men. I think that is what is alluded to.

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H.G. There is a point at Rehoboth where in a certain sense the Philistine cannot prevail. I mean to say a man of that stamp can never really follow the present activity of the Spirit. They only strive in a certain sense for what is in a measure past.

J.T. I do not think they can get beyond Romans, to say the most. They may have an apprehension of Romans, but when you get to Colossians they are finished. Colossians is risen with Christ. I do not suppose a single man in all Christendom understands that, except one who has the Spirit. Unless one has the Spirit and the faith, Colossians is absolutely outside the range of their understanding. Colossians and Ephesians are altogether beyond them. I have no doubt Rehoboth is Colossians and Ephesians. They can proceed no further. As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, they proceed no further. There is a point beyond which they do not go.

W.J.Y. What is the significance of Isaac always looking for water? He continues digging.

J.T. Does it not point to the recognition of the Spirit by the heavenly man? That is the one thing he makes prominent.

W.J.Y. He needed water to maintain the possessions he had.

G.W.H. That is, if going on in the heavenly position you feel the need of the support of the Spirit.

J.T. You must have the Spirit. The Lord said: "he abides with you, and shall be in you", John 14:17. He abides with us for ever. The great thing is to make room for Him.

L.G.M. That is the way you are maintained here as a heavenly man.

J.T. In Rehoboth earthly minded men have no place. They are absolutely without power when you touch that territory. They know nothing about being risen with Christ. They may know something

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about "justified by faith" and the gift of the Spirit; they can talk about that, but when you talk of being risen with Christ it is altogether beyond them.

B.T.F. I suppose a certain apprehension of Romans may leave you in the world, but when you come to Colossians you are taken out of the world in your affections?

J.T. There is plenty of room there, and very few in it. There is no crush there.

G.A.T. When the Lord made room for Isaac then he became fruitful.

J.T. Yes. It says: "And he called the name of it Rehoboth" which, as we all know, means "room" or "broadways". And then it says, "For now Jehovah has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land". Colossians is the increase of God.

B.T.F. Would you just say a word as to Colossians being fruit for God?

J.T. It is the increase. The passage in the second chapter "in whom also ye have been circumcised with circumcision not done by hand, in the putting off of the body of the flesh, in the circumcision of the Christ; buried with him in baptism, in which ye have been also raised with [him] through faith of the working of God who raised him from among the dead. And you, being dead in offences and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, he has quickened together with him, having forgiven us all the offences; having effaced the handwriting in ordinances which [stood out] against us, which was contrary to us, he has taken it also out of the way, having nailed it to the cross; having spoiled principalities and authorities, he made a show of them publicly, leading them in triumph by it", Colossians 2:11 - 15. There is complete victory over the enemies. Then he says: "Let none therefore judge you in meat or in drink, or in matter of feast, or new moon, or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come;

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but the body [is] of Christ. Let no one fraudulently deprive you of your prize, doing his own will, in humility and worship of angels, entering into things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by the mind of his flesh, and not holding fast the head, from whom all the body, ministered to and united together by the joints and bands, increases with the increase of God", Colossians 2:16 - 19. That is the idea, that increase is in Colossians. It is not the increase of numbers, mark you! It is increase of God. It is the reflection of Christ in the body. Compare Ephesians 4:16. That is what is in view. It is really the increase of the heavenly. Rehoboth is a very great point. It is Colossians. It is where we touch resurrection and the energy of life. It is the position where there is plenty of room for the affections that God has planted in us. Isaac maketh increase with the increase of God.

C.H.B. The Philistine does not want this position.

J.T. You see Colossians is to shut him out. The Philistine is the man who would teach philosophy and ceremonialism, enhancing himself by one or the other; whereas the apostle would shut him out and make no room for him, so that the saints should increase according to the increase of God.

W.B-s. There is no religious distinction; no national distinction; no social distinction; but Christ is all.

J.T. That is it. That is Rehoboth.

J.B. It brings Christ in, in the fulness of His position in resurrection. I was thinking that in Colossians it is really the fruit of the Spirit, is it not? The Spirit is hardly mentioned in Colossians.

J.T. Only once: "Love in [the] Spirit", Colossians 1:8. It is more the effect of the Spirit in Colossians. The body is made much of. I do not know what you think, but it seems to me this is the point.

H.G. Yes. As you say, it is the subjective answer to all that Isaac is, which I understand is

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Colossians, the vessel really capable of displaying all Christ is; so that fruitfulness, and increase, and all that kind of thing are very prominent in Colossians; growing by the true knowledge of God.

G.A.T. If the believer reaches what you are saying now he would be beyond the power of the enemy.

J.T. "He that has been begotten of God keeps himself and the wicked [one] does not touch him", 1 John 5:18. That is a corresponding truth.

W.B-t. Verse 22 says, "and we shall be fruitful in the land". Is that connected with Rehoboth?

J.T. I think that leads on to Ephesians, the full position of the assembly in the counsels of God. Ephesians 3 has in view the full position and increase according to God.

W.B-t. I thought Ephesians was Beer-sheba.

J.T. I think Beer-sheba refers to Israel; it is the covenant, the oath, and I think it refers to the reinstatement of Israel. We do not want to pass on to that for a moment. I think "fruitful in the land" is Ephesians, the full recognition of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit, the answer to which is Ephesians as far as I understand.

W.B-t. What we want is fruitfulness. For one's self, one would like to be a fruitful man.

J.T. The Ephesians were marked by love for all the saints. I think that is the idea of fruitfulness.

J.B. Is there not in this verse "and we shall be fruitful in the land" a complete answer to the first verse "there was a famine". These exercises all result in good; Isaac is fruitful?

J.T. I think the result of holding to the heavenly position is that the Holy Spirit has room, and there is abundance in the way of ministry and love.

G.W.H. Is there a difference between the headship of Christ in Colossians and in Ephesians?

J.T. He is Head in virtue of His person in

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Colossians; in Ephesians He is given to be Head. God gives Him to be Head over all things to the assembly.

H.G. Would you say also that headship in Ephesians is viewed from a higher altitude than Colossians? His exaltation is emphasised in Ephesians.

J.T. Quite. In Colossians He is Head of the body; in Ephesians Head to it, Head over all things to the assembly. That is, she has part in the headship in Ephesians; whereas He is her Head in Colossians. Holding the Head is the point there.

J.B. "All the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge" (Colossians 2:3), being in the body, are derived from the Head.

B.T.F. Do you think Abraham reached a further height than Isaac?

J.T. I am not sure that he did. I think Isaac is the heavenly position. It is Christianity we are dealing with here, which is dependent upon Christ in heaven, and the heavenly spirit which seems to shine throughout the chapter. Isaac is also dwelling in the land and he is fruitful in the land. It points to Christ risen and glorified, and the Spirit here.

Now in regard to Beer-sheba, what is to be noticed is that the Philistine leaders come back to Isaac that is, he is tested by an overture, as you might say. "And Abimelech, and Ahuzzath his friend, and Phichol the captain of his host went to him from Gerar[these are distinguished men]. And Isaac said to them, Why are ye come to me, seeing ye hate me, and have driven me away from you? And they said, We saw certainly that Jehovah is with thee; and we said, Let there be then an oath between us -- between us and thee, and let us make a covenant with thee, that thou wilt do us no wrong, as we have not touched thee, and as we have done to thee nothing but good, and have let thee go in peace; thou art now blessed of

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Jehovah". It seems to me they are forced to make this confession, but in making it they make an overture to the heavenly man. It seems to me there is an object-lesson for us here; that, whilst he makes the covenant; that is, he is not going to be vindictive with them in any sense, although greater than they, yet he sends them away from him. It says: "They rose early in the morning, and swore one to another; and Isaac sent them away, and they departed from him in peace". Isaac is not to be a neighbour of the Philistines. So it would appear the heavenly testimony is preserved throughout the chapter.

W.C.R. Is there any significance in his making them a feast?

J.T. I think the whole proceeding shows the superiority of Isaac. I am not saying that all was perfect with Isaac; but I think that in general the heavenly testimony was maintained. He hearkened to the word of God, and was thus blessed of Him. He was superior to the Philistines. What you see here, I think, is the greatness of Isaac. The more spiritual one is, the more one can deal with opposers in a magnanimous way. You do not need to hold yourself aloof. A "spring or a well, a quantity of water" is not defiled where an "earthen vessel" would be, Leviticus 11:36. But note that Isaac sends the Philistines away. To refer again to Beersheba, it is the well of the oath. I think it refers to God's faithfulness. Would you say that?

H.G. I think so.

J.T. I think it refers to His faithfulness, that "whatever promises ... in him is the yea, and in him the amen", 2 Corinthians 1:20. It seems to me that in the assembly there is the guarantee of the fulfilment of God's covenant in regard to Israel. I think Beer-sheba refers to that, especially in view of the fact that when Jacob went down into Egypt it was here that Jehovah appeared

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to him, and He says: "I am God, the God of thy father: fear not to go down to Egypt", Genesis 46:3. That is, Israel's hopes were secured in a risen Christ, in Isaac. There is one other thought we may not overlook, and that is, Jehovah appeared to Isaac at Beer-sheba. Another appearance I think would point to additional light. It seems to me that all that was connected with the first appearing in Christianity, but what took place at Beer-sheba would point to the faithfulness of God in regard to His promises.

J.B. Do you mean that the faithfulness of God in regard to His promises will be established in a risen Man in the power of the Spirit?

J.T. That is what I think. Beer-sheba signifies that, and that testimony is in the assembly, is preserved among the heavenly ones.

W.B-s. Beer-sheba seems to be outside the land of the Philistines.

J.T. It is an important point that the believer should be established in the faithfulness of God, and it is used to assure us of His faithfulness. "By two unchangeable things, in which [it was] impossible that God should lie, we might have a strong encouragement, who have fled for refuge to lay hold on the hope set before us", Hebrews 6:18.

A.L. And you build an altar there.

J.T. You set up a testimony to your apprehension of that.

A.L. I suppose that when the Spirit of God fills one's soul with the light of that one would build an altar there.

J.T. Yes, the altar is the outward evidence of the light you have in your soul.

W.B-t. I notice all through this chapter Abraham is referred to. In the first verse there was a famine in Abraham's days, it says, and now a famine in Isaac's day: the wells were dug by Abraham, and then God in appearing says "I am the God of

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Abraham thy father". Would you say a few words as to the significance of that?

J.T. I think the prominence given to Abraham refers to what Christ was in the flesh. To Abraham the promises were made. Isaac is Christ risen and glorified. In Beer-sheba God Himself connects the position with Abraham, that He is the God of Abraham, showing His faithfulness. He would be faithful to the promises. But to come to the last verse, it is pitiful to think of these two women being brought in; they are Hittites. "Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Basmath the daughter of Elon the Hittite". Two Hittite women brought into the household of Isaac. It says, they were a grief of mind to Isaac and Rebecca.

B.T.F. Esau lost the blessing; this shows he was morally unfit for it.

J.T. It shows the character of the man. In spite of the fact that his grandfather, and he must have known it, had caused the servant to swear that a wife should not be secured for Isaac from among the Amorites or Hittites, Esau deliberately did this thing. It shows the perverseness of the flesh, how directly opposed it is to the will of God.

G.A.T. That is a warning to our young people.

J.T. I was thinking of that, how easily one may bring in an element, through marriage or associations, that is a grief of mind to Christ and to the saints.

W.B-t. Then in chapter 28, Esau, seeing that his Hittite wives did not please his father, takes a daughter of Ishmael.

L.G.M. Is the significance of it that where God has wrought great blessing, Satan seeks to come in in some way to disturb it?

