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Pages 1 - 498 -- "The Service of God". Readings and Addresses (Volume 130).


Mark 3:13 - 15; Mark 5:18 - 20; Mark 14:32 - 34; Mark 16:14,19,20

These scriptures instruct us as to the Lord's disposal of those whom He can use in His service. I need not add that these include all His own; for although we may not be commissioned, yet as believers we are all held for service, and the obligation to serve in due course attaches to each believer. Moreover, a particular service is assigned by the Lord to each, so that these passages are to instruct the youngest amongst us as well as the oldest.

I would remark as to the young, that the work of God in them will always show itself in outward smallness, the Lord Himself being the example for us, from the outset of our spiritual history. We are told that in youthfulness He was in the temple sitting in the midst of the doctors, not seeking out persons of His own age, but in the midst of the doctors. The young would do well to follow that as an example; and whilst not specially accrediting the doctors of Jerusalem, the suggestion is that they were persons who had knowledge; and at that stage of the Lord's life such an attitude was seemly. He sat in the midst of them. He was not teaching them as yet.

It is well that the young people should learn how to sit in the midst of those who know more than they; not that that applies to our Lord, because He is a divine Person, but as an example He was sitting there, both hearing and asking questions. That is another important thing, because you may hear many things that are not quite clear to you, and it is well to ask questions. He sat there as the instructed, as He had

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referred to Himself in spirit in Isaiah 50. He was given the tongue of the instructed that He might speak a word to him that was weary, and then His ear was opened as the instructed. Such was the wonderful stoop of our Lord in becoming Man, His attitude was perfectly right and seemly in every stage of His blessed life here on earth. He both heard and asked questions. I am only referring to the Lord as an example. Understanding is a feature of the work of God in us, it implies ability to take in the thoughts presented. I speak to the young, that you may see how you are brought into this and learn how to be at the Lord's disposal at all times. There is a beautiful word in 2 Samuel 23:8 about David's mighty men, their names are given, they belonged to him, they were part of his great realm, his kingdom, and one feature was that he had them. "These are the names of the mighty men whom David had". The position is that they were at his disposal.

Mark opens up this thought, having service in mind, for in the Lord's time, the time of the apostles, and in every period since in the history of the assembly, the need of service has been great. Mark is specially intended to qualify us for service, so that it is a question of those whom the Lord has, and how He disposes of them. As you will see later in chapter 14, in the supreme crisis of His life He says to some, "Sit here". It is important to learn how to sit, as the Lord tells some here to do. I am not now opening up the supreme crisis of His life, that is too great a subject to bring in subordinately, but only point out that they are at His disposal, as He says to some, "Sit here while I shall pray": and then He takes three others with Him, and begins to be sorrowful and depressed. The scene is wonderful. He says, "Abide here and watch". They are at His disposal. In the supreme crisis He places His own, with perfect

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wisdom. We cannot be in a better position than that assigned to us by divine wisdom.

In chapter 3 you will observe that He went up into a mountain, thus reminding His disciples that the service requires energy, it is not armchair service. You will note that there is nothing said at the outset about beds or sitting places in the tabernacle. It is a mark of decline, as, for instance, in 1 Samuel, where we are told that Eli the priest sat on the seat by the door post, and that he lay in the temple, and when the young Samuel was brought to the temple he also lay there. No provision is made for that in Exodus, so that it is not in accord with the tabernacle position. The first movement here in Mark indicates that they are not lying down in the temple, nor taking their ease as in the days of Haggai, but going up to the mountain. It requires energy of purpose and strength of heart to go up. You will observe: "he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him".

In that position there are those whom He can call. If there be no energy, or if there be no purpose of heart, they will not go. And if the eye is not on Jesus there will be reluctance or refusal to go up, and a preference to sit down below where things are easier and where no energy is required. Whilst we may put much energy into other things, such as sports and business, we may fail in spiritual energy, and that is what counts. The mountain is not only moral elevation but it requires energy and purpose of heart to reach the top. The Lord is there. Why did He not take them up, why did He not call them on the plain? Surely there is a meaning in that. According to Luke, after appointing the twelve He comes down with them to the plain, where men are, but here the call is from the top, requiring purpose; and it says, "they came unto him, and he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to

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preach, and to have power to heal sickness, and to cast out devils".

The thought of the position on the mountain and the obedient response to the Lord's call, is easily understood. He called whom He would, it was His own selection. There is no call for volunteers here, that is not the principle on which the service of God is carried on; it is on the principle of sovereign selection. He knows those who are suitable, and He will make His own selection. They answered His call, and then it says, "he ordained twelve, that they should be with him". We have to test our companionship as soon as this call is heard. The companionship is that of the Lord Jesus, to be with Him, "that he might send them forth to preach".

There can be no competency in preaching apart from being with Him and coming under His influence, seeing how He does things. That is largely the purpose of the four gospels, in confirmation of the epistles and the great work of God in the twelve and in Paul -- to set out the perfection of things in Christ, so that we might learn from Him. Whilst you may learn from Paul and others, the more you advance in the truth, the more you wish to arrive at the full divine standard, for that is the idea of the gospels -- so that they should be with Him, and that He might send them forth to preach. Not only that, they must have power to heal diseases and cast out devils; the preaching must be accompanied with such power. You will understand that I am not speaking of the great miraculous powers granted to the disciples in the establishment of christianity in this world, but there is something akin to that, which must go with the preaching; for diseases in a spiritual sense are found now amongst the Lord's people.

It is not so much today the question of preaching amongst the heathen, the work is now in the main amongst the Lord's people; and diseases and the power

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of Satan are very prevalent, not in the sense of demon possession, for that is rare in christendom, though it is not rare in heathendom. Let us not forget, however, that this does not mean that satanic power is rare in Christendom (see Revelation 2:24). The Spirit of God calls attention to the "depths of Satan" in christendom. The agents of the devil are active about us, so that there must be something today, akin to the power to heal disease and cast out demons, to cope with satanic power. If you go out in the Lord's service you must expect satanic opposition, and you have to learn how to cope with it. Before entering on His service the Lord entered the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. This is the first feature of what I have before me.

The next feature is that of one being left, at the Lord's direction, in an isolated position. One always thinks with great sympathy of isolated saints. If one might refer to one's own prayers, India, Ceylon, Egypt and Russia have the foremost place, because isolation, whether it be of one or of a few saints, exposes them to the bitter winds. Like the peak of a mountain range, the higher the summit the more exposure to the bitter cold winds. The heat of the earth below is not available there. The nearer we are to the company of christians the more protection and warmth we enjoy. Isolation exposes us, but the Lord knows that, and He provides for it. He knows what will stand the test before He makes His dispositions of His people. If He has put us in isolated places He has thought it out well, it is His placing.

In this country, called Decapolis, the place of ten cities, the inhabitants did not want the Lord. I need not remind you that the concentration of men, of human beings, means the concentration of evil, even now, alas! The formation of cities began with Cain, and found an answer in Babel and has gone on ever since. God has checked it from time to time, but

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there never has been such a time of cities as the present, and that means that evil has increased power in this world; so that Decapolis, the place of ten cities, is not without significance. It is a place of peculiar satanic power, and this man was in a terrible state, he is spoken of as "possessed by demons", legion we are told. Luke enlarges on that, and that he came out of the city suggestive of what the cities are. You all know about this man, this incident is rightly one of the most used in the gospel.

The point in my mind is that when the Lord went into the ship to depart, and that at a time when the whole country was hostile to Him, there was no one favourable to Him at all, it was at that particular time that the man besought the Lord "that he might be with him". You might say, 'Surely the Lord will let him come with Him, what is there for him in this terrible place, ten cities, this place of concentrated evil? He will be overwhelmed with the power of Satan in this place'. We might say that, but the Lord thought differently; the word is that Jesus "suffered him not, but says to him, Go to thine home to thine own people, and tell them how great things the Lord has done for thee, and has had mercy on thee". Then we are told that, "he went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him; and all wondered". What a result! He is not coming under the power of Decapolis. The Lord had made no mistake in this, He had this in mind in casting out the demons, and so in taking up each one of us, He has in mind to break the power of evil in us and that we might get a place assigned to us by Him.

Another thing is that this testimony is to be rendered in the very spot where, as under the power of the demons, the man had dishonoured God in the most dreadful way. Is that country to be left? Is he to be taken away out of it? No, beloved brethren, the idea is

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that if the demons are cast out you are to be left where you have been the vessel of the demons, to be a vessel under God's power, that is the idea. One great feature of the assembly's place in this world is that believers are taken up where they have lived in their sinfulness, to stand for God. There is nothing more said about this man and what became of him, or as to whether an assembly was formed in Decapolis, but there could be little doubt that there were assemblies formed there, for that is the end in view.

What is said is that he "began to proclaim", we are not told when he ended. Heaven alone knows that, it is in God's book. It is a fine example. He began, and all marvelled, that was the result. I have no doubt that this man continued to preach, and that not only did they marvel, but they would believe, there was a positive testimony in the man. The Lord says, "Go home to thy friends", he was to go to those that knew him, "and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee". That is the thing to get hold of, what one man can do. Think of a lone believer in Jesus standing up in a country where the people had recently asked the Lord to leave the place! Think of him standing up, in Decapolis, the place of ten cities, and telling men what Jesus had done for him! I would like this to sink into our hearts, because there should be a result in taking up any service for the Lord and coming under His disposal. The next thing is some little evidence that people can take account of. This case is remarkable, "all wondered".

In chapter 14, we have the thing set out in the most striking manner. As I remarked, it is the supreme crisis of the Lord's blessed life and service in this world. There will never be such a crisis as this again. It could only happen once; but it happened, and whilst it detains the heart, as no other passage does, in regard of our Lord in His untold sufferings, it affords remarkable instruction in regard of what I am saying,

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that the Lord is disposing of what is under His hand. You may say they were a poor lot. The sequel shows even the most select three of them went to sleep in the position to which they were assigned. It is remarkable that the Spirit of God should record this. He would never uncover the failure of a saint unless it may be used to preserve another saint from that failure. These dear men, Peter, James and John, bear the shame in that this record about them has been read by millions of christians. They would thankfully accept the shame, for it has been effective, in the Lord's good hand, to save others from a like failure.

The word Gethsemane is used in this gospel, and in Matthew; it alludes to pressure, and let no one who essays to be under the Lord's hand, hope to evade pressure, at least at some time. Gethsemane alludes to that; pressure after pressure will come, crisis after crisis in the history of the testimony will come, and the Lord will make dispositions of what may be under His hand. The best of them went to sleep, as we have seen. You might say, I would not have done that, but then that is just the point, you would have done that. That is what you and I are capable of naturally. These men were only samples, so that we should learn from them negatively, and see to it that we do not go that way. We have the Holy Spirit now, they had not then; so that they are a sample of what the flesh is capable of, but in the recognition of the Spirit of God come down from heaven, there is no need of this at all. We have the means, which they had not, of complying with the Lord's requirements, but if we do not use the means we have, we are no better than they. We do not understand what we have in the house. Elisha said to the widow who was in debt, "What hast thou in the house?" (2 Kings 4:2). It is in the recognition of the pot of oil and the use made of it, that we can comply with requirements.

The Lord says, "Sit here". Sometimes it is wiser

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to sit than to be active. Oft-times people show they should be sitting when they are not. The Lord says, "Sit here while I shall pray". We can afford to be restful when the Lord is praying. To extend the thought, the Lord is always interceding for us. No doubt He prayed for them here, although the passage speaks only of His prayers for Himself. He spoke in these wonderful words, written indelibly, "Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt" (chapter 14:36). Mark gives us that beautiful touch; but the Lord is speaking of His own matter here. There is no such personal matter with Him now. The matter now is the saints down here, "he ever liveth to make intercession for them" (Hebrews 7:25). Think of that, as if He had nothing else to do. The Spirit of God would stress that, not that He has not other things, but "he ever liveth to make intercession". He says, "Sit here, while I shall pray": now while we are to sit it is surely with intentness. Then He goes forward with the other three. The actual agony takes place in their presence.

The scripture says, "he taketh with him Peter and James and John, and began to be sore amazed, and to be very heavy". I was saying that it was in their presence, He went forward a little, but He made these statements to them before He went forward. He selected these men. In His mind they were evidently fit for this. It was only potential, because they failed in it, but they did not fail afterwards, they went through all this in their spirits afterwards, for they were martyred, but He brought them into it, and told them about His exercise. Think of the privilege afforded to them! And so in these crises of the assembly, which come one after another, the Lord will say to some of us, "Sit [not listlessly, but carefully] here while I shall pray", and He would take others forward into the conflict, into the very place of the greatest pressure, and then He would say how He feels about things.

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He says, "abide here and watch". He does not say that to the others, the point with them is to sit. Then He says later, pray.

This is the position in every crisis. There are those who are wisely sitting and discerning, when the Lord is praying; and there are others who are brought forward into the conflict, into the very teeth of the enemy; and then the Lord goes further, because He can go further than any of us. At all times He goes ahead, like the ark of old, which went ahead to find a resting-place, and that modifies the power of the enemy for us. He breaks the power of the enemy's wave, but it comes upon us, and hence the urgency, as disposed of by Him in that position, to watch and pray, "lest ye enter into temptation". This marks every crisis, and they come one after another, and there will be no end of them while the assembly is here; so it is a question of each knowing how to be disposed of, taking his place at the Lord's wise disposition and remaining in it, according to the word He gives us.

To carry the thought on, we have the sad history of unbelief portrayed in this gospel more than in any of the others. Mark stresses the unbelief of the disciples. If you look at chapter 16 you will be struck with the thought that if the Lord had not taken the matter in hand Himself, in spite of the appearing at His sepulchre, the testimony would have fallen to the ground, because the disciples were wholly unequal to it through unbelief. Why is all that recorded? Surely that we might be aware of the danger of unbelief, it is always lurking in our hearts, and would rob us of the victory that is within our grasp.

You will observe in verse 9, "Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene". The verses from 9 to the end of the chapter, are questioned by some critics, but they are Scripture, intensely so. They are brought

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in obviously to show how the Lord can come in when disaster is pending, and at the outset of every crisis that occurs, disaster seems to be pending. Those of us who have had anything to do with the Lord's service in a conflict know that the language that arises in the heart is: What can we do in the presence of this emergency?

In verse 8, while honourable reference is made to the women, we are told that, "they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre; for they trembled and were amazed: neither said they anything to any man; for they were afraid". Of what good was that behaviour? They had seen wonderful things, they had seen evidence that the Lord was risen, they had the testimony of His resurrection from the "young man", but they were amazed and trembled and said nothing to any man. Of what value was that? -- they were no testimony. I would not make little of these dear women, because the other evangelists give us different views, but Mark gives us the view that is intended to bear upon us in regard to what he presents. Indeed when a crisis arises we are apt to be amazed and trembling, and anxious about this and that, and to say nothing because of fear. Of what good are we then? That is the position in Mark. But the ninth verse brings the Lord on the scene. He comes in and takes up things and leads to victory. The point in this chapter is whether I have faith. Without faith I am of little or no use at all. If I am not in active faith I am discrediting the things I speak about. I cannot speak aright except on the principle of faith. Better it was that they should say nothing when they were amazed and fearing.

The Lord takes the matter up and He recovers them all to faith. This direct intervention of the Lord in a crisis is most encouraging. He can bring His people back under His influence, so that faith asserts itself again; they really had the thing, but it was buried

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down under pressure in their hearts -- useless as inactive. He elects to appear to Mary Magdalene first, the other gospels show how excellent the selection was. Then He appears to two others, that is, three, a full testimony. He appears to one, and then to two, and they bear witness to the apostles separately, the one first, and then the two. It says, "she went and told them that had been with him, as they mourned and wept" (verse 10). Dear brethren, look at this word "she ... told them that had been with him"! They were the ones. It was well they mourned and wept; it shows they were not indifferent.

Then it says, "they, when they had heard that he was alive, and had been seen of her, believed not" (verse 11). Is the case hopeless? Think of the apostles here, those that had been favoured in the testimony, selected for it, mourning and weeping, and yet when the most trustworthy person that could come to them comes and tells them, they believe not. It looks as if the position is hopeless, but it is not hopeless, it never can be hopeless if the Lord is in it. Then it says, "After that he appeared in another form unto two of them, as they walked, and went into the country" (verse 12). Much could be said about that; it is not the time of the country now, it is the time of the city, God is witnessing to the cities; the millennium is the time of the country, when people will sit under the vine and the fig tree, but today is the time of the city. The Lord appeared to these that were going away from the city, and it says, "they went and told it unto the residue: neither believed they them". It looks still more hopeless -- but is it hopeless? The Lord has appeared to one, He has appeared to two, is He giving up now? No, beloved, and He never will. He comes to the eleven Himself; He has a way of getting to the brethren, and He came to them when they sat at meat, and upbraided them for their unbelief.

What I have said has only briefly touched the

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position. The Lord takes the matter of every crisis in hand, or it would be hopeless. He will see to it that those whom He uses are believers, there is not to be any unbelief in His service. He says to them, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature", and "after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth and preached every where". The result is perfect, and we may be sure that the Lord not only disposes of us but He brings us back to faith: if we are not in faith, we can have no part in the dispensation. He sees to it that some at least are brought to faith, so that when He is in heaven, they go and preach everywhere, and the Lord works with them, confirming the word with signs following. There is every encouragement for us at this remarkable time in the assembly history. The Lord would have us under His hand to dispose of us and bring us into faith, for without faith it is impossible to please God.

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Numbers 5:1 - 10; Numbers 6:13 - 27; Numbers 7:1 - 9

J.T. The subject of levitical service begins in chapter 3, where we have the three sons of Levi mentioned according to their birth, and the number in each family. Chapter 4 gives the order of their service, beginning with Kohath the second son, who is placed first in the order of service; followed by the services of the Gershonites and Merarites. Then come three intervening chapters, 5 to 7 inclusive, before the subject is resumed. These chapters help as indicating the conditions amongst the saints which would ensure the liberty of the levites and facilities for profitable service. In chapter 8 we see how they are brought into service and presented to Jehovah, then given to Aaron and his sons to carry on the service.

E.B.G. What is the burden of the intervening chapters?

J.T. The state of the camp, the dwelling-place of God. There should be no leper there. Trespasses should be dealt with, and as dealt with, the wealth of the priests is increased. If there be trespass, there is gain through it instead of loss. There is also the jealousy of the Lord as to any unfaithfulness in the turning away of the saints, and giving their affections to another -- "the law of jealousies" (chapter 5:29). The Nazarite would ensure the continuance of the dispensation, for he goes on to the end, and links on with the coming dispensation, ensuring the continuance of the one and linking on with the next. The service has thus a wide outlook.

The wealth of the saints tribally is brought out in chapter 7. Love is acting in intelligence and unity. The princes are providing facilities for the levites: at the same time order is indicated. Sufferings, seen in

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the prominence given to the altar, are fully recognised as entering into the position, and then God speaks. In these circumstances we have divine speaking. There is also the candlestick not only giving light, but its own beauty appears, thus ensuring results and success in service, and the continuance typically of the present dispensation to the end. The Nazarite maintains the dispensation to the end; there is the favour of God towards His people; the blessing of Jehovah is assured. The prospect therefore is bright, calling for purity and loyalty to Christ, and also calling for sacrifice. The altar has great prominence in this chapter (Numbers 7), the princes of Israel calling attention to it in their gifts for its dedication. The dispensation is to be continued on these lines of sacrifice. There is also the wealth that enters into the position, and the unity that marks the tribes, for there can be no continuance of the dispensation according to God apart from practical unity expressed in the appreciation of Christ. That is the idea of chapter 7.

E.B.G. Would the thought in chapter 5 be largely akin to the first epistle to the Corinthians?

J.T. Yes; the Corinthian epistles treat of the judgment of sin in the assembly, also of jealousy.

E.B.G. Would the thought of continuance be seen in connection with the committal to faithful men, as in the case of Timothy? Do we see there the way that things are continued? Where would you say we have the teaching of the tribal thought to which you have alluded?

J.T. That is alluded to in Colossians and Ephesians -- "love unto all the saints" (Ephesians 1:15). It is a great general thought. The names of these princes are not given in the order of the birth of the tribes, but in the order in which they are set around the tabernacle, so that they represent the position of the saints ordered according to the sovereignty of God and actuated by love. What is presented is not a collaborated action,

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but an action out of love for Christ; so that whether a man lives in Australia or in England, he should be characterised by "love unto all the saints". Unity is substantial, arising out of appreciation of Christ.

E.T.S. What have you in mind in connection with levitical service?

J.T. I thought that we might look at the subject in the order in which it is presented in chapter 4. These features of service are applicable to us. Kohath is first, presenting one feature; Gershon another, and Merari another. It is obvious that the greatest service is ability to understand and carry what relates to divine Persons, the revelation of God; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; then the assembly, all that is inside, including the altar, which is quite intelligible. Then the next feature is in connection with carrying those principles typified in the curtains and hangings of the tabernacle. Can we carry out these principles? That would be Gershon. Then Merari deals with the boards and pillars, referring to persons, for we have to do with one another. Speaking generally, the service of the levites is headed up under these three classifications. What relates to divine Persons and revelation, to the principles governing fellowship, and then the saints. The last involves the length to which we will go to help a brother personally. It is quite obvious that all these features require these intervening chapters, so that we may carry out service effectively.

I think the Lord has helped us as to Kohath's service. Our moving forward depends on this service of the priests, for the levites cannot move apart from the priests. It is a question of priestly condition, particularly in regard to Kohath. I think the Lord has helped us as to these great things -- the Lord's deity and sonship. There is the carrying of the ark, the table, the candlestick, etc., and carrying them in adverse surroundings; for we have to contend with opposition.

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W.S.S. A word more about appreciation of Christ would help us. There is much detail which is of value as bringing the Lord before us, in His Person, and what is connected with Him.

J.T. Chapter 4:4, says, "This shall be the service of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting; it is most holy". The ark is mentioned first. It is not a question of Christ in absolute deity, but what He is as become Man -- the veil of separation is to be put over the ark when it is to be carried; meaning that the priests understand that there is no man like Him -- He is alone. The veil of separation would mean that He is unique -- separated from all others. The veil, and the badger skins put over the ark, mean that He was apart from sin, holy, harmless, undefiled, not outwardly merely, but inwardly; and the curtain of blue over all is to bring out that He is heavenly -- "the Son of man who is in heaven" (John 3:13). The saints are viewed in the service in this way as occupied with carrying Christ in testimony, understanding what all these things mean, and thus He is guarded against all attacks.

E.L.M. Would the passage speaking of the ark at rest suggest the privilege of peaceful and quiet contemplation of the glory of that Person?

J.T. Quite so. Hebrews opens up to us access inside, and I believe that manhood is thus developed. To see what He is apart from what men said about Him; "Whom do men say that I am?" (Mark 8:27). In the holiest you see what God thinks of Him; what He is before God.

F.F. Is the carrying seen in our daily lives?

J.T. That is the thought. In your house, business, etc., you are a Kohathite.

E.L.M. Is that the idea of testimony -- Christ borne on priestly shoulders?

J.T. Exactly, publicly carried. You can carry an appreciation of the Lord, and maintain it in your soul in your ordinary daily occupation wherever you may be, that is the idea. By the power of the Spirit you

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are capable of holding that in its integrity against all attacks. We may be able to speak of these things here, but to hold them in the face of opposition is the point.

J.T.S. Would the apostle be helping the Corinthians on the line of the uniqueness of Christ when he wrote "Is the Christ divided?" (1 Corinthians 1:13) and "the second man out of heaven" (1 Corinthians 15:47)?

J.T. Yes; the first point the apostle touches on in his exhortations is the divided state the Corinthians were in as affecting Christ. If there is division amongst us it is really an attack on Christ.

The unity in Numbers 7 is by the appreciation of Christ on the part of all belonging to the tribes. We are now before the altar and our appreciation of Christ is expressed in unity; that is testimony to God. It is our "using diligence to keep the unity of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3). In 2 Corinthians 1:19 Paul says "For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, he who has been preached by us among you (by me and Silvanus and Timotheus), did not become yea and nay, but yea is in him". The man is as good as his word, he does not say "yea" and do "nay". All these things appear as the features of Christ are wrought in us by the Spirit.

J.T.S. The Son of God said He was altogether what He said He was.

J.T. Precisely, and Paul is in keeping with that. He was in accord with the Son of God, and his word was not "yea" and "nay" but "yea, yea" (verse 17). The reason he did not go to Corinth at that time was because he loved them.

E.L.M. Would there be the springing up of Nazarites, if the assembly were exercised to maintain holiness and practical righteousness together with fidelity to Christ in affection? The faithful wife of chapter 5 gives birth to a Nazarite, chapter 6.

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J.T. In chapter 5 there is the absolute exclusion of the leper; and there are details as to the commission of "any of all the sins of man"; things that happen, alas, even amongst the people of God. But what is contemplated is that the priests become wealthier. There is a state capable of adding a fifth part; and if there was no kinsman it was to be given to the priest, and to God through the priest. Although terrible things happen, they, through the rich grace of God, work out for wealth. All these happenings make for success if we are really with God; there is thus no occasion for despair, although there will be need for the deepest humiliation and self-judgment.

The procedure with the woman as to loyalty to her husband is most searching. The thing is worked out in her lower affections, and there is no escape from what goes on. The "bitter water that bringeth the curse" is solemnly interesting. It is composed of "holy water" and dust of the floor of the tabernacle. The tabernacle is where God is, whether in this town or any other, and this dust is found where He is. It is different dust from that outside, for it speaks of death as it is before Him, and as seen by Him, worked out from the death of Christ.

I would like the brethren to speak freely about the service of the Levites because there are many coming forward in the Lord's service. I believe the Lord would help us to see the threefold nature of the service, all under the priests' influence and direction.

A.H.G. Would you say a little more as to the second feature of the service in connection with principles?

J.T. I do not know anything more important at the present time. Our attention has lately been drawn to the principles of Bethesda, and I believe the Lord intends us to take notice of this matter, because a large proportion of those amongst us do not know anything about those principles, and very little as to those on which we gather. A Gershonite ministry

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would thus be helpful, in calling attention to the defective principles which were brought to light in the Bethesda controversy, and which obtain widely at the present time. These defective principles involve looseness amongst the people of God.

E.T.S. How do you apply what is said about Gershon in connection with the hangings?

J.T. The curtains were to cover and protect. They were carefully measured, as you know. Chapter 4:24 - 26 says, "This shall be the service of the families of the Gershonites, in serving, and in carrying: they shall carry the curtains of the tabernacle ... and all that is to be done for these things shall they perform". There is no doubt that these allude to divine principles, as already said. These curtains and coverings suggest the great principles of gathering, showing how the precious things of God can be protected; the precious truths as to the Deity and all that flows from it, also the Spirit and the assembly. How can these things be preserved save by the protection which the fellowship of the Son of God affords? The inner curtains were of byssus, involving the more spiritual relationships of the brethren with one another. The outer coverings were rougher, involving death, so that taken together they suggest the idea of exclusiveness.

Rem. All these represent principles now seen in the saints so that what is inside is protected.

J.T. If approached from the outside with a view to attacking what is within, it is seen how uncompromising the saints are.

Rem. As there is an appreciation of Christ, these principles are maintained, so that what is inside is protected.

J.T. That is so. In 1 Corinthians 10 fellowship is a public thing, and involves confidence in one another as well as integrity and loyalty to Christ. "We, being many are one loaf, one body" (verse 17) involves that what you refuse, I also refuse. We are in a holy partnership,

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and consistency requires loyalty to the principles governing us and to each other.

E.L.M. Would the curtains with the beautiful blending of colour suggest the varied glories of Christ? Are these divine principles interwoven and worked out in the texture of the saints?

J.T. These are the inner ones, forming with the boards the immediate dwelling-place of God. In them the brethren are contemplated as together in love for one another, which is the beautiful work of the Spirit.

E.L.M. Our relations with one another in the Spirit are thus clothed with beauty, so that we are not marked by cold formalism, but consider each other as those "called into the fellowship of his Son".

Ques. Would 2 Timothy 2 correspond to this?

J.T. Yes. Separation from iniquity, and following righteousness, faith, love and peace together as those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

J.W. What form does the service of the Gershonite take today? Would it be ministry amongst the saints?

J.T. There are those qualified of the Lord to minister the truth as to these principles, and the service of such is specially in view here. In another sense all are levites; that is as holding the principles and refusing evil. It is done when alone, there is loyalty to the brethren even when not under their eyes.

Rem. The former would be, "Laying these things before the brethren, thou wilt be a good minister of Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 4:6).

J.T. Yes -- "a good minister".

W.S.S. Would the carrying of the curtains of the entrance be suggestive in connection with persons seeking fellowship?

J.T. Yes. There is a great deal of food for contemplation here, and the Lord will help us into it. He would have young believers conversant with what they are brought into, so that they may be preserved

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from looseness and may see that there is something worth while.

E.B.G. Have you in mind that the principles which should govern us are to be retained and passed on by way of positive ministry? Take, for instance, the question of Bethesda, to which allusion has already been made. Obviously the detail connected with it is deeply involved, but protection from the operation of such false principles would lie in the building up of the saints by a ministry of what is according to God. As thus built up the saints would detect anything which is not in accord with divine principles?

J.T. Just so. The old are more or less conversant with these principles, but the young are not; there is a poor apprehension of the ground on which we gather.

W.F. The principle of unity has been pressed in such a way as to set aside the conditions of fellowship.

J.T. A Gershonite service would take care of all that, because the carrying of these things under the direction of the priest would mean that they are valued in all circumstances.

The Merarite would teach us that while holding these principles we must not lose a brother. Those seeking the continuation of these features of levitical service would be actuated by the desire to retain every true brother. I may assert principles too far: in holding them I must be wise so as not to lose a brother.

E.L.M. If we maintained the loops of blue and the clasps of gold binding the curtains together, we should be greatly helped in handling the boards.

J.T. You see how all this worked out in the Acts where difficulties arose. The truth was maintained at Jerusalem (Acts 15), and the gentile believers were preserved as well; there was no cleavage. The enemy was seeking to drive a wedge between the Jews and the gentiles, but there were Gershonites and Merarites there. We cannot afford to lose a brother.

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H.C. In Hebrews 13:13 it says, "Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach", and later, "Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty" (verse 23). Would you connect the first scripture with a Gershonite's service and the second with a Merarite's service?

J.T. Yes. The Merarite is concerned about persons.

A.H.G. Would that come out in 2 Corinthians 2:7 where the apostle writes of showing grace: "lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow"? Principles are maintained in the first epistle and grace in the second.

J.T. Exactly. Even the man that had been so wicked must not be lost. I believe that if the Gershonite and Merarite sides of service are combined, we shall not lose our brethren. Although some may have to be cut off in discipline, you do not wish to lose one. You hold principles and the brother with them.

F.A.D. That is the burden of the apostle's exercises in Corinthians: anxiety as to the effect of his first letter, lest Satan should get an advantage.

J.T. Quite so. There were others involved in evil, and, bad as they were, he lets the matter stand until the obedience of the whole is secured. If he attempted to deal with all those offenders, it might result in a break-up of the assembly, but generally they are all brought to the truth. The angel of God says to Paul, "God has granted to thee all those that sail with thee", (Acts 27:24). But in sailing the apostle did his best to advocate right principles of navigation, but they were rejected. The ship would have been saved had the master heeded Paul. They refused his advice as to navigation, but all that sailed with him were saved, though in a humiliating way.

E.B.G. This truth would help us in regard to those who are not walking with us. We would be true to the principles, but have the persons in view as possibilities.

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J.T. Yes. I believe that the Merarites' service would be greatly supported by John's ministry. He gives us to understand how everything of the work of God is to be valued, however little it may be. We should certainly say, There is not much in Nicodemus, he has not left the council. Well, he said something in the council (John 7:50,51), that was profitable, and in due course he is identified with the Lord, taking a valuable part in the service (John 19). John's ministry would remind us that everything of the work of God is to be preserved and nothing lost.

J.C. Does John 17 illustrate your thought?

J.T. It is a Merarite setting. The Lord was looking after persons, He is also asking the Father to effectuate much of the truth that we have been considering.

E.B.G. We need help and wisdom in connection with the subject of principles and persons. We feel the necessity of holding the former, but when we come to practical application we find how difficult it is at the same time to secure persons. How are we to be helped?

J.T. The Lord Himself will help us as we feel the need. You know how much the supply of the Spirit of Christ is needed, if you are to save a brother. It is very hard to secure "a brother offended" (Proverbs 18:19). It is one of the most difficult things with which we have to contend. You see how a Merarite service has the brethren in view -- they are the "boards". Literally you wonder how they got such large trees in the wilderness. The boards were a cubit and a half wide, and were made "standing up". They were about twenty-one inches wide; made of acacia. The idea of value is there, and suggests to us what the saints are.

J.T.S. Would Romans 14 and 15 help us to think tenderly of the saints? The expression, "for God has received him" (Romans 14:3); and again "him ... for whom Christ has died" (Romans 14:15); also, "Wherefore

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receive ye one another, according as the Christ also has received you to the glory of God", (Romans 15:7).

J.T. That is how Romans builds you up for the assembly and for the service of God. Romans provides the boards, and calls attention to the value of them. You cannot get boards like them ordinarily, and so it says in Numbers 4:31,32, "the boards of the tabernacle ... and by name ye shall number to them the materials which are their charge to carry". The idea of "name", is to call attention to the importance of each item.

W.S.S. The boards being of acacia wood would call attention to the brethren being like Christ. It is the expression of our appreciation of Christ.

J.T. That is the idea. In the salutations at the end of Romans, the apostle leads up to these features of Christ in each person. He calls attention to the value of the boards as represented in the persons he mentions. You see how valuable a brother is. There are more salutations in Romans than in any other epistle, so that it is a fundamental principle to value the brethren. Faith is "operative in the acknowledgement of every good thing which is in us towards Christ Jesus", (Philemon 6).

A.H.G. Would Philippians 2 give us the spirit in which this Merarite service is carried out?

J.T. Quite so. The mind of Christ as taking the path of humiliation is to be in us.

E.M. Is there anything to be gleaned from the fact that the service of Gershon and Merari is under the hand of Ithamar the priest, but not so with the service of Kohath?

J.T. Kohath's service is the more spiritual, hence Eleazar is mentioned particularly in chapter 4. It will be noted from verse 16 that he has charge of the oil and fragrant incense, and continual oblation, and the anointing oil, and the oversight of the whole tabernacle. It alludes to the fact that Eleazar represents spirituality

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and priestly discrimination amongst the brethren. While Aaron lived he represents more what is in the saints by the Spirit than Christ officially. You have in every gathering spiritual brothers and sisters; they watch over everything, and provide for the glory of Christ. They may not say much, but they see, and the levites feel that they are there. Ithamar is also a son of Aaron, but he does not represent what is spiritual in the same way as Eleazar. He has to do with the Merarites and Gershonites.

Ques. In connection with the maintenance of principles, is it not encouraging to see that the thought of unity is stressed in connection with the curtains? They should be one whole. There may be the tendency to give up the truth to secure unity, whereas it is by the maintenance of right principles that unity according to God is secured.

J.T. The brethren are better served that way. With many, there is no idea of Gershonite service. Although Israel was to dwell alone, the question raised is -- "Who can count the dust of Jacob, and the number of the fourth part of Israel?" (Numbers 23:10).

F.W. Did Priscilla and Aquila in Acts carry out their service effectively in connection with Apollos?

J.T. They did. They recognised that he was a great personality, but he needed to be shown "the way of God more exactly" (Acts 18:26) and they served him that way. Someone might have said, What is the use of troubling Apollos as to details? Look at the work of God, look at the converts he gets! But Priscilla and Aquila thought differently, they desired to make him more effective. He is commended by the brethren, but not until after their service to him.

E.B.G. He was a remarkable instance of the work of God.

J.T. Apollos came from Alexandria, evidently he was not a convert of the apostle Paul's.

E.B.G. Apollos coming forward from a totally unexpected

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quarter, would remind us of the boards appearing in the wilderness.

J.T. He illustrates the boards being made "standing up", (Exodus 36:20).

W.F. He had the light of John the baptist's ministry.

J.T. Many today have similar light, and have instincts which make for the assembly but they need adjustment by the truth.

Ques. Would John's writings help us as to this in a special way?

J.T. You will find the Merarite service all through John's gospel; much is made of persons. He stresses greatly John the baptist, and he makes much of the two that left John and followed Jesus, and of Simon, Philip, Nathanael, Nicodemus, the woman at the well, the family at Bethany and Mary Magdalene; then at the end he mentions the one hundred and fifty and three "great fishes" (chapter 21:11). These would be persons secured through the gospel.

Rem. There are persons who might be despised naturally, but the point is to see whether the marks of the work of the Lord are there. In John 1 the Lord finds Galileans.

J.T. Yes, and Philip finds another -- that is the principle throughout the gospel of John, it is to bring out persons, and so the Lord in chapter 20 comes where the disciples were.

W.S.S. In John 11 the Jews take account of the Lord's feelings in regard of Lazarus. Outsiders can see it.

J.T. Yes. That chapter brings out suggestions of what we are speaking of. He loved each of the persons mentioned.

R.R. In John 8, when they brought the woman to the Lord they were pretending to maintain principles but were not careful to save the person. The Lord was concerned about retaining the person. When the truth

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governing the matter was maintained they went out, but the woman remained.

J.T. He said, "Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more", (John 8:11). To revert to Numbers 8, we see how the levites were taken and offered to God, and how God gave them to Aaron. You have levitical service in such circumstances, and that may be looked for.

Ques. Are the princes in chapter 7 the product?

J.T. Levitical work is brought to pass in these circumstances in connection with the tribes. Love in activity is in view.

E.B.G. There is abundant material for the carrying out of this service.

J.T. That is the suggestion. The princes are representative of the tribes, so that all the saints are contemplated, and we have great wealth expressed in unity.

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Numbers 7:84 - 89; Numbers 8:1 - 26

J.T. We have reviewed briefly the instructions referring to levitical service in chapter 4, noting that the family of Levi is divided into three families, each representing a particular phase of levitical service. The Kohathites having to do with divine Persons, the carrying of the truth relative to the revelation of God, and the inner things pertaining to His service. The Gershonites having to do with the curtains and hangings of the tabernacle, signifying the fellowship of saints, the principles that govern our fellowship; and the Merarites having to do with the boards, pillars and bars, signifying the persons of the saints as subjects of care. The three chapters 5, 6 and 7 intervening between the ordering of the service and the actual entrance on it in chapter 8, provide obviously for suitable conditions, in which the Levites maintain their service.

Chapter 5 deals with the cleansing of the camp, the expunging of all evil, especially leprosy, and the assembly's unfaithfulness to Christ as seen in the law of jealousies. Then chapter 6 deals with the Nazarite, whose service runs on to the end of the dispensation; after he fulfils his service he can drink wine; there is thus the resumption of earthly relationships. There is in these chapters a suggestion of continuance until the end through the service of the Nazarite; the Nazarite referring particularly to Christ but also foreshadowing the saints. In chapter 7 we see the activity of love in the princes as representing the tribes; there is provision for the Levites, in the wagons and oxen, in order to facilitate their service; and then

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there is "the dedication-gift of the altar". There is thus unity in appreciation of Christ, for the offering of each prince is the same; this is a most practical expression of the unity of the Spirit amongst the brethren, each prince having his day. The matter is spread out; God is so pleased with the love marking the tribes as thus seen, that He gives each prince a day, and then there is the aggregate of the offerings in these verses, 84 - 88. In the presence of all this, and consequent upon it, Jehovah speaks -- a very great thought! Moses went in to speak to Him, but heard a voice speaking, as it says, "from off the mercy-seat which was upon the ark of testimony, from between the two cherubim". So that we have the most authoritative speaking on the part of God. The chapter is peculiarly full of rich thoughts which are available to us, and which God would impress upon us, so that the service of the levites may go on unhindered.

E.B.G. What is the point in each one having his day?

J.T. God is so pleased with what is presented that He would have it spread out. Love underlies the service of the princes, and instead of having the aggregate alone, we have each prince by himself with his offering, on his day.

E.B.G. Did Barnabas have his day when he brought the price of his land and laid it at the apostles' feet? He seemed to be contributing all that he had in relation to the work of God.

J.T. That is an excellent illustration of what is meant. The Spirit of God enlarges on Barnabas. The enemy doubtless saw the bearing of his action and what an excellent example it was, and sought to neutralise it by imitation -- as he always does when a great principle of truth, or an evidence of love is set out. In Ananias and Sapphira we see the imitation, but they were exposed, and the judgment due fell upon

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them. The offerings in Numbers 7:10 - 88 are the dedication-gift of the altar. The Levites' provision is at the beginning of the chapter, verse 3, where it says, "they brought their offering before Jehovah, six covered wagons, and twelve oxen". It will be noted that they did not formally bring these offerings -- the wagons and the oxen -- for the Levites. They presented them to God, and Jehovah says to Moses, "Take it of them, and they shall be for the performance of the service of the tent of meeting, and thou shalt give them unto the Levites" (verse 5). Everything is presented to God, even the Levites themselves, so that all comes out from God afterwards. The way the Spirit mentions these men is very noticeable: "the princes of Israel, the heads of their fathers' houses, the princes of the tribes, they that were over them" (verse 2). We are not left in any doubt as to who these men are.

J.H.B. Why were the wagons that were given, "covered" wagons?

J.T. The idea is the protection of what they carry. It is a principle in christianity and with God, that His things, as in the wilderness, are not exposed.

E.L.M. What would correspond to the wagons today, in relation to your thought of the care of the saints?

J.T. It will be observed that the Kohathites had no wagons. That is well known, and it is because of the peculiarly spiritual and sacred character of what they had to carry; whereas the Gershonites had to carry the curtains and hangings, which would be heavy things; and the Merarites had the boards, bars and pillars. In christianity the wagons would denote material things to some extent. The Levites have to travel, and their burden is heavy. It is not that the Kohathite presents one man, and the Gershonite another; but two aspects of the same person are shown. The Kohathite is occupied entirely with spiritual matters, the revelation of God in Christ and what is essentially linked with this revelation.

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E.L.M. Does Joseph illustrate the Gershonite thought when he sent wagons for his father and his father's household?

J.T. This provision takes account of physical necessities, your railroad and steamship expenses, or whatever material needs you may have; wagons represent provision against that. They are not exactly spiritual, yet they represent spiritual affections. They are not treated lightly. The material things given to a levite are not treated as common, for the giving is not because he is exactly in need, but because he is occupied in these sacred things. "Let him that is taught in the word communicate to him that teaches in all good things" (Galatians 6:6); that is the recognition of levitical service.

Ques. Merari had more wagons than the others. In caring for individuals among the saints would you need more material in the way of love?

J.T. Yes. "Moses took the wagons and the oxen, and gave them to the Levites. Two wagons and four oxen he gave to the sons of Gershon, according to their service; and four wagons and eight oxen he gave to the sons of Merari" (verses 6 - 8). Paul had "the burden of all the assemblies". He further says, "Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is stumbled, and I burn not"? (2 Corinthians 11:28,29).

T.T. The Lord on the cross committed His mother to the care of John. Would that answer to this service?

J.T. It answers to the Merarite service. John has the Lord's mother handed over to him, which is in keeping with his gospel, stressing the idea of the persons of the saints. That is the Merarite service, pillars and boards. So the Lord's mother was a treasure to be cared for. She was handed over to John as his mother, and John was to be her son; so that he would carry on the service in a very affectionate way -- the near relation of mother and son existing.

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E.L.M. If there had been a breakdown on the part of Merari in connection with the saints, the position in Numbers 7:89 would scarcely have been possible. The tent of meeting must be intact, and each one must be there.

J.T. It is in the presence of the expression of this love and unity, where there are tribal affections and wealth, that you get this speaking from God. God honoured the circumstances. If you have a meeting going on happily in love, He honours it; He shows that He appreciates what is there; He loves to honour His people. The dedication-gift brings out the wealth Godward that marks the saints as dwelling together in love. It is really Ephesians in principle; the keeping of "the unity of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace", (Ephesians 4:3). Spiritually it is not the unity that is the outcome of mutual agreement, nor of a creed or catechism, nor an unwritten set of principles, but a unity that is the spontaneous outcome of love. These princes were separated from one another by considerable distances; the suggestion being that it was not by a literal mutual agreement or by collaboration, but rather, typically, that saints being scattered in different parts of the world are all subjects of the work of God and all have the Spirit, and the Spirit works in them the same thought, feelings and desires, so that each prince offers the same.

W.F. What is the connection of the Levites with this offering?

J.T. They serve in the light of it, because the princes are really the Levites in another sense; the same persons. In reading the types we have to be on our guard that we do not become legal, and that our minds are not governed by literal settings. We have to understand that these princes represent Israel. You will notice throughout the earliest chapters the constant recurrence of the expression, "the children of Israel" -- what they did. The saints are viewed in that

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spiritual way. As you examine these vessels of silver you can see that they were full of things that denote the blessed humanity of the Lord Jesus. That is what the princes represented; they were formed, typically at least, in His nature; what He was as Man. In other words, the saints who are spiritual are formed in that kind of humanity. Then the golden vessels which were full of incense represent what Christ is Godward. The princes themselves are the vessels; all this has to be understood spiritually.

E.L.M. Was Mary in John 12 one of the golden cups full of incense?

J.T. Just so. It was what she had. All this is a question of persons -- what they have by the Spirit.

W.S.S. In Colossians 2:2,3 we read: "that their hearts may be encouraged, being united together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the full knowledge of the mystery of God; in which are hid all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge". Would that be in line with this?

J.T. Quite so. What is before us is a question of containing vessels, whether the saints are viewed individually, or as the assembly. We have the idea in the building of which David had the pattern: it contained treasuries (1 Chronicles 28:11). That is, persons who could keep things, like Mary, the Lord's mother; she kept the things and pondered them in her heart. The persons of the saints now are represented in these vessels.

W.S.S. Is it your thought that in the light of the wealth disclosed here, we would be encouraged to take up levitical service.

J.T. It has to do with conditions. The Levites are, perhaps, not provided for by reason of conditions. I believe these three chapters bring out the conditions in which the Levites are to serve, and to serve as pleasing to the Lord. In fact, they are offered to God as a wave-offering; He has something in them

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peculiarly; and then He gives them to Aaron and to his sons to do the service of the tent of meeting.

A.H.G. What is the meaning of the three-fold presentation of the princes, "The princes of Israel, the heads of their fathers' houses, the princes of the tribes" (chapter 7:2)? What is behind that?

J.T. It brings out what they were, the offices they filled: "heads of their fathers' houses, the princes of the tribes, they that were over them that had been numbered". "Heads of their fathers' houses" gives the family setting; "the princes of the tribes" is a tribal setting. The idea of the tribe is a great subject in Scripture, denoting that love constitutes us capable of being manipulated, twelve being a very divisible number. The saints are in God's hand for holy, wise manipulation; and I think their being "princes of the tribes" would bring out the love they had, this would show that they were under the Lord's hand; and then it says, "they that were over them that had been numbered", which would mean that they were conversant with the saints -- they were persons who knew the brethren.

E.B.G. At the end of chapter 7 "Moses went into the tent of meeting to speak with Him", and it appears as though he was anticipated by Jehovah speaking. Does that give any suggestion of the importance of this communication?

J.T. I think Moses had something in his mind to say, but Jehovah asserts His liberty and desire to speak in those circumstances. It seems to be the taking up of a right on the part of Jehovah, but a very blessed one for His people, showing He is ready to speak in those circumstances. The circumstances furnishing Him with an opportunity of setting out the great principles and manner of His speaking, at all times. He speaks "from off the mercy-seat which was upon the ark of testimony, from between the two cherubim". That is the ground of His speaking in general way, and it

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is a most blessed way. The speaking is full of what God is in Christ, full of mercy, of what God is in that blessed Person; it is speaking with authority. The cherubim denote authority. Speaking from God is at all times on this basis. There is authority in it. This was not simply for the one occasion; it is the great general principle of God's speaking, and He takes advantage of these circumstances to assert it.

W.F. Is it connected with Exodus 25:22 where Jehovah had said to Moses, "there will I meet with thee, and will speak with thee from above the mercy-seat, from between the two cherubim which are upon the ark of the testimony"?

J.T. That was God's intent. Now He has favourable circumstances, so He actually speaks, and that runs through the whole dispensation; when circumstances are favourable, He speaks to us. He would remind us that if He is not speaking, it must be that circumstances forbid.

E.T.S. Do you think that as we offer, God will speak to us?

J.T. Yes; you may expect God to say something; so that it is well to understand that in His communications He takes account of the conditions that exist. In Luke 19:11 we read, "as they were listening to these things, he added and spake a parable".

E.L.M. What is the difference between the thought of God speaking, and the diffusion of the light of the lamp at the beginning of chapter 8?

J.T. The lamps are the result in the saints. If God speaks through the Mediator, the light is to be diffused; the candlestick is to cause it to shine.

E.L.M. Is that how we would get the advantage and benefit of God's speaking in the Mediator?

J.T. That is what I understand. Attention is called to the candlestick itself; the light of the lamps is "to shine over against the candlestick". The perfection of Christ is seen as the light shines. As the Lord read

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and spoke in the synagogue at Nazareth -- how morally beautiful He was! Every eye was fixed on Him. The seven lamps lighted would be the perfection of light in the saints or in the assembly by the Spirit.

T.T. In Acts 13:2 do we get a place where conditions were right, so that the Spirit was free to speak of levitical service, "Separate me now Barnabas and Saul"?

J.T. Exactly. Conditions available to God existed at Antioch, so that He speaks. It is well to notice in that section of Scripture, the service of Barnabas and Saul at Antioch first, and the giving on the part of those "well off" (chapter 12:29). These two brothers are then sent up to Jerusalem with that gift. The enemy sought to destroy the levites; and Barnabas and Saul come back, bringing with them John Mark; so that he is added to the levites at Antioch. And then we have the statement of the spiritual state of things in the assembly there. Hence the speaking by the Spirit in chapter 13.

L.D.M. Is speaking a feature of this dispensation? At the opening of Numbers 7, the tabernacle is set up and anointed and hallowed, suggesting the dispensation of the Spirit.

J.T. Quite so; God speaks in that relation. It is the idea of "the temple of God" -- a very comforting and blessed thought. The saints can come together and as together, afford conditions for the Spirit of God. "Do ye not know that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" (1 Corinthians 3:16.) That is the ground we may take, and there would be conditions for divine speaking.

J.M. Is this the kind of speaking that Peter refers to? "If any one speak -- as oracles of God", (1 Peter 4:11).

J.T. That is right, from the temple or the oracle.

T.T. When Paul was speaking at Troas it says, that "there were many lights in the upper room" (Acts 20:8). Do

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you connect that with the scripture in Numbers -- the speaking and the lights?

J.T. Yes, with the candlestick. Light goes with the speaking. I suppose the lights in Acts 20 would allude to the brethren who were present. What God was saying through Paul would be reflected in them.

E.L.M. Have we in Numbers 8 the moral conditions that bear on the Levites? They are to be cleansed by sprinkling of water and by passing the razor over them. If the conditions among the saints make service possible, will this raise an exercise with the levites, as to their moral state?

J.T. That is so. We read in chapter 8:7: "thus shalt thou do unto them, to cleanse them: sprinkle upon them water of purification from sin; and they shall pass the razor over all their flesh, and shall wash their garments, and make themselves clean". Moses was to do something, and they were to do something; that is, Christ does something for us, and then we do something. The razor deals with the removal of all natural growth, not only in relation to the head, but the razor was to be passed "over all their flesh", showing how thoroughly it is to be done. The levite has to attend to himself as to all the natural growth, so as to make room for spiritual growth, what is of God; he uses the razor himself.

W.S.S. Is it important that the levites were in the hands of Aaron. Would all levitical service be subject to that?

J.T. That is how the service goes on; Aaron offers them as a wave-offering before Jehovah, and then they are given to Aaron and to his sons, to perform the service of the tent of meeting. Aaron would typify Christ as Priest. He acts on the part of the children of Israel in offering the Levites, for they represent all; and then verse 11 says, "they shall perform the service of Jehovah".

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J.H.B. What is the difference between verses 11 and 13? Both speak of the Levites as a wave-offering, but they were to be offered by Aaron in verse 11, and by Moses in verse 13.

J.T. Moses represents Christ's authority; in verse 13 his authority comes out; it says "thou shalt set the Levites before Aaron, and before his sons, and offer them as a wave-offering to Jehovah". Note how Aaron and his sons are recognized in this offering by Moses.

Ques. Will you say a word as to the cleansing by Moses; is there any suggestion of new birth?

J.T. This goes beyond that. New birth is by the Spirit, "born of water and of Spirit" (John 3:5). This goes further, as to water, than new birth, it is more like 1 John 5, the application of the death of Christ in the sense of moral cleansing. The idea of the razor is in connection with what is of the flesh -- fleshly conditions, which are thoroughly removed as by the power of the Spirit in the believer's self-judgment.

E.L.M. Would it have any bearing on the Lord's words to the disciples in John 13:10: "He that is washed all over needs not to wash save his feet, but is wholly clean"?

J.T. The Lord's action there indicates something like this.

E.L.M. Does John 15:3: "Ye are already clean by reason of the word which I have spoken to you", suggest that moral cleansing had come to pass?

J.T. The water is always the death of Christ in some sense. There is no other way of cleansing. There are two features in relation to death: the judicial side, which deals with one's sins; then there is the moral side which deals with one's state;, so that in order to serve, the latter must be applied.

Ques. Would you say that in Acts 15, where Barnabas wanted to take Mark, he was not prepared to pass the razor over Mark's flesh?

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J.T. That is so. The bringing of Mark down from Jerusalem, mentioned in Acts 12, would mean that Jerusalem was contributing an additional bond between the work of God in Jerusalem and what was among the gentiles. Mark's failure afterwards does not alter that. His failure showed that he had not passed the razor thoroughly over himself. The razor would remove all natural growth including family links. The levite is one who has said to his father and mother, "I have not seen him", (Deuteronomy 33:9). Mark failed in that, but nevertheless potentially he was a levite; as we see afterwards, Paul says of him, "he is serviceable to me for ministry", (2 Timothy 4:11).

J.M. Why are the priests anointed in Leviticus 8 but in Numbers 8 the Levites only cleansed?

J.T. The priesthood really covers the whole levitical position, for the same persons are in view. The Levites were given to the priests; united indeed with Aaron in his service. In this sense the Levite merges in the priest.

E.B.G. In Numbers 8:20 we read that they "did to the Levites according to all that Jehovah had commanded", and then "the Levites purified themselves ... and afterwards the Levites came in to perform their service in the tent of meeting". These things are definitely taken up and become practically evident amongst the brethren.

J.T. That is what this chapter teaches. It shows that everything proceeded according to divine direction. "This is that which concerneth the Levites: from twenty-five years old and upward shall he come to labour in the work of the service". It appears as if the procedure here is so pleasing to God that he reduces the age to twenty-five, which would mean an increase in the number of levites. Where conditions are pleasing the number is increased: instead of beginning at thirty they are to begin at twenty-five. The way it is stated seems to me to suggest that it is God's pleasure in what He finds in the procedure, that He

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delights to see the brethren serve, and would lower the age so as to include more.

E.L.M. The age was again reduced by David. Would that suggest that at the end of the day the age is again decreased? (1 Chronicles 23:24 - 27).

J.T. In David's day the age was reduced from twenty-five to twenty, as if the more spiritual the circumstances, the more God would increase the Levites. He would encourage young men and young women to come forward, and not to be deterred by age. "Let no one despise thy youth", (1 Timothy 4:12). You cannot help your youth, but to let no one despise it implies that I overcome the disadvantage by increased spirituality and sobriety.

E.T.S. It is interesting to see that there is nothing rigid with God; He enlarges what He delights in.

W.S.S. Does Numbers 8:23 suggest a new speaking based on the conditions?

J.T. That is right; it comes in here remarkably. God speaks as to the age being reduced after they had already taken up the service as stated in verse 22; "the Levites came in to perform their service in the rent of meeting before Aaron, and before his sons; as Jehovah had commanded Moses concerning the Levites, so did they to them. And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying, This is that which concerneth the Levites: from twenty-five years old and upwards shall he come to labour in the work". It is as if Jehovah would express His pleasure in what had preceded. There is a great call for levites; a very great need for active workers. By the last words of David the age for service was lowered to twenty (1 Chronicles 23:27). The reason is given there; it is because they did not have to carry any more. It would apply more to assembly service. Here no reason is given; so the inference is that God is pleased with these conditions, and would encourage young men and women to take

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up their levitical service, for every saint is held for levitical service from a month old and upwards.

A.C. What have you in mind in saying there is need for levites?

J.T. The need for servants of all kinds is very great; the Lord would say of every one: "The Lord hath need of him", (Mark 11:3). The need is so great, and He has pleasure in the service. It says in Haggai 1:8, "I will take pleasure in it".

A.H.G. What is the idea of age as applied today?

J.T. It is a question of spiritual maturity. In this book the military age is twenty, the levitical age is thirty. There is a modification of the latter here, but there is no modification of the military age; there is nothing below twenty. The modification of the levitical age here is obviously because God was pleased with what resulted; that everything went on as He required it; the circumstances were delightful to heaven.

E.B.G. Was the modification because of the existence of increased need, or because of increased wealth becoming evident amongst the people?

J.T. All those things would enter into it, but I think it was because God was pleased with what resulted. It is stated that "as Jehovah had commanded Moses concerning the Levites, so did they to them".

T.T. After Paul's faithfulness at the end of Acts 15 he parts from Barnabas and gets Timothy, and then we read of great increase and great success in service. Is that in line?

J.T. That is a good illustration of increase of the levites. Paul lost Barnabas, but he got Timothy -- and apparently Barnabas too, later, and Mark.

J.T.S. Jehovah says, "the Levites shall be mine". Would not that be a great leverage for this service?

J.T. That is a very precious word. Is that how you regard yourself, that you belong to God?

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J.T.S. Is it not for that reason that "always abounding in the work of the Lord" (1 Corinthians 15:58), was stressed and encouraged. There was a censure upon the failure of the Tekoites to do this, "their nobles put not their necks to the work of their Lord", (Nehemiah 3:5).

J.T. The call is very insistent for more levites, active levites. All true christians are levites and are held for service, but the putting of the necks to the work, the doing of things, is what is lacking.

Ques. What is the thought as to separation here? Before the Levites are serviceable, they are separated from the children of Israel.

J.T. I think it is to bring out clearly that they represented the rights of God; all the firstborn were His by right, in view of the fact that they were saved from Egypt. The firstborn belong to Jehovah, and these were taken instead, so the separation would make that thought stand out. The Levite is entirely for God; He says, "that the Levites may be mine". Then He gives them to Aaron and to his sons, but before that, they are offered as a wave-offering by Aaron to Jehovah, on the part of the children of Israel; that is, the children of Israel are represented. Therefore it is a question of God's rights over us, that He might have us for service.

E.B.G. What is the thought in serving no more, retiring from the labour of the service?

J.T. I think the retirement indicates that the service requires spiritual power. It is not that a man of fifty loses his spiritual power, but it is God calling attention to what is required. The levite should see to it that he never loses his strength, that he never gets beyond fifty! The exigencies of the service require full manhood. If I am like Moses I never lose full manhood. Even if he is a hundred and twenty, he is in full manhood, in full vigour of life.

W.F. The keeping the charge seems to be distinguished

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from serving. The levite still continues to keep the charge, does he not?

J.T. He is there; but God is asserting what the exigencies of levitical service require. It can only be taken up in the vigour of life. God will not have it otherwise.

W.H. Do you think Barnabas saw the need for levitical service when he went to find Saul (Acts 11:25)?

J.T. I think that is right, he knew he was suited for the work to be done.

Rem. The Lord honoured his service. Barnabas was a man full of the Holy Spirit, he had used the razor.

J.T. He is put forward as a typical levite.

W.L. How would speaking from the mercy-seat stand in relation to levitical service?

J.T. All service is carried on in the light of the communications God is making. A man who disregards current communications, the speaking of the Spirit, is disqualified. Every levitical service is carried on in relation to that.

W.S.S. The resources of the assembly come into evidence here. As coming into the service it is not only a question of what one has, but of what is available. Chapter 7 indicates a sphere of great wealth.

J.T. Yes. And then, the divine speaking is always authoritative, but first of all it is from the mercy-seat; it is a question of what God is towards us in mercy; then it is from above the ark, implying that the Person of Christ is involved; then "from between the two cherubim", which is a question of authority. There is authority in the speaking, but it is marked by these features, and I think the levites would characteristically take that on. None would disregard anything coming from the Lord, in that way.

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Rem. The gospel of Mark ends with the Lord at the right hand of God, and the disciples going forth preaching everywhere.

J.T. Yes; things are carried on from that point, the right hand of God; and the preaching is marked by authority.

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John 4:28 - 38; John 6:67 - 71; John 21:20 - 23

J.T. The consideration of levitical service would be helpful at the present time, and the question was whether it should be taken up from the official side or from the moral aspect, and I thought John presents things in the latter way as in a day of brokenness. We have to arrive at the truth now through him, so that, in referring to those who serve, he avoids official designations and brings forward vessels who are moved at the outset more from instinct and affection. He begins with John the baptist, who had a very great official place, but in recording the facts relative to his ministry, he emphasizes John's own estimate of himself, which showed that he had a true estimate of himself and avoided the snares that were laid for him. He records of him: "he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ" (chapter 1:20). So as to the Lord's conversation with this woman of Samaria the result in her, I thought, suggested how in a broken day the levitical service begins. We see the need and we are impelled, according to our measure, to meet it, without assuming anything beyond that. This woman was serving; the official ones were out of communion. They wondered that the Lord talked with the woman. They had been occupied in an expedition to buy meat while He was carrying on alone the work of God; so the incident leads to His calling their attention to the fact that they were entering on other men's labours; they were not the starters of the movement.

Ques. What do you mean by levitical service?

J.T. Well, service which recognizes the rights of the Lord Jesus, that is, His rights in redemption, and His rights to direct and lead, excluding man altogether. The selection of the tribe of Levi at the outset suggested the rights of God in a very special way. The firstborn belonged to Him, and He takes over the tribe of Levi

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instead of the firstborn in Israel, and then He gives them over to Aaron and his sons for the service of the sanctuary. That is what levitical service is. We reach it through John in a most interesting way, but even so I think we should be governed by the light which governed this service at the outset. John the Baptist being brought forward in such a prominent way, according to his own estimate of himself, is a sort of ideal in John's gospel; he is one who refuses to take any place personally, and eventually goes down rejoicing in the light of the heavenly One. He directed souls from himself to Christ.

Ques. Is there any force in the fact that those who ask him, "Who art thou", came from Jerusalem?

J.T. It was a great opportunity for John to assert himself. The religious leaders of the day took notice of him, which is always very ensnaring, but he was not caught by it.

Ques. Would you say that the "true light" (chapter 1:9) of the gospel of John is spiritual? You were speaking of levitical service being governed by what is spiritual.

J.T. John's gospel is peculiarly spiritual. The Lord at the outset began by looking on Simon. John records that He looked on him and gave him a name; there was something noticeable to the Lord's eye. The nearer we are to God the more we shall be able to designate things that are of God. I think we may say that in the woman of Samaria levitical instincts developed at once.

Ques. Do you mean that it needs spiritual understanding to take up John 4?

J.T. Yes. The Levites were all firstborn ones, so that they had great dignity at the outset. I think the Spirit of God indicates that the woman was governed by levitical instinct in going to the men of the city. At the same time the disciples were questioning why He spoke with her

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T.R. Would those instincts be promoted by the exposure of her state by the Lord?

J.T. A Man had come distinctly before her. She had been occupied with men. She did not go beyond her measure. She just said: "Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?" She began by suggesting something, presenting it in the form of an inquiry.

Ques. What do you see in the fact of her presenting it in the form of an inquiry?

J.T. An inquiry which induces an affirmative is often the best way of enforcing the truth.

Rem. A prophet had spoken and she speaks of a prophet.

J.T. She did not get beyond that, and she expresses the inquiry: "Is not this the Christ?" But I understand the Lord would raise the whole question of service. First, He says to the disciples that He had meat to eat that they knew not of. That was a very humbling thing to draw their attention to. His meat was to do the will of Him that sent Him and to finish His work. The disciples wondered that He talked with a woman; they were out of communion. He had meat that they knew not of. They had gone away into the city to buy meat. There is no indication that they all needed to go, but apparently they all did go; so that the work of God for the moment, as far as they were concerned, was left. The Lord was left to do it and to finish it.

Ques. Why do you emphasize to finish it?

J.T. The Lord does not care for anything that is not finished.

H.F.N. How do you view the thought of the work being finished in the light of John's ministry?

J.T. Well, He pursues things to a finish. Take the first chapters; you have the complete idea of the work of God ending in millennial joy. The third day is the final day. Then in chapter 12 the great testimony

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of life is seen in result in that group at Bethany; and so chapter 13 has its result in chapter 20. Likewise in regard to Peter, who, according to this gospel, is the only one who received a definite commission, the work is completed in him. The Lord bottoms everything with him before He gives him his work. Then in John's own service the end is in view. "If I will that he tarry till I come" (chapter 20:22). John is held in reserve, I apprehend, for the finishing touches in a mysterious way at the end, which I have no doubt we are experiencing now. The final touches are seen in his ministry. Things are finished by the Lord through him, so that the assembly is seen in its completeness in his writings (Revelation 21).

H.F.N. In linking that up you were speaking of the thought of food -- meat to eat. Are you suggesting the peculiar kind of food to promote this levitical service?

J.T. Levitical food is in doing the will of God in service. He had that to eat that they did not know about. There was meat that they knew not of. "Lo, I come, (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will" (Hebrews 10:7). That is really the foundation of all books. That was the secret with the Lord, the secret into which we are to be brought, because the work of God is one whole. The Lord places the disciples in a humbling position when He says: "other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours". It was a very humbling thing to be reminded that they had entered on other men's labours. It is not the inauguration of things here at all. Even as to His own work, the Lord says: "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work" (John 5:17).

J.B.C-l. Have you in mind that especially in John's gospel you get the character of spiritual affections, and support for those affections, that are engaged with the service of God in a levitical way?

J.T. That is suggestive. This woman is evidently touched, and the Lord bases His commission to Peter

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on: "lovest thou me?" (John 21:15). "Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following". That was the man that was held in reserve. "What shall this man do? Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me" (John 21:20 - 22).

J.B.C-l. Do you think that "Follow thou me" involves the essence of John's ministry?

J.T. Yes, love follows; following is a feature of John's ministry. At the beginning of the gospel the Lord turned and saw the two following, and when He saw them following, He said, "What seek ye?" as if He indicated His appreciation of the idea of following.

J.B.C-l. Is that line of levitical service necessary in the filling of the vessel? Chapter 4 is interesting in that connection. You spoke of the woman as having a beginning. Does she not find that the Lord is filling her vessel?

J.T. Yes, she is set right as to her body. Obviously we cannot be levites without bodies, and bodies purified; so the woman left her waterpot. She might conveniently have taken it back with her filled for ordinary uses, but she observed the Lord's remarks that her body was to be a vessel and one with living water in it, "the water that I shall give him shall be in him", hence it says, she left her waterpot.

P.L. Would the levitical company in the last chapter of Romans suggest those who had been set right in regard to their bodies?

J.T. Yes; the subject begins in chapter 6 and is taken up in chapter 12, where the body is to be a living sacrifice, and hence in John 4 the servant must have a true estimate of himself. Whatever one does is done in intelligence according to the measure which God has apportioned; so that the question in this chapter is the vessel. The apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 4:7 enlarges on it. He speaks of the treasure that he had in it. The woman is not yet assuming to be anything

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but the thing was there and Paul works it out in his own case in saying: "we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us". But he begins by saying, "seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not" (verse 1); so that the vessel is most important to begin with. Not only is it to be pure, but it is to be in life, for this is the feature of John 4.

W.H.B. I suppose that this woman, in her former state, was devoted to herself, and now she is devoted to God.

J.T. She is a vessel now, a vessel energized by life, for the Lord had spoken of that to her. I was remarking on the importance of the vessel. Unless our vessels are right, we cannot serve. This chapter settles the question of the vessel.

M.W.B. Is that one of the ideas in the "firstborn", the claiming of the vessel?

J.T. Yes. The Lord had in view the service of the tabernacle. It is a very important question as to our vessels, for the Lord will not take us up as we were. In John 6 Peter is the spokesman and he recognizes "the holy one of God"; he says, "Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast words of life eternal". That is the One who is carrying on the work of God, so that the Lord there addresses the twelve. It is the nearest approach to an official recognition.

M.W.B. Have you brought this case before us to suggest the initial features of levitical service, the vessel being for God?

J.T. Yes; we cannot be in it unless our vessels are right. The Levites were put into the work at twenty-five years; but they were not recognized fully until they were thirty. One has to take up things and see how others serve. Now the apostle Paul began his service in Damascus. There is no indication that the Lord told him to preach there. He did not receive his commission until he had laboured a whole year

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at Antioch, but he began to preach that Jesus is the Son of God in the synagogues of Damascus. Wherever there was an open door, he took advantage of it.

M.W.B. Is that what you meant by instinctive service?

J.T. Yes. I think it indicates John the evangelist's idea as presented in John the baptist. At Damascus Paul preached from a full heart. His heart was gained; he had come into the light of the Son of God -- One who loved him and gave Himself for him.

R.W. Would the little maid in Naaman's house be a vessel secured?

J.T. Exactly; that is good.

H.F.N. Is it right to connect Chronicles, and the way David views the Levites, with the way levitical service is presented in John, and Numbers more with Mark?

J.T. I think that is helpful. You find the Spirit of God reaches David very early in Chronicles. He reaches him in chapter 3. David thought about the ark, "Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah: we found it in the fields of the wood", (Psalm 132). There is the man, and he gives the Levites their work.

H.F.N. Would the reduction of the age of the Levites in David's day have a special reference to the present moment in view of John's ministry?

J.T. I think the work was less strenuous in David's day. He says specifically that they did not need to carry things. I think the suggestion is right, because the Lord says, "I will put upon you none other burden". They were set in the service at twenty in David's day and there were twenty-four courses. Some of them had to look after the treasures and take care of what men who had afterwards gone wrong had dedicated. They had to look after what David had dedicated, what Samuel had dedicated, what Joab had dedicated,

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and what Abner had dedicated. Three of those men had fallen out of the ranks, yet what they had dedicated was not to be lost, and that was part of the Levites' work. You cannot ignore what a brother was before he fell; what he dedicated then must be preserved; that is to say, David would have nothing lost; everything is gathered up and preserved under him (1 Chronicles 26:26 - 28).

P.L. Do you see that spirit in the Lord Himself gathering out of Israel every living thought that God had put there and transferring it to the assembly?

J.T. Other men had laboured. The result of the work of God as seen in the Old Testament is recognized and gathered up. All is treasured in the assembly, and the levites are to know this. We cannot afford to lose anything that is of God.

I think the suggestion is most helpful, that Chronicles fits in with John. It is a deeply interesting book; it fits into a time of recovery. The use of the numeral "twenty-four" indicates a leading feature of David's testimony. There was a new order of things, but it included all that God had previously introduced. All that came out under Moses is there, and the last chapter of 1 Chronicles is most expressive in that way as showing how David recognized that all that had been dedicated was from God Himself (verse 16). God has done everything; the more you advance spiritually the more you recognize that everything emanates from God, and that the work is His; what is the little bit that I do? God really does all, although He graciously credits each with the part he may have in it.

H.F.N. I would like to get help on your second point, as to how the "holy one of God" would relate to levitical service.

J.T. Peter says: "we have believed and known that thou art the holy one of God". We see in Peter the woman's spiritual history continued, although

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many things have intervened. The Lord says: "Will ye also go away?"; and Peter says, "Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast words of life eternal". Thou hast them. Peter had recognized the Lord had things; the things are connected with the Person; that is, Peter's reference is to his knowledge of the Lord personally. But then he says, "we have believed and known". That is past. It refers to the past but it is carried on; "we have believed and known that thou art the holy one of God". That is to say, Peter is, so to speak, a levite. It refers to past but continued experience.

D.L.H. What is the present force of the "holy one of God"? Even the demons recognized the Lord thus.

J.T. Yes, in Mark, the man possessed of the demon and all the vile sentiments that the demon would produce in a man was in the synagogue. The Lord commanded him to come out and he came out with a loud cry, as if he resented having to do it; but he had to submit, and coming out he acknowledged that the Lord was the "holy one of God" (Mark 1:24); the man was in the synagogue in an unholy way, but not to be so henceforth. If the Lord took him up he would be holy. So here it is not "the Christ, the Son of the living God", but "the holy one of God", which I suppose would refer back to the Old Testament. That is what Messiah was to be (Psalm 89:18,19).

J.J. Would it suggest, "Aaron the saint of the Lord" (Psalm 106), do you think?

J.T. I think so. That is what Aaron was, but it has reference to the Lord Himself, as in Psalm 16:10. It says: "thou wilt not ... suffer thine Holy One to see corruption".

J.J. You referred to the Levites being handed over to the priests.

J.T. Well, they were, and this implies the need of holiness. I think Peter in this way represents true

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levitical understanding apart altogether from what happened later when he received his commission. When he said, "we have believed and known that thou art the holy one of God", he had come to that conclusion. In the other evangelists, Peter is challenged more formally and he answers the Lord directly, but this is in keeping with John, because the work of God is to be carried on in a holy way.

M.W.B. Is that only obtained by experience with and knowledge of the Lord?

J.T. I think so. One feels for oneself, how wanting one is in this respect.

W.H.B. Would Peter's words suggest the teaching of chapter 6?

J.T. No doubt. I suppose the teaching in John is progressive and cumulative; that is, Peter's confession here follows on from chapter 4. It is a great advance on the woman's testimony.

M.W.B. Then, is the first case the instinctive movements or beginnings of levitical service and this rather full development?

J.T. I think so. It suggests the position held by Eleazar. He represents the spirituality of the priesthood. Peter had come to that; the Lord is really the "prince of princes of the Levites", (Numbers 3:32). So that the question is how one is handling the things of God, whether we allow our minds to work. Look about on christendom and see how the things of God are handled! How many unholy men are engaged in levitical work! And so I think Peter shows that he had come to apprehend what the Lord was in carrying on the work of God.

D.L.H. Would Moses be on somewhat similar lines when called to the service of delivering the people? He had to learn that he must take his shoes from off his feet (Exodus 3:5).

J.T. Just so, and so with Joshua (Joshua 5:15).

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Rem. 1 Peter 1:15 says: "as he who has called you is holy, be ye also holy in all your conversation".

J.T. Yes. The Levites had to be particularly holy; they were all called to holiness. It is remarkable that in Romans the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, and in the beginning of the epistle Christ is declared to be the Son of God according to the Spirit of holiness by resurrection.

Ques. Does Judas come in as a warning?

J.T. The Lord referred to Judas. That there should be such among the people of God is a most solemn consideration. "One of you is a devil".

Ques. This holiness that Peter appreciated would be the development of what the woman felt?

J.T. That is what I thought. The truth is presented in a progressive way. The teaching really begins in chapter 3, because "born of water" involves holiness. Peter had come to apprehend that Jesus was the Holy One of God. That would be before him and I have no doubt he was brought to that when the Lord probed him and gave him his work. The Lord said "When thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest"; that hardly suggests holiness, but rather will; "but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not" (chapter 21:18); this suggests entire resignation.

W.H.B. The men that went out with David carried holy vessels; although that holiness was of a different character to the external holiness set forth in the shewbread.

J.T. "The vessels of the young men are holy", he says, so that they could eat the shewbread.

J.B.C-l. Levitical service, as seen in the Old Testament, was all connected with and governed by holy words. The words to which Peter refers here were words which he understood and connected with "the holy one of God".

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J.T. Quite so. It is in connection with the Kohathites that Eleazar was prince of princes of the Levites (Numbers 3:32), because they had to handle the most sacred things. They were situated south of the tabernacle and so had a good aspect. I apprehend that this refers to the influence of holy affections, so that the Kohathites would take up the holy things of the sanctuary in a holy way.

P.L. Would John himself have the southern aspect on the bosom of Jesus?

J.T. Yes. It is very remarkable that the Spirit of God does not wait to finish the directions as to the Levites, but directly Kohath's service is mentioned, He says, "the prince of princes of the Levites was Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest: he had the oversight of them that kept the charge of the sanctuary". Their work was so important; they had to do with the ark and all the holy things. So that you feel you have to be under the direct touch of the Lord in handling what relates to Himself immediately.

J.B.C-l. There was a constant danger lest a Kohathite should see the holy things uncovered, in the movements of the tabernacle.

J.T. Yes; you mean the priests covered them?

Ques. How do you understand the blessing of Levi? "Let thy Thummim and thy Urim be with thy holy one", (Deuteronomy 33:8).

J.T. That was in reference to him as taking up the service of the sanctuary. He "said to his father and to his mother, I see him not". That is what comes out in John. If we are engaged in holy things, we must disregard natural claims for the time; the Lord is very jealous in regard to how one is handling His things. They are to be handled in a spiritual way; "communicating spiritual things by spiritual means" (1 Corinthians 2:13). The apostle Paul shows in 2 Corinthians how concerned he was in regard of his vessel -- he valued the treasure and he wished that the vessel might be right.

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Rem. Levi had been a lawless man.

J.T. Quite; he slew a man.

Rem. With him there had been great soul history.

W.H.B. What was the treasure in Paul's vessel?

J.T. The ministry of the new covenant, I apprehend. The love of God. The Lord brought it in administratively; He is the Mediator of it. Paul says, "who has also made us competent, as ministers of the new covenant" (2 Corinthians 3:6). That is the treasure Paul referred to, he rejoiced in it.

Rem. In the last four churches in Revelation, Philadelphia is the only one the Lord approves; there He was recognized as the holy and true One.

J.T. Quite. And He states that there were those "which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee" (Revelation 3:9). That is a very comforting thought.

The passage we read in John 21 shows how we have to leave each other to the Lord. John's work was to be left. Peter had received his commission and here was a man who apparently had no commission, at any rate as far as Peter knew. Peter saw him following and said, "what shall this man do?" There is no need to inquire if one is following the Lord. This scripture teaches us how to leave each other with the Lord. If a man is not following, then you are responsible for his conversion; but if he be a follower of Christ, you can leave him and go on with your own work. You have plenty to do yourself.

H.F.N. Would you mind saying a word in regard to the fact that Peter and John are constantly seen together? I think you have spoken of the early chapters in Acts as being Peter-and-John chapters. How does that mutual spirit between those two brothers bear on distinct levitical service?

J.T. I think they represent two features of the dispensation -- the administrative side and the family

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side; but they must have been most congenial companions to each other.

H.F.N. Would your thought be that each must stand out in his own levitical capacity?

J.T. Quite. There are men you can trust. If a man is following you can trust him. I think one great point in John is to establish confidence, and he works it out so that the breath of Christ ensures that you can rely on a brother; the Lord can rely on him. As breathing into the disciples He entrusted them with the prerogative of forgiving or retaining sins. I think the breath of Christ established confidence, and Peter could well afford to let John alone. He was the one that leaned on Jesus at supper time; Jesus loved him. I think John would set you up at the top. The Levites are all firstborn ones -- a most extraordinary thing -- because each Levite represented a firstborn. Hence, the more I apprehend my calling, the more lowly I shall be in my service, because my calling, my family relation, is greater than my service.

P.L. Do you see that in John; the Lord gives the lustre of His Person to all that He does?

J.T. Quite. Every Levite is a firstborn. "The assembly of the firstborn who are registered in heaven" (Hebrews 12:23) refers to that, so that I am here in the secret knowledge of my place with God. That is the secret of power in levitical work, otherwise I shall regard my service as adding to me personally, and then I become clerical.

J.J. How does the family spirit enter into levitical service?

J.T. You take it up in the light of the dignity you have as a firstborn. But then the others are all firstborn ones. I do not know whether in natural things there is anything that inspires respect more than the mutual recognition of dignity; the knowledge that we are all firstborn ones is an immense spiritual lever

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to the soul. You are dealing with persons who are dignified.

Ques. Is that what the Lord meant when He said: "Rejoice, because your names are written in heaven" (Luke 10:20)?

J.T. Quite. They came back flushed with victory, but He said that they should not rejoice in that, great as it was, but in the fact that their names were written in heaven.

Ques. Does the last verse of John's gospel suggest the vastness of the service?

J.T. There is plenty for the levite to minister.

Rem. In the Old Testament some of the Levites were made singers.

J.T. That would fit in with what we have been saying about John. It says that David and the captains (that is, the military men) "separated to the service of the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jeduthun, who should prophesy with harps, with psalteries, and with cymbals", (1 Chronicles 25:1). Why should military men be exercised about the service of song? I have no doubt it refers to the way our households are matured and develop into the assembly. Those who were separated were under the hand of those three singers, and one of them is said to have had fourteen sons, who were under his hand for the service of song. They were all under the hand of their father for song in the house of the Lord. God gave them to him, it says. The Lord says in John 17:24: "those whom thou hast given me".

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Mark 3:13 - 19; Mark 6:7 - 13, 30 - 32; Mark 9:14 - 29

J.T. In considering the subject of the levites and their service, we have, in order to understand it rightly, to approach it through John's writings, because of the brokenness of the present state of things. John names certain ones as coming forward and serving without any direct commission, but as the result of the light that came to them. As an example, Andrew went out and found Peter; Philip found Nathanael; and the woman of Sychar returned to the city and addressed herself to the men, telling them about the Lord. The object of John in recording this subject, as in all others, is to show that it is progressive; so that the woman in chapter 4 being set right as to her vessel, left her waterpot and went her way into the city; then chapter 6 shows that the vessel being secured, the levite apprehends Christ as the "holy one of God", recognizing that the work of God is carried on in holiness. The levitical activity is shown, too, to be the outcome and result of love, so the Lord probes Peter as to loving Him and then commits the sheep and the lambs to him. Then John is seen as one that is following the Lord.

The thought now is to look at Mark and see how the levites are recognized officially; how they come into evidence in an official way, and for that they come under the Lord's direct influence and training. That is why I suggested chapter 3, which refers to the Lord's sovereign selection; "that he might send them to preach". I thought the occasion arises from being with Him on the mount.

M.W.B. You drew a contrast between Paul preaching immediately at Damascus and the way he was commissioned

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when he had been at Antioch a year. Do you link it with this line of things?

J.T. Quite. The Holy Spirit records that he remained certain days with the disciples and then preached in the synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God. In the ordinary version it says that Saul inquired of the Lord what he should do, but that part of verse 6 of Acts 9 does not appear in the original: not that Saul did not ask, but the Holy Spirit appears to have left it out at the outset, thus showing in greater relief the fact that he acted of himself in preaching in the synagogues. And then we are told that he went up to Jerusalem to make acquaintance with Peter, showing how wise he was in recognizing that particular vessel already in active service. It appears, too, that Peter took notice of the progress the testimony was making, for in raising up Aeneas he says, "Jesus Christ maketh thee whole: arise, and make thy bed", as if to say the order now is to learn to do things for oneself. Then he restores Tabitha from the dead and presents her alive. All that, I think, serves to enhance Paul's visit to Jerusalem to make acquaintance with Peter. The testimony would move on in that way in happy fellowship; but still he has to wait, and Barnabas finds him at Tarsus and brings him to Antioch, and he remains there for a year serving the saints with Barnabas. Then the Holy Spirit says, when they were ministering to the Lord, "Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them"; that is, the servants are now ready; the saints have had full opportunity to be acquainted with them and the Holy Spirit gives this charge. It was the sovereign act of the Spirit to call them out and send them forth. And so I think the apostle Paul may be taken as a representative levite. I rather think that Mark speaks of the subject from the standpoint of Paul's ministry. It is "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus

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Christ, the Son of God" (Mark 1:1). That was the burden of Paul's ministry of the gospel.

M.W.B. Does the expression at the beginning of the gospel suggest the atmosphere in which the service would be carried out?

J.T. Quite, and it was not an emergency movement. That is important, so that the prophet is immediately quoted in regard of the ministry of John the baptist. There is no such thing with God as an emergency movement; He foresees everything and arranges for things beforehand. We must never think that God is taken unawares. The Lord, according to Mark, waits till John is cast into prison before He begins to serve, and attention is called to the kind of persons whom He selects. They are engaged in legitimate occupations. Two are casting a net into the sea; the other two are mending the nets with their father. The Lord goes into the synagogue and there He finds that Satan is in power; so He deals with evil in its religious setting first. Evidently Satan in hindering the service of God has his greatest stronghold in the religious systems, so the Lord casts out the demon and He is recognized as the "holy one of God". Then He goes into the synagogue again, chapter 3, and a man is there with a withered hand. He has no power for work, but his hand is restored; and this incident precedes the action of the Lord in calling "whom he would". He acts sovereignly on the mountain in calling whom He Himself would.

R.B. Would the instances referred to in John's gospel answer to levitical service beginning at twenty-five, and this in Mark at thirty?

J.T. I think that is correct. The Lord literally entered on service at thirty. He appears here in full manhood.

A.M.H. Would that be the present bearing of the official side of service?

J.T. I think you take it up in the light of what is established primarily; you retain, so to speak, your

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John character. One always hesitates to use the word "servant" because it has become an official designation. John, when pressed to give an account of himself, refused to take any other place than that of "a voice", saying that there was Another coming, the latchet of whose shoes he was not worthy to stoop down and unloose. All this indicates that John the baptist represents the divine thought as to service as presented in John's gospel. You move in the light of levitical service as seen in Mark; you do not, however, assume any official place.

P.L. Isaiah 42:1 says, "Behold my servant, whom I uphold", and "mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth". Would the former be Mark's line, the power of God with Him, and the latter answer to John, serving in the power of liberty and love?

J.T. Quite.

A.M.H. Would John's line be more your dealings with God, and Mark's the way in which your activities would be expressed?

J.T. According to Mark things would be not only done, but done well; and in John, as you say, there was a man sent from God. One has to be known as sent. All saints are levites, but we are speaking for the moment of those actually engaged in service, and one has to be consciously sent. As we were seeing in John, as doing things voluntarily you find the Lord endorsing what is done by Andrew and Philip and the woman of Samaria; but there was a man sent from God. What do you think about that?

A.M.H. I do not know that I quite follow.

J.T. I am speaking of John. John speaks of Andrew and Philip. They go out; Andrew finds Simon and Philip finds Nathanael without being sent, as far as we know. The Lord acts in relation to that, but then the gospel is really based on the fact that there was a man sent from God. The Lord constantly refers to that.

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H.F.N. Does our levitical service as seen in John flow from our family relationship, while in Mark the service flows from our links with the tabernacle and the anointed system?

J.T. I think that is good. Those taken up in Mark were already working; those who serve in the beginning of John (Andrew and Philip) were in the abiding place: the secret of family affections. I have no doubt that is important. John 1:14 says, "(... we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth". The service in John is governed by the enjoyment of family relationship, but those taken up in Mark are already working; Andrew and Simon are not in the abiding-place, they are casting a net into the sea, so that work is in view, and good workmanship.

Rem. The work must be carried on in the spirit of the family. Your point is that John must underlie Mark?

J.T. That is it.

Rem. Mark would value things being done well, after his failure and recovery.

J.T. He went back from the work; then he was restored; and Paul says, "he is profitable to me for the ministry" (2 Timothy 4:11). He is profitable now in that in which he had failed. I have no doubt he saw levitical service in Paul and valued it after he was restored.

W.H.B. Did Mark essay to come out before his novitiate as a levite was finished?

J.T. He does not seem to have been of full manhood. Now he delights to go over the things relative to true levitical service. He presents perfection in service from the outset. The work is not to be undertaken in one's natural strength. The man whose right hand was withered was restored, but there has to be the sovereign call of Christ. We have to recognize that He calls.

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M.W.B. Do you suggest that we should have the sense of that call today?

J.T. I think so. There is no definiteness about us if we do not know that; and we would be getting in the way of other people. If you have a definite call from the Lord, anybody getting in your way will suffer; the Lord will have to say to such.

M.W.B. In John they seem to move by impulse, but here there is education necessary that they might be with Him.

J.T. You have to be with Him, and He gives the names indicating what your service is to be. H will see you through in whatever work He gives you to do.

M.W.B. And if we venture on a line for which the Lord has not adapted us, we cannot count on His support.

J.T. No, you cannot. The apostle Paul is a great example. We have little idea of the incessant opposition there was to Paul, but he says, "the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known" (2 Timothy 4:17) -- not simply that the preaching should be fully known, but "by me" -- it was to be known through Paul, because the Lord had given it to him. The Lord went up into a mountain and called unto Him whom He would. It is great comfort to know that the Lord Himself will stand by you; it is useless anyone interfering; you know the Lord will have His way. I think that is the point in 2 Timothy: "The Lord stood with me and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known".

J.J. Is there any thought of co-operation with one's brethren in service? The Lord calls the twelve in that way.

J.T. That is opening up another thing. You notice that in Matthew they are called by twos, but singly

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in Mark. Matthew 10:2 reads, "Now the names of the twelve apostles are these; The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; Philip, and Bartholomew", etc.; they are in twos, but singly in Mark. In Mark 6 they are sent out by twos, but they are called severally. I think that in Matthew you find twos more than in any other gospel. Matthew has in view the breaking up of the world system; there are two demoniacs in Matthew. In Mark they were sent out by twos, which I think would mean that whilst they were called severally and each had his own history with the Lord, God would have an adequate testimony sent out into the world. I think that is what is in view in Mark.

J.J. I thought perhaps we could not serve without considering our brethren. We would not like to go off on our own account without sympathetic support and mutuality.

J.T. I think that is important, and Acts 13 would support it. Barnabas and Paul were sent out in the full sympathy of the saints. Then the question arises as to whether the principle of going in twos applies now. I think it was necessary in the calling of the apostles in view of meeting the world system. "Two are better than one", and "a threefold cord is not quickly broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:9,12). In Mark, I think, it is that God would give men an adequate testimony. Where the gospel was to be preached there was to be an adequate testimony, and what you find is that they anoint people in their service; they leave behind them a witness. Mark would have an adequate testimony in the world.

A.M.H. Do you think more than one is necessary for this anointing? One can understand the need for individual service but supposing any position is difficult, do you not think we need more than one to bring in an atmosphere so that there might be help?

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J.T. Quite. Two is adequate testimony according to the principle of Scripture, and then they would support each other. There would be increased power; the kingdom would be present, but then I do not think that it would be necessary from John's point of view -- that is, in a broken state of things. Peter is commissioned alone in John, and he is not to interfere in another's service.

H.F.N. Is that supported in connection with the tabernacle? You have two men, Bezaleel and Aholiab, working together; but in Chronicles there is only one man specially skilled in connection with the construction of the temple. I wondered whether that would answer more to John's line.

J.T. That is very good, I think. In a broken state of things, as that with which Nehemiah had to do, he said, "neither told I any man what my God had put in my heart". God had spoken to him and he kept it to himself; he came to Jerusalem and viewed the city by night; then he spoke to the elders and told them, and they all moved in the work, saying, "Let us rise up and build", (Nehemiah 2:11 - 18). There was a general movement so that the wall was completed in a very short time -- fifty-two days. And then when questions arose, he said, "I consulted with myself", (Nehemiah 5:7). That might seem independency, but I think it is a principle in a day of brokenness. You are not inaugurating anything; or presenting the testimony where it has not been presented before. The ministry today is in connection with those who already know the Lord.

P.L. Do you not get this thought in John himself in Patmos: "his bondman John" (Revelation 1:1)?

J.T. Yes.

H.F.N. Would Timothy stand out very distinctly in regard of service? One man is specially addressed and made responsible. He stands out alone in his

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levitical service. Provision is thus made for the "man of God".

J.T. One of the most precious parts of our heritage is that of brotherly confidence; "in the multitude of counsellors there is safety" (Proverbs 11:14). Let us take counsel wherever we can get it; very often what one overlooks another sees. You find that as Paul proceeded on his way to Jerusalem, he was actuated in some respects by the brethren's advice, which is an important thing; but on the other hand, I think John would set us up as men knowing how to act of ourselves, knowing what to do in a crisis. In the addresses to the assemblies overcomers are regarded individually.

A.M.H. While individual service and exercise are essential, would you entirely set aside the thought of co-operation? For instance, in Nehemiah's day you have those who worked in groups.

J.T. They would correspond with localities today. They were all under his direction. The great point, I am sure, is confidence, for without that things must break down, and there will be no co-ordination. I think the Spirit, breathed into the disciples in John 20, was to establish confidence. The Lord would confide in them and they were to confide in one another; so with Peter and Paul. Paul went up to make his acquaintance, but later there was a disagreement and Paul had to withstand him to his face. Yet Peter writes afterwards in 2 Peter 3:15: "our beloved brother Paul", showing how confidence had been maintained, and that whilst they were labouring far apart geographically. What often interferes with confidence is distance, whereas the Spirit which we have received should not be affected by geographical distance. You see how distance affected the Corinthians when Paul was away from them. His second letter was to correct their want of confidence. He says: "Receive us: we have injured no one", etc.

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P.L. We see that in John again, "I John, your brother" (Revelation 1:9). He will not allow that distance in Patmos affected his relations with his brethren.

J.T. Quite.

J.J. Do you think that as the house is often referred to in Mark, it suggests that the spirit of service should be carried on in family character?

J.T. Yes, I agree with that; hence the fever conditions were removed out of Simon's house at the outset.

Ques. Speaking in a practical way, sometimes one may have an exercise in regard of a certain meeting where there is practically no fellowship; does it not help in such a case for two or three to go together and show fellowship?

J.T. Much may be done in that way. Suspicion is so easily aroused; two or three are more likely than one to establish good mutual feeling. Paul associates brethren with him in writing most of his epistles.

In regard to Mark 6, "they went out, and preached that men should repent. And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them"; it seems to me that the testimony is greatly augmented by the anointing. In the person anointed there is something set up in a locality in dignity for God. Where there was weakness or sickness one is set up as anointed. The idea in anointing is public testimony.

A.M.H. You would be exercised to see whether this was left behind.

J.T. Just so. It was exemplified in the apostle Paul; as he moved about the assemblies were established. That was the thing. The anointing goes with this (2 Corinthians 1:21). I have no doubt the thought really began in Genesis 28, where the pillar is set up and anointed with oil. That would be for God in testimony.

Ques. Does the anointing follow the preaching of repentance?

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J.T. Yes. Repentance makes room for the Spirit. The Lord says in chapter 6 further down, when the apostles are gathered together to Him: "Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest awhile ... And they departed into a desert place by ship". It seems as if the Lord there meets a certain condition that arises in those who serve. The desert is not fruitful. We have to learn what we are there; in active service we may be full of matter, but when we get into the desert it is different; we are not so full of matter as when on the platform, and we are tested as to how much we have really got ourselves. It is a very wholesome exercise.

M.W.B. I think sometimes the Lord gives remarkable support sovereignly and then there is the test when you get alone.

J.T. How much you have got yourself.

M.W.B. Would you enlarge a little on this wilderness experience?

J.T. I think you are tested as to how much you have definitely yourself. It is a wholesome thing to get with the Lord in the desert to discover just what you have got. It may be you thought you had a good deal more, because you are able to preach a good sermon, or that you get on very well in the reading and are able to bring out a lot of things. The disciples spoke about what they had done and what they had taught. Now they are with the Lord and everything is in the light as it is. There is no way in the desert with the Lord by which you can exaggerate or magnify what you have got beyond what it is.

A.M.H. Would you make that a practice, after each portion of service to get to the Lord in this way?

J.T. I would, and the Lord would order your circumstances to that end. What does one get oneself? Undoubtedly if saints come together from a distance and make considerable sacrifice, the Lord

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may use any of us, because He takes account of those that have come, and He would meet the situation; but then, what have I myself? Here the apostles were not conscious of having anything with which to feed the crowds (Mark 6:34 - 44).

P.L. So that while helped by the sympathy that may be found in the saints when you are serving officially, you now retire from that with the Lord. Does that bring you back to John's line, that is, to what you have spiritually?

J.T. Quite so. You will then feel how small you are.

J.J. So it would be a very dangerous thing to rely on your gift, if your state is not equal to it.

J.T. Yes. The principle of measure is so important. The whole physical system is based on the principle of weight and measure (Isaiah 40:12). There has to be balance, and I think the disciples get into the sanctuary here where the Lord holds everything and they are made to feel just how things are in His presence. They needed a rest, and He invited them into it, saying, "Come"; they are not sent. We may be sure they had a remarkable time.

We might go on now to chapter 9. All that I want to point out is that the Lord's reproof, (verse 19), includes the disciples. I want to call attention to this incident, in verses 14 - 19. The Lord found, as having been absent for a while, a disputation being held with the scribes, a man having brought his little boy to be healed, which they could not do. The man says: "Teacher, I brought to thee my son, who has a dumb spirit ... And I spoke to thy disciples, that they might cast him out, and they could not". This is to call our attention to what is being effected by those who are in the position of disciples now, and whether the boy, so to speak, is getting any help, and what the Lord said to the disciples. "He answering them says, O unbelieving generation! how long shall I be with you? how long shall I bear with you?"

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A.M.H. I suppose you mean that we need to consider whether our activities further what is of God here, or whether those seeking help or having need are not hindered.

J.T. Where are the saints since the great revival? How much disputation has there been? How are those in need being regarded? The Lord is perfectly just in His discrimination, but according to this passage He rebukes them, and the disciples are included.

D.L.H. Were not the disciples in this case among the unbelieving generation?

J.T. That is what I thought, and does not disputation of this kind bring us down to the level of the unbelieving?

Rem. The man says: "I brought to thee my son".

J.T. But he said: "I spoke to thy disciples, that they might cast him out, and they could not".

W.H.B. These disciples were not on the mount with the Lord.

J.T. Hence the result. It is a very wholesome thing to see that the Lord rebuked them all. "How long shall I be with you? how long shall I bear with you? bring him to me". There is no cessation of the work, but here the Lord had to do it Himself.

J.T-y. What form does disputation take?

J.T. I think the greater part of those that were affected by the great revival have gone back through disputation. They have gone back to the level of the unbelieving generation, but the question is as to where we are now. What level are we on? The disciples asked the Lord about the matter. That is what is commendable about them. "When he was entered into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Wherefore could not we cast him out? And he said to them, This kind can go out by nothing but by prayer and fasting".

D.L.H. Does that refer to the kind of demon or the kind of faith?

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J.T. I think the kind of power. That is, it goes out. Fasting involves the vessel in which the power is to be exercised. The Lord is pleased to use us as vessels, but the question is whether I am available for this kind of service -- an extraordinary condition where Satan is entrenched. How is it to be met?

A.M.H. Do you think that prayer and fasting would bring us back to the condition at the beginning of the chapter: the kingdom of God come in power?

J.T. Yes.

J.B.C-l. Referring to how the boy was cared for, Mark learned that in his own experience. When he was recovered, he was found in company with Timothy, who seemed to have taken character from Paul as a levite, caring only for the welfare of the saints.

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Romans 6:19 - 22; 1 Peter 2:4,5; 1 Corinthians 3:16,17

J.T. The subject of holiness is seen in these scriptures: first as applying to the individual, who, as possessing it, qualifies as a priest, and then as marking the temple of God. Perhaps we might consider Romans first, in conjunction with 1 Peter, having in mind the service of the assembly Godward.

The Lord has furnished much light as to public order in the assembly, which has, apparently, been received and carried into effect in a very large measure in the gatherings of the saints, but what is required to accompany this order to make it a real testimony is holiness, and especially holiness worked out in the service of the assembly Godward. If that is reached in any measure, it will give scope for the Spirit in His selection of ministers.

The order in which the truth of the assembly appears in Acts is interesting. Chapter 13 places its service Godward at Antioch, which was outside Jewish territory. This is connected with the ministry of Paul and Barnabas. It is said in Acts 11:26, "that for a whole year they were gathered together in the assembly and taught a large crowd". Then chapter 13 opens thus: -- "Now there were in Antioch, in the assembly which was there, prophets and teachers ... And as they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, Separate me now Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them". Historically thus the service of the assembly Godward comes first in relation to Paul's ministry. Then follows evangelical service. Thus we have service in the assembly Godward and manward. I am sure, that as these same conditions are found with us, there will be the same results.

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In Romans 1:4 the Lord is said to have been "marked out Son of God in power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by resurrection of the dead"; so that the idea of holiness lies at the foundation of the gospel, and should be conveyed in it as one of the golden threads to be introduced into the believer's fibre. Thus as believing in the gospel, the priestly element is already present and is to develop, as in chapter 6. It is alluded to later but is specially introduced here as the outcome of practical righteousness -- "righteousness unto holiness".

F.S.M. Would you say a word as to the difference between righteousness and holiness?

J.T. I think righteousness judges evil with authority, so that the element of righteousness in the believer would act authoritatively against evil and insist on the practice of what is due both to God and to men. Holiness repels evil and fits us for the sanctuary, but it is an element that develops in relation to righteousness, that is "fruit unto holiness".

F.S.M. As holiness becomes increasingly effective, evil becomes increasingly abhorrent.

J.T. With most of us our judgment of things is in the main, according to righteousness, but holiness goes further. In the book of Genesis, righteousness appears in connection with Adam. As soon as sin came in righteousness appeared. In Exodus we get holiness because the idea of God dwelling in relation with His people comes into view.

H.O.W. Is righteousness denoted in the cherubim and the sword which turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life?

J.T. It is. And the dealings of God with Adam and Eve after sin came in implied righteousness. It is, however, as His covenant relations with His people come into view that we have the idea of holiness. In Exodus 3, Moses is required to take his shoes from off his feet because the place whereon he stood was

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holy. This is an important lesson for us in relation to the assembly; we are apt to be light and superficial, so Exodus should be read with the thought of holiness before us. As redeemed, the people sang of God glorifying Himself in holiness. Holiness shines out in God, it is a great thought with Him. He insists upon it in the typical books, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers, because of His having entered into covenant relations with His people and His dwelling among them. And so in 1 Peter 1:16 -- "Be ye holy for I am holy". It is a most important feature in relation to the fellowship and particularly to the saints as in the assembly.

H.P.W. It is essential we should follow holiness if we desire to see the Lord. Do you think that, at the end, we might expect the Lord to draw attention to holiness on that account?

J.T. I do.

Ques. What is the force of Exodus 19? It says (verse 5), "If ye will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant". Is that the thought of holiness?

J.T. What marked Sinai enters into this subject. The thought of holiness stands out prominently as God enters into relations with us. It is what He is Himself; "Be ye holy for I am holy". Romans shows how it works out; it is not something acquired merely in after-life but it is introduced at once. There is a remarkable suggestion at the outset of this epistle; it says the Lord was "marked out Son of God in power, according to the Spirit of holiness".

Eu.R. Would serving in newness of spirit involve holiness?

J.T. It would. The word "spirit" in Romans should be noted. Paul says in Romans 1 that he served in his spirit in the glad tidings of God's Son. Service is to be in "newness of spirit". The mention of the Spirit of holiness at the outset of the epistle is important and worthy of particular note as indicating that the

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believer, in receiving the gospel, receives holiness in principle. Romans is built up on the fundamental principle of things. Everything that is developed later is there at the outset, and if scope is given to the things mentioned, there will be development. Chapter 6 shows that as being baptised, we commit ourselves to the practice of righteousness and we have our fruit unto holiness -- "righteousness unto holiness" -- so that it is a question of what the believer has himself. It is our fruit, but it will become fruit for God in us.

Ques. The gospel should be presented by those in the good of that?

J.T. The preachers certainly should convey the thought of holiness in their ministry.

H.O.W. Would it be connected with the love of God in Romans 5? In 1 Thessalonians 3:12,13 the apostle says, "the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another ... to the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God".

J.T. I am sure it is. The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given to us. It is given to us and what goes with that is the holy kiss required in Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, and 1 Thessalonians. Our relations should be free from fleshly taint. The holy kiss enters into this subject -- the individual side -- so that in our meetings we should be free from fleshly taint or consideration. Brothers do not kiss one another generally -- they do on the Continent -- but the question is whether the kisses are holy, or, with us, whether our handshakes are holy. The golden thread of holiness is to be introduced into the fibre of the believer as he believes in the gospel. The idea of salutation is very prominent in this epistle, especially in the last chapter and, finally, he says, "Salute one another". Salutations were sent to them by name but they were to "Salute one another with a holy kiss", (Romans 16:16). It may seem a small matter

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but it has distinctly to do with this part of our subject. The question is, what are the feelings behind the individual greetings of the brethren? Individual relations are fundamental; without these being right we cannot have holy collective relations and this is what is referred to when it says, "one another".

F.S.M. Is not holiness very much linked with the believer's spirit? Even in the salutations, it is not so much a question of what is done but the spirit that animates.

J.T. Quite so. Our spirits should be right and holiness be maintained there. Our greetings should not merely be customary -- they are, nevertheless, apt to be so and, therefore, not different from the worldly customs.

Ques. Do we find the holy kiss at the end of Acts 20?

J.T. In a very striking way. That chapter is marked by the evidence of holy affectionate greetings.

H.P.W. Holiness goes deep; as you said, it enters into the very fibre of the believer. One would desire that our thoughts as well as our actions should be holy.

Ques. Does this depend on our knowledge of God?

J.T. It is wholly dependent on our knowledge of God -- "Be ye holy for I am holy". Holiness is expressed in the Son of God: "marked out ... according to the Spirit of holiness". That is the kind of Spirit that is to pervade those who receive the gospel -- the Spirit of holiness. It makes for a continuity of holy persons.

Rem. In Mark's gospel, the first case dealt with by the Lord is a man in the synagogue, with an unclean spirit.

J.T. That showed how unholy the religious conditions were and the man recognized the Lord as "the holy one of God". It would show that the conditions in the synagogue were unholy.

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F.S.M. It would help us in regard to "fruit unto holiness" if you say a word about the two preceding thoughts "freedom from sin" and "bondmen of God".

J.T. It is worked out from the truth of baptism in which we reckon ourselves "dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus". Then the chapter goes on to say, "Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body to obey its lusts". That is the position. I think we ought to note, "bondmen to righteousness". A human illustration is used showing that righteousness is imperative. This is a matter of the greatest importance at the present time when there is the danger of our being exposed to an unrighteous position owing to the financial stress now prevailing, but God would help the brethren to meet this danger in the acceptance of this bondmanship. We are cast on God so that there should be nothing else but righteousness. It is imperative, as I said. Here, righteousness is dominant. If I am a bondman to it, there is nothing else for me. That is the idea of it.

Ques. Would it help us in practice to see it in the Lord personally?

J.T. He loved it. It is a remarkable thought: "Thou hast loved righteousness and hast hated lawlessness" (Hebrews 1:9). There is promotion on that line, but unless we succeed as to righteousness, there is no spiritual promotion.

H.P.W. If we humbly own the Lord's sway over us in every sphere in which we have to move, He will make a way for us.

J.T. I am sure He will. It is a most serious matter. At the present time God's dealings with the world are to make a way for the testimony. We are bound to come in for some of the consequences of God's hand upon the world. We have to go through, but how? The people of God came through the last great war and we are now passing through another stressed period, involving the government of God, to make a way for the testimony. How are we to go through?

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That is how each one should challenge his heart, for it reaches down to each of us. God intends its consequences, in regard of righteousness, to be felt. At a time of declension, we have a wonderful example in the Lord's words, "It becometh us to fulfil all righteousness". (Matthew 3:15).

S.J.B.C. What is the meaning of Isaiah 64:5; "Thou meetest him that rejoiceth and worketh righteousness, those that remember thee in thy ways"?

J.T. It enters into what we were saying as to how God regards righteousness. Christ loved righteousness and hated iniquity and in Hebrews 1:9 it is said "therefore God, thy God, has anointed thee with oil of gladness above thy companions". Spiritual promotion follows practical righteousness; we acquire holiness through it and holiness is essential to our having part in the sanctuary.

S.J.B.C. Holiness is the spirit that marks a man whereas righteousness is specific and visible.

Rem. The psalmist says, "Offer the sacrifices of righteousness" (Psalm 4:5). The present moment demands such sacrifices, and we are exhorted to "yield your members in bondage to righteousness unto holiness". That would answer to the sacrifice.

J.T. Yes. In Romans 6:19, Paul says "I speak humanly on account of the weakness of your flesh". He would make himself intelligible to us. Then he goes on to say, "For even as ye have yielded your members in bondage to uncleanness and to lawlessness unto lawlessness, so now yield your members in bondage to righteousness unto holiness". Again, in verse 22, "But now, having got your freedom from sin, and having become bondmen to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end eternal life". Verse 19 is bondage to righteousness unto holiness as if holiness is to be the result. Holiness is the result of the practice of righteousness.

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Ques. Why is eternal life introduced?

J.T. It is something to be reached in a practical way at the present time. It is "your fruit unto holiness, and the end eternal life", so that there is positive gain in the soul. Perhaps holiness is the scarcest thing amongst us. Righteousness is scarce in the world, but holiness is scarce even amongst the people of God.

H.O.W. Does it lead to the holy bodies in Romans 12?

J.T. That is where the priestly side comes in. Our "members" are dealt with here, and in chapter 8 the body is dead on account of sin but the Spirit life on account of righteousness. In Romans 12:1 the body is offered: "present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God", which links on with Peter's epistle. Romans brings us to the point of active priesthood, the sacrifice being our bodies, living, holy and acceptable to God. That shows the importance of our bodies.

H.P.W. The early chapters of Daniel are an encouragement to us. There are three men who refused any rights but those of God. It made way for the testimony and ended in the conversion of the king.

J.T. Just so. They refused to be defiled with the king's delicate meat. That shows how the element of holiness makes way for the testimony.

It is most interesting to see how Romans develops the element of priesthood. In chapter 12 we become priests in presenting our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. Not only am I to be holy in presenting it but the offering is holy, and so, acceptable to God (1 Peter 2:5). We come, therefore, from Romans to Peter to qualify for the assembly, for in Peter the sacrifices are spiritual, as he says, "a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ".

F.S.M. Is holiness connected with affection? The psalmist said, "I have loved the habitation of thy

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house" (Psalm 26:8), and "holiness becometh thy house, O Jehovah, for ever", (Psalm 93:5).

J.T. I think that is right. The love brought into our hearts by the Spirit is a holy love. Thus, if we love, it is in a holy way. Think of the glory of God and the place where that dwells! (Psalm 26.) We would not like to bring in anything that tarnishes but only what would enhance it. The truth of Romans would make our bodies holy so as to be presented to God. The believer has a body, and therefore, he has always a means of sacrifice. We have something to offer in a holy manner. In offering our bodies we act intelligently. In the assembly, we are to be intelligent; we know what to do and have something to offer. It leads on to spiritual wealth for sacrifice to God.

Ques. Is there a similar thought in connection with the house where holy hands are lifted up?

J.T. That is to show what marks the priest -- he lifts up holy hands. If we approach the house where God's honour dwells we would not want to detract from it but to add to it, hence the necessity for holiness. Peter approaches the subject in directing that we should lay aside all malice, all guile, etc.; we have therefore, a very practical word for clearing the way. What is to be laid aside makes way for growth up to salvation, and spiritual power in the soul to come to the living stone -- the acceptance of His rejection; and then the holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices. The Lord would, I believe, raise the whole question of the assembly with us and how we serve and our part in its function Godward, so that there might be spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

F.W.W. Is holiness connected with the divine nature?

J.T. It goes with it. The divine nature is holy. Let us note Peter's exhortation. How much there is to lay aside, to clear the ground, so that the idea of offering or serving in the assembly should be reached!

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Ques. Would the practice of righteousness clear the ground?

J.T. It would. Righteousness judges evil with authority, and this as maintained leads to holiness.

Ques. Is that in view of construction? If righteousness judges with authority in the setting aside of evil, holiness is constructive.

J.T. That is right. We come to Him who is a Living Stone. It is a question of power in the soul to move in relation to the One rejected of men but chosen of God and precious. Then there is the wealth of holiness. A living stone denotes power. Holiness is a positive thing; "ye have your fruit unto holiness"; no one can really serve in the assembly without it. Part may be taken, hymns given out, etc., but without holiness it is impossible to be in the assembly according to God. Hebrews 12 shows how the Father of spirits helps us through discipline, that we may be partakers of His holiness. Holiness is essential if there is to be service in the assembly, and, moreover, everything must be learned from Christ. Even in regard of prayer a disciple said, "Lord, teach us to pray" (Luke 11:1). You find the Lord saying, "Holy Father" (John 17:11). What holiness marked Him!

Jno.T. Would you distinguish between spirituality and holiness?

J.T. That is a very important inquiry. Spirituality is the outcome of what God is -- "God is a spirit" (John 4:24). That is connected primarily with new birth; not simply with what is presented from an objective standpoint, but what is brought about by an act of God in the believer. He is born of water and of the Spirit. Water is negative, as setting aside what is unclean, an element whereby I abhor uncleanness. The Spirit is positive -- "that which is born of the Spirit is spirit" (John 3:6); not "he which" but "that which". The thing itself is spirit. It is substance and it is active in the believer to give character to him; it is basic and in virtue of

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it he learns to think spiritually. We never understand God unless we learn to think spiritually. "God is a spirit" the Lord said, and so we have the mind of Christ, which means that in principle we can think as He does. What is born of the Spirit is substantial and develops as the believer progresses in intelligence.

Holiness is presented in the gospel. It marks those born of the Spirit as having received the gospel. The new man is said to be "created in truthful righteousness and holiness" (Ephesians 4:24).

Eu.R. Holiness affects our associations. "Come out from among them, and be ye separate", (2 Corinthians 6:17).

J.T. Yes. It involves leaving evil associations, but we desire and crave for holy associations.

Rem. In Isaiah 52:11 there is the exhortation, "touch not what is unclean; ... be ye clean, that bear the vessels of Jehovah". Would that have holiness in view in connection with assembly activities?

J.T. Yes, the vessels of Jehovah were holy. In Thessalonians each is to possess his vessel in sanctification, which includes what we are speaking of as in Romans. The vessel is kept not only clean but holy. Peter has definitely in view the service of God and our part in the assembly: "living stones, ... built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ". That is what we are called to and the Lord is bent on bringing it about. If brethren would lay themselves out for this, great results would follow.

Ques. What does Paul mean by "perfecting holiness" (2 Corinthians 7:1)?

J.T. "Perfecting holiness in the fear of God" -- you are in possession of it but you need to perfect it. So we are to "purify ourselves from every pollution of flesh and spirit".

I think we might see how Peter helps in connection with the idea of the temple. His epistle supports Paul's ministry by taking things out of the limits of

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Jerusalem and setting them up among the dispersion. The saints were dispersed, and as Jews they were thus suffering under the government of God, but in these circumstances they have the privilege of serving God in an even greater way than in Old Testament times at Jerusalem. Peter would thus link on with Antioch where service is carried on outside Jerusalem and where they were ministering to the Lord, and the Holy Spirit had scope. The Lord would bring in service toward God, and scope for the Spirit in connection with service to man. There is work to which the Holy Spirit calls, as He says in Acts 13:2, "the work whereunto I have called them". He will appoint us work if liberty is accorded to Him among us.

We see in 1 Corinthians 3 how the thought of the temple fits in with the local company and that it is holy. The temple of God is holy. The saints in Corinth are viewed in this way as having the Spirit of God. The temple is a place of inquiry -- where God's mind is made known; there is thus independence of the natural mind of man. 1 Corinthians brings in the Spirit of God as shutting out the man of natural wisdom and ability; the presence of the Spirit in this way implies that, if that man is in the gathering, he must be forced out, and if he is not there, he must be kept out. If the man of natural ability is dominating the assembly he must be forced out by spiritual power. "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" That is a great principle to be recognized in connection with our readings and meetings for ministry; it is to keep out what is merely natural in the things of God.

Ques. Is that what you refer to as giving scope for the Spirit?

J.T. Yes. If the natural man is dominating, as at Corinth, how are we to dispossess him? It is by the Spirit. In chapter 5 the wicked man is put out by a formal action of the assembly. It is not so easy

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to get at a man of a party spirit. It is difficult to deal with him for he may be naturally wise enough to avoid what can be formally dealt with; yet he may be standing athwart the activities of the Spirit by using his natural ability, and being supported on party lines. All this is answered by the Spirit in the temple, what is superior to the natural mind is brought in.

Ques. You mean the natural man would be displaced by the spiritual?

J.T. Yes, he would overshadow him and that is how he is dealt with. If a man commits open wickedness, he can be formally dealt with immediately, but not so the man with an able natural mind. He is wise enough not to expose himself but his will is at work and the effectual way to meet it is by spirituality.

Ques. Is it those who minister to the Lord and fast who put that man out?

J.T. If the Holy Spirit is hindered by the activity of the human mind, by human ability relying on study and other things which are only natural, nothing can come out from God's side. Such a state of things can be overcome only by spiritual power. The letters to Corinth aimed at clearing the way for this.

Ques Do you mean that it should be an exercise to all the rest in the meeting to acquire spiritual power in order that that kind of thing might be forced out?

J.T. That is the whole point. There is a lack of such exercise amongst us. The temple of God is holy. "If any one corrupt the temple of God, him shall God destroy". These things can be dealt with only by spiritual power.

Ques. Would Peter's reference to being on the holy mount with the Lord indicate the way we acquire spiritual power?

J.T. Yes. He saw up there what should obtain in the assembly. After coming down from the mount the disciples were not able to cast out a demon. They came into the power later as we see in Acts. Peter

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refers to the scene "on the holy mountain" as testifying to this power.

Ques. Do you make a difference between going out and putting out?

J.T. Yes, I do. The place is rendered untenable, on account of spiritual power and holiness, for the one who goes out. Normally the saints listen to a brother who is holy and spiritual in contrast to one relying on his natural ability. The situation at Corinth was a serious one and could only be met by the recognition of the temple of God.

F.S.M. Did the apostle anticipate this when he said in the second chapter of the first epistle, "we speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, communicating spiritual things by spiritual means" (verse 13)? Is it by "spiritual means" that things are maintained?

J.T. Exactly. In listening to a brother who is holy you are made to feel the importance of what he says. If the brethren are subject, difficulties are easily overcome, but not so where there is a party spirit, because then persons are listened to and supported because they belong to the party. If I am subject, however, I will respect and listen to the brother who is spiritual. Thus I maintain what is proper to the temple of God. Holiness is characteristic both of the temple and of the house -- they are holy. The mind is brought in in this connection: I inquire in the temple. The house is more a question of affection, but in the temple the mind is required, so 1 Corinthians 2:16 says, "we have the mind of Christ". We possess something whereby we can think and speak as He does.

Ques. Would the gain of this lead to the development of gift in local meetings?

J.T. If room is made for the Spirit instead of the working of the natural mind, there will be a ministry to the Lord. It was "as they were ministering

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to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, Separate me now Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them". That is, after they had served the course there. In connection with Paul's ministry, the first course was one year at Antioch, the second, eighteen months at Corinth and the third, two years in Ephesus in the school of Tyrannus. These courses would qualify for the assembly, where normally the natural mind cannot work undetected. The temple meets any working of the natural mind; the mind of Christ active in the temple would soon overshadow the natural mind. The apostle had detected what was at Corinth, but the Corinthians had not detected these ministers of Satan, operating on natural lines. In the second epistle Paul says, "having in readiness to avenge all disobedience when your obedience shall have been fulfilled" (chapter 10:6).

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Acts 26:16 - 18; Acts 22:17,18; Acts 16:9,10; Acts 27:22 - 26

These scriptures speak of divine appearings which bear on service. The first divine appearing spoken of in Scripture, having in view the disposition of the world, was to Abraham. He was to be impressed with what should fill the world, for the world should be filled with God's glory. Thus, "The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia", (Acts 7:2).

The glory of this world fades and disappears, but God had in mind that there should be a world filled with His glory, and so we have that remarkable expression in Revelation 11:15, "The kingdom of the world of our Lord and of his Christ is come". The kingdom of it will guarantee the subjection or removal of all that would interfere with the spread and display of the glory of God. Abraham was to be impressed with it: not indeed, that the glory shone, it does not say that, but the "God of glory appeared", which is greater. We have also the expressions, the Father of glory, and the Lord of glory; whether it be by God as such, or by the Father, or by the Lord, the glory will shine and fill all things. I mention all this at the beginning of what I have to say, that our hearts may be attuned to it. As unconverted, we have no response at all in our hearts toward God. As born again and as having the Holy Spirit, as redeemed, there is that which answers to God; and so the thought of divine appearings will appeal to us.

From Abraham's time onwards, the great thought that there was glory which belonged to God filled the mind of faith. All else fades, but the glory of God is fadeless. It shines now in the face of Jesus;

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it is intended to be perfectly intelligible to us in the face of Jesus. It is brought within that compass, and so it says of believers: "we all, looking on the glory of the Lord, with unveiled face", (2 Corinthians 3:18). "We all" -- that is a very inclusive word but also an exclusive one; we christians -- all true believers characteristically -- look on the face of Jesus. I wonder whether we have all looked at the face of Jesus; there is nothing repellent about it; it is most attractive. All that God is in love towards us, dear brethren, shines there.

Paul tells us in the passages read of appearings to himself, and I wish to speak of him in this connection in order to set out what I have in mind with regard to service. Having spoken much of the sufferings that he endured in his service, he says, "I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord", (2 Corinthians 12:1). How full his heart would be as he wrote those words! Dear brethren, let them not be altogether foreign to us! If we have not already done so, let us begin to think of the possibility of getting into the realm of revelation. Amongst the records of Solomon are "the visions of Iddo", (2 Chronicles 9:29). These would bear on the glory of Solomon in a peculiar way, as "visions and revelations of the Lord" bear on the glory of Christ. It is needful for us to pay attention to this because we are so prone to live and move and have our being in relation to what is material: is it not so? The famines in Scripture of which we have spoken, having their reflection in what is current today, would bring out where the people of God are, and how affected we are by what is material; whereas God would use what seems to be very adverse, to direct us to the sphere of revelation.

The apostle says, "I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. I know a man in Christ, fourteen years ago, (whether in the body I know not, or out of the body I know not, God knows;)" (2 Corinthians 12:2). It was

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no dream; it was nothing imaginary; it was a reality, the experience not simply of an apostle, but of a man in Christ, which term applies to every true christian. In religious circles, people speak of seeing this and that -- sometimes the very worst suggestions of links with the devil; but they are not visions and revelations of the Lord. Unless we can bring the Lord into the things we see -- or fancy we see -- they are of no value whatever; they should be renounced as evil.

In order to amplify what I am saying, I would refer to Paul's list of those to whom the Lord appeared after He arose; and I would direct your view to the forty days of the Lord's sojourn here after He arose. It is inscrutable, but full of spiritual instruction. Unless we understand something of those days, we are scarcely equal to the assembly or to its privileges. The apostle, in bringing forward this list, was endeavouring to allure the Corinthians on to spiritual lines; and that is what I have in mind, that there is a spiritual realm -- a realm of visions and revelations. The Lord "appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then he appeared to above five hundred brethren at once ... Then he appeared to James; then to all the apostles; and last of all, as to an abortion, he appeared to me also". And then with what beautiful humility he speaks! "For I am the least of the apostles, who am not fit to be called apostle" (1 Corinthians 15:5 - 9). That would never be my judgment of him; but he said it, and this sets before us a truly humble person. He said, "I am the least of the apostles"; and not only does he say this, but also, I am "less than the least of all saints", (Ephesians 3:8). This corresponds with Psalm 16:2, in which our Lord in spirit expresses His lowly mind here: "my goodness extendeth not to thee". We bow as marvelling at such words, but He uttered them, and they are surely intended to imbue our minds with the humility

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seen in the service and testimony of our Lord. The Lord Jesus said further, "to the saints that are on the earth, and to the excellent thou hast said, In them is all my delight" (verse 3). That is how He spoke, and so the apostle speaks of being the least of the apostles -- not fit to be called apostle, he says, "because I have persecuted the assembly of God" (1 Corinthians 15:9); but yet he says, "he appeared to me also".

I go on to the passage which records this appearing in his own words -- in the apostle's speech before Agrippa and Festus in Caesarea. It is in the presence of "great pomp"; for we are told that the king, Bernice, Festus and the great ones of Caesarea were there. How wretched that show of worldly glory must have been to Paul! Not that he despised official dignity, for he addressed them with respect -- "most noble Festus", and "king Agrippa". That is an important matter too, for the powers that be are ordained of God; but mere worldly show was nothing to Paul. His eyes had seen the King, the Lord of hosts, and one view of that glory dissipates all this world's glory. And that is what the Lord would bring us to, dear brethren -- to view the glory of this world, as Paul did. The Lord would bring us down; in fact, He is doing it now through reduction in our circumstances -- little by little; but this makes for inward expansion; and the Lord would take us aside and give us a view of His glory.

In Paul's account of the first appearing, he tells us that the Lord said to him, "stand on thy feet". That is a significant word; he had fallen to the ground, which was right in its place; but the Lord says, "stand on thy feet; for, for this purpose have I appeared to thee". I urge upon all, especially those who are serving, to get some idea of an appearing -- if not an appearing, some direct contact with the Lord with regard to our responsibility here in the

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service to which we may be called. Paul is available; the Lord said to him, "stand on thy feet". That expression as used in Scripture means that one stands up in the sense of responsibility, and in the sense of power too; and it also implies balance, that one does not need to lean upon another. One great idea seen in the Levite is that he stands on his own feet.

In Mark 3:16 - 19, which is the servant's gospel, you will find that the list of apostles is not made up of twos, but that they are listed singly. Now that is a matter of importance. I do not deny that two are better than one, and that Matthew lists them in twos, but Mark would put upon each servant the responsibility to stand on his own feet; then there is the thought of a special impression made on him by an appearing; and then that he is to be sent. Look at the Lord's own words to Paul, which he cites here: "for, for this purpose have I appeared to thee, to appoint thee to be a servant and a witness both of what thou hast seen, and of what I shall appear to thee in". There are to be further appearings; one will not suffice; as the Lord said -- "and of what I shall appear to thee in". The Lord intimates to him that the gain of the first appearing is to be sustained. The Lord sustains, and a sustained person maintains himself; that brings in his responsibility.

We find here that the apostle is delivered from the people and from the nations. The Lord knew how strong the pull of national feeling was with this great servant. He loved Israel, and could say that he had wished he could be accursed from Christ for Israel, (Romans 9:3). That is an extraordinary thing to me; but Paul speaks in the past tense, thus the wish to be accursed from Christ was not continuous with him; but what he says brings out the strength of his affection for Israel. Too much of it, as we see elsewhere, would hinder him in his service; so that the

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Lord said, "taking thee out from among the people, and the nations, to whom I send thee"; implying that if we are to be able to serve people, we must be delivered from them. If people influence me by natural things, I cannot serve them truly or effectually; I must be delivered: and then I am sent to people from whom I am delivered; thus, I am free. Paul asserted that he was the servant of all. "For if I announce the glad tidings, I have nothing to boast of; for a necessity is laid upon me; for it is woe to me if I should not announce the glad tidings", (1 Corinthians 9:16). "For being free from all, I have made myself bondman to all, that I might gain the most possible" (verse 19). "To all I have become all things, in order that at all events I might save some" (verse 22). That is how the matter stood.

I read the passage in Acts 22 to show how all this was amplified later. The apostle is now speaking to his own people in Jerusalem, and after recording the first great appearing to him, he says, "when I had returned to Jerusalem, and as I was praying in the temple". Now that is a fine thing -- praying in the temple. That is how he speaks about himself to the Jews in Jerusalem. The first commendation that occurs about him is, "behold, he is praying", (Acts 9:11). I should like to be able to say that of every young woman and of every young man here -- Behold, he is praying. Is it so? I believe the leading feature of Paul's whole life and the secret of his success -- both as a christian and a servant -- was that he prayed. He says, "as I was praying in the temple, that I became in ecstasy". Maybe some of us have never thought of that word "ecstasy", which is one that stands out in the vocabulary of Scripture. It is not mentioned as something that is unobtainable, but as something that is. "I became in ecstasy, and saw him saying to me, Make haste and go quickly out of Jerusalem, for they will not receive thy testimony

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concerning me". Now you see the bearing of what I have said -- "taking thee out from among the people, and the nations". If I am held by national feeling, I shall never be able to serve according to God. I must be wholly free from all that, for God has given it up; although He will return to it by and by. It is in His purpose with regard to the earth, to have a nation; and that is coming in presently, but not now. The assembly cannot be made to fit into any nation; it is a universal thought; accordingly, if I am to serve effectually, I must know something of this experience of prayer and ecstasy, and of the Lord's saying in effect, Leave your national setting -- do not halt any longer; they will not hear you. How well the Lord knew; they did not even hear Him, but said, "Away with this man" (Luke 23:18). That was their judgment -- the judgment of the most favoured, the most religiously cultured nation the earth has had. Today apostasy is fast laying hold on all the so-called christian nations. They are turning away from Jesus and are looking for another, whom they will get. All these nations will be in it -- let us not be deceived. They will all acclaim that man -- the beast, and wonder after him (see Revelation 13:8).

With reference to the third scripture, while it is not an appearing of Christ, it is a divinely ordered vision. It is the impersonation of a Macedonian man in a vision, which is an action of heaven. The servant is not now in Jerusalem; he is away, near to Europe; and he is not sure as to his course; but he is a dependent servant. What a model he is! -- so near to Christ that the Spirit of Jesus could say to him, Do not go that way. The Spirit of Jesus forbade them to speak the word in Asia; where then was Paul to go? The true servant asks, What am I to do now? where am I to serve next? This, dear brethren, applies to the smallest bit of service. Isaiah stands out in this respect. In answer to the divine inquiry, "Whom

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shall I send?" he says, "Here am I", (Isaiah 6:8). That is the attitude of a waiting servant -- one ready for orders. He will be directed, for the work is very extensive; servants are needed in all directions. The nearer we get to the Lord, the more we shall discover how great the need is. I believe that voice, "Whom shall I send?" is to be heard all the time. The answer is, "Here am I". It was from Isaiah. He had just seen the glory. "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and his train filled the temple", (verse 1). John refers to it later: "These things said Esaias because he saw his glory and spoke of him", (John 12:41). That is the clue. It is the man who says, "Here am I, send me" that was sent. I am persuaded of this, that servants are not taken on save as they see the glory. How can we serve effectually save as we see the glory?

Paul saw this vision "by night". I do not know just what this may mean; although you get it several times. I suppose there is a stillness and hence opportunity for abstraction in the night, and the Lord takes advantage of this. In the vision of which I am speaking the man of Macedonia says, "Come over ... and help us" -- what an appeal that is! Selfish considerations must not intrude in the presence of it. That man was thinking not of himself alone, but of the Macedonians. There are many such calls, and the Lord will stand by everyone who really serves Him in answering to them. Paul answered immediately, and went into Macedonia, but, oh, what suffering this service entailed! At Philippi he was thrust into that inner prison and scourged, and his feet made fast in the stocks. All that lay between the vision and the man of Macedonia, but he reached the man; that is the point. A true servant will never stop short; he goes forward and reaches his objective. The gaoler, you may say, was the man; and he asked

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for lights. We have now to do with very hard soil. People come to our meetings and listen to the truth, and you wonder why they are so unimpressionable; but this man was impressionable, although he must have been a hard kind of man, for he was a Roman gaoler. But now he is respectful and hospitable to the Lord's servants, showing tender-heartedness and impressionableness. He is manifestly a subject of the work of God. He is material for the assembly -- a man who asks for lights wants the whole truth.

Passing on to the last scripture, I want to show you how the servant comes in for an appearing in times of great doubt. The ship was about to be broken up, and Paul was on it. Dark days when neither the sun nor the stars appeared, preceded this incident, and the ship was rocked by the waves; there was every evidence of the ship's foundering, but he said, "And now I exhort you to be of good courage, for there shall be no loss at all of life of any of you, only of the ship. For an angel of the God, whose I am and whom I serve, stood by me". I would that I could use that language as he did! "Whose I am"; that brings in the divine right to us; no one can be independent. Paul belonged to God; he was a levite of God. "Whose I am and whom I serve". There is nothing said of Paul's actual service as on the ship, for he, as a prisoner, was on a ship bound for Rome from Caesarea, and there is nothing said as to what he may have done on the way, but you may be sure that his hands were not idle. How much he could have done! Some of us know how much can be done aboard ship. There is no need for idling at any time and no true servant of God will idle. Time is relatively one of the scarcest things I know of; and you may be sure that the apostle used the time profitably. He does not say, Whose I am and whom I have served, but "whom I serve", and we may be sure that during those dark

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days on the Mediterranean, he spent a great deal of his time in prayer, and the angel stood by him.

You may ask why it is an angel, for this is the only recorded occasion of angelic relations with him. Distance is implied as under the extraordinary circumstances; it refers to the history of the assembly. It is a prophetic position; defection had already set in; the ship -- the external body, as we say, was breaking up; God was not pleased, but He continued to care for His people and His servant, and He sent His angel. As of old, when the angel of Jehovah left Gilgal and went to Bochim, that meant a change in the state of the people; and so, in these circumstances, prophetically, at least, there was a change. It was "an angel of the God", who was in full sympathy with heaven and in sympathy with Paul, and he stood by him that night. What a cheer it must have been to the apostle to have an angel standing by him speaking to him! We must not think that the angels are far away from us. I do not wish to be visionary in the ordinary sense, but spiritually so. They are not far away from us; they are ministering spirits sent out to minister on account of us; they are active agents here. They are "sent out for service on account of those who shall inherit salvation", (Hebrews 1:14). Paul says, "And now I exhort you to be of good courage, for there shall be no loss at all of life of any of you, only of the ship. For an angel of the God, whose I am and whom I serve, stood by me this night, saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must stand before Caesar; and behold, God has granted to thee all those that sail with thee. Wherefore be of good courage, men, for I believe God that thus it shall be, as it has been said to me".

As I close, I want you to ponder this position -- a servant standing up in such circumstances in the sense of having been spoken to that very night by an angel from heaven. What freshness and power

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there would be! He was not speaking of something that happened years before. He was speaking on the deck of a sinking ship, not in platitudes, but in the freshness of a very recent experience with God. "Fear not, Paul; thou must stand before Caesar; and behold, God has granted to thee all those that sail with thee". Why should that be said to Paul? -- because he was a feeling man -- he was a man of affections. He did not wish one on that ship to be lost, and the angel assured him that nothing should be lost, save the ship. He would feel the loss of the ship, as understanding its significance, but what we are concerned about now is not any more the salvation of the public body; we accept sorrowfully the loss of that; we are concerned about the safety of the members of Christ, that if the assembly in its public character is lost, it stands in the counsel of God; for the heavenly city remains and will come down from God out of heaven; nothing will be lost; it will come out, having the glory of God. John supplies all that. John, therefore, so to speak, stands in the outward ruins of Paul's structure, and presents what cannot be ruined; he presents the heavenly city coming down from God out of heaven, having the glory of God. That is what John sets before us, an angel having shown it to him (Revelation 22).

Paul said that all those in the ship would be saved, and it is put most beautifully: "all those that sail with thee". I want all to take that in; it is a question of sailing with Paul -- all that sailed with him were given to him. I often think of this passage, believing that if we really value the saints, in spite of the public breakdown, the Lord says, I will give them to you. Every person that sailed on that boat arrived on the land safe. All that is prophetic. There is much instruction in this chapter, and in the next one, as to church history, but the point now is that there is a man serving under these circumstances to whom an angel

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speaks, and who speaks immediately in the power of it, and his word has effect. He really became master of the ship. There is power with him.

Well, what I have presented has in view that we might become spiritually acquainted, in our service, with the realm of revelation.

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Exodus 34:1 - 8; John 12:1 - 8

J.T. I was thinking of service in the assembly as seen in Ephesians, the vessel of divine glory. That begins now; as the apostle says, "to him [God] be glory in the assembly" (chapter 3:21). Ephesians contemplates that it is continually there. I thought that the Lord would help us to see, in these passages, a little of how service on our side flows out of the manifestation to us of God and of His glory.

Our actual service in the assembly, as far as one has observed, is somewhat irregular, and wanting in the intelligence proper to it. The section from which we read in Exodus is between the showing of the pattern of the tabernacle, etc., to Moses and the actual structure itself. It comes in between these parts including also the account of the great break-down in Israel. The break-down in chapter 32 leads to the character of Christ -- typically, and in some degree substantially -- coming out more fully in Moses. He is directed to hew for himself: "Hew for thyself two tables of stone like the first". It is left to him. So that he is the mediator on our side, and in a more pronounced way than on the first occasion of his ascent to the mount. We might begin with that, so as to have a little thought of the order of man that goes up.

W.H. Do you mean that he would set forth Christ in that way?

J.T. Yes; but I think he also sets forth the kind of man in which we are before God, having, through the great sorrow that had occurred, acquired an increased likeness to Christ. From the outset there were certain features, but they were not so accentuated as here, for, in the previous chapter it is said, "Jehovah spoke with Moses face to face, as a man speaks with

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his friend". What follows that in chapter 33 brings out the desire of Moses to see the glory. All this shows the kind of man that was there.

Ques. Does this kind of man become formed in the saints, so that we may be suitable to the assembly?

J.T. Yes; it makes way for that. Moses is to be hid in the rock, according to chapter 33, as Jehovah's glory passes by; which alludes typically to the position "in Christ". It is the desire to see the glory that indicates what Moses represents as typifying the believer, but what comes out generally in chapters 32 and 33 makes Moses more fully than before a type of Christ as Mediator.

F.R.B. Would you say what was in your mind in drawing attention to "for thyself"?

J.T. That it was wholly on his side. Whilst the covenant is from God's side, the material for the "writing" is on ours. There is the man in whom God had confidence, and the tables would be as his production, and God would take them and write on them. That is, God had confidence that the two tables would be equal to the two He had already written on. So, it says, "he wrote on the tables the words of the covenant, the ten words" (verse 28).

F.R.B. Would that bring out the glory of the mediator?

J.T. Well, I think it brings the mediator into greater evidence as to what he was. The Mediator now is "the man Christ Jesus", not simply Christ Jesus; we have to keep that in view. So that in Moses hewing out for himself it is the man that is in evidence.

P.P. Do friendship and confidence go together?

J.T. Friendship precedes confidence. Moses acquired a great place with God. He acquired great moral power with the people, but then that was the outcome

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of the place with God which he acquired through the break-down. So that God spoke to him as one would speak to his friend. "Hew for thyself" would indicate what the saints are abstractly as in the Lord's hands -- what we are as His production.

Rem. It would cost Moses exercise: "Hew for thyself". He would go through labour to prepare the stones.

J.T. As this thought enters into the experience of the saints it involves intelligence. We would know what was required -- dimensions, etc.

W.C.G. Moses was distinguished from all others here. No other man was to be seen on the mount with him.

J.T. It is different from the first ascent, because evidently he had Joshua with him then. Now it is to be this man alone, so that he stands out. We have the idea of "the man" associated with Moses; "the man Moses".

Ques. As understanding this, we would be on his side?

J.T. Yes. Of course, the new covenant comes in here in type -- the love of God being in our hearts, there is power through which we come in with Christ. John 12 would show how thoroughly those at Bethany were in accord with Christ. They made Him a supper. It was a feast marked by quiet dignity. There is not a word said by anybody, except when Judas breaks the silence, and the Lord corrects that; it is a matter for correction. It is a scene of great spiritual power. So that we do not need to keep speaking; on the contrary, it is the ability to keep silence that often indicates spiritual power. Judas complains; and the Lord rebukes him to justify the worshipper, Mary. This is an important point. What marks the assembly proper is not necessarily what is spoken. I do not say there is not speaking, because there is, but underlying the speaking there is ability for silence.

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F.I. Making the supper for Him -- are you viewing that as corresponding with "Hew for thyself two tables of stone"?

J.T. Yes, in the sense of confidence. The Lord did not give any directions, made no comments, no criticisms. There is no speaking at all.

Ques. When you speak of service in the assembly, do you mean when the people of God are come together "in assembly"?

J.T. Yes. When we come together in assembly our intelligence and spirituality are tested.

Ques. Is that service Godward?

J.T. I am thinking of that entirely. But I thought of dwelling for a little on what transpires here, for whilst God has confidence in Moses in the hewing of the stones, He gives him directions; for the assembly must be under directions.

W.W. It says, Moses "went up to mount Sinai, as Jehovah commanded him".

J.T. Yes. He says also to him, "be ready for the morning". If we had this before us on the first day of the week, we would have better meetings. "Be ready for the morning", it says in verse 2, "and go up in the morning to mount Sinai, and stand there before me on the top of the mountain". It is a very great occasion. Moses needed this instruction.

H.C.L. Are you setting Moses forth as the pattern for us?

J.T. Christ takes us -- prefigured in the stones -- up, and as there we know how to act in the presence of the glory. John 12 corresponds. Those at Bethany were equal to the presence of the Lord.

E.McK. Would that be indicative of the mount of Olives in the sense of praise and worship?

J.T. Quite. The mount of Olives, I think, alludes to what is spiritual. But we do well to take note

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of these instructions. Whilst confidence underlies assembly service, we also come under divine directions. It is said that the law perfected nothing. There was nothing perfected in the Old Testament days; but a feature of christianity is perfection, and what underlies perfection is the relation and sense of sonship. "For it became him ... in bringing many sons to glory, to make perfect the leader of their salvation through sufferings", (Hebrews 2:10). We have the idea of perfection there.

W.C.G. Do you think the verse in 1 John 2:5 is on that line; "whoever keeps his word, in him verily the love of God is perfected. Hereby we know that we are in him"? Are not these persons brought to the top?

J.T. Very good. There can be no elevation according to God without that.

P.P. Referring to the Supper, do you think when the brethren come together we should be ready?

J.T. Think of the magnitude of the assembly! The Supper is provisional, but that into which we are introduced by the Supper is eternal. "To him be glory in the assembly in Christ Jesus unto all generations of the age of ages", (Ephesians 3:21).

The two tables necessarily enter into the Corinthian epistles; the question of the will of God and the kind of man in which that is set out; so that the body of Christ is involved. The spirit of the two tables would be 1 Corinthians 11.

J.H.C. It says, "Jehovah came down ... and stood beside him there". Is this the answer?

J.T. Yes. We are to have the full height of the divine thought before us; the top of the mount. You go up as in accord with the two tables. The Mediator takes us up. The two tables are the prominent thing first of all; the idea is of that in which the will of

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God is maintained here; material capable of taking divine impressions.

F.I. At the top of the mount you "apprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height" (Ephesians 3:18).

J.T. Yes. You get the idea of height here, and yet it is not all the way up, because Jehovah comes down to us. We never come into the realm of Deity; we are not equal to that. It is said of Jesus that He has "ascended up above all the heavens", (Ephesians 4:10). That is beyond us. It is beyond the created sphere. The top of the mount, I think, is symbolical of the height of the created sphere, and Jehovah comes down there; He comes into that. We do not go out of the created sphere, but God, being outside of it, comes into it.

Rem. The first two tables were shattered beneath the mountain.

J.T. Yes; typically that sets out the whole position under the first covenant.

H.B-t. Why two tables? Why would not one do?

J.T. I think it is the idea of testimony; one could be made as large as two, but God is pleased to write on one and then on another. In many instances throughout Scripture, "two" signifies adequate testimony; as the Lord says, "the testimony of two", (John 8:17).

W.C.G. Would the "fleshy tables of the heart" (2 Corinthians 3:3) correspond?

J.T. That is what I was thinking. It is the mediator bringing in what God could write on; so that it is the saints, as was remarked.

W.H. It requires spiritual energy to go up -- spiritual desire. Is that what you refer to?

J.T. Quite so. There is every evidence that that was in Moses. He wanted to see the glory. He

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would not lose any opportunity for this. It will be noted that the energy here is in the mediator; the saints are seen only abstractly in the tables, as was remarked.

F.W.W. Do you suggest that what is seen in Moses is the attitude of heart in which we should come together on Lord's day morning?

J.T. Yes. "Be ready for the morning". Keep in mind that it is not simply the breaking of bread: that is introductory, as a memorial. What we have in mind is eternal. Of course the love that is presented in the Supper is eternal too, but the thing itself is necessarily for time. The assembly is for eternity.

R.McB. You would be moved by the Supper, would you not?

J.T. There is that in it that tends to set us free, so that we should move with Christ as Head, but we should always keep before us the assembly viewed as in Canaan. The first day of the week is the day of the assembly.

H.B. Would "the morning" here suggest the beginning of a new day?

J.T. It would. It involves, also, that there is freshness and vigour. You get it several times in Exodus, and usually there is special instruction attached to it.

P.H. So that it says, "Moses rose up early in the morning".

J.T. Verse 3 says, "let no man go up with thee, neither shall any man be seen on all the mountain; neither shall sheep and oxen feed in front of that mountain, And he hewed two tables of stone like the first; and Moses rose up early in the morning and went up to mount Sinai, as Jehovah had commanded him, and took in his hand the two tables of stone". That is how he stands there. We have to keep our eyes on the two tables of stone,

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they suggest, as we have said, the kind of man in which the will of God was carried out down here, and therefore qualified to go up: but there is to be no man or beast near; that is to say, the scene is to be apart altogether from the natural.

Ques. When you spoke of the created sphere, you meant what is spiritual; the spiritual order of things?

J.T. Yes. The heavens and the earth are the created sphere; that in which God intends to set out His thoughts, and is setting them out. But there is what is beyond that. Jesus went beyond all heavens; involving what is evidently uncreated.

W.S.S. The prayer in Ephesians suggests the power to go up, the power that wrought in Christ when God raised Him up. Is it the thought that the power is available, and we are to use it?

J.T. That is right. The first chapter is the exceeding greatness of God's power towards us, the power in which He wrought in Christ; but in chapter 3 it is the Father's Spirit working in us, strengthening us in the inner man. It is what operates in the inner man, that enables us to go up.

J.P.G. Does this require our being in condition to ascend God's holy hill?

J.T. Moses is the mediator here, the saints are seen abstractly -- in the tables; but practically those who ascend must have "clean hands". The moral requirements are seen in Psalm 15 and Psalm 24.

F.W.W. In the gospels the disciples were taken up; here Moses goes up with the tables.

J.T. There is correspondence. Here there is nothing of what is natural -- no man and no cattle were to be on the mountain. Oftentimes we bring the man and the cattle with us; that is to say, the natural, or the things that attach to the natural. Of course Moses was a man, but when men and cattle

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are connected in this way, natural relations are in view.

J.B. "They saw no man ... save Jesus only with themselves", (Mark 9:8).

P.P. Natural personality is no good in the assembly.

J.T. No good at all. 1 Corinthians puts the natural man out. The natural had got in there and clogged the service of God. The sheep and cattle would be the things in which he lives. Something like "household stuff" (compare Nehemiah 13:4 - 9).

F.I. Moses was to "stand there" before Jehovah. If the sheep and cattle are brought up, you do not stand there.

J.T. They would divert your mind -- we are not before God suitably if these natural things fill our minds or have any place there.

Ques. "Henceforth know we no man after the flesh", (2 Corinthians 5:16). Would that be standing on the top of the mountain?

J.T. That is the idea. You are clear of the natural. The two and a half tribes spoke of how much cattle they had. That type of believer would be apt to think more of the grass on the side of the mountain, than the glory of God which passed before Moses.

W.W. If the passover had been kept, and the opportunities for sacrificing taken advantage of, there would have been less cattle, they would have been sacrificed.

J.T. The sheep and the cattle, and the man that looks after them, are on the earth; the cattle are legitimate belongings in their place, but they cannot be brought on to spiritual ground.

G.F.G. Is the thought expressed in the reference to Lazarus in John 12:1, "where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead"?

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J.T. That is just it. There is correspondence with Christ at Bethany.

Our chapter says, "Jehovah came down". To get the link with John 12, we have to get the glory itself. The glory shone -- "This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified by it". What shone at Bethany was the glory of God, and the glory of the Son of God, because the Father is brought into it. He lifts up His eyes on high to His Father. That is, He was occupied with the high things, and with His Father on high; the glory would shine and radiate thence. He said, "but I knew that thou always hearest me; but on account of the crowd who stand around I have said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me. And having said this, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth", (John 11:41 - 43). There you get divine Persons occupied in taking a man out of death, and the glory shone. It is the Father and the Son acting. You see the moral elevation in the Lord's look. That corresponds with Jehovah coming down, as it says, "Jehovah came down in the cloud, and stood beside him there, and proclaimed the name of Jehovah". The mediator goes to the top, and Jehovah comes down.

G.F.G. The Lord came down, as it were, to Bethany.

J.T. Yes. The position was that they all saw the glory -- Lazarus had been raised. Mary and Martha were present too when the Lord "lifted up his eyes on high". Their service would take character from what they had experienced. We have to follow the Lord's movements, not only what He says, but also what He does, to understand headship. If He lifts up His eyes on high, He means to convey the idea of high things to us. It is the Father He is speaking to.

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L.M. What is setting our minds on things above? What are the things above?

J.T. You get a list of things in Hebrews 12:22 - 24; "mount Zion; ... the city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem; ... myriads of angels, the universal gathering; ... the assembly of the firstborn who are registered in heaven; ... God, judge of all; ... the spirits of just men made perfect; ... Jesus, mediator of a new covenant; and ... the blood of sprinkling". That is an array of glory we have come to, and corresponds pretty much with the "things above". It is not simply "things in heaven", but, the things above. We have to distinguish between the idea of what is above, and what is in heaven. "Above" has a moral thought in it.

F.I. As Head, does the Lord bring His influence to bear upon that which is already prepared?

J.T. That is right. That is what John 12 brings out. I think it is well for us to take note of the silence; not that heaven is a place of silence, far otherwise; but silence is an important element in the assembly; to know how to be quiet, not in a listless way, not as a member of a congregation, but to be quiet in spiritual power: that enters into the assembly. Here "Jehovah came down in the cloud, and stood beside him there, and proclaimed the name of Jehovah. And Jehovah passed by before his face". I think that is very wonderful. It somewhat depicts what is in the assembly; how God comes in -- in conditions according to His mind, and stands beside us there.

J.H.C. "Moses made haste, and bowed his head to the earth and worshipped".

J.T. I think that synchronizes with what we have in John 12. The glory shone in John 11, and then the Lord comes in; He "came to Bethany"; it is where Lazarus was, the dead Lazarus whom He

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raised. "There therefore they made him a supper, and Martha served, but Lazarus was one of those at table with him"; and then we have Mary's action of worship. It is a scene of spiritual power, in which Christ is supreme, and in which, we may say, He is worshipped. It is well to bear in mind that Moses sometimes typifies the believer, though generally he is a type of Christ.

F.W.W. While we have the thought of the Supper in connection with this, would you say that the atmosphere of it should be found in all our comings together during the week?

J.T. Well, I think that is right; it will be especially so on Lord's day afternoon. The Lord's day is the most auspicious day for meetings. The atmosphere is better on the Lord's day than any other. That is obvious. John 12 is a scripture that we constantly turn to; it never wears out, it is so full. What impresses me, too, is the spiritual power seen in silence -- silence that makes everything of Christ.

Ques. You would say that is true worship?

J.T. Well, I think it is the power in which there is intelligent worship, because Mary is the special feature; but that special feature comes in where you have this environment. This is the environment that yields such worship as Mary can give. Had she brought it out in different surroundings it might not have filled the house, because the house really means the saints, and in this sense it may be there is no space to fill.

F.W.W. In that way, do you think there should be a carrying over of the odour?

J.T. Yes. If the house be filled -- that is, if the saints are filled -- they are sure to carry it with them; and so it affects the meetings that follow.

Rem. Your thought is that we should reach this place and stand there; Jehovah appears, and makes His name known. We reach the assembly.

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J.T. Well, there is an analogy.

W.C.G. Do you suggest that the "tables" are the work of God in the soul?

J.T. Yes, in the sense of which we are speaking. It is the kind of man that does the will of God "Hew for thyself". We are on the side of Christ as the Mediator; He brings us up.

W.C.G. We appropriate the Mediator, and the mind of God is in Him.

J.T. So that the tables are essential to the scene; they are the particular things that he was to bring up. In Deuteronomy Moses is told to make an ark of wood, but here it is the tables; it is the writing material that is in view here, rather than Christ Himself as the ark. It is what God can write on. What is illustrated is the elevation of the assembly, and that in its members, it comes down here in testimony according to the divine impressions received.

Ques. Does the lack of power which you speak of lead to utterances such as Peter's in Matthew 17?

J.T. Just so; he did not know what to say; but at Bethany they did not say anything; not that they did not know what to say, if speaking were needed. The one who broke the silence was a wicked man, alas! It is a most sorrowful consideration that he was there, but it only brings out that the assembly, as it is actually down here, is in view. What we are considering is a great sphere of spiritual power as seen in silence, and Christ supreme in it. "There they made him a supper". All is done by them; this does not go as far as chapter 20. There He is active as "in the midst". In chapter 12 He only speaks to protect the worshipper.

F.W.W. Is this more how we assemble ourselves together, than what happens when we do?

J.T. It is more the power in which we are together in assembly.

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F.I. Each member of that company had already been adjusted under His hand.

J.T. Yes; Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. He came to Bethany, where Lazarus was. And the question of time is important; it is not a set religious time; the assembly is not governed by current religious custom. It is six days before something else which is a fixed Jewish feast -- the passover. It comes before; and it is in connection with a risen man, the dead man that Jesus raised.

P.P. Is worship the result of wonderment? (Judges 13:19,20).

J.T. Well, here it says that "Moses made haste, and bowed his head to the earth and worshipped". He made haste to do that in the presence of the glory. The scene at Bethany somewhat corresponds. "Then took Mary a pound of ointment" -- her action was in excess, because it was no part of the supper; it went beyond the supper: the scene in which she was, enabled her to do this. The occasion had arrived, it was before the time she intended to do it; she intended to do it later on -- at His burial.

H.E.F. She was "ready for the morning".

J.T. Quite so. She took advantage of the opportunity. The scene was equal to it. That is what I think is meant: she intended to do it later, but this opportunity offered and she seized it. Ability to take advantage of opportunities marks those who are spiritual.

F.I. Is that why you lay emphasis on the fact that it was not a set time?

J.T. She had a set time in her mind; that is, the day of His burial; but she did it before. I think it shows the latitude there is in the spiritual realm; it is not governed by times or seasons; it is a question of what is spiritually suitable.

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F.I. It is what comes as a result of Christ being Head, with us; the movements are those that He produces.

J.T. Quite so. Whilst, as we were remarking, we are not told that He said anything, you may depend that much had passed that drew out this from Mary. She might not have another opportunity. As far as we know, she did not. But the Lord regarded it according to what was in her mind. There is no set time governing the assembly viewed spiritually. Luke mentions the day (Acts 20), and the hour (Luke 22), but he is referring to the public position. Yet even here the spiritual touch appears, for the Lord gave no direction as to time, but simply, "this do in remembrance of me". In Acts 20:7 it says, "And the first day of the week, we being assembled to break bread" -- not that they were told to do it, but they acted spiritually. And the first day of the week is the most auspicious time for it. The day enhances the Lord's supper.

Ques. Why does it say, "six days"?

J.T. Well, I think to show that where spirituality exists there is readiness. Had it been seven, there would have been the suggestion of completeness of preparation.

D.McG. Would the odour of the ointment be a preservative in regard to the breaking of the silence? What I thought was, that the one who broke the silence had no apprehension of the odour. It was spiritual.

J.T. It is very humbling that Judas is the one to break the silence. It is always the flesh that breaks in on the holy, spiritual silence that marks the assembly, where every whit speaks glory! Every one says glory! (Psalm 29). It takes great power to take part audibly and suitably there.

H.B. The hymn reads:

"Till, blest fruit of deep emotion,
Voice by voice in silence fails".

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W.C.G. How is spirituality brought about?

J.T. The history of Bethany helps. Luke gives us the initial idea of Bethany. It says that the Lord came to a certain village, and a certain woman received Him into her house, and that she was cumbered about much serving. She was not gaining spirituality by that. Then you find in spiritual education that there is some person that the Lord would call attention to. He has worked beforehand in that person, so that there is a concrete example of what is in His mind. Hence, it says that Mary sat at His feet and was listening to His word, and she is persecuted by a sister: "Lord, dost thou not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?" That is, Martha is really persecuting the Lord as well as Mary; "dost thou not care?" That is the beginning of Bethany -- John 12 is the end of it. It shows what God can bring out of a state of things such as Luke describes in chapter 10:38 - 42. Now we have no persecution by Martha; on the contrary, she is serving happily. It is Judas who is the persecutor.

H.C.L. Why is Mary occupied with the preparation for His burial?

J.T. I think it brings out her spiritual intelligence. She knew He was going to die. I think she saw He was on His way, and she anointed His feet: His own feet were carrying Him, and she anointed them.

F.W-n. Was it at His feet she learned the dignity of silence?

J.T. No doubt. Mary had learned silence; she had learned how to listen to His word. Those feet had a great place with her.

Rem. She had kept His word.

J.T. Quite so. She represents the intelligence of the occasion. Lazarus represents the dignity of the occasion; he "was one of them that sat at the table with him" -- with Jesus.

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R.D.H. There is no box mentioned here; just a pound of ointment.

J.T. I think that would mean it was well kept by her; it was kept from contamination without a box; an alabaster box is that by which the contents are kept pure. I think it is a tribute to her own person. Spiritually she had the pound in herself; she loved "our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruption", (Ephesians 6:24). The psalmist speaks of "All that is within me", (Psalm 103:1). Let us look into what is within us, and see if it is clear of corruption. Can we call on all that is within us to worship God? It challenges us as to the purity of our thoughts, whether the water has been effective? Mary knew the value of the ointment and used it accordingly. It was not too precious for Him. The Lord also knew the value of it. Judas valued it, but I would not take his valuation!

W.S.S. Mary's worship goes on in spite of Judas.

J.T. Yes, showing the great power that was present. In heaven everything will accentuate praise, but now there is opposition, and the service seen here shows that the worship of God may proceed notwithstanding this. God takes account of that fact, of the adverse conditions that we are exposed to, and yet His worship goes on. We are to be able to worship in spite of low conditions; one person may have power to rise above such conditions and lead the saints in worship. That is what Mary does here.

G.M. That would be a sure evidence that such a person had been "on the top of the mountain".

J.T. Yes it would. Another thing comes out -- Lazarus is a witness without speaking. People believe on Jesus because of him. He is not said to speak. That goes with what we are saying. It is the effect of spiritual power in the person.

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John 20:21 - 23; Luke 24:46 - 49; Mark 16:15 - 18; Matthew 28:10, 16 - 20

I have read from the four evangelists, having in mind that if we are to have the whole truth in connection with any subject, we must take them all into account. My subject now is "Qualification for Service and Testimony", and I desire to dwell upon it in its general features, to the end that, as in service and testimony here, we should be "perfect and complete, lacking nothing". It is within our reach to be thus perfected. The apostle had it in mind in writing to the Colossians "to present every man perfect in Christ" (chapter 1:28). I am thinking, for, the moment, of service and testimony, and I wish to dwell on John first, because John is particularly intended for our own times. I apprehend that we approach all the evangelists now through him as being the last of the writers. All has to be considered in the light of the latest communication, and, in regard to this question of representation of Christ, John qualifies us in the most exalted way. I think we get the highest and most spiritual touches from him as one who was intimately conversant with the Lord; as one who had, in a peculiar way, liberty of access to Christ.

Before he mentions this matter of representation in service, he speaks about the message which the Lord sent to the disciples through Mary Magdalene. She herself is qualified before the message is entrusted to her. The chapter dwells at length on her, presenting her as running, that is to say, in accelerated movement; and then we find Peter and John also running; but Mary is, according to the record, more spiritual than either; not more intelligent, but more spiritual.

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She remained at the sepulchre, we are told, weeping -- that is to say, she was marked by deep feelings -- an impressionable person. Persons of great intelligence are not always as impressionable as persons with feeling. She had the feelings, and so the Lord takes account of all this, and manifests Himself to her, showing that feelings which are the outcome of affection for Christ are honoured; as Paul said to Timothy, "remembering thy tears" (2 Timothy 1:4). Tears are the token of feelings -- of ability to be impressed, and so the Lord manifests Himself to her; adjusting her at the same time, impressing her with the fact that relationships, henceforth, were to be heavenly, not earthly. He had not yet ascended to His Father, He said, and so must not be touched; and in saying this, He sent her to His brethren with the message, "I ascend to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God" (chapter 20:17).

Cannot we see, beloved brethren, that she was impressed, and being impressed, she was impressive -- that the message was delivered not only in word, but in spirit? But then, great as the message was, and great as the messenger was, for she was equal to it, it does not say that it caused joy. What caused the disciples to rejoice was the sight of the Lord. That is to their credit, for John always emphasizes what refers to Christ personally, and so the Lord confirms that in saying again, "Peace be unto you" -- the peace and joy of seeing the Lord. They rejoiced; and their joy was to be confirmed. And then He says, as if to honour all that, for there is nothing said here about their being perturbed, as in Luke: "as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you", and having said this, "he breathed on them". It is a question, in John, of a personal transaction, of having to do with Him, or of His having to do with us, not mediately, but directly; and so we have this most extraordinary occurrence, "he breathed on

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them". It was the impartation to them of His own blessed Spirit. Think of that! He says, "Receive the Holy Spirit".

There is another feature implied here, it is divinely given ability to receive; so that the transaction is perfected. His act was to breathe upon them; their part was to receive. "Receive", He says, "the Holy Spirit". It is not a question of the sealing of the Spirit; that is not what is in view. It is a question of our having personally to do with the Lord, or He with us. It is not, as it were, an administrative act on His part. Administration refers to what He received from the Father and shed forth at Pentecost. Here is a personal transaction of a most intimate nature, and of the disciples having to do with it intelligently; so they received it.

John would thus set us up here in the midst of the present state of things, as those who are having personal transactions with Christ. Think of the character that it imparts -- not simply in what we say, but in what we are. It is a question of the kind of spirit that animates us -- no less than the Spirit of Christ -- the Holy Spirit; and then He says, "Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them". So that, as the sins are owned, we can forgive, and as forgiven in the spirit of forgiveness the sinner is set free; he has come into practical contact with the Spirit of Christ, and is encouraged.

I will not enlarge on the retaining of sins, although it is an important side of our position to know what to retain, for God is not to be trifled with; and notwithstanding that it is a day of small things, where divine principles are held, sins are retained when this is necessary. It is not a question here of gift or apostolic authority. They are regarded as disciples. The Lord would constitute us as disciples qualified to forgive, by imparting to us His own spirit. It is the Spirit of Christ, and if in that spirit a sin has to

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be retained, it is most solemn. No one acting in the Spirit of Christ, will retain a sin against another, until all possible means have been used to bring about conviction and self-judgment. It is a service of liberation to the children of God, that they might be free, like ourselves, to enjoy christian privileges.

I go on to Luke. I want to show that the dispensation, although it is about to close, is to maintain its original character. It is not to be belied; and so the Lord, in Luke, works through our understanding. It is not here a question of the Lord breathing into us, but of working through our understanding; through ministry; through the breaking of bread; through the interpretation of the Scriptures; through the opening of our understanding that we might understand the Scriptures -- that He might qualify us to be witnesses of the dispensation of grace; so that at the end there is really no change. He says, "ye are witnesses of these things". It is not here that they were witnessing, but that they were qualified to speak of certain things, because they saw them. It is a question thus in Luke of competency to bear testimony through becoming acquainted with what is to be testified to. It requires an understanding, and this the Lord gives. Paul says "the Lord will give thee understanding in all things" (2 Timothy 2:7).