J.T. What strikes you is the perverseness, the impudence, of the flesh. How presumptuous it is! In spite of the plain will of God, emphasised as it was in Isaac's case, Esau, this child of the flesh,

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brings these two women into the household. We all know in dealing with things in the house of God how presumptuous the flesh is, how daring it is, how disregardful of the plain, revealed will of God.

W.B-t. Esau sold his birthright; he was a profane person; so he would not regard the heavenly side of things.

J.T. So persons coming into the meetings, participating in them outwardly, see the evidences of the power of God and yet cling to that which is so plainly forbidden in the house of God.

G.A.T. And very often they wonder why the saints have not fellowship with them.

J.T. Yes.

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1 Timothy 1:4; Hebrews 8:1; Mark 16:19 - 20; Mark 13:1; Mark 12:41

I ask your attention in an endeavour to connect these scriptures. What I wish to speak about is the dispensation of God, and how it may be, to use the word in the New Translation, furthered by believers. In order to show how it may be furthered I must first show, as briefly as I can, what the dispensation of God is. The word dispensation is frequently used by us, covering a past economy of God, that of the Old Testament, what we call the Mosaic; also covering Christianity; and in the future covering what we call the millennium. The word "dispensation" is used commonly by Christians to designate these three great eras in the ways of God.

I wish to speak only of the present one, which is said, as the passage reads in Timothy, to be "in faith". The past dispensation was in sight. It was, we may say, a dispensation of sight. Moses was visible; Aaron was visible; the tabernacle was visible; and the temple was visible. It was therefore a dispensation of sight. And in the future, what we call the millennium; that is to say, a thousand years of time in which there shall be an administration by the Lord Jesus, will be also a period of sight. It will be inaugurated, by the manifestation of Christ. "shall appear to those that look for him", it is said, Hebrews 9:28. He shall appear, and He remains, as it were, in evidence in the administration of that period, so that it shall be a dispensation of sight; whereas what the apostle refers to in 1 Timothy he calls "God's dispensation, which [is] in faith", 1 Timothy 1:4.

Now I want you to follow that. Having believed on Christ, you have the Holy Spirit, and, as having the Spirit, you have Him, as it were, on the principle

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of dispensation. He has been dispensed to you, and, as having the Spirit, you are brought into the house of God; you have in that way a part in the dispensation, and, as in it, you are to further it.

Now, to say another word as to dispensation; the idea of it is, as the word denotes, that things are dispensed or administered. In other words, it is a stewardship which the blessed God Himself has undertaken. All the wealth dispensed is His own; but He undertakes to dispense it; and, in doing so, He has committed all into the hands of a Man, the Lord Jesus Christ. As we learn in John's gospel, "The Father loves the Son", John 3:35. Everyone who loves the Lord Jesus receives that statement with satisfaction. "The Father loveth the Son", and, as loving Him, He has committed all things into His hand. The administration, therefore, is in the hands of the Son; and so in turning to Hebrews, with considerable deliberation, I wish to show you how the administration is carried on.

The writer says, summing up the previous seven chapters: "We have such a one High Priest". Such a one. Who is this one? Well, the Spirit, through the writer, enlarges on the glories of the Lord Jesus in the first chapter. He says, "God having spoken in many parts and in many ways formerly to the fathers in the prophets, at the end of these days has spoken to us in [the person of the] Son, whom he has established heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; ... upholding all things by the word of his power, having made [by himself] the purification of sins, set himself down", Hebrews 1:1 - 3.

Does it not fill your hearts that the Spirit of God can employ such language of the Lord Jesus? "He set himself down" as it reads, "on the right hand of the Majesty on high". "The Majesty!" That word "Majesty" conveys to us all that God is in dignity and glory; and this lowly Man, whom you have come

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to love, has "sat down on the right hand of the Majesty". There is really no other majesty. Jesus has seated Himself down by the right hand of that; Jesus, as I have said, whom we have come to love and revere!

Now the writer says here in chapter 8, "We have such a one High Priest who has sat down on [the] right hand of the throne of the greatness in the heavens". He is more explicit in this chapter; it is "in heaven" instead of "on high", for he is coming to deal now with the new system, with the official system I might say, in which Christ administers What is it? Where is the centre of it? it is in heaven. That is where it is. Where is your centre? Where is your centre religiously? I do not ask you where it is politically, because this is not a political scene we are dealing with. It is a religious centre of which I am speaking. On earth men have their religious centres and their political centres; I am speaking of the religious. The Christian's centre is heaven, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God. The house of God on earth corresponds with this.

And then the apostle goes on to say, "Minister of the holy places and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord has pitched, [and] not man". It is not pitched by man. Are you connected with a religious organisation which is set up of men? Where is its centre? Whence is it administered? Test your religious connections with this passage. See if they measure with it. He says "We have such a one". We have. Who are the "we"? If there is one thing about the epistle to the Hebrews more than another, it is the mutuality suggested in the terms employed by the writer. The writer is simply a Christian. He does not write to them as an apostle. He is a Christian. Hence he says, "We have such a one". Can you place yourself in that company?

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As I said, the words he employs denote mutuality. You will find constantly throughout the epistle "we" and "us"; that is, the writer is one of a company, and if something is to be done he joins in it; if something is to be enjoyed, he is to have part in it. Hebrews is characterised in this way.

Well, it says, "We have such a one High Priest, ... minister of the holy places and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord has pitched, [and] not man". It is not pitched by man. It is a great deliverance for his soul when the believer sees that what is merely of man has to pass away. However ancient, however fortified by learning, repute and prestige it is to pass away. All religious systems set up by men, then, are contrary to God's mind and so pass away. It is serious to be connected with any of them. As believers, our only connection spiritually should be the tabernacle which the Lord pitched.

Well now, Jesus, with all His glorious dignity in heaven, is the Minister of that; so that the dispensation of God in that way works out, as one might say, housewise. Indeed one is bold to suggest that the term "dispensation of God" involves the house. The teaching of 1 Timothy is quite plain as showing that what God has to dispense now is in connection with His house. The apostle says to Timothy that he had begged him to remain in Ephesus to look after the doctrine, to maintain the order and holiness of the house of God. The dispensation of God would be furthered in this way.

I was saying that the dispensation begins with the Lord Jesus Christ in a sitting posture. You may wonder why I call attention to this. I mention as one reason this, that it denotes restfulness and deliberation. We have arrived at a juncture which is very far from those two thoughts. The poor world is in terrible turmoil, there is very little restfulness seen even among the people of God; very little assurance

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as to things, and I might add to that, very little deliberation or meditation in regard of divine things.

So I venture to turn to Mark. Although he speaks of the Lord's activities in His service when here, yet he gives us these very remarkable instances in which He is found sitting. I take them in the reverse order to that in which they are found in the gospel. The first is: "The Lord therefore, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and sat at the right hand of God". He sat there. I want you to ponder that, and I want you to ponder it in connection with what I have said; that the administration of the things of God is in the hands of Jesus; and it is carried on in perfect restfulness and in perfect deliberation. The administration of the gospel, for that is before us here, is therefore carried on in perfect order and effectiveness. It says in Hebrews that He sat down, and in Mark it says, He sat down. I want you to ponder the position of Christ; the posture of Christ; how the affairs of the assembly are administered; how watched over and administered in perfect restfulness and in perfect deliberation.

In saying that I wish to draw you into line with Him, I want to deliver you, if I can, from the restlessness of spirit, and the anxiety that mark the people of God. Satan would overwhelm us with anxiety, but all the storms that have arisen, all the satanic movements, have not touched the Lord in the least degree. He is perfectly at rest beyond it all, sitting at the right hand of the Majesty; and there in repose, having completed the work which He undertook from the Father, He is carrying on with perfect wisdom, with perfect design, the administration of the things of God, through the house, at the present time. It is a wonderful contemplation.

It says the disciples went everywhere. I want to call attention to that, because you may assume that we, as here seen in this world, are to sit down. Far

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from it. Whilst He sat down, it says the disciples went everywhere. They did not sit down; of course, they would sit down, as having part with Christ spiritually, but this is another matter. They were active; and, furthermore, the Lord worked with them. Although sitting, He carried on His work. Now that is the situation with regard to the gospel service in the dispensation of God.

In proceeding I want to show you how the sitting posture is taken up by the Lord with regard to the religion of the world. It is a very solemn thing to me that the Lord sits down over against the temple, Mark 13:3. The temple at that time had been left by Him. As you will notice, it says, "he went out of the temple". The temple stood for accredited religion in the world. It was an imposing structure. There is much in Christendom today that answers to it. It stood up proudly on mount Zion, visible, I suppose, from a great distance. The Lord went across the ravine from it and sat over against it. The Lord has taken up a position of vantage, whence He surveys the religion which is accredited in this world. "He sat" it says, "opposite the temple" If found in a religion accredited in this world a believer's position is most serious. The Lord is not there; on the contrary He is sitting over against it.

Only recently I was speaking about "high places". The prophet Habakkuk says he would walk upon his high places, Habakkuk 3:19. He speaks of what is the privilege of Christians, to walk upon their high places. But I want to say to you that our high places are not the high places spoken of in the books of Kings and Chronicles. There we read of high places in which incense was offered and sacrifices which the Lord had not commanded. What about these high places? These imposing structures, (let me speak plainly), which men regard as theirs, are not built by divine direction. They are not reared up by divine

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pattern or command. This was also true of the high places in Israel; they were carried over from the original inhabitants and continued by those who were regarded as the people of God. So today the original heathen customs are carried over and adorned with the name of Christianity. It is very serious. The Lord sits over against them, and He pronounces that there is not one stone, so to speak, to be left upon another in any of them. It is a serious consideration, beloved friends; especially in view of the fact that many of the saints of God actually support those places. Not that I am here to utter a threat against these places; but it is important that Christians should have it before them that the Lord Jesus has taken up a position over against the temple, and He pronounces its doom, saying, "not a stone shall be left upon a stone, which shall not be thrown down". Very solemn! Very different from the house of God. The house of God, I might say, is the "high place" for Christians. It was builded upon an eminence of old. You remember how Solomon, it says, went up by an ascent into the house of Jehovah. He went up to it. It was builded upon an eminence. You reach it by exercise.

I am not saying the house of God is in heaven, for it is not; but I do say with Jacob, that it is "the gate of heaven". With him this was a conclusion arrived at. I do not know whether you have reached the blessedness of heavenly influence and associations, but I do know that if you reach the house of God you will reach this. It is a "high place" such as Habakkuk speaks of. He says "he will make me to walk upon my high places". But I mention this in passing, so that you may have before you that, in the abandonment of the high places of man, God affords you a high place, a place that is far higher than theirs; for it is "the gate of heaven", as Jacob calls it. I might add to that, that the gate is the

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place of administration in Scripture, so that the house of God becomes in that way the medium through which heaven administers its rule and bounty. What a wonderful thing that we should belong to the house; and that we should know how to conduct ourselves in it!

Well now, I come to the third passage in Mark. It says: "Jesus sat over against the treasury". He sat. I take it, that the sitting posture in each instance is to denote restfulness and deliberation. Think of the scrutinising eye of Christ as He sits down over against your pocketbook! I want to be very simple. I mean to say, He takes account of the Christian's belongings in regard to God, as the treasury of God. God has a treasury, but I speak for a moment of what is material. It says, "Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury". It is searching with regard to our belongings. It is a dispensing time. It is a poor Christian that has not something to dispense. It is much greater to have the spiritual than the material; but, suppose I have the material; how about that? There is the treasury of God. The Lord Jesus sits over against it, and He sits over against it, not to watch what is in it, not as the custodian of it. No. He sits over against it to see how each one casts into it. That is what He is there for. These are serious considerations.