The Lord is graciously helping His people, I believe, on these lines, working through our understandings by ministry; opening our understandings that we might understand the Scriptures; dividing the Scriptures as He does, into the law, the prophets, and the psalms. One needs, at the present time, to take note of these features. We are to take care as to "rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15), so that the saints may be instructed, and qualified to witness as knowing the things; the Lord says, "ye are witnesses of these things"; but being a witness of the things is not enough; having the doctrine, being able to present the facts of the gospel, is not sufficient. It is important

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to have the facts, to be witnesses of the facts of the things, "that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures" (1 Corinthians 15:3). It is important to be able to present the facts; but we need more than that, if we are to represent this dispensation. We need power from on high. The Lord says, "tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high". It is the kind of power -- the Spirit of God, of course, but it is power from on high -- different from any power by which religious activity is carried on by man in this world. And you are to be clothed with it. Clothing is a public thing -- that I am manifestly serving in the power from on high. It is the idea of elevation.

He also says, "I send the promise of my Father upon you". It is what is external here -- the public evidence that my service is in power from on high, and I am free from all national feelings. "That repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem". It is not to honour Jerusalem. Far otherwise! No more than it was to honour the conduct of Saul when he was converted. It was the magnitude of grace. It is to call attention to the magnitude of grace, that the testimony should begin in that wicked place; but it is to all nations. We are to be imbued with the love and grace of Christ in dying, and then in rising, so that in Him these things should be presented to men; but I am carrying on my service, you are carrying on your service, clothed with power from on high. You are not limiting it, but maintaining the character of the dispensation as unalterable. Let us never lose the sense of what the dispensation of grace is. This is not only the doctrine of the thing -- it is the thing itself, which is to continue, and is never to be lost sight of.

I will proceed to Mark, and I want to show that which is not included in John and in Luke -- that all

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is to be on the principle of faith -- that I am acting from sources outside of man or man's ken -- that I am treading a path that neither the vulture's eye hath seen, nor the lion's whelps have trodden. I am not only to preach to all nations; but I am to go "into all the world". That is how it reads. That requires activity, energy; but it requires more than that; it requires a power in me to resist the world. Think of what the world is; think of what the world is as developed in the wicked one! So he says, "Go ye into all the world". Nothing inviting in that! It means conflict, for the world "lieth in the wicked one" (1 John 5:19). It is not the world as in John 3 which God loved. No, it is not that. It is what Samaria was to Elisha. After he went through with God the exercises requisite for service, as mentioned in 2 Kings 2, he went to Samaria from Carmel. What was Samaria? The centre of wickedness -- the city of Ahab and Jezebel; to go into that means suffering; but that is the world in Mark. "Go ye into all the world". Do not make any choice. We are not to select our spheres -- to pursue the line of least resistance, as they say. It is all the world that has to be faced if we are to be of any use. Not to preach the gospel to it; but to preach the gospel to all the creation. It is a question of the creation. Have you ever thought of that, what the creation of God is to Him? "For thy pleasure they are and were created" (Revelation 4:11), it is said. The creation is for the pleasure of God. "The whole creation groans together and travails in pain together until now (Romans 8:22)". Is that nothing to God? We groan within ourselves; but we are already in possession of the first-fruits of the Spirit. We look for complete deliverance of the creation, and so we prove the world's opposition, in preaching to the creation. Paul says, "the glad tidings, which ... have been proclaimed in the whole creation" (Colossians 1:23).

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Well now, what marks believers in this gospel is that they are immune from satanic power. It is not here a question of God's kingdom attracting them. It is a question of what they are inherently as men of faith. The point here is faith. "He that believes and is baptised shall be saved", whoever he is. He belongs to the creation of God. He leaves the world behind him -- he is baptised. No one is saved who is not baptised. Baptism, in its true sense, means that I leave the world behind -- I break with it. The world is a moral system -- the creation is not. This wicked moral system has degraded the creation. I leave it. I have come into the light of a faithful Creator, who is, withal, the Father, as made known in Christ. I am a believer. I am baptised. He that believeth and is baptised is saved -- he leaves the world. Baptism is that I leave it definitely. I break with it. I am saved; but more than that. "These signs shall follow those that have believed" -- not those that preach. "In my name they shall cast out demons", etc. It is a question of what those having faith are able to do. We are to be in this world superior to it -- knowing what it is; facing it, but knowing that we are possessed of a power enabling us to overcome it; that I can go into it and be superior to it -- that is Mark. I do not take these things up literally. It is a question of what they are spiritually. The power of demons, deadly things, serpents or disease -- all these things are overcome in Christ's name by those who believe. Think of what God has in the world in those who have faith!

I now go on to Matthew, and finish. Here the Lord sends a message to His disciples through a woman; -- not "I ascend to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God" (John 20:17), but "tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me". If I am to be of any service, I have to seek Him out. He has all power in heaven and

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on earth. If I want to serve I must find Him. I must take a journey. I must not be light and trifling, and just commit things to memory, as if anything would do in the service; no, we must take the journey to find Him; "there shall they see me". He does not say that I shall see them. They will need me, and if they need me they must seek me out. And so they go to the appointed place -- a mountain -- the place of strength, and they see Him. He came up to them. In John 16:22 the Lord says, "I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice"; but in Matthew I have to go and find Him; He came up to them, but they saw Him first. You say, Is not the Lord looking out for me? Well, He wants you to come and find Him. You must go and find Him out if you are to serve; you must take the journey. He has wonderful things, and you cannot get them anywhere else; they are worth going for. "When they saw him, they worshipped him". His position is that of the King. He has the things; you must go if you are to get them.

Another point before I close. The most solemn thing in Matthew is that as the women were going with the message, the soldiers went to the chief priests and told them what had happened, and as a result they took counsel together how to defeat what God had done, and in so doing they formulated a lie. They said to the soldiers, "Say ye, his disciples came by night, and stole him away" (verse 13). They bribed them, and secured them against possible consequences. "They took the money, and did as they were taught" (verse 15), and so the lie continued, it was perpetuated. We have to face that condition, a system of things in which a lie has been formulated, passed on, and continued. The most wicked lies about Christ have become standardized in the profession, and they continue. It was when the women left with the message that these soldiers left, and the lie was formulated. It says, "the eleven disciples went into

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Galilee" -- to the place of reproach. We can only hope to meet the situation indicated by taking this journey. The Lord came up to them, as they went to Him, and He said, "All power has been given me in heaven and upon earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations". It is the most extraordinary command of all -- it is not to preach, it is not to remit; it is to make disciples. What can we do with that? How can I make a disciple if I am not one? It is a question of spiritual influence. Think of it, dear brethren: "make disciples of all the nations". How can I do that? Only by being the thing myself. I must go to Galilee, so to speak. I must take that journey; I must find the Lord there; and so I apprehend Him as the all-powerful One. He says, "All power has been given me in heaven and upon earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them to the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit". The nations were thus to be brought into a wonderful sphere of things. We know something of it -- the light of the revelation of God. They were to be brought into that; then "teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have enjoined you". It is a question of authority in Matthew, and moral power in the ministry so that we can influence others to become disciples. The Lord adds, "And behold, I am with you all the days".

In having these four features together in our souls we might hope to represent God in some way in these last days, and so be effective to the children of God and to all men, and to all nations. May God bless His word!

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1 Corinthians 11:11,12; Romans 16:3,4; Luke 2:25 - 38

These scriptures treat of the man and the woman and that is why I have read them, wishing to show the relative positions and functions of the sexes in the assembly; and not only to apply these scriptures in a literal sense, but also to enlarge a little on what is conveyed spiritually in the man and in the woman respectively. The first scripture is selected from a chapter which treats somewhat fully of the relative positions of man and woman, and it is not without signification that the chapter also introduces and develops the assembly in the exercise of its functions in a locality, which, rightly understood, makes room for Christ as the full representation of the man, as the assembly is the full representation of the woman; and makes room also for the universal position of the assembly as the one great thought and object of Christ in the current dispensation. The chapter in introducing the Lord's supper prefaces it by instruction that leads on to the apprehension of the Lord Jesus as Head of the assembly.

I make a few remarks first as to what belongs to the man, introducing them from the reference to Christ in Revelation 12:5 as the "man child". The better translation gives, "a male son", which seems tautology, but spiritually is full of meaning. A son of course would be a male, but the additional word "male" calls attention to the idea, as absolutely presented in Christ in relation to rule, for it goes on immediately to say, "who shall shepherd all the nations with an iron rod"; that is to say, it is to be rule in an absolute sense. He "shall shepherd all the nations", and shepherding is ruling with skill

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and with feeling, not arbitrarily, but it is in the "male son" -- the word is "son" not "child". The idea as seen in Christ is necessarily to be taken on in all relations in which rule, or government is required.

In Judges 4 we have a woman taking the lead in the service of God in relation to a man: Deborah being the woman, and Barak the man. In the New Translation of the Bible, we are told in a footnote, that Deborah is said to be "a woman prophetess". Of course, the word "prophetess" means that she is a woman who prophesied, but in the original the feminine idea is stressed. So that if circumstances amongst the people of God require a sister to take any kind of prominence in the testimony, she never loses her feminineness, she is always a woman; she never takes on the masculine character, for wherever that appears in a sister, you may be sure the flesh is active. If weak conditions require that a sister should become prominent, she never loses her sisterly character; she always has "power" on her head, as 1 Corinthians 11:10 teaches; and that goes forward into the assembly normally, she never loses her relative position and function, she is always herself.

In speaking thus, I may say that I am impressed that sisters are not functioning as the Lord would have them to, and correspondingly the meetings are wanting in increase. It is no question of alleging that of any particular meeting, but generally it is so. I believe the Lord would call upon the sisters amongst the people of God to take their part, and as they do, the idea of the assembly will come more into evidence. I believe the idea of the assembly coming into evidence, not theoretically or doctrinally, but practically, is largely dependent on the sisters functioning according to their true relations. If they do, the brothers will not be eclipsed or detracted from

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in any way, they will the rather be enhanced. Deborah never lost her relative position, she calls upon Barak to act, but the Spirit of God makes it plain that the initiative was with her. She evidently discerned what perhaps we should not have known, were it not that the Holy Spirit tells us hundreds of years later, that Barak had faith. The Spirit of God in Hebrews 11, calls attention to the faith of Barak and says nothing about Deborah. She would, I am sure, accept that as right: she would say, I have more prominence than I should have had; had Barak more energy, I should have less prominence, and that would not have grieved me at all.

From these remarks you will see why I read the two verses in the first scripture, which say, "For man is not of woman, but woman of man. For also man was not created for the sake of the woman, but woman for the sake of the man". But then, it goes on, "However, neither is woman without man, nor man without woman, in the Lord. For as the woman is of the man, so also is the man by the woman, but all things of God". So that we have set out in the chapter a beautiful order of things. God is regarded as the supreme Head, an appellation first ascribed to Him by David. David says, "Jehovah ... thou art exalted as Head above all", (1 Chronicles 29:11). It awaited the Lord Jesus to come in to set out this wonderful truth, for He not only said things, but He exemplified them. One who contents himself with merely saying things will never be a model: if I show a thing, it is established in the mind. The Lord Jesus set out this great principle of God-headship, as I might call it, in His life here -- "The head of Christ is God", and "Christ is the head of every man, but woman's head is the man", "but all things of God".

There is a beautiful position set out for us in the passage, which is to be seen in every phase of life,

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in the household, and everywhere; wherever men and women are together according to God, this great truth will be seen, and God is pleased and glorified in it. If there is one thing one cherishes more than another, it is to afford God a little pleasure. In the life of Jesus it was constant, and now in the assembly this great thought of graded headship set out in any way is highly pleasing to God. It is the order that He has ordained and it is pleasing to Him as He sees it; and the angels see it too, it is a spectacle for heaven, leading to that remarkable statement in Ephesians 3:10, that "the all-various wisdom of God" is to be seen now in the assembly by "the principalities and authorities in the heavenlies". What moral victory there is for God in His people as His thoughts are in any little way expressed in them!

I wish now to show how it is worked out in a man and his wife, for Scripture affords us concrete examples of its teaching. As I said, things are not only told to us, but shown to us. Here we have it in a man and his wife, Aquila and Priscilla: this couple has a unique place in Scripture in several respects, but in particular, that they are never mentioned apart, they are always seen together. I need not say that there is some suggestion of Christ and the assembly in that: were we to understand the position we should see that Christ, normally being its Head, is always seen in relation to the assembly. Of course He has His place and glory as in the Deity in which the creature can have no part, but as Man in heaven having effected redemption, the assembly is His body, His wife indeed, and in this sense He and she are inseparable. This marks the present time and gives a special character to the dispensation. In the future too it will appear. Aquila and Priscilla are mentioned six times, always together. The suggestion fits in with Paul's ministry, this man and his wife being specially identified with the apostle. First of all, they

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are introduced to us as in Corinth, they were of a certain craft; apparently both occupied in the same craft -- tent-makers. It seems that they worked together, and Paul joined them -- not because they were christians, it does not say that; but "because they were of the same craft" (Acts 18:3). All this comes in where the great thought of the assembly is worked out locally, that is Corinth.

Aquila and Priscilla are mentioned three times together in Acts 18. The idea of wisdom would be there; the first epistle to the Corinthians shows that the idea of divine wisdom was prominent in Paul's service there, and Priscilla would not fail to suggest that "The wisdom of women buildeth their house", (Proverbs 14:1). Wisdom is a feminine word; the feminine idea in this sense leads to the assembly. "The wisdom of women buildeth their house; but folly plucketh it down with her hands". So that you can understand how that thought would be present, at least to the mind of Paul, as to Priscilla -- what a fine sister she was! I am speaking of her because of the way she is mentioned in these different references. Her name appears first as often as Aquila's does. You will find, "Aquila and Priscilla", and then "Priscilla and Aquila", and then you find "Aquila and Priscilla", and then again "Priscilla and Aquila"; is that accidental? No, it is educational: that is to call attention to what is possible, and what is possible should always be aimed at; it should never be regarded as impossible. If it were possible in these two, it is possible in any two, and it is possible in Christ and in the assembly as His body. So that we find these two, as I said, interchangeably having precedence one of the other. Not that Priscilla would ever take precedence of her husband: were we to enter their house -- and we are told that there was an assembly in their house -- that assembly would be adorned, as I may say, by the seemliness and the grace of this

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sister, Priscilla. She would never becloud, she would never stand in the light of her husband: he would the rather shine in her graces, for the woman is of the man.

That great principle is set out in Genesis 2how often it is spoken of at our marriage meetings, and rightly! I do not say Adam suffered, but certainly he had an extraordinary experience, and that is a deep sleep, not an ordinary sleep, but a deep one; the allusion, of course, is to the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. And Jehovah takes a rib, and out of that rib He builds a woman. That word "build" is a remarkable word, it is the first time it is used in Scripture. It is not applied to the universe; the word "framed" (Hebrews 11:3) is used there. Building implies special skill, and belongs to the woman. This was one of the items of the work of the sixth day, the greatest work-day of all -- and God presents her to the man. What will the man say about it? He was asleep when it was done apparently, but he knew; he could name all the other creatures, and he named this one. And there it is: as one remarked elsewhere, He lost a rib, but it is given back to him a thousandfold: he lost nothing, he gained. But then, this gain should not be merely theoretical, it should be practical in the assembly -- in the household, of course, in every sphere of life, but specially in the assembly. In the highest thought of it, it is a question of what the assembly is to Christ, but then it should be seen surely in the practical working out of the assembly, in the sisters in relation to the brothers.

Now I want to show briefly how all this is foreseen in the gospels, for the gospels are generally to support what we have in the Acts and the epistles. So Luke gives us two persons at the beginning; as the Lord Jesus is brought to Jerusalem to the temple, these two are there. The early chapters in this gospel should be studied in relation to our subject. Luke only, mentions these two persons, and I believe no brother

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is in the assembly save as he understands what is presented in Simeon, and that no sister is in the assembly save as she understands and moves according to what is seen in Anna -- they are models. First of all, as regards Simeon, you have the word "behold" -- "behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon". He is not an ordinary man, but one distinguished as spiritual. He looked for Christ, he was a man of hope, a man who counted on what God had said; he expected God to do what He had said. But then he was a man in Jerusalem: now that is not an ordinary circumstance; the preposition "in" there means more than simply circumstance; it is characteristic, and it enters into the position of the brothers in the assembly. He is not only local. Of course Jerusalem is a locality, but it had a place that no other earthly city ever had or ever will have; it had a metropolitan position, it was the divine centre. "A man in Jerusalem" was in the very centre of what God was doing -- that is the point. The facts mentioned show it applied characteristically. I speak thus, dear brethren, so that we might become less local and more general. That is, that we may be in the very centre of things, our position is there, we are concerned about everything that concerns God, whether it be general or local, whether it be fifteen thousand miles away or local -- we are in the centre of things. There is very little of this attitude amongst us. Were there more of it, we would support what is general in every way we are able.

I need not now enter into the many ways in which we may support what God is doing, say in China or in New Zealand or Australia; for China is not in principle any more to God than New Zealand is -- let us not forget that; God is no respecter of persons. He never intends the promotion of what is popularly called "missionary". What is missionary properly means persons sent out by the Holy Spirit on whom

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the hands of the assembly are placed, they are released, let go by the saints, and they are "sent forth by the Holy Spirit", and then they go. It does not say where they were sent; what follows in Acts 13 is the record of where they went; they went down to Cyprus, through the island, etc., etc. I say that by the way, that we may not take on the characteristics of what is around us, that we may be able to stand against what is current religiously. We are so prone to take it on. There are those who would give a hundred pounds with a view to Chinamen being converted, who would not give a cent for the conversion of Englishmen! I say that advisedly. I would desire to be in full sympathy with all that God is doing: a man in Jerusalem is concerned about what God is doing wherever it is.

To return to Simeon a certain thing was revealed to him "by the Spirit"; that is to say, he recognized the Spirit; he is dependent on the Spirit for his understanding of things. "It was divinely communicated to him by the Holy Spirit, that he should not see death before he should see the Lord's Christ": until he had seen the Man who should do everything for God: he was expecting Him, and he went by the Spirit into the temple, and the Child is brought in and he takes Him in his arms. The facts are known to us, I am only referring to them now to draw attention to this brother brought forward by Luke, as I verily believe, to show us that our setting is not simply in our houses or our businesses, but, so to speak, in Jerusalem; it is a spiritual position. I am in it spiritually, and I come into the temple spiritually, and in the temple I receive Christ. His being brought is characteristic; there is always someone to bring Him in. The thought is, of course, that I should bring Him in. Here He was brought in by His parents, which, of course, is literal and historical. It may be that a brother just converted has some little thought

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of Christ, and a spiritual man takes this little thought -- I say "little" because the Lord Jesus here is just a Babe -- and magnifies it, he makes it of use universally. What a service that is! And how beautifully he speaks: he says, "Lord, now thou lettest thy bondman go, according to thy word" -- He is regulated by the word: it is no mere sentimental thought, as often expressed by people who say they want to die, and the like: it is a question of the word of God, the mind of God for each of us -- "for mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples; a light for revelation of the gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel". That is the brother! He is able to take up any thought of Christ that comes into the assembly by whomsoever, and give it its proper setting, give it, perhaps, a universal bearing; here it is a question of the light of God concerning the gentiles, and the glory of His people Israel. How the whole scene was lit up with Simeon's remarks! There never was such a time before in the temple.

Then, without going into detail: Anna came in at the same hour, that is to say, the sister is not absent, she is there, and this has the significance of being an example for us. How beautifully Anna comes in and shines! She does not take the Child in her arms, that had already been done. Hers is another part in the service. He is in the proper position in the arms of Simeon. She comes in at the same hour: she praises God. The Spirit of God does not give us Simeon's age, but He gives us a clue as to Anna's age, and I do not think any of us will lose anything if we try to work out how old she was. Every moment of this woman's life is spiritually interesting.

I would like to be such as that, that the brethren, if they have to talk of me at all, can talk of me from the beginnings of my history. What can they say

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about the beginnings? And then the middle life? and the late life? When God writes up His people, He goes back to their birth (Psalm 87). Anna "lived with her husband seven years from her virginity" and she was "a widow up to eighty-four years". If the Spirit of God wished us to know definitely how old she was to the minute, as we say, He could have told us how old she was, but He wishes us to have an insight of her whole life. She might have been 106 -- one might figure it out that way: but every moment of that woman's life was spiritually interesting. And now at the end she does not miss the greatest privilege that the temple of God had afforded, nor can any one of us afford to miss it.

One great secret of the spiritual poverty amongst us is that we do miss such occasions, and we do not feel we miss them. We cannot afford to miss what goes on in the assembly. The assembly is a place of wonders; the Spirit of God is in it. If we have spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear we shall see and hear wondrous things, as Manoah and his wife saw the angel do wondrously (Judges 13). Anna did not miss the presence of Christ in the temple, she came in then and she "gave praise to the Lord"; and the Spirit of God tells us she did not depart from the temple; serving night and day with fastings and prayers. And now, when the great moment arrives, she is present and makes the most of it, adds to it, and "spoke of him to all those who waited for redemption in Jerusalem". Jerusalem, as I said, represents the centre of the whole realm of God's interests. How wide her outlook was! We are told whose daughter she was, she was the daughter of Phanuel, and to what tribe of Israel she belonged, that is Asher. These are points of great interest. Asher was to be possessed of sons: although she was a daughter she was spiritually a son; she was marked by the dignity and liberty spiritually that belongs

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to sonship. His bolts were to be iron and brass -- there was strength and compactness about her, and her feet were dipped in oil (Deuteronomy 33:24 - 25).

We have often heard these things, but they are very apropos to what is before us now -- that the sisters should be marked by the features seen in Anna. She came in contact in some way with all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem. She spake of Him -- she was no gossiper, no idler; she was a son of Asher engaged in the temple service and in speaking of Christ to all who looked for redemption in Jerusalem.

May God bless the word.

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Romans 1:9; Romans 7:6,25; Romans 12:1

J.T. I have been thinking of the service of God, and in considering the subject, I thought it would be wise to look at Romans first, as conveying the initial idea concerning it, and then, perhaps, later we may look at it in a deeper sense as presented elsewhere, in connection with priesthood. The epistle to the Romans deals with the subject rather extensively in an initial way, reminding us that the service of God belonged primarily to Israel; the apostle, in chapter 9, tells us that the service belonged to them.

These passages in Romans show how christians come into the service of God in a practical way. The apostle, at the beginning, tells us that God, whom he served in his spirit in the glad tidings of His Son, was his witness, showing that it works out from the inner man. Service as in the hands of christians does not consist in mere outward forms; we begin with our spirits.

Then in chapter 7 we see how it is to be "in newness of spirit", and also that in the service we recognize God's law; then finally, in chapter 12, it is carried on in an intelligent way -- "which is your intelligent service". We know what we are doing.

H.H. "Israel is my son, my firstborn ... Let my son go, that he may serve me", Exodus 4:23. Would that come into line with what you have before you?

J.T. Well, it does; it presents the mind of God as to the kind of persons who are to serve. Romans prepares us, as leading us into sonship, for that service. I thought that we might take it up from that point of view in our next reading -- that is, as based on sonship. The apostle, more than any other I suppose, illustrates that truth, in that in his spirit he served God in the glad tidings of His Son.

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Galatians opens up to us the truth of sonship as apprehended by Paul, and prepares us for this great service, which I hope we may be able to look at later in Leviticus.

Ques. What is the difference between "my spirit" and "newness of spirit"?

J.T. "My spirit" would be the man himself. "Newness of spirit" is that I serve in a new way -- in the spirit of the service in contrast with the letter of it; "not in oldness of letter".

Rem. "The old" was what he had been engaged in previously.

J.T. Exactly. The first thing is to see to it that we are in the thing ourselves, because a man's spirit is the man himself, especially in all that he is in relation to God. The spirit belongs to God; it is oneself, one's most inner consciousness. So the apostle in saying, "whom I serve in my spirit", was wholly in the thing; he was in the thing in his inner consciousness and motives; his service was not perfunctory in any way.

Ques. Is that the thought in chapter 7:25, "with the mind I myself serve"?

J.T. That is right, "I myself", only there it is the mind, leading up to the intelligent side. The mind is that which can be employed by the inner self. "I myself" is the inner consciousness in relation to God. The mind is something different, "We have the mind of Christ", we are told (1 Corinthians 2:16).

J.J. Is the mind a faculty?

J.T. Yes, it is. It is available like a member, so that it has to be kept under control.

Ques. Is "I myself" the inner man?

J.T. The "inner man" involves a little more than that. The man is the whole being with all his intelligent faculties. The spirit is the innermost part,

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so that it goes to be with the Lord, as the Lord Himself said, "Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit" (Luke 23:46), and Stephen committed his to the Lord. The "inner man" is not only the person's consciousness, but intelligently so, in the faculties by which a man is expressed.

Ques. Is there any link between this and John 4, "the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit"?

J.T. That corresponds with Romans 7:6, that is to say, the service of God does not comprise merely outward form, it involves the spirit, so that one's whole being is in it. A man's spirit is the means by which God can put Himself in touch with man. The conscience is that through which God speaks on the responsible side, but I think the spirit refers to God, as it were, normally; we have received it from God, and it is that by which He has direct access to us.

Ques. Is that why it says, "God is my witness"?

J.T. Just so. The apostle is quite conscious of his relations with God, and that God knew his motives; whether he were speaking or ministering there was always the consciousness that he was serving God in his spirit; it was always so.

H.H. God claims that from all who serve, would you say?

J.T. I think so; your whole being is to be in the thing, so that you can refer to God as your witness in the path: "For God is my witness". One in that state has peculiar power in his ministry.

The apostle is occupying us with the initial ideas here, that is to say, we are directed to our spirits. The point is not so much as to what are the glad tidings of God's Son, but rather as to where we are in our spirits in relation to the service of God. With the apostle it is not so much that he was serving

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God in the glad tidings of His Son, but that he served God in his spirit. With one coming out of the current religious organizations the tendency would be to carry with him their methods and practices, and this verse in chapter 7 is to save one from that; the service is to be in "newness of spirit"; the inner texture of the thing is new. We are very much coloured by that in which we have been brought up, that is, "the oldness of the letter".

J.J. "Newness of life" in chapter 6 would go with that.

J.T. It is the same, only that it is applied to life; it applies to your everyday, practical life. Whereas chapter 12 introduces the idea of service, we are in marital relations with Christ in chapter 7, "in order that we might bear fruit to God".

Ques. Would preaching Christ of contention be the contrast of that?

J.T. The contrast is really current religious methods, whether in the so-called worship of God, or in service in any way. In that day they were Jewish methods; in ours, that which represents judaism. We have to be on our guard. We need what is new, that is to say, what is of God, new from God.

E.S.H. Our spirits need to be liberated in view of this.

J.T. Quite. We are really on advanced ground here in that we have "been made dead to the law by the body of the Christ, to be to another, who has been raised up from among the dead", and then in verse 6 "that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in oldness of letter". As having our attention called thereto, I think we shall all recognize the danger of carrying on with current religious ways in the service of God.

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Rem. Saul was told to go into the city and it should be told him there what he must do, as if there were not a thing he could do rightly.

H.H. It required "newness of spirit" for such as the apostles to serve in the glad tidings of God's Son.

J.T. Indeed, and in no one more than in the apostle Paul, as one who had been brought up "at the feet of Gamaliel" (Acts 22:3), and who, "according to the strictest sect" of the Jews' religion, had lived a Pharisee (Acts 26:5). So, as it has been remarked, he said, "What shall I do, Lord?" (Acts 22:10) -- a very fine question -- and the Lord said, "Rise up, and go to Damascus, and there it shall be told thee of all things which it is appointed thee to do". The Lord, of course, could have told him everything that he should do, but he had to learn it in the assembly, and hence he goes to the city and is among the brethren for certain days and learns from them. He would never forget that in all his ministry; however much he shone more than they later, however much greater his gift than that of any of them, he would never forget, nor would the Lord have him to forget that he began by receiving instruction from the brethren. That was where the new thing was; the Holy Spirit was among them, and so the point was to arise and get baptised and have his sins washed away that he might receive the Spirit. He speaks of some "who were also in Christ before me" (Romans 16:7), that is, those particular brothers had, in the mind of the apostle, that distinction over him.

H.H. According to that chapter there were many worthy ones in his mind.

J.T. Yes; there were many whom he could salute as worthy, and it is of all moment to recognize in coming into contact with God in our spirits that the new order of service is among the saints who are walking in the light. We do not get it directly at the

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outset from the Lord, we get it among the brethren. This is a humiliating process, but a wholesome and necessary one; so we may not assume that we get everything from the Lord. The Lord would say, It is there, and you must get it where I have placed it. It comes from the Lord, but it was already there at Damascus among a despised few, but it was there and Paul had to learn it there; "go into the city, and it shall be told thee".

Rem. That is very interesting, because according to Galatians 1:12, he received nothing of man.

J.T. He makes a point of that in Galatians, referring to the ministry special to him, but as a young christian he had to begin by recognizing what was already there. We cannot get past that, we must recognize what is already amongst the saints and placed there by the Lord. Antioch presents the full thought. There were those there who ministered to the Lord and fasted and prayed; they had the full sense of the danger of the flesh. It is of great importance that we recognize at the outset what God has set here; we must begin with that, God will not let us go past it. Indeed, the apostle had to be rebuked by Ananias. Ananias had announced wonderful things to him as to what was in the mind of God about him, that he should know God's will, and see the just One, and hear words from His mouth. That was a most remarkable distinction that Paul had; but while listening to all that, he was not moving. He was listening to the mind of God about him, which would in a measure exalt him, but he was not moving on lines that denoted a humble spirit, so that Ananias says, "why lingerest thou? Arise and get baptised, and have thy sins washed away" (Acts 22:16). He had to go through that process. That would bring the Lord in, and would set aside all that Saul might glory in. In view of the mind of God attaching to him

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thus, if all his old dignity attached to him at the same time, his would be a most sorrowful state.

Rem. It was a most humbling thing for a Jew to be baptised.

J.T. Yes. He recognized that he had to go to the very bottom, to start there in the midst of the brethren. If you have been a religious man, and you become converted, the light is sweet to you at the start; but then after a little you may not be letting the things go that distinguished you here; you may have listened to the mind of God about you opened up in the gospel, and yet be retaining your personal dignity. Now that is a state of things that is very damaging both to yourself and to others. Paul would never forget that he had to be rebuked, for it amounted to that, by this humble brother, as evidently Ananias was, for we do not hear much of him in the testimony. Ananias said, so to speak, Why are you retaining all this, why are you not being baptised to wash away your sins -- the whole past history -- calling on the name of the Lord? You are to recognize another name now, and to acknowledge that your name is gone. Philippians 3 shows how fully Paul came to this later.

Rem. It is to be "in newness of spirit".

J.T. Yes. Christ is in heaven. He appeared to Saul upon earth, speaking kindly to him, and He reminded Saul of what was among the saints, "Why persecutest thou me?" (chapter 22:7) He was not persecuting Christ personally in heaven, what he was persecuting was the Spirit of Christ in the saints, and he had to learn what that was in Damascus, which he did. We have to learn that what is in heaven is placed down here. You have to get things where the Lord has placed them, and that may mean that you have to humble yourself before some person whom you have hitherto despised. This particularly applies to any

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one in distinction, religious or otherwise. It is all very well to say, The Lord spoke to me, and I am the Lord's servant, but the Lord has placed everything of Himself here, and we have to get it where it is.

Rem. Where He is pleased to put His name.

J.T. Yes. His name was in Damascus and Saul was told to arise and go into the city, and then he had to be led there.

Rem. Grace amongst the saints would help us to go down.

J.T. Quite. We are to be like trees "that be planted in the house of the Lord" (Psalm 92:13); we begin there, and we grow up there, so that our roots are not outside in the religious world, or in the world of literature, or in the commercial world; our roots are not in these things; we come down to the very bottom and begin as a little child. "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven", (Matthew 18:3). You grow up in a new environment altogether, you are "rooted and grounded in love" (Ephesians 3:17), and that is where the Holy Spirit is.

Ques. Do you mean that we learn things in the local assembly?

J.T. Yes. I think you begin in your local meeting. If I am converted as a man having some distinction in the locality, am I equal to identifying myself with the company there and learning from them? I cannot carry anything in there, I cannot in any way add to that company, I have to get everything there, because the new thing is there. God has brought in what is wholly new, and I am to grow up in that.

Rem. I was wondering if Matthew 11:29 would come in here, "learn from me; for I am meek and lowly in heart". These features are seen amongst the saints.

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J.T. Exactly; but then you see there the Father's will, "I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes" (verse 25). The things were already there revealed to the babes, and all the subsequent chapters in Matthew develop these new things that the Father had revealed to them. The law of Christ was to govern everything, "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am meek and lowly in heart". He is not the teacher there, but the model; but then the "things" are all there in the babes.

Rem. We learn as being together in a way that we could not otherwise.

J.T. So Colossians would show what there was here. They had received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, and were to walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him; they were not to be led away through philosophy and vain deceit. The point is to hold rigidly to what is new; not to allow the old in any way, however dignified it may appear.

J.J. In Philippians 3 Paul goes over what he was as a man, including persecuting the assembly.

J.T. Yes. He had everything which could distinguish him as a religious man, but what things were gain to him he counted loss for Christ.

Ques. Does the thought of behaviour come in, "That thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God"? (1 Timothy 3:15).

J.T. Yes; we have to behave ourselves in the house of God; it is a dignified place. The book of Psalms is intended to help us as to the dignity and spiritual character of the house of God. God has set everything there in a practical sense; it is the sphere of the blessed Spirit of God, and all that is heavenly and new is brought in there. Every one, even if it were a Caesar, a Herod or a Herod's foster-brother, whoever he might be, would have to learn there, and

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to grow up there; that sphere is more dignified than any sphere in the world.

Ques. Do you see the Lord growing up in His place in Luke? It is referred to in Zechariah 6:12.

J.T. Yes; I think that is very beautiful.

H.H. If we had a right appreciation of the kingdom of God and of the truth of the assembly as being here, that would keep us in proper relation to the maintenance of right order.

J.T. Quite. The apostle begins by saying, "What shall I do, Lord?" That is the acknowledgement of the Lord's authority. The answer states where the Lord has put the instruction, where the new thing is. The Lord has reminded him that He had met him in his persecuting career; that He had met him when he was dragging off both men and women and delivering them up to prison. But now Paul has met Christ in His people, and that involved what was new. So it says that he was with the disciples certain days before he began to preach; in those days he would be learning the new thing, learning to serve in "newness of spirit".

Rem. In Ananias and Barnabas he had two good models at the outset. Ananias was prepared to receive him; he says, "Saul, brother", and Barnabas is quite prepared to introduce him to the brethren; that is a spirit that would make room for all that is of God.

J.T. Yes. I suppose Ananias would represent the local brother, what is in the local company, because he is not mentioned as distinguished by gift, but he was godly, and that is a great point in a local brother. There was moral power in the man. He was a pious man and held in regard by the Jews even (Acts 22:12). That is what ought to make up an elder in any local company. He says, "Saul, brother"; there is the spirit of the brother; and that is what Saul came into contact with at Damascus; there was nothing repelling in that. The Lord had prepared Ananias really for the service,

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so that there should be nothing repellent in him, and that the future apostle might be rightly impressed with christianity as in its local setting. But then he had to do later with Barnabas who was a gifted man. How the brethren regard you locally is one thing; how those gifted may regard you is another; you have to stand alongside the gifted brothers, they have their own distinctions. But Barnabas is an excellent example as to how a gifted brother receives a younger brother who has gift. It is as if he were to say, "This young man can serve here to the best advantage". It was a great opportunity for Barnabas to serve at Antioch, but he went to Tarsus to seek out Saul; he went after him and brought him there, and then they laboured together. The greatest test is among the gifted brethren. The Spirit of Christ was prominent in Barnabas.

Ques. "Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty; God hath shined", (Psalm 50:2). Would what you have been saying in regard of Ananias and Barnabas answer to that?

J.T. I think so; the shining out of Zion is seen in these touches in regard of the service of God. The epistle to the Romans is divine shining, in so far as it goes, and certainly the apostle was like a precious stone, he reflected the light, in that he was serving God in his spirit in the glad tidings of His Son.

J.J. Would you say a little as to the difference between the spirit, the mind, and the intelligence?

J.T. The component parts of a man are spirit, soul, and body; the mind is more the faculty that may be employed; "with the mind I myself serve". The spirit is yourself. If I can get in through that mind and that body of yours, I should get to yourself inside. No doubt it is expressed in you, but there may be that which hides the real self. I may hide my real self by certain manipulations, by cleverness and the like, but if I am simple, myself is manifest in my actions and words; the body is light.

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Rem. So that the believer has to be renewed in the spirit of his mind.

J.T. The mind is the intelligent faculty, and so we have here, "with the mind I myself serve the law of God". The thing is new; it is "newness of spirit"; we cannot ignore that there are principles or laws governing the service of God.

J.J. So the spirit is the man and the mind is the faculty of the man.

J.T. Yes; it is the intelligent feature. By it he is able to distinguish the law and serve it; mark, it is not simply the ten commandments, but the law of God.

J.J. Do you connect "your intelligent service" with the mind or the spirit?

J.T. With the mind; we are said to be "renewed in the spirit of your mind" (Ephesians 4:23), and to have "the spirit of wisdom", (Ephesians 1:17). Now when I come to the law, I see it is all new; but there is the law of God governing service, and the intelligent christian recognizes that; he serves the law of God in his mind; therefore I would take it to include the principles that govern the service of God. So that although the thing is new, we are not without law; we are in an order of things that is governed by law as much as any other; hence the apostle says, "If any one thinks himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him recognise the things that I write to you, that it is the Lord's commandment", (1 Corinthians 14:37). In being born again you are born throughout, that is to say, born from the top; every part of you is affected by the work of God, so that in my spirit I am affected. Mary says, "my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour" (Luke 1:47); she was intelligent now in regard of God.

Ques. Would you say these chapters introduce us into the divine system?

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J.T. I think, so far as they go, you are in a new order of things; you bow to the law of God. And then chapter 12 is a direct appeal to us for our intelligent service; it is a question of intelligent service in the presenting of our bodies a living sacrifice.

Rem. Your body comes under the control of what you are.

J.T. Quite.

J.J. Would that involve the headship of Christ?

J.T. I suppose Romans gives the germ of everything, so when you come to intelligence you begin to apprehend what is in Christ. What has He done with His body? The Lord's supper brings to our intelligence how He used His body. He has led the way for us. His body was the vessel in which He glorified God, that in which He served God, and it was that in which He showed His love to God and to us: "This is my body which is given for you", (Luke 22:19). With the Lord there was utter unselfishness in the use of His body, and this epistle prepares us for that service; I begin with my body, it is available to God; it is presented a living sacrifice on the principle of a vow which is never recalled. I place it on the altar of God -- not a dead thing, but a living thing, made living by the presence of the Spirit.

J.J. Directly the law of God was stated the Hebrew servant comes to light.

J.T. That is very beautiful; when the law of God is introduced it is exemplified at once; it is not a mere abstract code, it is exemplified in the Hebrew servant on the principle of love. He had his body and he used it. He went to the door-post to have his ear bored through; the ear really is the man in his intelligence. The use I make of my body is to be intelligent; I am to know what I am doing. Monks or nuns may use their bodies to deny themselves, but that is not intelligent; it a question of intelligent service, of a living sacrifice. What has been remarked

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about Matthew 11 fits in here, "learn from me". The Lord leads the way for us in everything.

J.J. Do you think the bringing in of "the Son" seven times in the first eight chapters of Romans would refer to affection being behind all this service?

J.T. Paul's gospel particularly was intended to appeal to the affections of men: "God, who ... called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me" (Galatians 1:15,16), that is to say, One whom I love. There is the greatest difference between presenting Christ doctrinally, and presenting Him as loving Him. I believe that Paul in his gospel addresses would greatly affect hearts. He says, "the Son of God, Jesus Christ, he who has been preached by us among you (by me and Silvanus and Timotheus)" (2 Corinthians 1:19); a three-fold testimony. They all loved the Lord, and they presented Him among the Corinthians in their ministry, all to the end that their hearts might be attracted to that Person -- the Son of God.

The compassions of God all came out in Christ. When the dead man, the only son of his mother, was being brought out of the city of Nain, it says, the Lord had compassion on her. And the young man was raised up and the testimony was, "that God hath visited his people"; God was there (Luke 7:11 - 16).

E.S.H. Would the tenth leper returning be an example to us? He had been the object of compassion, but he came to the feet of the Lord Jesus; and he glorified God (Luke 17:15).

J.T. Quite. One sees the great importance of our bodies in this connection. Corinthians enlarges on the necessity of sanctification, our bodies being the temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19); and in 1 Thessalonians 4:4 every one is to know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour. Romans is yielding the body a living sacrifice.

Rem. The apostle speaks of bearing in his body

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the brands of the Lord Jesus (Galatians 6:17). Evidently his body was presented a living sacrifice.

J.T. Certain marks were forbidden in the Old Testament (see Deuteronomy 14:1; Leviticus 19:28). They were not to disfigure their bodies; but Paul's "brands" were those of the Lord Jesus.

It is very beautiful to see in Paul's history how he used his body. In Acts 14:19 he is stoned and left for dead; but the brethren encircled him, and he rose up and entered into the city, that is, he was living; it was a living state of things. Martyrdom is the opposition of the enemy to render the body a dead thing. The bodies of the two witnesses in Revelation remain in the street of the great city three days. What a triumph, apparently, for the enemy! But they rose up; there was a testimony to life; they rose up and went up to heaven in life. God has great regard for the bodies of His people. Moses, alluding to men generally, speaks about God carrying them away as with a flood (Psalm 90:5). The millions of people that pass away annually are regarded en masse, "as with a flood"; but when it comes to the saints, it is not so. Moses is buried by God, Enoch and Elijah go up to heaven individually, and so the Thessalonians are told that "them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him" (chapter 4:14). The saints are taken care of individually by God in regard of their bodies and all with a view to the testimony of life. The two witnesses go up in life, in the power of "the spirit of life from God" -- that is the idea. Already, in a provisional way -- although our bodies remain mortal -- this epistle teaches us that our bodies are living; and then they will be quickened finally on account of God's Spirit that dwells in us, not as taken out of the grave, but as alive here. Already, as the Holy Spirit has His place with us, our bodies are available -- a living sacrifice.

Rem. "Many bodies of the saints which slept

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arose", (Matthew 27:52). May we have a word as to that?

J.T. That is different from Romans 8. It might easily have been said, "Many of the saints"; but it is "many bodies of the saints". God pays great attention to our bodies, and we should do so.

J.J. Epaphroditus was an example of one who used his body as a living sacrifice (Philippians 2:30).

H.H. "A body hast thou prepared me" (Hebrews 10:5); does that give the initial idea?

J.T. The Lord gives the lead in everything -- certainly as to our bodies. He held His body, too, in regard of the law of God! As has been remarked, when the law was unfolded, the Hebrew servant with his body is available, ready to go to the limit of suffering on account of love. There was ascending love, there was collateral love, and there was descending love: "I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free" (Exodus 21:5). His body was available in all these connections.

Rem. The apostle Paul was anxious regarding Timothy's body; he said, "Use a little wine for ... thine often infirmities", (1 Timothy 5:23). We should be concerned for one another.

J.T. It is important that our bodies should be in a right condition if we are to be used in the service of God, because we cannot serve without bodies. We need to recognize that the Holy Spirit dwells in the believer's body now, and it is that really which makes it living. If the Holy Spirit uses my body, it is obvious that I am a living person.

Ques. What does the Lord refer to in saying, "The light of the body is the eye" (Matthew 6:22)?

J.T. The eye is the organ that takes in light; the point is, if it is "single", or simple, the whole body is luminous; it is an organ in relation to the whole body.

Ques. How does the soul stand in relation to these things?

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J.T. The soul is that in which you are in touch with men more; the compassions of God are expressed in your soul. The spirit is that in which you are in relation with God, but in your soul you are more in relation with men. "Thy whole body will be light", is a remarkable statement. One may say, This brother has light; but is his whole body light? Every part of his body is to emit light.

Rem. "I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection", (1 Corinthians 9:27).

J.T. That means that he did not give rein to his natural desires. In Romans 8:10 he says, "if Christ be in you, the body is dead". All the natural propensities that expressed themselves in your body, in your unconverted days, are mortified, that is, if Christ is in you. The body must become dead first before it is alive; it is alive as it is a vessel for the Spirit free from the working of sin.

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Leviticus 8:13 - 36; Acts 13:1,2

J.T. These passages may be linked on, I believe, with the teaching of Colossians and Ephesians rather than with Romans. You will observe that in the New Translation Leviticus 8:13 reads, the sons of Aaron were brought near; and verse 6 says Aaron and his sons were brought near. The chapter is well-nigh a repetition of Exodus 29, with certain variations which fit in with the teaching of Leviticus, that is, after the instructions are furnished, which are to regulate the offerings of the people. The Lord spoke "out of the tabernacle", we are told at the beginning of the book, having reference to anyone who brought an offering, so that the earlier chapters are to regulate and govern the offerers and offerings. The believer is seen, therefore, in a certain advanced stage in his education, and thus is equal to the teaching of this chapter, which has reference to the consecration of the priests -- typically Christ and the saints who form the assembly.

It may be well to point out that the subject of service is in view throughout the whole of Exodus: God said, "Let my son go, that he may serve me" (chapter 4:23), having in mind that the service should be in His sons. In that book, Aaron is introduced by God Himself first as the Levite, meaning, I apprehend, that God in view of service first refers to secret history. He is the heart-knowing God. There is no public history in regard to Aaron prior to his introduction by God. There is much history in regard to Moses; from his birth we have a record, but we have nothing in regard of Aaron, although he was older than Moses. He is called "the Levite" by God, meaning, I suppose, that He, knowing the end from the beginning,

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names him. God alone can do that. Aaron was that potentially, but there was doubtless something in him that furnished a basis for the name. He was not simply a Levite, but the Levite, a term having its own spiritual significance as brought out later, and he was Moses' brother. "Is not Aaron the Levite thy brother?" (Exodus 4:14.) We are reminded, therefore, that the service is in one who is a brother, not only in name but in fact, for the Lord says of him, not only that he can speak well, but "he cometh forth to meet thee: and when he seeth thee, he will be glad in his heart". It is well to note these facts, because they underlie effective service. The servant is glad in heart, he takes a journey to meet his brother, and when he saw Moses, when he met him on the mount of God, he kissed him; that is to say, he carried with him the qualifications that ensure successful, effective service.

J.J. That all came out when Moses told Jehovah that he was quite unequal to the service.

J.T. Quite; he told the Lord that he could not speak, but Moses was brought down by divine discipline. He was brought down to a very low ebb; in fact, after all the discipline, God met him on the way at the inn and sought to slay him, reminding us how serious it is to have to do with God in service, that He brooks nothing of the flesh. Even at the end of a long course of instruction, there may be elements of the flesh, and God will not suffer them, and so He sought to slay Moses. The thing was that circumcision had to be applied, and Moses acquires the title of "A bloody husband" (Exodus 4:25), denoting that the Lord has the right to insist on circumcision. Colossians goes with that. Romans does not develop the truth of circumcision. In Colossians 2:11 you get "the putting off of the body of flesh", that is, every vestige of it, "in the circumcision of the Christ". Moses is brought to that point; then Aaron is introduced,

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meaning that there was another history, a collateral history of which we have no record, but a history which God knows. Without that collateral history, whatever public history there may be, there is no real qualification for the service of God. "Aaron the Levite thy brother" refers to a certain secret history allied with the spirit of a brother.

J.J. The two are blended.

J.T. That is what I thought, so that God says, "Is not Aaron the Levite thy brother? I know that he can speak well", (Exodus 4:14). I have no doubt that he was accustomed to speak to God; God knew that he could speak. It is not so much speaking in ministry publicly, but ability to convey thoughts.

Ques. Is that a divine principle?

J.T. I think it is. The secret history is of all moment. It is known to the heart-knowing God. That feature is brought out in the Acts; there was the open history of the twelve, the open history of Peter and the others, but in connection with the coming in of the gentiles, it is the heart-knowing God (Acts 1:24, 15:8). We have to do with God, who knows the heart; He is not occupied with public history now, but with hearts; He knows hearts.

H.H. Would the apostle's sojourn in Arabia answer somewhat?

J.T. No doubt the secret history went on there. I think it goes on with all of us if we are to have a part in the service. God alone knows what you have been through, and He gives you a name.

Rem. David had a secret history before he came out to meet Goliath.

J.T. Exactly.

J.J. Why do you connect that with Leviticus 8?

J.T. Exodus is the truth on the divine side and is the background of this chapter. Leviticus is more from our side; if any one draw near to God. God

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drawing near to us, is in Exodus. If one draws near to God there is sacrifice; you have regulations, and then sacrifice comes in at the end of the regulations. Jehovah said to Moses, "I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth" (chapter 4:15). That is the next thing. He knew Aaron's heart; He knew he could speak, but He would be with Moses' mouth, and with Aaron's mouth, and He would teach them what they should say. Then Moses was to be to him for God, that is to say, there is an element of divine authority in the service. "If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God", (1 Peter 4:11). And God said, Aaron shall be to thee for a mouth. So that the servant carries authority in his ministry if it is rightly presented in an anointed mouth; but there is authority in it.

J.J. Would you say there is sympathy in connection with Aaron?

J.T. Yes, "Aaron ... thy brother"; the mouth through which it comes is sympathetic, as the apostle in writing to the Corinthians said, "Paul, a called apostle ... and Sosthenes the brother" (chapter 1:1). Authority is vested in Paul, but he joins himself to a brother, not simply a brother, but "the brother", and so again in the second epistle we get "the brother Timotheus" (chapter 1:1). These features underlie this great subject of service. That section of Exodus underlies all, and after you have these facts presented, you have the effectiveness of the combination of Moses and Aaron in that they gather the people together and the people worship. Then later you have the genealogy of the tribes given until you arrive at Levi. After Reuben, Simeon, Levi, the Spirit of God stops, because He wishes to bring out these servants, Aaron and Moses, "This is that Aaron and Moses" (chapter 6:26); they are the concrete expression of service. I do not think we shall have the service according to God either Godward or manward unless we understand the earlier chapters in Exodus, because they underlie the calling of Aaron to the priesthood

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in chapters 28 and 29. Aaron is to minister unto the Lord in the priest's office.

J.J. Would the rod of God in the hand of Moses suggest authority?

J.T. Quite. "Cast it on the ground", that is, as released from Moses' hand it becomes a serpent, meaning that if I get out of that divine hand I am in the hands of Satan. That is another important and solemn matter. One getting out of the divine hand of authority becomes an agent of Satan. As taken back again by Moses it becomes a rod, which is a useful implement of authority. Then the hand put into the bosom becomes leprous, but when put in again and taken out of his bosom it becomes normal. These are to teach us what good and evil are in the service of God; how that with the natural man there is nothing for God but satanic power and sin, whereas in Christ there is divine power and healing. In meeting with evil the Lord says, "Get thee behind me, Satan" (Matthew 16:23). That is authority, but based on moral grounds.

J.J. Moses' rod was really a shepherd's rod; one who wields authority must be a shepherd, would you say?

J.T. Undoubtedly it was a feature of those whom God used in the Old Testament.

E.S.H. Would you say that the instincts of service were right with Moses, and that he thought the people would recognize that he was their deliverer?

J.T. Moses' history helps us negatively as well as positively. One has often thought that Jacob's history, Moses' history, and David's history are set down in full length so that we might be helped negatively and positively. In Moses, the lesson is, that we should not attempt to serve in natural energy; however conscious we may be of right motives, there must be the disallowance of the flesh.

J.J. Why was Moses so timid at the start?

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J.T. I think he had been so brought down after forty years of discipline.

Ques. You were saying that service was in view from the outset, when God said, "Let my son go, that he may serve me". Would you connect that with the thought of "My son, give me thine heart" (Proverbs 23:26), and then, "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh" (Matthew 12:34)?

J.T. We are set up in sonship as a matter of light. There was little or nothing to indicate sonship in Israel when God said, "Let my son go, that he may serve me", but it was there potentially. God could speak thus. Sonship is a matter of light to start with, but unless the heart be yielded up, you cannot have sonship developed; so that the book of Proverbs is to develop the heart of a son.

H.H. And there is authority and power to meet what was on the side of evil in connection with Moses and the rod; the power of evil has to be met.

J.T. That is very important. It comes out in the letters to the Corinthians, having in view to banish all distance. There was power in the apostle to bring down everything that exalted itself against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:5). Therefore the Lord's example in meeting Satan in the wilderness is important for us, because it is a question of moral power. The enemy was completely overcome, and at the end the Lord could say, "Get thee hence, Satan" (Matthew 4:10). Overcoming is a matter of moral power. The apostle challenged the Corinthians as to whether he should go to them. He had the power to deal with evil. The Lord forewarns the apostles in regard of evil, and in Mark He gives the authority or power to deal with every form of it.

I thought we might see now in Leviticus 8 the relation of Aaron and his sons. It is not simply those who offer, though really they are the same persons, but they are now seen in relation to Christ -- Aaron

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and his sons are brought near. It is an allusion to the position in relation to the tabernacle where God was. We are not to serve at a distance, we are to be brought near.

Rem. And with something to offer.

J.T. Yes; the required offerings were all there. We did not read the first part of the chapter, but the requirements were all there first; "Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments and the anointing oil, and the bullock of the sin offering, and the two rams, and the basket of unleavened bread". These are all understood if we have gone through the earlier chapters, so that we become intelligent in offering. We have the divine requirements of the offerings, and we have the requisites for sanctification, and consecration -- that is, the consecration of those who were known in this relation, "Aaron and his sons with him". Then there are the baskets -- the containing vessels; the requisites are all there as the consecration proceeds; they are known elements, the basket of unleavened bread besides other varieties of confectionery.

J.J. What is the thought in touching the ear, the thumb and the toe of Aaron with the blood? One could understand it in connection with the sons.

J.T. It is intelligible, I think. The earlier verses contemplate the personal dignity of Christ, He is anointed without blood. You have the general thought of bathing first; Aaron and his sons are bathed; but there is nothing said about blood in the earlier verses, meaning, I apprehend, that Christ, in becoming Man, indicates that for our consecration there must be the principle of cleansing. The blood meets the claims of God; death must take place; so Aaron comes in in the second part in the sense that He has been through death. God "brought again from among the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep in the power of the blood of the eternal covenant" (Hebrews 13:20). He stands on that basis.

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As we progress in this great subject, as in others, we look for increased understanding and spirituality, so that we have these requisites given at the outset as understood. They are all provided now, but they are not always seen as ordinary individuals draw near with their offerings. In chapter 8 it is assumed that the offerings of the previous chapters are understood.

Rem. It is obedience; it would be according to the commandment that they brought these things.

J.T. What was commanded was understood. It is one thing to act in obedience (it is always right to do so), but I am to act in spiritual intelligence, so that I understand the meaning of the things, and as we go through the earlier chapters we understand the things that are brought forward.

Ques. Have you anything particular in mind as to the basket?

J.T. It is of course a containing vessel. In having to do with spiritual things, there are no loose ends; nothing is loose or off-hand; everything is in its place. The idea of a containing vessel is important in Scripture, and that is the idea of the basket here; to contain certain things for the moment. The baker in Genesis 40 had three baskets of confectionery on his head and the enemy got at them. In our consecration we have to watch that things are contained, and are kept right. The enemy has no footing here, everything is under divine control.

T.W. Are the divine requisites still available?

J.T. The question is whether there is the basket -- that containing vessel to keep things intact, because this principle of consecration and of keeping things, must proceed to the end of the dispensation.

Ques. Do you suggest that the saints are the containing vessel?

J.T. That is the idea. What the basket contains has reference to Christ's humanity, the truth of Christ's humanity. It is a question of unleavened bread, oiled

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bread and wafers. You come to very fine spiritual distinctions and discriminations, and these are all in the basket, ready as they are needed.

J.J. Would you say that in Acts 13 the assembly at Antioch was like the basket with all the requisites for the consecration of Barnabas and Saul?

J.T. That is the idea of it; the full thought of the assembly was there; in the assembly at Antioch, in the local company there, these elements were present.

Ques. "Filled with the full knowledge of his will, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding" (Colossians 1:9); is that the idea of the basket?

J.T. In Colossians 2 you have all the fulness of the Godhead dwelling in Christ bodily; that is, all that God is towards us in Christ is available in Him bodily And then we are complete, -- filled full in Him. The thought of filled full is that we have all that He is as Man before God. What you would look for is the containing vessel, so that there are none of the requisites for consecration lacking. There they were in the basket, and as needed they were appropriated; they are essential to consecration -- the truth of Christ's humanity.

E.S.H. It should be an exercise to have the basket in our hands. The baker in Genesis 40 had the baskets on his head.

J.T. Quite; hence in the gospels you have the baskets to gather up the fragments. This is an important matter; secret soul history goes on before, and now you are to have part in the service of God, but it must be with the confidence of the brethren. At Antioch you see how the brethren are brought into the service. "Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them". The saints are brought into the thing. What one is in service requires that one should be known to the saints. They are not likely to hear you unless they know you.

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J.J. I suppose that was true of Paul; what would you say marked Barnabas?

J.T. Energy and maturity. It is a question of manhood, "that we may be no longer babes" (Ephesians 4:14). The teaching of the epistles to the Colossians and Ephesians was that they should not be babes. That is the thought in these two epistles. The Corinthians were that, and they were enjoined to be men. The Lord says, "the men whom thou gavest me", (John 17:6). You cannot serve God save in manhood in the sense of maturity as seen in Barnabas. The two rams here denote energy in maturity.

H.H. Speaking of Barnabas, it is interesting to see how after arriving at the Antioch assembly he went to seek his brother Saul and brought him to them, and they remained at Antioch twelve months. Barnabas sought his brother because he knew how valuable his service would be.

J.T. They remained at Antioch. Barnabas is spoken of as a Levite; he sold his lands; he acts with right sense. That is an element of importance; you are not to be extreme in your views, you are to use practical wisdom. He did not simply leave the lands, he saw that they could be sold and that the price could be used for the furtherance of the testimony, and thus he gets his name from the apostles, that is, from those who had authority. They named him "Son of consolation" (Acts 4:36); he became too the link between what was at Jerusalem and what God was about to do among the gentiles. "He was a good man and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith", so that he seeks out Paul, and they laboured together for a whole year in the assembly, and they taught a great crowd (Acts 11:24 - 26). The disciples were first called christians at Antioch.

Ques. Do you suggest that every local company should be self-supporting?

J.T. So long as you do not make local companies

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congregational churches. It is all well in a way, but you can be self-supporting only in relation to the whole, because the local companies need the gifts, and the gifts are never given locally, they are always universal. So that there is an interdependence that maintains a catholic state of things, and you are conscious that you need all that God has provided for His people. The gifts that God has given to the assembly are for all; they are given "with a view to the edifying of the body of Christ; until we all arrive at the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God" (Ephesians 4:12,13). So we are never really independent or self-contained, we are always dependent on all that God has provided for the assembly.

J.J. Would you say that these elements of consecration were lacking at Corinth to a large extent?

J.T. Well, it was so. Not that they did not know and have the right example put before them, for the Son of God was presented there. The Son is a full thought, a complete thought; it is not infantile. Paul said that the Son of God had been preached by him and by Silvanus and Timotheus. The Corinthians had had the full thought presented to them, but they were in the babe state for they had not gone on.

Ques. Would Romans lay the basis for taking up service according to Leviticus?

J.T. Yes. We have in Leviticus 8 the service in an advanced stage, so that you have Aaron and his sons. You now see yourself in relation to Christ, and you are consecrated according to what He is. The hands are filled with the excellences of Christ; it is a full-grown man that is in view for service.

Ques. Would you say that the clothing mentioned in Leviticus 8 is now found in the assembly?

J.T. Clothing would refer to personal or official dignity. The anointing here is not on the ear, the thumb, nor on the great toe of the right foot, it is

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sprinkled on the persons and on their garments. The anointing of the leper after his cleansing is on his ear, his thumb and his toe, and all that is left over is poured on his head; and the oil is in the left hand of the priest. But here the anointing with the oil and the blood is on the persons and their garments. The blood alludes to the application of the death of Christ and the oil to the Spirit, not only to the individual, but to the saints together as priests, that is, in relation to the assembly. The anointing with these shows the circumstances in which the service is to be carried on.

J.J. What is the thought of the boiling of the flesh?

J.T. That comes in at the end, and alludes to Christ being made available as food. In the type the victim was already slain; but death alone is not sufficient in these circumstances; you have the thing made available as food by the process of boiling -- not roasting. It is not here a question of the judgment of God, but of the food made available. The flesh is boiled, there is the indirect action of fire. It is that kind of food that sustains priesthood.

Ques. Would you say that what took place at Antioch was a voice out of the tent of meeting?

J.T. The Holy Spirit said, "Separate me Barnabas and Saul"; but the voice from the tent of meeting in Leviticus is to call us in. It is an allusion to 1 Corinthians 1:2, where we are "called saints"; God has called out of the tabernacle, and then as we are there we are regulated by the law governing the offerings, and now we are ready for the consecration. We understand these requisites and what they mean; we see that is not now simply an individual matter, but that we stand related to Christ; it is Aaron and his sons, and they are brought near. It is very touching, to my mind, that God would have us brought near and consecrated in that nearness, and then, as consecrated, to abide in the tabernacle for

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the whole period; we are never to go out; we are never to regard ourselves as separate from the tabernacle. At Antioch they ministered to the Lord and fasted. It is not that they were told to do that; Acts 13 agrees with this chapter; this type had been fulfilled. It would be Colossians and Ephesians.

H.H. Being consecrated for the priestly side of things is distinct from going out in service.

J.T. They are not the same thought. "Ministering to the Lord" is distinctly priestly. When I am ministering to man, I am more a levite, but it is the same service; one is Godward and the other manward.

E.S.H. "In the midst of the assembly will I sing thy praises" (Hebrews 2:12) -- is that similar?

J.T. Quite. Aaron and his sons; "he that sanctifies and those sanctified are all of one" (Hebrews 2:11). You see here how they are brought near, and then the application of the blood of the bullock, that is to say, the full thought of the death of Christ apprehended, then the burnt-offering and then the consecration offerings. So that we have all that Christ is in His intrinsic preciousness to God in our hands and we present it to God; it is waved before Him, showing how delightful the service is, the servants being viewed collectively as before God. And then, all is burnt "on the altar over the burnt-offering". After the individual application of the blood in verse 24, you have the general application of it in connection with the Spirit, in the anointing oil and the blood being sprinkled. We are thus viewed as equal to generalization; we are not ambitious for personal distinction, we are merged, so to speak, in this anointing. If you retain personal distinction it cannot be hidden, it is sure to show itself, but as sprinkled with the same blood and with the same precious anointing oil we are all merged, and not only ourselves, but all our circumstances. All is merged in the same

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precious death and the same precious anointing, and thus we are in good company; we are not likely to quarrel at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation!

Ques. Is that the thought in the words of the hymn, "By the Spirit all pervading" (Hymn 14)?

J.T. Yes; but I suppose that alludes to eternity. We are dealing with the present time, where we are all merged in the one sprinkling, in the one anointing; and we are to abide at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. We are thus set up in companionship; all being merged in the death of Christ, and the anointing of the Spirit; it is a very precious companionship. There is no room in the chapter for any kind of ambition or personal distinction, it is a question of what we are collectively as at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, to keep the charge of the Lord for the whole period -- "seven days" -- the whole dispensation of the assembly period. Chapter 9 is Israel but this chapter 8 is exclusively Christ and the assembly.

Rem. Abigail said, "the soul of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of the living with Jehovah thy God", (1 Samuel 25:29).

J.T. There is the linking up with all. Here we have a company of persons in this wonderful relation, the sons of Aaron accepted in all the acceptability of Christ. They have been brought together in one double action -- the death of Christ and the anointing of the Spirit, and then remaining for the whole period at the door of the tabernacle of congregation. It is a wonderful position to abide in; the nourishment is the boiled flesh, which is Christ, that is Christ made available as food for the priests. The basket containing these precious bake-meats is there; they are very suggestive as emblematic of the humanity of Christ. The wafer, a cake of oiled bread, and an

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unleavened cake are very fine distinctions, known alone to God and the priests.

F.I. Is the basket found in the local company?

J.T. We have to begin there; every one who is converted is taken up locally. The book of Numbers is to emphasize that side of the truth; we are taken up locally in relation to the standard and the ensign of the father's house. Whatever there is locally is available to you; you begin there, but you progress into the universal side. A brother told me lately that it was only recently that he had been able to pray for all saints. I have been in a prayer meeting where so far as I remember the prayers did not extend beyond what was local. When we come to Colossians and Ephesians we are enlarged; it is a question of love to all saints and prayer for all saints, and correspondingly we are in the apprehension of what there is for all universally -- the universal provision. Ephesians contemplates the universal provision for all. When He ascended up on high the Lord gave gifts to men, and He has given all that is necessary for all times, "till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ", (Ephesians 4:8 - 13).

As we progress locally we begin to see that what is elsewhere belongs to us too; we need to take it in. We should become accustomed to see what God is doing elsewhere, what He has provided everywhere, and that it is for all of us. You feel yourself responsible for everything that is of God; the charge in responsibility attaches to what there is down here.

J.J. Some never move away from their local meeting.

J.T. Ephesians has the whole assembly in view. "Using diligence to keep the unity of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace. There is one body and

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one Spirit", (chapter 4:3,4). It is a remarkable thing, as has often been noticed, that the body comes first; because to keep the unity of the Spirit I must be in right relation to those who are immediately near me. Then "one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in us all", (chapter 4:5,6). That is how I arrive at the universal thing; it all lies in the Spirit, and I do not need to travel for that. Take a bedridden brother or sister; such are in the unity of the Spirit, and if you talk to them, you find that many know what is going on in connection with the Lord's interests. An aged sister told me that she travelled over the world; this was said in reference to her service in praying for the people of God; and she added if people were asleep she did not disturb them, for her visits were often made in the night. "Bless ye the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord, which by night stand in the house of the Lord", (Psalm 134:1).

In Proverbs 31 we have, in a concrete way, the service of one who is called "a woman of worth" (verse 10); there is the element of priesthood there, for she is concerned about every interest of the Lord.

Ques. Would you say a word about fasting?

J.T. There is a remarkable presentation of it at Antioch, as they ministered to the Lord and fasted. It was as they were doing that that the Holy Spirit said, "Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them", as if the Holy Spirit would honour that. There is not only the giving up of things that are in themselves, perhaps, objectionable, but also the giving up of things that are legitimate, denying myself what is legitimate, so that the service should be unimpaired. The Holy Spirit attaches great value to that.

Ques. The Lord says, "for their sakes I sanctify

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myself" (John 17:19); would the saints at Antioch have the same spirit?

J.T. Quite. We see, too, how the services are transferred from Israel to the assembly. In Acts 13 the thing is formally recognized. In Romans it is the Jew first; it was still the transitional period and full provision is made for the Jew, so that the apostle says, "to whom pertaineth ... the service of God" (Romans 9:4); it was theirs. But now at Antioch you see the service of God transferred from the Jew to the gentile. It was according to God that they ministered to the Lord and fasted.

Rem. There is that which can only be done by prayer and fasting.

J.T. Prayer brings God in, and fasting shuts man out; the two things ensure power.

Ques. What was in your mind as to the meeting-place of Moses and Aaron -- "the mount of the Lord"?

J.T. The allusion is to Genesis 22:14, "On the mount of Jehovah will be provided". Moses and Aaron met at the place of heaven's provision.

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Acts 3:1 - 11; Acts 4:23 - 37

J.T. I thought these scriptures might help us to see that all levitical service merges in the company. It is the divine thought, and was so even in Old Testament times, that the testimony should be connected with an ornamented vessel. Peter and John obviously represent the best men there were, but although distinguished in their service, they merged in the company. "They went to their own company", it says. The maintaining of a balance is necessary to save us from disaster, for in spiritual things, as also in physical things, there must be balance. Thus, however distinguished one may be in his service, in returning to his own company he merges in it. In the company the Holy Spirit operates, so the equalization principle maintains a balance throughout. In chapter 4 we find that the apostles witness, not necessarily Peter and John, but the apostles. In the divine thought they were not to overshadow the others. Then again, we read that the money which Joses brought was laid at the apostles' feet, and he is surnamed Barnabas by them. I think in these cases we have a principle which should govern the whole dispensation in regard of levitical work.

The company is the sphere of the Spirit, in which He maintains the mind of God and the necessary balance which saves us from clericalism, or the exercise of undue personal influence by any of us. On the one hand, these chapters bring out the sovereignty of God in those whom He is pleased to use and put forward, and on the other hand, His rights in the assembly, to make room for all the varied vessels. The apostle says, "unto every one of us is given grace", (Ephesians 4:7). The first chapter of the Acts shows that after the Lord ascended, those who saw

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Him go up returned to Jerusalem to the upper room. Peter and John were there, and His brethren were there, and Mary the mother of Jesus also. But Peter standing up to call attention to the scriptures which governed the position, stood up in the midst of the brethren -- not in the midst of the apostles, but in the midst of the brethren. But when he stood up to preach the gospel, he stands up with the eleven, we are told. So that there are in these cases certain balancing circumstances, all involved in the sovereign rights of God, and all culminating in the company. All is in view of the enrichment of the company in which the Spirit of God operates.

G.N. Do you think that love is greater than gift in the assembly?

J.T. That is how it works out. The most distinguished servant merges in the company. The others were not overshadowed by Peter and John. "Being let go, they went to their own company, and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them. And when they heard that, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord". It is a movement of turning to God. Everything is, after all, determined by priestly state amongst the saints. There would be the sense of being brethren, and, moreover, John would specially take account of that relation. You notice that the Lord, according to Luke, sent Peter and John to prepare for the passover in view of the institution of His supper; and I think the one represents the authority of the Lord, and the other family affections.

Ques. It says the man who was healed held Peter and John. Would that bring in the thought that paying attention to the ministry of Peter and John would promote these priestly conditions?

J.T. I think so. These servants returned to the company with this product of their service. They brought the man in with them apparently. When

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they stood before the council the man who was healed stood with them, and the council "when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding nothing how they might punish them, because of the people: for all men glorified God for that which was done. For the man was above forty years old, on whom this miracle of healing was shewed" (chapter 4:21,22). As entering into the company with him, there would be an immense acquisition. He held Peter and John. The two things go together. The family thought comes in to regulate us generally. Fellowship is general as well as local, and I think the family thought governs the general thought of fellowship. Then Peter would come in by way of authority in the ordering of the house of God.

Ques. Would this save us from individualism and independency?

J.T. That was what I thought. You merge in the company. All the fruit of your labour is brought in there.

Ques. It says of Paul and Barnabas after they were sent out from Antioch and had gone through the cities, that "they sailed away to Antioch, whence they had been committed to the grace of God for the work which they had fulfilled. And having arrived, and having brought together the assembly, they related to them all that God had done with them" (Acts 14:26,27). Does that suggest what is in your mind?

J.T. Yes, very aptly. They returned to Antioch from whence they had been committed to the grace of God, for the work which they had fulfilled. They gathered the assembly together as they returned -- not the elders in it, but the assembly. It definitely confirms this. I think Peter and John represent what is ornamental in chapter 3. They say, "Look on us". Morally they were more beautiful than the Beautiful gate of the temple. They represent a fine thought of unity in testimony; they represent the mind of heaven

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for that moment. So Peter says, "Look on us". The temple had been regarded as an ornament from God on the earth, but it was about to be superseded, not merely in an arbitrary way, but by what was superior. The divine way is to bring in something superior; and Peter and John were morally superior to the temple. They represented heaven, where Jesus had gone.

F.W.B. Would you say the family thought governed the universal idea of fellowship? What would you say about the local?

J.T. The local idea is not developed in these early chapters; but Peter, from his epistles and his early service, unquestionably represents authority.

F.W.B. Would the family thought apply locally?

J.T. It ought to take form locally, but there is only one family. There are many assemblies. John's ministry is universal. He begins by saying, "In him was life, and the life was the light of men" (John 1:4). "The true light was that which, coming into the world, lightens every man", (verse 9). And so, right through his gospel, epistles, and the Revelation, he has in view what is universal. "God so loved the world", (chapter 3:16). All is on that line. He brings in the "whosoever". In the epistle whoever is born of God you love, not necessarily because he is your neighbour, but because he has been born of God.

Rem. Peter had something superior to the silver and gold he spoke of.

J.T. Quite so. The silver and gold represent the best a man has. The combination of these two servants greatly helps to the understanding of fellowship. They bring in something. One has to disappear as a levite, unless he can bring in something.

F.F. He would not hinder fellowship.

J.T. Not at all. It adds to it. Here is a man coming into the company, and he is holding them both. There is no disunion in his mind. He does not favour

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Peter more than John; and that saves us from setting up one against another.

Rem. In that sense he would not be a charge to the company, but would contribute to it.

J.T. Quite. He is not to be carried; and he is not a partisan, because he holds them both.

G.N. What do you mean by authority?

J.T. Peter had the lead on moral ground, I think. There is not a divergence between them. Peter says, "Look on us". They were brought into perfect unison through the work of God. Unity is the feature here.

Rem. That would be delightful to the eye of God.

J.T. Yes. The product of their labour holds them both. He recognizes them as the vessels whom God used.

Rem. So that he leaped and praised God. God gets the praise.

J.T. Yes; he was not praising Peter and John. If we do not return to the company, we stand on the dignity of our service, and that means clericalism. They returned to the company, and merging in it saved them. The other apostles are not named, but they are all recognized there; "with great power gave the apostles witness". Each gets his own place. Every servant must have his place. God comes out with the best. He would enhance His testimony, and so He says, "that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem ... but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued [clothed] with power from on high". They were to have proper clothes on -- heavenly clothes. In rendering that testimony it is not the "cloth" that some wear but moral qualities.

H.H. It shines out in what they say, "Look on us".

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J.T. Yes; "clothed with power from on high".

W.A. Is it not significant, this power being in the name?

J.T. Yes; that brings in another thought, "in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazaraean", that is, that whilst heavenly dignity marked them, being clothed with power from on high, yet they were identified with what was most despised on earth, "Jesus Christ the Nazaraean".

E.F. The One who was despised had the highest place in glory.

J.T. Yes. Peter and John while representing two features, each has his distinct shining in the foundation of the city. Each will shine -- every one a precious stone radiating a feature of Christ's glory.

E.F. And no matter what any one may have individually, all merges in the unity of the saints. You have every element of unity together in that sense.

J.T. Yes. God would see the shining of all those precious stones. Think of what we are brought into! They are all set there. "God has set certain in the assembly", (1 Corinthians 12:28). They were not there before; they were set there by Him, with the greatest skill, greater than any jeweller could set a jewel. Think of the resplendent light shining upon us! Every one of these men was the handiwork of Christ, and now the light of heaven was shining and radiating in these precious stones. This man would look around and begin to see what he had come into. Caesar could not give him such a place.

H.H. He had reached a little bit of heavenly territory, as we read in Genesis 2:12: "The gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone".

J.T. Yes; and so it is good. The heavenly city brings out the setting of each of them. They were all present here apparently, and each got his place

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in the company. Peter and John are not once mentioned; it is the apostles.

J.S. Would it suggest that each went back to his own position?

J.T. Yes. Peter would just merge and take his own position there. "God has set certain in the assembly", so he would just find his own place, and so would John. Matthew would too, and so also James. Every one of them would find his place, and one would not eclipse the other.

H.H. It is beautiful. So that you have the unity formed now, not merely by the two, as in chapter 3, but marking the whole company.

J.T. Yes. When we have the Lord appearing, it says, He appeared to over five hundred brethren at once; then He appeared to the twelve, and also to all the apostles. It seems like a repetition, but it is not so. The five hundred would include the apostles, but they are brethren there. He would, however, shine on the twelve as appearing to them. I can understand Peter saying to himself, I prefer to be here among the brethren, because it is what is going to abide.

H.H. It reminds one of what is recorded in 1 Chronicles 28:2 when David was getting things ready for Solomon, and he gathered all the princes and mighty men of Israel, representing the universal thought, and "David the king stood up upon his feet, and said, Hear me, my brethren".

J.T. Very good. In 1 Corinthians 15 we see how the apostle Paul sets out in order the appearings of Christ, so as to show how He would affect the saints in every relation here. Peter is called Cephas. He would emphasize in that appearing the material of the assembly. As He appeared to Cephas He had in mind the kind of material that would form the assembly. The next appearing is to the twelve; as if He would say, This precious material must be nurtured and cared for, and for that you must have

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administration. It is the bounty of heaven, and that is to be dispensed in the sense of what Christ is, and so He appears to the twelve, and then He appears to above five hundred brethren. If you have the material of the assembly nurtured and cared for, it is enlarged and you get the brethren. Then He is seen of James; because we have what one man can do at any time. He would distinguish one man; for one man can do much if he is with God. James 5:17 says, "Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not upon the earth by the space of three years and six months". So the Lord appeared to James, then He appeared to all the apostles, taking them by themselves, because with all else we must have authority; but authority wielded by those who are under the direct influence of Christ. Luke tells us that He appeared to Simon, but that was to emphasize grace. Paul says He appeared to Cephas, because He is thinking about the assembly.

H.H. He speaks of Epaphras "one of you ... labouring fervently for you in prayers" (Colossians 4:12).

J.T. Yes. Possibly his account of the Colossians led the apostle to write the epistle. Then Paul says, "last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time"; and he goes on to say, "I laboured more abundantly than they all". There is no diminution of power. We may be sure God has His reserves, and comes in often unexpectedly.

E.F. It shows that the whole thing had been formed in the divine mind beforehand. It only needs bringing out.

J.S. The apostles going back to the company would show that they were by no means on independent lines.

J.T. Just so; they all had the company in view. I think the swarm of bees in the carcase of the lion in Judges would be suggestive. It was naturally a most unfavourable place, but they were industrious, and there

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was honey in it. All the industry is for the company. We are not to consider for ourselves, but for the company.

H.H. One has often thought of the two going to Emmaus. Would you say they would be a great asset to the company when they came that night?

J.T. Yes. "They found the eleven, and those with them, gathered together, saying, The Lord is indeed risen and has appeared to Simon", (Luke 24:33,34) Then the two related how He was known of them in breaking of bread; and then Jesus Himself came in.

G.N. "And having been let go, they came to their own company". They were free from every influence that would hinder them from getting to the company, so in every levitical service the company should be before us?

J.T. Yes. And then see the fulness of it. The company must have afforded them a retreat after all their toil and suffering, and in having the support and prayers of the company and the divine response shaking the building, how greatly encouraged the two servants must have been.

You observe that they reported what the chief priests said, "And they, having heard it, lifted up their voice with one accord to God". They had direct access to God there. Prayer through priestly access to God means the carrying on of the testimony. You see therefore the gain of coming into the company.

W.S. In that way the Lord used the pressure that the company might turn to Himself.

J.T. That is how the Lord uses pressure. They said, "Lord, thou art God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is: who by the mouth of thy servant David hast said, Why did the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things? The kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord, and against his Christ. For of a truth against thy holy

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child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, were gathered together". It is very beautiful how everything centres round Christ. "And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word". They did not pray for the apostles but for servants -- bondmen. That shows a humble spirit without pretension. And then it says, "And when they had prayed, the place in which they were assembled shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and spoke the word of God with boldness". See how a new impetus comes in! It is now a filling in answer to prayer, so that the testimony goes on in heavenly power.

F.W.J. You have every human power referred to in verse 27.

J.T. Yes; that is interesting. And the power of the Holy Spirit is able to cope with all that. He acts in answer to prayer. That is the position. The apostles merge in the company there, and the prayers are the product of this. "And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all". And then further we read that "Joses, who by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas ... Having land, sold it, and brought the money, and laid it at the apostles' feet". There is a great movement here, and I think we might look for something like that in recognizing the company.

E.F. The testimony is in power, and everything fell into accord with it.

J.T. Yes. We see everything now serving the testimony; it is so great.

J.S. The laying of the money at the apostles' feet as they were all thus together would be the recognition of all that was there.

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J.T. Yes. I think the apostles in that way represent the authority of the Lord; all the apostles are in view, not merely Peter and John now.

J.D. This condition of things produces a "son of consolation".

J.T. Yes. You see now how God adds. You see God adding, bringing in elements of help.

G.N. What is the son of consolation?

J.T. I think Barnabas represents the golden taches of the tabernacle -- a means by which everything is bound together. He brought Paul to Jerusalem and introduced him. Then he went after him again to Tarsus and brought him to Antioch. He has no personal interests. He is a brother who can bring brethren together. The tendency always exists of divergencies in the assembly, but Barnabas overcame all these things. The fact that he had judged his course in having possessed land, brought him into the true levitical position, that is to say, he gets his city to dwell in. The Levite belongs to the family of the firstborn ones enregistered in heaven. I think that when Barnabas sold his land and laid the money at the apostles' feet, he became a true levite. In the next chapter you have the attack of the enemy. Satan saw that this was a wonderful thing -- something he would not overcome, but he would corrupt it.

H.H. We see the thing set up from the divine side in all its perfection, and these principles should govern us today.

J.T. That is it.

J.S. Speaking of Barnabas as a true levite in the spirit that marked him, I suppose it is not so much his gift, but rather the influence for good which he had.

J.T. Yes. One sees in a man like Barnabas, how one man may stand out for good. He was a man who had means and knew how to use it; he brought the

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money and laid it at the apostles' feet, his object being to help the testimony.

Ques. Is it the same thought as the widow casting in her all?

J.T. Just so. Think of the contrast in Solomon's day: two and twenty thousand oxen and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep sacrificed at one time (1 Kings 8:63). Think of the food that was there for the people of God in all that. So here: "For neither was there any one in want among them; for as many as were owners of lands or houses, selling them, brought the price of what was sold and laid it at the feet of the apostles; and distribution was made to each according as any one might have need".

J.S. So that when you come to the assembly there is no lack.

J.T. No. I think that is the way the Lord is encouraging His people in our own times by mutual contribution; and how large a contribution becomes, as brought into the company.

F.W.B. What is the selling? Is it getting rid of the thing through exercise to produce something?

J.T. Well that is how it works out spiritually.

G.N. You sacrifice for the testimony's sake.

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Numbers 11:16,24,25; Numbers 14:10; Numbers 12:5; Numbers 16:19

In reading these verses, dear brethren, I am thinking of the wilderness and the position of God's people in it. This book is pre-eminently the wilderness book; indeed, its primary title was "In the Wilderness", and so in the opening of it, we have Jehovah speaking unto Moses "in the wilderness". Our position in it is thus assumed, and God at the very outset reminds us that He is thinking of us in that position. He thinks of us in every legitimate position in which we may be, and indeed, even where we may be contrary to His mind; but He thinks of us particularly in every position involved in the path of His will for us in this world. So it is in this book, we have "the journeys of the children of Israel ... Moses wrote their goings out according to their journeys by the commandment of Jehovah", (Numbers 33:1,2). God would impress upon us that He follows all our movements with intense interest, noting down the occurrences.

The wilderness is a very familiar word to us, but perhaps not so well understood as we may imagine, and perhaps the import of it not definitely accepted as divinely presented to us. The idea of it is what is adverse, but divinely ordered; what the world becomes to the believer, affording him no resources. In Exodus 3:18 God sent the message to Pharaoh that he was to let His people go that they might serve Him in the wilderness. It may seem a matter of small moment that these words are added, it may seem that it might have sufficed to say to Pharaoh that God wished His people to serve Him, as in chapter 4:23: "Let my son go, that he may serve me", but elsewhere stress is laid on the place of service. In christendom today the nominal service of God is

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not carried on there at all, it is carried on where there are worldly resources, and the world is taxed to provide them, whether it be the buildings, the salaries of the clergy or the furniture. The world is taxed to provide, as if it could provide, whereas God informed Pharaoh in type at the outset that the world could not provide the means for divine service. He intimates plainly that it was to be carried on where there were no resources visible, so that the world and its resources are ignored wholly, that the ways and means, the pattern, the dimensions might proceed from above. Hence you find that before God speaks of His dwelling and service He indicates the direction whence the means for them should come. Moses and Aaron and seventy of the elders of Israel are invited up: that is the principle, that things have to come from above (Exodus 24). The passage says "they saw the God of Israel; and there was under his feet as it were work of transparent sapphire, and as it were the form of heaven for clearness. And on the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: they saw God, and ate and drank" (verses 10,11).

They are there in God's realm as nobles and they are there without fear, so that in the proposal to build the tabernacle in the next chapter, what is required is understood, at least there is a general impression conveyed that the details awaited the instructions to be received by Moses during the forty days in the mount. Then Moses is detained, called up higher, and there is unfolded to him the pattern of the tabernacle, which was, as we are told in the New Testament, "the figurative representations of the things in the heavens", (Hebrews 9:23). God is not in any way dependent on this world for the means for His service; we are relieved of all that and shut up to God, so that the divine thoughts can come into evidence; and who that knows God in any way does not prefer to have God's designs and provision

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generally for His service or worship, instead of man's? The greatest ecclesiastical architect, Wren, or any other, utterly fails to provide a building suitable for God. The young believer begins to see that he has to do with God and that His service is not in an environment in which man's art and device prevail. All must be of God, and in His temple everything reflects His glory (Psalm 29:9).

Of course I am not overlooking that the people brought the material for the tabernacle, but in the anti-type that is from God, the saints are themselves the material and they are of God, they are heavenly, as Ephesians 2 shows. It awaited the wilderness position to bring this out. Israel were to go out of Egypt with abundant substance. It was announced to Abraham four hundred years before that they should go out with "great property" (Genesis 15:14), and no believer is of any value morally in the assembly unless he have substance, that is to say, the result of the exercise of his exit out of Egypt. I do not go into the wilderness as a pauper spiritually, I am there with a measure of substance and heaven will direct the use of that, it is to fit into the divine scheme. Think, young believer, of having something that God can use according to the pattern which He had ever in His mind, think of having something that God can use now! I would not like to be out of that, I would like to have some little or much that God can use in His own dwelling. As I said, the tabernacle was "the figurative representations of the things in the heavens".

Now that is the position in the wilderness as regards the service of God and I am concerned about that now in Numbers. Exodus gives us the tabernacle set up, Leviticus gives God in it calling us to Him, with everything provided in the priesthood; and then Numbers is the working out of what we see in these two books; this is in the world -- a contrary place. I have the light of Exodus and the light of Leviticus,

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and now I am here in the wilderness not as an individual unit, but in relation to the tabernacle. In Matthew 14:24 we read, "the wind was contrary". The Lord is seen there on a mountain; having sent the multitude away and compelled the disciples to go into a ship, He went up and was alone praying; but the ship in which the disciples were was tossed in the sea, the wind being contrary; that is the position. Let no one for a moment assume that the wind will ever change in that respect, it will always be a contrary wind; but Numbers is to prepare us for it and to show how we are sustained and carried through in spite of this.

Now I want to dwell first of all on individual service. Moses is the great type of that, he is said to have been, as a servant, faithful in all God's house. There are those who are specialists, or pretend to be, but Scripture hardly confirms anything like that. The idea of service is to extend to all God's house, each has his own part, of course, his own gift, his own measure, but every truly commissioned servant will have the whole house in his mind. If he is not able to help directly in any matter, he will be thinking of it; if he is not actively able to help, he will pray; even if bedridden, he or she can embrace the whole of God's interests.

It is as the tent begins to move -- chapter 10 contemplates the tabernacle set up -- that the power of the wind is felt in opposition, and alas! you get here in Moses, and we can all recognize something of this in ourselves, a bitter complaint. He tells Jehovah of the burden that is laid upon him, that he did not conceive all this people. The complaint is against God. He makes no allusion to his great office, nor to the fact that Jehovah had honoured him as no man hitherto had been honoured; his complaint is that He had put too much upon him. One sympathizes with Moses, as on that occasion he

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saw the Israelites every man at his tent door weeping. They were the tears of murmurers, they were not tears of humiliation; a murmur of resentment went through that camp and Moses felt it.

So it is that we are tested in the service of God, and I want to show you how, although a man in this position of honour with God may for a moment fail, God stands by him. He came in in a visible way (for us, of course, by faith), to meet the opposition and provided that His servant in his weakness and complainings should not lose ground. It is as sure as possible, if I begin to complain that there is too much upon me, and I am not considered for, that I shall lose ground; I shall lose ground with those whom I serve. But the first divine appearing here is to maintain Moses in the full height of his service. God says in effect, I will come down and speak with you in the presence of the elders, I will act according to your suggestion and lighten your personal burden, but in doing it, I will preserve your dignity, your honour (compare Numbers 11:16,17).

I speak thus, dear brethren, so that in service we may know what resources there are. How tenderly, how compassionately the Master stands by the servant, even although he has brought the shade upon himself: alas! we do bring dark reflections upon ourselves in moments of unbelief. Here Moses complains against God -- as if He did not know, as if He were unfair. So He says, "Gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people, and their officers; and take them to the tent of meeting, and they shall stand there with thee". He will never pass by His servant save He is obliged to by permanent unbelief, and so He says, as it were, Moses, I put it on you to select those men. What confidence God had in His servant! He says, "Gather ... them to the tent of meeting.

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... And I will come down and talk with thee there". Thus the honour of the servant is maintained.

Well, that is the first thing; then Jehovah says, "I will take of the Spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them". How Moses must have felt that! It was God saying, I have thought this matter out, and I have not put one ounce of weight upon you that I have not provided for in the power I furnished you with. While there are seventy-one personalities in the service, instead of one, the power is not increased, that is to say, God's calculation as to power was then as it was at the outset; the measure was not increased, but the personality is increased. Jethro earlier had suggested this, but now God has ordered it; some of the power Moses had is actually transferred to others, so that we have seventy persons in addition to Moses, all of the same spirit and power that Moses had. Two of them remained in the camp and prophesied. Joshua says, "My lord Moses, forbid them!" like many a young brother who would stand for some selected labourer, as at Corinth. Moses says to Joshua, "Enviest thou for my sake? would that all Jehovah's people were prophets, and that Jehovah would put his Spirit upon them!" Beautiful spirit! the spirit that every servant of Christ should inhale fully. No servant of God who serves in the spirit of Christ will detract from or rival another such servant. What a camp Israel's would be if they were all like that!

The next chapter shows how Aaron and Miriam were moved to attack Moses; they were jealous of him: "Has Jehovah indeed spoken only to Moses? has he not spoken also to us?" Well, that was true, but Moses was not saying anything different to it, he had just said, "would that all Jehovah's people were prophets!" It was wicked to impute to Moses such a charge as arrogating to himself the whole service of God; he had no such thought. Indeed,

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the service of God is never a one-man affair, it is a question of personality, and increase of personality, and all in the power of God, in the Spirit of God, in the anointing, so why should they question in this way? The Holy Spirit speaks of "the man Moses".

We see in this chapter the seriousness of envying one whom God uses; in this instance, one whom God had honoured in such a signal manner as to come down and speak to him at the tent door, in the presence of those seventy men. The Holy Spirit immediately calls attention to the man, not the servant Moses. We want to see the man, the man as he is in his business, as he is in his workshop, particularly as he is in his house. Moses had married an Ethiopian woman. Why should he not? He was not accountable to Miriam for that, and so the Holy Spirit speaks of "the man Moses". He "was very meek, above all men that were upon the face of the earth" (Numbers 12:3). That brings to mind "the man Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 2:5). What a Man! Luke gives us the Man; we have to study Luke in order to understand Mark; Luke gives the Man, Mark the Servant.

Well, God takes this matter in hand and He interfered suddenly. It may have been in secret that they spoke against their brother, but "Jehovah spoke suddenly to Moses and to Aaron, and to Miriam ... If there be a prophet among you". We see here how God distinguishes between servant and servant. "Jehovah came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood at the entrance of the tent, and called Aaron and Miriam; and they both came forth. And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I Jehovah will make myself known to him in a vision, I will speak to him in a dream. Not so my servant Moses: he is faithful in all my house. Mouth to mouth do I speak to him openly, and not in riddles; and the form of Jehovah doth he behold. Why then were ye not afraid to speak

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against my servant, against Moses?" (Numbers 12:5 - 8.) That is solemn, and most important instruction; it is a solemn warning against rivalry and opposition founded upon jealousy against any servant of the Lord. You see how Jehovah goes down Himself, making the attack on His servant a personal matter; He shows that whilst He cares for all His servants, He makes distinctions between servants, as in Moses here; He spoke with him "mouth to mouth".

In chapter 14 we have another appearing; it is in relation to the gospel in its heavenly character, alluded to in Hebrews 4; it is the gospel of the land, as I may call it; the gospel that witnesses of heaven, the heavenly calling. The spies brought down an excellent report, confirmed by the grapes which they brought from Eshcol. Refusal of their testimony was a most serious matter; the epistle to the Hebrews shows that it was the great turning point, apostasy was dealt with from this point onwards; that is to say, what leads to the habit, which has been observed from that very day till now, of taking a lower line when God is emphasizing an upper line, of taking a line that is contrary to what God is emphasizing. That is generally a great feature of opposition, the contrary wind. This was to be the test, for they sent out twelve men to bring back a witness from the land and there it was, the grapes of Eshcol, the pomegranates and figs tell the glad story, they all witness of the wealth of the land. Then the enemy began to work, and only two out of the twelve stood their ground in connection with what God was emphasizing. Caleb stands by and witnesses to the good land, and that God would bring His people into it, as He delighted in them. How wonderful is this truth! It declares that God delights in us and gives us the very best He has, and exercises His power to put us in possession of it against all opposition.

Now you see what is at work; opposition to what

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God emphasizes as the very best thing for us, and they were about to stone the witnesses of the truth, but the glory appeared; that is the comfort. The scripture says, "all the congregation bade stone them with stones. And the glory of the Lord appeared in the tabernacle of the congregation before all the children of Israel". The opposers now see what they have to contend with, it is not simply two men, Caleb and Joshua, but it is God, and not only God, but God in His glory shining out against them. We can well afford to stand by the truth, for God will never fail us, as we see here. How irresistible and condemnatory of the wicked opposition was the appearance of the divine glory at this time! We can always reckon on it, dear brethren, and so we need not fear to stand firmly by what God emphasizes; the glory will appear in some form, God will come in unmistakably and show where He is so that the evil is exposed and withers away.

Following on this, in chapter 16, you have the great rebellion against Moses and Aaron. Korah and the Levites with two hundred and fifty men of the congregation, a most powerful combination. The Levites who had stood by Moses in an earlier uprising, are now against him; and the glory appears again. We may learn from this chapter that God will stand by the whole position; it is not simply a question of one servant or two servants, the whole position occupied by christendom is typically indicated in this chapter. "And Korah gathered all the congregation against them unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto all the congregation". The glory is appearing now to all the congregation. The rebels gathered all at the door of the tabernacle, It is an attack on the whole position, what God had set up in testimony, typically it is against Christ in heaven and the Holy

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Spirit here in the assembly. It is the boldest and most far-reaching of the enemy's attacks.

This opposition continues and has to be resisted. This entails sufferings, even to martyrdom, but the truth will stand, it must stand; while Christ is in heaven and the Holy Spirit here christianity will not cease to exist; we may stand courageously by it, for in doing so the glory stands by us; we shall prove that. This is a very wonderful divine intervention, and so in verse 42: "And it came to pass, when the congregation was gathered against Moses and against Aaron, that they looked toward the tabernacle of the congregation: and, behold, the cloud covered it". The cloud is covering what symbolizes the whole testimony; can we doubt that this applies at the present time? There is no doubt. God has preserved the truth, christianity is in principle preserved. Christ is in heaven, all power committed unto Him, and the Holy Spirit is here in the assembly; the tabernacle thus exists, and the glory covers it.

The general failure of the public assembly must be fully owned, yet the Lord in addressing Philadelphia has the whole body in the true sense in mind. "I ... will keep thee", He says (Revelation 3:10). The recovery of the Lord's supper involves this. It had been in captivity, but is restored; it maintains before us the whole thought of the assembly. In Matthew 26:26 and Mark 14:22 the Lord in instituting the Supper said, "Take, eat: this is my body"; that is His own body, but in 1 Corinthians 10:17 it extends to the saints: "we, being many, are one loaf, one body". There you have the whole thought and, we may say, the glory covers it. How often we have proved that! How precious to be together in the light of this and of Christ as the Head! The breaking of bread is primarily local but it has also a universal bearing, it involves the whole assembly. We must maintain what is local, but we must also maintain strenuously what is universal, one whole

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thought, and so it says, "the Spirit and the bride say, Come" (Revelation 22:17); as soon as the Lord announces Himself the whole assembly responds with the Spirit; and so He said to Philadelphia, "I also will keep thee out of the hour of trial, which is about to come upon the whole habitable world, to try them that dwell upon the earth". This implies His coming for us, and the Lord Jesus has never less than the whole assembly in His mind in announcing His coming.

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John 16:7 - 11; Exodus 23:20 - 23

It will be evident, dear brethren, as having read these scriptures, that I have the Holy Spirit in mind. John presents Him in a unique way, and by a term peculiar to his writings, namely "the Comforter", a word, as most of us will be aware, denoting that He is here beside us to look after the affairs of the assembly. There can be no doubt that this peculiar appellation employed by the beloved disciple had in view, among other things, that others were putting forth their hands, by profession, to look after and dominate the affairs of the assembly. That great movement of the enemy which has continued ever since, and which has reached enormous proportions -- that error had already set in. No doubt it is in view in all the evangelists; and the Lord's remarks in the synoptic gospels that a word spoken against the Spirit should never be forgiven, is a solemn warning to all those who have taken His place, arrogating to themselves the office and service that belong alone to Him. John does not mention that solemn sentence of the Lord's but he does bring forward the Spirit under this remarkable appellation, which denotes that He is the One in charge, and that, as in charge, He is armed with power to deal with all contingencies. So that -- quoting the Lord Himself -- John says of the Spirit that, having come, He brings into this world the conviction of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment, one of the most important services possible; a service which became effective at Pentecost, the bearing of it extending on to our own times; so that those who recognize the Spirit today, discern the demonstration that He has effected.

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From the outset of God's ways on this earth the Spirit is seen. We are reminded by His very early introduction in the Bible -- which indeed was indited by Himself, I need not say -- and the manner of it, that all results for God subjectively, hinge and depend upon the Spirit. In the catastrophe spoken of in the opening of Genesis, He is seen hovering over the face of the waters; He is hovering or brooding, as in the attitude of feeling that something must be done. That is what His attitude conveys. The chaos there was incompatible with God; it discredited Him who made the heavens and the earth in the beginning, for the earth now "was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep" (Genesis 1:2). Something must be done! The Spirit will never leave conditions that are unsuitable to God unattended to; that is foreign to Him. Whatever conditions may exist which compromise the holy name and testimony of God they must not be allowed to continue. Something must be done; and that, dear brethren, is what we readily see in the attitude of the Spirit at the outset, in the first mention of Him in the Bible. It was a grievous situation. What was made to be inhabited was now without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep -- a most pathetic description drawn by the Spirit Himself in a few words but, in relation to the need He describes, He stands by, and the heart is filled with hope and assurance, that if something must be done, it will be done unfailingly.

Then, when we come to the passage I read in John 16, the Lord contemplated what was primarily imperative, in view of the existence of sin in this world; He contemplated righteousness; He contemplated judgment, and He says that when He, the Spirit of truth, is come He will bring in demonstration to the world concerning these things. "I will send him", He says. How that speaks to our hearts of

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the deity of our Lord! How touching too, that another divine Person, equal in the Deity, should be so regarded as that He may be sent! Then as come, He would bring demonstration -- meaning that He would act in such wise as to expose sin. It is not here a question of convicting a person so that he might repent; the point is that the idea of sin should be fully set out, and that the Holy Spirit would effect this. And what you find in the passage is that it is demonstrated under one head. That is the divine way of dealing with a specific matter. In dealing with it the whole thing in view comes into evidence. Books innumerable might be written, and have been, dealing with the matter of sin and how it is to be controlled. The Holy Spirit is brief and concise; He brings in the demonstration in few words, dealing with one point, but that one implying in a sense all else.

The demonstration of sin is here seen negatively. It might be said, Surely the wickedness of the Jews in crucifying Christ will be mentioned? Of course it is in view, in the Acts and throughout Scripture, but the demonstration of sin is in a negative setting here. People say, What have I done? But then it may be what have you not done? Sin may be manifested negatively, as it is positively. So the first great demonstration is that of sin, and what is it? "because they believe not on me". That will not be the only demonstration of sin that will be brought to bear upon the wicked dead as they stand before God, but it will be brought before those to whom the gospel has been preached. God will go to the utmost pains to justify Himself in casting the wicked into the lake of fire; He will not confine Himself to negatives then, although believing not on Christ as presented, will be in view. The books will contain everything, and He will go into the matters of each one. But the Holy Spirit, as I said, brings out the

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demonstration based on a negative, but, how much enters into it, "because they believe not on me".

The Holy Spirit is contemplated as having come "from with the Father" in chapter 15:26. What holy thoughts were current -- we may say reverently -- between the Father and the Spirit about Jesus as here upon earth. I am speaking now from the standpoint of God's way of coming into our view, into our hearts. I do not assume to understand at all the relations between divine Persons in absolute deity, but in coming into our view, in coming to serve, words are employed that fit into our intelligence, and are intended to affect our hearts. So if the Holy Spirit is come out from being with the Father, what can it mean but that He is conversant with all the thoughts of the Father -- there are His own thoughts too -- as to the Son? What He was here on earth under the eyes of men, what He was as speaking to them, what He was in His ministry, what He was in His life generally. That such a blessed One, known so well, so infinitely, by the Father and the Spirit should not be believed on, is the very consummation of sin; it is the height of it from Their point of view. Can any one resist believing on that blessed Person? To do so is the most consummate form of sinfulness. Such is the view presented here. The Holy Spirit would show us in what is written here, how He can deal with the whole matter by taking up one specific thing.

Then, the next demonstration is that of righteousness. How much could be written about righteousness in this sense! Books could be written about Abel and Enoch and Noah and Abraham, and all the men of faith, for righteousness shone in them. Much could be written, but we have compression here, and in the compression the most perfect setting out of righteousness. And what is it? "Because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more". Were it desired of us to

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demonstrate these things, would we ever do so in this way? But it is the divine way, and again the mind is directed to the blessed Person of Jesus, the Son of God. "Because I go to my Father", He says. That is righteousness; the whole idea enters into that. You may find it difficult to follow, but, dear brethren, think of what Jesus was in the way of righteousness down here. He loved it. We have to learn everything from Jesus. It is not only that one may regard oneself as accounted righteous, but have we the love of righteousness? We can only be in the assembly according to God as loving righteousness. Think, in spite of the Lord's perfect righteousness here, how He was treated! You may say it was only for a few years, others have suffered for a much longer period, but again it is the idea of compression. How compressed was the power of Satan, and the wickedness in men's hearts against Jesus, every moment of His life in testimony here. What is the full expression of righteousness in Him? That He goes to the Father.

Beloved, think of Him with the Father. How infinitely right it is, that such an One should go to the Father! Although it is true that He was carried up into heaven, yet from John's point of view -- He goes to the Father. But I only touch on that. Jesus is with the Father. Is it not right? It is infinitely right! All that the word "right" means is in that, and that is what the Holy Spirit as come, makes clear. We may say, How did it come about? Well, Jesus had followers, and they were known. Peter denied for a little while that he was one of them, but he soon recovered himself through the Lord's grace to him, and boldly charges others with the guilt that was once upon himself, but was so no longer. No one could speak more boldly of denial of Jesus than Peter; he was stronger on that point than any. It is always the case where sin is truly

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repented of and judged before God; we have more power as to that point than any. Peter was one of the followers of Jesus, and there were many others there on that memorable day at Jerusalem when the Holy Spirit came down upon them. The Lord Jesus said here, "I will send him unto you", and if the Holy Spirit comes down from heaven upon those followers of Jesus, what can be a greater demonstration of righteousness, as seen in their Master being with the Father? It is evident. "Having therefore been exalted by the right hand of God", says Peter, "and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this, which ye behold and hear", (Acts 2:33). It was undeniable. Some spoke about their being drunk with wine, but it was manifest folly, as Peter pointed out. It was no less than the Spirit of God in all His fulness come down from heaven to these disciples. Jesus was with the Father; there was complete evidence of righteousness in that fact.

Then thirdly, there is the demonstration of judgment. How much could be written about that too if it were a mere matter of detail, but the Spirit of God is dealing in a compressed way, and dealing thus with the whole matter. So the demonstration of judgment is "because the prince of this world is judged". He is the author of sin; the personification of it, as I may say, is in him: "the devil sinneth from the beginning", (1 John 3:8). It is not only that he sinned at the beginning, but he sins from the beginning. We may say that he can do nothing else. He has acquired a place as the prince of this world, but he is judged. It may be said that he is still in power, and so he is in a way, but what is stated here suggests to us great principles reached and established as demonstrated by the Spirit. The execution of the judgment is only a matter of time. So in our dealings with sin as in the assembly, the

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great point is to deal with what is manifest, and in dealing with it, to make it plain that it is sin, to set the thing out clearly; as Job says, "hast thou plentifully declared the thing as it is?", (Job 26:3).

When Jephthah had to fight the Ammonites he set the matter out fully; he showed how Israel had acquired their inheritance, and that the Ammonites' claim was unrighteous (Judges 11). If we can establish the point of righteousness, the right and wrong of a matter, it is morally settled. If we are not able to enforce it -- we may actually die for it, and thus we enforce it morally. That is really what came out in Jesus. The cross was the great crisis of all these issues, and although the Lord Jesus went down outwardly in death, all these great principles were established, and they cannot be overthrown.

So it is, that one great point in the assembly as seeking to maintain righteousness is to establish all the facts of a thing and so make it plain. The Holy Spirit will enable us to do it. He is here in that respect, to bring in demonstration, so that there can be no question, and every conscience affected by the work of God will discern it. What is the assembly here morally unless there be in it the power of discernment, the principle of judgment? It fails of its mission, and loses its status in this world, save as there is in it the principle of judgment, the means of discerning right and wrong, and the power to remove the wrong and to establish the right. It must not be allowed to go to the wall; right must stand. That is the mind of God. This demonstration of the Spirit stands, and will stand; and thus the devil, the prince of this world, knows that he is judged. It is John's way of presenting the truth; he has a peculiar way, an abstract way, which is most important to notice. He is looking at the history of christianity, and he adopts this way of dealing abstractly, the most certain way of establishing things,

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even though there may not be the power apparent to maintain them. But the Holy Spirit being here, if we give place to Him, they will be maintained; the great features of christianity are thus set out abstractly, so that they might be always before our view. They stand, and will stand.

I go on to Exodus just briefly, so that we may see how the principle set out in the Spirit appeared as Israel crossed the Red Sea. Jehovah said to Moses, "Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him". Now that is a passage, dear brethren, that bears on the subject before me in a very striking way. Not that the Angel is comparable with the Spirit. An angel is a creature, the Holy Spirit is a divine Person, and that in itself indicates the great difference between them, and between Israel and ourselves. Yet there was with Israel the principle of one there sent down from heaven. Moses and Aaron and Miriam led the people outwardly: God led them by the hand of Moses and Aaron, and Miriam also had part in this. God sent those three before them; they were the leaders, but this Angel was a type of the Spirit, ever present, always wakeful, always watching the camp of Israel. How well we may use the word "Comforter" in regard of the blessed Spirit! "Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep", (Psalm 121:4). Moses slept, and so did Aaron and Miriam and Israel, but the Angel was ever awake. How comforting it must have been for faith to look at the tent of meeting as the camp rested, and see the cloud, the sure evidence of the divine presence. Jehovah was always there; angelically, we may say, but nevertheless really present. How precious is the thought! If one were to wake at night, as a godly Israelite might -- and there were

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such, for God speaks of the thousands of them that loved Him -- he would look out of his tent and see the cloud over the tent of meeting. How comforting! How he would lie down again in confidence and rest! "He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep".

One often thinks of that. It is most touching, but not as great as our own position. Think of a divine Person being here, and under this remarkable appellative that John uses, "the Comforter", the Paraclete, One beside us, looking after our affairs with infinite ability to do so, and doing so day and night. Some of us here know something of the present, active energy of the Spirit; His care, His attention to things, His readiness to take up local matters and deal with them. Of course He uses the saints, as available, in this service, for He is not incarnate. He has firsthand knowledge of every person concerned in local difficulties; He is infinitely fair, and He will bring everything out according to the mind of God. "The love of the Spirit" (Romans 15:30) enters into all His services.

The word here in Exodus is, "Beware of him". Although it is said about the Angel, it is equally applicable to the Spirit of God. The Lord's solemn words about Him are a warning as to any infringement of His rights and services, any disregard of the Spirit in quenching or grieving Him. The passage goes on to say, "provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him". I do not say there is no pardon now. Indeed, there was pardon then, according to Leviticus, so that the transgressions here must be great, such as were unpardonable. There are such today; there are unpardonable transgressions. This means that if God speaks to our hearts, there has to be continual heart searching in our relations with one another, and our relations with Himself. Think of unpardonable things! The New Testament speaks of them,

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as well as the Old. It says, "my name is in him". How true that is of the blessed Spirit! All that God is, is here in a divine Person, God dwelling by the Spirit here in the assembly: "an habitation of God through the Spirit", (Ephesians 2:22). How great a fact this is! All that God is is here. It is no less than that, but in this wonderful attitude of service, ready to take care of every matter amongst us. May we not allow Him to do so?

It may be asked, How can we remove and disallow what hinders -- what is of the flesh? There is only one way of making way for the Spirit, either in an individual or in a company, and that is by self-judgment. The apostle Paul, in dealing with these matters, brings in the cross and the Spirit. He brings in the cross in 1 Corinthians 1, and then the Spirit in chapter 2. If we recognize the cross, we shall realize the power of the Spirit. The passage in Exodus proceeds, "But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries. For mine Angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off". So that we see, dear brethren, from this passage, as applied to ourselves, how the Holy Spirit, as we make room for Him, leads us forward and brings us into the greatest things, into the purpose of God realized now in the assembly. For that is what Canaan means today. It is what the Holy Spirit brings us into. He does not translate us to heaven. The Lord Jesus translates us to heaven, but the Holy Spirit brings us now into Canaan, which is the purpose of God to be reached in the assembly. That is what the Lord has in view.

In the section from which I read in John, beginning with chapter 13, you will be struck, if

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you meditate upon these chapters, by the place the Father has, and how the Lord is set to draw us into part with Himself where He has gone. But it is in the assembly, and so here, the Angel would go before and bring them into the land of the Amorites, and the Hittites, and so on, and would cut off their enemies. We go into Canaan not simply as a matter of faith. Faith must be with us, but it is by the Spirit we enter into Canaan. Christ has gone in through death, and the Holy Spirit empowers us to go in. So, "as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God", (Romans 8:14). We go into Canaan as sons, but we go in in the power of the Spirit. So here it says, he "shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the Amorites ... and I will cut them off".

I think you will see by what I have said how the Holy Spirit is available to us. It is His function to look after matters, to deal with evil, and to bring us into the good, to bring us into the purpose of God. He is bent upon it, to bring the assembly to Christ in the land. That is His service. It may be said, How does He deal with sin? Well, I have been speaking of it, but "beware of him". We may well say that in the light of Acts 5:3: Peter says to Ananias, "why has Satan filled thy heart that thou shouldest lie to the Holy Spirit?" How swift was the judgment! It is a solemn chapter, but it is set down there as a testimony to us that the Spirit cannot be impugned. We must beware of Him, and obey His voice. We must not sin against Him; we must not grieve Him nor quench Him. Giving Him scope amongst us, He will bring us into the land of purpose. The Lord bless His word.

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Genesis 28:10 - 22; Genesis 29:9,10; Genesis 31:45 - 49; Genesis 35:9 - 14; Genesis 49:22 - 25

I wish to speak, dear brethren, very simply about the stones mentioned in these passages, which include almost all the references to stones in this book; and in the language of the inquiry in Joshua 4:6, we may well ask, "What mean ye by these stones?" The Scriptures have a language of their own, God having set in creation a variety of things which are under men's eyes, through which He intends to speak to us, and amongst these things are stones. We have in Scripture not only what the Spirit of God says, but what He shows; and in these stones certain things are shown.

We have in Genesis 2 the first mention of stones, they are precious stones. These of course are the most interesting, and the onyx stone is alluded to. In chapter 11 we have an allusion to stone as conspicuous by its absence, by its non-use by the Babel builders; and there I apprehend you get the divine clue that the Babel builders -- world builders -- do not employ what is permanent, whereas God employs building material that is permanent; and that, I apprehend, in the main, is the significance of the stone. We would have it so; what God builds is for ever; and He would have us to see that what the world is building is not permanent. According to the sweeping statement of John, "the world passeth away" (1 John 2:17) -- a very searching and important word, especially for young people to notice, for the world offers much that is attractive outwardly. However solid it may appear, however permanent the institutions in it may appear, some of them extending back for more than a millennium, they will not continue; "the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but

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he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever". That is an immense thing for the young people and for us all to see, that "he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever".

The Babel builders had no idea of the will of God; they had, as Scripture says, eliminated Him from their knowledge; they gave Him up, and had recourse to their own ingenuity; and hence they disclose what the world is. They had bricks for stone, bricks, humanly made things, and slime for mortar. Whereas faith takes up the stones. Those Babel builders were energetic enough as you know. They said one to another, "let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven" (chapter 11:4). They had their own thoughts and schemes but the material they employed discloses the nature of their structure. They had bricks; their own man-made things: whereas faith takes up things made by God, or more accurately, things given of God, for Christ is the Stone; the great idea of stone is primarily in Him. We have His eternal personality in the Deity in John 1; whether we go backwards or forwards there is permanency, and particularly in regard to the will of God, for when we come to that side it is a question of moral worth, and in Christ we have perfection. We have perfection in that respect as in all others. There is His personal worth, which every lover of Christ extols, but then there is His moral worth; what came out in Him here in the carrying out of the will of God. Morally there is nothing greater than that; it is what marked Christ in coming here into manhood; "Lo, I come ... to do thy will, O God" (Hebrews 10:7).

Well, now I wish to speak of stones in connection with Jacob, and one would like to begin with the young ones here, so that each may get something. One idea of the stone among other things, is its permanency; it is also alluded to in Scripture as symbolic of what is hard. Now, what is hard, or what

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from God's side may appear hard, is really with a view to what I may call softness; this is seen by comparing Genesis 28, the head pillowed on a stone, with John 13, the head pillowed on the bosom of Jesus. The one leads to the other. Things may seem hard, and I know well enough how the young ones look at things as coming into contact with what is of God, especially the house of God. I will not enlarge on Genesis 28, except on this one point. Things may seem hard, but Jacob arrived at this spot under the will of God, or rather under the will of his parents, which in this instance implied the will of God. For parents as seen in Isaac and Rebekah, in this respect represent God, particularly in Isaac who was representative of God as blessing Jacob. He had blessed him, and the blessing was irrevocable. Authority following upon blessing should be easy to accept. In Ephesians 6:1,2 the apostle enjoins children to be obedient to their parents, reminding them that this is "the first commandment with a promise".

Jacob had been blessed by his father, and now he is moving under the direction of his father, which is an important matter, but the state of his soul was very low. The salvation of a young person is in this respect by submission to the will of God, whatever the state of his soul; however doubtful he may be, doing the will of God is his salvation. That is to say, he moves on principle, he moves in divine light furnished to him; disregarding his own feelings. And not only is Jacob here moving under the direction of his father and mother as blessed, but he had the knowledge that his mother undertook all the penalty attaching to his deception; he had the thought of a parent suffering in his stead. She had had a transaction with God about Jacob, as godly parents have about their children, and she said, "On me be thy curse, my son!" And now he is moving under the direction of Isaac and Rebekah. He begins at Beer-

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sheba, which is a very fine place to start from, as suggesting the faithfulness of God. Whatever your failings, God is unchanged, God is faithful. To the refractory Corinthians, "God is faithful" is said three times (1 Corinthians 1:9, 10:13; 2 Corinthians 1:18), for God would cover the heads of the young lest they might be despondent over their state. The time comes when you can look with confidence within and take account of the work of God in you, but earlier you have to rely on light as to God.

So Jacob arrives here and takes a stone for a pillow; it belonged to the place, that is a point to notice; God is going to deal with Jacob in connection with this experience; this place and this stone are never to be lost sight of. There is apparent hardness in this experience, this stone, but it is your own selection, you may say. God allows you to do this, and then He holds you to it and shows you that after all you made no mistake. What you may have thought a mistake and what occasioned you hard experiences was under God's ordering and God's will. Of His will you are in the path of obedience, and the first great impression of the house of God that you get is connected with a journey and such an experience as this. He made a stone a pillow for his head. The sun had set and he spent the night there, an experience that was never to be forgotten; here "the mighty God of Jacob" appeared to him. He is in heaven above and Jacob is lying on the earth; heaven is engaged with Jacob, and a ladder is set up on the earth reaching up into heaven. There is one man lying there alone, to the rest of mankind very little known, but heaven is looking down on him, God is there and the angels of God ascending, for they began at the bottom of the ladder. Love begins with God, and love shows itself where it is needed, and it was needed there. Jacob needed it particularly then -- a lonely traveller, behind him the hatred of his brother. He needed such consolation. Doubtless he did not

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expect it, but God loves to surprise us -- love would surprise us -- and the angels were ascending on the ladder, as though they would convey to Jacob that they are communicating to heaven everything that love would wish heaven to know; not that heaven did not know, but God would have him to know that it knew. There was a means of communication between God and Jacob, that he is now learning. It is a time of hard experience and God is coming in in the hardness, and the very hardness is to be a monument. He takes the stone that was his pillow and sets it up for a pillar and pours oil upon the top of it. He has the mind of God in a measure, and this stone set up and anointed is a testimony to this. What is of God is to be anointed. If it has proved effective in my soul it will prove effective in another.

The anointing implies that the experience is not to be exclusively mine, I am not to be selfish about it. There are those who get light and are not anointed. They do not pass it on. The idea of anointing is that the experience from God characterizing you is made available to others; others see it and get the good of it. The stone would be the house of God; Jacob calls the place Bethel. You see what an impression he obtained through this experience. I hope that we may get into our souls the value of divine impressions, and that we may not be selfish, as to them. They belong to others. That stone stood for twenty years anointed on the top of it.

In order to complete this thought I will go on to chapter 35 to show how he has advanced. I do not think he had advanced very much for the number of the years. Many of these days were spent without much profit spiritually, but the Spirit of God gives us a paragraph in chapter 35, verses 9 - 15, to show the result of the twenty years. You will observe in the verses I read that it stands by itself, it includes what happened at Peniel, seen in chapter 32. It is

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the Spirit of God putting together the result of the twenty years. God loves to write up His people, to write up their histories. The paragraph begins with God appearing to him after he came out of Padan-aram, as though He would confirm and consolidate in his soul the result of this experience. That is what God does for us. Nothing must be lost and the consolidation fixes it so that it is part of us for ever. He appeared to Jacob after he came out of Padan-aram, and said, "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not henceforth be called Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name". Now he is regarded as spiritual; his name is Israel, that is to say, he has made headway in his soul; he is now in Bethel again. It includes chapter 32, although in that chapter God withheld His own name; but now in Bethel He tells Jacob His name, as though God would say, You have now come into My house suitably and so intelligently, I can disclose My name to you. God had told him to "go up to Bethel and dwell there". He knows how to go; he buries the idols; he is in the house now under divine direction and in intelligence. He is no more Jacob; he is an Israel; God has ennobled him, He has made him suitable for His house. Who of us is suitable for the house of God naturally? None. We do not know how to behave ourselves in it naturally. We have to be ennobled to be in it according to God. We do not sit down together in the smallness of the flesh; we do not sit down in legality, but as ennobled, in divine order, in submission; we are there as sons of God.

God reveals His name to Jacob, and that is what I would stress. He says, "I am God Almighty". He is no longer on the top of the ladder in heaven. He is standing by Jacob. What grace! Now we have the full idea of the house; it is no longer that of a mere stone, but a man in Bethel, there according to God, who is talking with him: "And God went

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up from him in the place where he had talked with him"; where the feet of Jehovah rested. Hallowed spot! how blessed such a spot as that, where the feet of Jehovah rested, where He talked with Jacob! That is the full idea, and instead of a stone for a pillar, it is "a pillar of stone". It denotes the full progress of Jacob. It is not something that is to pass away in a moment, it is a permanent thing, and a drink offering is poured upon it. Jacob understands that God is pleased with him. Blessed realization! I do not know of anything more to be commended to the young people than that. We are very apt to be pleased with ourselves, but how much do we think of God being pleased with us? It leads up to our realization of the joy of being accepted in the Beloved, that we are pleasurable to God in Christ. The drink offering signifies what satisfies God, as I may say, what refreshes Him; and surely that is the thing that ought to be before each of us, dear brethren, to be in the house of God as ennobled by Him, and in the intelligence of our souls as Israels, as princes with God, to minister refreshment to Him.

I come now to Genesis 29 briefly to show how in the idea of the stone on the well's mouth you have another thing. We should note the energy of Jacob. You may say he is anointed, for who could deny that there was some dignity in him as he moved out of Bethel. The scripture says, "Jacob continued his journey"; the original, I think, is that he "lifted up his feet", there was a spring. It was a question of a foot journey and there was spring in him, and he went "into the land of the children of the east". It was a long way, but there must have been faith; although the drink offering was not there in chapter 28, the oil was there; the sense that was with him of a wonderful experience with God, that no one else had had; that God was with him and would bring him back. He looks around as he gets to Haran. Another

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point for young people, have your eyes open to see. The Scriptures are full of precious things strewn there by the Spirit if only our eyes are open to see. A feature of a man of faith is the power to look around and see what is of God. He looked and he saw a well. It was no accident, there was a well, and three flocks of sheep were lying by it. What an open book that is to faith! But there was a great stone on the well.

Now you see he is in the presence of a difficulty. One might say much about the great stone, it undoubtedly refers to the judgment of God. The well was there, the water was there -- the system of grace beginning with Hagar, that was the first well -- but there was a heavy stone on it. That is now the test, what will he do with this stone? It means sacrifice now. He had made no engagement as to this with God at Bethel; this is a new matter. He knows the water is there, the flocks are lying by it, but, for the moment, he does not do anything. He asks, "My brethren, whence are ye?" That is the thing you want to know, who people are if you are going to serve them. As it was said to Hagar earlier, "whence camest thou? and whither wilt thou go?" You find this throughout Scripture, an inquiry as to whence people are. It is important to know this, if you are to serve them. They knew Laban, they tell Jacob, but yet he does not roll away the stone. He says, "Lo, it is yet high day, ... water ye the sheep". Why should they wait? It was really the Old Testament position, a position of limitation. There was virtue there; there was grace there, but there was the stone and who could roll it away? These flocks were needing water earlier than others, why should there be anything hindering them? He discerns the position at once; that is to say, he is anointed and has intelligence, and he is bringing his intelligence into activity, but he does not do what is needed.

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We need more than speaking, we need power; and with Jacob power came into action when he "saw Rachel ... and the sheep of Laban his mother's brother". Now you see there is a motive. Much might be said on this, but I am dwelling upon one thing, the anointed man, the man who has had to do with God only a little way back, but he has recognized the idea of anointing, and he has to convey to others what he has got; but he is not moved to action until he sees Rachel. That is love. We are to serve by love, not simply by light. He had light, he could speak to others about what they should do, but what is he doing? Only as he sees Rachel and the flocks of Laban does he rise and roll away the stone. One might make much of Rachel as a type of Israel; she was an object for Jacob's affections, and hence as he sees her he is moved to serve. There is now more than the anointing, more than light; there was affection and he rolled away the stone. How much that is needed now! Working by love is that you will not allow any impediment to prevent those you love receiving the blessing of God. He does not put the stone back, though that was the custom. I have no doubt he is here a type of Christ, as removing permanently what hindered the blessing of God flowing out; but I am thinking of how we are to serve by love, Christ's service to the assembly being the example. The suggestion is that there is an object for our affections. It is said that Jacob served for a wife. He rolled away the stone and watered the sheep of Laban, his mother's brother. He served by love in rolling away the stone and watering the sheep.

Now I wanted to speak about the witness in Galeed, and it brings out a state of things that I am afraid often exists among the people of God, often with those of us who have light. He was now moving back to Canaan to his father, according to the word of God. He is leaving Laban now. He is not now thinking

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of Laban's flock, his love has waned; trouble has arisen. In other words, brethren have gone on well for a while, love has been active, but the time comes when we agree to differ; agree to be absent one from the other; one of the most pernicious principles of the flesh. The supreme idea in the epistle to the Ephesians is that in all lowliness we are to endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace, the uniting bond.

Now here is "a heap of stones". He asks them to gather the stones, and they make a heap of stones and eat upon the heap. It is very nice to see brethren eating together, it is the appointed way in the Lord's supper that we should eat together, and drink together; it is the divinely appointed way of keeping us together, of keeping Christ in our hearts. But here are people eating and drinking in order to separate, as about to separate. They are not to live at war with one another, it is simply that they agree to differ, a most pernicious principle, whether we speak it or act it, it is contrary to the mind of God. Why should a thing be left in abeyance? If it is right, it is right, why cannot I see that it is right as others do, instead of eating upon a heap of stones? It may have seemed nice to agree not to have war, we do not want open division, but there may be cleavage without open division, and if there is cleavage there is room for Satan. Satan has a footing, and he will not be content with a footing, he will seek more than cleavage.

I dwell on this, that they eat on a heap of stones. They were pious in it, they say, "The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another", but we never read of Jacob visiting Laban again. As a matter of fact, love had gone, the love that was there, the interest that was there when he watered the flock of Laban in the presence of Rachel had gone; now there is nothing left but

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this heap of stones. I do not deny that there may be something in it, the preservation from war, they were not to pass that heap of stones. But then there was the want of love, it is a poor state of things that we should settle down to eat on a heap of stones, and then say, "The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another". Why should we be absent from one another? The whole trouble among the people of God arises from being absent from one another. Christianity means presence, the Lord's supper implies this. The Lord is absent, we know, but the Lord's supper is to bring Him in. The saints are together in love and the Lord is brought in through our remembrance of Him; that is the idea of it.

Now I proceed to the last scripture, where you have "the stone of Israel". Jacob is now touching a high level, as blessing Joseph. Here he is occupied in blessing Joseph with his other sons. In spite of their history, they are all blessed. A most encouraging thing, that in spite of the terrible things that have to be said, the twelve are all blessed; quite in keeping with the faithfulness of God. The same thing is seen in the history of the assembly, but the Holy Spirit would lead us up to the plane of Joseph, that is to say, Christ as separated from His brethren. He now sees Him as a fruitful bough by a well. That is what God would bring us into; He would lift us up into the full thought of Christ, that there may be the maintenance of the dispensation characteristically. That is what is presented in Joseph; Exodus opens up the administration of that. The fruitful bough by the well whose branches run over the wall; that is the fruitfulness of Christ. And then His sufferings; the awful opposition to Christ. "The archers ... shot at him".

It is well to face these things, for it is the present position. I am speaking now to the elder brethren,

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the opposition of the present time is to Christ, as typified in Joseph; what we see in Joseph involves the truth of the epistle to the Ephesians. Ephesians is on the same level as the gospels, that is, the saints are brought to see the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. That is the idea; so that you see the whole position, the fulness of the dispensation in Christ. But it is necessary that we should bear in mind the relentless opposition that there is to Christ. "The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him: but his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of mighty God of Jacob". That is the position today, and so it says, "from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel". We have come to see Christ from this point of view; we have come to see Him in His eternal permanence; He is the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel. The New Testament opens that up, how He is the Stone which the builders rejected, and He is made the Head of the corner. That is Ephesians, "Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone" (chapter 2:20). It is the top stone, not simply the foundation, for Ephesians is the top stone, the adorning, binding stone, Christ is all and in everything.

I trust God will bless these thoughts to us that we may all be in the full light of Christ as the Head of the corner.

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Romans 5:5 - 8; Romans 8:14,15

J.T. I thought we might consider the Holy Spirit in relation to the assembly as convened, and these scriptures suggest what is in mind. Romans scarcely contemplates the assembly as convened, but lays the basis for it. As apprehending Romans we sit down together, understanding how the Spirit acts, first operating in our hearts so as to bring the sense of what God and Christ are to us, and then operating in us Godward; chapter 8 says: "as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God", and, "ye have received a spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father" (verses 14,15). This should be intelligible to each one of us, and as sitting down together, knowing what the Spirit is to us severally, we give place to Him and He operates collectively.

W.F. The love of God is referred to in relation to the death of Christ in chapter 5, as shed abroad in our hearts by the Spirit.

J.T. The Spirit operates in that connection in the commendation of God's love to us, "in that, we being still sinners, Christ has died for us" (chapter 5:8). That enters into the Lord's supper.

W.F. It found perfect expression in the death of Christ for us. The Spirit brings it to us as a present living reality.

J.T. That is what I thought might come before us. The Spirit is now the medium of heaven's intervention, as angels were very largely in Old Testament conditions. The incoming of heavenly and divine impressions is therefore much more intimate in us. The operations in us are by a divine Person. Angels

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could never be so regarded; they were always objective.

E.T.S. The verse you quoted, "in that, while we were yet sinners". Is that to enhance the love?

J.T. It is not so much to call attention to us as sinners, but to enhance love: "Christ died for us" in spite of our being sinners.

F.W.B. With reference to the Spirit in chapters 5 and 8, do you suggest that in chapter 5 it is what He does in us, and in chapter 8 the response that is produced in our hearts?

J.T. Yes. He operates according to chapter 5 to bring in God and Christ; in 1 Corinthians Christ is seen in the bread, and God in the cup. The emblems are objective, for our eyes; but what they mean, that is, love, is in us, so that what is presented becomes very tangible and real.

F.W.B. The love of God is not only seen in the cup, but it is in our hearts.

J.T. Exactly. If an angel brought the testimony to you it would be objective, but what is in the Lord's supper is already in our hearts, and the Spirit impresses us with it more when we are together than at any other time. These two scriptures indicate the two parts, as we may call them, of the assembly in function, the Holy Spirit being present in both. Spiritual intelligence enables us to understand this position and to make room for Him.

E.T.S. So that He is active right from the commencement of the meeting.

J.T. Yes. The Lord says that the Spirit will be with us always. "He abides with you, and shall be in you", and again, "that he may be with you for ever", (John 14:16,17). There is to be no cessation of His presence here; and He is in us, serving each in his individual capacity, but as soon as we sit down together in assembly, He serves collectively. The individual part merges, so that we say, "we

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... have all been given to drink of one Spirit" (1 Corinthians 12:13), and there is conscious unity.

J.T.S. Would this be covered by the Lord's word, "It is profitable for you that I go away" (John 16:7), His going away being in view of sending another Comforter?

J.T. Yes, that enters into this side of the truth. According to the Lord's words, His own presence here corporeally could not be what the presence of the Holy Spirit is. The Holy Spirit has never become incarnate; the mode of His presence is in the saints and is universal, wherever the saints may be, distance having nothing to do with it. When we are together in assembly there is that in which He moves and in which He operates in a peculiar way, according to the principles that govern the position; that is, He operates saintward and Godward, just as the Lord did here. The Lord operated here manward -- or saintward -- and then He took up a Godward attitude amongst His own. All that is proper to the assembly is to be learnt from the Lord by teaching and example, but if the Spirit is to set an example before us now, He takes up one of the saints. He moves according to the teaching of the Lord, according to what He hears, and what came out in the life of the Lord here both before and after His death. What came out before His death enters into the order of the assembly, but what came out after He arose, during the forty days, has to do mainly with the assembly Godward, being the wholly spiritual side. I think the Holy Spirit moves according to the teaching and example of the Lord.

W.F. In the Lord's supper it is for us, "my body which is for you" (1 Corinthians 11:24). That would correspond to what is from God and Christ toward us as in this chapter.

F.W.B. You speak about the service of the Spirit in the assembly, have we not rather thought of the service of Christ in the assembly?

J.T. The service of Christ must be mediately

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inasmuch as He is not here corporeally; if He were here, it would be by Himself directly; but in that He has gone up to heaven, the service is rendered mediately, and the Holy Spirit is the medium. If the saints are conversant with or conscious of the Spirit in their individual capacities, how He serves them, they make room for the greater thing, collective or assembly service; so that the Spirit's service is not new to a christian who as coming into the assembly, takes his place in a wider domain.

F.W.B. Do we get an example of His service in Christ Himself when here? The Lord says, "the Father ... will give you another Comforter" (John 14:16) -- meaning another like Himself.

J.T. One that should take up all that the Lord said, and all that He was, and impress the saints with it. Whatever the Lord said, the Spirit would bring to their remembrance, so that He brings Christ in livingly.

W.J. It says in Acts 1:4, He "being assembled with them".

J.T. What the Lord was amongst His own in resurrection before He ascended, has to do with the spiritual side of the assembly; and so in Acts 1 He assembled with them; that would come into effect by the Spirit now. There is really no difficulty, if we are spiritual, in seeing the idea of personification -- one divine Person being personified in Another. Divine Persons being what we know them to be in revelation, we can see how they impersonate One Another, and so it is the Lord, though it be in a mediate service; it is none less than Himself. We read in Judges 6:11, that "an angel of Jehovah came and sat under the terebinth"; he is acting as a medium, for presently it is Jehovah who speaks; Jehovah is there. We cannot say how that came about, but we can see the possibility of it, an angel being a spirit. "God is a spirit", and in Hebrews 1:14

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we read, "Are they not all ministering spirits?" What greater ministry could they render than that of becoming a medium for Jehovah to draw near to His people?

F.W.B. So that whenever we assemble together and leave room for the Spirit we leave room for One who is already here.

J.T. One who is well known to us, in us and with us; so that the saints should be conversant with Him.

C.S.S. "He shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you", (John 16:14).

J.T. He takes of Christ and His things, but then the Lord comes in Himself. One divine Person being here, Another can come in, so we know that it is the Lord. How to distinguish the Lord from the Spirit is of course a matter of keen spiritual discernment enabling us to say, "it is the Lord".

J.F.S. Is it your thought that if we leave room for the Spirit and if conditions are there, He will give us the mind of God for the moment, in the company thus gathered?

J.T. He will give more than His mind; the Lord is there. The angel could speak to Gideon and convey the mind of Jehovah to him, but then the Lord, or Jehovah, looked on Gideon. It was more than an angel, the Lord was there.

Ques. Is it "where two or three are gathered together unto my name, there am I in the midst of them"? (Matthew 18:20).

J.T. It is alluded to there, but that is hardly the saints in assembly. The assembly is spoken of earlier in Matthew 18 as a greater thought.

L.D.M. When there is the apprehension of the Lord, is that the spiritual side of the assembly -- Christ coming in as Head?

J.T. Yes, He comes in Himself, so that He says, "it is I myself. Handle me and see", (Luke 24:39). Then the position is changing. But what ought to be noted is that the idea of the covenant is a very great one,

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and whilst the Lord is taking His place as Head, He would give full scope for what we have here, -- the love of God. The full bearing of the covenant in the assembly has the effect of setting the saints free; and I think scope should be given for that as we may discern it is the Lord, for He is the Mediator of the covenant; "the Lord is the Spirit", (2 Corinthians 3:17). That is the Spirit which quickens, "not of letter, but of spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit quickens" (verse 6); and then, "the Lord is the Spirit, but where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty". Thus the saints are enlarged; there is then more room for the working out of what the assembly is Godward.

J.T.S. Does the expression, "the Lord the Spirit" (2 Corinthians 3:18), become intelligible to us in the light of what you are saying as to the covenant?

J.T. It does; perhaps it has not been intelligible. The passage begins, "God ... has also made us competent, as ministers of the new covenant; not of letter, but of spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit quickens". Then there is a long parenthesis which unfolds the superiority of the new covenant ministry as compared with the old, and the Spirit is brought into it. It is called, "the ministry of the Spirit" (verse 8), and it "abounds in glory" (verse 9), then, after the parenthesis, it says, "the Lord is the Spirit".

J.C. Do you mean to say it is not exactly the Holy Spirit, though it could not be apart from Him, but the Spirit of the Lord Himself?

J.T. The parenthesis brings in the Spirit too; it is "the ministry of the Spirit". In the New Translation that word is written with a capital, alluding to the Holy Spirit, showing how intimately divine Persons are linked together, and when it says, "the Lord is the Spirit" in that connection, you cannot shut out the Holy Spirit personally, but it is the Lord. This is not in assembly, but applying it to the assembly it will be seen that it is not yet the time for addressing the

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Father, but it is time to make room for the Lord, in the light that He is the Spirit. There is an intimate connection between the Lord and the Spirit, but the Lord is said to be the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. That makes room for proper assembly service Godward, and produces the liberty for such service.

E.T.S. Yet that very liberty would enable us, if the Lord so led, to dwell longer on the covenant side of things.

J.T. I think so. The whole of 2 Corinthians 3 has to do with the ministry of the covenant, which really means that the Lord is making it effective in our hearts. The way in which He does that now, is obviously by the Spirit; He is not here personally. While He was here He spoke of the new covenant; but having gone away He now makes it effective in our hearts by the Spirit, and hence the interchangeableness of "the Spirit" for "the Lord", and then also the reference to the Spirit Himself.

F.W.B. Do I understand that as Lord here in 2 Corinthians 3 He ministers to our hearts the terms of that covenant, but that He does it by the Spirit?

J.T. Yes, and the term "the Lord" intimates that He is doing it authoritatively, which is necessary. Everyone of us would recognize the necessity for that, we being what we are with the flesh in us; but it is the authority exercised in liberty, for "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty".

Rem. "The Lord direct your hearts into the love of God", (2 Thessalonians 3:5).

J.T. That is an allusion to it. The point is that He is effectuating the covenant, and if authority is brought in, it is to enforce it.

Rem. The Spirit makes divine love a living present reality in the heart, not only as something that took effect nineteen hundred years ago.

J.T. Yes, and it is the Lord using His authority

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if necessary, but in relation to that end. It is not a question of the kingdom, but of effectuating the covenant, which follows the kingdom. It is not the kingdom, although He is Lord there, but it is a transition from the kingdom to the assembly. Authority is always necessary for teaching.

The cup is in view; it comes second in order of institution, but it comes first in relation to public position and conduct; that is to enforce our obligations to one another in connection with the death of Christ, according to 1 Corinthians 10.

J.A. I would like a word about John 14:18 where the Lord after having promised the Spirit says, "I am coming to you".

J.T. That fits in with what we are saying. The Lord has a medium now, in the Spirit. That comes in after His saying, "I will beg the Father, and he will give you another Comforter" (verse 16). It is understandable that apart from the presence of the Holy Spirit here, there could be no coming, save in an angelic way as in the Old Testament.

A.F.G. We are dependent on the Spirit for the effectuation of the covenant in our hearts?

J.T. We are dependent on the Spirit, with all the authority of the Lord; so that whilst the medium is the Spirit, yet the sense of authority is there, and that is the Lord.

L.D.M. Does that involve subjection in order to make room for the Spirit in His operations?

J.T. We are made to feel the necessity for the authority, that the love of God may be made effective in our hearts.

E.T.S. Will you say another word as to the Lord coming to us? It may be a mystical idea with some of us.

J.T. If another Comforter is here -- (the word as we know is "Paraclete", which means one beside us who would take up all our affairs), we can understand how "the Lord the Spirit" would make way for the

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Lord, for He is by us to serve us; that is the force of the word. If He is right by us, it is to serve us. He will do His best for us; and what greater service could there be than to make way for the Lord? He takes care of our affairs to that end; but then the Lord can come in through the Paraclete as the medium.

Rem. Does that need perception? Gideon perceived he had seen an angel of the Lord, but he said, "Lord Jehovah" (Judges 6:22).

J.T. Yes; he discerned Jehovah was there, and he offered to Him.

E.B.G. Would the thought of the love of God being shed abroad in our hearts, give some idea of the wonderful wealth available in connection with this line of thought, "shed abroad" indicating the lavish character of the operations?

J.T. Yes; it prepares the way; Romans is foundational in everything. How important it is for young christians to know the action of the Spirit in their own hearts, giving them to know that God loves them! In having that knowledge they have the principle that goes right through, and if the Spirit is making them to know that God loves them, He would have them to know that God desires to come into their hearts. The Spirit's work also would produce conditions in their hearts for God to come in; and when the saints are together in assembly that would be His particular service. He effects true conditions collectively for the coming in of both the Son and the Father, because both come in, according to John 14:21,23.

L.D.M. When you speak of God coming into our hearts, do you mean in assembly?

J.T. Normally, every christian has some sense that God loves him and will come to him. It is in the assembly that it is fully realized.

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L.D.M. Does the "love of God ... shed abroad in the heart", involve the gift of the Spirit?

J.T. It does; and it is important to see that the Spirit would make full room for the covenant; not only what the Lord is to us in the bread, but what God is to us in the covenant; because the covenant is between God and us, not between the Lord and us. The service the Lord would render would be to make effective what God is to us. As gathered together we would be led to make room for that. In Mark 14:23 it is said that the Lord gave thanks for the cup, "and they all drank out of it". Then the Lord speaks of certain things before they sing a hymn, and after He had spoken these things, they go to the mount of Olives. There is a difference in that respect in Mark's account from all the others. The Lord and the disciples do not go to the mount of Olives immediately, but certain remarks on the covenant intervene, also the hymn. The passage reads, "And having taken the cup, when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank out of it". That is what we had here this morning, the cup being large, so that many saints were able to drink out of it -- one cup. "They all drank out of it", not simply what was in it, but "out of it". Then verses 24 and 25 read, "he said to them, This is my blood, that of the new covenant, that shed for many. Verily I say to you, I will no more drink at all of the fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God".

That intervenes between the drinking, and the singing of the hymn. It has to do with the covenant; the Lord's remarks have to do with that. Then it says, "having sung a hymn, they went out to the mount of Olives" (verse 26). I mention that because I think it helps us as to what immediately follows the drinking of the cup; we see that room is made for a further thought

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as to the covenant; there is thus the suggestion of affording room for it after the breaking of bread.

E.B.G. Will you enlarge a little on the thought of the covenant? It has been alluded to several times: what is presented in the further thought which you mentioned?

J.T. It is remarkable how much is made of the covenant in Scripture. It is from the divine side; God engaging Himself to do certain things from His own side, and all for the good of those in regard of whom the covenant is made. You have the covenants made with Adam, Noah and Abraham; and then the great covenant with Israel to which they engaged themselves. In connection with that covenant you have the shining of the glory in the face of a man, that is, in the face of Moses. That is new to the thought; it has to do with the shining out of what God is. It is a question of what He is, and what He wishes you to know of Him. So that in the type the movement in Israel, which enters into the assembly now, from the standpoint of Exodus, is not the leading by the ark of the covenant, but by the glory -- that is, by the cloud; and I believe that is where the saints need help, to see the shining out of what God is, in the cup, and that is where real movement begins in the assembly; the glory leads us. "We all, looking on the glory of the Lord with unveiled face, are transformed according to the same image from glory to glory", 2 Corinthians 3:18.

It is the Lord viewed as effectuating the covenant; not yet the ark of the covenant, but the Lord as effectuating the covenant, making God known. That thought of the glory leading in the Old Testament, helps us as to the new covenant. Whilst "new" is in contrast to "old", yet the old is a type of it; there is instruction in the old as to the new, which is not repeated. While the old is done away, as it says, the teaching in it is not done away; that

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must stand. There is nothing lost. So the new covenant is consummated, as it says in Hebrews 8:8, quoting from Jeremiah, "as regards the house of Israel, and as regards the house of Juda", and it is on the basis of forgiveness: "their sins and their lawlessnesses I will never remember any more" (verse 12). They are out of the way, they do not stand in the way of my enjoying God; and He says that He will put His laws into their mind, and write them upon their hearts; it is teaching as to what God is. The saints will be intelligently and heartily subject. God's law will be, as it were, part of them and so will characterize them.

E.B.G. Was it in your mind that Mark 14:24,25 leaves room for that disclosure, as connected with the covenant and teaching, before reaching this point of singing a hymn and going to the mount of Olives?

J.T. Yes. The covenant is so important that in Hebrews 8:1,2 where we have it stated that "We have such a one high priest ... minister of the holy places and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord has pitched, and not man", the writer opens out the thought of the covenant, continuing to speak of it up to the middle of chapter 10. That gives us an understanding of the importance of it, so that the saints might be set free as regards the sanctuary. It is possible that all are not so free about God in their souls, as may be thought. We may be doctrinally correct, but are we so free in our souls that God is attractive to us, that we have no fear, and so we draw near to Him?

J.T.S. Would the effect of the covenant be to set us free with God in holy liberty? and would that lead on to "let us approach"?

J.T. That is the point. When the writer has established the thought of the Minister of the sanctuary, and of a great Priest over the house of God, he turns to the covenant in Hebrews 8 and

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pursues the subject to chapter 10:18. That shows how important it is. Then he says to us, "Let us draw near" (verse 22).

F.I. Would it take in in chapter 8 the more excellent ministry, because He is the Mediator of the better covenant?

J.T. Quite so; that shows the quality of the ministry we have. Why should we not be free with God? All His covenants have in mind that men should be free with Him.

J.F.S. If that is not so does it mean that we are not in the full good of the gospel?

J.T. That is just what it does mean. Hebrews is a very elementary epistle because the saints were hesitating, tending to go back. The great space given to the covenant shows how much that is needed today, because we are living in similar days, and God would set us free so that He might be attractive to us. That is what comes in after the Supper, and the Holy Spirit would impress it upon our hearts, so that there would be no impediment to drawing near, and giving full scope for the Holy Spirit to enable us to worship the Father.

L.D.M. Is that what you had in mind in speaking of the "precious things" in Deuteronomy 33? Being free from moral questions, we might go further.

J.T. I think an understanding of the place Joseph obtains in that chapter, would help us in drawing near to God; the "preciousness" is toward us (1 Peter 2:7).

Ques. Speaking of Mark, would you say the hymn would be in relation to the covenant?

J.T. I think it is the outcome of it. "Having sung a hymn"; possibly one of the "Hallel" psalms, would mean that Jehovah would get a greater place with them than He had before. The Lord Himself would bring into the hearts of the disciples a thought of Jehovah that they never had before. They sang it,

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and that "they went out" is to be noted. They were set free to do this.

Ques. You mentioned that after the disciples had drunk out of the cup the Lord said something further to them. Had you in mind that we should be prepared for the Lord to speak to us thus, immediately after partaking of the elements?

J.T. Exactly. You can understand Peter saying, as one inquired of him as to the last passover: We had a blessed time. We had been with the Lord before, and He had assembled with us, but this was an unusual time. You can understand how all that the Lord was from Jehovah's side would enter into that occasion; and they would be specially affected by it. They all drank out of one cup. Paul says, "we ... have been all made to drink into one Spirit" (1 Corinthians 12:13). This keeps us together as satisfied. In the Lord's supper we enter into that in a practical way.

F.I. Would you gather from Mark, that a word might precede the movement towards the point of ascension? The Lord spoke, then they sang a hymn, and went to the mount of Olives. The word precedes the ascending movement.

J.T. I think so; it is a transitional period, however short or long it may be, according to the state of the saints. That is why we should be spiritual and not rigid in the assembly; it depends on the state of the saints. If the Holy Spirit sees it necessary to dwell longer on the covenant, give Him scope; but after you have reached "Abba, Father" do not go back to the covenant. I do not mean the formal word, but the saying "Abba, Father" by the Spirit. If "Abba, Father" is said in spiritual power, then we have moved on. Do not go back to the covenant again, because the Holy Spirit has led us on; the Lord as Head through Him has led us on.

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F.I. Would you link Romans 8:14 with this point of the mount of Olives?

J.T. I would. It is now a question of the sons of God. You do not get that in chapter 5, for there it is the shedding abroad of the love of God in our hearts. Here it is those led by the Spirit. If I am led by the Spirit, I say "Abba, Father".

F.W.B. Just a question about giving a word. While you would be open for this, you would not lay down a rule that there must be one, would you?

J.T. No; we must not get into ruts; the assembly is a place of spiritual intelligence, where the Holy Spirit is, and if He has His place He will not let us fall into ruts.

E.B.G. What is set forth in the covenant is inexhaustible; fresh thoughts are constantly brought before us, so that in paying attention to what the Lord has to say to us we should be intelligent as to every movement in connection with it.

J.T. That is the way it stands: "as many as are led by the Spirit of God". If a brother says, "Abba Father" or "Father" -- if he speaks in power to the Father, that is where the Spirit has led. I want to be among the sons; if the Spirit is leading I am prepared to be led by Him; and I will not be diverted from that.

F.A.D. Having reached the objective you do not go back to the means by which you arrived there.

J.T. Quite so. You are on a higher level. We are often brought down by a hymn to the Lord after the Spirit of adoption has said "Abba, Father", and continue indefinite in consequence. The way we are diverted is at times very humbling.

It is because we are not intelligent as to the light that governs each position. If the Father is spoken to in the power of the Spirit, there is a lead; and the sons will come into evidence.

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A.H.G. Might there be a word in keeping with the ascending line?

J.T. Yes, if a spiritual person is present, he will seek to stem the diversion, and bring the saints on to the right line.

L.D.M. Would Hebrews 8:2, "the true tabernacle, which the Lord has pitched", have a bearing on what you are saying as to going on? I was thinking of the retrograde movement that sometimes marks us. The Lord would help us to go on, it is His matter. If there is subjection we should be helped.

J.T. Just so, and the ordering of the service in the type helps, too; the day of atonement, for instance; see how orderly it is, yet it is not arbitrary. Then under Solomon, when the ark is brought in, the order is right; at the end even the priests do not minister, as though God would say, I want the entire place wholly for Myself. Nothing can be greater than the thought that God should be all in all. If we are spiritual, we are able to anticipate that as in assembly: God all in all.

E.B.G. What is the thought of going to the mount of Olives? You mentioned going on to the thought of God being all in all. Would that lie beyond the mount of Olives?

J.T. Yes it would; the mount of Olives is elevation by the Spirit.

J.C. If we are conscious that the Lord has led beyond the Supper, and the saints are addressing the Father, you would scarcely expect that the Lord would lead in giving a hymn to Himself.

J.T. No, the brother who does it is not intelligent as to the light governing the position.

J.T.S. Is the elevation of which you speak in keeping with the Lord's word "I ascend" (John 20:17)?

J.T. Yes. It was said derisively to Elisha, "Go up, bald head!" (2 Kings 2:23). The ascending line was, however, already there, it was the time of going

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up, the light that had come in was of a man (Elijah) going up.

E.T.S. Is that why it says, "my Father and your Father", and then, "my God and your God" (John 20:17)?

J.T. I think "the Father" suggests the family or most intimate side. God is the final thought; "that God may be all in all".

E.T.S. We were speaking earlier of the love of God as being connected with the covenant before the ascending, and I wondered as to "God" coming in again in the Lord's message to His disciples.

J.T. We have to read the Scriptures contextually. Sometimes God is presented as the covenant God, which does not convey the thought of "from eternity to eternity". The covenant is to set the hearts of God's people free for Himself now. There is no need for that in eternity; there it is. God as the source of all, and the end of all -- "of him, and through him, and for him are all things", (Romans 11:36).

E.T.S. One is relative to us and our conditions, but the other is absolute.

J.T. Yes, absolute in the sense of His being the source of everything, and the end of everything.

W.F. Is that the thought in Ephesians 1:3: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ"?

J.T. The Father is presented first in John 20:17 to bring in the family side of the relationship, which is the most intimate. "God" is a greater thought in one sense, because He is the end of everything: "of him, and through him, and for him are all things: to him be glory for ever. Amen", (Romans 11:36). Everything must go back to God. The Lord coming out as the Mediator, would bring all back to God. He must be the end of everything.

F.A.D. The psalmist could say, "God my exceeding joy" (Psalm 43:4), but he did not know Him as Father.

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J.T. I think the Father coming first would prepare us for the great thought of God being the end of everything.

E.M. We speak a good deal about our being sons of God, but say very little about our being heirs of God. Could you help us as to that?

J.T. That is important, "heirs also: heirs of God", (Romans 8:17). What a portion it is to be heirs of God! We come in for all that He is, as revealed. As sons of God, we are heirs. Read Galatians 4:4,7: "When the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, come of woman, come under law, that he might redeem those under law, that we might receive sonship. But because ye are sons, God has sent out the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father. So thou art no longer bondman, but son; but if son, heir also through God".

The heir is connected with the son there. It is a very great thought. The point of it is to take the Galatian saints, and ourselves, out of a legal setting and bring us all into the relationship of sons, heirs of God, which is an immense thought. Heirs of all that has come out from and of God. Of course, Christ is the Heir. As we read, "This is the heir; come, let us kill him", (Matthew 21:38). We are heirs of God with Christ. All that God is in revelation is involved in the inheritance. The thought of heirship is of the utmost importance, as it is so immense in its bearing. The children and sons are heirs. If I am a son, then it is obvious that I am an heir; "if son, heir also".

L.D.M. Would the thought of children in Romans involve a new generation, freeing us from the world system?

J.T. Yes. "The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are children of God", (Romans 8:16).

Ques. Would heirship have to do with the heading up of all things in Christ, things in heaven and things

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on earth, even in Him in whom we have obtained an inheritance?

J.T. Yes, the assembly shares all with Christ. It is all very wonderful, and liberating, too! How we are rendered independent! What can be greater than being an heir of God!

W.F. In Hebrews 1:1,2 it says, "God ... has spoken to us in the person of the Son, whom he has established heir of all things".

J.T. Yes. Of course there is a fulness in His heirship peculiar to itself.

W.F. "The called" are said to receive "the promise of the eternal inheritance", (Hebrews 9:15).

J.T. How important it is to let the Holy Spirit have full scope in the assembly to lead us consciously into all this! We move on gladly and freely, as led by the Spirit. Those led by the Spirit are sons of God characteristically.

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1 Thessalonians 1:7,8; Numbers 10:1 - 10; Numbers 31:5,6

J.T. I have in mind the sounding out of the testimony, and these verses in 1 Thessalonians show what is meant in the sounding out, and how it marked the early christians, especially these young ones. They furnish us with the thought in the New Testament, and then the verses in the Old Testament serve to show how it works out. The thought of the sounding out of the testimony began early. It is not only that we speak often one to another, as we do, but there is a sound. There was the sound of the trumpet at Sinai, and at Jericho, and on many other occasions in the Old Testament. Then at Pentecost there was a sound from heaven as the Holy Spirit came down. So that the Lord would perhaps use these scriptures, and what we may have to say on them, to stir up the brethren as to sounding out the testimony; as it says here, "the word of the Lord sounded out from you". There is the general thought, and then the kind of vessels or instruments to be used. There were two kinds in the Old Testament, there were the trumpets of horns and those made of silver, as in this chapter in Numbers, the latter being formally prescribed to furnish us with instruction as to what is required in public testimony. According to the New Translation, they were beaten: "of beaten work shalt thou make them"; and the general purpose was "for the calling together of the assembly, and for the journeying of the camp".

Ques. Is it a principle with God that we should hear before we speak? So the apostle speaks of the gospel having been brought to them and after that, something goes out from them. Would there thus be

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a spreading abroad of what we have received from God?

J.T. Quite so, and beginning with a sound. The apostle speaks about distinction of sounds (1 Corinthians 14:7). The sound is to attract attention, and then there is what may be said.

P.S.P. Why do you emphasize that the trumpets were of beaten work? Would it suggest it is not the natural man that God uses, but a disciplined man?

J.T. These holy instruments, as they are called elsewhere, refer to persons, not persons who may qualify according to current religious requirements but who come under discipline. We see that principle in all the servants that God uses, such as Peter and Paul; they certainly were disciplined men -- answering to the "beaten work".

Ques. Would Paul and Silas in the prison suggest the beaten work? It says, "the prisoners listened to them" (Acts 16:25).

J.T. That is a good illustration of it. They had been much beaten even before they entered that prison. It is a word for all who seek to serve, indicating that we must come under the hand of the Lord to be fitted; the material -- silver -- denoting His rights over us through redemption. There are not only His rights, but we belong to Him, too, so that He can use us, take us in hand and discipline us according to His own mind. He has a free hand with us.

E.J.McB. I wondered when you emphasized the word "sound" whether you were distinguishing between what we would call the manner of life and utterance, the latter being what is heard?

J.T. Yes; so that here we have, "the word of the Lord sounded out from you". Whatever the means might have been, there was a sound from the Thessalonians throughout all the region spoken of. The report of their faith toward God was included in the testimony.

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H.H. Would the thought of influence go with that? It is distinct from actual preaching. It is supported by piety, bringing God into everything and everyday life, so that the saints became a testimony.

J.T. That is an important feature of our testimony, surely. Even in regard to the material creation -- the heavens as in Psalm 19 -- the sound is alluded to: "their sound went into all the earth", (Romans 10:18). It seems to be a great principle with God in His testimony that there should be a sound. According to the type, when the high priest entered the sanctuary there were the bells on the skirts of his garments; there was a sound. So when the Lord Jesus went up into heaven, there was a sound in Jerusalem answering to His place on high.

Rem. The sound is heard from living people; the dead cannot praise, but the living. So the very movements of the high priest indicated to those outside that he was a living person active in service.

J.T. Quite so, the bells were but types of the living power for sound in the Lord's people here on earth.

Rem. The beaten work was very much in evidence with the Thessalonians; they had "accepted the word in much tribulation" (chapter 1:6), and therefore the word of the Lord sounded out from them.

J.T. It is a question, therefore, for our brethren, as connected with different localities, whether there is a sound going out, whether any attention is called to what is of God in our localities?

E.J.McB. You mean that the local company ought to be heard where it is.

J.T. That is what it is there for.

Ques. Is that the reason why Macedonia and Achaia are mentioned where the word was sounded out?

J.T. Yes; they were much in the mind of heaven at that time. If God is with a company of believers

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in a town, heaven has the town in its mind. That section of Europe was much in the mind of heaven at that time; the apostle, as has been remarked, was beaten at Philippi, and the testimony sounded out there in an unmistakable way. Then he came to the Thessalonians and the sound from them extended out. He had come into Macedonia under divine direction, that area was in the mind of heaven; and if God set such servants in Philippi or Thessalonica, as He did, He had the whole district in His mind. Much is made of those parts in the Acts. If God has set us in our respective localities He has in His mind that there should be a sound from us.

Ques. What form would this sound take under present conditions?

J.T. I think it ought to issue from every one of us in our ordinary walk and ways; something that people will take notice of. Then it involves the preaching; the word of the Lord is preached, it is spread abroad.

Ques. Would Luke 15 fit in there, the music and dancing?

J.T. Just so. That had a sound of its own, and called attention to what was inside. It is a very important sound for young christians specially, that there is something in the house for them; there is enjoyment there, it is not a lifeless state of things. There is melody and joy and dancing in the house of God.

H.H. Is not this what God has in a place in contrast to the apostate movements of the present time? There is what God is maintaining by the Spirit in different localities. Is it not to meet the dead state of things?

J.T. That is what I am thinking. That is the mind of God, and the question is whether it is being answered to. In the so-called churches around us natural or worldly entertainments are provided to hold the people, spiritual enjoyment being lacking.

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Ques. Do you think we should be exercised as set together that in our homes and conversation young people should get the impression that there is joy, and that the testimony is taken up by those livingly in the position?

J.T. Yes. In the end of Matthew 12 we have the idea of one house, a house in which current religion had its place, and with that would be associated what today would be regarded as attractions for the young. The poverty of christendom is seen in the uses made of the basements of their so-called churches and church houses, where efforts are being made to meet the needs of the young with natural amusements. The house of God is entirely apart from this. The Lord left one house (Matthew 13:1), and went into a ship and spoke about sowing, and then He entered into another house. That other house is furnished, and as we take up the thought throughout the gospels, we shall see that Luke 15 is a sort of climax from the standpoint of enjoyment; there is music and dancing there. I believe the Lord would lay that upon us, that in our meetings and houses there should be that which answers spiritually to the music and dancing for the young; that things are not dead, but there is a living state of things. It says that the elder brother heard the sound of music and dancing and inquired about it, but he would not go in. If young people do not go in for that, it is evident they are not subjects of the work of God; but if they are honestly the subjects of the work of God, they will be attracted by the sound of heavenly merry-making.

Rem. That is important, because the natural tendency would be to think that if they are not attracted by the music and dancing, we should cater for their tastes and lower the standard.

J.T. If the work of God is there and there is uprightness with them, they will respond to the music and dancing in the house of God. The Lord said,

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"We have piped to you, and ye have not danced" (Luke 7:32) -- that is the natural young person, but in the house those who are the subjects of the work of God will respond. Then the sound at Pentecost was of a rushing mighty wind, so that we need not be afraid; there is no power in this world as great as the Spirit of God. It is an irresistible power; that is the kind of sound. Young believers sometimes quail before modernism and that kind of thing, but if we understand the sound from heaven we are stimulated to overcome. There is nothing to compete with what that involves, and it enters into the whole dispensation.

Ques. Do you think we get the thought of sound in Revelation 22:17 "The Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that hears say, Come"?

J.T. That is right. It is a distinct voice, not only sound, but a word plainly spoken, the word "Come". The Lord values that from us.

J.J. Do you think it is essential that God should get His portion first? In 2 Chronicles 5, the trumpeters were all there to make one sound to be heard in thanking and praising God -- and then prayer went out afterwards for the stranger.

J.T. Just so. There were 120 priests sounding, and when the sound became as one, the glory filled the house. The silver trumpets ought to be specially noted in this setting, because we are so prone to rely on natural ability in the service. Silver, as we all know, is suggestive of redemption. "Do ye not know that ... ye are not your own? for ye have been bought with a price", (1 Corinthians 6:19,20). The Lord has rights over us and will take us on in His service, but on His own terms.

Ques. Do you connect the outgoing of the testimony with the gathering of the assembly?

J.T. The great thought in the testimony is that people should believe and be gathered. The Lord Jesus said, "I, if I be lifted up out of the earth, will

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draw all to me" (John 12:32); and He died that He might "gather together into one the children of God who were scattered abroad", (John 11:52). The blowing of the trumpets, as in Numbers 10, is to that end, both the gathering of the assembly and the journeyings. That is, as gathered together we are not settling down in this world but journeying.

Ques. Do you connect formation with gathering?

J.T. The idea is that the vessel through whom the testimony goes out is a model, he is, so to speak, "beaten" silver. Like Enoch, he is a disciplined man; he is not a self-assertive man; he represents Christ, not only as gifted, but characteristically. There is divine formation in him, and as the message goes out through him, those who receive it discern this, and that formation is necessary in those who receive the message, too. The Thessalonians were said to be models; it says, "ye became our imitators and of the Lord, having accepted the word in much tribulation with joy of the Holy Spirit, so that ye became models to all that believe in Macedonia and in Achaia". Receiving the word in tribulation and joy in the Holy Spirit is the thing.

J.J. What is the difference between the silver trumpets and the rams' horns?

J.T. The rams' horns give a joyful or jubilee sound, as the original is said to imply, 'the reverberating blast of the horn' (note New Translation, Leviticus 25:10). The beauty and power of the creature is seen in the horns, and hence, no doubt, the place such trumpets had in the capture of Jericho. The world is brought down as believers hearken and are attracted to Christ, that is, the world is brought down in our hearts as He becomes attractive in His beauty and power.

H.H. Applying the thought of a model to younger believers, it would necessitate their being in the confession of Christ personally, so that they get the support of the kingdom; and also that they break

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bread, that is to say, they are committed definitely to the testimony. One feels in moving about what a lack there is with young people, in not committing themselves definitely in that way.