The writer to the Hebrews says: "of doing good and communicating [of your substance] be not forgetful". We are apt to forget it. We are apt to forget that while the spiritual is ministered, the material is also necessary. "be not forgetful", he says; and then he says further, "with such sacrifices God is well pleased". Think of being able to render pleasure to God by what you have in your pocketbook! Such is the dispensation in which we are. The Lord sits over against the treasury. As I said, He is not there to watch what is in the

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treasury, but He is watching what you are putting into it. That is the point. And then He passes His judgment on the widow, who had two mites; "she ... cast in", He says, "the whole of her living". That is how He judged it. He says, "This poor widow has cast in more than all" There is a perfect judgment then rendered by the Lord Jesus as to what we cast in under His eyes.

While, as I said, He was not taking account of what was in the treasury, yet He can make use of it. As of old, the Levites who carried the more cumbrous things of the tabernacle, required wagons, so today the administration of the house, the dispensation of God, requires that we should not forget to communicate of our substance. I am not of course making as much of it as of spiritual sacrifices. I would say a word about them. Peter speaks of our privilege "to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ", 1 Peter 2:5. That is another thing. It is a much greater thing to be able to offer a spiritual sacrifice than a sacrifice of my material substance. A spiritual sacrifice is "by Jesus Christ". I require the High Priest for that, but I do not require the High Priest exactly to communicate of my substance. It does not say that I am to do that "by Jesus Christ", but it does say that I am not to forget it, for if I do it I minister pleasure to God.

Well, now I am coming to another point, and that is, that the administration of the house requires priests. And so in Hebrews the Lord is said to be "such a one High Priest". In the old economy, as you will be aware, there were no seats in the tabernacle. The high priest even had no chair there. Indeed Hebrews says "every priest standeth" They carried on their labours in a standing posture. That meant there was nothing finished, that things were always in a waiting, unfinished, incomplete condition,

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under the old regime. Now see the difference! "But he, having offered one sacrifice for sins, sat down in perpetuity at [the] right hand of God", Hebrews 10:12. The Lord Jesus is sitting; but in order that the system should be maintained and the administration should be carried on, there must be the priest.

Now I want to say just one word as to the priests, especially with regard to their clothing. Psalm 132 says, "Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness". I want to say a word about that. To have part in the administration of the house of God requires that we should be righteous. You say, God accounts me righteous through the death of Christ on the principle of faith. True; that fits me for the presence of God; but I need to be clothed for the presence of men. Do you follow what I mean? If I am to officiate in the administration of the house of God I must be righteous. Hence David says with true priestly sensibility, "Let thy priest be clothed with righteousness", Psalm 132:9. What about your circumstances? What about your business? What about your household affairs? These are your clothes. Is righteousness there? It is most essential, that we should be clothed with righteousness. And now after the prayer of the psalmist the word comes from Jehovah. "I will clothe her priests with salvation", Psalm 132:16. Think of that! God covers us with clothes of salvation; one is thus consciously free from the influence of the world and Satan. These are most essential things for us in regard to the administration, to be clothed with righteousness and clothed with salvation.

There is the calling to which we are called at this time, to further the dispensation of God, and one would raise the question in one's own soul as to how far it is true of me that I am doing this. It must take precedence of my business and all my other

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interests. I am here in this world expressly for this purpose. What we are occupied with is not visible to the natural eye; it is a faith system; what is unseen and spiritual is brought in and made effective by the power of the Spirit and by the exercise of the saints.

I quite admit that the saints are to be seen, but the apostle says here that the dispensation of God is "in faith". I want you to take that in, for I see that many are defective as to faith. We are so prone to think of that which is visible, and to be occupied with it, instead of being occupied with what is invisible. Everything carried on here in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is on the principle of faith, the principle on which all service should be rendered. All giving and all ministry should be on that ground. I am referring to what is in heaven, to what is established in heaven, where Jesus sits in relation to the true tabernacle which the Lord has pitched and not man. May God grant this, that saints now, when Satan would confuse and baffle us, may hold to the dispensation. I would lay down as most important for us, that we do not let go in our souls the dispensation of God, which has been set up and which continues, and in holding to it, that we should be found furthering it according to our measure.

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Haggai 2:5; Zechariah 1:20 - 21; Zechariah 4:6 - 10

There is one word that is specially on my mind, and that is construction; not reconstruction, but construction, in the sense of building up here what is of God and for God. I have read these scriptures not only because of what they say as to this, but also because, incidentally, what is said appears in the writings of prophets who were themselves constructors, men who not only conveyed the mind of God to the people, thus arousing their consciences, but who also laboured with their hands in the work of the building of the house of God. I have for this latter reason the more encouragement to read from these prophets, and I would further remark, dear brethren, that it is of special importance that we should take account of the prophets, because I apprehend that they represent in their testimony, among other things, the patience of God; He rose up early, as it is said, to send them, thus evidencing His longsuffering.

Now, lest it should be assumed that the Old Testament has no direct reference to us, it is well to bear in mind the statements of the New Testament, especially the one made by Peter, "to whom it was revealed, that not to themselves but to you they ministered those things, which have now been announced to you by those who have declared to you the glad tidings by [the] Holy Spirit, sent from heaven", 1 Peter 1:12. The things that the prophets ministered were not ministered to themselves, nor even specially to their own generation, although each of them served, as is said of David, his own generation by the will of God, but it is formally stated that the things they ministered, they ministered not to themselves, but unto us, for they spake of the things that are now

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"announced ... by [the] Holy Spirit, sent from heaven", 1 Peter 1:12. That scripture helps greatly in the understanding and bearing of the prophetic writings, so that the Christian can take account of them as his own heritage among the others, being, as it is said, "divinely inspired, and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be complete, fully fitted to every good work", 2 Timothy 3:16 - 17. Thus beyond a doubt the Old Testament is established as having direct authority over the conscience and over the heart of the Christian.

In referring to Haggai and to Zechariah, one is encouraged in that way as seeing the bearing of these scriptures directly towards ourselves; supporting, I need not add, and confirming that which we find in the New Testament. The epistles directly addressed to Christians are amplified I believe in these Old Testament prophets. In turning to Haggai, a prophet evidently used of God to stir up the consciences of the people, in order that they might resume the work they had allowed to lapse, one is greatly interested in this remark, "The word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, and my Spirit, remain among you" The word remained, and also the Spirit remained. It is quite simple to make application of this to ourselves now, and I dwell upon it in order to make room for what I have to say in regard of construction.

God remains towards us what He was at the beginning; there is no change. Let us be assured of that. The apostles have gone, and leaders who have spoken unto us the word of God have gone, but there is no change in regard of the terms on which God is with us. The word which He covenanted with the people when He took them out of Egypt remained among them, and so also, alongside of that, He says, "my Spirit remaineth". What wonderful assets!

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what incentives to activity according to God! what potential resources! firstly, in that which God was to them, and secondly, in the power of the Spirit of God who remained with them.

Many of us will be aware that there were two covenants made with Israel after they came out of the land of Egypt. The first was made at Sinai, or Horeb, and I may remark here that there is a distinction to be made in regard of the two mounts. The second covenant was made in the plains of Moab, forty years later, as you will find in Deuteronomy 29:1. I do not know which is referred to here, but I suppose the reference is general; it is not the demand of the law that is in view here, although I am not ignoring the fact that everything must be fulfilled, but, beloved friends, it is what lay behind the thought of the covenant, namely, God's love. Compare Deuteronomy 33:3. This is included in what I do not doubt is alluded to here, that is, that what God was to them when He took them out of Egypt centuries before remained, and the power amongst them which corresponded with the Spirit remained also. Now, as I have said, the application of that to us is very obvious and I wish to bring it before you so that we may be assured as to the conditions under which we find ourselves, that there is no change as to the blessed Holy Spirit, who remains in each of us as believers, and in the assembly collectively.

I have no doubt that the first covenant made with Israel had reference, typically, to the lordship of Christ -- His authority; it was a question mainly of meeting the conditions which arose on account of the state of the people; and for us the lordship of Christ involves our wills being subdued and the love of God being brought into our hearts. Christ has witnessed to the love of God in His death on the cross, and in going into heaven He received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, and shed

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this forth in order that that love should be placed in the hearts of believers. This is a question of the administration of Christ. He has brought the love of God into evidence by His death and He has placed it in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

The second covenant spoken of in Deuteronomy, I believe, involves headship. Let us, dear brethren, take account of headship. The lordship of Christ involves, as I have said, that my will is broken, that my heart is filled with the love of God and that I am protected from all enemies; in a word that I am saved. One can lift up one's head, as it were, in the presence of enemies in the sense of the power that is in the hand of Christ. But further, this world is a labyrinth of evil, more so now than ever, and how are we to wend our way through it? How are we to find our place in relation to what God has set up in Christ? That is another side of the truth, and we need that side. If we are to move intelligently according to God, in relation to Him and to Christ, and to one another, we need to apprehend headship.

Now, I would point out that in Deuteronomy it is not, speaking generally, what Moses was commanded to say, though that is spoken of, but it is in the main what Moses himself said to the people, for he had affection for them. God loved the people and Moses loved them too. The covenant spoken of was consummated on the plains of Moab forty years or so after the first one, and after being written in a book it was placed in the ark of the covenant alongside the "tables" See Deuteronomy 31:24 - 26. We need, at this present time, to take account of what Christ can be to us in the way of counsel and guidance. It is a remarkable thing that in His address to Laodicea in Revelation 3, He offers counsel. He says, "I counsel thee to buy of me gold purified by fire" (Revelation 3:18) and so the Lord is prepared to accord counsel to

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us, and this involves His headship. Isaiah calls Him, "Wonderful, Counsellor".

The book of Deuteronomy in that way instructs the people, not how to walk in the wilderness, but how they should comport themselves in the land of Canaan, a most important part of their education; and we have to be taught how we are to comport ourselves in regard of the new place into which we are brought, which involves our relationship with the Father and the Son and with the brethren. All this is bound up in the great principle of headship. It is quite obvious that the people did not pass over into Canaan from Sinai, although it is said there were only eleven days' journey from there to Kadesh-Barnea, but they went by the way of mount Seir, which I have no doubt has reference typically to the brethren. The actual way, on account of the crookedness of the people, as we all know, was much longer and took a period of well-nigh forty years; but now all that is over, and the second covenant is made with the people, not as having to go through the wilderness but as having gone through it, and as having come to the confines of Canaan and about to pass over into it. I commend that covenant to you, for it is wonderful in the spirit of it. It is in this book that you have that remarkable expression, "All his saints are in thy hand, And they sit down at thy feet; Each receiveth of thy words", and also "Moses commanded us a law, The inheritance of the congregation of Jacob", Deuteronomy 33:3. No other people in all the world had direct communications from God save themselves.

Well now, all that remained with them, and the Holy Spirit as well, so that, as I said, potentially they had everything, and so have we; and when I say potentially, I mean the thing has to be developed in us; the Holy Spirit would lay it upon us to work out what we have. We have everything in that

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sense. We have the covenant, so to speak, that is to say, all that God is to us in Christ, and we have the Holy Spirit.

Having thus laid the basis of what I have to say, I go on to the passage in Zechariah. The ministries of Haggai and Zechariah were contemporary. The former aroused the conscience, thus setting the people in movement; the latter brought in the purpose of God in Christ, and hence the great principle of construction which appears throughout the book. I would call attention to the second chapter of this prophet in connection with the latter thought, and also to the word carpenters. You will observe that this is how God meets the horns of the Gentiles; the great Gentile powers that scattered Judah are met, not by warriors, but by carpenters. Nothing in a way could be more interesting to us than building. God Himself is, in a sense, the great Architect of every superstructure. It is said in Hebrews 3:4, "But he who has built all things [is] God", and again, "Of which [referring to the city which has foundations] God is [the] artificer and constructor", Hebrews 11:10. I think we are entitled to distinguish in regard of what He builds, and one is quite justified in saying that the first building of God was Eve. I mean it is in relation to her that we have the first direct statement in Scripture of His actually building.

I quite recognise, as I remarked, that God builds all things, and that in laying the foundation of the earth He necessarily had in view the thought of a building, but it is remarkable that in connection with the creation of the worlds it is the word framed that is used. "By faith we apprehend that the worlds were framed by [the] word of God" (Hebrews 11:3) and "he spoke and it was [done], he commanded, and it stood fast", Psalm 33:9. Things were done in that way, but when you come to the woman, how different! It is the rib of Adam in the hands of God. What will He make

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out of it? What has God made out of the fruit of the death of Christ? What is He making? The assembly, she is His own direct handiwork, made with infinite skill. So we read that, "made he a woman" (Genesis 2:22) and next to the man, the woman was the most marvellous creature in the whole universe of God. The man was formed out of the dust, but the woman was builded. I just refer to that, and it is noteworthy, that from that point onwards you find the principle of construction with nearly all the men of faith. I ask myself, is my service, is my course constructive or is it destructive? Destruction is a comparatively easy matter, but construction requires skill, it requires material, it requires energy, it requires too, beloved friends, that we go by the pattern; for really one may say, administratively, there is only one architect of the assembly. I apprehend that Paul got the pattern from Christ. He says, "According to the grace of God which has been given to me, as a wise architect" (a wise one, divinely wise) "I have laid the foundation, but another builds upon it. But let each see how he builds upon it" (1 Corinthians 3:10) firstly how he builds upon it, and then secondly what he builds upon it. In other words, I have to consider, to use terms familiar to us, the specifications both in regard of dimensions and form, and I have to consider the material.

It is somewhat striking that this architectural suggestion should appear in the letter to the saints at Corinth, a city that had been renowned for its outward architecture, and I have no doubt that the thought of the Spirit was to check every tendency to imitate the world. So I would now bring to your attention, for I presume that every Christian has in some sense the thought of building in his heart; if not, he should have; I bring to your attention the consideration as to whether in your work you have the pattern. The apostle Paul in his ministry

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at Corinth had been told by the Lord that he had "much people" in that city. One thanks God for every Christian. I do not know any sight more lovely than the countenances of the people of God, those who have the Spirit of God. Balaam's utterances confirm this. He said, "How goodly are thy tents, Jacob ... . Like aloe-trees, which Jehovah hath planted", Numbers 24:5 - 6. The Lord loves to see the countenances of His people and so the thought of many brethren is suggestive and encouraging, for one thinks of the vast number that will surround the Lord Jesus, each of whom will be like Him, conformed to His image. What a sight in the glory; an innumerable company of sons, who, as the fruit of the work of the Spirit of God, are conformed to the image of God's Son. What a sight for God and for Christ!

One delights in the number, as the Lord said to Paul, "I have much people in this city" (Acts 18:10) but then, amid that much people, the apostle begins to clear the ground for the building. Building is for God, and so Paul says, "I did not judge [it well] to know anything among you save Jesus Christ, and him crucified", 1 Corinthians 2:2. Away with all else, whatever it is, whether wealth, learning, or birth, as affording prominence in the things of God; the ground has to be cleared and the true foundation laid if things are to stand; so he says, "other foundation can no man lay besides that which [is] laid, which is Jesus Christ", 1 Corinthians 3:11. The foundation he had laid was Jesus Christ, and no one can lay another. He had laid it in view of the great divine structure, and it stands. Now he says, "let each see how he builds upon it", 1 Corinthians 3:10. I take that word to myself, I am to take heed how I build, and what I build. I have to know how, and I have to know what; that is, what material. So it is to be noted in Zechariah, that instead of armed warriors being used to meet these four horns of the

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Gentiles, God brings in four carpenters. And what have they come for? "These are come to affright them, to cast out the horns of the nations, which lifted up the horn against the land of Judah to scatter it".

I apprehend that Paul's ministry and Paul's building sent terror into the leaders of the world; what could they do against these? If you follow the course of the testimony in Acts, it is astonishing to see how in principle everything came down before it; as another has said, Judaism fell before it, heathenism was overthrown, and philosophy had to give way. I do not say that Caesar gave up his throne, but in principle Paul brought down every high thing, and in place of that he set up what was for God, namely, an invulnerable structure which stands, and will stand, when all else will have passed away, and all human workmanship shall have passed away when this noble structure will appear, as the holy city, having the glory of God.

Well now, the prophet makes inquiry as to what the four horns which he saw are, and the angel says, "Those are the horns which scattered Judah, so that no man lifted up his head". It meant absolute subjugation! The very opposite to salvation for one who is saved does lift up his head, he has the helmet of salvation, so that he is not afraid. Then the answer is as referring to the four carpenters "these are come to affright them, to cast out the horns of the nations". And so, beloved brethren, I would commend to you the importance of the work of the carpenters. If we are to meet things as they are, we must pay attention to building. The world is going in now for reconstruction and one can understand that, but the house, the building of God, is not a reconstruction, it is a construction. What God began with, that He is going on with, there is no change, and He will complete it. It is in that way,

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I believe, that the Lord would enable us to meet a condition of things that is unprecedented; the world is lapsing into a covenanted condition, and one may say one can understand the necessity for it in a way, for previous covenants have been disregarded, and treated as "scraps of paper", but now the effort is to make them binding, to make them worth something. Are the people of God to be different? Has not God secured His covenant? Has He not brought in that with which we are connected in fellowship and by which we are bound together in indissoluble bonds? So that if the world comes to us with its covenants, it is to find that we are already committed; and what a protection this would be to us. I commend that to you; we need to be protected, and God helps in this by bringing to our attention the necessity of being true to all to which we have been committed.

But that is not all; we want to be builders, and that means that we must love. I must have love and you must have love. You say, you are putting us under bondage. No; because there is an infinite supply. I understand the perfect law of liberty to be that one can supply what is required, and the Christian loves to supply love, for he has it as having the Holy Spirit. All that God is to us remains, and the Holy Spirit is in us, and thus the supply is infinite. Let us then have vessels enough, let us enlarge our vessels, for the larger the vessels the greater the supply. A comparison of John 4 and John 7 shows that the supply in the Holy Spirit is unlimited; the first for deliverance and enjoyment, the second for testimony.

Now we come to the building, and, as I said, it must be according to the pattern. The apostle Paul began by disallowing every human pretension, and then he brought in what is positive, Jesus Christ, the order of Man that glorified God on earth. That is

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the Man who is the foundation, and that is the Man who is to be the Head of the corner, and all in the structure between the foundation and the Head of the corner must be altogether and only according to Him. It is said, "The fire shall try the work of each, what it is", everything shall be tested. It is a strong expression -- what it is. What is my work? The fire will test it.

I refer now to Zechariah 4, and my thought is to show you, that what is begun will be completed. The first covenant secured really nothing in the literality of it, so that this passage refers, as I have said, to a time in which things are completed, so that you will notice Zerubbabel sets up the headstone; the foundation is laid and the same man sets up the headstone; that is the completion. Now, to come short is to be shut out altogether according to Scripture. Of Sardis it is said, "I have not found thy works complete before my God", Revelation 3:2. They had begun, but had not finished, and one would inquire, as the Lord did, "For which of you, desirous of building a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, if he have what [is needed] to complete it", Luke 14:28. That is a word for every one of us, as to what we have set out to do. You need not be afraid of it, for it is a poor Christian who does not set out to do something, very poor; he has no purpose. Paul says, "Thou hast been thoroughly acquainted with my ... purpose", 2 Timothy 3:10. What a purpose he had! He set out to accomplish something in the power of the Spirit of God, not in his own strength, for "the flesh profits nothing" (John 6:63) even in Paul. In Christianity we have sufficiency wherewith to finish. Christianity is full measure, as Paul says, "According to the measure of the rule which the God of measure has apportioned to us, to reach to you also", 2 Corinthians 10:13. That is the testimony in the power of it in my soul; it has reached unto me in that sense. Every Christian ought to be able to tell the power of

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Christianity, that it has reached unto his soul; the Holy Spirit has brought the love of God into your heart, and He has brought you to love God. The law did not do that. Christianity does that. It is full measure. Think of the Holy Spirit down here.

As far as I know, whatever springs up in the assembly in the way of error in some way or another disparages the Spirit of God. It is one thing that heaven will not admit of. Think of what the Spirit of God is! First the power in the Christian, as a well, a fountain springing up into everlasting life; is that not full measure? He springs up into everlasting life; and so in regard of testimony, it flows out, not merely as a river, but as rivers. What kind of water? Living water; the full measure from God. That is a very remarkable word in 2 Corinthians 10:13, "the God of measure". But when it comes to the Spirit, "God gives not the Spirit by measure" (John 3:34) for the Holy Spirit is here personally; He is a divine Person. Is He not great enough to bring about the will of God; to accomplish every desire of His heart? He is. So if the foundation is laid, the headstone will be put on. Let us have no doubt about it.

In this day of small things these are the facts to emphasise for our encouragement. "And the word of Jehovah came unto me, saying, The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; and his hands shall finish it; and thou shalt know that Jehovah of hosts hath sent me unto you. For who hath despised the day of small things?" I commend that to you. The hand that laid the foundation also put on the top stone. The foundation is out of sight, it is what is wrought secretly in our hearts; in connection with it we come in self-judgment to disallow ourselves for Christ. That is the principle of the foundation and I build on that. And I would ask what is the headstone? It is

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Christ in the affections of His people. That is what I apprehend the headstone to be. It is Christ in all His perfection apprehended and loved and cherished in the hearts of the saints, and becoming the binding power amongst them. Let us have no other bond but that. It will stand against all the assaults of the enemy, and besides it is ornamental in the sense of grace displayed, for there is nothing really to exceed its beauty, that that Man should be held in the affections of God's people, as an abiding influence and power there.

Thus the foundation and the headstone are in perfect agreement. I have often thought of Simeon in the temple with the Babe in his arms; a beautiful sight! When you come to Ephesians it is not the Babe in the arms of the saint, but as having arrived at a "full-grown man", it is Christ in His full perfections known and loved and treasured in the hearts of the saints; that is what I apprehend the headstone to be, and so I commend to you the divine thought of "construction".

The line is this, first we are bound together in indissoluble bonds, having been committed to this in fellowship; then by the power of the Spirit working in our hearts there will be love amongst ourselves, love one for another; and finally, Christ will have His place in our hearts according to all that He is, as the binding power, the Headstone of the corner. May God grant it to be so!

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1 Chronicles 4:9 - 10

In reading this passage I wish to call attention to the character of the early chapters of this book. To many the genealogies given may seem dry reading. It will be found, however, that "handfuls" of spiritual food have been strewn "of purpose" throughout these pages.

By comparing 1 Chronicles with Genesis 10 it will be seen that in the former the genealogical register culminates in David, whereas in the latter the end reached is that the origin and division of the nations after the flood are determined, Genesis 10:32. By this comparison it will be seen that the genealogies in Chronicles are more typical and spiritual. They suggest that whilst the whole human race is before God from its beginning, the history of each individual, being recorded, as in Genesis, there is also a record, and a much more important one, of those who can be directly connected with Christ, the true David. This latter is furnished in 1 Chronicles. The most casual reader will observe the early appearance of David in this book; and the culminating feature is seen in the confession by the Israelites "we are thy bone and thy flesh", 1 Chronicles 11:1. How blessed it is to be thus registered!