J.T. With such the word is not received, as we have it here, in much tribulation: it says, "having accepted the word in much tribulation with joy of the Holy Spirit, ... ye became models". You can see how those who received the word through a beaten vessel, so to speak, were affected accordingly. God orders it that their circumstances are marked by tribulation. The word received in tribulation is like the fertilizing of the soil and then joy in the Holy Spirit. There is a state for moulding, so that as we receive the message we become like the person through whom it comes to us. The apostle had been in excessive tribulation in Philippi; he refers to it later, and God ordered it that the conditions in Thessalonica enhanced what he presented, so that the Thessalonians received the word in much tribulation and in joy of the Holy Spirit. Paul, we are told in Acts, had gone in amongst them for three sabbath days, so that they could take account of him and see him as he was. If necessary they could easily see the marks of the jailor's stripes; he bore in his body the brands of the Lord Jesus, and his words would carry weight in the power of that suffering. The Thessalonians had received the word through such a competent vessel and were themselves in circumstances similar, for tribulation had arisen; but the tribulation is balanced by the joy of the Holy Spirit. They had received the word in those circumstances and themselves became models.

Rem. In Romans 5 tribulation is, in a sense, the occasion of all that follows, culminating in joy in God.

J.T. It works patience, and in connection with that "the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit" (verse 5). All this is to bring the

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recipient of the word into accord with the vessel through whom it comes to him; and God's design is that the vessel is disciplined.

J.J. He speaks of the Lord's coming in this epistle. They were suffering in such a way that he presented the other side, the glory to follow.

Rem. Have you some of these features in Gideon? He knew what it was to be in reproach; he threshed wheat in the wine-press, indicating pressure, and when the Lord brought him forward he was known as one who could be followed. He could say, "Look on me, and do likewise", (Judges 7:17). He became a model to them, and all of them are associated with the trumpet sound.

J.T. Quite so; that is what the apostle alludes to in 2 Corinthians 4:7 - 9, "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels ... cast down, but not destroyed". The earthen vessel was fragile but it was not destroyed; "disciplined and not put to death". Treasure was in it, so that the more the pitcher was broken, so to speak, the more the light shone. Thus an example is set, in those who minister, for those who are ministered to, that there should be conformity to Christ in taking on the character of the person who immediately ministers. So of the Thessalonians it says, "ye became our imitators, and of the Lord"; they followed the apostle, but then they followed the Lord. The apostle was no party man; they could see in him what Christ was; he bore the brands in his body, meaning that he was the Lord's in the evidence of suffering.

Rem. So that the Lord produces the same effect in every one who is the subject of discipline, as with Gideon's men; they had all passed the same tests and arrived at the same position through exercise.

J.T. The idea works out in Gideon's brethren, that is, they were all like him.

Ques. Is that why you are pressing what happened at Philippi in relation to the Macedonians?

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J.T. Yes. They had a great advantage in that the apostle had been to Philippi first, because he had been down to the depths of suffering. What power there would be in his ministry at Thessalonica, as he came from Philippi, after all that terrible suffering!

P.S.P. Is your suggestion that a person's testimony is not so much what he says but what he is?

J.T. Yes. The great primary thought is seen in Christ: "Learn from me" (Matthew 11:29), He says. But then a believer hears you preach, gets blessing through you, and he naturally thinks of you; light has come to him through you and therefore he is apt to take on your character. So the point is for the preacher to be like Christ; "ye became our imitators, and of the Lord". That is, Paul was their model to begin with, but Christ was their model, and there was no difference, in principle, because Paul was like Christ in suffering.

E.J.McB. A servant may leave an impression that is not complete. The apostle had to ask at Ephesus whether certain disciples had received the Holy Spirit when they had believed; the gospel they had was imperfect. A servant may leave behind him converts that need further light, but he ought to have gone on further himself. I thought that was the value of the model coming first and the sound coming afterwards.

B.G.R. The model with these illustrations was involved in the fact that they "turned to God from idols to serve a living and true God, and to await his Son from the heavens" (verses 9,10). The work of God in them was apparent, and they became a testimony.

J.T. That is right, only the immediate vessel through whom the testimony came to them was Paul, and he was so like Christ that they immediately became followers of Christ after having become followers of him. So that the preacher has to see to it that he does not set out a wrong example. It is a serious matter if there be anything about him that would be a fall-trap for his converts.

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Now the general thought of these trumpets is that the testimony is to be for gathering, for the calling together of the assembly. Much preaching goes on in christendom today, but generally there is no thought of gathering in it; it is simply a question of getting people to confess the Lord Jesus, which so far is good, but there is no idea of gathering. They give them tickets to go to this or that church, the principle being to go to some church, but there is no idea of leading them to find their places in the assembly. The first great thought in the testimony of these trumpets is for the gathering of the people, and the next thing is for their journeying, for if I am gathered according to God, it is not for this world; I am moving out of it as called to another world. That is what is in view in the journeying. I belong to Canaan. Then there are details added to this general thought. God says to Moses that, if they blow with one trumpet, "then the princes, the heads of the thousands of Israel, shall gather unto thee".

B.G.R. Your remarks as to gathering would shut out altogether the idea of individuals acting in service in the gospel without the fellowship or sanction of the assembly. The gospel in its proper form should go out from the assembly and bring back to it.

J.T. That is the thought exactly. There must be the gathering, even if a brother goes out like Philip when he went down to Samaria and preached the Christ. It does not say he was sent, but he preached the Christ, and there were good results from his preaching. Now the next thing is, what about the assembly? Are those converts material for the assembly? Are they to be left in Samaria to drift along as best they can? What comes out is that they are amenable to help from others. Peter and John were sent down to Samaria by the apostles at Jerusalem, and they prayed over them and they received the Holy Spirit, and then the converts were

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formally included in the assembly. There is no other thought in Scripture than that. So the first great principle is gathering, and the next thing is journeying after the converts are brought into fellowship. We are not gathered for this world, we are going out of this world, and the testimony sounded out was in order that saints might move out from it.

Rem. And in that moving you would be concerned that the brethren might move together; there is no thought of any going on away from the rest. You want to get every brother and sister journeying at the sound of the trumpet.

J.T. Quite so. The next thing in the general thought is, "if they blow with one, then the princes, the heads of the thousands of Israel, shall gather unto thee". That is, there are those in authority, who have moral weight. They are specially noticed because if the gathering is to be maintained and the journeying, there must be government in the house of God, and it is important therefore to have the princes called together. They are to be "gathered unto thee", that is, unto Moses -- or unto Christ now. The same thing applies to the whole assembly.

J.J. To what do you liken the gathering of the princes today?

J.T. The care meeting and the like. The idea is to place responsibility upon us, that the saints need to be cared for, and although you may be a prince, or a head of a tribe, you need to get to the Lord about it; you have to pray about every matter relative to the assembly; the Lord would assert His right in the thing. You are not retained as a bishop for life, the Lord has to say to you and the things you are responsible for every day, and He asserts His rights in this one blast of the trumpet. If one or two brothers take it in hand to do everything in the meeting, the Lord would sound the trumpet and say, as it were, Let all those in responsibility

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in this respect come to Me about this. It is a very important thing that the government of God should be maintained amongst His people, not in any arbitrary way, but as inclusive of all fitted to have part in it, and of bringing the Lord into it.

Rem. So what the people hear is the voice of the Lord's authority in the trumpet. They are under government and they recognize that what is said to them is from the Lord.

J.T. Then, when movement is to take place, it says, "And when ye blow an alarm". That is, if we are to move forward in the truth -- and we have had some little experience of that -- it involves danger. As soon as there is a move forward the enemy is sure to attack. When the alarm is blown those on the east side move: "the camps that lie eastward" -- they are the ones to lead.

E.J.McB. I was wondering whether they were more in the thought of God?

J.T. Yes; Judah was the leading tribe. He represents the sovereign selection of God, that is, God has His leaders and those whom He selects sovereignly, and they are the first to move forward. We are not to be like Zacchaeus running before the Lord.

E.J.McB. In regard of this alarm have you in mind that as the testimony goes forward it will meet with increased opposition from the enemy?

J.T. Yes; therefore let the persons most qualified to meet it, take the lead. Sometimes a truth is given out or suggested and someone takes it up and is extreme about it and would put out a tract on it, or something like that, and perhaps he is going before the Lord in the thing; he is not waiting for this blowing of an alarm. There is an enemy ahead; there are likely to be enemies ahead under those circumstances, and every inch of the way is contested. Well, we do not want to be at a disadvantage; the

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thing is to move according to the sound of this alarm.

A.W. Do you think Hebrews 13:17 would come in there? "Obey your leaders, and be submissive; for they watch over your souls as those that shall give account".

J.T. Yes. In a movement forward the greatest care is needed. Judah represents royalty and sovereign selection for leadership, his camp was on the east of the tabernacle, which was the leading position.

Rem. It does not appear to be the princes who blow the trumpets but the priests.

J.T. It is the priest in every case; it is a priestly sound, and therefore might be in one who is inconspicuous.

Ques. Have you an alarm in Acts 15there is controversy at Antioch, and the apostles and elders at Jerusalem come together to consider the matter?

J.T. Quite so, and then those sent up from Antioch to Jerusalem -- Paul and Barnabas -- were men who would carry conviction to every one who was right minded. At Jerusalem they had liberty to relate to the saints what God had wrought through them among the nations. This would produce an excellent atmosphere, facilitating the settlement of the difficulty according to the mind of God.

Rem. It is interesting in that connection that, although there was a burning subject upon their hearts, a subject of difficulty and likely to cause distress, all the way on their journey they spoke of the wonderful works of God, and it says, "they caused great joy to all the brethren" (verse 3). Evidently they did not occupy the brethren with the difficulty, but the work of God.

J.T. They were answering to what we have been saying as to the camp of Judah. They were moving as those selected in the sovereignty of God. They were equal to the leading position. So it says that

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Titus was there and he was not required to be circumcised: "but neither was Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, compelled to be circumcised" (Galatians 2:3); that is, there was such manifest power in them and in the way the truth in question was presented that opposition was overcome. All this is most important when movement in the truth is to be made.

E.J.McB. What a comfort it must have been to the gentiles who had come in at that time, that Titus was not compelled to be circumcised!

J.T. Titus was an unchallengeable testimony to the work of God among the nations, and the judaisers were utterly defeated. Then, as you will observe, the next movement is, "when ye blow an alarm the second time, the camps that lie southward shall set forward". That is the next camp in the advance; people who are in the favour of God, not only the subjects of sovereign selection, but who are in His favour, because the south is the favourable aspect. These are the only two camps said to move, the others are left. Brothers and sisters who are happy in the truth, who are satisfied in the enjoyment of divine favour, cannot easily be overcome.

Ques. Is there any relation between the blowing of the trumpets and the cloud moving?

J.T. Well, there is. The cloud was the great general thought of guidance; it was the symbol of the presence of God. The trumpets are specific things to call attention through the ear. Instead of what you see, it is what you hear.

E.J.McB. It is a very important point when some fresh light is given to the brethren and they begin to move with it. Those that are in the enjoyment of divine things rise to it, and it becomes evident to the brethren generally that the thing is of God.

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J.T. Exactly. You will always find that if there is something of God, those who are in the light of the sovereign selection of God, like Judah, will move with it. A brother who is neutral may say, Nothing should be said about this. A man like that should keep out of sight; neutrals -- men or women -- are those who cause trouble.

P.S.P. Is it supposed that those on the west and the north would follow as a matter of course?

J.T. You have to be careful of those not mentioned here -- the west and the north. Those on the west side are apt to be a little dejected, and Dan on the north, may be affected by the north winds. We had better beware of those.

J.J. But if the movement is right and according to God it spreads.

J.T. The camps of Ephraim and Dan would move subsequently. An alarm has danger in view; well, do not let a neutral be in the front, nor a Zacchaeus, one who runs ahead before the Lord. There is just one thought: keep on sounding out the testimony. As we read, "And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before Jehovah your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies. And in the day of your gladness, and in your set feasts, and in your new moons, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt-offerings and over your sacrifices of peace-offering". That is to say, the testimony is to be kept up all the time.

But then, chapter 31 has something that is very distinctive: "And Moses sent them to the war, a thousand by the tribe, them and Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, to the war, and the holy instruments, even the alarm-trumpets in his hand". This is a remarkable chapter, speaking of the selection of a thousand out of each tribe for the war with

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Midian; all the saints are brought into it and with Phinehas with those holy instruments of God, even the alarm trumpets in his hand. If we read through this chapter we shall see it was one of the most signal victories recorded in the Bible. There was not a man lost, and there was enormous spoil, enriching, as the end of the chapter shows, the sanctuary of God. It is a war with Midian, that is, persons who claim the status and who are outwardly relatives of the saints. It refers, I believe, to the organized state of things around, including the hierarchy, who have, or had, the precious things of God in their possession, but now they are taken away and placed in their proper setting. The spoil is enormous; that is, God, in the great revival, in which we are participating, has recovered all these things, the things that belong to the testimony. The place that these trumpets have in the hands of Phinehas, is of immense importance to understand; it is the priesthood par excellence, the priesthood in Phinehas. Only such a priesthood could succeed under those circumstances, and it succeeded well, so that we have in the end of the chapter, as you will observe, "(The men of war had taken spoil each one for himself.) And Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold of the captains of thousands and of hundreds, and brought it into the tent of meeting, as a memorial for the children of Israel before Jehovah".

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Luke 1:74,75; 1 Thessalonians 1:9,10; Hebrews 9:14

J.T. We might consider the service of God -- the purpose for which we are called out of the world.

These scriptures indicate the subject. They show, I think, the effect of the gospel rightly received; that is, that those who receive it are here for God's service. It is a great thing to see that we are called out of the world for a definite end; to put us into heaven, it is true, but God has an end in view on earth; hence in giving Moses his commission God said that the people were to serve Him in mount Horeb, not immediately in Canaan, but in the wilderness. So in Hebrews the service is viewed as carried on now down here. The first economy had ordinances of divine service and a sanctuary, and we are to take the place of that. We are called to a new system in order that we might serve in connection with it. Luke 1 is on the same line, "that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him, without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life". So in Thessalonians, "ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God". It refers to the whole period of your life down here, pending the coming of the Lord.

Ques. Is not the true thought of service that it is rendered by sons?

J.T. Yes, you get that in the message to Pharaoh. It requires that we should be in liberty. "When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt" (Hosea 11:1), but the "son" was to serve God at mount Horeb.

Ques. Why connect the service of God with mount Horeb, what is the significance of it?

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J.T. It begins with the covenant. The covenant constitutes us fit for God's service. It implies His love in our hearts.

Ques. Does Luke 1 give us its character: "in holiness and righteousness"?

J.T. Yes, "without fear", that involves the covenant. You are in the light and good of that, and it casts out fear. At mount Horeb Moses received the light. God said to him, "When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain", (Exodus 3:12).

Ques. What is the significance of the burning bush?

J.T. It is God coming into lowly circumstances in His love for His people. The discipline of the people in the wilderness is also in view. The people would be under the discipline of God and not consumed. They would survive. Moses got this impression there. Gift is an impression that remains with a man, and gives character to his ministry. Moses' ministry came out in the wilderness. It undoubtedly flowed from impressions received at the bush. Though the people were to be under the discipline of God so that all that was contrary might be consumed, yet they were to remain.

The fact that there was to be no fear supposes that the love of God had full effect on the heart. The burning bush also signifies God's dealings with Moses himself. Moses went through the experiences of the wilderness before he led the people through. He is a type of Christ. The bride in the Song of Songs is seen coming up out of the wilderness leaning on her Beloved. Moses had been that way before. He is the most interesting minister in the Old Testament. He was not "consumed". He remained in all his vigour at the end of the wilderness journey. The history of Moses is given great place in Scripture. All the circumstances connected with his birth and manhood

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were prepared, so that Moses might be qualified as a vessel to be the great minister, which he became. One important feature is that he was baptised by his parents. He was committed to the Nile by his mother. She could not hide him any longer; she committed him to death, and God intervened and took care of him. When he came to years he decided for himself and came into fellowship. I say all this to show how a minister is formed and fitted by God for the service He intends him to render.

Ques. What do you mean by saying that Moses came into fellowship?

J.T. He committed himself definitely to the people of God, as in reproach; that is not simply coming to a meeting. He deliberately chose to suffer affliction with the people of God. He did not choose them as affording worldly advantage but the opposite.

H.B. It saved him from disappointment.

J.T. It saves us from many a sorrow, if we take things as they are. Then he goes further, "esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt" (Hebrews 11:26); that is Moses when he came to years. It is the Spirit's comment on what he did. Another point is, he would deliver the people; he thought they would understand that he was the deliverer; but he undertook to deliver them as ignoring the fact that the judgment of God rested on himself as one of them. He slew the Egyptian; he took the place of the destroyer which did not belong to him, as death rested on himself. After forty years he learned that death was on the Israelite as well as on the Egyptian, so that no Israelite had any right to take the place of the destroyer. No one could be that unless immune from death. So we are told later that Moses kept the passover, that is, he had learned that the only escape lay in the death of Another; hence they had to be sheltered by the blood.

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G.N. When did Moses answer to the faith of his parents?

J.T. When he came into fellowship. God will not take a man up for service until he comes into fellowship. God will take him up then and make a servant of him.

H.B. Do you mean a servant to deliver God's people -- not evangelical?

J.T. A servant in a general way. You must commit yourself to the interests of Christ here before you can be used. There is, of course, a good deal to learn after that.

D.D. Do you attach importance to the thought of the people being under reproach?

J.T. Yes, we are under "the reproach of Christ"; this and the power of the Spirit go together, because the acceptance of the reproach of Christ is the admission that there is no strength in the flesh. The world does not object to the name of Christ, so long as you resort to their principles. That is what they do, they connect Christ's name with human principles. The world has no particular objection to the christian religion, they say it deserves a place as well as mohammedanism or any other religion. It is when the reproach of Christ is accepted that christianity is abused.

Ques. You thus refuse worldly principles?

J.T. We identify ourselves with Christ while in rejection. You do not admit of any worldly methods, nor accept worldly support; the world disdains that. People have no special difficulty about our being christians, if we do not disallow worldly methods and support. Moses chose "to suffer affliction with the people of God ... esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt", there was separation. You see there what is involved in coming into fellowship. He deliberately refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. All that enters into the idea of the reproach of Christ. You

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save yourself from many a disappointment if you accept it. The building of the ark incurred reproach. It does not say so formally; but Noah was doing that for which there was no obvious reason; hence he would be regarded as ridiculous. So now, we are regarded in that light.

Rem. "By the which he condemned the world" (Hebrews 11:7). It is an element the world does not like.

J.T. Yes, it was a testimony against the world.

G.N. The position you take up arouses the opposition, as well as what you say.

Ques. Is that taking up your cross?

J.T. Well, "your cross" is what is special to yourself; whatever it is, you accept it and take it up. The other is more the Lord's cross. He went outside -- bearing His cross.

D.D. When we see how it takes form in Moses we can understand it.

J.T. That part of the Scriptures which treats of the wilderness position answers to Moses' ministry. In Moses you get set forth the truth of baptism and christian fellowship; they are set forth in him personally.

J.S. Moses did not lead the people into the land.

J.T. No. The service of God began at Horeb. They were to go three days' journey into the wilderness. Pharaoh agreed, provided only the men went. Then he agreed, provided they only took their children. Moses refused unless children, cattle and all went; so that we see that all that we have stands subservient to the service of God. Moses celebrated the passover, "lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them" (Hebrews 11:28). He did it for others, because he discerned that judgment rested on the people, that they were amenable to the judgment of the destroyer as well as the Egyptians. What answers to that is that they had faith. "By faith they passed through the Red Sea" (verse 29). That is significant of baptism, as we

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learn from the New Testament. They were "all baptised unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea" (1 Corinthians 10:2). The fact stands out prominently that they accepted the thing. The passage of the Red Sea is the counterpart of the passover; in other words, Christ died for us and we accept it. Baptised as a child, you cannot understand baptism, and with many it is left so, but the child should be instructed in due course. Household baptism is included in the gospel, "thou shalt be saved, and thy house"; the second part is often left out in presenting the gospel. God includes a man's house, and the jailor in Acts 16 was equal to the message; he embraced all that was preached, and the proof of it was that he was baptised, and "rejoiced with all his house, having believed in God" (verse 34). "House" here is an adverb meaning the kind of faith and rejoicing that the man had. Some say his house believed, but that is not the way it is put.

Rem. He believed "householdly".

J.T. Yes, God set up the race in families, and God takes that into account in the gospel. So the apostle says, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house", and the jailor was equal to it.

To go back to Moses, we read that God was going to slay him. After all these years under the discipline of God, now He is going to kill him, because he forgot circumcision in regard to his child. In Romans 6, where baptism is treated of, you have immediately following that your body is to be for the service of God.

G.M. It is important to see that true service is consequent on the position you take up in reference to the people of God.

J.T. I think so. Those who serve must come into fellowship, and this involves the reproach of Christ.

Ques. Does discipline qualify for service?

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J.T. Yes; as delivered from your enemies you require to be formed and instructed, and the covenant enters into that. Romans 6 shows how the body is to be held for God. Chapter 7 shows that we are to serve in newness of spirit, not in the oldness of the letter. In Exodus 19:4 God says, "Ye have seen what I have done ... borne you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself"; but in order to be for God, they have to be formed, hence He propounds the covenant. Being brought to God does not take us beyond the wilderness; we are to be brought into the land, but in the wilderness you are brought to God, and there He proposes that we are to be for His service. This, as in the wilderness, had reference to the tabernacle, but the whole of the people are called to serve. They are divided into three classes: priests, levites, and the general congregation. But I would like this to be clearly understood, that in order to be servants we must understand the covenant. This is to qualify us. There are certain preliminary movements on God's part, but when He opens up His heart to us, that is the new covenant. It is what He is to us in Christ, not exactly the place we have in His counsels, but His love, His disposition towards us. It is expressed in the death of Christ. "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you" (Luke 22:20).

Ques. What is the difference between the gospel and the covenant?

J.T. The former goes beyond the covenant. To be brought to God means that you are first constituted righteous, you get a good conscience, you see the penalty borne by Another; and you get the Spirit, which answers to "eagles' wings", but it does not follow that you know God's heart. When you know what is in God's heart, you are prepared for service. Exodus 19 answers to that. As we answer to the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Spirit,

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we are free for God, to serve Him. "Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth" (Isaiah 42:1).

G.N. Paul was an able minister of the new covenant.

J.T. The Lord was the Spirit of the covenant -- Paul learnt it from Christ. The Supper presents the idea to us. 1 Corinthians gives us that which signifies the terms of the covenant; 2 Corinthians presents the spirit of it; hence this epistle opens up the idea of ministry.

G.F.M. Service would be on the line of response.

J.T. Yes, and in that connection, God opens up the idea of the tabernacle. The first tabernacle had ordinances of divine service, which were typical. Through them we are helped to see what the house of God is. The difficulties as to divine service arise from not understanding the covenant. It is that which forms those who serve. That which produces the servants and the law that governs them is the house of God. 1 Corinthians 14:37 gives you the law of the house. "If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord". If one assumes to be spiritual, the test is to recognize the law of the house. If it had been observed, the recent conflict would have been avoided, and the saints would have been kept together. It was not observed, it was disregarded, and hence a stand had to be taken, so that the truth should remain with us.

We must recognize the authority of the Lord. Corinthians, whilst a local epistle, is also a catholic epistle. The conditions at Corinth served to unfold the law which was to govern the whole house of God on earth. "With all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours" (1 Corinthians 1:2) -- you get the two ideas, what is local and

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what is universal. The idea of a commandment was indicated in the first covenant. It is a question of God's authority; that has not been surrendered. God maintains His authority in His house. When you come to detail, you find priests, levites, and members of the congregation. As a member of the congregation you minister to that in yourself which represents levitical and priestly service. In carrying out your daily employment, you are increasing your spiritual power. Some may think you decrease it, but you are really increasing it. If each member is with God, he has more priestly power in the assembly, and more levitical power. In carrying out your daily toil, however menial and trying, if you are with God in it, you will find that the exercises flowing from it increase your spiritual power, and you will be a greater priest and a better levite. You will go among the saints, and take care of them, and bear their burdens. The most menial and common-place things are made to serve you spiritually.

Ques. What is meant by a common person?

J.T. The expression is not of frequent occurrence; it is just one of the people of the land; that is, an ordinary Israelite, one of the congregation. It refers to us in our responsible life as taking care of our families, business, etc. No one needs to shirk ordinary daily toil, as it adds to his spiritual power, if he is with God in it.

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1 Corinthians 11:17 - 26; 1 Corinthians 12:12,13; 1 Corinthians 14:23 - 25

J.T. It is proposed to look at these well-known scriptures from the standpoint of the public side of our position, as seeking to walk in the truth. There is the public side, which in the main is in view in this epistle, that is the public position of the assembly; and there is the private, or spiritual, inward side, which is found elsewhere, as in Colossians and Ephesians and in John's gospel. It is proposed to confine our inquiry to the public features of our position; and it is thought that these may be grouped under the heading of order in the assembly as functioning, when convened in view of the Lord's supper; and then the anointing in chapter 12:12, suggested in the term, "the Christ" which applies to the saints as marking them in spiritual dignity; and then the presence of God in its public bearing in chapter 14.

In order to confirm all this, in Luke's gospel, which stands peculiarly in relation to this epistle, we find in view of the institution of the Lord's supper that the Lord was in the temple daily, teaching; that is the public position. At night He went to the mount of Olives; that is the secret relation. Following on that we have in Luke, the counsel taken by the high priest to put the Lord to death, and Satan's ready avenue of attack in Judas; and then we have the Lord placing Himself at table, as though He proceeds with the love line, in spite of the opposition. But there was, as said already, the secret relation He had, and this applies to ourselves also.

H.E.S. Did you say that order was a great point in regard to the Supper?

J.T. I think so. What is said is corrective of what was current among the Corinthians. "But in

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prescribing to you on this which I now enter on, I do not praise, namely, that ye come together, not for the better, but for the worse. For first, when ye come together in assembly, I hear there exist divisions among you, and I partly give credit to it". He had spoken of division which he had heard of through the house of Chloe, which he did not doubt. He accepted, apparently, that in a general way among the Corinthians there were divisions, but what he says here is that the sorrowful feature actually appeared when together in assembly.

Ques. Would division affect the public side?

J.T. You can see how sorrowful it would be, as you came into the assembly, to find the saints were in parties in the place where they were assembled; what an intrusion on the divine thought when there should be unity and corresponding order! The idea of an assembly was well known among the Greeks, but God's assembly should be marked off as being of Him. It was a question of what could be seen from heaven, and by anyone who might know of the christian gathering.

Ques. Were these conditions the outcome of what was among them when not together?

J.T. Exactly. They would come out in a reading of the Scriptures or in any other such circumstances; there were parties consequently. He is now dealing with the thing as they were together; the partisan evil was carried to that length. It is bad enough to have a following in our houses, but it is utterly intolerable in the eyes of God when we are convened.

E.S. What is the great remedy for the partisan spirit? I wondered if the love of Christ would clear all that spirit out.

J.T. That is the teaching of this chapter. We should go back to chapter 1 to get at the root of the thing. Partisan conditions usually arise from

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men of ability seeking certain advantages amongst the saints. Chapter 1 deals with that side. The apostle's remarks are withering. He transferred the thought to those specified by names, so that they might get the principle; that they might not be occupied with the persons, and not seek to set one against the other. Any divisions that assume proportions amongst us, are the outcome of men of ability seeking advantages. If the underlying conditions are not spiritual, there is soil for the seed of division. Men of ability will find followers, but that that should actually enter into the meeting which he dignifies by the expression "in assembly" is distressing. It is an expression that should remind every lover of Christ of what He had in mind in dying -- He gave Himself for the assembly, and the question is, Am I spoiling this coming together or robbing it of beauty in the Lord's eye, by this partisan spirit?

E.B.G. Is that why he determined to know nothing among them except Jesus Christ and Him crucified?

J.T. That would be a tremendous check on any one wanting to be a leader. Think of a man determined to know nothing else -- not only to minister nothing! What an ability to rob the enemy of advantage!

H.P.W. Is it not true that before division becomes public the seeds of it are sown in private?

J.T. No doubt the enemy moves in this way with a view to general cleavage, but waits his opportunity. The position is usually military, and it is always a question of his man. He has his man, and so in Luke 22 the high priests were taking counsel to put Jesus to death, but they could not, for the people stood in the way (Luke 19:48). It is remarkable, for it was not that the people loved Christ, but it prevented the working out of the plans of the leaders. Then it says Satan entered into Judas; there was a strong link between him and the devil,

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but he had not entered into him earlier. For military reasons he waited his opportunity, and then he entered into Judas. He has secured his man. The Lord nevertheless proceeds on the opposite line. He, too, had His man and that man is bearing the pitcher of water. These are principles. The enemy has no way of entering in among us, aside from someone among us.

H.P.W. Are you specially thinking of it in connection with the local meetings?

J.T. Yes. There are wider things; division assumes a wider outlook; but it is the local matter here.

It is very distressing to think the enemy has a man; he is watching, and when the opportunity arises he will do the damage. He cannot get in among us aside from a low state; the position is invulnerable otherwise. How sorrowful to bring partisanship in when sitting down to partake of what speaks of the love of Christ!

W.L. When the man appears do we each contribute? Perhaps he has received support and been encouraged.

J.T. I am sure that is true. At Bethany Judas had some sympathy when he criticized Mary; there were others with him; but though he criticized then, Satan had not yet entered into him.

E.B.G. What are we to understand by verse 19? "that the approved may become manifest among you".

J.T. That is governmental. It is God taking account of the low state of the Corinthians; it is hardly thinkable at Ephesus; God allows certain elements to bring out the approved. He has His eye on the approved. They would be in reproach at Corinth. God allows or orders conditions to bring to light those who are approved; you may be sure that they will be made manifest. We do not need to push matters. It is better to wait. "Be still, and

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know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10): the approved are known to God.

P.L. Does Adonijah bring to light the approved -- Zadok, Benaiah and Nathan?

J.T. Yes. It is noticeable that the approved come into prominence in both the risings of Absalom and Adonijah. Even young men hitherto unmentioned come into notice in the crisis. In connection with the effort of Adonijah a remarkable group comes into evidence; the prophetic element at that time brought them into evidence. The approved came to light and God was manifestly with them, so that Adonijah had to abandon his project; there was no need of conflict. Had there been skill before in Absalom's rebellion, a battle might have been avoided. Such troubles are to be met with skill.

H.P.W. Would you say a little more as to when skill is required to make a stand, or whether it is right to wait?

J.T. We are apt to be in a hurry to get some advantage -- to secure a room, or the like, whereas wisdom would wait, and God will, in His own time, bring the approved into evidence. We need to act like Nathan (1 Kings 1).

P.L. The approved have always the housetop as a retreat.

J.T. You mean that, "It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a contentious woman, and a house in common", (Proverbs 25:24). Quite so. David was an old man and things had been let go. He represents the responsible element among us. The greater number are not discerning what is current; I think Nathan represents the skill that is successful in appealing to such.

B.J.S. Is your thought that we should first judge the principles governing actions and then convict the persons; Nathan exposes David's sin, and then says, "Thou art the man" (2 Samuel 12:7).

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J.T. Yes. David never quarrels with the man that convicts his conscience; Gad is called his seer (2 Samuel 24:11). David did not rebuke him. David had this advantage that he had a seer by him -- one who, as judging any evil action, would convict him of it. That is a question for the saints generally in any meeting -- whether they have eyes and ears open and sensitively active.

P.L. David describes the smiting of the righteous when he says, "Let the righteous smite me, it is kindness; and let him reprove me, it is an excellent oil which my head shall not refuse", (Psalm 141:5). Knowing the heart you have, you cannot dispense with such a service.

J.T. All that enters into the sorrowful circumstances at Corinth, when the partisan spirit was actually carried into the assembly while the Lord's supper was partaken of. The apostle says it is not the Lord's supper really; it may seem to be the Lord's supper, but it is not. We thus see that no sectarian company can have the Lord's supper. It cannot be connected with a sect.

F.S.M. Would you say that the Lord expresses His approval of those who are right when the sectarian element becomes antagonistic? He approves the one that anointed Him in Simon the leper's house.

J.T. And His approval of her extends down to the present moment. The Lord enjoined that what she did should be mentioned wherever the gospel would be preached.

A.E.F. Is it will at work too in each taking his own supper? You can tell whether people are on the line of honouring the Lord, or exalting themselves.

J.T. Yes. Some of us were seeing that in the record of the altar in Scripture; we see with Noah that he was characteristically unselfish; he kept back nothing. These people no doubt would be well-to-do,

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and had their own supper. In this they despised the assembly and put their poorer brethren to shame.

Paul withers the thing. He does not say, houses to have parties in, but houses in which to eat. "Have ye not then houses for eating and drinking?" Then he goes on to bring out the manner of the Lord's supper, what the Lord said and did in instituting it; he says that he received from the Lord what he delivered to them. How beautiful the order was on that evening! Then the apostle proceeds to the thought of the public bearing of what is done. It is a public matter.

J.W. Does that correspond with the Lord teaching in the temple in Luke?

J.T. Yes. He retired to Olivet at night, but anyone who came to Him He taught. There is nothing more needed among the people of God than teaching. It is most impressive to follow what the Lord says about teaching; He taught and continued to teach.

A.E.F. We need teaching as following the Lord's order in the Supper.

J.T. We do. There is constant freshness in the instruction of Luke 22 and this passage. As coming together for the Supper we are "in assembly". Corinthians is the outward aspect of the matter. The court of the tabernacle was seen from without.

H.E.S. Is it the perfect ordering of the first occasion that should mark us?

J.T. The apostle shows that while he had received it from the Lord the original order and simplicity of the memorial remained. Its setting is in "the assembly of God", where divine order is maintained.

L.D.M. Does the title "Lord Jesus" bear on the question of order?

J.T. His authority is there, but there is an affectionate regard in it. No one can say "Lord Jesus" but by the Spirit; the appellation should never be pronounced except in the Spirit. The whole order

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is by the Spirit; otherwise we have not the anointing as in chapter 12. The whole procedure is to be by the Spirit.

L.D.M. That would imply power in the assembly to check disorder.

J.T. Yes. When anyone says "Lord Jesus" in the power of the Spirit, it resounds, as it were, in the assembly. As also the name, "Father". We say "Abba, Father", by the Spirit, too. The whole procedure of the assembly must be in the Spirit. In speaking about the Spirit and our saying "Lord Jesus" and "Abba, Father" by the Spirit, we come to the idea of the anointing that is in chapter 12. "For even as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of the body, being many, are one body, so also is the Christ". These are the saints under God's eye. You see the great testimony there would be in saints as anointed. It is not ministry as in chapter 14, but what transpires in the assembly, in whatever part one takes, it is in the power of the Spirit. There is a dignity in the procedure that you cannot find anywhere else. God will bring out what He had in mind; that surely should take on spiritual dignity. It is the way things are said in the Spirit.

E.B.G. In what way is the expression "the Christ" related to what is public? One can see it in the assembly in chapter 14, but what is it in public?

J.T. It comes out in the assembly as convened. The christian assembly room, the Jewish synagogue, and the heathen temple might all be in the same street, and if one went into one place after another what would he see? The christians together were God's assembly in the city; it was to be known as such there. No doubt all would know there was that place. In the Jewish synagogue he would hear the Scriptures read but without the dignity of the anointing, not as the Lord Jesus read them. He stood up

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to read after His anointing, then He sat down, and they all marvelled; there was a dignity there that was unheard of. That was to be continued. The Jewish synagogue would not have a dignity like that, it was a lifeless state of things; and in the idol-house it was heathenism. A man might go into the darkness there, and from that to the assembly where the Scriptures would be read in dignity, or where the Lord's supper would be in progress -- what a dignity he would observe! -- that is, if it was as the apostle had it in mind. How one would love to have heard the apostle speak to the Lord in the assembly! One would have been impressed by the dignity of it all. What was in Nazareth (Luke 4) is carried forward into the gentile countries; it is "the Christ".

J.W. Does it link with the man with the pitcher of water in Luke 22?

J.T. That man would move in the dignity we are speaking of.

J.W. He would say "Lord Jesus", we may say.

J.T. Quite so. "Behold, as ye enter into the city a man will meet you, carrying an earthen pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he goes in; and ye shall say to the master of the house, The Teacher says to thee, Where is the guest-chamber where I may eat the passover with my disciples? And he will shew you a large upper room furnished: there make ready", (verses 10 - 12). It is all in beautiful dignity. If we apply the idea of the anointing to the man with the pitcher of water, he is full of holy and refreshing thoughts, for the water is typically what is used in ministry. He has something about him you cannot but notice. The Corinthians had been met by a man like that.

F.S.M. Has the anointing primarily the public position in view?

J.T. I think so.

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A.E.F. Would this man be one of such as make room for the Holy Spirit?

J.T. Yes. The point is that Christ is there; for anyone with eyes to see, the dignity of the Christ was there. The anointing implies that God is committed to Christ, and by extension to the assembly; hence "so also is the Christ".

In chapter 14 it is a question of gift. The apostle points out that under certain conditions people will say you are mad; men will take account of conduct. Think of such a testimony!

F.S.M. Is it significant that chapter 13 comes between chapters 12 and 14, emphasizing the inward state?

J.T. If we had set ourselves down by the apostle as he was writing, we might ask, Why does he not talk about some man in Corinth? -- love is not in the air, but in persons; he is speaking of the thing in the abstract, in its qualities. No doubt some in Corinth had these qualities, and this presentation of love would bring them into prominence. No one can speak of love as the apostle speaks of it, save one who knew love well. There is remarkable skill in it. You might have all knowledge, and gift, and not have this quality. Of course he is alluding to men of ability in Corinth but he speaks of himself, "I am nothing".

Ques. Would you say a word about the baptising of the Spirit in chapter 12, and the drinking into one Spirit?

J.T. The Lord Himself is said to baptise with Holy Spirit; it is a divine prerogative, but the drinking into it is my part. It satisfies me. I believe the idea of satisfaction in the assembly, has a great deal to do with all this. People come in as a matter of light; they say it is superior to the Greek assembly, or to the Jewish synagogue, or the idol-houses, but I need more than light, I need the Spirit in order to

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be satisfied in the assembly. I may come in on the principle of light, and tomorrow I may be dissatisfied, but if I have drunk into the one Spirit I am never dissatisfied. I have drunk into what is in the christian assembly -- that is what I understand.

W.L. Would the drinking go on?

J.T. Yes it would. It is a great matter for young christians. People say, The position we occupy is right, etc., but that is not enough; the saints must show by their demeanour that the assembly has the means of satisfaction.

J.T.S. Do we get a deepening sense that love is there?

J.T. Yes. I can say I am more satisfied than ever. There is an increasing sense of the appreciation of Christ among the brethren; the more you drink into it the more you enjoy it; it is not only because it is right, but because the Spirit as pervading the assembly is satisfying.

Rem. The Spirit being there, it is a living organism.

J.T. Chapter 12 brings out the organism. The Holy Spirit unites us in this sense. The organs of the body that act of themselves, each functions in its place, and is not complaining because it is not some other part. The foot is in a lowly position, but it has to support everything, but such a member is satisfied. He is functioning in his place.

B.J.S. Would you help us as to what would put us on the line of being satisfied? Those come in that are satisfied at the outset, but later drop out.

J.T. The assembly is pervaded by the Spirit. If you had come into the assembly in Corinth, conditions being right, and had drunk into the Spirit there, you would say you had never been in such a place.

H.E.S. Is that connected with the tabernacle system that came under the fragrance and power of the anointing?

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J.T. Yes. There is nothing said about the temple being anointed; it is the dignity of the material that is stressed; but in the wilderness the anointing is very prominent. Typically the public testimony is in view.

H.E.S. Would it be right to say that certain of the Corinthians were honouring one another, but ignoring others? Under these circumstances God is not honoured.

J.T. Exactly. It is a mistake to think that I can honour God, and not honour the brethren. The thought in the drinking is as to what is among the brethren, what they live on.

As regards prophecy in chapter 14, we are to cultivate that gift. It effects edification; you must build up what is there. To keep the brethren together on right lines is most important, but have they moved since last year? Prophetic ministry builds up, so the apostle urges that they should desire to prophesy. In chapter 14 it is not the assembly functioning as in chapter 11, the whole setting here is in view of ministry; all the saints in the place are to be together in view of ministry.

F.W.W. What is the end of prophetic ministry?

J.T. It is what brings God in. It is plainly stated in verse 25. "The secrets of his heart are manifested; and thus, falling upon his face, he will do homage to God". That is a great matter. It is a public result. God is here in a public sense. People may say what they like, but if God is amongst the saints it is undeniable that the place is right.

F.W.W. You would not limit that to meetings we call meetings for ministry, although it includes them?

J.T. I think these verses allude to such meetings; the gathering here is obviously for the exercise of gift. The next paragraph begins with verse 26, and you have other things contemplated, a psalm, a teaching, a tongue, etc. -- there is room for all that. There is

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room for what wealth there may be among the saints.

H.P.W. Do you think a meeting of this kind locally affords the Lord an especial opportunity to speak, that otherwise He has not got?

J.T. I think so. Such meetings are becoming prevalent. If you have a reading it falls into the hands of those with special ability, but perhaps there are those present who have something that the most able has not got. It says, "each of you" has a psalm, and so on; that spreads out and seems to give scope for whatever there is. There is an opportunity to give it out. If the organism is sensitive enough, when one has a revelation the other holds his peace.

H.P.W. How do you understand that?

J.T. It alludes to the organism. One is sensitive and in touch with the brethren, and he knows that another has something. Intimate acquaintance with one another helps greatly in such meetings. You can almost tell what a brother is thinking about, if you are in constant contact. In a gathering like the present, it would be almost impossible to have such a meeting as is contemplated in 1 Corinthians 14, for there is not the needed intimacy of knowledge of one another.

H.P.W. When a brother with a word from the Lord starts to give it, he would hope that another has a further word to develop it.

J.T. All is to be done in the liberty and confidence of love, and hence there will be edification; if I give out a hymn it is to edification. I am thinking of the Lord, and of His people. The apostle speaks of a "tongue" and "let one interpret", but he goes back to prophecy again. You think of order; two do not speak together, "let two or three prophets speak" -- that is applicable to us now. The meeting should not be addressed by more than three, two is preferable.

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H.P.W. It would not be always the same two or three.

J.T. That is the danger. Verse 26 is a check on that; it is a meeting for mutual contribution.

H.E.S. Would not this suggest extreme spiritual sensibilities?

J.T. Yes. If we are in spiritual touch with the local brethren and sensitive we shall discern if any brother present has a word.

Ques. Would it be right to come with something?

J.T. Verse 26 contemplates the brethren as coming with something; indeed the principle seems to be, not to come empty. The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets and I am not carried away by any impulse; I am in control of my spirit. The prophets speak, two or three; I may not get something in the meeting, but there will be freshness.

F.W.W. If you have a psalm you are not necessarily the speaker.

J.T. I think if I have the opportunity, it would be given out; and even if it is in my heart and not given out, it is part of the wealth of the meeting. It is a question for sisters as to what they have in their hearts. If every brother and sister has something in his heart in a spiritual way, there is plenty. However, all is not presented, for there are wise limitations, (verse 29). And the entire proceeding is governed by the understanding (verse 15), the Holy Spirit being owned as present.

J.T.S. It says, "Let your women be silent". That is not because they have not substance.

J.T. No. A prophet speaking would be all the more effective if the sisters have a supporting influence.

W.T. What is the bearing of the first part of chapter 11?

J.T. It is in view of order. It is remarkable how the idea of order enters into this chapter. Christ is regarded as having come in as Head, the covering of the woman is all in that connection; the woman

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has to be covered because of the angels. Another thing that enters into this is the general principle governing gift. Gift is universal; so that if a man with ability from God comes into a small meeting, even if not local in it, the principle governing gift gives him liberty there. Indeed the truth of the assembly and of fellowship in its general bearing allows for the presence at such a meeting of saints from other localities.

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1 Corinthians 3:9 - 12; 2 Chronicles 3:3

The scripture in Corinthians indicates how we are to regard the people of God in any town or place in which they may be. They are to be regarded as God's husbandry, God's building; the former may apply and not the latter, whereas normally both ideas should apply or be manifest in any company of God's people. The husbandry is the fruit of sowing: the yield is for use; the scripture says, "The king himself is dependent upon the field", (Ecclesiastes 5:9). God has in mind that in the sowing there should be a crop for Himself. The idea is that it is for use or consumption. I am speaking now of the figure itself; the building is a permanent idea, but it rightly accompanies the thought of husbandry; the two thoughts are aptly set in their position in Proverbs 24:27: "Prepare thy work without, and put thy field in order, and afterwards build thy house", so the idea of building is not to be detached from the field or husbandry, but nevertheless they are two distinct things. In the house there are liveable conditions, that in which there is scope for affection, it is therefore obvious that the two things run together. They do so in ordinary affairs -- we have the farm and the habitation, but the greater thought is the habitation: it is the sphere for the display of intelligence with which God has endowed man, and of affection, of family life.

Now that is what is stated, dear brethren, in this verse very briefly, and that it has an application to a company of christians in any town or city is of course obvious. What is to be noted primarily is that the husbandry and the building are God's, implying that man as such has no part in them. It has a negative bearing, for in truth there was very little ground for

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speaking of the positive side. In the letter to the Corinthians the main thought is to get rid of the man who had got in there, and who had spoiled everything of God from Adam onwards. Paul had planted, Apollos watered, and God had given the increase, but on Paul's leaving Corinth the man had got in that had been set aside judicially in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, and one great aim of the epistle is to get that man out, for he is always ready either to come in, or, if he has come in, to stay in. The Holy Spirit in His energy in a company of saints would keep that man out, but if he is in, get him out, so that there should be no rival to God. It is God's husbandry and there must be no intrusion on that. It was not Paul's husbandry, it was not his tillage or his building, it was God's tillage and God's building, and God is jealous that His belongings should not be interfered with, indeed the Lord had anticipated this in saying to the Jews, "your house is left unto you" (Matthew 23:38). They had asserted rights in it although the Lord had called it "my Father's house"; it had become theirs on the principle of rapine; they had made it a house of merchandise, and so He says "your house is left unto you desolate". God is jealous that it should be His house; and each of us is to be concerned that His place should be undisputed; that there be no rival to God; that His rights should be absolutely accorded to Him. The fruit and the building are God's, so that, as I said, the bearing of these remarks is against the men that had risen up on partisan lines, arrogating to themselves the rights of God.

Anyone that exercises natural or worldly influence over the people of God is a rival to God. Indeed lower down in our chapter allusion is made to those who were destroying the temple of God. It was God's temple, and He says, "If any one corrupt the temple of God, him shall God destroy" (verse 17). He is particular about temple conditions, and God will destroy anyone who corrupts His temple. The bearing of this statement is

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against the party leaders that had arisen. The apostle was aiming at carrying the brethren with him in what he was saying, that they might come in a general way to the mind of God and the knowledge of His rights; in a word, that their obedience might be fulfilled. He says he was ready to avenge all disobedience when their obedience was fulfilled. Paul was never unready, never unvigilant -- always vigilant and ready to carry out the will of God; and he acted in great wisdom in writing this letter before he came, the bearing of which is to shut out the natural mind from dominating in the assembly of God.

Now, having said all that about these verses, I want to say a little as to building, because that is what I have particularly in mind, and let no one here assume that it is something beyond him or her, because the principle of building is by love -- love edifies, and every true christian has love. Anyone who has no love is nothing at all spiritually, and, moreover, the apostle says, "If any one love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha", 1 Corinthians 16:22. He resents the idea of a non-lover of Christ having a place in the assembly and uses the strongest language against such. There may be those who have a little love for the Lord down in the bottom of their hearts, they are thus not non-lovers, but they are in a poor way -- their external position is very little different from a non-lover, something like the speaker in Song of Songs 1:7 who says, "why should I be as one veiled?" that is to say, a person whose fidelity is questionable. That was her idea at the first, and in seeking to find the Lord and to be in happy relations with Him, she was to seek out the footsteps of the flock, and resort to where they resorted. You do not want to be one of those who are questionable, you want it to be known to all that you are a lover of Christ. Song of Songs greatly helps us in this. The Song shows how one may be devoid of love externally like the "little

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sister" -- but still there is hope of her -- she is regarded as a sister. We may thank God for all such.

For several reasons we believe you are one of the Lord's own, not for present reasons, perhaps, but for past reasons we regard you as a sister, but a little one. "If she be a door" -- if there is the principle of exclusion in you in any little way, if you have power to shut out and to receive, that is to say, the power of discrimination, the refusal of evil and acceptance of good -- then you are accredited, you have a certain place among the people of God. It is a very small one, but not to be despised. If she be a door or a wall, something can be done with her, so that she should not remain questionable. "If she be a wall, we will build upon her a turret of silver" (Song of Songs 8:9). What I am thinking of is that there is something on which we can build that which is of God -- "a turret of silver"; what a great thought that is! There are other great thoughts seen when He seeks recovery and He has great thoughts for you. In Song of Songs 8:9 there is the idea of enclosing a door in boards of cedar -- what spiritual dignity there is thus!

Well, I want now to show that the general thought in building spiritually is in this passage in Chronicles. The better rendering is the one to be noted, no doubt you have observed it. It reads, "And this was Solomon's foundation for the construction of the house of God". We do not want to be on any other. This is "Solomon's foundation". There is a lot of history behind Solomon's foundation. The Spirit of God in the first book of Chronicles enlarges on what preceded this, indeed the first verse of this chapter tells us that it was "the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite". It was on mount Moriah, which signifies shown of Jehovah, for these things are not to be understood by natural ability. The foundation of a cathedral does not need to be shown by God, an ordinary architect only is needed, and one need not be converted or have the Holy Spirit to be an architect or a builder, a stonemason or a plasterer. All

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such may be mere natural men. I refer to these things in a simple way so that you can get the idea that what I am speaking of is a matter of divine showing and has to be understood spiritually. The cleverest man in the world by himself knows nothing of it, in spite of his cleverness. He has to be shown -- as a matter of fact we have to learn everything from the Lord, but this particularly. Of old God told Abraham to go and offer up Isaac on one of the mountains He would tell him of, he was to go into the land of Moriah and when there God would tell him. It is all a spiritual matter -- we have to do with God, dear brethren, if we would know anything of the initial ideas of the assembly, they have to be learned from God.

In the sorrowful time of David's sin in numbering the people, the Angel had come from Jehovah to destroy Jerusalem and there he was seen by David with sword stretched over the city, but God repented -- a touching thing that God can repent. What great thoughts centred in Jerusalem! and what great thoughts centre in us! How great a saint is, a believer in Christ! known in divine counsels before the world was! God repented as the city was about to be destroyed; and then the Angel commanded Gad to tell David to rear an altar to Jehovah on the threshing-floor of Ornan the Jebusite. Thus the place was shown. David saw the Angel and, clothed in sackcloth, he fell to the ground, taking to himself all the blame. David in that sense represents what is necessary in such circumstances -- the ploughing time -- when our souls are stirred up as having sinned against God. That was his experience, he felt things and went to Ornan, and the Angel was seen by Ornan too. It was a sight never to be forgotten -- the sword drawn, the judgment of God pending and about to be executed. We are not of much account in the assembly, dear brethren, until we know something of this, learn something of what the judgment of God is and how that sword, when it was seen drawn over

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the city was sheathed -- what a change! We are living in the period of the sheathed sword; the sword was once drawn and not without a righteous cause when it pierced the Lord Jesus. There could be no building for God save on the ground of God's judgment of sin being borne by Christ.

David offered sacrifice on the mount, on the threshing-floor. It was a question of Christ bearing the judgment and not David. That is the sort of experience that precedes this history, and so David perceived that God accepted him on the principle of sacrifice, so that the foundation links on with the death of Christ in that way and the sheathing of the sword of judgment. The effect of the realization of this in the believer, the truth being apprehended, is that there is not an atom of fear in one's heart as regards God; it is the God who has been glorified in the death of Jesus that we have to do with. And so David beautifully goes on to say, "This is the house of Jehovah Elohim". He had arrived at it in that way. It is not simply that I am converted, but I have to get the idea of God's foundation from Himself.

David recognizes this, but when you come to the actual structure David did not build the house -- it is "Solomon's foundation", that is, Christ in heaven. The Son, past judgment for ever, marked out to be Son of God, according to the Spirit of holiness, by resurrection of the dead. It is indeed a great truth, it is Christ in heaven as the Son building, and you see His foundation, and then you get the measure, which I cannot go into fully, but give the general idea. It is not here the local thought, it is the assembly in a universal sense. "The first measure", is the length, and then the second measure, and so on. God is the God of measure as we are told in 2 Corinthians 10. What a measure on God's part to reach to us! Paul says "to reach to you also" (verse 13). The measure of God to reach us is the cross of Christ. That is the first

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great measure, all others must hinge on it. Paul was working on that principle, he says, "not ... boasting in another's rule of things". That is what his rivals at Corinth were doing -- making the most of what he had done to glorify themselves, but he says, "according to the measure of the rule which the God of measure has apportioned us, to reach to you also". He reached to the Corinthians according to God, and hence effectively.

In reaching the Corinthians Paul lodged with Aquila and his wife, because, as we are told, they were "of the same craft" (Acts 18:3). It is remarkable that this marked his entrance into Corinth -- he came that way; it was a question of reaching them. Had he sought to get at them on the line of the flesh he would have selected the best hotel in Corinth, but he is getting at the Corinthians according to God. You cannot help people by flattering them in their worldly circumstances. It is a question of the cross. The apostle determined, he says, "not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified" (1 Corinthians 2:2). That was the way he came in, and his preaching was on that line, so that it might reach them, for he was in keeping with the God of measure. That, dear brethren, points to the calculations that enter into the service of God, so that in coming into a town like this, one is concerned as to what is in it; one seeks the mind of God as to what to present, what He would appoint, to find out just what is needed. Paul had found out what was needed at Corinth; the Lord had told him that He had "much people" there, but whether he told him in words what he should do or not, we are not told, but the apostle Paul had the sense, by the Spirit, of the line to take and he took it and thus reached them, having remained there for eighteen months.

There was a great work and he laid the foundation, not for something of his own, not to rear up something that should be a monument for him, but

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a building for God. I often inquire: If Paul came to London, what would he think of St. Paul's cathedral? How he would recoil from that great structure; he never had such a thought in laying a foundation that there was to be something in Corinth taking his name. He would say, It is God's -- He used me as a wise masterbuilder. The wisdom Paul had was the same as that, by which the foundations of the earth were laid. What Paul laid at Corinth had the whole system in view, only what he laid there had also in view the requirements of the place, and that was "Jesus Christ" -- that kind of man. He was "pressed in respect of the word, testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ", (Acts 18:5). If any of those Jews questioned the Messiahship of Jesus, the apostle would resent it. They have continued doing it ever since -- alas for them! They spit at His name when it is mentioned, but the apostle at Corinth testified to it, his whole soul was in it, that Jesus whom he preached was the Christ. The note in the New Translation to this passage reads, 'the Christ was really come, and that Jesus was he'. That kind of Man was preached by Paul and exemplified in his own service amongst the Corinthians. That was the way he laid the foundation.

You might have said if you had been there, Can you give us something else tonight? No, Paul would say, it is "Jesus Christ, and him crucified". What he presented was according to the calculation of love and the wisdom that entered into it. No doubt he would find a variety of ways in presenting the same truth, but it was "Jesus Christ, and him crucified". What did the Greek think of that? He scorned that thought, the preaching of the cross was to him foolishness, to the Jew a scandal, but to us that are saved -- the power of God and the wisdom of God. What a weapon it was there, and it is the one the Spirit of God would always use in the preaching -- He would never leave

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it out -- for God cannot make use of us in the assembly unless we come to the great truth of "Jesus Christ, and him crucified".

Well, at Corinth there was the husbandry; there was a yield -- a great many converts, a large assembly as Paul left for other fields of labour; but what about the building -- God's building? It is not this room -- of course I need not say that to you -- but there are many of our dear brethren in this town who, if you spoke to them of God's building, would think of some material building, some church, as they call it; but it is not that at all -- there is no greater fallacy than that. Satan deceives people by such thoughts. Paul could say of the saints at Corinth that they were God's building, but I am afraid it was somewhat abstract. There was very little idea of building expressed there, for parties had got in, and hence they were divided. But although it was very little seen, the apostle could speak of it; the foundation was there and he had laid it. That is what the Lord would say to us here or anywhere where the two ideas apply in a concrete way -- God's husbandry, God's building -- that people might see here that there is something belonging to God.

It encourages one greatly to think of the holdings that the Lord has in many countries of the world today, the twos and threes of those who love Him and who are pulling together and also walking together in the maintenance of divine principles, understanding the idea of edification, of building up something that resists the storm of time and will go on into eternity. One rejoices to think of what the Lord has in that way, and that is what He would press upon us -- what He has. If I have any part in it I am just acting for Him and seeking to do it wisely, as Paul did, and recognizing the foundation. The apostle says, "other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ". He says further, "I have laid the foundation, but another builds upon it". One has to

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challenge oneself as to this -- "another builds": the thing has to go on, but in what way? "Let each see how he builds". There is the "wood", the "hay" and the "stubble"; these will not go through -- they will not stand the test.

The question is one of quality -- gold, silver, precious stones. Only what is of God will stand the test, dear brethren. The Lord would call upon us to think of these things, as to whether there is a yield for God in the way of a crop, and, on the other hand, a house for God, so to say, living conditions; God's building, that into which God can come.

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Philippians 3:12 - 14; Ephesians 3:21

My thought is to set out the two sides of the believer's position as illustrated in the apostle Paul who, being a follower of Christ in a unique way, although a man of like passions with ourselves, is set before us as a model. The epistle to the Philippians sets before us his exercises in regard of himself. I might have read other passages relating to levitical service, but I read these because they afford us an insight into his exercises as a heavenly man. I thought we might cover briefly these two sides, firstly, what the believer is here on God's behalf towards men, secondly, what he is in heaven towards God. Philippians gives us the experimental side and the apostle's exercises, whereas Ephesians gives the heavenly position.

One would notice that in touching Philippi the apostle went in and out householdly. He was also found with the Ephesians in a household way, but among the Philippians we find his movements were peculiarly of a household character, and this would have the tendency to promote family affections. When he went to Ephesus, in Acts 19, he found twelve men; not in houses, but evidently together; and he raised the question with them as to whether they had received the Holy Spirit. The fact came to light that they had not even heard of It, and he not only enlightens them in this regard but he lays his hands on them and they receive the Holy Spirit. They were set up collectively in a holy state, and become the nucleus of that company to which were made the most blessed announcements in regard of the assembly.

In Philippi his entrance was of a household nature. Our houses are of immense value in the testimony, provided they are available as being baptised. We do not speak of a believer's household receiving the Holy

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Spirit. There is no such thought in Scripture. The collective reception of the Holy Spirit involves the assembly. In Philippi the coming of the Holy Spirit is not made prominent, but baptism is. The chapter in Acts that records Paul's visit to Philippi begins with Timothy, whom we may regard as the characteristic product of household faith. His faith had been inherited. He was a contribution, of household faith, to the assembly. Therefore our houses become of immense value to the promotion of the interests of Christ. From Acts 16 we learn that the Lord opened Lydia's heart to attend to the things spoken by Paul, and, being baptised and her house, she opened her house.

I speak of this because of the great advantage to the testimony of having our houses open and available to the Lord. Not that He needs them now personally; once He did need them as here in flesh, in circumstances which called it forth. It is said of Martha that she received Him into her house; although her own state was not just right, it is recorded of her that she received Him into her house. So with Zacchaeus, the Lord anticipates his desire and says, "Make haste and come down; for today I must abide at thy house" (Luke 19:5). It is the same writer that records Acts 16, and I mention it because of the advantage of an open house to the testimony. An open house does not always ensure a holy house, but a household as dominated by a godly man or woman affords conditions in which family affections may be developed, such as may lead into the house of God.

Hence I love to think of the children of christian parents graduating from their parents' households into God's house. Ephesians may be taken as developing the truth of God's house. There the saints are regarded as the habitation of God by the Spirit. It is important that our houses should be dominated

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by godliness, otherwise holiness will be absent. So the principle in a house open to the testimony, is that the heart of the head of the house is opened by the Lord to attend to the things spoken by Paul; the result is that he becomes heavenly-minded. The things spoken by Paul lead to heavenly-mindedness. The house is permeated by that; not that it is as such indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Individuals in it are, but the collective reception of the Holy Spirit involves the assembly, God's house. The first essential, the head being a believer, is that the house should be baptised, it was so with the Philippian houses. As baptised, it is at least professedly for the Lord. He has need of it, His people are here, and His word is, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" (Matthew 25:40). Hospitality extended to the saints is a great service. The initial circumstances are calculated to promote family affections, so that there might be graduation into the house of God, in which flesh and blood have no place. Hence the Holy Spirit in the twelve men would lead to the heavenly side of our position in which flesh and blood have no place. What a company this implies! It involves God's habitation. If there is one thing that is lacking amongst us, it is spirituality, the ability to withdraw from all that is mere nature and promote what is of God. There is to be the habitation of God through the Spirit; that is what took form at Ephesus.

Coming now to the first point, our position down here; in order to be here for God among men, it is essential that we should know our heavenly position. The apostle, in Ephesians 1, prayed for the saints, that they might have the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God; God alone can give that; and, having that, that they might know what is the hope of God's calling and the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what the

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surpassing greatness of His power towards us. All these things refer to God, His calling, His inheritance, His power. Would that we could dwell upon these three things!

Then, according to chapter 3, he bows his knees to the Father of whom every family in the heavens and on earth is named. The ultimate end that God has before Him is that there should be "families". We must see to it that we have in view the divine family, that what obtains in our households is not merely natural but tempered with what is divine, so that we might graduate as it were, into what is heavenly. We belong to one of those families, the family that has the first place with the Father. The apostle bows his knees that they might be strengthened by His Spirit in the inner man, and might know the love of the Christ, and be filled to all the fulness of God. Think of the great thoughts in the apostle's heart! May we not stop at the earthly side of our position, but see fully what God has for us. In Philippians 3 he speaks of Christ taking possession of him, and I want to know what that is, what His end is in taking possession of me, hence the exercises are those of a heavenly-minded man. "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus". It is of advantage to us that such an exercise is recorded. And the writer records it, not as an apostle but as a servant of Jesus Christ, "Paul and Timotheus, bondmen of Jesus Christ" (chapter 1:1).

In Ephesians 3:21 we read, "to him be glory in the assembly in Christ Jesus". We often raise the question as to worship, and one is conscious of how little one knows of it, but we have examples of it recorded, and a special one here. The apostle is led to speak of the love of Christ and the fulness of God, and he speaks out in this way, "to him be glory in the assembly in Christ Jesus unto all generations of the age of ages. Amen". It is not simply what

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is millennial, but what is beyond it; what the assembly is to God. Think of being possessed of Christ for that. Is it not enough to lead us to bow our knees? The Lord has been exercising us as to what the assembly should be down here in testimony, particularly in reference to local spheres, but He would also remind us of our great heavenly position, that we might be here according to God. The assembly is a heavenly vessel set down here on earth. The sheet that Peter saw emanated from heaven, an allusion, no doubt, to the ministry of Paul, indicating the heavenly position of the assembly in the counsel of God, and that morally she is from God out of heaven. The same vessel shall be caught up again to its own place; to be for God, for ever and ever, that there might be glory to God in the assembly. Unless we get hold of that we shall utterly fail in walking as we should walk in the light of it.

In the beginning of Genesis we get the first great type of the assembly. One would take account of what it was for God, not what it was for Adam. Adam never asked God for a wife. The need was discerned by God Himself, and the man and woman were to be before Him as a peculiar pleasure suited in affection and intelligence. Eve filled a void that God discerned. With Rebecca the point is she takes up a provisional place, a place that had been occupied by another. In order to occupy Sarah's tent, she must know her heavenly relation to Isaac. So we must understand Ephesians to come out as seen in 1 Corinthians.

The riband of blue, in Numbers 15, suggests the heavenly origin of the saints. We see in the apostle an example of this. In Philippians he is exercised about his heavenly portion. "The prize of the calling on high of God in Christ Jesus". He begins with "What shall I do, Lord?" (Acts 22:10.) I wonder if we have all asked that question of the Lord? There is the acknowledgement of the Lord's right to him; he saw

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that he belonged to the Lord, and begins with that acknowledgement. Am I entirely available to Christ for His service? Next Ananias instructs him, and he goes into Arabia. Every levite has to go there; it is where the flesh is brought to nothing. Then he is brought to Antioch, where he and Barnabas remained for a whole year, teaching in the assembly. That was what marked Paul in his early ministry; he had the assembly before him. The disciples were first called christians at Antioch. It seems as if Paul by his example and teaching had brought in Christ in a special way; he was not national in his feelings, though a Jew. He evidently made Christ prominent; hence the character of the saints who were taught by him was such that they were called christians.

Then the Spirit says, "Separate me Barnabas and Saul" (Acts 13:2). The brethren did not want them to move away, for they were loved. We should feel the loss of a brother. Here were two spiritual men who had laboured amongst them for a whole year, and the Spirit puts it on the assembly to separate them -- they had qualified for service. It is as if the Spirit would say, They have been entirely pleasing to Me: separate them for the work whereunto I have called them. At Antioch they had ministered to the Lord and fasted. It is a model for us, as to our service and manner of life here for God. They had served the saints well, during the year, and the Spirit of God puts in His claim to them; they go away thus with the fellowship of the saints to evangelise the gentile world.

In Acts 13 and 14 we see how one is to be here for God in service and testimony. It is to be noted that they finished their service. "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might" (Ecclesiastes 9:10). Christianity is marked by completeness, not by things half-done. God looks for completion in what we undertake to

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do. They returned to Antioch "whence they had been committed to the grace of God for the work which they had fulfilled" (chapter 14:26). They finished the work undertaken.

Let us be definite in our undertakings and let there be completion. Barnabas and Saul were models of levitical work. My aim has been to show you what our position is down here and what it is up there for God's own pleasure, as having part in the assembly that He has named in relation to Christ, that it should be holy and without blame before Him in love.

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1 Corinthians 3:9; 1 Samuel 14:45,1 - 15,20,23

My thought, dear brethren, is to speak about workers, of which there are many, for it is a time of work, of exploits, too; but I am thinking of those who work with God. The book of Genesis shows how work had proceeded as the race increased after the deluge. They said one to another, "Come on, let us build ourselves a city and a tower, the top of which may reach to the heavens" (chapter 11:4); quite an undertaking, yet it was begun and men rapidly would have gone forward to a conclusion satisfactory to themselves. As the work proceeded God came down, we are told, to see what the children of men did, showing how considerate, and patient too, He was. The work stopped; they were not working with God. That sort of thing is current, much of such activity is going on. God, I believe, has come in and effectively checked human enterprise in recent times but men will proceed with their schemes as they have opportunity and means without any reference to God. Indeed, one of the most distressing things that one notices today is the giving up by men of even formal thanksgiving to God. He is being eliminated effectively, and He feels that; the prodigal had eliminated Him from his circumstances, as seen in the parable in Luke 15. The first thing he infers in his acknowledgement is that he had "sinned against heaven" (verse 21). Heaven had been good to him, as it ever is to men. Indeed it is remarkable how prolific the earth is through the refreshment of heaven, yet there is but little giving of thanks. We are living in a time of the elimination by men of even the formal recognition of God. Yet God is working Himself. "My Father worketh hitherto" (John 5:17), the Lord so beautifully said. I suppose that

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included all the workmanship of God from the making of Adam's and Eve's clothes right down.

And then the Lord says: "I work". God goes on with the work but He seeks co-workers. And those who work otherwise are not accomplishing anything for God. God looks for results, and He graciously calls us into His operations in view of these. One marvels at times as one ponders the great fact of being a worker with God -- that there should be such a privilege accorded to us as that. The Corinthians had the opportunity; Paul having left, the work was to go on. He began there in a very humble, simple manner, but with no uncertainty as to result, because he knew the people were there. The Lord said to him, "I have much people in this city" (Acts 18:10). No one was to set upon or hurt His servant, and the work went on for eighteen months, and then the Corinthians were left; but they were left with the example set before them of Paul's service. Were they close to him in his private seasons they would see how he sought out God as to his labours. We may be sure that every day of those eighteen months was marked by inquiry on the part of this great workman with God as to the day's work ahead. For work is by the day. The Lord said: I must work the works of Him that sent me while it is day, and the working day was twelve hours.

God Himself began on the principle of daily toil. He worked by the day; the first day, the second day, the third day, the fourth day, the fifth day, the sixth day; every day had its own particular bit of work to be done, and it was done; and God appraised His own work, another important thing. For every bit of work should be reviewed by the workman as before God. Is it done at all, and if so, is it well done? With God each day's work was well done, and He pronounced it "Very good" (Genesis 1). The principle of appraisement necessarily enters into all God's work. Whether I appraise

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my own, or otherwise, God certainly does, a solemn reflection. So God, as I said, pronounced on all His work, "Very good". The Lord said: "Are there not twelve hours in the day" (John 11:9), and again, "I must work the works of him that has sent me while it is day. The night is coming, when no one can work" (John 9:4). So that He went on day by day with His work, and, as I said, you may be certain that at the beginning of each day Paul inquired of God as to what was ahead; there was to be no beating of the air, no waste of time, the work was to be known, and taken on, and done. At the end of the day he would go to the Lord, and say: Lord, I am an unprofitable servant.

That is what the Lord Himself said to the apostles, so as to prevent self-satisfaction and pride; our appraisement must be in the light of the divine standard of workmanship, and as one measures one's work with that standard it is very humiliating; you may be sure of that, although it may be profitable in measure. It is thus wholesome to inquire of God in the morning and make a review in the evening as to the work. How does it compare with the general scheme of God? for we have in this passage in Corinthians the general idea conveyed, the plan of the building committed to Paul. The wise architect laid the foundation, the whole scheme was there and now the workers were to proceed, and as he said, let each take heed how he builds thereon, so that one is to review one's bit and see how it compares with the general scheme, or whether it is wood, hay or stubble, which are worse than useless and have to be removed.

The Corinthians, alas! proceeded with the wood, the hay, the stubble, in the absence of the apostle. They were not measuring themselves with the great architect, or with Christ, or with God, but measuring themselves with themselves, that was how the matter stood, and consequently work according to God had

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ceased. And so the apostle has to remind them in both letters that he was a worker with God, not a partisan, for that marked the state of things at Corinth. The work there had dropped from the divine level to the human, to the realm of rivalry. So that instead of being workers with God they were workers divided up into parties and working each with his party. And as the work of God lapsed, the work of Satan proceeded. Some of them were evil workers. So he has to bring in this thought, in both letters, that he was a worker with God. As if all else were of no account. God is working according to scheme, and whatever my bit, it must fit in with that scheme, and in order to fit in with that I must inquire of God to get my work from Him, not only in a general way, but something for every day.

Well, now, dear brethren, I have said what is obviously true, but I believe most necessary at the present time, and I proceed to illustrate it from the Old Testament, from one who is formally said to have "wrought with God" -- Jonathan. One can hardly say anything better about him at that time than that he wrought with God, and that the workmanship was according to God, and that God gave it full issue. And so it is "one day", as the chapter begins, and a very fine day's work, that was. "It came to pass", it says, "one day". Those were dark days, too, as was inevitable with such a man as Saul in power. One can picture a little the effect of the influence of a man like Saul. He had already been rejected. As soon as his rejection is announced in chapter 13, he begins to number the people. That is the man after the flesh -- he thinks of numbers; he counts not on God being with him, but on numbers. He had 600 men, an ominous number. It is a usual fleshly way to reckon up one's supporters, those you may rely on. If I am not with God and God is not with me I shall seek support somewhere else, I shall begin to number my

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friends and supporters. That marked Saul. So Jonathan was living in dark times. Things were looking very dark, as they do now in a certain sense. In another sense, they look bright. For however dark the tunnel there is a light the other end. All is well, beloved brethren, whatever happens. James 5:7 says: "Have patience, therefore, brethren, till the coming of the Lord". I have little confidence in anything else. I have confidence in the Spirit of God; I have confidence that He will not cease speaking to the assemblies, but I cannot say anything about the continued faithfulness of the brethren. I have the utmost confidence in the coming of the Lord, and that is what faith looks for, especially from Thyatira onward; and then for the voice of the Spirit. While He remains here He will speak, and we are urged to hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies. He will speak to us and stand by us to the end. But it is solemn that after Josiah's beautiful ministry darkness sets in. Jeremiah was there, representing the faithfulness of God in the prophetic word.

The history of Jeremiah and the history of the people afford no comfort as to the faithfulness of the people. I do not wish to disparage the brethren, far otherwise, but the sudden spread of evil and subsequent dark history after Josiah is solemn. Jeremiah was there, but the end was Egypt; Jeremiah had to go to Egypt. Think of the exercise of that dear man, of the weepings, the heart breakings, as he was compelled to leave the land of promise and go into Egypt with a poor, faithless, idolatrous people! It was the patience of God, not the faithfulness of the people. We can rely on God, we can rely on the prophetic word, but we cannot rely on the answer to it, as seen in this particular history. We can rely on the faithfulness of God, we can rely on the coming of the Lord, but then the result of the ministry of the Spirit, who can speak of that? As

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it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the Son of man. What marked the days of Noah? Well, a striking ministry, no less than the ministry of Christ Himself through Noah, when once, we are told, the long suffering of God waited while the ark was preparing. But how disappointing the result! There are very solemn warnings in the history of Israel in this respect. "Wherefore", as enjoined in Hebrews 12:28, "let us, receiving a kingdom not to be shaken, have grace, by which let us serve God acceptably with reverence and fear. For also our God is a consuming fire".

Well, as I was saying, this was a dark period, but here is a resolute man determined to do something on one day. He does it, and in doing it he works with God. Jonathan significantly says nothing to Saul, his father. We must leave the rejected man. Saul was rejected already. It is one thing to be rejected by the people; Samuel had that cup to drain, but he was not rejected by God. Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life. What a man he was! If we are with God our influence will never wane. He judged Israel all the days of his life. He was rejected by Israel, but not by God. Now Saul is rejected by God, not yet by Israel. When you have a man ruling who is rejected by God and not by the people, it is a dark, difficult day for faith; but such a man as Jonathan overcomes. "He told not his father".

Then the Spirit of God tells us about Saul, how many men he had, and the priest that was there in those days, who was of the rejected priestly family of Eli, and then it goes on to tell us of two rocks, one on either side. Not only is there the influence of Saul and the darkness that resulted from it, but there were two sharp rocks, one on each side between the passes by which Jonathan sought to go over to the Philistines' garrison. There they stood, the Holy Spirit giving us their names. The

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one Bozez, the other Seneh. They would have a menacing effect. We cannot afford in working with God to minimize the position of the enemy, for God in His workmanship in Christ had to grapple with the full power of Satan. The Lord Jesus single-handed has made way for us; and so Jonathan faces the position of the enemy. He is moving according to God. It is a dark day, a day of small things in the sense of which I speak of it, and the enemy is powerful to all appearance, and here were these crags, sharply reminding us, for that is the idea, of the acute satanic power to be faced; very widely, too.

Well, that is the position, dear brethren, and if the young brethren seek to be workers with God it is well to face the opposition as it is. There is nothing to encourage flesh in this. But, even if there be only one, think of the privilege of working with God! But there were two here. That is another thing, that the work is to go on, on the principle, not of partisanship, for the young man was not simply a partisan of Jonathan, but his armour-bearer, and withal a man that could follow. Now I would say to young brethren here that you will never be of any use in the work of God unless you learn to follow. And so the passage says, "his armour-bearer after him". It is the effort to get before another that is the baneful thing. Run with patience, and run with your might, but it is looking unto Jesus, not to outstrip a brother. John outran Peter, but there was no rivalry in that, there was in both of them affection for Christ. But running to beat another, to replace another, is damaging. That went on at Corinth and it is going on all around us. But let it not be so among us. The enemy has great power on this line, alas! much material to work with. One of the great features of God's operations is leadership, however obscure the leaders may be. Even the young Thessalonians are exhorted to "know those who ... take the lead among you" (chapter 5:12) --

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know them. Not to rival them, but to be subject, recognizing the position that God has given them; not officially, but on moral grounds, for a man is what he is. You cannot alter him, God has made him that, Paul said, "by God's grace I am what I am", and nobody can dispute that. He was what he was, and he says: "I have laboured more abundantly than they all" (1 Corinthians 15:10). As in the list of mighty men, so to speak, he came in after Peter, after John, after James, after Matthew, after Barnabas, after every one of the apostles; he was not a rival to them, but he laboured more abundantly than they all; but he says, "not I, but the grace of God which was with me". God supports that attitude of mind, it cannot be set aside. And that is what comes out here -- "his armour-bearer after him".

The circumstances were very humiliating for a great warrior like Jonathan. He had to climb up on his hands and feet, as if from the dens and caves of the earth. No military array or pomp and show in this, it is a question of result, not the way, but the result of the work; he was working with God. Think of the humiliation of Jesus to carry out the work of God! The humiliation of the way to the cross! The humiliation of Gethsemane, of Pilate's judgment hall, of the crown of thorns, the delivery over to the soldiers, who mocked Him! But He was working the work of God, He was going on to sure victory, but with all there was the shame of it. So Jonathan is content to climb up on his hands and feet, and his armour-bearer after him. He is equal to it. There was the principle of leadership, and following. And there was also unity -- they both showed themselves to the enemy; a united front, not a divided one. Even although they were but two you have the principle of unity, as the Lord says: "Two of you". You have in all the evangelists the thought of the Lord having need of the colt, but in Matthew the Lord has need of two, the ass and

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the colt. He has need of two or more, for assembly or gathering purposes, or for united testimony, and so Jonathan and his armour-bearer show themselves together to the enemy. They climb up on their hands and feet, and Jonathan slew and his armour-bearer slew after him -- twenty men within a prescribed area.

You see, dear brethren, how the work of God proceeded and how it reached a successful issue, there were twenty men brought down on the principle of unity and leadership, and then God took the thing in hand and there was trembling; the victory widened out until there was complete discomfiture of the Philistines, and God saved Israel that day. God gave deliverance. You see thus what an incentive there is to work with God, and to abandon all other efforts; to get to God in our work. We shall reach an issue which God can take up and extend. Jonathan fought not for himself; he fought for Israel, having said, "There is no restraint to Jehovah to save by many or by few". As I said before, there is the entire refusal of all partisanship in him, it is a question of Israel, and the victory God could and did give to Israel. So that every little bit of work is in the light of the whole assembly, for it is in that relation that God is now working. And though I may think I am not doing much, He knows how to make my little bit fit in with the whole of His operations.

May the Lord help us! The work is to be done, but let us see to it that in our part in it we are working with God.

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John 6:66 - 69; Numbers 31:1 - 8,21 - 23,48 - 54; 2 Chronicles 35:2 - 5

By the Lord's help, I hope to speak on the thought of holiness, and holiness in the actual service of the Lord in His testimony. I begin with John 6:70, because the Lord brings in the twelve formally there, in saying, "Have not I chosen you the twelve?" The official side of the apostles is but little noticed in John, but it is noticed here under the numeral twelve; the Spirit giving it a place in view of Peter's confession -- Peter's acknowledgement that Christ was "the holy one of God" The thought, however, of the twelve is immediately reduced in its official value, by the fact that one is said to have been "a devil". I say reduced in its official value, because John has in mind the time when official distinction should have little or no place; the time when that which had that place would prove false: that is to say, he had in view our own time. Whilst the official side is weakened by the fact that one of the twelve was "a devil", the service by the confession of the leading apostle, that is Peter, would be thereby rather enhanced.

The idea of holiness appearing here, in the expression "the holy one of God", implies that the service should not be marred but rather enhanced; the very fact of one being a devil making it more imperative that there should be holiness in the service. That the Master is the "holy one of God" is asserted, and hence we look for holiness in the servant. I believe that the thought of "the twelve" is noticed to bring this feature within the knowledge of the disciples, for Peter was not speaking for himself alone: he was speaking for all. He says, "we have believed and

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known that thou art the holy one of God". It was a fixed knowledge.

It is an important matter to have things certified by experience. John himself says, later, "we know that the Son of God has come", it was a fixed matter in their knowledge; and not only has He come, but He "has given us an understanding that we should know him that is true" We know Him as true -- another feature of our Lord that is to enter into service. He is the true one; and John says, "we are in him that is true, in his Son Jesus Christ" -- and then he finishes with this "He is the true God and eternal life", (1 John 5:20). How much is condensed into that statement! but it is a statement of fixed knowledge amongst the saints. So here Peter says, "... we have believed and known that thou art the holy one of God". The element of holiness is to be henceforward amongst the saints. The nominal service of God has become a very wide matter; the apostle Paul says, "For if ye should have ten thousand instructors ..." (1 Corinthians 4:15): and there are as many and even more in christendom now. "Ten thousand instructors in Christ" but then it is a question of the quality of the instruction -- whether the element of holiness enters into their service.

Peter, alluding to the twelve, said, "we have believed and known that thou art the holy one of God". At no time henceforth when Peter stood up to serve, would he forget that. The Spirit of God would secure him in relation to that. He had already confessed Jesus to be "the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Matthew 16:16). He had it by revelation: he had the truth of the Lord's Person in a unique way; but he held it as a treasure in a treasury. He never speaks of Christ as the Son of God in his preaching as far as is recorded. You may inquire why I mention that. It may even be suggested to you that I am belittling the great fact of the sonship of Christ in saying that Peter did not

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bring it forward. But no! far otherwise! I mention it to show how great a servant he was! that he was not only a servant getting his message at the moment from the Lord, but that he had a treasure, and he was the treasury himself. He could keep a treasure. He kept it concealed until the time arrived, in the Lord's ordering, for its announcement. He was not one of those who say everything they know in ministry. He was one that got his message as from the Lord and was under the guidance of the Spirit in his service.