In Psalm 87:6 we are told, that "Jehovah will count, when he inscribeth the peoples", Psalm 87:6. In this psalm the point is not to show the stock or origin of the believer, but the place of his birth; that is, it is not of whom he is, but whence he is. The believer is born of God; he is also born in Zion, which represents the sovereignty of God. Our spiritual birth is altogether on this principle. "The wind blows where it will, and thou hearest its voice, but knowest not whence it comes, and where it goes: thus is every

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one that is born of the Spirit", John 3:8. The gift of the Holy Spirit to the believer is also on the same principle of sovereignty. He is given to man on the ground of faith in Christ and His work. Through the reception of the Spirit the believer enjoys sonship, being also bone of Christ's bone and flesh of His flesh.

We may now consider the verses read in 1 Chronicles. The Spirit of God from time to time throws into special prominence the evidences of faith and grace in the history given in these chapters. Jabez perhaps furnishes the most striking instance of this. He may be regarded as a type of a believer, in a remarkable way, in our dispensation. It says of him, first of all, that he was "more honoured than his brethren". To be signalised in this way involves much. There was an excess of grace there, and it wrought in Jabez to mark him off as more honoured than his brethren. To be honourable in the divine sense is not a product of the flesh. It is the fruit of the Spirit. It is further said; "his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bore him with sorrow". Herein doubtless is the secret of the distinguishing prosperity of this remarkable man. He was a child of sorrow. We may say that he was typically the product of the exercises and prayers of the saints.

Saul of Tarsus in New Testament times corresponds with him in a certain sense. His spiritual beginning is doubtless seen in Acts 7, where he is said to have been a witness of the martyrdom and prayer of Stephen. He was included in the prayer of the martyr. It need not be remarked that Saul, also called Paul, was more honourable than his brethren. He was a true Benoni -- the child of his mother's sorrow, Genesis 35:18. Paul was also a true Benjamite. The name Benjamin, the son of the right hand, has direct reference to Christ Himself, but Paul, as carrying on his service in the energy of the Spirit, strikingly exemplifies "the right hand". The work

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of God is carried on in connection with the prayers and exercises of His people. Souls are thus born spiritually and develop dignity and power in the testimony of God.

The Spirit of God speaks of Jabez's own exercises and prayers and tells us, that he called on the God of Israel, saying, "Oh that thou wouldest richly bless me, and enlarge my border". In this prayer we see how Jabez had come to recognise God as the source of blessing and enlargement. This is a true mark of faith. God has pleasure in such desires as Jabez expresses, and He delights to answer our prayers. Man naturally may bring about much in the way of advancement and prosperity in this world, but it quickly disappears, entailing much sorrow and disappointment; whereas, "the blessing of Jehovah, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow to it", Proverbs 10:22. Enlargement after the manner of the world is very often at the expense of others. To enlarge his coast a man has often to remove his neighbour's landmark, and even worse than this; life is often taken in order that the gain may be thus unlawfully and murderously acquired. See Proverbs 1:19 and 1 Kings 21. The blessing and enlargement which God gives are not at the expense of others; on the contrary, others are enriched by the blessing He accords to any believer. His blessing is from His own fulness and resourcefulness, and it is "far exceedingly above all which we ask or think", Ephesians 3:20.

Jabez further desired that God would keep him from evil, that it might not grieve him. As receiving the gospel the believer discerns that the world is dominated by Satan; sin prevails in it. Like the Ethiopian eunuch, he sees the necessity for baptism and accepts it. He places the death of Christ between himself and the world. But this has to be maintained, and so he reckons himself "dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus", Romans 6:11.

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He knows he is not under the law, but under grace, and so sin has not dominion over him. He is delivered "from the authority of darkness and translated .. into the kingdom of the Son of his love", Colossians 1:13. He is "kept guarded by [the] power of God through faith for salvation, ready to be revealed in [the] last time", 1 Peter 1:5.

It is said of Jabez that "God brought about what he had requested". The Christian today, as walking in faith, finds the same result to his prayers. Being translated into the kingdom of God, he is kept from evil by the power of God; and being born of God, he "keeps himself, and the wicked [one] does not touch him".

May God grant that we all may express the exercise of Jabez and receive the answer which he received.

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Matthew 17:1 - 8; Mark 9:3 - 8; Luke 9:28

In reading the gospels the word to Timothy by Paul has a special significance, namely, that we should rightly divide the word of truth. The gospels afford a wide range of truth: they are on a much wider platform than the epistles. The bearing of the gospels goes beyond the assembly, into the millennium, so that we require to bear that injunction in mind in reading them, namely, to rightly divide the word of truth.

Now I want to speak a word as to the educational teaching of the gospels. I select this as one incident of note, and one which presents to us what is highly educational. The disciples were immediately in view, but the disciples had learnt their lesson when this account was written; and so it was written for those who follow after them, for us; so that we should profit by their education. We are to be educated divinely if we are educated at all. The gospels do not educate us for our place in this world, save as to bearing witness for Jesus in it. The education of the gospels is to qualify us for the world to come, for ourselves immediately as being the heavenly part of it. How blessed to know that we are to fill part of that wonderful world that the Gospel has before it!

Now these three men were taken up by the Lord to receive this special educational experience, for such it was. The record is left for us as followers in the path of faith. I wish first to dwell on the account in Matthew, then in Mark, and then in Luke more fully.

Matthew tells us that the Lord's face shone like the sun, and His raiment was white as light. The Spirit of God records that through Matthew for us.

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Neither Mark nor Luke mention the sun for the reason that Matthew is the educational gospel for administration. We are to be administrators; we are to have part in the world to come. What I say, I say from the conviction of my own soul, however insignificant one may regard oneself. The Lord's mind about you is, that you should have part in that wonderful system of things. Hence the importance of looking at the sun. The sun is the greatest of all benefactors in the material system, especially in the wonderful regularity in which it revolves in our system. It is a wonderful piece of education to look at Christ in that light. What a countenance was His! John sees Him later in a vision at Patmos. His countenance was as the sun shines in its power. We have come to see with Paul, that we are not connected with this world; but our citizenship is in heaven.

In connection with Christ there is a system of citizenship in which we, as believers, have part. The Lord would have us there, hence He will come to receive us to Himself, "If I go and shall prepare you a place, I am coming again, and shall receive you to myself, that where I am ye also may be", John 14:3. This is a precious truth for all who love the Lord; that is to be in the Father's house; but there is another idea, the city of the living God out of which shall issue all government. Government is on the shoulder of Christ. Every nation cries out for a governor. The government is upon His shoulder. Think of the parental care of Christ: He is the everlasting Father; the government of the universe is sustained on His shoulder; and then He is also Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. All those great ideas shall enter into the city of the living God, whence issue all dominion, all rule for the whole creation.

What a blessed thing to think we have our part

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in that wonderful scheme. How necessary it is for us to study Matthew. In order to have administration we must first have legislation; in Matthew 5 we get legislation, but in Matthew 17 we have administration or government; "his face shone as the sun", Matthew 17:2. Think of the counsels of the nations; who knows anything about them? Things are done in the dark, whereas here Christ's face is as the sun and all His circumstances are white as light. Not a spot or shade on His Person or in His circumstances. Who is qualified to rule in the house of God save One who is without spot? I Timothy makes that plain, so in Matthew's account we have instruction in regard to rule.

In Mark's account the word themselves appears as distinct; a high mountain "by themselves apart" that is Mark. Mark is ever presenting Christ as the Servant of God. We have in it no reference to His birth or boyhood; it is the beginning of the glad tidings of Jesus Christ, Son of God. That is how Mark introduces his subject, very abruptly. There is no reference to His parentage or locality, it is the beginning of His service. The Lord is selective and exclusive. We must not be afraid of the word exclusive, provided it is preceded by selection, divine selection. Now according to Mark these three were taken aside by themselves. How lovely that is! It is as if to say, Peter, James, and John, only you three. It was a very small company, but a very select company. It is not a question of number, not that we shall not have numbers, but I prefer selection first, the selection of the Lord Jesus. If left to ourselves, not one would have chosen Him. He says, "Ye have not chosen me", John 15:16. If they had been left to themselves they would have been with the multitude. "There is no beauty that we should desire him" (Isaiah 53:2) but "I have chosen you, and ordained you" (John 15:16) He says. The Lord selects and ordains.

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Now it says, He took them "by themselves apart": all that happens for them in consideration of divine education. It is not simply the fact that He is transfigured, but that it happens before them. How things happen before us! The world does not know what we enjoy; did they know it their attitude would be different. Paul says, "which none of the princes of this age knew, (for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory;)", 1 Corinthians 2:8. He was the hidden wisdom. The wisdom of the Greeks was public; you can obtain it by buying their books. It says, "none of the princes of this world knew, (for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory;)" The world does not know; no city provides for the saints of God. Take what we find usually; in these despised places we find things that the world knows nothing about. The Lord excluded the world, "I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me". That is our position. He prays for us, so He manifests Himself to us. Judas said unto Him, "Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself to us and not unto the world? Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone love me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and make our abode with him", John 14:22 - 23. If you love Christ you are one of the exclusive ones: is not that enough for you? What kind of countenance have they?

Gideon said, "What sort of men were they that ye slew at Tabor? And they answered, As thou art, so were they; each one resembled the sons of a king", Judges 8:18. There is no difficulty in getting numbers, if that is what you want; some skill, a bit of Herod, a little leaven, and a crowd is easily secured; but it is a question of the quality: what kind of a company it is, what kind of a spirit and countenance. We want men calling on the Lord

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out of a pure heart. Mark calls attention to their selection. You say, You are shut up to yourselves, you are too narrow. It is not the exclusive narrowness of the flesh, corruptly so, but the exclusiveness based on the selection of the Lord Jesus Christ, His selection.

That is what we are shut up to. What do you know about what we enjoy? Look at the countenance of God's people. Are they not happier than you are? The secret of it is, beloved friends, we are shut up to Christ. We are shut up to all there is in heaven and eternity. Think of its vastness! Christianity has no time limit. It is not regulated by the laws of nature; it has a vastness that is of God in Christ. Our outward man perishes, but the inner man is renewed day by day; but you do not see the inner. We should look "not at the things that are seen, but at the things that are not seen", 2 Corinthians 4:18. Paul says, "Our momentary [and] light affliction, works for us in surpassing measure an eternal weight of glory", 2 Corinthians 4:17. Mark is on that line. The Lord takes them up to a high mountain and is transfigured before them; afterward they looked round and saw no man, save Jesus only with themselves. Do not say, I am nothing; place the saints with Jesus; they are jewels. That is the essence of the epistle to the Colossians. The Father speaks out of a cloud, "This is my beloved Son: hear him. And suddenly having looked around, they no longer saw anyone, but Jesus alone with themselves". That is, I apprehend, how Mark presents the thing. He would occupy our minds with Him, with Jesus announced from heaven as Son, He alone is to be Head, and He is with three men, and they see no man, save Jesus only with themselves.