The announcement that Jesus is the Son of God awaited another vessel. It is as if the Lord would say, Peter you have received this revelation from the Father; it is to be in your mind as a treasure in a treasury; you are to be enriched by it in your soul, and you are by it constituted a stone in the building, but when My time comes, I shall bring forward a vessel peculiarly fitted, to announce Me as the Son of God: -- and that servant was Paul. He was fitted in like manner, for he says, "God, who set me apart ... and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me, that I may announce him as glad tidings among the nations", (Galatians 1:15,16).

Now we have him who is fitted for the service: what was revealed in him he is to announce, "as glad tidings among the nations" -- and this he did. His first preaching was that Jesus is the Son of God. He made no delay. The great testimony must be rendered, and he rendered it. But then what a power the revelation of the Father would be in Peter's soul as he stood up in Jerusalem, to know that the Messiah was no less than the Son of God -- "the Son of the living God"; yea, that He was no less than God Himself! -- "over all, God blessed for ever" (Romans 9:5). What a power that would be in the soul of Peter, in his service! But then, what also enhanced his service was this knowledge, that he and his fellow-servants,

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the apostles, had "believed and known" that Jesus was the Holy One of God. How that would enter into those hearts and ears at Jerusalem as he stood up on that day as the feast of Pentecost was running its course! He stood up, the Holy Spirit having come, and he called upon the men of Judaea and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to hearken to his words. "Hearken to my words" (Acts 2:14), he says; they were words of truth; they were gospel; they were holy words. There was no lightness in that address, no trivial stories told; they were solemn words, spoken in the power of the Holy Spirit -- spoken in holiness, and they brought about conviction in the hearers. Used of God these words laid a foundation of holiness in souls. The gospel should hold the germ of everything that is to be afterwards built up in the believer's soul.

Now I want to show from the types, which always serve us in ministry, as they are intended, how this element of holiness appears in service; so I turn to the passage in Numbers 31:6. The servant there is Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron -- a worthy example for us, especially the young men. The Lord is calling for you: He has need of you, but remember that He has need of you on His own terms. The ten thousand instructors abroad today enter on service, alas! very largely upon their own terms. Even as to doctrine now, men take orders on their own terms, even avoiding to commit themselves to the truth of the Scriptures although they may formally assent to an article of faith. Modernism -- scepticism -- is abroad. In it there is not the slightest room made for the element of holiness and for the Spirit of truth. In speaking about love, dear brethren, we often forget the love of the truth, but it is of the greatest importance. We forget too much that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth: and that the truth is to be loved. 2 Thessalonians 2:10, warns

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against those who "have not received the love of the truth".

Phinehas stands out as an example for service. He appears here as a tried servant. Earlier he had proved his priesthood in his jealousy for God, and that is really what gives men a place among the people of God. He is concerned with the holiness of God's people. Chapter 25 records the great exploit of this servant in a crisis, when the enemy was carrying the day and bringing in idolatrous practices. As it is today: the loosest principles are asserted brazenly among the people of God, and not only asserted, but adopted. The doctrine of Balaam has place, "who taught Balak to cast a snare before the sons of Israel, to eat of idol sacrifices and commit fornication", (Revelation 2:14). It is the doctrine of Balaam. It is looseness -- unholiness. Phinehas establishes his right to an everlasting priesthood by an exploit in holiness -- by the use of the javelin against this dreadful state of things; and so he is brought forward here. This chapter tells us of the last battle under Moses. Moses is to die after this. A very remarkable thing! He is to have part in this great service first. It is a question of the authority of Christ at the end of the dispensation as I may say. The authority of the Lord Jesus is to be asserted, and this battle is to be marked by it.

And so Moses makes it a matter of the tribes. That is, it is an assembly matter. Battles today are all in relation to the testimony, and the testimony involves the assembly. We must bring the assembly forward -- the saints here upon the earth. If war is necessary, the Lord has His own forces here. As He entered Gethsemane, He said to His own, "Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder", (Matthew 26:36). The conflict is going on; there is no cessation of war, but it is under the authority of the Lord and it requires of every tribe a thousand men, so to speak. In principle, no one is to be left out. It is

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not a sectarian matter. Sectarian conflicts, although there have been many, do not require a thousand out of every tribe. This is not a sectarian conflict, it is a question of the whole of the saints of God viewed as the assembly, and they acknowledge the authority of the Lord.

In warfare we are apt to give way to our tempers -- our feelings; we are apt to allow personal resentment a place. The element of holiness would save us from that; holiness checks all these eruptions. And so here Phinehas is selected: you will observe that "Moses sent them to the war". The recurrence of the words war and thousand by the tribe, should be noted here. He "sent them to the war, a thousand by the tribe, them and Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, to the war, and the holy instruments, even the alarm-trumpets in his hand". These trumpets are called "holy instruments".

In Numbers 10 we have instructions regarding their place in the service. They are not called holy there. They are silver, and there are two of them. They were to be for the calling together of the saints; at the journeyings of the people in the wilderness; they were to be used for the calling together of the princes; and when the people went to war: they were to be used in the day of their gladness, in their set feasts, in their new moons: they were to be used in their burnt offerings, and their peace offerings. That is to say, the testimony of God is to be sounded out under all these circumstances. Whatever the calling together of the saints may be, it is a question of the rights of Christ being sounded forth. The trumpets were made of silver. The testimony is the assertion of the redemptive rights of Christ. He has a right to call us together. If we are to move, He has rights in regard to our movements. Our wills are never to be active in these matters. If we are to go to war, we are to have these holy instruments. If we

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are to have seasons of gladness, let them be occasions for the testimony to sound forth.

Some say there is no need of ministry under certain circumstances, but there is need of ministry. The most spiritual meeting does not preclude the idea of ministry. There must always be the assertion of the testimony -- the sounding out of the testimony. And so, in our gladness, as it says, and our set feasts and our new moons -- that is, as we make progress -- in our burnt offerings and peace offerings, the rights of the Lord are asserted in the power of the Spirit, in ministry, in these trumpets.

Now we see them in the hands of this holy man Phinehas. Time would fail to go into the chapter in detail. It is a remarkable chapter. The point I would urge, for the moment, is the holiness that enters into this war against corruption. That is to say, in the history of the assembly the Balaam doctrine has been successful: idolatry and spiritual fornication have become the set principles amongst the nominal people of God. That is the point in this chapter. But then, the foundation of God stands: the assembly stands. "The Spirit and the bride say, Come"! (Revelation 22:17). In the holy war, seen here in type, all this is brought into view. We must never lose sight of the assembly -- a thousand out of every tribe. Then the priest of God, Phinehas, with the holy instruments of God in his hand, even the alarm-trumpets. Think of these going into the battle! How could there be a battle for the testimony without them? There must be holiness in our service and testimony; it must mark all our activities, including conflict.

I want to show how successful this undertaking was. I believe we are in this very conflict. We are in the last days. These Midianites are typical of a great society. Look at the number of kings they had! Christendom has imitated the world. It has created

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ranks of office corresponding with those in the kingdoms of the world. From regal estate down to the humblest curate, it is the same principle. It is imitation and the union of the world and the church, and how are we to face it? As fighting His battles, the Lord is on our side -- let us be assured of that. It is not a big army here -- just twelve thousand men; but it is in principle universal, and, I may say, mutual -- "a thousand out of every tribe". Will is supposed to have been judged; it has no place. The authority of Moses, the priesthood of Phinehas, and the testimony sounded out by the holy instruments of God -- thus victory is assured.

If you read through the chapter, you will be impressed with the great spoil accruing. I cannot go into it, but this spoil has to go through the fire and through the water. In the second part of the chapter, verses 21 to 24, as you will observe, the spoil is described in its component parts, of gold, silver, brass, iron, tin and lead -- a very great variety of spoil. We may say, These metals are not affected; they do not take on impurities? But in the anti-type they do. They represent what is of God in the hands of the Midianites. That is to say, the great doctrine of the assembly -- the great terms of the truth, have been in the hands of the Midianites; but they must not remain there. They belong to other hands: they were never designed for unholy hands. They were never intended to fit into the order of things that is called christendom now. They were intended for lovers of Christ: they were intended for the assembly of God. Hence they need to be passed through the fire, and that which could not be passed through the fire, is passed through the water. They must go through the death of Christ. So that we have everything now recovered through the wonderful intervention of God. We have everything that began at Pentecost, that began at Corinth,

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Ephesus or other places where the truth was developed. We have got them all back in holiness, through the application of the death of Christ. They must go through that way. They cannot be held in a Midianitish way. God resents it. The truth must be held in holiness. The fellowship must be holy. The enemy is endeavouring with all his might, and in the most seductive way, to corrupt the fellowship, but God is resenting it, He is standing by us, as is portrayed in this chapter, and He has the victory.

Now I wish to show how all this spoil is regarded by the leaders of the army, the officers and captains of thousands, and captains of hundreds. They come to Moses and Eleazar and they bring their personal spoils. What an example for everyone of us! We could understand their taking it to themselves to enrich their own houses or tents, but they bring it to Moses and to Eleazar the priest -- these precious things mentioned -- the jewels of gold, the chains, the bracelets, the rings, the ear-rings and necklaces -- they are all presented: they are for adornment. Why should the Midianites have them? Spiritually these adorning things belong to the people of God, and the Spirit of God puts them upon us. You will observe that they are brought into the tabernacle, and the saints are the tabernacle -- the saints viewed as the assembly. So they bring them to Moses and Eleazar and they take them "all manner of wrought jewels. And all the gold of the heave-offering that they offered to Jehovah was sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty shekels, from the captains of thousands and the captains of hundreds". A goodly sum! And it says, "Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold of the captains of thousands and of hundreds, and brought it into the tent of meeting, as a memorial for the children of Israel before Jehovah". Now, dear brethren, see what a field is opened up to us in holiness in the conflict! Those who lead here

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are successful, for not a man is lost, and they bring every man his spoil, for the enrichment of the sanctuary of God. As the result of conflict our meetings are to be more spiritual, the brethren more intelligent, more holy. A spirit of judgment arises among us; unrighteousness is unsparingly judged, and holiness promoted.

I wanted to add to that the word in 2 Chronicles 35, to show how in all this conflict of the last days -- for Josiah in type is drawing near the last days -- the idea of holiness is insisted upon. In chapter 34:31 Josiah is said to have "stood in his place"; that is to say, the Lord has His place. Josiah made a covenant before Jehovah and caused all the people that were present to stand to the covenant. That is a great service of the Lord -- to enforce the covenant; to cause us to stand to it. And now the passover was kept, and the king said unto the Levites who were "holy to Jehovah, Put the holy ark in the house that Solomon the son of David, king of Israel, built". The Lord would encourage us against every effort of the devil to corrupt; that instead of allowing corruption we should pursue holiness, and the result will be spoil, to be used in the sanctuary. These spoils become adornments to the saints. But we must go still higher! The very highest level is to be maintained in our meetings. The Lord is coming and He is coming in His wrath, and who shall be able to stand? But He is coming according to all that He is, to the assembly, and He is looking to find in the assembly what He admires, what He loves! He is looking at the assembly on the level of sonship -- that its members should know their place with God. And so Josiah causes the people to stand to the covenant.

The Lord wants to make men of us -- that we should not be babes but grown men; that we should be true, as standing to the covenant. Love

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to one another involves faithfulness to one another. "And he said to the Levites, that taught all Israel, and who were holy to Jehovah, Put the holy ark in the house that Solomon the son of David king of Israel, built; ye have not to carry it upon your shoulders. Serve now Jehovah your God, and his people Israel; and prepare yourselves by your fathers' houses, in your divisions, according to the writing of David king of Israel, and according to the writing of Solomon his son". I leave this chapter with you: the teaching is so plain. It gives the highest level: that is the idea. It is not a question of Moses only, but of the holy ark in the temple that Solomon, son of David, built: and then all is to be according to the writing of David and of Solomon his son; things are to be on that level. The message of Josiah fits in here. He is going to finish with a high note! It is a question of David and of Solomon, the holy ark, the writing of David king of Israel, and the writing of Solomon.

In New Testament words, when the Lord Jesus comes, He says, "I am the root and offspring of David" (Revelation 22:16). David stands for everything that is excellent: that is the idea. The Lord Jesus appears in that light. "And the Spirit and the bride say, Come". Attention has been called to His Person, to what and who He is, and the enemy does not like that. The Lord has called our attention to the fact that His position in absolute Deity is entirely equal to that of the other Persons in the Deity; that He did not occupy a place of inferiority in the Deity. It enhances His glory in our hearts and minds. It enhances, too, the love that went so low as to become a Babe here in this world. All this serves to call out our affections, so that the holy ark is put into its own place -- that is to say, in the temple which Solomon, the son of David, built. Evidently it had been taken out, but now it is put back. That is the position today, and the

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Lord would call upon us to stand firmly by it. As it says in Ephesians 6:13, "Having done all, to stand" -- not to move one iota from the level to which God has brought us.

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2 Samuel 5:6 - 9; Ephesians 2:18,19

J.T. The account of the capture of Jerusalem given in 2 Samuel, speaks of David building inward. The corresponding account in 1 Chronicles 11 does not mention the inward side, but it mentions Joab, and that he "renewed the rest of the city". This account in 2 Samuel 5 does not mention Joab. I believe the Lord might help us through these scriptures as to the Godward side of the truth. There is the outward side too, of course. The Lord's supper stands in relation to what is public. I was thinking this morning as we were sitting together how the Lord was hated where He was brought up. They would have slain Him in Nazareth; and He was actually slain at Jerusalem. I was thinking that unless the testimony rendered is submitted to, the more hatred there will be. Where He was brought up they would have cast Him down headlong from the hill on which their city was built; a sorrowful use to make of an eminence which gave distinction to the city!

Jerusalem would be the amplification of what we are saying. Whilst the Lord was not brought up there, Jerusalem was central, and had the means of acquiring knowledge; all the historical facts referring to Christ would be known there. There was no suggestion at all that any mistake had been made, that they did not know; and He was crucified there; indeed, He went further, we are told, outside the gate, bearing His cross. There was no hiding of the matter, it was public; the historical facts were all known. Whatever the city or town or village may be, the same is true, that where the greatest testimony is rendered the greatest hatred will come out, in some way or other. So the saints are not to be deceived by any outward appearance; there is no change at

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all. The Lord says, "they have both seen and hated both me and my Father", (John 15:24). The disciples heard, and saw, and handled, and loved; but the world both saw and hated the Father and the Son. So that we are not to be deceived by any external appearance; the hatred is there, and will soon come out, if it has not already shown itself. The Lord's supper stands in that relation, it is where the hatred is; but there is attached to it the idea of fortification and strength. "David dwelt in the stronghold". The Lord said, "hades' gates shall not prevail against it", (Matthew 16:18). There is the public side which everyone who partakes of the Lord's supper should understand and accept, and the reproach and opposition attached to it. There is, on the other hand, the inward side, which I thought we might look at.

Ques. Was it in your mind that in Luke 22 the account of the passover, leading on to the institution of the Lord's supper, begins with the priests and scribes plotting to kill Him; so that in the place where the greatest testimony was rendered there the hatred came out?

J.T. Just so. They took counsel in the palace (Matthew 26:3). The atmosphere around the upper room was murderous. That is where the Supper was. There is an outlet from that in the mount of Olives both in Matthew and Mark; but it is not so in Luke. Luke, I think, has in mind that Christ should come in where the opposition is, and have a place there notwithstanding the opposition -- an undisturbed place. That is the idea in a memorial. The memorial is not in the mount of Olives; the memorial is in the midst of evil; where He is hated and rejected, there He has a place actually, without the external conditions being altered at all. He retains a place there.

McC. Is Psalm 23:5 on this line? "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies".

J.T. Yes.

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H.H. What about "the hand of him that delivers me up is with me on the table", (Luke 22:21). What does that mean?

J.T. That contemplates evil inside -- a most distressing consideration. It is well, especially for the young ones, to see that the Lord's supper is where the evil is.

H.H. It does not improve; it gets worse.

J.T. And it is in every town. The idea is that the Lord's supper is celebrated in towns or places. Whatever the outward appearance may be, or however small the place, the world is there and it hates Christ.

F.A.P. Is it your thought that the Supper continues in spite of what exists outwardly?

J.T. That is what I thought we might see. We can see the outward position of the Lord's supper; the emblems are public, and they denote that in spite of the murderous spirit outside, the brethren have gone on with this. It is public, and involves reproach and opposition; but then there is the inward retreat that the Lord has: He has acquired a place here; He gives us to know that He is here. He has a footing here where the opposition is.

D.G. Where there was hatred, there is love now -- in the saints.

J.T. Yes. The Lord has an undisturbed footing amongst the saints, as coming in. Then He takes on the thought of what the assembly is Godward. That is, whilst conditions around remain unchanged, the service of God goes on. That is a great matter; involving the protection of the kingdom, so that in spite of the existence of evil we can follow the Lord to His own side.

J.T-r. Do you connect the challenge of the Jebusites with the hatred against the Lord seen in Luke?

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J.T. Yes. It says, "And the king and his men went to Jerusalem against the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land". That would mean, that the opposition in heavenly places is to be set aside, so that the Lord might lead us into His own side of things.

Ques. What do you think the blind and the lame represent? Are they the influences the enemy would use to keep the Lord out of the midst?

J.T. I thought that; it is just the condition of men and women naturally, and it adds, "hated of David's soul". It is a state: the blind do not see, and the lame cannot walk; so they have no part in the assembly. They are here in the place of God's selection, but they despise Christ. Those who have part in the assembly must both see and walk.

Ques. That is a striking expression: "hated of David's soul". Will you say a little more about it with regard to the Lord's supper and the condition of things among us?

J.T. I think it stands over against what is in view here, the great position indicated in Jerusalem; so that any blindness and lameness is to be viewed in the light of what is said here, lest any of us should be marked in that way. The Lord hates that state, for it can have no part in the assembly, and it would keep Him out. The enemy would use the state described derisively, as if the Lord could not come in because of that; as if they would be enough to keep Him out.

H.H. The most favoured spot on earth is mount Zion; it is not to be held by these conditions.

J.T. I think the allusion is to the state of men, our own state naturally; that is, the sphere of God's operations now is in men's hearts and minds.

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Ques. Is this the same thing as that to which the Lord refers when He speaks of hating father and mother?

J.T. It is just the natural; but then it is lame and blind. The state treated of is the state of people utterly useless in the assembly or in "the house". But David takes Zion, the stronghold, in spite of that.

Rem. In John 9:40 the Pharisees ask, "Are we blind also?" "Jesus said to them, If ye were blind ye would not have sin; but now ye say, We see, your sin remains". They would have hindered the blind man from seeing too.

J.T. Quite so. They said they saw, and hence were responsible.

F.A.P. Would you say it is a question of opposition to the rights of the Lord in the saints?

J.T. The opposition is constant to keep the Lord out. That is the point here; "as much as to say, David will not come in hither". That is a clear-drawn issue, but He does come in. He comes into our hearts in spite of this influence. It is "the city of David", it is the place where the Lord's rights in redemption are asserted.

J.T-r. The blind and the lame figure much in the Lord's pathway, and He healed them frequently.

J.T. It is a state He does away with; He overcomes it. "David took the stronghold of Zion, which is the city of David". I regard that as the Lord entering into our hearts and minds, and He regards it as His own: he "called it the city of David". It is His own place, and He dwells there. Where else is He dwelling, save in the hearts of believers? So that the reference to the lame and the blind would be to reprove anything like that in us, any blindness which prevents us from seeing what He is doing, and lameness which would prevent our following the Lord

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to His side; any such opposition that would prevent His taking up His rights in the assembly.

H.E.F. What is the force of getting up to "the watercourse"?

J.T. I think it means getting at the work of God in the saints, what the Spirit effects; the Holy Spirit may be even in us, and yet this condition of lameness and blindness may be more or less present. If the Lord does not get at that, then it simply means that our minds and natural ability are at work in the things of God. "The watercourse" would allude to the Spirit, or what He effects in the saints.

D.M. Then our affections are moved.

J.T. Yes, and there is intelligence. There is a vital springing up, as soon as you let the water free.

D.G. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty", (2 Corinthians 3:17).

J.T. Exactly; that is what is in Him, the effect of His presence among us; but He wants to have the Spirit in us. Thus the question at Ephesus, "Did ye receive the Holy Spirit when ye had believed?" (Acts 19:2).

H.E.F. Must not the blind and lame be dealt with if that is to be brought about?

J.T. Exactly. The Spirit may be in us, and yet so hampered and grieved that He is not operating. The Lord aims at getting at our state. The general thought is to clear the way for the Spirit. It is only in the Spirit that we can really be in the assembly according to God; and that brings up a very wide inquiry: what the Holy Spirit is in relation to the covenant, and in relation to the family. What He is in relation to the covenant comes in early in the assembly meeting, because the thought of the covenant is in the Lord's supper; what He is in relation to the Father comes in later.

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H.E.F. I notice that in verse 9 David builds "round about" and "inward". Would the covenant strengthen the thought of what is round about?

J.T. I think so. "The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit", (Romans 5:5). In 2 Corinthians 3:17 there is a remarkable combination of the activities of the Lord and the Spirit in effectuating the covenant; "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty". But it says in verse 6: "not of letter, but of spirit". That shuts out mere religious feeling, which is very current among us, and which hampers the Spirit. Then we have a long parenthesis, in which it is stated that the ministry of the Spirit subsists in glory (verse 8) -- not the ministry of the Lord, but the ministry of the Spirit. Then at the end of the parenthesis in verse 17 it says, "Now the Lord is the Spirit". It is the combination of the Lord and the Spirit; and "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty".

H.H. Does what you have been saying correspond to what we call deliverance -- that is, setting us free from what is really connected with the flesh, the Spirit enabling us to be free from the flesh?

J.T. Yes. The building "round about" is fortification; that is the Lord fortifying our hearts against other things; it is like the doors being shut for fear of the Jews in John 20:19. The power inwardly shuts out what would hinder; so that I think the ministry of the covenant might come in there. The Lord and the Spirit are combined in 2 Corinthians 3. There is the thought of authority, and then the action of the Spirit. He, too, would fortify our hearts, filling them with the love of God; the sure way of fortifying us is by filling us with what is exclusive of evil.

F.A.P. So that the appeal in verse 8 seems to be on the individual line: "Whoever"; and when there is movement in that way the stronghold is secured for David.

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J.T. That is the thought. The heart is fortified; for it is a question of the Lord's rights there. "The city of David" is in view, a place in which the Lord has rights, and which takes character from Him, because He dwells in it. As getting a footing in it, He fortifies it; so that as sitting down in assembly we are not hampered by our own affairs. He would fortify our hearts, if we would let Him, so that we have peace; there is room for the Lord, and He would now operate: He would build inward, not making anything of us publicly. The account in 1 Chronicles 11 which has in view the millennium deals with what is outward: "he built the city round about, even from the Millo round about; and Joab renewed the rest of the city" (verse 8). With regard to what we get in 2 Samuel the building is "round about from Millo and inward"; and enters into Ephesians, because the point is "we have both access" -- that is, there is the idea of unity in access -- "by one Spirit to the Father".

F.A.P. Is the fortification set up so that the work might go on inwardly?

J.T. So that there might be scope inside, and that the saints might not be hampered by ordinary things. We are thus free to worship the Father.

F.A.P. "David built round about from the Millo and inward": The Millo was the rampart or citadel (See note, New Translation).

J.T. We cannot get on without that fortification. The enemy will come in with anything to prevent the brethren being at the Lord's disposal in the assembly.

F.F. David had been crowned in Hebron seven years before this, but there was determined opposition on the part of the Jebusites to keep him out of Jerusalem.

J.T. This type contemplates general unity as it is brought in in Ephesians. Hebron does not represent the full thought of God in this respect; it is only

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partial unity. At Hebron you are brought to the idea of another world; this world is left behind; but it is not the full thought, which is set forth in Jerusalem. So "we have both access"; that is the general unity.

A.S.G. Does John 4 help us on that line, the woman being wholly fortified?

J.T. Yes, no doubt when she went back into the city she was immune from fleshly influences. She went to the men fortified against all that influence. That is the principle of it. One thus delivered as in the assembly would be immune from all that would affect her naturally.

Ques. Is the building inward connected with being "strengthened with power by his Spirit in the inner man" with a view to apprehending "the breadth and length and depth and height", (Ephesians 3:16)?

J.T. That is leading on from what we have here; "we have both access". There is the idea of unity. Those whom Paul addresses at Ephesus had been alienated from each other; now they are united; so that they have access to the Father. Then we need more than that; in the next chapter the apostle prays that the Father might give us to be "strengthened with power by his Spirit in the inner man". That is the full thought of the inner side.

H.S.A. Does "both" refer to Jews and gentiles?

J.T. Yes; but what is said would apply anywhere where there is alienation of heart among the brethren. The thought is access collectively on the principle of unity.

H.H. Do you think the idea of the anointing of David by all the tribes (verse 3), is an encouraging word for the young ones? They want to be consenting to that, and they commit themselves in the Supper -- as you were saying, in what is outward. The young people who belong to the Lord ought to be asking to break bread because they all have Christ in their

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hearts, and they want to be identified with the place this truth has in relation to all the tribes.

J.T. That is how it works here: "Then came all the tribes of Israel to David to Hebron, and spoke, saying, Behold, we are thy bone and thy flesh"; that is a spiritual statement. It is not the Lord saying it now; it is our saying it. The Lord says it in John 20:17: "go to my brethren and say to them, I ascend to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God". That is His way of saying it. But here the saints in type are saying it, they are claiming David; they say, moreover, "Even aforetime, when Saul was king over us, thou wast he that leddest out and broughtest in Israel"; that is, while Saul reigned, David was apprehended as the one who led out and brought in the people. That is a beautiful service. He looked after the people, and he did it under very difficult circumstances, because Saul was adverse to him. This passage applies to young christians, as helping them to overcome when darkening influences are exerted over them. They say, "when Saul was king over us"; even then David led them out and brought them in. The Lord does this for us now notwithstanding that others may assert rights over us. That is what we have here; Saul's influence is gone now, and David is given his full place: "Then came all the tribes of Israel to David to Hebron, and ... king David made a covenant with them in Hebron before Jehovah; and they anointed David king over Israel". The covenant implies fellowship; it is a bond that you enter into, meaning that you are not going to play fast and loose while you profess to own Christ. The covenant means that one is committed, and it binds one to a certain course.

D.M. The outcome is that the king and his men go up to Jerusalem.

J.T. He has with him those whom he can trust, who have committed themselves to him in the covenant.

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F.A.P. Is it that the enemy would use occupation with ourselves on the line of weakness, to hinder the Lord from getting His place with us in our hearts?

J.T. Well, there are so many things to hinder. The question for each one to raise is, What is hindering me? Why can I not have part in this that is taking place at Hebron, and be free at Jerusalem? "The king and his men went to Jerusalem". He has men now. Christians are men as they commit themselves formally to the covenant. They are obligated to the Lord and to one another, I think it is thus that we are regarded as men.

D.G. In 1 Chronicles 12:18 those of Benjamin and Judah, led by Amasai, say: "Thine are we, David, and with thee, thou son of Jesse". Is that not a good confession?

J.T. Excellent. It is very fine to see here that, following on the covenant and the anointing, the people had the place of men. "The king and his men". The queen of Sheba says to Solomon: "Happy are thy men!" (1 Kings 10:8). So the Lord Jesus says "the men whom thou gavest me", (John 17:6). The assembly is formed of men, not children, not babes.

Ques. In what way does the Lord build inwardly with us? The apostle does not attempt it in Ephesians 3; he prays that the Father might do it.

J.T. I think we get a good illustration of the inward building in John 13 to 17. The Lord was sitting in the upper room while He spoke and the trend of all that He says is inward, it is toward the Father. First the scripture speaks of His having come from God and going to God; and then He speaks of going to the Father. He says in the course of His remarks: "If ye loved me ye would rejoice that I go to the Father, for my Father is greater than I" (chapter 14:28). And so right through till chapter 17, when, having said these things, it says that Jesus "lifted up his eyes to heaven and said, Father". If we had

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been there, listening to the Lord, we should have discerned that the trend of His remarks was in that direction. The idea is that we should follow Him; not only in regard to what He says, but in regard to the spirit or current that would be there, and it was toward the Father; it was inward.

J.T-r. Is that why you link the thought of what is inward with the Father?

J.T. Yes, chapter 20 is the climax in John's gospel; "go to my brethren and say to them, I ascend to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God" (verse 17). He is directing them to the Father, so that it synchronizes with Ephesians. John shows how the Lord is building inward and Ephesians shows that that was Paul's aim too; he was aiming at getting the saints' minds directed towards the Father.

H.H. Would you say that the public side in John would culminate with the twelfth chapter, and the inward side begins at chapter 13 when it raises a question with regard to our relations with each other; it is not purely individual?

J.T. In John it is the persons who are in view not so much the assembly as such, but unity of love amongst the persons; it works out in the same way. John supports Paul in that vital sort of way; so that while John does not give us the Lord's supper and Paul does, yet John tells us that the Lord said a great deal while it was being instituted; and John was lying in the bosom of Jesus and knew the trend of His affections. The current was strong, leading toward the Father, and out of this world. That is what the Lord is doing in our times, using John's ministry in that inward way to give us understanding in regard of our heavenly portion; the vital element in us, like the living water, and the breathing into us by Christ, is so that we might have part in the Father's world.

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H.H. Would you say that while Paul suggests the thought of the assembly, John is more engaged with the suitable material for it?

J.T. John is occupied with the persons who form it; so he speaks of "great fishes, a hundred and fifty-three" (chapter 21:11).

Ques. Is there a sense in which the saints come under the direct touch of the Lord as distinct from ministry? Joab does not build inward, but David does. Even Paul could not lead the saints into this; he commits them to the Father.

J.T. Joab has no place in this passage. It is not ministry by a gifted brother. It is the influence of the Lord Himself.

Ques. Would the building go on at the Supper?

J.T. In principle, it goes on all the time. It is a question of what the Lord does Himself. "David took the stronghold of Zion". However he did it, it was his exploit, and as you look back on your history you say, It was an exploit on the Lord's part in my case! What a marvellous thing that the Lord ever got a place in my heart! And what a heart it was! Think of what people are as brought up in the religious systems around; there is an element of the darkness that is in the world attaching to all these. Nevertheless David took the stronghold, and he dwelt in it. What is the good of taking it if he does not dwell in it? He named it "the city of David". Then having secured it he builds "round about" and "inward", suggesting, as we have said, how the Lord directs the saints to the Father; and you get the most wonderful things there.

F.A.P. You referred to the Lord speaking to the Father, saying, "The men whom thou gavest me". Is the building up in John 13 to 16 in relation to that material?

J.T. That is right. Each one was taken out of darkness; it was an exploit to get into any one

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of their hearts. The stronghold represents our hearts; it is where Satan had a place. The Lord nevertheless took it in spite of the derisive remarks of the Jebusites. It was the prowess of Christ that did it, as every one of us would acknowledge in relation to his own experience.

D.G. The Lord is the only one who could do it.

J.T. That is so; and He has a right to do so in redemption. David took Goliath's head to Jerusalem; the city was taken; at least that is the order in which the facts are stated. Now he is making good the testimony as to his power; he is there himself, having overcome those who held the city; and he dwells there.

A.T.S. The Jebusites evidently did not know what was involved in that wonderful victory of David over Goliath.

J.T. Ephesians 4:8 says, "Having ascended up on high, he has led captivity captive". Christ has gone to the highest point with the token of His victory. That is the thought. The great primary thought is that the head of the giant is taken off. That means that all our heads have to go! That head represents the natural ability we have, which is always turned against God. Whilst that head stands there can be no headship of Christ as to us in a practical way; so, as we were saying, the gospel presents the full thought. The Lord Jesus is "marked out Son of God in power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by resurrection of the dead" (Romans 1:4). When that thought gets into your mind your head goes. They had the giant's head in Jerusalem, that is, the testimony that your mind, your natural ability, is useless. If you recognize that, the Lord will take charge of your mind and heart, and He is going to be Head to you; and that is really where the assembly is owned in a practical way. The head of the giant

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is a matter of testimony. You may have inquired as to whose head it is. Well, it is the head of the greatest creature opposed to God. As in Jerusalem it is proof that the opposition is completely destroyed. This makes way for the working out of the all-various wisdom of God in the assembly.

H.H. Elisha was governed by the man who had gone up. The sons of the prophets speak of his master being taken away from over his head (2 Kings 2:3,5). So Elisha was not governed by his own head.

J.T. And he got the spirit of that man, and then Elisha would be like his head; henceforth he was a heavenly man.

H.H. He does not trust his own head; he asks for a double portion of the spirit of Elijah.

F.A.P. This seems to be a moral victory in the saints: "Whoever smites the Jebusites". The conflict is with us in this way now?

J.T. Yes; it follows on properly after the giant's head had been there. David had taken the head there; it is a matter of testimony; but now he is there himself; he says, "Whoever" with regard to taking the place; but then the Spirit of God stops there; there is no mention of who did it. There is a hiatus, as you notice, in the New Translation. In 1 Chronicles 11 we are told that Joab went up first, but Joab does not fit in 2 Samuel. It is a question of the Lord Himself. It is not a question of ministry, or of some great gift; for a great person like Joab, though a valuable man in his place and time, is apt to hinder you under these circumstances. It is entirely a question of Christ Himself, of what He does.

Rem. We get a kind of proverb at the end of verse 8: "Therefore they say, The blind and the lame shall not come into the house"; it is not the city or the stronghold but the house.

J.T. That is suggestive here. Why should they come into the house? They are hated of David's

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soul. The proverb would mean that the idea of the blind and the lame being excluded from the house was fixed; the thought of their coming in is repugnant. They shall not come in. It is like shutting the doors for fear of the Jews (John 20:19). It is a question of keeping out adverse elements.

J.T-r. Does it mean that they would get healed if they came in?

J.T. The time to get healed is before you come to the house. It is the first thing in the gospels; but this refers to what is characteristic -- the lame and the blind continuing in that state.

F.A.P. How different our meetings would be if we came resolved in that way that the blind and lame should not come in!

J.T. Yes; they must not come in. I must come in seeing. The man in John 9:11 says to his neighbours, "I saw", but when the Pharisees challenge him he says, "I see" (verse 15). That is how a man should come in to the assembly. He should be able to walk too.

H.B. The lame and the blind would not be able to go round Zion and mark her bulwarks, as it says in Psalm 48.

J.T. No, they can neither see nor walk. What is before us really applies to the terrible condition in christendom today in spite of the profession; and it obtained in Jerusalem at the time of the Lord's death.

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1 Corinthians 14:37

I begin with this one verse, dear brethren, as bringing out the idea of the Lord's commandment. The importance of a divine commandment, especially as embracing many in detail, has been long observed and felt, and its importance was never greater; for the present period is peculiarly marked by disobedience, whether it be to the authorities divinely ordained, or parent or masters or what is set in the assembly; disregard of commandment and divine authority is prevalent everywhere.

I am speaking now in general terms, hoping to come to those in whom there is respect for the Lord's commandment. It is a written commandment here; it stands whether it is observed or otherwise. We have before us the writer, as well as the commandment through him; one who has a place not only by faithfulness, but by divine appointment in a special way; one to whom the ministry of the mystery of the assembly was committed, to complete the word of God. God lays great stress on the place of this servant, and this very verse emphasizes it, in that in it he says, "the things that I write to you, ... it is the Lord's commandment". I believe that is the proper rendering, it is one great idea, "it is the Lord's commandment". It is one great idea of commandment, and it is a test to all pretension to gift or spirituality.

Now I want to show, dear brethren, that commandment implies fixity from the divine side, and is therefore a guarantee that things are to stand, a guarantee for faith. Our position here today is a testimony that the will of God stands; that we can meet thus, no man forbidding us, when in earlier days such a meeting would be proscribed. A commandment lies behind

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this, something maintained divinely. And so, to trace the idea a little way, we have it set out very early, especially in that well-known passage in Psalm 33:9, referring to the creation, "he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast". There was intelligence in the speaking, faith understanding that "the worlds were framed by the word of God", (Hebrews 11:3).

I hope to show that this applies in a moral sense, too: "it stood fast", there was fixity, a most important point to bear in mind in looking through the Scriptures, for all were written for us. The idea of fixity based on the commandment runs through, and, as I said before, fits into our very meeting today, "he commanded, and it stood fast". Then, lest there might be anxiety as to material things -- the waters are placed under a decree. Waters in the creation can be easily moved, God can call upon them, if needs be, as He did in a large way to effect the deluge, when "the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened", (Genesis 7:11). Possibly the antediluvians never thought of God's resources in this way. According to His remarks to Job, God had set bars and doors to circumvent the movement of the waters, but they were available for His use (Job 38:10).

The antediluvians doubtless had not reckoned on such resources, such movable material, an element that God could call upon in a large way for retributive and for cleansing purposes. But then He had them under control, and still has them thus. He may use them, but it is a question of His will, and that applies at the present time -- "Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further: and here shall thy proud waves be stayed", (Job 38:11). The underworld, as we speak of it, may seem to lift up its head, and it has done so even in modern times; what, in one sense, is prefigured by the waters may be acted upon, and will be. We are touching the fringe of the period in which the waves

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of the sea will roar and the beast will come out (Revelation 13:1), but then that is a question of the divine will and permission. For the moment all is kept back divinely, not accidentally, so that there is stability for faith in regard of what seems to threaten to convulse the world, and which will indeed do so presently, when God lifts His hand.

We do well to face these things, dear brethren, because they are facing us. But then, as I said, there is security, and we may shelter under the commandment -- the decree. Wisdom was present as the decree was imposed according to Proverbs 8:29. Wisdom says "when he imposed on the sea his decree that the waters should not pass his commandment ... then I was by him". It is a question of God's power to impose His will on what seems to be most powerful. We are to nestle under this in regard to current conditions. Prayer enters into that too, for believers are to be conversant with these things: the Scriptures are written for us, and if we read Scripture and become sympathetic with God, we will look to Him as to things.

Then, coming to Adam, there was also testimony to the divine commandment in the tree of knowledge of good and evil. That was intended to govern Adam in innocency, but he lost his innocency and it is never regained: innocency is not a thing that is regained. The new man is "created in righteousness and true holiness" (Ephesians 4:24), it is not said that the new man is created in innocency. Righteousness and holiness belong to a much greater order of man than Adam, involving what will stand up intelligently against all that is against God in this world. God introduced the thought immediately sin came in; the idea of righteousness is brought out; and notwithstanding the presence of sin through Adam and Eve, human conditions were fixed in a general way by commandment, through what was imposed on the serpent, and on the woman, and on the man -- that was the order. God imposed certain

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conditions which remain to the present moment, and even as apostasy followed in Cain, He imposed a condition there; the murderer is marked off and must not be touched.

It seems an extraordinary thing that a murderer should come under the protection of God, but "where sin abounded grace has overabounded", (Romans 5:20). It is the Jew, typified in Cain, protected to the present moment: he is around us, in the towns and cities with which we have to do. The Lord's word stands unfailingly, "This generation will not have passed away until all these things shall have taken place", (Matthew 24:34). The Jew stands, the generation is the same today as it was then. All these things come down to us, they are round about us, all fixed by the divine commandment; evil can go just so far, and no further. Faith nestles under this; the commandment of God must be in our favour surely, if it shelter the Jew.

That is how matters stood in the antediluvian world, and these things run right through -- taken up and added to after the deluge in a most interesting way, for we are in the post-diluvian world; that which then was is said to have perished, we are in the world that now is, and there is another one to come. The present world dates from the deluge, but it is full of the same things and others added, especially in regard of the nations. International issues are the outstanding feature of the time, and we must not disregard them, for they enter into the will of God. Indeed the apostle Paul said to the Athenians at Mars' hill, those who above other people would be conversant with mundane affairs, that God "has made of one blood every nation of men to dwell upon the whole face of the earth, having determined ordained times and the boundaries of their dwelling", (Acts 17:26). In whatever direction we look, there it is, God has set the bounds and they cannot be altered: in other words, God is in all these things, as

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indeed we get further, "he is not far from each one of us: for in him we live and move and exist" (verses 27,28).

How different everything becomes as we look at it thus; God entering into all these things in a limiting way by His commandment. Take the current agricultural situation, for instance, how prolific the earth is -- is that not of God? It is; that fact enters into the worship of God's people. "While the earth remaineth", He says to Noah, "seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease", (Genesis 8:22). It is very striking how the goodness of God in the fulness of the earth stands over against the futility of human legislation and administration. God is still there to be worshipped as the Creator. God would enlarge us as to these things, that we might worship Him intelligently as enjoying His benefits, seeing His greatness; for "the invisible things of him are perceived, being apprehended by the mind through the things that are made" (Romans 1:20), showing that by the renewed mind, the christian is brought into these things, perceiving in this way "both his eternal power and divinity".

Then another thing in regard to the nations is that in ordering them, it was in relation to the children of Israel, His own people: all these orderings and fixities have in view the comfort, the prosperity and growth, of the people of God. We are set in what seems to be overwhelming; if for a moment God's hand were lifted, it would be so, and yet the people of God stand in the midst of it unperturbed; that is to say, where faith exists. All these bounds are set in relation to the people of God, according to Deuteronomy 33 -- the love of God entering into that book in a peculiar way: "Yea, he loved the people", it is said (verse 3). So that we are restful in regard to current matters by the knowledge of the commandment of God.

Well now, it should appeal to us that a commandment is written to ourselves, one directly given to us!

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What are we going to make of it? Elsewhere the Lord says, "He that has my commandments and keeps them, he it is that loves me", (John 14:21). If these things are disregarded abroad, the Lord would appeal to us that the one that is written to us, this particular one in this letter to the Corinthians, should be looked into most carefully and adhered to sedulously. There is enjoyment in it, but above all, we honour Him whose it is -- "it is the Lord's commandment". One is reminded of Himself as Man here on earth, and He leads the way in this, as in all else: He loved the law, it was in His heart. What a testimony He was here! and how delightful to heaven He was in that relation. He "magnified" it too, for God makes a point of that, that His law must stand; and not only stand, but be honoured. "He will magnify the law, and make it honourable", (Isaiah 42:21). How important, therefore, if we love God, if we love the Lord Jesus, that this great commandment, the first letter to the Corinthians, should not only stand in regard to ourselves, but be made honourable.

What has been the case even in the history of persons who separated nominally from the great religious systems many years ago? Many independent bodies have been formed, and this commandment has dropped out of view; and it remains out of view so far as many are concerned. I am not here to accuse, but it is a solemn fact. What does heaven think of that? There may be much activity, but what must heaven think when the commandment is not magnified and made honourable? -- not even kept? We may well listen to the Lord saying, "it shall not be so among you". Let us take it to heart; He is greatly concerned about this matter. I do not, of course, limit the idea of commandment to this epistle, but this epistle relates to the assembly in its public character here, and how important therefore that it should have its place, not only in word but in fact; that we may be able to prove

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our spirituality, our love for God by obeying the commandment. There is no other way that I know of; it is the test for us.

Well, it is here in chapters 11 to 14 inclusive, but particularly in chapters 12 to 14. Chapter 11 deals with the Lord's supper; the Lord has helped us as to that, and is helping us. The apostle, in that chapter, speaks about the directions he had given the Corinthians, which they had kept, and he was now giving them others; and then he adds that other things that needed to be set in order, he would deal with when he arrived. But then the question of gift comes up, the question of ministry; and it is a very important matter just now. The apostle, indeed, had persons who professed to minister in his mind, persons who would prophesy. Certain ones at Corinth had entered the lists with the great apostle, as rivals to him. What folly! But it was there, rivalry in the ministry; and what goes with that is partisanship, and what follows on that is metropolitanism. So he says, "Did the word of God go out from you?" Had it been so, it would have meant that Corinth was to be a metropolitan centre, as Jerusalem had been. Jerusalem is the only city entering into christianity that was once rightly metropolitan, and it has passed away long ago, not to be revived in relation to christianity. It was of God for the moment but God would never repeat that amongst the nations, though the assumption to it has been shamefully attempted in Rome, and in other centres, too. The rival element at Corinth would have had it so. "Did the word of God go out from you?" the apostle says. It did not; there is no evidence of it. It went out from Thessalonica, from a young assembly, "it sounded out", but there was no pretence to rivalry with Paul in Thessalonica. There cannot be the proclamation according to God where rivalry exists.

Then he says, Did the word of God "come to you only?" pointing unmistakably to certain pretensions

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among them. Then he says, "If any one thinks himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize the things that I write to you, that it is the Lord's commandment". That was the test. You may talk about your pulpits and your missionary services, and how much of this has been all these recent years -- while the commandment has been disregarded! What does heaven think of that? It resents it. The pretension that the word of God was going out, and certain denominations, each in its own sphere, assuming that the word came to it only, for that is the underlying principle in a sect, that it is right and all others are wrong. The challenge in the presence of all that, is the Lord's commandment; not the pope's or the archbishop's, or the convention's, or the presbytery's; no, it is the Lord's commandment. That is the test the Lord has given to the whole of christendom, whatever the pretension -- "let him recognize the things that I write to you", Paul says -- mark it is not 'what is written', but "the things that I write to you, that it is the Lord's commandment".

Well now, dear brethren, this is very searching, especially as to ministry, because rivalry, alas! usually arises amongst ministers -- though no doubt underlying conditions amongst the saints give occasion for it. The Lord shelters His people if the state is right generally, but rivalry arises among ministers, and the challenge here is to such to recognize that what is written by Paul, in this letter, is the Lord's commandment. Now in these three chapters -- 12, 13 and 14 -- which treat particularly of ministry, we have the idea of commandment, peculiarly attaching to us as christians. In chapter 12 we have divine Persons operating; a remarkable thing that they should be brought in to correct or instruct the Corinthians in regard of ministry: there is the Spirit, and there is the Lord, and then there is God; all operating together in perfect holy unity. What a model for us! The Spirit is

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mentioned first, because that is the point to be stressed in regard of ministry, it is a question of what the Spirit says. So the gifts first of all are referred to the Spirit in chapter 12, but then the body follows, so as to teach us our dependence upon one another; that we are an organism, and that God has set the members "as it has pleased him". That is fixity; you cannot alter it. The position of each in the body, as in the human body, is according to divine wisdom; according to divine pleasure, too, and surely if we love God -- it is a question of God -- we do not wish to alter in the least degree the position He has set us in, it is a question of His pleasure. I love to think of what pleases God; He has part in all these meetings, and should have His pleasure in every believer -- as he walks the street, and particularly as he sits down with his brethren, as he sits down body-wise with them -- how God is pleased with the love that underlies that! -- each in his place. "God has set the members, each one of them in the body, according as it has pleased him" (verse 18).

Then the next thing is, He has set certain in the assembly (verse 28). Gifts are set in the whole assembly. Gifts are not local. If we recognize this, we shall never make any local brother our favourite minister. That has been done. If one has gift, he is not in that sense local. He is local as a brother, but he is universal as a gift. He is set "in the assembly". "God has set certain in the assembly", and then we have the list: apostles, prophets, teachers, helps, and governments, and so on. God has set them there -- that is the thought; there is a fixity in regard to those set in the assembly. This is most practical: it shuts out independency on the one hand, God having set the members "each one of them in the body", and clericalism on the other hand, for "God has set certain in the assembly". It is a question of your place or mine according to the pleasure of God, "as it has pleased him". It is wonderful how

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God has brought in the detail in this epistle in regard to the members of the body, just as in regard to the very seed sown in the ground; it is said in chapter 15 that He gives it a body "as it has pleased him". All this is to prevent interference or rivalry; it makes way, in other words, for the free action of the Spirit of God. Without these things we shall miss the free action of the Spirit of God.

Love comes in in chapter 13, without which all activity must be in vain: there must be love; without it, as we have often heard, we are nothing. So that love being existent in all these things that the will of God fixes and recognizes, you have the free action of the Spirit, and the river of grace flows -- a most delightful thing! "There is a river the streams whereof make glad the city of God", (Psalm 46:4). The city refers to divine ordering of things among the saints, and then the river makes glad the city of God. How the free action of the Spirit in ministry and the like, gladdens the hearts of the saints as we come together as we are now! "A river the streams whereof ..." showing that it is not one person, it is a question of gifts or vessels that God uses to gladden the hearts of His people.

That was all I had to say. I think you will see the force of it, the importance of commandment and of getting into the soul the idea of the Lord's commandment. There is a word added to that -- "But if any be ignorant, let him be ignorant". You may say, That is not consistent with christianity. But it is: there are those that will be ignorant, a most solemn thing, and God fixes things on us. Is it not a most solemn thing that God fixes ignorance on a man? I think it is a most serious matter; if I am ignorant, shutting my eyes and heart to the truth, God allows this to stand. A most solemn matter! "But if any be ignorant, let him be ignorant". That is how the matter stands;

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but God would encourage us in regard to the Lord's commandment, to recognize it, maintain it, and make it honourable. Let it stand out as a testimony that is not only written, but actually effective, in the walk and the ways and conversation generally of God's people.

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Hebrews 10:19 - 22; Numbers 7:89; 1 Chronicles 17:11 - 21; Psalm 73:16,17

You will recognize, dear brethren, that these scriptures have to say to our entering into the immediate presence of God. They tell us that the way for this is now made known, and they indicate that God would have us near Him. The people of God are marked off indeed characteristically in Scripture as a people near unto Him (Psalm 148:14). That is their glory, but He makes it plain, in thus indicating His pleasure in His people being near, that it is in His people and no others. Others assuming to draw near, Scripture says, are to be put to death -- "the stranger that cometh nigh", (Numbers 1:51). I do not say that there is actual death meted out to persons who presume to draw near to God, but are not His. There are many, alas! who presume to draw near. In christendom the so-called priesthood assumes the right, as attaining certain conferred degrees, to draw near, but God makes it plain that any who are not His, who take up that attitude, are under the severest penalty. The present is not a time of penalty exactly, not a time of curse; God can wait and He does. He is slow to execute judgment, slow to wrath, but still He does not forget anything, nor does He ever lose sight of one who offends in this way. As the apostle says, the curse is to be executed when the Lord comes (1 Corinthians 16:22).

It is very solemn indeed to presume to have access to God apart from being one of His people, but His people are before Him and He is looking out for them. Even if there is delay, He is waiting, wonderful in patience; God waits for His people, and the epistle to the Hebrews is intended to show this and the way in. There is not only the liberty to go in; you may have that without fully knowing the way. Liberty to go

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in and the way are two distinct things. Now the epistle to the Hebrews shows the way in, and you therefore have what relates to the conscience. There are certain things mentioned. The High Priest is spoken of as over the house of God, but the way also involves things, whereas in Ephesians the way is by Persons; "through him we both have access by one Spirit", (Ephesians 2:18). Hebrews is on a lower level, that is, God coming down to where we are. Nothing is more touching than to see God coming down to where we are, but it is to the end that we might move up towards Him. Love will serve so that it might gratify itself, and it will go to any length to that end, but love will have nothing less than the persons loved. Let us never forget that. God is looking out for us and, although He sees many of us slothful, having hardly moved toward Him, He is waiting. Hence here we have the exhortation "Let us draw near"; it is by the new and living way.

The early christians, Peter's converts and others, were alive; God was before them. If one of those addressed were to ask the writer of this epistle, What does this new and living way mean? He would say, It is not an unknown thing. He might inquire, Did you ever see Peter pray? Did you ever attend a meeting with Peter? You knew him. You would see that he did not approach God according to dead ordinances, he approached God in a living way. Where did he learn to approach God in this living way? He learnt it from Jesus. If you read John, chapters 13 to 17, you will see what is meant in this. And so if you heard James speak to God, you would understand this living way. Have you forgotten, the writer might say? They had forgotten -- they had dropped down almost to the level of a worldly religion that at one time they had turned their backs upon, and hence the danger of losing sight of the living state of things that marked apostolic times following

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on the gift of the Spirit from heaven. The writer of this epistle urges the saints to remember their leaders who had spoken to them the word of God. So the Lord would make things practical to us.

Hezekiah had some idea of this matter. He says, "The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day", (Isaiah 38:19). He saw that the service of praise to God was not merely a matter of killing bulls and goats and sprinkling their blood on the altar and mercy-seat. He saw that drawing near to God was a living matter. People were made to live who were redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, and who, by the Holy Spirit, had learned to love God, learned to love Jesus, and learned to love one another, so that if you saw them when they came together in the early days you would see how everything glowed with love. Peter doubtless saw the Lord Jesus lift up His eyes and say, "Father". He lifted up His eyes to heaven (John 17); what a movement it was, how living it was. If Peter did it afterwards he would be governed by what he saw.

Christianity, beloved brethren, is not a book matter merely; the Scriptures are essential, of course, but christianity existed before the Scriptures of the New Testament were written; it is a question of living persons; it was first expressed in Jesus, in whom was life, and the life was the light of men. His movements, His words, His ways were light. Peter, John, Bartholomew, Matthew, James, and the rest of the apostles, and others besides, saw all these things and were affected by them.

If you were to ask them, What does entering by the blood of Jesus mean? they would say, It means that He died. He did not go into heaven in relation to Himself alone, He went in sacrificially, and thus made a way for others to go in to God, and as He went in through death for us, we can go in. He represented us.

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What does this veil mean? might be asked, and the answer would be that things were hidden while Christ was here in the condition of flesh and blood; God was here indeed, and hence near to men, but until Christ's death the veil which barred the way in to God existed; now that Christ has gone in through death there is a way in for us. "Through the veil, that is to say, his flesh", refers to the change effected through Christ's death. We did not really understand anything fully until He died and rose and went up to heaven, and the Holy Spirit came down, but now we know it all. The truth is all out. And so in regard to the great Priest over the house of God; John, as knowing Jesus in such an intimate way, would convey what this means. The truth would be made plain and practical by the apostles as known experimentally by them.

The New Testament, of course, is indited by the Spirit, but the christian system, in its living, practical, intelligible relations, was there already in the saints in the power of the Holy Spirit come down to us. Thus Jesus as gone into heaven was known on earth as a Great Priest over the house of God. A Great Priest, that is what it says here. Chapter 4 is the great High Priest, where it is a question of the throne of grace. Priestly grace and sympathy we experienced in Him while He was here, the apostles might say, but now we understand priesthood in a spiritual way that, as in heaven, He is a Great Priest over the house of God. The Holy Spirit having come, we understand that all blessing comes into our souls from Him, we are living by Him. He has a means of touching every one of us as if He were here Himself. He can be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, and He is over the house, filling it with the spirit of grace and holy liberty.

Thus we have liberty to draw near, we are to draw near to God. Jesus in becoming Man brought in light

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as to God, He revealed the Father, and now that He has gone in, having made a way for us, we can draw near to God. In this epistle the thought of Deity is expressed in "the greatness"; He "sat down on the right hand of the throne of the greatness in the heavens", (Hebrews 8:1). How immense the privilege that we can draw near to that! It is for us to apprehend the Greatness. The idea is personified: Jesus sat Himself down at the right hand of the throne of the Greatness in the heavens. And then the Father -- He is the Father of a Man here below: He speaks to Him, addresses Him as "my beloved Son"; and this blessed Man, Peter would say, said to me, "Then are the sons free". He associated me with Himself: He said as to the tribute money, "Give it to them for me and thee" (Matthew 17:26,27).

The apostles would thus convey to interested persons the living way by which we may enter the holiest; they understood how to draw near to God. This involves hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience in those who draw near. There is not one here who does not know something about an evil conscience. The Holy Spirit works on our consciences. Whether you are a christian or not God will work on your conscience. You have that by which He can approach you and make you feel things. If there is anything that has happened that is causing an evil conscience, then the word is "having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water". The water is the death of Jesus. The water flowed from His side, and really what is meant is His death, but as applied to your body, to your state, not your sins. 'Body' here implies yourself; that is, I must be cleansed as well as forgiven.

In speaking to the early ministers of Christ, inquiring from them, they would impress you that everything in christianity is real, living and practical. That is what this epistle contemplates. There are two phrases

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of two words each that mark it -- "We have" and "Let us". If you go through the epistle with these in view you will find out how rich you are, how much you have. Others have creeds, degrees, habiliments and cathedrals, but true christians have other things, and if you go through the epistle to the Hebrews you will be impressed with the things that we have. And then "Let us"; that is, let us go in for these things, move in relation to them. These are the two sets of words that make the epistle intensely practical and that govern it in large measure. So here, "Let us draw near"; the speaker is drawing near and he wants you to go with him. That is all very simple, dear brethren, and practical, and that is what I had in mind.

The Old Testament illustrates these things, so that the first scripture I read says, "Moses went ... to speak with Him". That is a remarkable thing, that a man of like passions with ourselves had liberty to go into the holiest. Typically, it is Christ as mediator; but there was the thought of going in to God. So far as I understand, Moses is never forbidden, it is Aaron that is forbidden to go in. Personally, the Lord always could go in, although the way in was not made manifest until He died. But it is very beautiful to see Moses do it. He knew who was there. No one in the Old Testament can be compared with Moses, as to his knowledge of God. God Himself said of Moses, "the form of Jehovah doth he behold", (Numbers 12:8). No one had such an advantage as Moses. This verse would indicate that he had the greatest liberty to go in to speak with God. But God says to him, as it were, Moses, I would like to speak first. I think that is very beautiful. I would prefer God's speaking to my speaking. Moses heard the voice speaking to him; it says, "from off the mercy-seat which was upon the ark of testimony, from between the two cherubim".

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Now that is the first thing I would stress, dear brethren, from the types. That is, that you hear divine speaking as you go in. God may speak to you now as I am speaking to you. I hope He will -- one would be simple; David says, "his word was on my tongue" (2 Samuel 23:2), so that as one is ministering God's voice may be heard; but this is not your going in, it is God coming out to speak. There were two places where He spoke: at the brazen altar and from off the mercy-seat. Moses heard Him from the mercy-seat and the people heard Him at the brazen altar. I would rather go in, although I am thankful to hear God speak at the brazen altar. Moses in going in to speak had evidently liberty in his soul, but God says, I should like to speak to you. I believe this verse is to indicate how Moses received all his communications. Exodus 25 would indicate that this is how God would speak authoritatively through the Mediator, that is, everything would come from off the mercy-seat. There is a beautiful touch in the mercy-seat, that is, what God is in mercy to us -- every word mingled with mercy. It is a question of His people. The mercy-seat is the throne of God, but it is not the great white throne. It is the throne of God towards His people, whence He speaks to us. The communications introduced by "The Lord spake unto Moses, saying", generally came this way; God figuratively shining out in Christ, who is the mercy-seat (Romans 3).

But then there is also authority. The ark of the testimony is there, that mysterious symbol of the presence of God in power, Jesus come in lowliness and obscurity; and then the two cherubim, denoting the government of God. All these things combine in the communications to the Mediator; and how important it is, dear brethren, that we should have authority today and that we should have such speaking! It all comes out from Jesus who is the great Speaker in the

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epistle to the Hebrews. Through Him all speaking comes and these three features must be there, so it is, "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord" (Hebrews 2:3); it is such speaking. Let us not assume that it does not exist. There is continuous speaking of authority on the part of God. But what I want to show is that it is for us to go in and get this firsthand, to hear God speaking to you. Moses heard the voice speaking to him. It may be as you are in your closet, for I believe the holiest is the outcome of turning into one's closet to speak to God, "to thy Father who is in secret", as the Lord says (Matthew 6:6). It is within the range of every christian to do that. I believe that we understand the holiest as we understand what it is to speak to God, unfolding to Him the desires of our hearts. As we do this a voice comes, some little suggestion comes. Did you ever have such an experience? Something that you never had before? He heard the voice speaking to him, and then it says Moses spoke to God. I would commend that to you -- turn in and speak to God and He will speak to you.

The next phase of this subject that I would present is David. It is a well-known passage, corresponding with one in 2 Samuel 7; it is in a beautiful setting, that of sonship. David had thought of building the house of God, but it was forbidden him, and Nathan is sent to tell him that it is his seed that will build the house, and that seed is to be God's son. Without mentioning Solomon, who was not yet born, it says, "thy seed ... I will be his father, and he shall be my son". That is sonship, in a little way, of course, but still it is there; and if we examine Psalm 89 we shall see that David himself is regarded as "firstborn", and Jehovah says, "He shall call unto me, Thou art my father". So that we see how sonship merges from David to Solomon, but David had part in it. In other words, Christ here on earth was Son

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as He is now. The idea was disclosed when He was on earth, but it is now extended to us, He having gone up into heaven and sent down the Spirit. We have not only the light of sonship but the thing itself. We have the Spirit of adoption. I wonder if everybody here understands the Spirit of adoption. God has sent out the Spirit of His Son into our hearts crying, Abba, Father. The Holy Spirit sees to that in the believer. The Spirit of sonship Himself cries, Abba, Father. I believe He teaches us by that how we are to cry, Abba, Father.

Well, I want you to follow what I am saying and to see what this movement of David's is. He went in and sat before Jehovah. He never did it before, so far as Scripture records. Why did he do it? Obviously because the light of sonship shone into his soul. He says, I see (I mean, in type, of course) that God is to be my Father and I am to be His son; it is indicated in Psalm 89, as I said. In this light I can go in to God, as my Father, and He will be pleased to see me. Dear brethren, you will pardon my simplicity in this matter. We need to get down to one another. Is not the Father pleased to see His sons? He is. He is waiting to see you; He affords you access to Him. He did not send out for David here. David went in, and he did not stand; it says, he went in and sat. The Spirit of God is accurate in these matters and He means to convey to you that if you go in as a son you will be free to sit. You will have the sense of holy liberty there. The word may be rendered "tarried". David had liberty there. Not a word is said about his priestly apparel, or a linen garment. David is within in the light of sonship, and this now applies to every one of us. God has given us the dignity of kings, but He has given us the dignity of sons, too. David says to God, "for thy servant's sake, and according to thine own heart, hast thou done all this greatness, to make known all

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these great things". He also says, "thou ... hast regarded me according to the rank of a man of high degree".

Sometimes we find among the brethren radical thoughts, levelling everything down, but in he assembly there is levelling down and levelling up: the brother of low degree is to glory in his elevation and the rich in his humiliation (James 1:9 - 10). This brings all to one level in a spiritual sense, and so love would have it. But this is no suggestion of radicalism or Bolshevism, which is abhorrent to the mind of God. David here is speaking about rank. There are angels and there are archangels, and so amongst the people of God there is rank, there are degrees. We must leave that with God. The Lord Jesus, in speaking to the mother of Zebedee's children, says that the positions she asked for her sons were not His to give; they were for those for whom His Father prepared them. He indicated that the Father is the sovereign regulator of all these matters. David here says, "thou ... hast regarded me according to the rank of a man of high degree" -- and that is the impression you get as you enter into the holiest. You see the glories of Jesus. He has passed through the heavens, according to Hebrews. There is nobody with a rank like that. He has that pre-eminence, but we go into heaven, too; we have the rank of sons. We belong, according to this same epistle to the Hebrews, to the assembly of the firstborn. That is a peculiar kind of rank. There is no rank like that even in this country, notwithstanding the great skill they show in creating titles; there is no set of nobility of whom everyone can be said to be a firstborn. That is the rank that belongs to us; so that each of us can say, God regards me as a man of high degree. Would that we took it in by the Spirit! God surely is entitled to have His nobility. He has His angels and His archangels; and so with the rank of every family in

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the heavens and on the earth, the Father decides that; He names all (Ephesians 3:15).

David speaks beautifully about God and about His people. You will see how, as we are in the liberty and understanding of sonship and the way in to the presence of God, we are able to speak rightly. David's remarks here are in great richness and intelligence. They are suited to the place. He is sitting in the divine abode. With dignity and liberty he can sit there until he has finished speaking, and Jehovah obviously is pleased with his presence.

Finally, the passage in Psalm 73 shows how entrance into the sanctuary helps us as regards our public relations It is the first psalm of the third book, as you will know; it is a psalm of Asaph and comes in immediately following the statement that David's prayers are ended. That is, it is a period spiritually when, as we might say, everything is well, for the Lord Jesus, the true Solomon of Psalm 72, is crowned in heaven. Millennial glory and blessedness are anticipated, as secured through Him. This applies now as to the assembly; everything will be well; the Lord Jesus, the true Solomon, is enthroned and His throne is universal. So we can say anticipatively that our prayers are ended. Even as to Solomon, David knew that with him on the throne things would be well; he handed over to him Joab, and Shimei, knowing that in his wisdom Solomon would deal with them and indeed the whole kingdom according to righteousness and truth. For faith now the Lord Jesus has power and knows how to deal with everything in heaven and on earth; He is serving thus in relation to the assembly now, and presently He will clear away all evil and establish righteousness and peace universally.

In the meantime there are people who seem to be living on and flourishing in the earth and Asaph was distressed about it; he did not understand it. "My steps had well nigh slipped", he says. He begins by

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speaking about people of a pure heart. That is what he is dealing with, it is the state of the heart, and that is where the difficulties lie amongst us. The psalm beginning thus indicates that the difficulties outlined in it arose from the state of the heart: the writer had neglected to draw near to God in the sanctuary. The inward state was not right, and Asaph was distressed almost to disaster because of the general state of things. Wicked men were flourishing, there were no bands in their death, but he begins the psalm by saying that God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart. It is a clean heart -- it is not Solomon on the throne, although everything hinges on that, but the pure heart was needed. The Lord Jesus takes this up, and when His disciples came to Him on the mountain He says, nine times over, "Blessed", and amongst those blessed are persons of a pure heart, and the blessing is that they shall see God. It is a state indicated in one who draws near to God that is in mind.

Asaph was thinking of the inner state of soul, a pure heart; having this, one will see God; see Him in the sanctuary. If you are to see Him aright, it is in the sanctuary. The Psalms are full of this: "A day in thy courts is better than a thousand". In Psalm 27 the psalmist desired to dwell in the house of Jehovah to behold the beauty of Jehovah and to inquire in His temple. If you go inside you will see everything as God sees it, and He will convey to you that what is inside is going to be outside. And hence, dear brethren, the importance of entering the holiest, involving the purity of our hearts. Disturbances amongst us all arise from impure hearts, impure motives, aspirations to prominence, and the like. The psalmist had come to value a pure heart, for the first verse is really what is to be reached, as is usual in the Psalms -- "God is good to Israel, to such as are of a pure heart". Asaph had

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learnt this and I trust many of us have -- God is good to those whose hearts are pure.

I cannot say any more. The psalm has often been spoken of and I commend it to you so that you may not be distressed about current public conditions. As we go inside we see what is before God and we learn that these conditions will all come to an end. The word is "sanctuaries"; it is plural, which seems to intensify the thought. There is no sanctuary beyond you. The very inner one you can go into. Then Asaph goes on to tell how God will deal with the evil that troubled him; He will bring everything into accord with what is in the sanctuary. That applies to external conditions that may harass us, even among the people of God; as we go inside all is clear. There is liberty to go in and there is the way in. It is a matter of holiness, of a pure heart, as I said.

In Ephesians, we both have access through Christ by one Spirit to the Father; Hebrews gives us the way in, involving things, that is, the death of Christ, but Ephesians is like John 14:6 where the Lord Jesus says, "I am the way". It is a question of the Person there. "Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father" (verse 9). So He says, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life". That is in accord with Ephesians, so that in Ephesians it says we have access through Christ by one Spirit to the Father. That is how I understand the highest thought of the subject that I am speaking of. Approach to Persons is made available. We have the holy Person of the Son and the Holy Spirit available to us, so that we might draw near to the Father to worship Him in spirit and in truth.

The psalmist ends thus: "But as for me, it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord Jehovah, that I may declare all thy works". Drawing near to God and declaring all His works

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form a beautiful combination of thought and indicate how the testimony of God is to be maintained. Earlier in verse 27 it is said, "they that are far from thee shall perish". How awful the difference between those who are near to God and those who are far from Him!

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Luke 19:28 - 36; Mark 11:1 - 7; Matthew 21:1 - 7; John 12:12 - 14

I have been thinking, dear brethren, of divine need, and of how it may be met. In speaking of divine need I am bearing in mind that it can only be met in Christ -- for in no other can there be any answer to the requirements of God. You will remember that at the baptism of our Lord Jesus the Father opened the heavens and said, "This is my beloved Son in whom I have found my delight" (Matthew 3:17); it does not say "all my delight", leaving an opening, as I apprehend, for the expansion of what was in Christ, for He is to fill all things, and it is in a universe filled with Christ that every divine desire and requirement is met.

My thought now is to show that God is operating for the extension of what is in Christ, in the sense in which Christ comes under God's eye now in the time of His rejection; in the time of His strenuous service; in the time of the maintenance of this wonderful period, in which it is said, "of his fulness we all have received, and grace upon grace", (John 1:16). That is, one wave of grace after another coming out without limit.

Bearing this in mind, I would also bring before you the variety of the features of Christ. The city in Revelation 21 has twelve gates, three facing each direction of the compass. These refer to special features. What relates to the north, is necessarily marked by a particular feature of Christ; certain things have to be met in that direction. There is the west, the east, and the south; each has its feature; each point has its own peculiar exigencies to be met. There will be nothing in the coming world that will not be perfectly met according to God, His glory

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will be in the city. There will be nothing narrow or exacting; all will be according to God, and the fulness of God shining out in Christ and the assembly.

Now all that is in the making here in this city, and in every city where the people of God are. It lends wonderful lustre to the time in which we are, that these great features are in the making in us, having shone in Christ as narrated in the gospels. Each of the four narratives has its special spiritual intent; and so you find this particular incident of the colt in all of them, and I hope you will see that the need expressed in each narrative, has in view its own particular setting, according to the gospel in which it is found.

The features seen in all four gospels necessarily apply to the colt, that is, to each believer. The divine intent is to make each of us relatively four-sided like Christ. One would seek to be as ready to look towards the north, and face all the rigour of it, as to enjoy all the privileges of the south with its warmth. The west too, suggests the despondency that marks the world at the present time, the despairing relinquishment of cherished hopes. One would seek to be able to look in that direction and lift up one's head without a tremor or doubt, that the sun that seems to set will soon arise. Then again to look toward the east, to the sun-rising, full of hope, looking in that direction soberly, but with assurance that "the coming of the Lord draweth nigh".

Well, to begin with Luke 19; especially do I refer to our young brothers and sisters, and would say to each in the language of the evangelist, "the Lord has need of it". But if He has need of you, He has need of you on His own terms, not on yours. In referring to Luke, I had in mind the great need of priesthood, for that is the point of view there. You may be sure evangelical sympathy goes with the priesthood, and the patience and sympathy with

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the brethren too, but priesthood is what this gospel has in view. It is the gospel of prayer. Let no young believer assume for a moment, that priesthood belongs to the elder brethren alone; it does belong to them, but it belongs to you also if you are a believer and have the Spirit. This gospel contemplates great anxiety as to you on the part of those who seek you; hence in Luke we find the Lord often in prayer -- something like ten times -- and on one occasion for a whole night.

Before the Lord selected His apostles according to this evangelist, He spent a night in prayer (chapter 6:12), and "when it was day", that is, when the full light shone, "he called his disciples". He chose them when they could be seen. It is an immense gain to acquire ability to see things as they are, for nothing is of any value for the divine requirements, but what is the result of the work of God. Other things may blind and deceive us, so that we do not see things as they are. All this enters into the Lord's selection of the colt.

So in Luke, the Lord is ascending to Jerusalem, that is to say as having in view the divine centre. There is a group of localities here: Bethphage, Bethany and the mount of Olives. All these places have a spiritual significance as the environment in which the person may be, whom the Lord needs. It is an excellent environment. The Lord gives us every advantage. There is an advantage in Bethany. Think of the memories of Bethany, and Bethphage, and the mount of Olives, the latter alluding to divine provision in the Spirit! And Jerusalem itself, meaning so much spiritually, -- "the city of the great King" (Matthew 5:35). He is ascending to it in Luke. You are not being called to anything degrading or levelling according to man. He is going up to it, and as in that way He is seeking to have His needs met. How touching that is! He has need of you. So He sends two of

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His disciples, and He tells them what to do. As I said, Luke has priesthood in mind. The Lord has need of you in this sense; He has need of priests, and priests must have suitable clothes; hence you find much made of the clothes, but only those of the disciples here. This evangelist ends with the idea of being "clothed with power from on high" (chapter 24:49). We are in the presence of great moral elevation, what is "from on high". We are lifted out of the level of man's way and of man's priesthoods.

The two disciples go and find the ass, and we learn that it has "masters". Luke only mentions that fact. It is a very important matter that someone owned him, in the sense of having authority over him. How important for a young believer! It may be that some of us are not accustomed to admit ownership on the part of those immediate to us. The masters inquired why they loosed the colt. There was no hostility, but right-mindedness, for it was surely right to inquire as to this interference. But what an interference! It was by the authority of the messengers of Jesus.

This leads me to the two disciples, and where the brethren are in regard to them, so as to be thus used at any time. If there be no confidence between meetings, there can be no such service as this in a general way. While the understanding of local responsibility is most important, yet general confidence is essential for this service. The principle is, that the Lord has needs, and He would graciously use us to satisfy them. In each of the synoptic gospels we have two disciples sent, none at all in John, as I hope to show, for the Lord will ever remind us that He is not dependent wholly upon us. He finds the ass Himself in John. Let us be warned about that. If we are not available the Lord will see that the needed service is rendered.

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In John, according to the New Translation, He neither uses them to feed the multitude nor to find the colt. He does both Himself, and He will still do likewise. Unless we are available, He will have to pass us by. In Mark 6:48 we read that, He "would have passed them by", but He did not. He would warn us of this. The Lord is patient, but righteousness must govern patience. In Luke 19 He sends two of His disciples and He says, "Go into the village", and they go and find the colt; never man sat on him. He had masters but they were not using him, he was never under the yoke; typifying a young believer. The young among the saints are brought up in the understanding that they belong to the house. This colt had his masters who cared for him, having him under control. The Lord Jesus is the first to use him. How beautiful that is! He was held there by these intelligent masters, and they let him go as the Lord sends for him. How beautiful is this scene! These two disciples leading the colt and putting their garments upon him; and then setting Jesus upon him that he might carry Him into His capital. It is what is available to every brother and sister, young or old, for priesthood belongs to all. But the Lord had need of you for this. One wonders how much prayer there is in secret, how much carrying of things by the Lord's people in secret. As He says in Matthew 6:6, "when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father ... shall reward thee openly". Such is His estimate of prayer.

I pass on now to Mark 11. Mark has the ministry in view. One may speak to God and yet not be able to speak to men; but as I acquire power with God, I shall acquire it with men. So the Lord has need of you, in Mark, for active public service. The need is great. The Lord would use every bit of ability for public testimony. But this must be on His own

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terms; as we find in Mark, in the selection of the servants, that He went up into a mountain, and called His disciples to Him; He called whom He Himself would (chapter 3:13). It is entirely a question of His choice. He has His own way of showing it. He called "whom he himself would", "that they might be with him and that he might send them to preach". There is such a thing as going forth like Philip in Acts 8, but this is "that he might send them forth to preach". Thus Mark would convey to us that He has need of us in that light, that is, for the ministry.

You will observe in the synoptic gospels that much is made of the Lord's ministry and the volume of the results of it; there is no limit to those He healed of diseases; everything was well done, but done in volume. The Lord would encourage us to pray that He should send forth labourers into His harvest, for the harvest is great. The great amount of work already done only suggests the greatness of what is yet to be done. Let us take this to heart. There is extremely little being done by those walking nominally in the light; I am not excluding myself, and the Lord would stir us up. So, He says, I have need of you for the ministry. The work is extensive; the fields are white to harvest. So the two disciples find the colt, -- he is tied at the crossway. It is the same environment as in Luke but at a crossway near the house, -- a dangerous position because he might go either way when loosed. But they loose him and lead him to Jesus.

Now, in Matthew you will observe that they had two, an ass and a colt, and that brings us to the assembly. Matthew deals with that, as with other things. As regards the servants, Matthew says nothing about prayer. He simply says that the Lord appointed His disciples, "first, Simon, who was called Peter" (chapter 10:2). That is, He gave Peter the first place. Matthew has

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in mind to convey that there is authority, vested in Christ, to set up a system of things and to give one man the leading position if He choose, hence it says -- "first ... Peter". Matthew clothes the Lord, and all that belongs to Him, with authority. We are living in democratic times, and it is well to keep in mind the thought of authority vested in the kingdom of the heavens, the designation of the kingdom the Lord generally employs in Matthew. It is the rule of the heavens, all the benign influence of the heavens exerted here upon earth. Is it to be spurned? or refused? The democratic spirit annuls that influence and therefore robs us of our wealth. We need to be reminded of the kingdom of the heavens with its authoritative, but benign, influence; and that suggests to us the great need of assemblies, not of big meetings, but a large number of meetings. The assembly is not presented as ruling now in a universal way. There is no such thought in Scripture for the present time. That will apply in the millennium. The rule today is an economy of assemblies. The apostle says, "Thus I ordain in all the assemblies" (1 Corinthians 7:17). As to local companies, the more the better, the greater the number, the greater the influence of heaven. So the Lord has need of you according to Matthew, for another meeting. That is the point, and hence you get two here, "an ass tied, and a colt with it". You cannot have another meeting without two. The Lord has need of two. I am using the incident in a spiritual way.

You will find throughout this gospel the prominence given to two, in a bad sense as well as in a good. I am speaking of two in the good sense, and would say the Lord has need of two, to increase the number of meetings. Meetings reach a size sometimes, a point of saturation, when they cease to answer to the Lord's mind. They cease to be available to Him for His use. But the word here is that the Lord has

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need of "two", -- an old brother and a young one, -- for that is the idea in the ass and the colt; you have the energy of youth and the wisdom of age. You need these two features for an assembly. If the Lord had fifty of them in this city it would not be too many. I do not know how many He had in Jerusalem during Pentecostal times. It is the only period in the assembly's history in which definite numbers of believers are mentioned, doubtless to show what treasure there was. It is a question of the treasure at Pentecost, not of the pearl; the pearl is Paul's line. You have no numbers formally given, with Paul, but at Pentecost you have three thousand souls mentioned, five thousand later. How many meetings do you think the Lord had in these five thousand at Pentecost? If you consider the size of the city of Jerusalem it was not a very large city in one sense, though it was comparatively large. Think of the number -- five thousand divided by fifty -- probably one hundred meetings! Would the Lord have all this number together in one place on every first day of the week? There is no such suggestion. Probably there was no meeting-place in the city of Jerusalem capable of accommodating so many people. But you can see what a treasure the Lord had in the number mentioned, and He would make the most use of it by subdivision. The number twelve means great divisibility, and spiritually you cannot have that without love; you cannot have assembly material without love. "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" And if the Lord has need of two, it is two that can walk together, that He can use at one time. He uses the ass and the colt at one time here. The word is to the old as well as to the young; the Lord has need of you for the extension of His influence; that is one idea of the assembly.

We shall see in the future, the great extension of His influence in the assembly universally, but we

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see it now in local companies. I would urge therefore this appeal -- the Lord has need of you. So the Old Testament is brought in here; for Matthew brings in "things new and old", that is to say, the experience and teaching of the Old Testament are brought in. All that was in it of God merges in the assembly, every bit of experience and instruction merges in it. It is to lack nothing that is available on the part of God, to make it what God intends it to be, a vessel for the extension of the influence of heaven here. For this He has need of twos. He says, "That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven" (chapter 18:19). What will He not do as we thus ask? He will constantly add to what there is answering to the thought of the assembly. May the Lord stir us up to this!

What an opportunity there is to present ourselves, as it were, to the Lord to say, We are here for Thy purpose, in all this four-sided ministry and service that Thou art carrying on; we are here at Thy disposal; if it be for the extending of Thine influence. Let us reduce ourselves so that there may be another meeting, and the Lord will be with us in view of increasing growth. It is most interesting to see such plants of the Father's planting -- plants not to be rooted up. "Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up", (Matthew 15:13).

Well now, I come to John 12, and as I have already said, you have no disciples used here; and moreover the acclamation at Jerusalem is already in evidence, as if the Lord were to notify us that His end may be reached without us. He will not be defeated. In the synoptic gospels, the acclaiming Him at Jerusalem is subsequent to the securing of the colt, it is accorded Him as sitting on the colt, or as in Matthew on the ass and the colt; but in John, you will observe that the acclamation is already there.

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A very solemn thought, suggesting the possibility of being left outside, of being passed by. But then I want you to notice that what precedes this incident in John is Lazarus. In Luke and Mark what precedes is the opening of the blind man's eyes; in Matthew there were two blind men, but in John what you get is Lazarus, and I want you to think of what Lazarus is to Christ. Did you ever hear of the Lord going to a town because of a brother being in that town? Well, that was Lazarus, as I might say. He came to Bethany six days before the passover "where Lazarus was". That is the honour that is given to Lazarus. He is the kind of man the Lord wants; He has need of that man -- Lazarus, "whom he raised from the dead". He belonged to a loved family which represented the family of God. The Lord has need of those that are brought up in family affections, and who know the love of God, the love of Christ, and the love of the brethren. How lovely they are in His eyes! He has need of them. He has need of members of that family. Already people were coming and believing on Him because of Lazarus. How important Lazarus was to Him! Is Lazarus a preacher? No! As far as Scripture tells us he never spoke a word. Of course we know he would speak, but that is not the point. It is not a question of preaching here; but that he is risen; it is the principle of the family of God, as delightful in the eyes of Christ. Lazarus as raised from the dead is so reflective of Christ that people are coming and believing on Him because of Lazarus, and for this reason the leaders desired to slay him. The Lord has need of such people as Lazarus. He does not send any of His disciples to find them. He knows all about the family of God. He is Son over God's house. In this gospel He is the One who sets free. He does not send anybody on that service, He does it Himself. How it brings the Lord Himself into relief as to what He

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can do without us! Think of the immensity of the family of God! Who can tell the number of christians on earth at this time? They all belong to the family, and the Lord knows every one of them; He knows where they are. It is in this connection that His entry into Jerusalem comes into view in John. He says, so to speak, I would like to be borne along in testimony by such men. He finds the ass Himself for He has need of it: and He rode upon it, it was His own doing. I love to think, in that way, of Christ's activities in the house, knowing where every member of the family is. He has need of them. He finds the ass and rides into His capital, and the acclamation of the city was there. It was suitable that He should so ride into it, and He finds the ass. These thoughts are not mine, but of the Holy Spirit. The Lord will find someone Himself. Let us not think that He will not pass us by, if we are not in these conditions; but He has need of us as in them. May the Lord bless the word!

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1 Peter 2:4,5; 1 Samuel 23:1 - 12; 2 Samuel 6:13,14

J.T. The subject of priesthood is of peculiar importance in that the idea has acquired such a place in historical christianity, or, as I might say, theological christianity. The prominence that it has in current christianity, makes our position correspond somewhat with the early chapters of the Acts, where we get the transference of divine thoughts from the typical, legal system, to the spiritual. Terms employed typically are only rightly understood by the Spirit. Such terms may find their place in current religion, but they cannot be used intelligibly, or be rightly employed, or the thing itself be realized, save by the Spirit. I understand that is how we are to regard the expression in Exodus; the direction given to the Israelites is to borrow utensils from the Egyptians, to "spoil" the Egyptians (Exodus 3:22). Spoilation spiritually, means that things held in a merely religious way are taken on spiritually. Their mere religious use becomes null and void as the things are taken on and employed spiritually. So that Peter, being the apostle whom the Lord appointed to open the door to the gentiles, having the keys of the kingdom, becomes, as it were, the vessel of transfer, bringing priesthood formally in among christians, and showing that it, with other things, applied to saints having no earthly centre. They were themselves a holy priesthood; they were themselves, however dispersed, being built up a spiritual house; they could themselves offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God. So that in the presence of the introduction of the gentiles we are told in Acts 9:32 that Peter visited "all quarters", and He tells Aeneas to rise and make his bed for himself -- meaning that he should no longer look to Jerusalem.

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but that the saints of God should learn how to look after themselves in their several localities. He also raises up Tabitha and presents her living. The gentiles were not brought into a system centring in Jerusalem, but to an order of things in which the people of God could arise and make their bed for themselves -- a living state of things. It is into this the gentiles are introduced; learning that such blessed relations or offices as the priesthood belong to them. They are maintained there on account of the living state of things. David illustrates this in the Old Testament, showing how things were taken over from the regime of Saul in a simple, normal, practical way. David partook of the bread, the food of the priests, and he took the sword that was kept behind the ephod, and then he has the ephod itself. He uses all these things.

E.H.W. Would that show that every movement must be on spiritual lines? that every movement in connection with the service of God can only be maintained in a priestly way?

J.T. That is what I thought: "a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices". The thought passed on by Peter here is not to be dormant, but active. The relations that we take on, and the terms we apply to ourselves scripturally, and their bearing, are to be manifest; their meaning is to be exemplified; so that if we are a holy priesthood, we are to offer up spiritual sacrifices; as living stones we are being built up a spiritual house. If there is priestly food it is to be used; David earnestly sought it. If there is a sword of Goliath, it is to be employed; it is not to be wrapped up behind the ephod. If there is an ephod, it is to be used. So David used it, but not as something which he made for himself, but as carried over by Abiathar.

J.W. What would be a spiritual sacrifice?

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J.T. Anything in the way of a spiritual composition that I offer to God, whether it be a hymn, or a song, or giving of thanks; but it would not be a matter of words, but of substance. God being a Spirit, must be worshipped "in spirit and in truth". The service of God depends upon our recognition of God as a Spirit.

We are speaking now of the priesthood as seen in Exodus 28 and 29 as specially in the hands of Aaron and his sons. In Exodus 6 the genealogy of Jacob is given until we come to Levi, and then it is dropped; then Levi's genealogy is pursued to Phinehas, who has the everlasting priesthood. That is God's thought in regard of His service.

Rem. God said of Aaron, "that he may minister unto me in the priest's office", (Exodus 28:3).

J.T. That is right. Peter shows that this thought which belonged to Israel, like many other thoughts, is now carried over into christianity, and applies to the saints of God wherever they may be found geographically. There is no longer need of an earthly centre; the saints of God in any place, as recognizing Christ as Head of the assembly, and the Spirit of God as present, may function as priests; and in functioning we are in a moral sense robbing what is merely religious of the right to use these terms, for their use of them becomes null and void, alongside of the thing used rightly in the power of the Spirit.

E.T. That is set forth in David, for he was not a priest officially -- not of the family of Aaron.

J.T. That is the idea. We see in David how priesthood came about morally. David made no claim officially; it came about with him out of dire necessity. He needed bread, and he got the priests' bread; he was in need of a sword, and he got it from behind the ephod, and then he got the ephod itself. That is how things come to us; it is practical, and it stands.

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W.C. Will you tell us what these things mean for us?

J.T. Bread is what we need, for sustenance. The shewbread was to be used by the priests, as the Lord Himself said: "for the priests only" (Matthew 12:4); but He says that David himself ate it. It is Christ as food for the priests. It is the bread of the presence (see note in New Translation, Exodus 25:30). If we look at it as in Exodus, the shewbread is presented as referring to what is under the eye of God, without any reference to the number of cakes; but in Leviticus it is in relation to what is administrative: "twelve cakes ... upon the pure table before Jehovah", set in order by the priest, by Aaron (Leviticus 24:5,6). It was to be before God for a whole week, and then the priests had it. What is food for God becomes food for us.

Then the sword is the sword of Goliath that David himself had acquired, but it was wrapped up behind the ephod, denoting something held objectively, or as mere doctrine, but not used. Indeed, it does not appear that they were using the shewbread either, but David used both. What is suggested is objective truth which is never put into practice. But David immediately takes them over, and we see how he exercises his priestly function in regard to the Philistines' attack on Keilah; and then how he used the ephod itself. In each case he prays, and then exercises priestly function, and in each case he gets an answer from God. That is, as the thing is working, we are proving the reality of it. If we pray in the prayer meeting, the next thing is to expect answers. If we do not get answers, our prayers are not effective.

Ques. Is there an order in these things, first, the bread?

J.T. We must be sustained as to what is before God. If we have a prayer meeting we must look for answers, or we are drifting back to the mere routine

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of accredited religion around. Unless our general procedure is living in character there is no testimony at all. In the section we have referred to (1 Samuel 23), David prayed three times, and he got three answers, and the answers were what were needed. In this way the testimony of God is to be carried on.

H.M.S. Has the fact that Abiathar escaped the massacre of the priests any bearing on 1 Peter 1:1? -- the scattering of the saints of God, which is the position today, in weakness and confusion.

J.T. I think that is good. Abiathar representing a remnant, so that there is a strong link; what we have today is on that principle. From Thyatira onwards, there is the thought of the remnant. All that belongs to the original belongs to the remnant, but it is taken up in a humble way. The occasion of David securing the shewbread and the sword stirred up the enemy, which it always does, and the priests connected with the priesthood which was then becoming merely formal, as the facts show, were destroyed; but there was a remnant in Abiathar, and he carried over the priesthood in the ephod, representing the love side; for priesthood has no value unless the love side is with it as evidenced in praying for others.

Eu.R. Do you mean that we need constantly to keep in mind the two incidents in connection with Aeneas and Dorcas in their bearing on ourselves in our own localities, as to whether we can do things for ourselves, and whether there are living conditions?

J.T. That is the idea. In such circumstances and surroundings the priesthood shines, because terms are of no value unless they are exemplified. It is very beautiful and instructive to see how true priesthood works out in David.

Eu.R. Is it based on the thought of "living stones" in 1 Peter 2?

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J.T. It is. There is a living state of things connected with the building. Christ Himself is the Living Stone, and we are living stones, and come into the exercise of priesthood as holy -- the priesthood is holy.

E.H.W. Would you say a word with regard to the necessity of making our bed as suggested in Aeneas?

J.T. He had lain on it for eight years. If we have a system of meetings week in, week out, for eight years, and the thoughts of God are not being developed in a practical way, it is time we remade our bed; that is, it is time to look over things and see whether we have not to remake our whole position. As to Aeneas personally, of course, the primary thought was that he should act for himself and not depend on others. The thought lies at the foundation of a local assembly. The scripture reads "Jesus, the Christ, heals thee" (Acts 9:34). It is "the Christ"; the suggestion is that there is one Man qualified to do things, and Peter brings Him into the circumstances; because the idea is that things are being done; local conditions are not to be dormant. A Person has come in who is doing things for God. There is the idea of what Jesus is doing; it is said of Him in Luke 11:14: "he was casting out a demon"; the service was going on. Healing leads to living conditions. The woman in the next incident is presented living. There is something very dignified about that; the Lord presented Himself living as seen in Acts 1. The mind is directed to what is presented. The woman is presented living, as much as to say that the conditions among the Jewish believers were quite equal to what God was going to produce among the gentiles. As the Jews and gentiles are linked up together in life, priesthood is functioning; so that Peter in his epistles fits in with Paul's doctrine.

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W.C. Does the expression "to whom coming" suggest it having been done once for all time, or is it a constant spiritual movement?

J.T. I should say it is characteristic. If Peter were referring to something historical he would have said, to whom having come, but he says "to whom coming", the suggestion being that something is going on; that there are living conditions; that there is movement. We see in Exodus that, as the parts of the tabernacle were made, they were brought to Moses, so that the things function at once; as soon as anything is set up it is functioning. Christianity is never to be regarded as a stationary or stagnant thing; it is living; the terms employed are to be exemplified in the way the things are used.

P.L. Do the garments which Dorcas had made suggest what was past? Peter puts all the widows out, and manifests a priestly feature: "and kneeling down, prayed" (chapter 9:40).

J.T. Distinctly so, "kneeling down", showing that it was a very important matter; it was a matter of deep exercise.

G.L. Does the answer show that life is the divinely given answer to priestly exercise?

J.T. Quite so; it shows if priesthood is used rightly, what it brings in. So in Acts 10 Peter goes up to the house-top to pray. Indeed, Cornelius had been engaged in prayer, too. All that shows that the idea of priesthood was there, and it brings in results for God.

David through the exercise of priesthood in prayer, overcomes the Philistines at Keilah; and then the ephod is brought to the city. You notice that where the Philistines are overthrown the ephod is brought in. It is interesting to see that in 1 Samuel 23:6: "And it came to pass, when Abiathar the son of Ahimelech fled to David to Keilah, he came down with an ephod in his hand". In the end of chapter 22 we are told that he "escaped, and fled after David.

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And Abiathar informed David that Saul had slain Jehovah's priests"; but now, in this sixth verse of chapter 23, Abiathar comes to Keilah with the ephod. This fits spiritually, for David had much to meet; but he faces his difficulties on the principle of the priesthood, speaking to God in prayer with the ephod.

P.L. Would you say that according to 1 Corinthians the city was besieged by the enemy, and would 2 Corinthians 6:2, "I have listened to thee in an accepted time, and I have helped thee in a day of salvation: behold, now is the well-accepted time; behold, now the day of salvation", be the ephod secured in the city?

J.T. Just so. It is striking how often you find the truth exemplified in the two letters to the Corinthians; they have such a wide bearing. The Philistine element at Corinth was undoubtedly taking the city, as it were, and we can understand how the apostle agonized about them, how he sent Timotheus to them, and how he wrote to them; and, you might say, overthrew the Philistine element. The second epistle brings out the ephod. It is the full thought; the ephod means love exercised intelligently, in the sense of support in regard to what is of God, as in the shoulder pieces. The ephod was the priestly garment par excellence; it represents the priesthood really as a garment. It implies support of the tribes on the shoulders, "according to their birth": that is the family of God; and then the names on the breastplate "according to the twelve tribes", having relation to the counsels of God (Exodus 28:10,21). So we can see how far-reaching the thought of the ephod is, and 2 Corinthians brings it out -- what a place the Corinthians had in Paul's heart, and how he supported them in his prayers, agonizing about them. He says, "Our mouth is opened to you, Corinthians, our heart is expanded. Ye are not

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straitened in us, but ye are straitened in your affections; but for an answering recompense, (I speak as to children,) let your heart also expand itself", (2 Corinthians 6:11 - 13).

J.H.L. Will you illustrate how the apostle used the sword as priest at Corinth?

J.T. I think it is the word of God, "the sword of the Spirit" (Ephesians 6:17), but I think the sword of Goliath is death; death as wrested out of the hand of the enemy and applied in ministry, of which the first epistle to the Corinthians is a striking example; it is the use Paul makes of the death of Christ, and not only the death of Christ, but also of the cross. I can use it in this sense against myself.

W.C. He speaks of the word of the cross as God's power for salvation. Is that how we are practically delivered from the Philistine element?

J.T. That is how it worked out at Corinth; it is a question of bringing the death of Christ to bear upon us now: death is ours, as Paul says, "all things are yours ... life, or death", (1 Corinthians 3:21 - 22).

Ques. Can we make a wrong use of the ephod? Gideon did.

J.T. We can indeed; Gideon's ephod became, alas! an idolatrous snare. We see, on the other hand, David clothed in a linen ephod as he danced before the ark. The priesthood thus became developed in his ministry. In 1 Chronicles 15, the corresponding passage, it is said that he had on a robe of byssus; that would enhance the ephod. Though a king, he acted as a priest. That brought out the opposition of Michal.

Ques. Why was it that the family of Levi came into prominence by the sword in connection with the priesthood?

J.T. You refer to Exodus 32? They qualified there as on the Lord's side; it is a question of every man taking his sword against his brother, doing violence

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to nature. No one can rightly exercise priesthood who recognizes natural links in the house of God.

Rem. God says of Levi, "My covenant with him was of life and peace, and I gave them to him that he might fear; and he feared me, and trembled before my name", (Malachi 2:5).

Rem. David went to some risk to secure the sword from where it had been hidden.

J.T. His action illustrates how he obtained things. You do not want that principle wrapped up behind the ephod; you want the sword in action; that is what it is for, it is to be used. The word of God and prayer go together. The former is the sword, the latter, priesthood.

Rem. David's action caused the death of all the priests.

J.T. It did; that was God's government; he owns that the priests suffered on his account; but there was a remnant in Abiathar, and he brought the ephod to David. It is to show how the thought of priesthood is transferred. Instead of Abiathar using it, David used it. Abiathar represents the idea in a remnant; but David represents the side of the truth that makes use of the thing, and disregards mere religious limitations. The imposition of religious limitations would prevent the working out of these precious things. David represents that which over-throws all that; though not of the house of Aaron, he prays, and uses the ephod, and shows how effective it is as thus used. It indicates how we get free from religious trammels, that which prevents the actual working out of divine thoughts. The ephod has now come into David's hands.

Eu.R. Is this a little like the merging of Peter's ministry with Paul's in the New Testament?

J.T. Exactly; the idea of priesthood is right, but it was in wrong hands; the priests at Jerusalem put the Lord Jesus Christ to death; but then that

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does not show that the idea of priesthood is wrong; it is right; and it comes out in the gentiles. Those who have the Holy Spirit are a holy priesthood.

P.L. Would "our beloved brother Paul" (2 Peter 3:15), to whom Peter refers, be a priestly appellation?

J.T. Yes; it shows the breastplate on the ephod is in evidence. The ephod was in evidence both in Peter and Paul, though at one time there was a danger of a serious breach between them. It was overcome in the action of Paul who withstood Peter to the face. That was a priestly feature, something like the action of Phinehas, seen in Numbers 25.

E.T. The sword had been in the hands of David previously, so it should come back to him.

J.T. Yes. These things have to be understood spiritually. But there it was, laid up behind the ephod, unused. I think it represents objective truth. Take the Establishment -- they have objective truth in the creed to a great extent; but the point is, Is it in use? Of what value is it if it is not in use? David was practical -- a spiritual man is always practical -- and he breaks away from mere religious trammels in praying himself. He makes use of the shewbread, too. Then Abiathar brings the ephod to make it regular; so that the priesthood is now in David's possession. Priesthood is in the hands of the spiritual. That is the fact today. It does not belong to mere accredited religion at all. Peter detached it from judaism in saying christians were priests. David in 2 Samuel 2:1, prays to God, asking if he should go up to one of the cities of Judah, suggesting the idea of elevation. Jehovah's reply is: "Go up". David asks again, To what city? and he gets the answer: "Unto Hebron". That is, he gets into a position outside the world system altogether, at Hebron. Then in chapter 6 he is found in the linen ephod, dancing before the ark. You can see how

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the idea is exemplified; and that is what God is looking for -- exemplification of the terms that we use.

P.W. David said of the sword of Goliath, "There is none like that".

J.T. He knew the value of it. Think of what objective truth would be if rightly answered to and used! You apply death to yourself; it is in your hands. That is the idea of the sword of Goliath. What Satan used against us is now in our own hands; so let us apply it to ourselves. "Put to death therefore". It is the greatest weapon. In David's dancing before the ark I think we see a man altogether outside of himself, in priestly trim, full of affection, the linen ephod meaning that he was quite sober in what he was doing. It was not mere natural exuberance; he was quite sober. A great military man dancing before the ark might seem out of place: Michal thought it was; it was a shame and a disgrace in her eyes; but David was perfectly sober in what he was doing. It was suitable to the moment; the linen indicates sobriety. The idea of priesthood was so great in his mind, that he uses, we may say, the whole house of Aaron in the twenty-four courses; as if to intimate that not one item of the priesthood was to be unused.

Ques. Does Peter praying in Acts 10 suggest that, being faithful in connection with the Jewish setting, he was used in relation to the bringing in of the gentiles?

J.T. How beautiful it was that while waiting for his meal he should use the time in prayer! It is a reminder to us that the exercise of priesthood is practical and continuous, that every moment available for it should be utilized. While he was waiting for his meal, he was praying, and an ecstasy fell upon him, as if to show how God approved of his action. So in David you see how the thought of priesthood is to spread out into twenty-four courses, to include

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all the saints, so to speak; it is so valuable that it must all be in action. If the saints were to pray more, brothers and sisters alike, there would be a great deal more power in our meetings and energy in testimony. We should see God coming in for us; we should expect it. He came in each time David asked Him.

H.M.S. Would 1 Samuel 23 help us specially in regard to our prayer meetings, and 2 Samuel 6 in regard to praise? In 1 Samuel, David also prays and gets the answer and the victory without the ephod; it is his own direct intercession. Things may be very weak, but they are acceptable before God?

J.T. That is very instructive. He gets his answer. We see in 1 Samuel 30 how God answered David when he went to Him with the ephod. Then in 2 Samuel 2:1 as having received answers from Jehovah he goes up to Hebron, as if God would lead him to the world based on resurrection. Then he goes on to Jerusalem; takes the ark there, and in the fulness of priestly vigour he is dancing before it. Then comes the division of the priests into twenty-four courses, as if he would make the very most of the priesthood, suggesting that every christian should be engaged in prayer, and see that that is his calling, seeking to be before God, in the service of prayer.

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Hebrews 9:14; Hebrews 10:15 - 22; Exodus 3:1,12; Exodus 4:27

I have before me to speak of divine furnishing, and as to this I am reminded of Genesis 22:14, in which it is said, "On the mount of Jehovah will be provided". That became a saying in Israel, particularly understood by Moses, who, as charged with the setting up of the tabernacle, proved how all that was needed was provided in "the mountain of God". It is a lesson that every believer should learn, that as called of God and endowed with the Holy Spirit, and made a priest, he is to have part in the divine service. This applies to each believer, and so each should understand whence his furnishings come; otherwise he will, like thousands around, turn to human resources.

Genesis 22 teaches us that things are provided of God in His mountain, and I take it, dear brethren, that the epistle to the Hebrews corresponds with "Jehovah-jireh". It shows us how God has furnished His people with all that is needed for His service, so that throughout the book you have the idea of what "we have" -- that is, christians -- what we have as provided of God, provided bountifully and wisely, and provided so that it can be said we have it.

Now in Genesis 22 you have several ideas. First, the idea of love -- the Father loved the Son. You have the suggestion there of the Father and the Son in Abraham and Isaac, and I think you will see that this epistle to the Hebrews presents us with the Father and the Son. "I will be to him for father, and he shall be to me for son" (Hebrews 1:5); indeed the epistle opens with God speaking to us in the Son, so that we are at the great source of true provision for divine service.

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God approaching the great subject of service in the priesthood begins with Himself, as in the first chapter of Genesis it is God -- "in the beginning God" -- so that we are at the very source of things in Hebrews. God speaking in His Son. Nothing is held back. Every divine thought is spoken, for the One who speaks is competent, being the Son, to unfold to us the mind of God. And then we have in Hebrews 2 what I apprehend corresponds with the ram which we find in Genesis 22. It is said that it was found "caught", held in a thicket. A ram suggests what is mature, and we find in this epistle, the manhood of our Lord Jesus Christ. He was a real Man. One almost shrinks from going the full length to which the Holy Spirit goes in speaking of the manhood of Christ.

The manhood of Christ was particularly the feature in the types that was for the priest, and it is only as we are spiritual that we can safely speak of the manhood of Christ in the full sense in which it is presented to us in Scripture. Hebrews 2:17 gives us the manhood of Christ, that "in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren". A wonderful fact; and "as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same" (verse 14). He was completely thus identified with man, sin apart; and then in chapter 10 we have the thicket -- He was, as it were, caught by the horns. He is detained. The chapter, citing from the psalms, brings to our attention that He was here for the will of God. It is said that He "was heard in that he feared" (Hebrews 5:7) -- a marvellous statement. He was heard, of course, on personal grounds, for as the Son He could "demand" of the Father. John sets out that He was equal with the Father, but the remarkable statement appears in this epistle that He "was heard in that he feared". He was heard because of His piety, showing how thoroughly real His humanity was. Piety is profitable for everything. It was seen

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in perfection in Christ, in such perfection that God heard Him on account of it.

In chapter 10 He is detained as I said; He came into the world to do the will of God. Every movement of His heart, every step, every word here was in relation to the will of God. In Gethsemane we see Him facing the full consequence of having taken on the work which the will of God required. He could have retired, being who He was, but He is detained in obedience, as thrice He prayed, "if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt" (Matthew 26:39,42,44). He is detained by the will of God. On the very highest ground morally, He is detained. The greatest thing in this sense is the will of God. I am not overlooking what is stated of love -- I am speaking now of a moral element in this world, that which every power that Satan controls is against, that is, the will of God. Christ was detained by it in Gethsemane; His own feelings put aside or out of view for the moment -- "not my will, but thine be done".

You will see thus that this book, as I said, corresponds with Genesis 22. You have the Father and the Son acting together, the source whence all comes for the service of God. And then you have the Son in the perfection of manhood, as typified in the ram detained and so available for the sacrifice. So, dear brethren, in looking at Hebrews from this point of view, you see that there is divine furnishing for every believer, so that he might serve God, that he might "worship the living God". Christ, it says, offered Himself by the eternal Spirit to purge our conscience from dead works that we might worship the living God. Every question of conscience is settled by His death, and then further, "the called" receive the promise of an eternal inheritance -- that is to say, my conscience is purged and I am set up, enriched with an eternal inheritance.

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Now I want to show you briefly from Exodus how this thought, brought out in Hebrews, is further seen in the types and how the idea of the mountain of the Lord, the place of divine provision and divine requirement appears in relation to God's service. As we keep these things steadily in view we shall be preserved from having recourse to human resources. Christendom has gone back to these, to human furnishings in the nominal service of God. God is lost sight of -- the mountain of the Lord is overlooked, and hence no true divine service. There is nothing new in it, whereas the epistle to the Romans, which sets out the idea from the very start, says we are to "serve in newness of spirit, and not in oldness of letter" (chapter 7:6). Christendom has gone back to the oldness of the letter. They borrowed from judaism, from paganism and from modernism and there is nothing for God in all this. Our only salvation therefore, in regard to the service of God, is to have recourse to the mountain of Jehovah, where we find divine provision for divine service.

So in Exodus 3 you have revelation at the mountain of God, for that is what it is. The bush burned and it was not consumed. God was in the bush. It is a well-known passage, a passage which the Lord Himself alludes to: "the section of the bush" (Luke 20:37). It is fraught with immense things for the people of God. God at Horeb disclosed Himself to Moses. Moses, as it were, instinctively found himself there. He led the flock to the back side of the desert, "came to the mountain of God -- to Horeb"; and as the bush burned Moses turned aside to see. John 1:14 says, "The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us and we have contemplated his glory", which is the fulness of the bush. The bush was not indeed the Word become flesh; but it anticipated that that should come about. Moses turned aside to see, and as Jehovah saw that he turned aside to see, He called him by name. Dear brethren,

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as we turn aside to see we are signalised by heaven. Every one that has turned aside to see what God presents of Himself is noted there. There is no other sight like it. The present age is one of sightseeing -- men and women circle the earth to see this and that thing. How many turn aside to see the revelation of God in Christ? "The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us (and we have contemplated his glory, a glory as of an only-begotten with a father), full of grace and truth". The apostles contemplated it.

This is what is needed, the matter being so great. Well, Moses turned aside and God required holiness, and then after much is said, He says to Moses "this shall be the sign to thee ... ye shall serve God upon this mountain". The idea of a place of service divinely designated is thus early indicated, as He says later, "where I shall make my name to be remembered, I will come unto thee, and bless thee", (Exodus 20:24). I believe we shall understand this sign as we are in the service -- it is a confirmation. God has His own way of assuring us as we are in the path of faith.

I want now to dwell particularly on Aaron, being the brother, as a part of the divine provision. I do not know how all here regard a brother, but the Holy Spirit lays great stress on the value of a brother, and so you find that God speaks to Aaron and directs him to go to meet Moses, and he meets him "on the mountain of God". We have been dwelling on Genesis 22, but now we have two brothers on the mount of God, and Aaron kisses Moses. I am presenting Aaron here as a divine provision, which he was, as you will observe in the passage. "Jehovah said to Aaron, Go into the wilderness to meet Moses. And he went, and met him on the mountain of God, and kissed him". He was a divine provision. A brother is a divine provision, and what one feels at the present time is the great readiness apparent in many to let a brother go; brethren being ready under

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certain circumstances to pull away from each other as if they were of no value to each other. Cain attached no value to a brother; but God challenged him as to where Abel his brother was. That was the issue. It was a question of the brother. Aaron is the brother divinely provided for Moses. How could we do without the brethren?

Moses had said, "I am not eloquent" (verse 10). God says, "Is not Aaron the Levite thy brother? I know that he can speak well ... he goeth out to meet thee; and when he seeth thee he will be glad in his heart" (verse 14). A brother provided of God will be glad to meet you and you must value him from that standpoint. He is divinely provided. Without the brethren we cannot have divine service fully, it is in a company. Aaron goes to meet Moses by divine direction, and when he meets him he kisses him. Evidently he was greater in affection at the moment than Moses. Moses was greater in light. We need the light but we also need the affection. We must not belittle the light in the least degree. Moses had it at great cost. God came into the bush in order that Moses as disciplined should have light, and God communicated His mind to him. I do not say Moses did not have love. He did. I am speaking of the passage I read, where Aaron is said to have kissed Moses. If you had heard Moses pray that night I have no doubt you would have heard him thank Jehovah for Aaron. It is unlikely that he had hitherto known much of this kind of affection.

A brother we are told is "born for adversity" (Proverbs 17:17) and so God would teach us how to value each one. You may say such a one has but little of the qualities of a brother: can you not help him a little on that line? In Romans 14 the apostle speaks of a "weak brother" -- he says, Christ died for him. However little he is in your eyes Christ died for him. If you nurture him a bit, if he is brought into warmth he may kiss you.

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You may depend upon it, he will. The point is to gain him: "thou hast gained thy brother" (Matthew 18:15) -- a great moral triumph.

Now I want to go a bit further in connection with that because, having the expression of the affection of a brother, one is greatly encouraged to look for great things. After passing through the Red Sea Israel arrives before the mountain of God. I can understand the feelings of Moses with this word in his heart: "ye shall serve God upon this mountain". And I can understand him looking around on the camp of Israel, 600,000 men with women and children -- possibly two million of people in the wilderness -- the wilderness yielding nothing. What exercises he must have had as to provision! He would no doubt cherish what he wrote in Genesis 22:14, "on the mount of Jehovah will be provided". You can understand how he would look at the mountain and think of the promise. Have you ever looked at it thus? As having come out of the world you are faced with the necessity for provision. Having judged the world you know it furnishes nothing for you, no spiritual help whatever. Have you come to that decision? You must come to that decision if you are to be in the service of God according to Him. And hence you turn to the mountain of God, that is to say, the place of divine provision. Here is a man with two million people under his hand who are to be fed, and there is nothing in the desert for them. Think of the exercises of that man! He said later to God, "Have I conceived all this people?" (Numbers 11:12). But who was nourishing them? God "nursed them in the desert", (Acts 13:18). Think of the love that was behind all the divine service and care in the forty years in the desert!

Faith, at the very outset, would learn that everything came from God -- everything was provided on the mountain of God. I refer particularly to divine service

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and I want to dwell for a moment on the Hebrew servant -- how at the mount of the Lord we get that wonderful picture of true service. After the ten words are given God says: "If thou buy an Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing. If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself: if he were married, then his wife shall go out with him. If his master have given him a wife, and she have borne him sons or daughters; the wife and her children shall be her master's, and he shall go out by himself. And if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free: Then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also bring him to the door, or unto the door post; and his master shall bore his ear through with an aul; and he shall serve him for ever" (Exodus 21:2 - 6).

You see the perfect law of liberty is set down beside the ten commandments. What a voice it must have had to Moses! Certainly it is a voice to us, for it is in the understanding of this that we serve in newness of spirit and not in the oldness of the letter. That is to say, you serve in love. Instead of evading service you take it on because you love. That is newness. That is not like the world. The world does not serve thus. The flesh would escape wherever it can, but love serves. It is the liberty of love, and what does the liberty of love imply? It means liberty to die. Is not that the royal law, beloved? It is -- "the perfect law, that of liberty" (James 1:25). I have liberty to do what is required. I have a means of meeting the situation, and I do it whatever it costs me; liberty, that is love in supremacy; and so the Hebrew servant after

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having served six years might have gone out free. Will love remain alone? No! He may go out by himself, but will love leave its objects behind? Love will have an object and will do its best for it. So the Hebrew servant declines to go out by himself. He says, "I love my master, my wife, and my children, I will not go out free". That is to say we serve God and the brethren in love, and in serving thus we serve in liberty, and in serving in liberty we die if necessary. Love is fully expressed in death. "Hereby we have known love, because he has laid down his life for us; and we ought for the brethren to lay down our lives" (1 John 16). That is how the truth is stated in Scripture. All this comes out at the mountain of God. We have set down in Exodus 21 the full length to which love will go, and so, as understanding the type, you see how to serve in newness of spirit and not in the oldness of the letter, for it is new.

Then, going just a step further, you can see how Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel, being called up into the mountain, would get a view of God as thus providing. They saw the God of Israel -- they saw God and did eat and drink, under His feet, as it were, a paved work of a sapphire stone. What a sense they would get of God in His own surroundings! Then Moses is called up higher into the divine presence. Jehovah said to Moses, "Come up to me into the mountain, and be there" (Exodus 24:12). During forty days God unfolded to him the pattern of the tabernacle system, Christ as a divine provision for it and the service of God in it. And so it is that, as we understand how God has provided through Christ, for everything that emanates from Him, so we disdain to turn to the world for anything. Everything is provided for in the mountain of the Lord. I will now dwell for a moment on the passages in Hebrews.

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Our consciences are purged and we have received an inheritance: that is to say, I am clear in my conscience before God through the death of Christ; and in having the Spirit, I am in the gain of the inheritance. The believer is thus endowed, he is no ordinary person. How can I, then, take a living, as it is called, to serve God? You see the world-system is on the old pattern. Men are paid by the world for serving God. I cannot accept that. I am endowed with an everlasting inheritance, the earnest of which I have now by the Spirit -- something I can live on by the Spirit at the present time. Then I have also the love of God in my heart, shed abroad there by the Spirit. The new covenant implies this. Chapter 10 enlarges on the covenant. The Mediator has secured an eternal inheritance for me. I am endowed, and I have the love of God in my heart. The Holy Spirit is a witness to us of these great things. He is a witness by the prophet Jeremiah, who is a present living voice to me (Hebrews 10:15,16). It is in the present tense. The Spirit's voice through the prophet is a present living testimony. He witnesses to me through the Scriptures of the love of God. And so "having" all these things, dear brethren, we are fully furnished to draw near to God. That is the great point -- to draw near to God.

God's service is according to what is new. We draw near to Him by the new and living way, because He is the living God. You cannot worship by the things of the old way, what is around us. Things must be new and living, and these can be furnished by God alone. In the mountain of God they are provided. Thus we serve the living and true God. He is looking for it and waiting for it. "We have" a Great Priest over God's house, to this end. We have all that we need for this service. Hence, "Let

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us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith". I believe the great effort of God at the present time is to bring His people to Himself, that we might worship Him. "The Father seeks such as his worshippers", those who worship "in spirit and truth" (John 4:23 - 24).

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Revelation 4:1 - 11; Revelation 5:6 - 10

It is not my intention to speak of the prophetic import of these chapters, but rather of the combination of spiritual intelligence and spiritual life that they present, hoping that this combination may appear more amongst us, especially in our service in the assembly. The service of God in the assembly requires that these features should be combined in us, and they are not to be divorced. John's ministry, including the Revelation, makes intelligence prominent, life indeed as combined with it being one of the main features throughout. At the end of his first epistle John speaks of an understanding which the Son of God has given to believers. He says, "we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us an understanding" (1 John 5:20). A very important statement! It may rightly be said to govern the gospel of John.

The first followers of the Lord Jesus, the Son of God, called Him "Rabbi". The Lord had been hitherto, from John's point of view, in the attitude of standing. "There standeth one among you", he says (John 1:26). As standing, there was no following; it was a waiting attitude. Although Son, He learned how to wait; as we read in Hebrews 5:8 "he learned obedience"; He was in the attitude of waiting; He was ready; He was standing, and John baptises Him and tells us that He who sent him to baptise said unto him, "Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and abiding on him, he it is who baptises with the Holy Spirit". "And I have seen and borne witness that this is the Son of God" (John 1:33 - 34). The Lord had come in, in a lowly way. He was found in fashion as a man, as I may say, outwardly an ordinary man; I mean as to outward appearance, so much so that He had to

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be marked off. John the Baptist learned who He was by the sign given. "Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and abiding on him" (chapter 1:33); He was the Son of God. He was the One who should baptise with the Holy Spirit; "he it is who baptises with the Holy Spirit". And John says, "I have seen and borne witness that this is the Son of God" (verse 34).

The next day, we are told, John stood. It was his time to stand, not that he did not stand earlier awaiting His showing to Israel, but spiritually it was his time to stand now that the Son of God had appeared. In John's gospel, it will be known to most of us, the Lord did not wait for John to be cast into prison before undertaking His own personal service. He served before that. That is to say, He served in the right of His Person, in the liberty that was proper to Him as the Son of God; not bound by ordinary levitical rule. He was the Son of God, and so, I may say, John ceases; he is standing, for the greater had now come on the scene, and Jesus is seen walking. As thus moving, John looked upon Him. He looked upon Him now with intelligence; with an intelligence that he could not have had until he saw the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, and in his intelligence he was full of holy admiration. That gives the clue, dear brethren, to the understanding of this wonderful gospel by John. It is for persons capable of being affected, of being impressed; persons who can spiritually admire. It is a question of a Person, the Son of God. So that the first mention of Him in this respect is in verse 14 of chapter 1, "we have contemplated his glory", says the writer, "a glory as of an only-begotten with a father". He came within their range in that delightful relation, so that their hearts might be raptured, and they were. It was long after that John wrote, "we have contemplated his glory".

As John stands he speaks, and two of his disciples

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heard him speaking. He looked upon Jesus as He walked and said, "Behold the Lamb of God" (verse 36). That is all. These words are introductory to this fourth gospel; they are as it were the key to it. It is written for persons who are capable of admiration, of spiritual feelings. Two of John's disciples, we are told, heard him speaking and they followed Jesus, and in following Him they address Him as "Rabbi" (verse 38). That is to say, these first followers felt the need of being taught. The Son of God had come and was about to give an understanding, and they had the instinct suitable for that, and so they address Him as "Rabbi", inquiring where He abode.

Now another illustration in John's gospel, of the passage in the epistle, is the woman of Samaria, a well-known figure, one of the best, thank God! I refer to it only because of the intelligence she reached in her conversation with the Lord. The conversation was begun by Him, but she joined in it, most ignorantly at first, thinking only in a material way, which is characteristic of most of us, and alas, for a long time after we are converted. No one can understand John's gospel who thinks materially. God is a Spirit. We have to think spiritually. This woman began to think spiritually before she left the Lord. That ought to be the effect of every meeting of the saints, that we think more spiritually. She left her water pot; that is to say, she had done in that sense with the material; she understood that she was a vessel of living water.

The next great illustration of intelligence that I would bring forward is Mary of Bethany. The man in chapter 9, whose eyes had been opened, may be cited, but I just touch on the more salient illustrations of intelligence. Mary of Bethany is a striking one. That is to say, her intelligence rises beyond the mere thought of the vessel, for the ointment was not said

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to be in a vessel, it was in an alabaster box according to the synoptic gospels, but not in John. Attention is called, therefore, to the progress of intelligence, that she is beyond the thought of a vessel. The alabaster box was to preserve the contents, but there was no need for that with her, in John. We have to understand that the ointment, the pure nard, was spiritually herself.

There are those with whom all the furnishings are external, in what they call the worship of God, but there is nothing that you can bring externally that is not subject to corruption. All is to pass away. So that we must understand Mary, and what she did, in a spiritual sense. Martha spoke of corruption. On the fourth day Lazarus was corrupt, as she thought; "by this time he stinketh; for he hath been dead four days" (chapter 11:39). The Lord is the resurrection and the life; life is really incorruptible. There is no preservative like it. Mary understood the Lord. She was taught of the Lord. She was one of those who "love our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruption" (Ephesians 6:24). That is a great matter, for corrupt thoughts are apt to be carried along; for that reason we need the alabaster box; not so with Mary -- she was the incorruptible. You will understand what I mean. I do not mean she was personally that; it is what is presented; there is no box; it is a measure of ointment, a pound; it is a question of amount.

Now the next great illustration that I would bring forward is Mary Magdalene in chapter 20, so as to bring out and amplify John's statement that, "we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us an understanding that we should know him that is true; and we are in him that is true" (1 John 5:20). She is the acme of the subject before us. She began with a measure of activity -- not Martha-like, who had the energy without the intelligence -- and it is in Mary that we get the combination of which I have been

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speaking, such as we see in Revelation. She had the energy; she corresponds with the living creatures; she was certainly a living creature herself. She was up early on the first day of the week. The Holy Spirit puts Mary Magdalene forward in the very centre of that wonderful picture. She went to the sepulchre, and finding the stone rolled away, she ran; she has energy; she is a rebuke to all laziness, to all inertness among the people of God. She ran. She is the hind of the morning; she represents spirituality in that sense. In Psalm 22 the hind is a feminine feature. The heading of that psalm, although it indirectly refers to Christ, really alludes to the result of His death femininely; that is to say, you have productivity and affection. This result was unmistakably in Mary. She ran, and she became a leader in running; she became a leader in intelligence, but she became a leader in the energy of life.

Now I may say here that the energy of life, in the divine order, precedes intelligence. They run together, as it is in ordinary things, with children, but I refer particularly to the first chapter of Genesis. Life is seen on the third day, vegetable life, in connection with which we cannot speak of intelligence, but it is nevertheless life. The earth was to bring forth. There was the energy of life. Then on the fifth day you have living creatures, living souls; and on the sixth day you have man, that is intelligence. The order, therefore, is life first and then the development of intelligence, and any other order in us is sure to be damaging, in fact, disastrous.

To aim at intelligence without suitable balance of affection in the energy of life will end disastrously. There must be balance. That is how the matter stands in John. So that Mary Magdalene has the love and the energy and so becomes a leader in it. It is a most interesting matter that she should be a leader, in fact, she actually led Peter and John! I am sure

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that if you had asked her at any time, if she was a leader amongst the brethren, she would have said, No. But she was a leader here. There are those who are unbalanced in their understanding of the word leader; but a leader is one who goes before, and one whom others follow. It involves following; it involves example, and she was a leader. She led the two great servants among the twelve, Peter and John. They also ran and the other disciple outran Peter. It is all a question of energy of affection. That would mean acquiring intelligence; they believed. They saw the linen clothes lying; they saw and believed; we must not make little of that; they acquired intelligence; they had faith as to the resurrection of Christ. They went to their own homes, it is true; that is not to their credit, but it is to their credit that they believed. It does not say that she believed, but it does say that she remained at the sepulchre, and she wept.

I pass on now to be as brief as possible. As possessing the energy of life, and affection, she gained intelligence far beyond what Peter and John acquired. She got an understanding from Christ. I would urge that on everyone here. He "has given us an understanding" (1 John 5:20). It is not as in Luke, the opening of our understandings that we might understand the Scriptures. It is the gift of an understanding; it is not development, but a gift. He "has given us an understanding". He is the Son of God. He said to Mary, "Touch me not, for I have not yet ascended to my Father". What intelligence is bound up with that remark, for her to meditate upon, but He says, "go to my brethren and say to them, I ascend to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God" (John 20:17). Now she knew more than all the apostles; she has what they had not; she has an understanding and she is perfectly in keeping with it. It says that she went and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord and that He had told her these things. What

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intelligence! And the Lord comes into the company that was illuminated by His message to her; it was not sent through one who did not know -- but by one who had intelligence. She had said to Him before she received the message, "Rabboni", not "Rabbi" like the two in the first chapter, but "Rabboni". I wonder how many here have said that to Jesus. It means "My teacher". Thomas said to Him later, "My Lord and my God" (verse 28). The Lord loves to be appropriated -- my Lord, my God. Mary says, "My Teacher", not the Teacher, but my Teacher; she had appropriated Him. So may we, dear brethren; nor shall we be intelligent if we do not. If we are just general and talk about "the Teacher" we shall not come to it. We are too casual. It is the appropriating of the Lord in that way that shows intelligence; He gives it. It is not here the school of Tyrannus as in Acts 19. That is also important, for we must learn, but here it is the Son of God giving an understanding that we might know. I do not deny that there is a subjective faculty involved in it, but it is marked by intelligence; as the wise man said, "With all thy getting get understanding" (Proverbs 4:7).

To further illustrate this I go on to the chapters in Revelation; they are prophetic chapters; God is entering on a new relation, for the assembly period is over. What is presented is what shall be after that period on earth, but not without the assembly. No activities of God in the future, I may say, disregard the assembly. So here it is, but included in the four and twenty elders, a symbolic number, that is to say, persons who have intelligence, but not simply intelligence acquired as the result, as I may say, of reading, or even of instruction, but from experience; intelligence acquired by experience. They are elders. The word is symbolical; it denotes experience with God. Indeed the Lord Himself is symbolically presented to us in this very guise in

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Revelation 1; His head and hair white like wool, which denotes intelligence. He is called the Ancient of Days elsewhere, which refers to wonderful intelligence by experience. We must not shrink from the humanity of Christ; I mean, we must take it in, and follow the Spirit of God in it. The Spirit of God says, "though he were Son, he learned obedience from the things which he suffered" (Hebrews 5:8). He says Himself, through the prophet, that His ear was opened morning by morning; He is our model in everything. Every one of us ought to remember that at the age of twelve the Lord was in the temple in the midst of the doctors, hearing and asking questions. That is a beautiful picture, a perfect model for us if we are to learn; hearing and asking questions, but He had answers, too, Himself. They were astonished at His understanding. That enters into this chapter.

The twenty-four elders are on twenty-four thrones, clothed with white garments and they have golden crowns; all these are symbolic things. The throne alludes to God resuming His relations with the creation -- a very important matter for us. It refers back to the ninth chapter of Genesis, not the first; it refers back to God having entered into covenant with man and the beast of the field and the earth itself, and now the rainbow is round about this great throne, and the elders understand; they are sitting round and they cast their crowns before Him that sat upon it. In the fourth chapter the One sitting on the throne is God, in the fifth He is the Lamb. In the fourth He is the Creator, for Him all things were made. In the fifth He is Redeemer, the Lamb, but the same Person. We have to apprehend Him in the two lights, but He is the same Person. We do not see God in the form proper to the Deity presented in the throne, but Jesus; He is the One that took a body, the form that we can see. We cannot see the form of God. No one has seen it or can see it, but Jesus has come into a

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form that can be seen and understood, and so He is described in this fourth chapter as on the throne, and the elders are round about, with perfect intelligence. They are sitting, they are restful, they understand the holy environment that they are in.

Alongside these elders there are four living creatures. Four is symbolic of universality; it is not simply a part of the creation, but the whole realm or domain of creation brought back to God. You may say, that is all future. It is as to its setting here, but morally it exists today. James says that we are a first-fruits of God's creatures. We have the first-fruits of the Spirit and we are the first-fruits of God's creatures. We are sympathetic with God in feelings and sympathies and we are capable -- I am speaking to christians -- normally we are capable of action, of energy, and the whole scene in this sense is dominated by intelligence, and not intelligence only, but energy. The elders are not presented as energetic. That is not the sign; the energy is in the living creatures. So that we find that the first is like a lion, the second like a calf, the third has the face of a man, and the fourth is like a flying eagle. Put these things together and you have a wonderful array of energy, not only steady, calculated energy, but such energy as may be seen in the rapidity of the eagle; that when the mind of God is understood and known there is to be no delay, for the King's business requires haste.

Well now, that is the position; and I mention the living creatures because in application now, it refers to the energy of the young men. "I have written to you, young men", says John, "because ye are strong, and the word of God abides in you" (1 John 2:14). You are capable of energy, and not only that but you have done something. That is an important matter for every young man who desires to serve. I would ask you, What have you done? What is your exploit? All the mighty men of David did exploits, and the apostle in sending

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his salutation to the saints at Rome mentions the exploits of many. If you are gifted for service, what have you done? How has the energy been used? "I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong ... and ye have overcome the wicked one". That is a great exploit but it belongs to the young men.

You see here what the living creatures did, and we are also told that they each had six wings, and they say day and night, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty". That is what they say. You see, beloved, the energy. They have eyes inside. They have discernment, and they are thinking of the holiness of God. That is the kind of energy; that is the kind of life; life in young people is apt to take on natural things and what corrupts. There must be not only the exploit to indicate the power, but the holiness, as the apostle says to his youthful confidant Timothy, "But youthful lusts flee, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace, with those that call upon the Lord out of a pure heart" (2 Timothy 2:22). That is a word for young people. Flee youthful lusts, so that the energy should be uncontaminated, that we should be pure in our service, and able to say day and night, as it were, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty".

Now I want to point out that the elders are watching all this. It is the combination of these things that I want to bring before you. When the living creatures "give glory and honour and thanksgiving to him that sits upon the throne", the elders fall down before Him and they worship, and they tell us why they do it. That is a most important feature in the assembly in the worship of God: there is not only the energy of life and the holiness, but the intelligence that would give the reason for what is done, and those who are near will have respect to it, if they are normal. The elders tell us why they

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fall down and worship. They know, like the fathers in the epistle of John; he wrote to them, because they had "known him that is from the beginning" (1 John 2:13). Those who know Him from the beginning know how things should be done, every kind of thing, and they would observe how He did things, how He dealt with matters. Hence when an apostle is to be chosen Peter says that he must be one who had assembled with them during all the time in which the Lord Jesus came in and went out among them, from the baptism of John until He was taken up. That is the idea; it is the full ministry of Christ on earth. That is what makes an elder; he knows the why and wherefore of things.

Just to touch on the next chapter for a moment, you will observe that the position of the elders is transposed. The living creatures come first in the fifth chapter; I mean when they are seen together. One of the elders firstly tells John how the book should be opened, that the Lion of the tribe of Juda should do it; He has prevailed to do it. That would be an exploit. Then you see "in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, a Lamb standing, as slain". It is interesting and instructive, too, to notice the transposition, the living creatures first and the elders second. It is as if the elders take second place, which love will ever do when it is in service. No one is morally right who cannot take a second place. The Lord Jesus has taken a second place; He has led the way, and here the elders take a second place. It is in the interests of the service. We must always be ready, however experienced, however intelligent, when certain crises arise requiring energy rather than spiritual intelligence, to let the energetic ones be in front. It is energy here, with intelligence of course, for the living creatures understand, and the elders are second. It is a time of action. The fifth chapter is

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action. It is the Lion of the tribe of Juda doing things; He is going to open the book; He is going to open the seals, and as He opens each of the first four, a living creature is attending. That is action. Opening seals is a matter of energy, a matter of power, and that is what a living creature represents. So, beloved brethren, what is needed is energy, that living creatures should be present in the service of God.

These are important matters. They enter into our every-day relations, every-week relations, with the brethren in the assembly; the most instructed, the most intelligent, the most spiritual, the most experienced is to be ready to take second place if it be for the furtherance of the service of God. Then these living creatures with the elders each have golden bowls and harps. There is perfect unity, for I understand it refers to both the elders and the living creatures. The elders, though in a second place, could join in with the energetic ones, join in the celebration of the glory of Christ. They sing a new song. There is not the slightest want of harmony or symphony in their song. It is a new one. It evidently alludes to some new presentation of God in Christ, and they are ready for it. They are not stale old people that will not learn any more. Some old brethren think there is no more to come out and they keep on singing the old song. I am not discrediting any hymn; I am speaking of principles. All the brethren must learn to join in the new song. If you do not you will miss much.

Then there is the combination of the prayers of the saints. One feels sorry for those who live in the past times and say the former times were better than these. You are not singing the new song if you are saying that. There is a new song; in every work of God there is something fresh and a corresponding new song. You understand I am speaking of the principle. The living creatures and the elders join in

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it -- a new song; and Christ is the theme of the new song, not as He is seen on the throne in the fourth chapter, but as He is seen in the fifth. He is in the midst, the Lamb as it had been slain, now ready to do exploits, now ready for action. So they sing a new song having every one of them "golden bowls full of incenses, which are the prayers of the saints". It is very beautiful to see the old and the young joining in, in the result of the most recent gracious movement of God.

May God grant it to us, dear brethren, that we may go forward in energy and intelligence and in unity, in happy unity, with our harps and golden bowls full of incenses which are the prayers of the saints, and with our new song.

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Luke 19:28 - 48

J.T. I have suggested these incidents in Luke's gospel because they convey the idea of a spiritual environment; having this in mind, that unless we are accustomed to reside in a spiritual environment on the principle of faith, we shall be seriously affected by the natural environment with which we have to do. The Lord comes to us in this gospel, in the place where we have been born and brought up, so to speak; we may be affected by it either socially or politically, or in other ways, but His thought is to take us out of all that, by introducing us into a great spiritual realm. The places mentioned here represent great spiritual ideas: Jerusalem, Bethany, Bethphage, and the mount of Olives. Luke stresses the idea of geographical position.

Rem. There is great need of enjoying this spiritual sphere of which you speak, so as to be relieved of what is natural.

J.T. It can only be as we are led into it by faith and maintained in our souls by the Spirit. We have the idea of living in relation to a spiritual environment at the outset, especially where faith is stressed in connection with Abram in Genesis 12:8; he pitches his tent in relation to Bethel, and so we see all through how believers resided in environments suggestive of what is spiritual. There is a striking illustration of this in the case of Elijah, "when the Lord would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind". Elisha is seen as accompanying him to various places, as though to show that if he was to be of any use in the testimony, he must be with Elijah in relation to living conditions: so "Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal" (2 Kings 2:1), which denotes what is spiritual. It would help Elisha to apply his heart to spiritual

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things, and to absorb spiritual thoughts while he was with him so that he might henceforth live in them. They would live together at Gilgal and at Bethel and Jericho and Jordan. The places referred to by Luke, represent great spiritual ideas. He stresses the position of Jerusalem in his gospel in that regard, for it is not set aside.

This chapter begins with Jericho, as it says in verse 1 of the Lord -- "And he entered and passed through Jericho". In passing through a town the history of the town comes into our minds, and so when the Lord passed through a town such as Jericho, the whole history of that town would come before Him. The same applies to a village, for every town or village has its own history and all is known to the Lord. Jericho had a history, and so if a man like Zacchaeus comes to Him there, it means a great deal, for he is linked with Abraham; as "a son of Abraham" (verse 9), he has spiritual nobility, so that the thought of faith and of this environment is introduced. In verse 28 the Lord is going up to Jerusalem in a sympathetic way; not in any judicial or hard way but with feelings of love, so that the Lord wept. He is "ascending up to Jerusalem". He knew all that attached to it, it was the centre of things upon the earth for God; but on the way He draws near to Bethany, that sympathetic spot, that spot where love for Himself was to be found.

It is here that we get the introduction of the colt which is particularly on my mind and which means I believe, that there are young brothers and sisters that are not engaged with the pleasures, sports or pastimes of this world, but who have been nurtured in the spiritual environment. They are growing up, not as entering into the amusement-halls in the places where they live, but as knowing the spiritual environment where the saints of God are. The Lord knows

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it, and would make choice of them, I am assured, for such are the most likely material for the assembly. The children of the saints who have been nourished up in such an environment are of great use to the Lord, for they have the truth ingrained in them from the beginning, and the more what is spiritual is in young men and women, the more value will they be to the Lord.

Ques. Is that the meaning of the colt being "tied"?

J.T. Yes. You would desire to hold your son by fatherly influence and moral authority from the things of this world which would drag him down; but then you not only hold him from things, but to things, so that he will cherish those things that you have been and are enjoying.

The great point is that the Lord has a right to claim him. Being "tied up" by moral authority is a question of the claims of the Lord. He is not compelling, He has a right to it, and every right-minded father and mother will say Amen to that, and will desire to dedicate their children to the Lord, like Hannah of old (1 Samuel 1:22,28). It will never do to thrust your sons out into the field to preach, the wise thing is to wait and hold them till the Lord calls for them. This will not be a moment too soon nor a moment too late.

P.L. Do we not see that feature with Samuel in 1 Samuel 3?

J.T. Yes; you wait until the Lord speaks to them. The Lord must take the initiative; He will put in His claim in time if you hold them for Him.

A.J.G. What is the thought in that two disciples are sent to loose him?

J.T. "He sent two of his disciples". They represent testimony, they would act like the Lord as sent from Him. He had a way of using two.

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Peter and John are put together constantly as suggesting representation, as in Acts 3:4. Those referred to here bring in unity. The children are attracted by the atmosphere of unity among the brethren. These two disciples were unitedly representative of the Lord, and they take the colt back with them.

Rem. As being in the world we should be held by faith and maintained in the Spirit. Though it is a wilderness to us, we should be in it with spiritual sensibilities like the Lord who wept over it.

P.L. Where two disciples are held together in this way under the authority of the Lord, things are very attractive, and in such an atmosphere colts will thrive.

J.T. We do well to note verses 31 - 33 -- "And if any man ask you, Why do ye loose him?" It is the way they move, and what they do that is emphasized. This is important as showing the unity that marks every movement; they are always together, and finally any little bit of dignity they may have is to be placed upon the colt. The disciples are persons who have learned: their garments -- what distinguished them -- are surrendered to be put upon the young.

P.L. So that it is not a question here of gift -- they are not apostles but disciples who are sent.

J.T. Yes. The young are to be held in grace, and let go in grace; the divine authority of the truth is connected with the apostles, but what is seen in the disciples is the Spirit of Christ. And so this incident being recorded by the four writers of the gospels gives a universal bearing to it. In Matthew the assembly is in view; in Mark the colt is for service, for ministry; whereas in Luke's account, the young are to be secured for the prayer meeting, that is, it has a priestly aspect. It is different in John where the Lord finds the colt Himself, He sends no one for it. It is what He secures Himself for the family (John 12:14).

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Rem. There appears to be no question as to which is the right one.

J.T. It is a question of what is done for the Lord and under the Lord's direction, and so it must be right. As they are sent they would know which was the right colt. It is like the remark Peter made in Acts 11:17. He said, "who was I?" It was not what he had done, but what God had done.

P.L. I suppose in such an atmosphere of love it would be very difficult to be troublesome at all. Active love makes it hard for anyone to be obstreperous.

J.T. The thought is that the colt would be leadable, as subject to the subduing influence of love in the unity that marked every movement.

Rem. The experience of being tied would go on to the experience of being led.

J.O.S. It is said that Abram dwelt with Isaac and Jacob (Hebrews 11:9).

J.T. Yes. He dwelt with Isaac and Jacob "in tents", showing his patriarchal care. He would influence the young men aright as living with them; "heirs with him of the same promise", shows that the environment was a spiritual one. On the other hand, Lot goes off to the cities of the plain and has no moral influence; indeed his own children ridicule him. Unless a man overcomes the world himself he cannot help his children to overcome it.

The colt was brought into the presence of Jesus. The upbringing in our homes is important. It is very true that we need the Lord, and one does not underrate that side, yet it is a greater thing to realize what is said here, "The Lord hath need of it". The first is most true, but have I found that the second is also true? There is a pertinent question asked by the masters here as, I suppose, not fully understanding the Lord's right. Eliab said to David, "Why camest thou down hither? and with whom hast thou

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left those few sheep in the wilderness?" (1 Samuel 17:28). It is the eldest brother you will notice, and David's words in reply are, "Is there not a cause?" (verse 29). There was a cause, and David knew of it, if Eliab did not. Every gospel meeting should announce the "cause", that is, God's claim or rights over the saints. In fact this should be made clear in every meeting that we have.

Rem. The two disciples show that they are in line.

J.T. They act very nobly, they go further than the Lord told them to -- they were formed in grace: the Lord loves to see us go beyond what is enjoined in love. They take off their clothes and put them on the colt. They take the initiative and unrobe themselves. It is important to know how to divest ourselves of our clothes, because the Lord was going to ride upon the colt. It is what the Lord Jesus Himself did on another occasion (John 13). He took off His garments, laying them aside to take up love's service in washing the disciples' feet.

It is important that we should always be normal. When the Lord Jesus was a Boy, He was a Boy; and while He acted as a Boy, it was in no way like any other boy. He moved in divine grace and seemliness. He was hearing and asking questions (Luke 2:46). He was "sitting in the midst of the doctors". Young people get more help among those who are spiritual than among those of their own kind, but we must remember that the young ones are young, and so we acquire wisdom as parents in holding them.

P.L. When Paul speaks as he does of Timothy as exhibiting his "ways as they are in Christ" (1 Corinthians 4:17), is he desirous of bringing to light the true features of a young colt?

J.T. That would no doubt be his thought, taking off his clothes, so to speak, and putting them upon Timothy. Those "ways" are to be in evidence in Timothy. Paul took special care to put his stamp

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on him so that as he moved about at Corinth Paul's ways would be seen.

Ques. You mean that his "ways" are the idea of clothes?

J.T. Yes, and in the end of the epistle to Timothy he is exhorted to bring Paul's cloak. The cloak that he left at Troas was a special one, so he does not tell him to wear it, but to bring it. Every step that Timothy took with that cloak would speak to him of the great vessel who did wear it. The young are enjoined to be followers of the Lord, and so too they will become followers of their leaders.

Ques. What is the thought that no man had sat on the colt?

J.T. That was right, no man had ever sat there. The Lord must be the first. He is the beginning of the creation of God. He would have us as free from man's influence. It is in keeping with Himself.

W.C. I suppose that Elijah casting his mantle upon Elisha gives the evidence of what was in his mind. Then Elisha, as apprehending and appreciating what had been done, becomes a follower, and finally he uses the mantle. He comes to it that the mantle was for use, and he smites the water with it.

J.T. Quite so. The Lord would immediately use what comes to Him. The levites were held from a month old in view of service. As soon as the material for the tabernacle was available it was put to use; it was a living system of things in which everything was functioning. Things are never dormant with the Lord.

Rem. So that Mark being recovered to be serviceable and to write his gospel is on this line.

J.T. The Lord would have all the young ones to have a sense that He wants them to have a spiritual part in this living system. I think the particular point that we might stress here is the person typified in the colt, and the Lord's need of it. Immediately it is to hand it is used. That the Lord allows the

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disciples to do everything here is of particular note even to setting Him on the colt, but we need to be balanced. They represent the unity which should mark a local company. The Lord wants you to do as much as you can. He loves to see us serve thus and will help. The Lord is contemplated in Matthew 18:20 as being in the midst. He will help wherever two or three are gathered to His name. It is a question of what is available first, and then what is usable, so that the clothes are put on this colt. It would not do to put the garments on any other, the Lord had plainly indicated which one, and the coats are taken off the disciples and put on the colt. The taking off their garments suggests sacrifice -- the Lord having put in His claims first.

P.L. You do not really lose anything by imparting to others, indeed you get more. The principle is seen in Scripture. "There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth", (Proverbs 11:24).

Ques. Is gift seen in Timothy, a potential colt? So that Paul's ways shine in him. Does the "laying on of hands" bear on what you are saying as to taking off the garments?

J.T. There are two things in that connection, the laying on of the hands of the elderhood, and the laying on of Paul's hands. Timothy is a remarkable colt and has the laying on of hands both of Paul and of the elders (1 Timothy 4:14 and 2 Timothy 1:6). The laying on of Paul's hands was special -- he says, "I have no one like-minded", so there is a definite testimony that he is serviceable. The elderhood are very careful and discriminating in what they take on, they are men of experience, considering for the Lord and I am sure we need to be careful as to this.

Rem. Paul says to Timothy, "from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus", (2 Timothy 3:15). That gives a positive

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indication of the spiritual environment in which Timothy had been nurtured, which must have evident results.

J.T. Quite so. On the maternal side his parents were spiritual women. Timothy would have been a colt tied in this sense. There is power in the whole procedure. All is marked by power. The instruction of the young should be marked by power, not by legal procedure.

Ques. How do you regard the "masters" here?

J.T. They represent the parents of the child. The parents are apt to be very one-sided. There are difficulties oftentimes in discerning what the Lord is doing in putting in His claim. No doubt we should be more ready for the call of the Lord for our children if the weaning had gone on. Weaning must go on, it means that we set them on their own feet spiritually. There are very few parents in the present day that wean their children according to scriptural principles. Many find it hard to refuse the natural. In verse 33 we have a question, "Why loose ye the colt?" This was a pertinent question, but the answer given is satisfactory to the masters of the colt: "The Lord hath need of him".

P.L. The environments of Luke's gospel are certainly beautiful. I wondered if there would be a corresponding thought in Psalm 48. It begins with Jehovah's greatness, the One who is to be praised "in the city of our God". Then in verse 2, we have "the city of the great King", and it is "Beautiful in elevation", does that fit in with Luke here?

J.T. Very good; so that Simeon, in the beginning of Luke, becomes a representative of this thought, for he dwelt in Jerusalem characteristically. It is important that all the villages are dignified, fitting in with the idea of "elevation". The village means one of the environs of Jerusalem, and the mention of them shows the relation of smaller gatherings to

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Jerusalem, the centre of the thoughts of God; for it is not disregarded in this gospel, and hence gives them their significance.

Ques. Will you say a little more as to the idea of the village?

J.T. All these villages around Jerusalem are dignified as being on a high level, as related to Jerusalem, as we have said. "The mount called Olivet" (Acts 1:12), is suggestive in this way. You see, a locality might be small, but its relation to Jerusalem gives it importance.

Ques. Will you go on to the singing and rejoicing?

J.T. The whole scene denotes spiritual surroundings, so that as we proceed the singing and the rejoicing is heard. It comes before the weeping. "And as he drew near, already at the descent of the mount of Olives, all the multitude of the disciples began, rejoicing, to praise God with a loud voice for all the works of power which they had seen, saying, Blessed the King that comes in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest". The King is there and so they go on with Him, and the very scene draws out the praises of their hearts. The King is seated on the colt and they strew their clothes in the way. The whole scene is marked by triumph.

The Pharisees complain to the Lord. Now how are we to be affected by all this? Men may rebuke as they do here; the boldness of religious flesh is amazing, it intrudes insolently, but it has no damaging effect. The Lord answers it. For the Lord in His city, in a characteristic way, must be praised. Everything should produce praise. They wanted Him to rebuke the disciples but He really rebukes them. He will not allow them to intrude and says, "If these shall be silent, the stones will cry out". It is a scene in which the Lord is honoured. First of

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all the colt is in the most distinguished part of it, then the disciples enhance the position with their clothes, speaking of our merging together in love, so that Christ is honoured; that is, love comes in, and works up to the assembly. "The whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God" -- what is universal comes into view. Every whit utters glory -- the whole environment conduces to praise. Where there is love this must be so, and praise is produced. Then the Lord weeps as drawing near to the city. The sorrows of the public position are only touched as we realize what the profession has missed.

It is a very salutary thing to look abroad on the state of things: we cannot but feel what is happening. We must realize what it means, while we are praying and praising God, to look around and feel what is coming upon the scene. "Seeing the city, he wept over it". He is looking upon the city as helplessly exposed to its enemies. There is a similar idea in the father going out to the elder son (chapter 15:28). Here we have the Lord giving us an example, and when we think of what is going on in that which bears the name of Christ, it draws out our feelings. It is noticeable that they say peace in heaven, showing it is a scene of intelligence. No mention is made of the earth here, the absence of which is remarkable. The disciples do not say peace on earth, but peace in heaven, which points to the assembly's position. It is a scene of spiritual intelligence -- it is not merely enthusiasm.

Ques. What had you in mind regarding verse 41, "seeing the city, he wept over it"?

J.T. It is distressing to see what was of God thus exposed to the enemy. We require discernment and right feelings in relation to what is seen. As you look abroad on the public features of the assembly and the present position of God's people you would weep, but the gospel goes out from this spiritual altitude.

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Then in spite of what is coming upon the scene upon the city according to the Lord's own words, He entered into the temple and taught daily.

Ques. What is to be understood by the teaching being daily?

J.T. That would suggest that there is need of patient labour, and the Lord shows the way for it. We do this in principle today, although of course He alone is able to enter into the temple in this way, and He does so, and casts out those who bought and sold. We may question as to what is the use of this casting out of those who bought and sold when judgment is pending and all is shortly to be destroyed, but we must go on with right principles. Divine principles are unalterable and the teaching is to be looked for "day by day". There is no relaxation or hindrance of His service, and if we are in the mind of God, we shall not become lethargic but more persistent in our service.

The book of Revelation discloses what is coming on the scene so that we might be intelligent as to it but at the same time more persistent in our service now. It is only as seeing that things are clean that we are entitled to teach. As the result of this casting out there is a place consistent with the Lord's teaching, so that He goes on in this service, furnishing light as to our path, which involves incessant labour -- "day by day" to the end.

J.O.S. Paul's service at Ephesus was "night and day" for three years (Acts 20:31).

Rem. 2 Timothy 4:1 - 2, would be on the same line, rebuke, exhort "in season and out of season".

J.T. The Lord Jesus never gives up the thought of the assembly. His all-searching eyes are upon everything till the very last moment. He sees the "basket of summer-fruit" still (Amos 8). The assembly is to be in evidence to the last, and if the Lord were to come for His own today, there is still ample material;

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it is not because He is not getting the summer-fruit, but because our hearts will be in unison together with the Holy Spirit in saying to Him "Come", (Revelation 22:17).

P.L. He will never call off the battle because of lack of reserves.

J.T. Teaching "day by day" shows us how recovery has come in: that is, in a slow gradual way, entailing much labour, continuous and persistent service. Spiritual things do not come to us all at once and we need to be dependent every day, there is the looking up to Him as the Teacher each day.

Rem. So the Spirit speaks to the assemblies, in Revelation 2 and 3; it is "what the Spirit says to the assemblies" repeated seven times. It is a present speaking in each case.

J.T. Where there is the constant speaking there is also to be the constant hearing. We are to see to this, for it is to the end. In chapter 24:1 it says, "very early indeed in the morning", emphasizing energy. Until He was taken to be offered up, the Lord was speaking to the disciples; we see this especially in John's account. He looks for energy in His own now -- to the end.

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Exodus 33:7 - 11

I have on my mind to show the result of faithfulness, and I have ventured to select these scriptures as exemplifying the thought. Moses can be taken as an example, above all others in the Old Testament, of faithfulness. The testimony of the Spirit in the New Testament in regard to this devoted man is, that he was "faithful in all his [God's] house"; and if there is any place or connection in which faithfulness is tested, it is the house of God, for Satan is set against it, and unless those who compose it maintain self-judgment they will be prompted to act according to their own wills. As one ministers, therefore, in God's house, faithfulness will certainly be put to the test, but notwithstanding all this, the comment of the Spirit in regard to Moses is that he was "faithful in all his house" -- not only in one phase of it, but in all. He was a ministering servant, and he was faithful.

Now Moses presents a remarkable history, known to most of us, but always well worth considering -- remarkable from his infancy. He was born of parents who had faith. Their faith saw in the child a reflection of Christ, he was "beautiful" (Hebrews 11:23), and so they concealed him. "They were not afraid of the king's commandment". Moses came into the world when the ruling power was under the influence of evil. Another king had arisen which knew not Joseph, and the form the evil took was the destruction of the males in Israel, i.e., that line must be blotted out.

The circumstances remind us of the conditions under which the assembly was established in the world. The enemy would destroy it, first of all he would destroy Christ, and the same murderous spirit reappeared

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against the assembly in Saul of Tarsus; as it was seen in Cain, in Pharaoh, in Herod, that spirit came out in Saul. He could do nothing against Christ personally, but he could do a good deal to the assembly. I refer to this for a moment -- the virulence of the wicked one, seen in the stoning of Stephen, possessed Saul, so that he was not content merely to set himself against the assembly, in a corporate way, but he was "entering into the houses". He would seek out every member of the assembly for destruction. I refer to it to show you what we have to contend with. In presence of that, what you see is the evangelical spirit. Saul was set for the destruction of the "candlestick" then the light would go; but while Saul was endeavouring to destroy the candlestick the light shone resplendently in Philip. In no chapter in Scripture is the evangelical spirit more manifest than in Acts 8, in the presence of the effort of the wicked one to extinguish the light. The candlestick and the light must be preserved. God introduced them here, and He preserves them.

Acts 8 presents both the candlestick and the light, and the wicked one set for their destruction, but they are preserved. Then in chapter 9 the kingdom is stressed. The enemy showed his hand in Saul; then the power of the Lord comes out. The kingdom appears in chapter 9 for the protection of the assembly and the light in it. From that day to this, they have been preserved, and shall be preserved -- no power in this world is equal to the power of the kingdom of God. The latter is wielded by Christ for the protection of the assembly and the testimony, so that we find, as we pursue the history in Acts, that the light radiates: the great champion against it is converted, and becomes the light-bearer to the gentiles, to carry "the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" (2 Corinthians 4:6), into the dark gentile world.

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He could not have done it for a moment, except for the protecting hand of the Lord.

Moses was born in such circumstances as that, and his parents had faith, and hence "were not afraid of the king's commandment". They, in principle, baptised Moses, they put him into the water. Now you cannot baptise yourself, another baptises you; but when it comes to entering into fellowship, no one can do that for you; you have to put out your hand and commit yourself. We are living in the midst of baptised masses, but how many put out their hands to be identified with the interests of Christ? People are slow to commit themselves. It is cheering to see a man commit himself, answering in courage to his convictions. "By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God". Look at that! He put out his hand. How we thus see faithfulness in that early day! Moses deliberately commits himself to something. He had been committed to death, and when he became great, he committed himself to the people of God. You must think of that, in order to lay hold of the greatness of Moses. Moses' mother had faith -- and faith lays hold, in the Old Testament, of the light that precedes. Think of her exercise in regard to Moses, who was outwardly committed to the court of the world! God had his eye on that child, and when he was come to years, he put out his hand deliberately and answered to the faith of his mother. What a comfort an attitude in a child is to godly parents! What did he do? "He chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God" (Hebrews 11:25) -- that is fellowship. The people of God characteristically are bound to be in affliction, and Moses in his early years committed himself to them.

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Have you put out your hand? I appeal as to this to every young soul here. Your parents have committed you to the death of Christ, they recognize that only through the death of Christ they can expect your blessing. Now, what are you to do? There are the people of God -- Moses made his deliberate choice, he was a man of no mean parts, "mighty in his words and deeds" (Acts 7:22), in the court of Pharaoh; he had a position in this world far in excess of yours and mine -- yet he chose to suffer affliction with the people of God; "esteeming the reproach of Christ". Think of how the Spirit of God puts a name on what Moses esteemed. Moses could not have done it: it was the "reproach of Christ", and he esteemed it greater riches than the treasures in Egypt; he truly came into fellowship. You will never rightly come into fellowship any other way; it is identification with the people of God, as marked off from the world by the death of Christ. God will help you in a special way as you take that position. Moses essays to accomplish deliverance for Israel, but he had to come into fellowship first; and then his education for the great service he was to render required forty years more. That is the man presented to our notice and I wish to show what an end awaits you, as you follow in Moses' path.

At no point does his faithfulness shine as in Exodus 32. What was seen in Moses was the spirit of Christ. Where was faithfulness learnt? In Him who is "the faithful and true witness" (Revelation 3:14). Moses acquired that spirit by Christ anticipatively. He esteemed the reproach of Christ. There was another spirit in Egypt besides the spirit of the Egyptians -- the Spirit of Christ was there. The reproach was not simply that those people were foreigners, that was not what caused the reproach. It was the reflection of Christ that elicited the reproach, and that is what Moses regards as the "greater riches". If you consider any

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Old Testament man of faith, what was in him was the Spirit of Christ. They had light in regard to Christ. "Abraham rejoiced to see my day" (John 8:56). That kind of man appearing on Abraham's horizon, caused gladness in his heart. All the men of faith in the Old Testament had light in regard of Christ. You will never be according to Christ in this world, if you do not read the gospels, and learn from Him going down into death to do the will of God. That is Christ -- the faithful and true Witness; and you will be according to Him in the measure in which you learn Christ in the gospels. How God honours that spirit! Moses came into the camp with wonderful light; no one before him had such light as that man. Jehovah opened out His mind to him during that forty days in the mount. God gave him there a pattern of the system of things He had in His mind to establish; He also gave him the tables of the law, which represented his moral rights in this world, and Moses came down with all that. He broke the tables it is true, evidently without inquiring from God, but what could he do with them? We have to leave that, but he came into the camp, as I said, with all that light, and he was a true custodian of it. He was faithful above all others in his day.

Passing over what happened in the camp -- a solemn reminder of the present moment -- the judgment that he executed there, "Moses took the tabernacle, and pitched it without the camp, afar off from the camp". He was thinking about God, and he gave it a name: "The Tabernacle of the congregation", as if in faith he laid hold of the mind of God as to it. Apostasy had marked the camp and hence the meeting-place for God and His people must be "without the camp". "The Tabernacle of the congregation" was outside -- afar off. A meeting-place was established for God and His people in spite of apostasy. Do we all understand this? -- and a name given to it, "the Tent of

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meeting". Where do you meet? It is a great thing to understand, that in the recovery of the fellowship of God's Son and of His death, there has been a point established in these last days -- I am speaking of light and principles -- a point where God can meet with His people. Moses had the idea of the tabernacle in his mind, it had been unfolded in the mount; it was not yet made, but he pitched what represented it outside the camp, and called it "the Tabernacle of the congregation". He re-established, on that principle, a place of meeting for God with His people. Think of that achievement! Think of what faithfulness accomplishes!

Are you in the light of that? In the light of that, you are extricated from all around you -- all the apostasy and unfaithfulness of christendom. Those who sought the Lord went out unto the tabernacle of the congregation, others stood at the door of their tents and worshipped. But where did they worship? In their tent doors. That is not the place to worship. The tabernacle of the congregation is the place to worship, and those who sought Jehovah, went there; they moved out. What an appeal to us! Many at the present time worship at their tent-doors, but you are not recognising, in doing so, the tabernacle of the congregation. That is where God meets with His people. I would remind you how Jehovah said, in chapter 20:24, "In all places where I shall make my name to be remembered, I will come unto thee, and bless thee". This is God's promise. Here you see Jehovah's name remembered in the heart of Moses. The Lord's name is remembered in His supper. God signalises this, and He descended in a cloud, and "spoke with Moses face to face". What an honour! What distinction! There, in the presence of that host, Jehovah descends in the cloud, and speaks with his servant "face to face, as a man speaks with his friend". We may depend upon it, if we are faithful

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to God, He will be faithful to us; if we honour God, He will honour us.

Christ has been honoured publicly in this sense. The gift of the Spirit to His disciples vindicated Christ. The Spirit brought into the world a testimony to the righteousness of God. "Of righteousness, because I go to my Father" (John 16:10), the Lord says. It was righteous to put Christ in heaven, because He glorified God here. The world did not see Christ go into heaven, they saw Him no more; they saw the effect of the Spirit here, as we see in Acts 2. No one could gainsay the power that was there. God honoured Christ by the gift of the Spirit to His disciples; it was due to Christ that God should thus vindicate Him publicly. He will do so again in a coming day, when He comes to be glorified in His saints, and admired in all them that believe.

In Exodus 33, Joshua remains in the tabernacle; he represents Christ according to what He is, in a hidden way, to His people now; outside of the world, which knows nothing of this. First, we see Christ as Apostle, how He honours God, and God honours Him. But Christ is also for His people: He says, "because I live ye also shall live" (John 14:19). Do you know Christ in that way? Your life is bound up with His. As David said, "he that seeketh my life, seeketh thy life" (1 Samuel 22:23). Your life is bound up with Christ. Joshua remained in the tabernacle. He departed not from within it. I want you to see what I speak of -- Christ is to be known in a spiritual way, in a way that the world cannot know Him, as leading us into the wholly spiritual realm.

In Hebrews 8:1 - 2, you get, "Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; a minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man". The Lord has pitched the

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tabernacle. Joshua was in the tabernacle which Moses pitched. The Lord Jesus has pitched the true tabernacle, and He is minister in it. That is the position the Lord Jesus occupies at the present moment; He is Minister of the sanctuary. Joshua is also typical of Christ as the spiritual leader of the people, who put them in possession of the land. May the Lord exercise our hearts as to these great things!

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Matthew 28:19; Exodus 23:20 - 25; Revelation 3:8,12

I had in mind to dwell on the idea of name. As christians we properly begin with the idea of name, and so I read the verse in Matthew 28. It is more than a formula, it implies in a very distinct and special way the idea of name, for christianity involves it -- the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. It also entered into the Jewish system. You all remember the great disclosure to Moses as he is found in mount Horeb, after long years of service -- patient, humble, obscure service -- to his father-in-law. The service for which he evidently sought no recompense, and so qualified to serve and to take the care of God's people.

This service must be unselfish, otherwise it is not suitable to God. Selfishness is not compatible with the service of God. Those who enter on it for wages are not pleasing to God, and Moses stands out as the great prototype of unselfish service and contentment in that service in obscurity, so that he becomes qualified to be the recipient of the great idea of name. He had been in the court of Pharaoh and was conversant with the idea of name in this world, for it has its rolls of honour, its names stand out from earliest records down to the present time, and every man and woman naturally desires a name. So that Moses would be conversant with the idea of name as entering into man's world. The court of Pharaoh had its distinguished names. Moses had part in Pharaoh's house and had a name there; one which he renounced. What a thing it is to renounce what gives honour in this world with a view to what gives honour in that world! He was called the son of

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Pharaoh's daughter, but he renounced it, and became identified with God's people as in reproach. In Midian he took up a lowly position of unselfish service, and led the sheep which he kept to the back-side of the desert, to Horeb, the mount of God -- a spot whence all true distinction issues.

Think of the opening up of God's mind at that mount! What distinctions are involved in that, as we think of the names that follow in the history of the testimony, beginning with Moses and Aaron and a multitude of others! The first name to be distinguished there was God's, no name is of any account that does not give precedence to God. So Jehovah opened up His name there. It included all in this respect that preceded. He was "the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob" (Exodus 3:6); all that entered into the name now made known. A living world characterized by distinguished names was in God's mind. It was not a question of dead worthies but living worthies, for all live unto Him. The great worthies of this world have died, but not so the worthies of that world. A name in that world is an undying one. He was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; He is not a God of the dead, but of the living, it is a living system that He has in mind. A name that perishes in the grave is not that. A name that lives beyond the grave is the name to recognize, God is the God of those whose names are there.

The Lord adds to the thought in saying, "rejoice not, that the spirits are subjected to you, but rejoice that your names are written in the heavens", (Luke 10:20). They shine there, but shine to reflect the glory of the Name. You may inquire what that means, well it is a scriptural term. John says to Gaius, "for the name have they gone forth" (3 John 7), as if there were no other. A glorious name is set out in Jesus. In one sense there is no other. So in Leviticus 24:11, where

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strife in the camp is mentioned, it says one "blasphemed the Name", without saying whose it was. Whose could it be but that glorious name disclosed to Moses: what wickedness to blaspheme it! Jehovah says, "This is my name for ever" (Exodus 3:15). How much there is in the camp now today, that is blasphemy of that Name! James 2:7 says of it, "the excellent name which has been called upon you". If we are true to our baptism, and to the Name to which we are baptised we shall resent all indignities to that Name, with holy resentment.