Now in Luke, what I want to enlarge on is the Man. The transfiguration occurs while He is praying. It is as if the Father would say, in a way, It is not

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all for you now, that lovely view of a Man praying is for God. "As he prayed the fashion of his countenance became different, and his raiment white [and] effulgent. And lo, two men talked with him, which were Moses and Elias". What were they talking about? All these things are educational. They were talking about His decease. If we were to meet Moses with our natural sentiments, we should ask him questions as to which Pharaoh was ruling in his time, and about the Red Sea and Mount Sinai; but there is nothing said about these things. He is in the presence of the Lord of glory. We might ask Elijah about his exploits, or about Ahab or Jezebel, but there is not a word about these things. They were speaking to the Lord about His decease, which He should accomplish at Jerusalem. Peter was afraid, James was afraid, and John was afraid; and they were not only afraid, but they fell asleep. It says, "Peter and those with him were oppressed with sleep", Luke 9:32. Poor Peter was the leader in sleeping. There is usually leadership in these things. We have to be on our guard if we influence anybody: if you want to go to sleep, go to sleep by yourself. "They that were with him". It is a terrible thing to be in a party or have a party spirit. We should be with Jesus, not with any man or company, but with Jesus. It is well to ask in the secret of your soul as to whether you are with Peter or with somebody else. They were asleep!

Further, when they were fully woke up, they saw His glory. That is what we all wake up to; that is what is available in the light of Christ glorified. Peter is the spokesman again. "It is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles", Luke 9:33. Luke says he did not know what he said. How like conditions around us: men waking up and making their proposals; "let us make three tabernacles" How many tabernacles there are in what we call

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Christendom. Even at Corinth Paul writes, "Each of you says, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ", 1 Corinthians 1:12. All were guilty, not one was exempt; that is how it is in Christendom. The apostle says, Away with all sects and leaders; return to Christianity. Peter did not know what he was saying. A division brought about in saying I am of Christ, is an attack on the Lord Jesus Christ. It is Satan's way of nullifying the truth. The Father's voice is heard, and a cloud overshadowed them. Hear His voice! Amid the din of different voices of leaders God speaks. It is a question of righteousness. There is only one tabernacle; to make three would be a denial of the truth of the Deity, for God is one. In Exodus there is only one tabernacle, and Christ is that, and He stands for it here. They feared as they entered into the cloud, so God put an end to his speech. Hush! A suggestion to put My Son on the level of Elias and Moses, I will not allow. God is tolerating things today, but He has His mind about things, and is going to deal with things. He has His own mind about everything.

What does heaven think about Peter's speech? It is an attack on the Son of God; so while He speaks a cloud overshadowed them and they were afraid. God was educating, and they were disposed to learn. The voice is past, now we are to be tested by it. When it is past Jesus was found alone. Now are you prepared for that? to be with that blessed Man who was received up into heaven; there, as Stephen saw Him at the right hand of God, standing ready to serve and to teach. Are we prepared to listen to Jesus? They kept it close and told no man in those days any of those things which they had seen. Think of the wonderful truth treasured in their hearts. Peter does tell us about it, beginning with the expression, "Being with him on the holy mountain", 2 Peter 1:18. To whom does he tell this? To the

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Jews of the dispersion. He wants to stir up their pure minds by words of remembrance; he does not tell it to impure minds. These are priestly and pure minds. It was remarked today when Jehu met Jehonadab, and said, "Is thy heart right, as my heart is with thy heart?" Jehonadab answered, "It is", 2 Kings 10:15. I believe your hearts are right; fellowship is not agreeing with doctrines, but it is a question of the heart. Is your heart with mine, and each with God? Are we together with pure hearts and hearts true to each other and to Christ? Peter wrote to stir up the pure minds; an impure mind had better be left dormant. To stir up an impure mind read a novel; they are intended to stir up the filth in the human hearts. Peter, as a true priest, desired to stir up purity in their hearts. He says, We have not followed cunningly devised fables for we were eye-witnesses, when we were with Him in the holy mount. He is stirring up the minds of the brethren, and he says, we were "with him", and "were eye-witnesses of his majesty", 2 Peter 1:16. So he leaves that in the pure minds of the people of God.

So would I seek to stir up your pure minds. Jesus alone! Wonderful Man! He is the One to fill our vision and keep us from the Antichrist; as we have Him in our hearts, we are invulnerable.

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2 Timothy 2:19 - 26

J.T. What came before us previously was that in Romans righteousness in the believer flows from the revelation of God made good in his soul. It says, "righteousness of God is revealed" (Romans 1:17) that is, that kind of righteousness, and its applicability is to the one that "is of [the] faith of Jesus", Romans 3:26. He has in his soul the faith of Jesus, which involves that order of Man, I apprehend. Now that leads to practical righteousness in the Christian as a matter of moral sequence. In Romans he has obeyed from the heart the form of doctrine that was delivered to him, so that in chapter 6 the truth is wrought out on moral grounds, and one's body is yielded to God, and one's members as instruments of righteousness to God. It is a moral result, so that Christ becomes Head in Romans on the same ground; that is, on moral ground. He proves Himself qualified to be Head. In Colossians He is Head in right of His own Person, He is Head on the ground of what He is personally. In Ephesians He is made Head, but in Romans He is Head on moral grounds.

G.W.W. You are referring to the end of Romans 5.

J.T. Yes, things are all put on moral grounds in Romans, whereas in John's epistle they are the result of generation, of our being born of God. He says, "If ye know that he is righteous, know that everyone who practises righteousness is begotten of him", 1 John 2:29. It is on the ground of birth, so that as born of God we practise righteousness.

G.W.W. That has become characteristic of us.

J.T. So Abel is introduced as the typically righteous man, and Cain as the opposite.

W.L.P. Why do you bring in headship in connection with righteousness?

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J.T. I was referring to Romans 5. The "one man" by whom righteousness and life are made effective for all men is necessarily Head. The Man through whom men are blessed, and in whom they are blessed and established. In 2 Timothy recovery is to Paul's line of things, so that this epistle runs parallel with Ezra and Nehemiah. What would be observed in Ezra and Nehemiah is that David's ministry and headship are made prominent. Moses is of course assumed, but David is specially brought forward.

J.S. Why do you mention Paul's line?

J.T. His ministry is the test; it has been the test throughout, from the time it was introduced.

It becomes a question now of the genealogical register, and of each one proving his genealogy. As regards the generality of saints, we have to admit we do not know them. Paul formally states it here; "the Lord knows those that are his", implying that others may not, but each one can prove his genealogy. I think this letter shows how each one can prove his title.

J.D-s. That remark is made in regard of the Jews in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah.

J.T. One great point was that the genealogy of each should be established; having been down in Babylon, who could have told what alliances they had formed?

W.L.P. A Christian should not compromise his genealogy by any alliances that are contrary to Christ.

A.F.M. What you are remarking in regard to genealogy is very striking, in Ezra and Nehemiah.

J.T. I think Ezra would be what you might call the genealogical editor of the Old Testament. Certainly there was such an one as that. It was an important point throughout in the writings that genealogies should be kept. In Genesis 10 the families of Noah

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are given to us to show how each nation had its origin. "These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations. And from these came the distribution of the nations on the earth after the flood", Genesis 10:32. In 1 Chronicles the genealogies bring out, we may say, the relation in which each one stood to David.

B.P. Those that name the name of the Lord prove their genealogy?

J.T. I think that is it. That is the first feature of a Christian's genealogy, that he names the name of the Lord, and as doing so he withdraws from iniquity.

B.T.F. Would you give us an illustration of that? Was Onesiphorus one who proved his genealogy? Being in Rome he sought out the apostle and found him and was not ashamed of his chain.

G.W.W. You mean to say the moral characteristics of Christ came out in him? A man proves his genealogy because he shows he is morally in accord with Christ.

J.T. It is remarkable that the apostle says, "The Lord grant mercy to the house of Onesiphorus", 2 Timothy 1:16.

B.T.F. The fact of his searching the apostle out proved that the divine nature was there, that he was born of God.

J.T. Quite right. And now that iniquity has found a place among those that call professedly on the name of the Lord the question is how true Christians are to be brought to light.

A.F.M. I suppose iniquity refers to the condition of things that obtained in Babylon?

J.T. Yes, so withdrawal from it would be the proof that one was genuine.

A.A.T. If you saw a supposed Christian withdrawing from iniquity and following righteousness,

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faith and love, you would have no doubt as to his belonging to the Lord.

J.T. I think in that way he would establish his genealogy, that he was of the line. It is remarkable how the Lord in going into the house of Zacchaeus established Zacchaeus' genealogy. He gave him a remarkable genealogy, saying, "he also is a son of Abraham", Luke 19:9. That was his genealogy.

B.T.F. Does that mean morally?

J.T. It was because he had faith; he wanted to see the Lord Jesus. Abraham rejoiced to see the Lord Jesus and Zacchaeus got up into a tree to see Him. He wanted to see Him.

G.W.W. Then I suppose what we get in Ezra about their seeking their register in the book of the priesthood would correspond to the Lord knowing them that are His? We may not be able to trace the genealogy of all the saints, but He knows them. The only ones we can accredit are those whose genealogy we can trace. Is that the thought?

J.T. Quite. The priest with Urim and Thummim could find out what was of God in any man, whereas the principle on which natural religion goes would preclude many being discovered. Zacchaeus would have been shut out in spite of the fact that he had faith, whereas the Priest being there, He saw that he was a true son of Abraham.

B.P. Is there any connection with Ezra and Nehemiah, in regard to this firm foundation standing sure? I was thinking of what they came back to in connection with the wall.

J.T. I suppose the foundation was there. The gates, it appears, had the same names after they were reared again as they had before.

A.A.T. Coming back to Zacchaeus, how does his righteousness come out?

J.T. He said he had given half his goods to the poor. It was more than a tenth, and if he took anything

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away from anybody fraudulently, he restored fourfold. He does not mean to imply that he would continue taking away by fraud. He meant that he had done so, but wherever he had taken it he restored it fourfold.

G.W.W. Do you think that was his declaration in consequence of grace touching his heart, that it was what he then and there confessed before the Lord? Grace touching his heart, he saw that the injustice had to be put right.

J.T. It seems that he states it as characteristic of his dealings. "I return [him] fourfold", Luke 19:8. It is what he did. I think it is on the principle of the practice of righteousness. Of those that were present, it says, "all murmured" when they saw it, saying, "He has turned in to lodge with a sinful man". But Zacchaeus stood, and said to the Lord; "Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor, and if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation, I return [him] fourfold", Luke 19:7 - 8. The Lord immediately says, "Today salvation is come to this house, inasmuch as he also is a son of Abraham". There is the genealogy of the man plainly stated by the Priest, and it is in connection with the evidence of righteousness. Now if it were simply conforming to legal requirement he would have restored what he had taken away. There was no need of his giving any of his goods to the poor, whereas he gives half of them. He is on the line of the righteousness of God, the righteousness which is of faith.

G.W.W. All even the law would have demanded would be to add a fifth part thereto, but he exceeded all that.

W.L.P. I suppose the Lord wants to bring His person before Zacchaeus, so as to attach his faith to him.

J.T. Yes. I think he represents a Christian who

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is delivered. There are many who have really good desires but they are not regulated by Christ. There was nothing out of the way in his going up the tree, you might say, because he had a good intent in going up into it; but it was his own idea; it was not by the Lord's direction, so that he has to come under the direction of the Lord. So He says, "Come down" However good your intention, everything must be regulated by Christ in your relations; "for today I must remain in thy house", Luke 19:5. It seems to me as if the Lord would bring him under His regulating influence first, and then He says, "I must remain in thy house"; and as in his house He says, "Today salvation is come to this house". It is in the house of a son of Abraham.

A.P. On account of faith it is practical righteousness.

J.T. Faith was there, but the Lord does not say here, "Thy faith has saved thee", Luke 7:50. He does say this earlier in the gospel in chapters 7 and 8, but here it is more what the man was, and the evidence of his genealogy.

A.N.W. Why does the Lord go beyond righteousness and say, "Salvation is come"?

J.T. Righteousness in itself is not salvation; practical righteousness is what you do, salvation is what God effects.

G.A.T. Would you say Zacchaeus got adjusted before that through his own confession?

J.T. I think he was adjusted outside the house. He went in and received the Lord joyfully, it says.

A.F.M. "Today salvation is come to this house" involves more than forgiveness. The Lord meant that there was to be complete deliverance from the power of the enemy.

J.T. There was power in His presence for that. The kingdom was there.

A.P. What would that house include?

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J.T. The family. There are many things that arise in the domestic circle that Satan can act upon, and the first great point is to have righteousness there and having righteousness, you find the power of God supporting you. Thus salvation is realised.

A.A.T. We were speaking this morning of the sinner in Luke 18, who went down to his house justified. The house is mentioned there also. He was a justified man in that house, but was he saved?

J.T. You would not go so far. You see he went down to his house justified, it does not say that the Lord sent him there. It simply says he went down justified, he went down a different man from what he had been. But in the fifth chapter the Lord sends the paralytic to his house carrying his bed, as if to imply that He could commit Himself to this man now.

A.P. But going down to his house justified, his family would come in for the benefits of that, would they not?

J.T. Quite. The children would have a righteous father now, and the wife would have a righteous husband.

Ques. Would that not imply salvation to that house?

J.T. Well, the groundwork of it is there, but salvation is a question of God's power, "With [the] heart is believed to righteousness; and with [the] mouth confession made to salvation", Romans 10:10. As we confess with the mouth the Lord Jesus, we get the support of God.

A.A.T. In Zacchaeus' house there are two thoughts; the Lord says, "I must remain in thy house" (Luke 19:5) and then, "salvation is come". Does one follow on the other?

J.T. Salvation was involved in His presence there. I do not say it always depends on the Lord's presence, but this was so while He was down here.

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Now it is effected through the Holy Spirit. The kingdom of God is Christ exalted and the Holy Spirit here, and we come into it by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. But Zacchaeus would learn by the presence of Christ in his house how to deal with sin in the house afterwards.

A.A.T. Is there a practical application of that today?

J.T. I think there is. I think we must learn how to cope with sin if it manifests itself, in those relations.

A.A.T. And in the measure in which we do we are fit to rule in the assembly.

J.T. I think we are able to rule in the assembly in that way. A man must have a good conscience in his own house before he can count on Christ to support him in it. That is, his own spirit must be right. Then in Luke 5 the man is sent to his house by the Lord Himself, which is another matter. I am now to represent Him there. It is a serious matter to have to represent the Lord there. He has given me power to go there, for in carrying my bed back into the house obviously I have power. It is for me to continue to use it now.

W.C.R. You spoke of Onesiphorus and the apostle asking that he might have mercy shown to his house. Why is his house mentioned?

J.T. Paul knew how a right minded man regarded his house. Of Noah it is said that he "prepared an ark for the saving of his house", Hebrews 11:7. No doubt Paul knew the exercises Onesiphorus had as to his house, hence his deep and tender desires in regard of this dear man who had shown himself so true when others were turning away from the apostle. Notice that Paul after speaking of his house continues: "The Lord grant to him to find mercy from [the] Lord in that day", 2 Timothy 1:18.

Now in 2 Timothy 2:19 this acknowledgment of the Lord in withdrawing from evil is of the greatest

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possible importance for us now, as proving our genuineness in the midst of so much unreality.

G.A.T. You get the principle carried out in the sons of Levi, in connection with the golden calf. Moses called for all on the Lord's side to come out to the tabernacle.

J.T. Yes "Who is on the Lord's side" (Exodus 32:26) he says. It is what you do that proves your reality.

B.T.F. Do you limit this to the ecclesiastical position?

J.T. The apostle refers especially to the evil that had come in amongst these that were calling on the Lord professedly. He says, "But profane, vain babblings shun, for they will advance to greater impiety, and their word will spread as a gangrene; of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; [men] who as to the truth have gone astray, saying that the resurrection has taken place already; and overthrow the faith of some", 2 Timothy 2:16 - 18. It evidently refers to evil introduced among the people of God.

G.W.W. Yes; and the only man that can cope with it is the man that is really of the genealogy of the One that hated lawlessness. If lawlessness comes into that which has the responsibility of being the house of God, the only one that can deal with it is the one who is of that genealogy. Christ hated lawlessness.

J.T. In calling on the name of the Lord, you are committed to all that is in that Name.

J.S. In the first place I suppose it is a question of His authority; and in the second place, our withdrawal from evil as hating it.

J.T. So that it is in that way consistency. Consistency is a great feature of Christianity; consistency with the principles we hold, with the truth we hold.

G.A.T. When does this take place in my soul?

J.T. When you make a definite break with evil. It is the breaking off of relations with those that you

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have been allied with that is the test. As was said to the sons of Levi: "Who is on the Lord's side?", Exodus 32:26. Are you prepared to take the sword, so to speak, and use it against your brother? That requires spiritual energy, because you have to do violence to natural feelings.

A.F.M. In Romans 10:13 it says, "Every one whosoever, who shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" Here it is "those that call upon the Lord out of a pure heart".

J.T. I think emphasis is laid on consistency and transparency in this chapter "Let everyone who names the name of [the] Lord withdraw from iniquity", that is consistency. It is but consistent to withdraw from iniquity if I am calling on the name of the Lord, but I may be apart from outward lawlessness as professedly calling on the Lord and yet not have a pure heart. Calling on the Lord out of a pure heart, I think only of Him and His interests. I am simple and transparent in my motives and actions.

A.N.W. Iniquity is a strong word. What is your thought about it?

J.T. It expresses evil or unrighteousness. Of course the Christian must judge and refuse it in himself; but withdrawal from it implies that it is accepted and practised by others, so that in withdrawing from it you have to withdraw from them.

B.T.F. What about false creeds held in religious systems around?

J.T. I suppose they are what is called "systematised error".

G.A.T. As a rule, do we not understand that as having withdrawn from "system", that is all the evil we have to withdraw from?

J.T. We have a specific case here, of men saying, "the resurrection has taken place already", 2 Timothy 2:18. That is a concrete ease of iniquity. It takes other forms now, but we are called upon to judge it in its varied features and

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withdraw from it as inconsistent with the Name upon which we call, the Lord Jesus Christ.

J.D-s. What we have to do, therefore, is to separate from those who, like Hymenaeus and Philetus are in any way practising or identified with evil.

J.T. Yes, so the apostle goes on to say, using the figure of the vessels: "If therefore one shall have purified himself from these, [in separating himself from them], he shall be a vessel to honour, sanctified, serviceable to the Master". Evidently the separation is from persons.

J.D-s. Just so. Would you give us the force of the expression we have in the New Translation, "Let every one who names the name of [the] Lord"?

J.T. I think the Lord's name implies His renown, all that came out in Him; that is what you are committed to in your profession.

J.D-s. That is, to use profession in the proper sense of the term; if you profess the name of the Lord and all it involves, in that way name the name of the Lord, it is for you to separate from evil as seen in men such as those we have here before us.

G.W.W. It is important to bear that in mind. You separate from persons only by reason of their identification with what is evil. That has to be borne in mind to convey the right thought to people from whom we do separate. There are some who are not personally evil, but because they are identified with evil principles we are compelled to separate from them; that puts us on right ground. People may say they are Christians as much as you are, they are children of God, but because they are going on with principles contrary to the name of the Lord we have to separate from them.

J.D-s. It says, "[The] Lord knows those that are his". That is our refuge.

J.T. We leave them with the Lord. We cannot say whether they are genuine or not, but He knows.

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W.L.P. Do we not think a little too much sometimes of the company separating from evil, instead of us as individuals separating from evil?

J.T. It is individual here.

W.L.P. We often use the thought of withdrawing from evil in a collective sense.

J.T. Basing our position on this scripture, the principlenow is withdrawal.

A.A.T. It is not "putting away" exactly.

J.T. In Corinth the assembly prerogative is formally recognised, and there was power in the assembly to deal with the person who was guilty. Instead of withdrawing from him they put him away.

B.T.F. Do you withdraw from vessels to honour, or is it only from vessels to dishonour?

J.T. "These" are the last mentioned. "If, therefore, one shall have purified himself from these [in separating himself from them]". "These" would be vessels to dishonour.

B.T.F. There might be vessels to honour in systems that you might have to withdraw from.

J.T. All are to prove their genealogy, you see. You do not know. The fact that they say they are true does not prove it. The test is, do they separate themselves as naming the name of the Lord. As a matter of fact it is consistency with the truth of Christianity, that is the test. What I think should be pressed as much as anything is consistency, and following upon that transparency. In Revelation the real ones are seen on a sea of glass; things are all transparent. We know, however, thank God! that there are many pious ones in the several denominations, but we cannot walk with them because of their associates.

J.S. If the assembly was in power there would be no need for withdrawal. There would be power to deal with evil by putting away those who practise it. Now it is a question of withdrawing from it.

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J.T. That is the principle now. Whatever words we may use, we should make it clear that while we do not pretend to be the assembly of God, we must maintain the order and holiness which marks it.

J.D-s. This instruction is for the servant, is it not?

J.T. The epistle affords instruction for all for the last days, but especially for the servant or man of God. In verse 19 we have "every one".

G.A.T. Another scripture says, "they went out from among us, but they were not of us", 1 John 2:19. Is that another side?

J.T. They went out from the apostles.

G.A.T. My thought was that if a company were in a good spiritual state the wicked man would go out himself. Would you agree to that?

J.T. We have to deal with evil, however, when it manifests itself. It will not do to leave it to remove itself.

G.A.T. Only in Corinthians do you hear of one being "put away".

J.T. Yes, but evil may exist without any overt acts, and you have to wait for an overt act in order to exercise discipline. Even in the case of Judas, there was no overt act until he went out to betray the Lord. He was allowed to go on. The antichrists John speaks of probably would not commit anything in an outward way that would be regarded as a sin; being servants of Satan, they would avoid that.

G.A.T. I thought, that if the Lord's presence were known amongst a company, you find evil going out. In the second chapter of John's gospel the Lord drove it out, but I thought if the rights of God were maintained amongst us, and the Lord had His place amongst us, evil would go out of itself.

J.T. No doubt there is some truth in that, but we have to deal with it. We judge those within. There has to be that principle.

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B.T.F. You would say there should be priestly discernment, but you cannot go beneath the surface.

J.S. It would not do to assume apostolic authority.

J.T. I think the principle of withdrawal is what holds. It may be asked as to those calling on the Lord out of a pure heart, What will they do with evil? I would say, if it is there we must deal with it, but the ground each individual takes in his own soul is, that if it is not dealt with he cannot go on with it. That is the ground to take: you cannot go on with evil.

W.H.F. Would you think that for putting away you must have the assembly to do it? You have the authority in Scripture not to go on with evil but to separate from it? In the present time the assembly is in ruin, there is failure, so that, if evil arises you have to separate from it.

J.T. The question is what is within and what is without now, 1 Corinthians 5:12. It was very clear when Paul wrote to the Corinthians that "those without God judges", 1 Corinthians 5:13. That was simple enough because it referred to anybody outside the assembly at Corinth; but when you come to the "great house", what is within and what is without? They are all inside of it, the good and bad vessels.

W.H.F. Then the point is, vessels to honour and vessels to dishonour, and, "if therefore one shall have purified himself from these, ... he shall be a vessel to honour, sanctified, serviceable to the Master, prepared for every good work".

J.T. That is still inside, all are inside.

W.H.F. We have been a great failure in assuming to be the assembly, and all that.

J.T. As far as I see, "inside" today as always, is the sphere of Christian profession, and "outside" is heathendom or Judaism. What do you say about that?

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J.D-s, I have great difficulty. I quite realise that 2 Timothy 2 is what would stand. We used it years ago and would use it now, there is no change in that respect, but what I see is that there is serious danger of giving up and excluding from our thoughts principles that actuated the assembly of God in the beginning; given in apostolic times, but given, in my view, for the guidance of the assembly of God in all times, and for me to do that would be peril.

J.T. The first thing is to determine what is to govern me primarily, in the ruined state of things. Now if you take Israel, the immediate word that governed them in their recovery was the decree of Cyrus, which had no place in the law of Moses. It had no place in David's instructions, nor in any that followed. Now that was an extraordinary situation, but Cyrus' command was the immediate word that was to govern them. After they were governed by that they were gradually led, in principle at least, into all the light given to Moses and David; but then, they had to come in, so to speak, by that gate. It was a very humiliating gate. It meant their utter shame, that they had sinned, that God had to take up a Gentile monarch to tell them what to do. But afterwards they reached a height spiritually that exceeded even David's day or anything subsequent to that. In other words, if we come in by the appointed way, all that God has for us is before us. There is not a bit of it that is not open to use. I think 2 Timothy is the gate of entrance now to what is of God, but as children of wisdom we recognise the altered conditions and act accordingly.

W.H.F. I can understand that it is our privilege to walk individually in the light of that which was set up at the beginning, but I see the danger of assuming to be anything in the way of the assembly.

J.T. You do not assume to be anything in an outwardly formal or official way, although cherishing

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the light of the assembly in your heart, and conforming to it as far as conditions admit.

J.D-s We often say that God permitted a number of things to be arranged in apostolic times, that we might have guidance in these days, and, while I am quite sure that we are in 2 Timothy times, and I am quite clear that what you say is correct, that we must approach things in that way, still I would be sorry myself to see the principles that underlie the epistle to the Corinthians, for instance, given up or in any way belittled.

J.T. I am sure every one would say Amen to that, but the question is how you approach them. As I remarked, the Jews came back to Jerusalem by the decree of Cyrus, and it was also to build the house, but when they came back they set up an altar. That was what they did before they laid the foundation of the house. They reared up an altar. Cyrus did not tell them to do that. He simply, as it were, opened the gate for them, and it was a very humiliating one, but it led to the feast of tabernacles, which exceeded what was in David's time. So there is nothing to fear on these lines. You will get Corinthians, and Colossians, and Ephesians if you go in by the appointed way.

J.D-s. If that is clear I have nothing more to say; but I am not so sure that it is in some people's minds.

J.T. It is humbling to have to acknowledge that what was once owned of God is now a "great house" in which vessels to honour and dishonour are present. Good and bad are admittedly there, and whatever our exercise and zeal for God, we cannot get out of this great house. We are not called upon to leave it, but to separate from vessels of dishonour. Each one has to do this, and then follow righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. This is the gate of recovery;

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going in by it, all that God has for us is available. All the light of Paul's epistles, of all Scripture indeed, is for our furnishing. But as children of wisdom saints in such a position would use Scripture soberly, always having the sadly altered conditions in mind.

G.W.W. If evil arises in the midst of a company of saints who are walking together in the light of divine principles it can be no more tolerated than it was at the beginning, the evildoer must be dealt with. That is clear. Therefore that company, without assuming any corporate position at all, does act collectively in reference to that evildoer.

J.T. You and I act together if we can, but the principle that governs us both is that we cannot go on with evil. All should surely have this judgment and be of one mind about it; and so act together in dealing with it. At the same time, we do not assume to be acting with the authority of the assembly, nor do we use any formula that would imply this.

A.A.T. You do not assume the power to put away the evildoer.

J.T. You cannot go on with the evil. There can be no question that evil has to be judged and refused as really as it was at the beginning. Here 1 Corinthians 5 helps, as showing how the apostle judged it as affecting the saints, and how he sought to get them to judge it and clear themselves of it. But what has ever to be before us is that no company of saints now can occupy the same position as the assembly at Corinth, and so we cannot act formally as they were commanded to "put away"; then such an act was from the assembly, indeed from the sphere of Christian profession.

A.R.S. Do you mean that if there is evil in a meeting and the rest of the assembly do not see it, you would be responsible yourself to withdraw from it?

J.T. That is the ground you take. Of course

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you would seek to exercise the others so that there might be united action, but at any rate, you cannot go on with the evil.

A.N.W. In Thessalonians Paul says: "If anyone obey not our word by the letter, mark that man, and do not keep company with him, that he may be ashamed of himself; and do not esteem him as an enemy, but admonish [him] as a brother", 2 Thessalonians 3:14 - 15. Would not that apply today?

J.T. I think it would. Such an one is not regarded as a "wicked person", however.

G.W.W. Here in Corinthians it is a wicked person with whom we are going to walk no more. He has ceased to follow righteousness.

J.T. That is the judgment you have come to in your soul, and, as walking with you, I have come to it too, so we act together in judging the sin or the person who has sinned; but we do not assume to act as the assembly. But at the same time, as seeking to maintain the holiness of the house of God, the Lord supports us in a very real way. As there is power there would be moral authority present, and this would make itself felt. But there is no claim to assembly authority.

G.W.W. I suppose what we do is we declare that that man is unfit for any Christian company.

J.T. You do so far as your act is concerned, but that would not alter the man's outward position ecclesiastically. He is in the great house and you cannot alter his position as there. You are altering you own position as regards him. Although there may not be much to object to as to the manner of dealing with sin arising among the saints, we do well to inquire, where is a person put away from, and, inferentially, where to?

A.R.S. To go back to what happened in the Bethesda trouble years ago, when the question of

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false doctrine came up, Mr. Darby, as I understand it, took a very decided stand with regard to a certain man and exercised the consciences of others about it, and the result was that they withdrew. Then that caused division amongst the saints. The action did not put that man out of the great house, did it?

J.T. It did not alter his position at all in that sense. Mr. Darby separated, and so altered his position as regards the others, and those with him.

J.S. You mean altered his position as regards vessels of dishonour.

J.T. That is, he kept himself clear. The "vessels" are all in the great house. "In a great house there are not only gold and silver vessels, but also wooden and earthen; and some to honour, and some to dishonour". You cannot get out of the "great house" unless you become an apostate. But although there is no claim of assembly position or prerogative, if we act against evil to keep ourselves pure as in the light of the house of God, as having part in it indeed, the Lord will be with us, and whatever judgment is arrived at will carry the consciences of all exercised persons. Indeed I believe the action will be ratified in heaven. The principle of binding and loosing will be there. This will be known to those who are with God. It will not be assumed in any formal way, however. In a word, things are on moral ground.

A.N.W. Your point is to make clear that the iniquitous system has become a great house.

J.S. You would be exercised in respect of others in the company so that all might be on this ground.

J.T. So gradually, as governed by the truth, you come to realise the power of God, and you are led into all the blessings of Christianity in this way but it is a most humiliating state of things. We are beset all around by people who call upon the Lord as we do, but they are not consistent. The ground

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you take is that they are there and you cannot help it, but you cannot ignore the fact.

W.L.P. Had the great house been formed in the apostle's day?

J.T. I think he suggests that it already existed. In writing this letter he speaks of certain things that happened that had brought about the change: "Of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus". The sin evidently had not been dealt with.

B.T.F. Would naming the name of the Lord be simply profession?

J.T. That is what it is, but everyone that does it proves his genuineness by separating from evil.

G.W.W. We find that we can follow righteousness, faith, love, peace, with certain ones, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. That would seem to be our charter for the moment, so to say. Very well, if one of those ceases to follow righteousness, I want to know how far does collective action come in in respect of him. I am not saying anything about corporate action, but we find ourselves in the presence of very definite directions given in Corinthian days, showing the mind of the Lord about His people going on with an evildoer. Well, we say, it is not God's will that we should walk with an evildoer. I see it; I see that His people should not walk with an evildoer, but you see it too, and others see it. His evil doing is plain. Therefore we say, This man is unfit for Christian company. He is a wicked man. Is that so?

J.T. Yes, certainly, so long as you just leave it that way. The great thing is to bow to the actual situation, and act in keeping with it. As we draw nearer to the end the way becomes more perilous, and hence the need of adhering strictly to divine principles.

G.W.W. What we want to get at is that the point must be reached that the company is kept pure;

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that it is not God's mind that any company of His saints should be found walking with an evildoer.

J.T. That is the definite attitude you take up in spite of the ruined condition of things that exists.

G.W.W. That is, you do not assume to act as though the failure had not come in. We admit that. Although the failure is present, it is not the mind of the Lord that His people should be found walking with evildoers.

J.T. 1 Corinthians 5 affords light as to this. It is thus to be before us, although as children of wisdom we see that we cannot act on it literally.

G.W.W. You have the light of 1 Corinthians.

J.T. Only the circumstances have changed. In 1 Corinthians days without was heathendom and within was the Christian circle, where the Spirit was. Today the outward continuation of that has become a huge distortion; it still bears the name of Christ, however, and you cannot get outside of it. You do not attempt to.

G.W.W. But the thing we discern from 1 Corinthians is that the Lord never expects His people to walk with an evildoer.

J.T. That is truth of the last importance.

G.W.W. We know He is going to support us if we refuse to walk with an evildoer.

J.T. We are children of wisdom and much is left to us as to how it is done. Instead of saying that such a one was put away, it is better to keep to the principle of withdrawal, which is embodied in this letter. And you do not sacrifice the light of 1 Corinthians.

G.W.W. That is really our ground of withdrawal.

J.T. It is this one letter that makes so much of Scripture. "From a child thou hast known the sacred letters which are able to make thee wise unto salvation, through faith, which [is] in Christ

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Jesus", 2 Timothy 3:15. All scripture is given of God, and first Corinthians, of course, is included, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof and for correction and instruction in righteousness. So 1 Corinthians is a wonderful scripture today.

G.A.T. Do I understand from what you say, that we cannot act as the Corinthians did?

J.T. While we cannot take the same position, the principle remains the same as theirs. We cannot go on with evil. It must be refused.

B.T.F. What would you say in that connection about the loaf representing the circle of fellowship?

J .T. We certainly include in our affections every saint. The apostle does here in principle in saying, "The Lord knows those that are his". We include all the saints in our hearts in the breaking of bread. The others are just as precious to Christ as we are. The sorrow is that they are not available to us. You go on with those that are available.

B.T.F. That is the thought, so the breaking of the loaf would bring a soul under a solemn sense of responsibility.

Ques. The question then comes up. If we declare a man unfit for any Christian company, and he refuses to be subject, but says, 'I will come here and break bread next Sunday morning no matter what you say', what is to be done?

J.T. Leave him; even leave the room to him. You maintain the principle of separation.

Ques. Such a one would be eating and drinking judgment to himself, would he not?

J.T. Yes; but you can always withdraw. The proverb says, "It is better to dwell in a desert land, than with a contentious and irritable woman", Proverbs 21:19. If there is that sort of thing amongst the saints of God you would rather be alone than go on with it. The happy thing is you do not need to go

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on with it. It is sometimes assumed that you cannot help it, but you have always the resource of withdrawal.

G.W.W. And in regard to one guilty of sin, and who does not judge it, we do not deal with him simply as affecting a few in a given locality, but the whole Christian company. We take the ground that such a man is not fit for the fellowship of Christians.