I want to show you how in this Name, set out as it was to Moses, there is the idea of One sent to the people called an Angel in whom that Name was. It was not merely a record, though Moses has recorded the occurrence at Horeb. We have the holy Scriptures, but that is not all, dear brethren, but let no one think I undervalue them; one marvels at their accuracy and profoundness. The Scriptures are, of course, most essential as divinely authoritative, and they stand this test always -- thank God! But we also have One with us in whom the Name is. There is a divine Person here to accompany us through this world, through this wilderness, greater than the Angel spoken of in Exodus. The passage foreshadows clearly the blessed Spirit, the Comforter that has come down. The Lord spoke of Him in a personal way, as "another Comforter" (John 14:16) whom He would send, and for whom He would beg the Father -- a divine Person, not merely an Angel, the Spirit of God, One in whom the Name is. How true He is to it! He is most sensitive as to any shade cast upon it, and hence the importance of understanding the baptismal formula, or rather I would say the holy words in the inspired record: "baptising them to the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit". Doubtless "the name" attaches to each of the three glorious Persons; each has "the name"; the word "and" links the three Persons together under

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"the name" and infinite blessing for us lies in our entering into the secrets of the Name as presented in each of the Persons.

Think of the Father -- of being baptised to that Name: will He not make it good? The Lord says, "the Father judgeth no man" (John 5:22). Will He not make that true in His relations with us? As we place ourselves in His hands He would make that Name good to us, He will deal with us according to it. He is the Father of our spirits, and He takes care of them accordingly. He disciplines us -- that is not judgment, it is love, so as to purge us from all that is contrary to that Name. We cannot be unnecessarily severe with our brethren if we know that Name. We shall speak to them and of them in faithfulness to that Name. And then there is the Name of the Son: we are baptised to that. We have been called into the fellowship of God's Son: what a fellowship that is! There are fellowships of this world, some of which are adorned with names distinguished in this world, but what are they compared with the Name of the Son? We are introduced into this wonderful economy, worked out in the Name. As we think of the Son our souls are filled with holy dignity. If the Son shall make you free you shall be free indeed. We are brought into the glorious liberty that belongs to sons as we apprehend the Name of the Son.

Then there is the Name of the Holy Spirit. His personal dignity is maintained. We are baptised to His Name, but it implies such a feature of God as can take the humblest place of service in this world. In His gracious, patient, tender way He accompanies us. The Holy Spirit is here in the sense of a Companion to the saints. He is all-knowing, all-seeing, all-feeling -- all these entering into the communion of the Holy Spirit. He will never let this cease. Alas, if we drop out of the ranks where He is maintaining the holy fellowship into which He has brought us! We have,

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too, the love of the Spirit with us here all the time. How we feel it in our meetings! The love of the Spirit is introduced in Romans 15, a passage marked by energy; it speaks of Paul's great energy of service. The extent of his service is depicted and the power of it, and he beseeches the brethren "by the love of the Spirit" (verse 30), that patient, ever-present love.

How needful to have to say to the Persons of the Godhead as we are thus introduced into this holy economy, marked by the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit! You can understand how Jehovah says in Exodus, "my name is in him". Will He suffer it to be impugned? No; we are told here, "Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him". Let us face this scripture, dear brethren, there is no trifling with the Spirit, the Name is in Him. It is not simply what He is called, but it is what is in Him. He will brook no rebellion, no disobedience.

It is a most serious thing to trifle with the Spirit. We can understand the Lord's remark in Matthew 12:32, "whosoever shall speak against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this age nor in the coming one". The Lord's word to each of the assemblies in Revelation 2 and 3 is, "He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies"; disregard of this is most serious. Disregard of the Holy Spirit is the great sin of christendom and the question comes down to every one of us, How do we regard the Spirit as here in the world?

The point in the Lord's word to the assemblies is to stress what the Holy Spirit may say at any given time. It is what He says in each case. As we submit to Him and attend to what the Spirit says we shall reach the divine purpose for us -- in principle now, and actually presently. The end is certain to us, as said in the passage read in Exodus: "to bring thee to

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the place that I have prepared". The Holy Spirit remains with us in all His power and faithfulness, and if we are true to Him and hear His voice, we shall be brought to the desired haven, the land of promise. The Spirit and the bride say, Come. That implies that the bride is with Him, having obeyed His voice. We must not fail to enter into the consciousness of the companionship of the Spirit, and be in accord with His mind, He makes much of Christ. He glorifies the Father and the Son. Any ministry that does not maintain the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit is not of the Spirit.

Now I want to show from the verses read in Revelation how all this fits in with the remnant in the last days. Philadelphia represents the remnant not as a fag-end, but as equal in quality to the assembly in its normal condition. Its pristine glory was hardly shining, but the Lord in His commendation of Philadelphia owns that it was there. She had kept His word and had not denied His Name. As to the latter, the Lord does not say Philadelphia confessed His Name, it is a negative thought. He would have said more if He could. The Lord says all that He can that is commendatory. He says also, "thou hast a little power". I would like to challenge all here, as to whether you take on any other name than His religiously; you are, if so, denying the Name of the Lord, and you are thus not included in those to whom those precious promises to Philadelphia are made. You want to be amongst those who have not denied His Name. It is very searching. If one had the opportunity, one would like to challenge every heart that professes to love Christ in the whole of christendom, as to His Name. It is a time of names, the world is full of the idea of names, political, commercial, religious, etc., but what about the name of Jesus? His Name is what is set out in the Person.

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Brethren is a designation that comports with Christ's Name. Every true christian in the world belongs to the brethren. The Lord says, "All ye are brethren" (Matthew 23:8). You can understand that all the Lord says to the assemblies carries the idea of His Name. He never leaves out the idea of Name. It is the great dominating principle of the dispensation, involving the economy into which we are brought. The Lord understands how the overcomer in Philadelphia would value what implies His Name; not only His own Name, but the Name of His God would be written upon him. Think of it. How affectingly He spoke of His Father while down here! One of the disciples says, "Lord, teach us to pray", and He said, "When ye pray, say 'Father'", (Luke 11:1 - 2). We can never really understand God but as we see Him in relation to Jesus; nor can we understand man as in the mind of God save as we see Jesus in relation to Him. Think of having the Name of His God written upon you! And then, "the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem". I love that scripture. I belong to the city of God, but then the name of it is to be written by Christ on the overcomer. Think of the renown of it, of all the great and holy thoughts bound up in it; also the names -- God and the Lamb are there. All this brought in beforehand helps us to spurn all that has the character of name according to man. Then the Lord says, "my new name". Not the one of which I have spoken, not the one that has not been denied by the overcomers, but a new one, the new Name is one of the secrets.

In Revelation 19 John sees the Lord coming out of heaven, having a name written, which no one knows but Himself; only He knows that. It is inscrutable, it is well for us to observe the word inscrutable. Jesus coming down out of heaven, His armies following Him, has a Name written which is inscrutable; but then His Name is "called the Word of God" (verse 13); that is a public name; and He has

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also a name written on His thigh, "King of kings, and Lord of lords" (verse 16), that is a public name, too. But He says, of the overcomer in Philadelphia, "I will write upon him ... my new name".

All this should appeal to our hearts, and we should cherish the holy Name by which we are called, and not in any way discredit it. The Holy Spirit is in the saints and as ungrieved He maintains the Name there until the end.

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Luke 9:46 - 48; Matthew 18:1 - 6,10 - 14; Isaiah 11:5,6

I have in mind to speak of the idea of a little child, hoping to show how the truth works in believers so that they become little in their own minds and accept littleness as in the minds of others, but at the same time become powerful in a moral way. Through them the idea of the kingdom of God -- or the kingdom of the heavens -- should be here in testimony. The present time is the time of testimony: the future, the millennium, itself a great general witness to what effects this, is the time of the display of what is now in testimony, and the principle of the testimony is that of reversal, so that what is in man's mind as to himself and worked out in the world, is overthrown in him by the opposite of itself. That is, what is reckoned small in this world is to bring to nothing what in it is accounted great.

Presently, God will have to say to the world as built by men, according to man's art and devices. God will turn it upside down, He will wipe it as one wipes a dish. He will do that in power; it will be literal. All that is in conspicuousness in the world shall be brought down; and what is now in reproach will be exalted, literally. In the meantime this is being attained in a moral sense, in a small compass it may be, but nevertheless attained.

If God effects something in one or in a thousand, He shows what He can do. And so, if He brings one great man, great in his own esteem, down, so that he thinks nothing of himself and despises all that in which he gloried, counts but dung and dross all that was gain to him as a man in the world; if God effects that in one man, He can effect it in any number of men, and that is what He is doing. In

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that man He sets out what He is about to do universally. It is done morally. I say morally, for that man would pray for the greatest man in the world -- the king, and all those in authority, but he is greater than any of them. The idea is that the world is morally brought down in that one man. God has done it, and He sets that man here, causes him to move about the world, for the more that man is known, the better. It is not God's thought to effect a great moral triumph like that and hide it. He sets it out in testimony. I speak of Paul, who is the best example of what I am presenting; he says that he had fully preached the gospel of Christ from Jerusalem to Illyricum, and he was himself what he preached.

The levitical thought is that God effects something in a man and then sends him to show what He has effected in him; as the apostle says in writing to the Corinthians, "I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men. We are fools for Christ's sake. ... Even unto this present hour we both hunger, and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwelling-place; and labour, working with our own hands; being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we suffer it: being defamed, we intreat: we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day" (1 Corinthians 4:9 - 13). What a testimony that was! And yet, what were these men doing? They were turning the world upside down -- at least their enemies said so; and they were, too. They were not doing it with violence. The world was turned upside down in the apostle himself, and in all the apostles. That is to say, the coming world that God was about to display took form in them and was presented here in testimony.

The point in it is that it is to affect me, and all

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of us. The apostle says, virtually, to the Corinthians, It should affect you. They were not converted by men reputed great in this world. The power of Christ reached them through a man of no account in the eyes of men. What did the men of Athens think of Paul; their comment was, "What will this babbler say?" (Acts 17:18). At Lystra he was regarded as a great speaker. We read in Acts 14:8 - 9 that, "there sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother's womb, who never had walked: the same heard Paul speak". Why should the Holy Spirit say he heard Paul speak? Because Paul's speaking had such a profound effect on the man. His speech, they at Corinth said, was contemptible -- but was it? It was not contemptible to the man at Lystra who had faith. Where the work of God took effect, the apostle's speaking was of much account. The man had faith to be healed, and Paul said in a loud voice, "Rise up straight upon thy feet" (verse 10). That was a speech of power and the man sprang up and walked. That is how matters stood.

The apostle challenges his converts at Corinth as to this. They were converted through him, and yet what was he outwardly? "Unto the present hour", he says, "we both hunger, and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwelling-place; and labour, working with our hands". And now, Paul not being with them at Corinth, the world was creeping in and they were vying with one another who was to be greatest. That is just the world -- rivalry, who is to be the greatest. So in order to revive the true divine thought, he says, "I have sent to you Timotheus, who is my beloved and faithful child in the Lord, who shall put you in mind of my ways as they are in Christ". Timothy was the little child in Corinth. The world had to be re-ejected from many there. It had been brought down in measure through the apostle's preaching, but now that he

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had left, it had entered, and it must be brought down again. "Woe to the world because of offences!" (Matthew 18:7). The world had crept in at Corinth so that there were parties, and they were rivals of each other. Hence he sends a little child, one of no account in this world, to be in the midst of them to the end that they might learn in him the apostle's ways as they were in Christ. The apostle was in keeping with what he preached. The world had been removed in him. That is what the Lord is doing today, what He is aiming at -- to turn things upside down -- using "things which are not" to bring to nought "things that are" (1 Corinthians 1:28). There is a power acting here that will presently overthrow the world.

The passage read in Luke supports all that I have been saying. "Jesus ... having taken a little child set it by him". That is where every little child of whom I am speaking would seek to be, just by the Lord Jesus. Now this incident is in a setting that is significant. It follows upon the scene on the mount. The Lord constantly gives His people seasons of privilege, enjoyment, and blessing, and the challenge would be -- What are we after such occasions? After a season of special grace and blessing, we go to our several spheres of responsibility. What is its effect upon us? What had happened to cause that, as the Lord came down from the mount, there should be a "great crowd around" the disciples, as Mark tells us in his gospel. When we become an object of public interest we must challenge ourselves. If a brother goes out humbly and preaches Christ on the street corner, it is to be desired that, if the crowd encircle him, it is to make much of Christ. But the disciples at this time were evidently of interest because of a discussion: scribes were disputing against them (Mark 9:14). And in the midst of the crowd a man cries out, "Master I beseech thee, look upon my ... only child. And, lo, a spirit taketh him ... I besought

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thy disciples to cast him out; and they could not" (verses 17 - 18). The Lord casts out the demon, and now there is a reasoning amongst them, who should be the greatest.

These things are not written for mere historical purposes; the Spirit of God would never record the failures of His people merely for the purpose of exposing them; He would rather hide them. The apostles have to suffer in this sense that we might learn -- these things were written for us. We find that we are unable to do anything for the man that cries out in the crowd. And there are such cries around us, cries of deepest need, if we have ears to hear. The man has to say to the Lord that His disciples could not cast out the evil spirit. If one proves himself powerless to help a soul who cries out, he should not be a rival to another in the assembly. Yet such rivalry appears here. They were reasoning in their hearts who should be greatest. The Lord takes a little child and sets it by Him. One would desire to be that little child. Any of us may be such an one that the Lord can set by Him. What a place of favour! But then, it does not mean that I am simply in a good place, a happy place, but the Lord has put me there for testimony. In Matthew and Mark He sets the child in the midst of them, but here He gives the child the advantage of being by Him. One is thus placed alongside the Lord of glory.

The Lord is great enough to be testimony for Himself, but He would use men for this purpose, those who were once under the power of sin, having their life in this world. He would set them up in testimony. Matthew tells us that there has to be conversion so that this should be realized. The little one is away in the mountains, and the Lord has had to go for him. This child was not brought down from heaven, not an angel, but an ordinary child with like passions as ourselves, but so formed that

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the Lord could set him by Him. I am speaking now of what is meant by the incident. It is not any little child, for Matthew says the Lord called him. Luke would say that he was under the Lord's hand so that He could just take him. Anyone that is at a distance from the Lord Jesus cannot hope to be used in this way. You need to be under the Lord's hand, Isaiah 49:2 says, "under the shadow of his hand". You never can tell who the Lord may put forward in this sense, -- the most unlikely person according to our estimate, but the Lord prepares beforehand and knows the little child is there. It does not say the Lord had to send for him. In fact, a few verses earlier we are told that He had just cast a demon out of a child. The moral connection is there. But the practical thought is to be near the Lord, as to the state of our souls, watching what is happening, absorbing the light and the feelings and the principles that are being set out in His ministry. And He will put His hand out some day and take you and set you alongside of Himself. Here He says, in effect, this little child is the idea that is in My mind and whoso receives him receives Me. In this sense the order of the testimony presented in this passage is, -- God, Christ, the little child. Hence the great importance of what the little child represents, and this may be in any of us.

Matthew enlarges on this. He does not say that they were reasoning in their hearts -- they further. They asked the Lord, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" There is certain respectability in that, they give the Lord place. I may go that far and yet think all the time that I am the one. But the Lord did not gratify their curiosity; He "called a little child unto him". He was within call, and the Lord says more about him, according to Matthew, than in Luke. He sets the little child in their midst. I apprehend that it is a further thought, that one is set down amongst his brethren. The Lord can

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trust him, set him down amongst the brethren. They may say much about him, but he suffers it. Although this is not seen here, no one is of much use in the testimony unless he is disciplined, perhaps persecuted as among the brethren. It is a question of the material that is there. The rough handling brings out the quality, the beaten gold or silver. Opposition becomes instrumental for purification, cleaning away the refuse, and the Lord takes up the real gold. What will He make out of gold? It is a wonderful metal, at least, in its spiritual significance. So that if one is set down in the midst of one's brethren by the Lord many things happen. Simeon said about Jesus, "That the thoughts may be revealed from many hearts" (Luke 2:35). When God works to bring forth a man for His service, many hearts may be disappointed, but the gold will be purified, so that it may be in the hands of the Lord to make of it what He will.

As the little child is set in the midst, the Lord says, "Unless ye are converted and become as little children, ye will not at all enter into the kingdom of the heavens". It is not a question of greatness in the kingdom, but as to whether you can enter into it. A man saying I will be greatest, is not a subject at all. He is foreign to the kingdom; he needs conversion. Most of us need more than one conversion. The Lord used Peter's conversions to make him more like the beaten gold. If any one has rivalry in his heart he has to be converted. He needs the gospel. None of us is beyond the need of the gospel. Certainly while there is ambition or rivalry in my heart, I need to be converted and become a little child.

Then the Lord goes on to show what these little children are characteristically, and how valuable in the eyes of heaven. He likens them to a lost sheep of a hundred, and the shepherd goes after him into the mountains, he is so valued. The saints have but a poor estimate of how valuable we are to heaven.

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Hence the word, "Woe unto the world because of offences!" The Lord is seen here as abhorring the world because it is a snare to His people. Offences imply that the world's ways please one so that he follows them and is drawn into it. The world is thus a snare to His people, and the Lord abhors it. "Whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea". Such is the value in the eyes of the Lord of a little one. It is sought by Him in the mountains and brought home. It is a christian the Lord is speaking about. There is the suggestion of ambition and consequent rivalry in the question of the disciples and hence the reference to conversion in the Lord's reply. Anyone that is a rival of another in the things of God needs to be converted. That is how Matthew presents this subject, and it is carried out in a most practical way in the following verses, 15 to 18 -- a brother trespassing on a brother.

The Lord is leading up to discipline in the assembly, so that the government of God in regard to the little ones is in view. The assembly has to do with little ones, it knows how to treat them: it will be longsuffering. The cities of the Levites, the cities of refuge foreshadow this; they were the residence of grace. The assembly is where grace reigns through righteousness in a practical way down here, so that the little ones will get righteous treatment in the assembly. An offending person will be given to understand that the Lord Jesus appeared to Simon, but to a Simon that wept bitterly when the Lord Jesus looked on him after he had denied Him. The assembly takes notice of that. The assembly reflects heaven, and if a man weeps bitterly for his offence, he will receive gracious treatment.

All this was foretold. The spirit of the little child

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is seen in the passage read. Isaiah, the prophet, looking forward to the millennium, sees wonderful changes in the creation. The lion is seen as the very opposite of what he used to be. That is the work of God. All that finds its answer in the testimony now. In the assembly we have testimony of what is coming in in the millennium. God says through Isaiah, "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them ... They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain" (chapter 11:6,9). There is no change in the lions yet, nor the leopards, nor in the wolves. The change is set out in the testimony in men. The sheet came down from heaven to Peter, "in which were all the quadrupeds and creeping things of the earth, and the fowls of the heaven" (Acts 10:12). Peter says, "it came even to me" (chapter 11:5). He had to learn of the great change God was bringing about in men, not yet in animals. In a future day there will be a real change in the lower creation. Now God can do it in a man like Saul of Tarsus. What a brother he became! He had been a ravening wolf, "he made havock of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison", (Acts 8:3). God brought about that change. He has done it in millions since, and He is doing it. The new birth effects a radical change; through it the whole texture of my being is changed. What God is doing in me in a moral way he will do presently in the world in a literal way. The Lord comes in to effect all these things with the girdle of righteousness and of faithfulness.

So the little child shall lead them, -- a wonderful moral triumph that God can bring about amongst us, so that the man whom we have despised because of some ugly natural characteristic is now regarded with respect. He is converted; he has been with Jesus; he has been sought out in the mountains and

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brought back. What moral power he has; he has leadership -- some have very false ideas of leadership. It is not a question of gift: it is a question of going before in the acceptance of suffering, toil, and in the Spirit of Christ generally, so that others may take the way safely after him. The Lord opens up in this sense a great field for us. We have been speaking of John in the bosom of Jesus, but here is a child set by Him. Then Matthew says He has set him in the midst. What a great thing, -- to be set by the side of Jesus as a model! Sisters can be models, -- as we see in Luke 7 and in many other instances. The Lord turns to the woman, in Luke 7:44, and says to Simon, "Seest thou this woman? I entered into thine house, thou gavest me no water for my feet: but she hath washed my feet with tears".

The Lord is seeking to enlist the younger generation. Many of the older saints are being taken away. Their places are to be filled -- filled by such persons as the Lord can call attention to as models. May the Lord press these things upon us!

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Exodus 15:20,21; Judges 4:4 - 9; 2 Chronicles 34:20 - 24; Luke 2:36 - 38

You will observe, dear brethren, that these scriptures allude to prophetesses. Other scriptures speak of them also, but these four serve to convey what I understand to be set out in the thought of a prophetess. Others, as I said, are alluded to, some bad ones -- for the enemy never fails to imitate what God introduces and uses, so that we have "the woman Jezebel, she who calls herself prophetess", (Revelation 2:20). The most sinister feminine name in the Scriptures is Jezebel. What makes her name so important is that she exists today, and is employing her nefarious powers to the utmost. That she calls herself prophetess is significant, for it is a feature of that system to which she belongs, which is essentially Babylonish, and which implies worldly show, worldly distinction, and worldly greatness. Simon called Magus gave out that he was "some great one" (Acts 8:9), and Jezebel calls herself prophetess. The Spirit of God leaves us in no doubt as to what her prophesying implies, and that its effects are according to what she teaches. Not only are common people her victims, but servants -- the Lord's servants: "she teaches and leads astray my servants" -- (Revelation 2:20) -- teaching them the very worst things. I just allude to her so that we may have in mind what the subject implies; how the enemy uses the idea, and that this personage symbolizes a great religious system, renowned for every iniquity, which has built itself up and spreads its influence abroad.

Then there is another evil prophetess alluded to in Scripture whose name comes down to us; she is called Noadiah. She figured in the days of Nehemiah

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and harassed him along with others. She is not without her counterpart today; she sought to cause the Lord's servants to be in fear. There are those who harass us with fears of actual dangers so as to weaken our hands. It is a solemn thing to use influence to weaken the hands of those who serve the Lord, so that they should be paralysed by fear of danger. One is not worthy of the service unless he can face danger, however great; the service implies the will of God. Any influence used to weaken the hands of the servants of God because of danger, is akin to Noadiah, who with Tobiah and Sanballat and others, at that time would interfere with and hamper the servant of God. The work was progressing favourably, and as surely as that is the fact the enemy will do his utmost to hinder. We have to be on our guard that we do not belong to such. Sanballat and others would have Nehemiah to meet them in the plain of Ono, as if he was obliged to do it because of danger. The Spirit of God introduces this prophetess as amongst those who would weaken the hands of Nehemiah.

These are negative features of the subject, and it is sorrowful to own not merely historic, but current dangers. Jezebel and Noadiah, correspond in their characteristics, the latter coming very near to us, and we have to be on our guard that we are not hampering the servants of God by supposing danger. The Lord will stand by those who serve however great the danger, as Paul says, "The Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me", (2 Timothy 4:18).

What I have in mind are the positive features of this subject, and the first prophetess, so called, is Miriam. I am sure it is important to understand this kind of service or ministry, for it is not so much to call attention to the women as serving, but to show that service may, in virtue of power, overcome limitations. Our position, that is, the position of the people

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of God who love Christ and one another, is a limited position; it is not Pentecost, but a "day of small things" (Zechariah 4:10). It is a day in which the Jezebel spirit in its darkening effect is felt. We are not to call ourselves this or that, we leave that to Jezebel and her kind. Let others call us by what name they will; we cannot control them. God gives us names -- names of love. He calls us His children: "See what love the Father has given to us, that we should be called the children of God", (1 John 3:1). We accept joyfully the names and terms of relationship which He gives, but spiritual believers do not give names to themselves.

Yet in spite of the limitation to which I have alluded, a way is made, so that we are not hampered. Thank God! I am not now alluding to the governmental actions of God on our behalf, though He has wrought wonders in this respect, so that we have liberty to meet, as now, without fear. But there is actual power; the Lord says, "I have set before thee an opened door" (Revelation 3:8), but it is because "thou hast a little power". It is a question of power, and that has its own significance, it is the power of God. We are released in the sense in which I am speaking, in proportion to our power. Independency imitates the privileges we have, and that surely is no testimony. It is a question of power, and power lifts us out of limitations. Liberty is in proportion to our power.

This word "prophetess" as it appears at the outset, is illustrative of this very thing. Miriam at this time must have been over ninety, from other allusions to her in Scripture. It is the first time she is mentioned by name, and the first time she is called a prophetess. She is said to be sister of Aaron. What I want to show is that while her sex imposed limitations upon her, and more so in the east then than now, she has this dignity, that she is called the prophetess, and is also said to be "the sister of Aaron".

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She is not regarded officially as Aaron was: Moses was to be God to him, and Aaron was his prophet, whereas there is nothing said about Miriam being appointed. Now what I want to point out in a practical way is, that this ability for service, in one limited by her sex, is indicated by influence for good, and who can deny the scope of influence for good? In whomsoever it is found, influence for good is rare. Miriam's good influence is over the women here. She moves Godward with her timbrel. A good lead had been given by Moses in the song, and she is surrounded by the influence of a great victory, and consequently there is liberty. She is more than equal to it; she can join in the song, and that of herself. She does not collaborate with others of her sex to form a party to extend her influence, but she takes her timbrel herself and moves. She moves, not as bringing forward something distinctive, but in connection with the great lead that had been given by Moses, and the women went after her. I wish to point out what is meant, for influence for good is to be valued, and way is to be made for it, so that the women went after her with their timbrels. It was a wonderful movement, but it did not go beyond the women of Israel.

Now you may wonder why I stress this, but I have in mind Miriam's influence as exerted later. You may have influence for good and use it well and effectively, but you may go beyond what is of the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God would teach us how to measure soberly, "according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith", (Romans 12:3). We acquire power for good, and, thank God, room is made for it amongst right-minded saints. I may go beyond that, and may sit on it, as a throne, and may become most mischievous unless I maintain self-judgment and discern my proclivities. So it says in Numbers 12, that Miriam joined with Aaron to traduce the great servant of God, and in that passage Moses is described

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as the meekest man on the earth. You see how I may slip into a dangerous line, unless maintained by the Spirit of God. Miriam has influenced a man now -- going beyond her province; she is mentioned first in the movement, and she is the only one who became leprous. Aaron is not stricken. She was the prime mover, great person though she was, even though having a place in the leadership according to Micah 6:4. She went beyond her power of influence for good, and became a leader in evil. It was a question of retaining the spirit of smallness and shamefacedness lest we transgress, for as going beyond our measure, we shall certainly come under the discipline of God. I speak of that as a solemn example, not to divert from the good in this sister, but to show how she went beyond her sphere, failing to maintain self-judgment.

Deborah shows another feature in a prophetess. The first as we have seen, is influence for good over those on one's own level. Deborah presents a remarkable picture of this subject; she represents the womanly side. I am not speaking of sisters serving, but of how power lifts out of limitations. If a sister prays, she is to be covered, recognizing thus the province that belongs to man. If God has given her power, He is not setting aside another principle, so that the covering of the head is the recognition of the ordering of God. That ordering is not violated. But it is sovereign power you find with Deborah. She is a womanly woman. -- She is spoken of as "a woman prophetess" (see note in the New Translation, Judges 4:4). Christianity is intended to develop what is womanly. Genesis 1:27 tells us "male and female created he them", both terms being given under the idea of "Man".

Christianity has brought about this quality, so in 1 Corinthians 14:20 we read, "in your minds be grown men". This surely applies to every christian;

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but to those under authority the instruction is, "Let your women be silent in the assemblies" -- but in their silence they adorn the great name of "man". The idea of "man" covers both male and female and that chapter throughout deals with the idea of manhood. Holy women of old adorned the idea; it is a great divine thought which will not come to an end. The idea of male and female will not go into eternity except as regards Christ and the assembly; God will dwell with men. It is a divine thought.

Deborah adorns the idea. She dwelt under her own palm tree -- it is personal victory -- she was living in victory. She was the wife of Lapidoth, meaning that she maintained her place, and it says the people came to her for judgment. How can you limit a woman like that? If a woman has judgment and people come to her, how can you limit that? That was between Ramah and Bethel in mount Ephraim. Whether in pressure, or at other times, this rare quality is sure to show itself, and there must be scope for it. As we have noticed in the New Translation, she is called a "woman prophetess", the Spirit of God thus showing the way in which power within limitations is available. How beautiful in the eyes of heaven! In her subjection she is free to serve with a man; she has more wisdom and courage than he, and yet he is going to do the work. All this enters into the position of Barak, and shows how any power that sisters may have is available in the assembly. However weak the brothers are, the power in the sisters is available; Barak would not go without Deborah -- and how true she is. She does not offer to go. The power was there, and he had wisdom enough to avail himself of it; the power is in its fulness in spite of the limitations. How great the victory was as a result -- proving how much, under such circumstances, can be achieved in the day of small things.

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The next prophetess is Huldah. She lived in the days of Josiah. She represents power or ability which is available in limitations, in a crisis, at a time when God is speaking loudly. The book of the law had been lost, but is now recovered, and one is sent to inquire of the Lord. It is a question of the mind of God in a crisis. It is urgent to find out who has it; whatever the limitations we must have it; so these men, deputed by the king, were sent to inquire of the Lord, and they knew where to go. If there be brothers or sisters who know, do not fail to ask such. What is more beautiful about the Lord Jesus -- always our Leader -- is that at the age of twelve, He is found among the teachers, hearing them and asking them questions. If there be one who can answer, why not ask? Sometimes saints go to the Lord ignoring the provision He makes; but to neglect the saints, is to neglect Him. People say, I have not time to read ministry, but such are despising what He provides. Let us not neglect what God provides.

Huldah was a divine provision at this time. They go to her, the mind of God being there. The prophetic gift goes beyond limitations, because of its value. She was a wife of a certain man, and we get his father and his grandfather named, that is, we are reminded of spiritual lineage in this matter. Let us not despise it; I thank God constantly for the households of the saints, and that the young people are coming under the influence of such teaching. Spiritual ancestry is a great principle with God. Attaching to Huldah, as well as this ancestry, was the keeping of the wardrobe. That is an important matter. One of the most important items in the wardrobe today is righteousness: "Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness" (Psalm 132:9). We have also the clothing of salvation alluded to -- priestly vestments these! So many have become exposed by inability to meet

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obligations -- a matter which saints have to face at the present time. We have to accept spiritually, at least, the liability incurred, and if we are keepers of the wardrobe, we shall seek that where needed there shall be self-judgment, so that our brethren may be clothed with righteousness. This is a matter of practical aid, in order that the name of the Lord may be cleared. Huldah is mentioned in connection with this feature of the truth. One would like the brethren to get the idea of the wardrobe. How beautifully it appears in Luke 15! God has great thoughts for us, as a keeper of the wardrobe would know.

Another thing about Huldah is that she was not in the college, as the ordinary translation gives it inaccurately, but in the second quarter of the town. She did not aspire to a fine house, or to fine things externally, she lived in an inferior part of Jerusalem. She had the mind of God for the moment, and this is of supreme value wherever it may be; and in speaking the word from Jehovah she does not refer to the king in terms of distinction; but says, "tell the man that sent you to me"; she speaks of "the king of Judah" afterwards. How important it is to understand the clothing suited to the time, to avoid show; but to be available in the circumstances as having what is most rare and essential to the testimony of God at the particular moment. The little that any of us may have may be essential to the testimony at the moment.

The final thought is seen in the well-known Anna of Luke 2. Like her sister Miriam, she is an old woman; but the Spirit of God honours her peculiarly; she was a widow of "great age". The allusion is to the honoured state of widowhood under these circumstances. She lived with a husband for seven years, and had been a widow for eighty-four years, which tended to add to her lustre. What experience she

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had! Widowhood, not of itself, but as absorbed in intense interest in the temple, indicates that what was in the temple was everything to her. Need I enlarge upon this, dear brethren? What an element it is in our subject -- the element that makes everything of the temple!

Now when we come to very old age, and I think God has in view the old brothers and sisters at the present time, we may thank God for longevity so long as it does not rob the old of ability of perception. Anna had not a dull mind. There was not a woman in Israel like her! If you met her, how buoyant she would be! She departed not from the temple, night or day. Womanliness is not wanting in her; she carried the beautiful traits we have noted, they are all there along with the power that is found in brothers and sisters who are regularly in their position in relation to the temple. They understand things spiritually by frequenting the temple; they do not assume to know because of their age, nor do they occupy you with old things. The temple is not that, it is what is current. I suggest to brethren getting on in years not to acquire the habit of living in the past. Never had the temple at any time had such an honour conferred as at this moment -- the Builder of it in the real sense was there, the true Solomon! He was there, yet a Babe, in the arms of the true priest Simeon, who spoke intelligently about Him, and Anna came in. It was her resort, so that she does not miss the greatest occasion.

I press this, lest we should be satisfied with what we already know or be unduly occupied with what we may have had in earlier days. We must be occupied with what God is doing now. The Spirit of God is still here and active. We ought to resolve not to miss any available occasion, that is marked by His presence. We are to be in our places in the assembly; at Pentecost they were all together in one

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place when the Spirit came. Absentees miss the blessing; we may thus miss the greatest thing. Suppose the Spirit of God speaks "expressly" and we miss it! I do not plead for attendance at the meetings only, but also our being alert spiritually. Anna represents the intelligence and power that marks those who habitually recognize the temple. When the great occasion comes, such know how to take part in it. What a warning there is in Barzillai! He had to say, "Can I discern between good and evil? can thy servant taste what I eat or what I drink? can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women?" (2 Samuel 19:35). You may say, 'The young can enjoy that' -- but why not you? Let us keep our spiritual hearing, for the Lord addresses Himself to "him that hath an ear". No one can assume to have all the truth. Some special movement of the Spirit of God may come -- let us see that we do not miss it -- some have done so, and have missed everything for the moment. Let us not be among them. Anna was ready to give praise to God; the intervention of God in Christ was not a surprise to her even at such an age.

This has often been spoken of, but I now treat of it in connection with the subject on hand, -- that is, the existence of power, and how it goes beyond limitations, and is available in any given circumstance. May God grant His blessing to each of us!

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Revelation 18:20; 2 Timothy 2:19 - 22; Numbers 16:1 - 43

J.T. What is in mind is to call attention to the spirit of judgment amongst the brethren, judgment of general conditions in the profession of christianity, conditions with which we have no power to deal in a general way, but with which God will deal in due course, and that according to our judgment. He values the judgment of His people. He will, of course, deal with these conditions according to His own mind, as the book of Revelation shows. Revelation teaches us how God will deal with the world as a whole, whether christendom or mohammedanism or heathendom. That book teaches us that God will deal with it in His own time, but He looks to us, to His people who love Him, to be with Him in the judgment. For this, each has to begin with himself, for what is in the world is just the extension of what is in each of our hearts naturally; so that in order to judge generally, each has to judge himself.

The verse read in Revelation 18 calls attention to the judgment of heaven, and of the apostles and prophets and saints, and they are to rejoice, for God has judged their judgment on Babylon. Paul, in writing the second epistle to Timothy, shows how that works out in each of us, how, as found in religious associations that are not according to God, that are Babylonish, we separate, that is, we express our judgment of the system by leaving it. We cannot execute judgment upon it, God alone can do that, but we judge it morally by leaving it. God respects, and in due course will honour, that action of withdrawal from iniquity. Numbers 16 gives us the type that covers all this, the great uprising among the people of God, with which

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they themselves were unable to deal, but God dealt with it. Moses and Aaron judged the evil, and God executed their judgment upon it. We see how God values His people judging what is contrary to Him.

H.F. How would you say a right judgment is acquired by the saints?

J.T. Well, I think that the epistle to the Romans teaches each of us how to judge himself. The gospel finds us guilty persons, for it is said, all are brought in guilty before God (Romans 3:19). The believer learns how to judge guilt by God's treatment of himself, and how his guilt has been vicariously met in the death of the Lord Jesus, how that there was no other way for God to deal with sin and save the sinner but by a vicarious death; in this way one learns what sin is in the sight of God. That is Romans. The wrath of God is said to be revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness of men; it is revealed from heaven. The believer escapes it because of faith in Christ. Christ died to bear the wrath for him, but in due course the wrath will be executed on the unbeliever according to God's judgment of Christ when He was made sin for us, so that the cross is the measure of judgment. But then the saint also learns to judge the systems that men have built up, according to God's judgment of sin in the believer himself. God would bring all His people round to His point of view. The Lord said, "Now is the judgment of this world" (John 12:31), before He died, and He would bring all His people to that. It gives great moral power and stability to the saints as arriving at this judgment. They are thus on the side of God.

W.E.M. The great Babylonish system refuses to accept the rejection of Christ. She says, "I sit a queen, and am no widow", (Revelation 18:7).

J.T. Yes. She is the false bride. The marriage

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of the Lamb does not take place until she is judged. She seems to embody all wickedness, especially of a corrupting nature.

F.W.K. Are we to understand from the statement in Revelation 18:20, "God has judged your judgment upon her", that the principles which they judged had been judged first in themselves? Every evil principle is to be found in my own heart, and unless I judge it there, I shall not form a true judgment as to anything around.

J.T. That is what I was thinking. Romans teaches the believer how to judge sin in himself. Corinthians teaches us how to judge it collectively, that is to judge it in the assembly, and 2 Timothy teaches us how to judge it when it has got out of hand in the assembly, when there is no power in the public body to deal with it; then the believer has to take a negative attitude towards it by withdrawing from it. He does that because of his deliberate judgment of it, and in that he is on God's side, as shown in the book of Revelation. That is to say, the book of Revelation, particularly the addresses to the assemblies, is in view from the time that the assembly was unable to deal with the evil in itself. From the time these letters had to be written to them they have failed to judge in themselves the evil, and now all is waiting for God to judge it, and the believer or the overcomer in each assembly is taking sides with God, waiting for Him to come in. 2 Timothy is, as has often been remarked, the charter for God's people when the public body is unable to deal with the evil within itself.

We cannot leave christendom but we can withdraw from iniquity, awaiting God's time of dealing with the whole system. The seal, which the firm foundation of God has, is a sort of mandate which the Lord gives to everyone who loves Him today. It gives a moral authority to execute judgment,

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not in a punitive way, but in a moral way, by withdrawing from the evil. The seal has two sides. One side is, "The Lord knows those that are his", (2 Timothy 2:19). Every lover of Christ and lover of the saints is concerned about all who belong to the Lord Jesus, and is comforted in the knowledge that the Lord knows all of them, wherever they are. The other side of the seal is, "Let every one who names the name of the Lord withdraw from iniquity", so that he is on moral ground, but on authoritative ground in that sense. He has a mandate, and this constitutes what is of immense importance in the eyes of God at the present time. The greater the number of such persons in the world, the more moral power there is in the world.

F.W.K. Would you say, while 2 Timothy gives us the mandate and the authority, the power of it is seen in John 16:8, where the Lord speaking of the Spirit says, "he will bring demonstration to the world, of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment"?

J.T. Exactly. The Holy Spirit coming in according to that chapter, brings demonstration to the world, of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. He demonstrates the things, and 2 Timothy contemplates that the sin of christendom is demonstrated, the Holy Spirit operates to that end so that a judgment of it is formed, and I believe it is formed by the mandate I have been speaking of -- it is there concretely. Whether in one or more, there is a true judgment of christendom. There is an evidence of the great sin that has headed up in Babylon.

F.W.K. So that in acting according to 2 Timothy 2, we shall be acting in accord with what is said of the Spirit in John 16.

J.T. Quite so. How the Spirit brought this demonstration into the world was seen at Pentecost. The issue had been between Christ and the Jews,

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and the Spirit coming to the disciples of Christ, identifying Himself with them, proved that God had approved Christ and condemned the Jews. He came in the form of cloven tongues of fire and sat on each of the saints. In that there was the demonstration of sin among the Jews as having rejected Christ. And so today those who are separate from evil, and thus supported by the Spirit, are a testimony against the iniquity of christendom.

H.W.L. Would you say that the case of Ananias and Sapphira was an example of the power in the assembly to judge before it got out of hand?

J.T. Yes. The sin of Ananias and Sapphira was dealt with immediately. But later on there was not power to judge such sins, and hence the direction to the faithful was to withdraw from them.

J.J.B. Why is the name of the Lord brought in in connection with this judgment?

J.T. Because it is the name under which divine administration is carried out down here. The Name involves all that the Person stands for in testimony: how He dealt with sin as meeting it in His service, and how He met it vicariously on the cross. As naming that Name, we must, to be consistent, withdraw from iniquity, and it is religious iniquity that is particularly in view, that is to say, evil allowed in the profession of christianity where the Lord's name is nominally owned.

S.J.B.C. I suppose the spirit of withdrawing must be maintained in the assembly whenever evil comes in. It is not a question of excommunicating but of withdrawing.

J.T. That is right. It is the judgment we form and maintain. Wherever evil arises, according to the chapter in Timothy, we must, if identified with it, withdraw from it, and this judgment has to be maintained.

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A.L.B. Have you in mind in speaking of a mandate, that the act of separation from iniquity is not a sectarian movement, but carries divine authority?

J.T. That is the point; it carries divine authority. You have moral authority in what you are doing, you do not need to apologize, you have power to do it. The seal is ours -- "having this seal" -- God, we may say, furnishes us with it. The foundation of God has it and hence we can act on it with moral authority.

R.B. So in Numbers 16, it is Jehovah who calls upon Moses to separate.

J.T. I thought Numbers 16 would serve as the type covering all this of which we are speaking. The allusion is to the great uprising in the history of the assembly, where men assume to be priests because they are levites, that is to say, because a man preaches and teaches and has a charge, he assumes to be a priest to the exclusion of others. That is what is at the bottom of all the hierarchical system in christendom -- the assumption that, because a man preaches and teaches, or has a gift from God, he is a priest, instead of recognizing that every christian is a priest, because he has the Spirit of God, and thus belongs to the house of Aaron (1 Peter 2:5). The house of Aaron refers to the saints as having the Spirit of God, they are "of Christ".

W.W. A difficulty often expressed is that in our withdrawing, we leave behind other christians who are godly people.

J.T. Well, we do not withdraw from them. That is not the point. We are only sorry that they stay there. They should do the same thing, if they belong to the Lord. We give them a lead, and it is surely worth their while to consider that. Is there any ground for one withdrawing? If you are right in withdrawing from a certain position, I also should

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withdraw. You are not withdrawing from your brethren, you are withdrawing "from iniquity", but lower down in the chapter, you withdraw from vessels "to dishonour", that is, persons who are shown to be dishonourable to the Lord in what they hold or what they do.

S.J.B.C. In withdrawing from unrighteousness you must necessarily withdraw from those who do not withdraw from unrighteousness, because they are unrighteous, otherwise they also would withdraw.

J.T. Yes, if they remain in the unrighteous associations after they have a testimony rendered by one devoted christian withdrawing, they are doubly responsible. They have had testimony rendered to them as to the iniquity with which they are connected.

F.G.S. Numbers 16 is very strong, is it not? It is "the tents of these wicked men".

J.T. Well, you see what they represent. There were 250 men called princes of the congregation: persons answering in the history of the assembly to men who had a public position in the service, men of renown, and they were allied with Korah, who was a Levite. They formed a band. The word "band" is used several times in the chapter, meaning a party, a sect. They formed a band against Moses and Aaron, that is to say, against the authority of Christ and against the priesthood of Christ. That was the position. It is the religious position. Moses represents the Lord's authority in the profession, Aaron His priesthood. That is what is refused, so that we have a great hierarchical system based on a nominal levitical position. They were like persons "ordained" to preach in the "churches", and on account of that assume to be priests.

F.F. In 2 Timothy 2:19 it says: "The firm foundation of God stands". Is that the firm footing upon which we move?

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J.T. Yes. It is the fixedness of the foundation, so that a person who withdraws from iniquity is on solid ground in so doing. He is not leaving the true foundation of christianity, which is Christ, according to Matthew 16.

F.F. Would the firm foundation of God involve resurrection?

J.T. Yes. There could be no assembly without the death and resurrection of Christ. He is "marked out Son of God in power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by resurrection of the dead", (Romans 1:4). That is the immutable foundation of the assembly. It involves the Person of Christ, and gives assurance. People may say what they will, we are on firm ground.

H.McM. Have we any right definitely to name the vessels to honour and dishonour in the great house?

J.T. Certainly. If I were in an association where a man denied the deity of Christ, for instance, or denied eternal punishment, or was guilty of something in the way of moral wickedness, I should name him. I should point him out.

H.McM. What about godly souls who remain in the system? They do not see the truth of the assembly; can we name them as vessels to honour or dishonour?

J.T. A vessel to honour is one who separates from vessels to dishonour. He is marked off as separating from a vessel to dishonour and in separating from him, he names him. He makes it plain. That is not exactly the same as separating from iniquity, which is a condition; of course it is in persons, but in a collective sense. I would connect the iniquity with the system, the principle governing or leavening the system, which is contrary to the principle governing the assembly. Then there are those who are marked by some evil. They are not to escape. God is infinitely fair, and He would not

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classify every person in the system under the same heading. Many may be real christians, but unable or unwilling to follow the truth.

F.W.K. In separating from an evil system, you would not attempt to pass a judgment upon the individuals connected with it. You act before God for yourself.

J.T. You do not regard all the individuals you leave in the system as vessels to dishonour. Some of them are the Lord's, it may be, and unless you can point to something in them personally, you would not say anything, save that you would try to help them, "snatching them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh", (Jude 23). You try to help them, try to convict them by what has convicted you.

M.B. So that the very movement out should be a help and encouragement to them to move the same way.

J.T. That is right. It gives a lead. If they are at all exercised, they will come and ask you, and that is a good opportunity to convey to them the truth and how the Lord helped you.

A.L.B. Do I understand you rightly, that while you would say that a vessel to honour is distinguished by separating, you would not say that all who have not separated are vessels to dishonour?

J.T. You would not classify all as vessels to dishonour. You are hoping, if any belong to the Lord, that He will rescue them. Still, if they continue where they are, their faith is questionable.

A.L.B. They have not proved themselves vessels to honour.

J.T. Exactly. If a man says, I have not heard the voice saying, "Come out", I say, Why have you not heard it? There is a voice by the Holy Spirit sounding out, "Come out of her, my people", (Revelation 18:4).

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The Holy Spirit continues that appeal. If I do not hear it, it is because my spiritual hearing is not good.

S.J.B.C. Do you not think we ought to emphasize calling on the Lord (2 Timothy 2:22), more than we do? There may be the purging of ourselves from unrighteousness, and likewise following with those who call, but if there is not the spirit of dependence, we shall not be kept. Calling on the Lord out of a pure heart implies that the spirit of dependence is maintained.

J.T. Naming the name of the Lord, you withdraw from iniquity, that is, you are naming His name. "Let every one who names the name of the Lord". That is your profession, and you want to be true to it, and in being true to it, you must withdraw from iniquity. Calling upon the Lord is invocation, asking for help. There are those that call on the Lord out of a pure heart and we are to follow righteousness, faith, love and peace with them.

S.S. I wondered if at the time of calling on the Lord you prove His name is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it and is safe.

J.T. Exactly. It is the ground we take. As having withdrawn, we are exposed. The enemy will double his attacks to overwhelm us, but there are those who call on the Lord. It does not say, if you can find them, it says, "with those" that do it, as if there are always those who were doing it. That is where the support is found. A pure heart is one purified by faith, marked by single motives, uprightness.

The next thought is in Numbers 16; "Even to-morrow will Jehovah make known". It is in the future, but God is not necessarily deferring it, though He may do so on account of other things. What a night of exercise was that which intervened! It is His mercy that He is not acting in judgment immediately, but "tomorrow" holds. Jehovah will show, in fact He is showing every day, who are

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the true priests. That is the issue, as it says in the passage, "Even to-morrow will Jehovah make known who is his, and who is holy". Faith understands that God is operating to make things manifest, and He is doing it every day; but the punitive judgment of God is coming, too. The verse in Revelation is not that He will judge, but that He has done it. "God has judged your judgment upon her".

J.A.C. It does not give time for delay, does it? You are called, and you are to answer to it and not to stay where you are.

J.T. Quite so. So that the word was, "To-morrow Jehovah will make known who is his, and who is holy". The Lord knows those who are His, that is one thing, and He will show who is holy, that is the other. It is in separating, I prove myself to be holy. He will call attention to me if I do that.

F.W.K. "Who is holy". Does that correspond to those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart?

J.T. I think so.

F.W.K. Are we then supposed to have capacity to know who is calling on the Lord out of a pure heart?

J.T. Well, that is the next thing. There are those who do it as the passage contemplates. It does not say, If you find them. You are supposed to know them, and that they really are calling on the Lord out of a pure heart. To find out what the state of the hearts may be, requires that I should get near to them.

R.B. Would 2 Timothy 1:7 help us? It reads, "God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power, and of love, and of wise discretion".

J.T. Yes. He has furnished us to meet current evil conditions.

Rem. The attack of the enemy through Korah and his band is a very subtle one. They say: "for all the assembly, all of them are holy".

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J.T. Yes. It really is an assumption that people are holy in the flesh, and that is at the bottom of the priesthood in christendom; it is an assumption that one can be holy in the flesh without the Spirit of God. "All of them are holy", he says. It is not true. That unconverted men may take 'holy orders' and be classified among the holy is a far-reaching deception. The question of holiness is involved in this matter, who are holy and who are not holy. Korah and his band say that all the Lord's people are holy, but Moses says, Jehovah will make known who is holy.

E.H. Would you say how Korah and his band are defined today?

J.T. The daughters of Zelophehad, according to Numbers 27, tell Moses that their father did not die in that "band". They differentiated between their father's sin and the sin of "the band of Korah". There are other sins abroad in christendom, but the sin of this band of Korah, is the worst. It is the great hierarchical uprising against the true priesthood of God. It is the great sin of christendom headed up in this system called Babylon in the book of Revelation. There are other sins, but these women, who sought their inheritance, knew the difference between the sin of Korah and the sin of their father. They did not hide the sin of their father, nor minimize it, but it was not the sin of Korah. They were free of that. It is a great band and built up against the authority of Christ and the priesthood of Christ; and it goes on, it is in full strength today.

E.H. It says in Numbers. 16, that they were "banded together against Jehovah".

J.T. Quite so. It is against God, but specifically against Moses and Aaron. They were assuming that Moses and Aaron were selfish. They were assuming Moses was just wanting to be a prince among them,

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whereas in truth he was just doing the will of God as His servant.

I think the Holy Spirit is especially helping the people of God today to maintain a judgment against Babylon. It is a very important matter, and the position it gives is very great in a moral sense, that you are standing out against the whole of christendom, the whole uprising against God: against Christ and against His priesthood.

E.Z.B. We should pray for spiritual discernment to be able to judge in ourselves and then around.

H.McM. It says in Jude that with the gainsaying of Core, there was the error of Balaam and the way of Cain. Is not that very important to consider? It is the fruit of a course that has never been judged before God.

J.T. Yes. This rebellion is referred to in Jude, who has the great apostasy in mind. "They have gone in the way of Cain, and given themselves up to the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core", (Jude 11). There is no doubt about it, God will deal with this terrible development.

Ques. Will you say a little about the procedure here as to the censers?

J.T. Well, they are allowed the use of censers, and thus given an opportunity, so that they might be thoroughly convicted. Moses said to Korah, "Be thou and all thy band before Jehovah, thou, and they, and Aaron, to-morrow. And take each his censer, and put incense thereon, and present before Jehovah every man his censer, two hundred and fifty censers; and thou, and Aaron, each his censer. And they took each his censer, and put fire on them, and laid incense thereon, and stood before the entrance to the tent of meeting, as well as Moses and Aaron". They are given an opportunity -- God showing His fairness -- to show in their censers what they are, and it says, fire came

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out from Jehovah and consumed them. Verse 19 says, "Korah gathered the whole assembly against them to the entrance of the tent of meeting". Instead of meeting the test, he exercises all the influence he has, and gathers all the people against Moses and against Aaron, and that is what the next paragraph means. Jehovah says, "I will consume them in a moment". But notice that in verse 19 it is said, "the glory of Jehovah appeared to all the assembly". It is a most comforting thought for those who love God, however few they may be, that the glory appears in their favour. We must look for that; God has His own way of showing where He is, and it is unmistakable to those who have eyes to see.

G.W. Would that fit in with the last two verses of 2 Timothy 2, the touching way the apostle refers to recovery? "If God perhaps may sometime give them repentance to acknowledgement of the truth?"

J.T. Quite so. If God comes in in that way, it is the manifestation of His glory. And He does. He has a way of acting in such circumstances, in crises among His people. He has a way of showing where He is at the needed time, so that everyone who has an eye, can see where God is, and that is very fine. Later on, in verse 42, so as to get the full bearing of this instruction, you get a further thing: "And it came to pass, when the assembly was gathered together against Moses and against Aaron, that they looked toward the tent of meeting, and behold, the cloud covered it, and the glory of Jehovah appeared".

Now there is a further thought, that God takes charge of the tabernacle. He says virtually, I am looking after the testimony. God will see to the testimony. The cloud covered it, and the glory appeared, and the next thing is Moses and Aaron went before the tent of meeting. That is, the service of God is resumed -- a great matter. So that you have the full divine position reinstated. The judgment of

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God has secured the resumption of His service. We must not overlook that in the deliverance, there is the resumption of His service. Here Moses and Aaron go before the tent of meeting.

H.F. Why were the censers retained for broad plates for the altar?

J.T. The meaning of the broad plates is that they are to be a memorial against these sinners. That sort of thing must never be allowed, that is a word for us all -- a man must not take up priesthood because he has a gift. The altar here represents the service of God. These broad plates are a testimony against the sin that has been judged here, so that we must never allow the clerical element. These broad plates are to testify against it.

F.G.S. Would you say why it is God who acts in this chapter, whereas in the previous chapter the whole assembly stoned the man with stones?

J.T. Well, that indicates the change of position today, that instead of our assuming to act as the assembly, we acknowledge our weakness, we acknowledge we have no public ecclesiastical status. However many there may be, there is no public ecclesiastical status recognized. It is a remnant, and the attitude of a remnant is humility and weakness. They do not assume to act as the whole, but they keep themselves clear. They prove their holiness by separation, by refusing to walk with unholy persons.

F.G.S. Would chapter 15 link on with 1 Corinthians 5 and chapter 16 with 2 Timothy 2?

J.T. That is exactly the position. Chapter 15 shows that they had power to deal with the man who gathered sticks on the Sabbath, and chapter 16 that on account of the general break-down they had to separate on the principle of being a remnant. They could not deal with this uprising. God dealt with it, as He deals with Babylon. The sinners went down -- the earth swallowed them up. Moses and Aaron falling

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on their faces is the recognition of their weakness. They fall on their faces before God. It is a very fine example. It is the acknowledgement of their weakness, but the recognition that God has power.

F.W.K. Then we get Aaron coming in. In the 46th verse, Moses says to Aaron, "Take the censer ... and carry it quickly to the assembly, and make atonement for them". Is this the confirmation of the true priesthood before God?

J.T. Yes; he acts, standing "between the dead and the living". That is our service. God would call us into such priestly service. He ran. "And Aaron took as Moses had said, and ran into the midst of the congregation; and behold, the plague had begun among the people; and he put on incense, and made atonement for the people. And he stood between the dead and the living; and the plague was stayed", (Numbers 16:47 - 48). I think that is a very important part, how judgment is held up because of priestly intervention. Priestly action today holds back the plague and the final judgment of God. God is patient, and He respects the priestly attitude of His people, as corresponding with that of Christ. In verse 41 it says, "the whole assembly of the children of Israel murmured on the morrow against Moses and against Aaron, saying, Ye have killed the people of Jehovah". That is the insistence of fleshly feeling, in spite of the judgment of God, which was manifest. It is the continuance of the expression of evil in the flesh in the public body -- one opposition after another.

E.H. Would it be that they had not taken account of the broad plates for the covering of the altar? I thought they would remind us of that, God's judgment of the flesh.

J.T. Quite so. These broad plates are a very important witness against the form of evil seen here, because it comes into our meetings. The plates are a testimony against clericalism, in whatever form or

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measure it may appear. They are on the altar, which means that the worship of God is never again to be polluted in this way. If you have vessels to honour, you have means of carrying on the testimony, and the broad plates mean that these are to be the only ones, you are never again to have vessels to dishonour, like these men, in the service of God. Moses and Aaron went before the tent of meeting. There is liberty now to carry on the service. Carrying on the service of God is our holy employ, and these broad plates are to remind us every day that we must never tolerate the clerical principle.

Ques. Would you say what priestly functions are, as distinct from levitical functions?

J.T. What we are now considering is the maintenance of the service of God. It is to be carried on by vessels to honour, proved such by separating from vessels to dishonour, and they are to flee youthful lusts, and to follow righteousness, faith, love, and peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. To be able to find persons who call on the Lord out of a pure heart, I must be a priest. It is a question of discernment. That is one of the greatest features of priesthood. As I can discern a brother or sister who calls on the Lord out of a pure heart, I establish my priesthood, and having established it, when I come to the service of God in the sanctuary, I recognize the Spirit of God, that the Spirit of God alone is the power of service. If I say, "Lord Jesus", that is by the Spirit, according to 1 Corinthians 12, or if I say, "Abba, Father", that is by the Spirit, according to Galatians 4 and Romans 8. I am establishing my priestly power, and therefore I have a right to function in the assembly. Levitical service is dependent on this, having to do with what is more external, as we learn in Numbers 4.

E.G. With regard to fleeing youthful lusts, does that

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mean that there is no room in the assembly for fleshly ambition?

J.T. It is a remarkable injunction against youthful flesh. It was not accidental that Timothy was a young man, because after all, the service of God must rest on the young men and young women. The great body of those amongst us are comparatively young. They are the ones that we must rely on, and that the Lord relies upon for service and for the continuance of the testimony. How important then that this injunction should be observed!

F.W.K. Would you say in what form clericalism might arise and be seen in our meetings?

J.T. A brother, because he has knowledge, ability, experience, etc., assuming to control a meeting. The broad plates are intended to rebuke that. There was a good deal more clericalism amongst us in years gone by than there is today, because the Lord has stressed the mutual side of the truth. For this we should continue to thank Him. The broad plates make room for all the saints, that is to say, the service of God is a question of priestly power by the Spirit. Every true christian has the Spirit, we are all priests thus.

F.W.K. No doubt the antidote for the spirit of clericalism, is that those who are older should see that they give every encouragement and room for those who are younger.

J.T. It is remarkable that in Exodus 24, as the covenant is introduced, those who acted as priests are young men; they are said to be "youths".

W.J.W. Would you say a word about the vessels of gold and silver and wood and earth?

J.T. Well, I think it is just a figure, to illustrate what the apostle has in his mind in a great house. Vessels made of superior metals are the honourable ones. There are grades, some to honour and some

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to dishonour. We have to understand that spiritually. If a man purge himself from "these", that is, the ones to dishonour, he shall be a vessel to honour. The first statement is more general, it is a figure. Then the application -- "If therefore one shall have purified himself from these, in separating himself from them, he shall be a vessel to honour, sanctified serviceable to the Master, prepared for every good work", (2 Timothy 2:21). That is to say, he is a priest in a practical sense, prepared unto every good work.

S.J.B.C. In the expressions, "purified himself from these" and "pursue with those"; would "these" and "those" both refer to persons?

J.T. Quite so; from these, in the former case, with those, in the latter.

H.L.L. If separation is maintained, is the divine presence secured?

J.T. Numbers 16 shows that God comes in. What would all this be, our separation, unless God comes in? God does come in. The glory appeared. That is God coming in manifestly, and the next thing is that Moses and Aaron go before the tabernacle. That is, the service is to be resumed, and it is resumed, too, in an evangelical way, service Godward and manward. Moses and Aaron before the tent imply that the service is resumed; and then, secondly, we have, we may say, evangelical service, the priest runs so as to stay the plague. It is priestly service on the ground of atonement. Aaron then resumes his place at the tent of meeting (verse 50).

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2 Timothy 1:14; 1 Chronicles 28:11,12; Isaiah 39:1 - 6

My remarks, dear brethren, will relate to treasuries, that is, as the word indicates, receptacles for treasures, and I hope to show, by the Lord's help, that the divine intent is that each believer in Christ, as receiving the Holy Spirit, is a treasury. I read from 1 Chronicles 28, because we have the word in the plural there -- "treasuries", as you will observe in verse 11, "the treasuries thereof", and then in verse 12, "the treasuries of the house of God", and "the treasuries of the dedicated things". The word "treasuries" being so much stressed in the pattern of the house which David had by the Spirit, and which he gave to Solomon, is to call attention to the saints; it is a type of the saints as containing the precious things of God.

The more we are reminded of what we are in the divine thought, the more dignified we become. If God says, "ye are all God's sons by faith in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:26), the reception of this statement in the soul conveys a sense of dignity to us; and so if we are regarded as treasuries in the house, we begin, if we are upright, to look about and see whether doors are left unlocked, so to speak, whether the enemy has access, or whether we are letting things out thoughtlessly, which he can use in his imitative operations, for this is, in a very large measure, his way of opposition (2 Timothy 3:8). We see in the second letter to Timothy, that the mode of opposition was imitation; Jannes and Jambres are alluded to as withstanding God in Moses by imitation, and any clue they might get from Moses or Aaron, or those about Moses and Aaron, as to their mode of operations, would be turned against the service of God.

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This epistle, among many other things, introduces the thought before me at this time. The verse should read, "Keep, by the Holy Spirit which dwells in us, the good deposit entrusted". That is a remarkable statement, obviously not for Timothy alone, but for all who are included in the assembly, in which, as the mystery, are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. The mystery itself suggests the idea of a treasury, and the idea necessarily attaches to us as forming it; for the assembly, to be very simple, is formed of ourselves -- I mean christians. The thought should never be, initially, at least, very distant from us or difficult to understand, for in truth it is a question of a believer understanding himself, and to understand oneself, one has to be analytical; the great gospel epistle, Romans, teaches us how to be analytical, both as to ourselves and the truth generally (compare chapter 7).

The believer is to be a receptacle of divine things and, to this end, he is to have all the compartments, as it were, of his moral being, including, indeed, his physical being, under his control. One of the most important fruits of the Spirit, as in the believer, is "self-control", and in this "to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honour" (1 Thessalonians 4:4), to have his "fruit unto holiness" (Romans 6:22). So that the inner chambers are holy, and as holy, available to the Lord for the great things He has, not only for our relief and enjoyment, but to be kept by us, deposited in us, at it were, to be kept securely until that day. The apostle Paul speaks about himself and those with him as having "this treasure in earthen vessels" (2 Corinthians 4:7). What he alluded to was the ministry of the new covenant. How great would be the accession to any company of christians among whom the apostle would sit down, for instance, at the Lord's supper! He had the treasure, which he had been speaking of, as the ministry of the new covenant. It would be there, it would be present

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as he sat amongst his brethren, and it is quite obvious that the more there were like him, or nearly like him, the greater would be the wealth of the company. He says, "we have this treasure in earthen vessels"; he is alluding to his body. Weak though it would appear to be, as if at any time it might be destroyed, the enemy being ready to take any advantage he could to destroy that great vessel -- it was weak, it was earthen, meaning that it was fragile; nevertheless, there he was, day after day, year after year, maintaining the ministry in freshness and power. He carried about the treasure and maintained it in integrity, and so, throughout his ministry, he indicates to us the idea of the treasury. If his body were frail, if the enemy apparently might break it at any moment, he says, "that the surpassingness of the power may be of God, and not from us" (2 Corinthians 4:7), that is to say, God kept him in his fragility. He was kept in accordance with the divine thought until the last moment of his service down here; the enemy did not succeed in taking away one moment from his life; his service was completed.

I speak of the way the treasure was kept, the power of keeping, and I believe Paul represents the idea perhaps as much as any person mentioned in Scripture. For instance, as he approached Corinth to serve, he had the understanding of what was needed, and kept back from them what could not profit them because of their state. What power of restraint there was in that vessel; He says, "And I, brethren, have not been able to speak to you as to spiritual" (1 Corinthians 3:1); so he kept back what they could not receive. Not that he could not have spoken, for he says, "we speak God's wisdom in a mystery, that hidden wisdom which God had predetermined before the ages for our glory", (1 Corinthians 2:7). He could keep all that within the recesses of his treasury. It was a

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question of the keeping, the hiding power, of the great minister. He is an example to us in this, as in all else, and it is intended to apply to us at the present time, so that the testimony we have received, in the wonderful consideration of God for us, should be kept intact, that we should heed the Lord's word, "Give not that which is holy to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before the swine", (Matthew 7:6). How little conception there is of the divine thought in the treasuries of God! -- treasuries of the house and the treasuries of the dedicated things. They must be kept, dear brethren, and unless they are, we practically cease to have part in the mystery.

So you find, in the New Testament, persons such as Mary, the mother of the Lord; who is one of the greatest examples. We have it in the Old Testament in persons such as Daniel, who, having a vision as to the gentile monarchies, especially the fourth one, that with which we have to do today, says, "I kept the matter in my heart", (Daniel 7:28). It was not to be kept there for ever, but it was wise to keep it, and he kept it in his heart until the time arrived for its disclosure. And so it was with Mary as things came to her; the wonderful things about the Babe that was to be born of her. She had received instruction as to Him beforehand, but then other things arose. She might have thought to herself; I must keep what Gabriel said to me, I must cherish that but these shepherds, what they say is a matter of comparatively little consequence. But, no; what they said was for her, and Scripture says, she "kept all these things and pondered them in her heart" (Luke 2:19). Through whomsoever they may come, through Gabriel, a shepherd, or a wise man from the East, whatever the medium through which the mind of God comes, the treasure is to be kept; it is valuable. It must not be allowed loose, as it were, as something common. We are to recognize that God's things are

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holy, that they are to be kept in holy vessels. And so Mary kept the things she heard about Christ and pondered them.

We get this principle early in the Scriptures, in Jacob, a man of very great consequence spiritually. The early dreams of Joseph -- what treasures they were! He had spoken of his sheaf standing upright, and his brothers' sheaves all round doing obeisance to his sheaf. This drew out the hatred of his brothers, but Jacob "kept the saying", (Genesis 37:11). What does that keeping by the patriarch mean, but that the thing was of value? Jacob later says, "I wait for thy salvation, O Jehovah", (Genesis 49:18). He looked forward to the salvation of God, and Simeon said later, "mine eyes have seen thy salvation", (Luke 2:30). And so it was with every treasure, from Adam onwards, for the treasures of God began early. As the Lord says, "For this reason every scribe discipled to the kingdom of the heavens is like a man that is a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old", (Matthew 13:52).

Think of the treasures of the Old Testament! What "the ancient mountains" (Deuteronomy 33:15) yield, for instance! The divine thoughts given utterance to; treasured in living hearts and carried down until God's salvation arrives, when everything is taken up and maintained and carried through intact to be displayed in the future, to the praise and glory of God! It is a great privilege to have part in this treasure-keeping. In Jacob's treasury there was first in Joseph's dreams the thought of resurrection, the sheaf cut down and standing upright and others doing obeisance. It did not fall to the ground. Many of us, as we look back on our histories, can see that things of the greatest value have come to our ears, and they have slipped away from us immediately, and thus were lost, as far as we are concerned. We have failed to be

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treasuries. The truth is to be preserved as having its part in the great system called the mystery, in which are hid, as it says, "all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge", (Colossians 2:3). In the second dream of Joseph there is another beautiful and great thought. He says he saw the sun, moon and eleven stars bow down to him (Genesis 37:9). This great thought was kept by Jacob. Joseph's dreams were carried down among the treasures of the family of faith. The thought of the resurrection of Christ, of His honour among His brethren and His heavenly exaltation was thus preserved.

In 1 Chronicles 28, we see how all this is provided for, as I said. David had the pattern by the Spirit -- somewhat different from the pattern of the tabernacle. The pattern of the tabernacle was received on the mountain. The idea is that Moses was withdrawn from the ordinary level to be with God, to be outside of natural conditions and needs, and we are told the thing was shown to Moses. No one could really build the tabernacle but Moses. The specifications are given, but Moses alone saw the pattern; he accordingly built the tabernacle and set it up. But it does not say he got things by the Spirit; nor does it say there was a treasury in the tabernacle. The treasury belongs to the temple, what is fixed or immutable. It is a saint taking account of himself in his heavenly relations; it is a man in Christ, that is the idea. The apostle Paul was caught up into the third heaven, as he tells us, to hear unspeakable things, things that could not be uttered, but he said nothing about this great occurrence for fourteen years. You see thus what a treasury he was, as already remarked. You see in him the idea, how the heavenly man understands that things are to be kept. And so the believer understands that he is to keep things in view of the great display. In the meantime they are in mystery.

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My impression is that very few of us understand the idea of mystery. If you look through the New Testament you will be impressed with the idea of mystery. The apostle Paul says that he was a steward of the mysteries of God. He kept them all, and used them advisedly; thus it is that God would have us to be treasuries, those who value the things that have come to us, and in valuing them, to keep them and ponder them. These mysteries are not to be paraded to add to ourselves, surely not, but that they should be brought out, when necessary, where they can be of use, and, as it were, put back again as something to be valued and kept for eternity.

That is what is in mind in the pattern that David had by the Spirit. This and the following are wonderful chapters. We have David standing on his feet, and, although 1 Kings would intimate that he was at this time a very weak old man, 1 Chronicles does not present him in this way. He is here a man of power and he brings in these thoughts by the Spirit -- the treasuries of the house of God, the treasuries of the dedicated things. The first statement alludes to the place that the believer has as in the house of God, and the second alludes to his capability of receiving and retaining dedicated things. The idea of dedicated things as in this particular book is important. The person who dedicated some of them may himself have failed, alas! it is so, but not one dedicated thing is to be lost. The treasury of the dedicated things will retain every such thing. Whoever dedicated it, it must be preserved. But, you say, that brother went astray years back. Yes, but he dedicated something before, and God does not forget it. It means that the believer in spiritual power is able to discriminate and say: Yes, alas! he has failed and gone, but earlier he had dedicated something; however little, it must be preserved. It is a way of keeping in mind the work of God. One who is in the power of the Spirit

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and vigilant as to what God has been doing and what He is doing, will not forget what that brother did, but will see that his dedicated things have a receptacle in the house of God.

Having said so much, I want to show you the converse of all this in a remarkable case, that is Hezekiah. You will all recall, in the chapter that precedes the one from which I read, the experience that Hezekiah had. It is said that he turned his face to the wall; that is to say he knew when he reached a point beyond which he could not pass, and he cried to God. Here is a man that is contributing to the house of God. He cried to God and he shed tears. Did it ever occur to you that tears belong to the treasuries of God? He keeps them in a bottle -- a suited vessel. The apostle Paul also kept them in his bottle. He remembered Timothy's tears, as he said (2 Timothy 1:4). Few of us shed many tears worth bottling, I admit that as to oneself. As I may say, the bottling chamber is in the house; that is where people who feel the sorrows of the testimony are valued. Some current events amongst the people of God should call forth the deepest feelings of sorrow, but, alas! most of us are very local. We only know what transpires in our locality or immediate district, whereas the more spiritual we are, the more extended our outlook, the more we shall see occasions for the deepest sorrow. How many such there are! One could tell of many crises occasioning sorrow, and these sorrows cause tears, and these tears are treasures, kept in the divine bottle. How great a thought that is! Has one ever supplied a tear for the bottle of God? He keeps them -- they are all there; and, as I said, one who is a true treasury of God among the saints will not forget the prayers, will not forget the tears, will not forget the sighs of the saints.

What opportunity there is, dear brethren, for service in this way! God has respect for it. There

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will be more speedy recoveries as we feel the losses more. And so you find the living creatures in Revelation and the elders having vials, receptacles for prayers -- not to offer prayers, no one can offer the prayers of others to God save Christ, He is the only offering Priest in that sense. In Revelation 5, we have the receptacles for the prayers of the saints, and how well they are kept there! They are full of odours, it says, odours for the nostrils of God, held in creature hands, the prayers of the saints. In chapter 8, verse 3, these same prayers are presented; the prayers of all saints ascend in all the efficacy of Christ at the golden altar before God, but the living creatures and elders have vials full of odours which are the prayers of the saints. How beautiful it is to see, as we sit together in our meetings for prayer, that brothers and sisters alike can retain in their hearts the spiritual utterances of the priests of God -- that is the idea -- so that there is a sustained odour for God, not only in the prayer meeting but continually.

Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and he wept bitterly, and God says, "I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears", (Isaiah 38:5). They are taken account of. They were, as it were, put into God's bottle; whatever Hezekiah thought, that was God's way of speaking. Chapter 39 of Isaiah also contemplates treasure, but Hezekiah failed as a treasury. He had the treasure but not the treasury. The treasure he had was exposed to the unholy view, the gaze of the Babylonians. We see, therefore, how mixed we may be, the most spiritual of us, and while we have precious things from God, and are able to speak of them in the readings and in addresses, yet they are held loosely, they are held in an unholy way, and the Babylonian eye sees them; they become desecrated. The king of Babylon sends messengers

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to Hezekiah, and he is very pleased. How deceptive our hearts are!

Spiritually we know what Babylon means. What can it ever be generally, but opposition to the people of God? And it is for us who have light, as we are able, to speak of the holy things of God and minister them to the assembly; it is for us to see to it that we are looking after the treasure, that we have the keys of the treasury, that we regard the contents as holy, that we give not that which is holy to the dogs, nor cast our pearls before swine. That is the lesson for us, that there should be integrity of heart in the appreciation of the things that God is ministering to us; that they should be kept, not only in books, but in the hearts of the saints, as treasure beyond price, belonging, not to this world, but to "that world and the resurrection" (Luke 20:35). We are going on to that, and now is the time of gathering up things and keeping them until that day, when they shall shine resplendently in relation to Christ.

Are the treasures that have come to us being kept thus in a holy way so that the enemy may not use them against us? We are surrounded by imitation; it is the great mode of the enemy's opposition. The more the enemy can get at the real treasure of the saints, the greater his power of imitation, and that is exactly what has built up Babylon. God said to Hezekiah, "What said these men? and from whence came they to thee?" We do well to listen, for God challenges us in this way. Like Hezekiah we may have served well, we may have contributed to the treasury; but now the question is, Who are those that came to you? To whom were you talking the other day? Who was the person? What were you saying? We are challenged in this way. You become loose and free and commonplace in your conversation, and you have lost power. And so the word to us is, "Keep, by

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the Holy Spirit which dwells in us, the good deposit entrusted", (2 Timothy 1:14). Consider that great thought, "the Holy Spirit which dwells in us". The Spirit is here as power so that we might keep "the good deposit". In this way the young brethren are kept, and the old brethren are kept; we are kept in a mysterious sort of way. We are "unknown"; the spiritual is discerned of no one (1 Corinthians 2). An air of mystery attaches to the spiritual man. There is in him testimony, of course, and this is in measure intelligible to men. The gospel has this character. We have the gospel for men; that must not be kept back from them, but there is "the mystery of the gospel" (Ephesians 6:19) -- you keep that back until they are ready for it.

The sinner who is truly converted through the preaching of the gospel says to himself and to God: That brother has more than he said to me, I want to get something from him. The normal result of the work of God is that a man comes forward and asks questions, and finds that the brother has more, and still more, than he says to him, but he has the power of self-control and of treasuring. He values the treasures, and he lets them be seen as they are appreciated. Only to an appreciative eye are certain things to be shown; otherwise they may be used against the truth as imitated.

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Isaiah 1:18; Joshua 2:18,19; Leviticus 13:29,30; Song of Songs 1:6

I wish to speak about colours, that is, as they stand related to the gospel. God has in the creation furnished Himself with a language, or languages, and amongst these is the language of colour. I have selected this well known scripture in Isaiah first, as it furnishes us with a group of colours -- contrasts -- but affording a language of great significance for the gospel. We have scarlet, and crimson and white, which I may call a colour. Then we have yellow in the book of Leviticus; and we have black, which I also refer to as a colour, in the Song of Songs. There are other colours mentioned in Scripture for which there would scarcely be time to refer, although I may, in the course of what I have to say, make reference to some of them; for they are all mentioned as affording a divine language: though each reference may not always have the same significance.

Scarlet, for instance, has varied meanings. The one I have in mind now is its arresting power to the eye, which is a matter that should concern the sinner; for the suggestion is that there are sinners whose sins cannot be hid, they are so deep-dyed in the person that they cannot be concealed. Take the woman in Luke 7, she is said to have been a sinner of the city, that is, her sins were exposed. Anyone whose eye fell upon her in the street would know her character. Simon the Pharisee knew -- and he thought that the Lord did not know; but the Lord did know, He knew far better than Simon. He not only knew that she was a sinner, as Simon knew in a general way, and a sinner of the deepest dye, but He knew the number of her sins: He says to Simon, "Her sins, which are many, are forgiven" (verse 47). He does

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not say -- 'which were many', but "which are many". So it is, with everyone like her, or somewhat like her, you are exposed. Sins like scarlet are long-practised; they have called in question the rights of God, they have dishonoured God, and man. They are seen, they are known by Him, recorded in heaven, and known there, and when the books are opened, of which Scripture speaks, it will be found that they are many more than the keenest Pharisee's eye would count; they are all there.

Now, that is a suggestion that should come home to every sinner. You may think your life has been so well concealed that people do not know; but in truth they do, for what is secret is made manifest. The Lord declares that everything is to be made manifest; "that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops", (Luke 12:3). So that things are much better known, especially our sins, than we are apt to think, and certainly God knows them, and in His eye, at least, they are scarlet: they have caught His eye. Not that He cannot bear long with men in regard to their sins; He has borne wonderfully with them through the centuries, but nothing has missed His eye. Certainly the scarlet colour in the sins of men and women has been seen by Him; not one has been missed; and He would remind you of this today; and, further, that He is ready to deal with your sins and to relieve you of them in spite of their deep-dyed character. He would invite you to reason with Him, "Come now, and let us reason together", He says. Can anything be more suggestive of God's patience than that He should invite a sinner, such as the woman to whom I have referred, and many like her -- to reason with Him? You say, Why reason? Well, God would impress you with His consideration for you. He is not arbitrary; God's revelation of Himself brings this out; He is very considerate.

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Take His reasoning, for instance, with Jonah in the last chapter of that prophet's book: how God condescended to reason the matter out with him! "Doest thou well to be angry?" He says to Jonah.

God would sit down, as it were, with the deepest-dyed sinner in the world, and reason the matter out with him. He will let you speak. If you go into your closet and take up this word in Isaiah 1:18; and bring it before God as your licence to appeal to Him; if you knock at His door, and say to Him -- I am come with this licence, you have promised to reason with me -- God will open the door. You will have a time never to be forgotten. Maybe you have never done such a thing as this. There is nothing, in a way, that interests God more than when a man or woman or child takes up a promise of His, or takes up a licence that He grants which is open to all, and comes to Him with it, knocking at His door, as it were, to present it. This eighteenth verse of Isaiah 1, though written hundreds of years ago, has been taken up by thousands of anxious sinners. God thus opens the door and says to you: What have you to say about all this? He will let you say what you have to say. He will let you reason the matter out with Him. You may say to Him: I was led into that conduct I have been ashamed of, by bad company. God will say, I know that: I will make full allowance for that! Whatever you have to say He will listen to, and He will show you that He has taken full account of everything, that He is not arbitrary at all. He will show you that you have been standing in your own light since the time your responsibility began; He will show you that you have been deceiving yourself, that you have been your own enemy all these years. He will tell you all that and more, He will show you how He had thought it all out, long ago. He has thought out how He can sit down and reason with you, and send

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you away with a perfect clearance, with the whole matter settled, so that He becomes greater in your eyes than ever you thought He was. After the reasoning, God becomes greater to a converted sinner. That is one feature of the gospel, that God might be known; that He might be known in the heart of the sinner, as, indeed, He was known in the heart of that sinner to whom I have alluded. How she wept out her sins, expressing her deep gratitude for what had come to her!

That is how this colour scarlet stands; and the opposite is that you become "whiter than snow", as David said (Psalm 51:7); that is the contrast. The reasoning ends in your consciousness of being whiter than snow in the presence of God. Indeed God would, as it were, say to you when the reasoning is over, Now look, I do not want you to go away from Me at all. This is not a mere transaction, this reasoning -- you are perfectly suitable to Me, and you can stay. Indeed He would say: "I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself" (Exodus 19:4); and He says, I would like to enter into a contract with you. That is exactly what He said to those sinners, the Israelites whom He brought out of Egypt; not only would He bring them to Himself, but He would enter into a covenant with them as He would with you, so that there might be mutual relations established between God and your soul, a bond never to be dissolved. Is that not worth while? You are "whiter than snow", He says; that is beyond natural understanding. That whiteness is in the realm of God, it is like the whiteness which marked the raiment of the Lord Jesus on the mount of transfiguration, it was beyond the natural mind: it was "exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them", (Mark 9:3). It is the divine side; it means that I am fit for the light, the brightness of the light that radiates in the face of Jesus; I can

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stand before it without a tremor: I am made perfectly clean. The righteousness of God indeed -- not mere righteousness in the human sense -- but the righteousness of God is upon me, and not only is it upon me, but I am made it, "made the righteousness of God in him", that is, in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). What a marvellous thing! God "hath made him [Christ] to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him".

Then there is the crimson, another of the family of red colours -- as if God would deepen the thought. Crimson is remarkable. Scarlet is brilliant; crimson is deep and full; but God says of your sins: "Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool". Now, carry that thought into what I have read in Joshua, where you have such a sinner described -- a sinner of Jericho. She lived on the wall, her house was on the wall -- fortunately for her! I apprehend that beneath this woman's exterior -- bad as her character was -- there was something answering to fellowship; for we find the work of God in most unlikely people. The servants of God found her; was it accidental? No; there is nothing accidental in the ways of God. Things may be so in our minds, but not in God's. Something will happen, either for good or evil, that will prove to you that your presence at the gospel preaching is not accidental but according to divine ordering. You may get blessing unexpectedly; or, as rejecting the gospel, you will be found more responsible than ever; you are a greater sinner than ever if, after hearing the gospel, you remain a Christ-rejecter.

The messengers of God did not enter into Rahab's house accidentally; it was divinely ordered. She had flax in her house; it was spread out on the roof. Potentially she had means of righteousness in her house: she had the means of making a cord strong enough to let down the servants of God, so that they

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were unhurt and unharmed in their escape. There was something of God there. It may not occur to you for one moment that there is anything of God in you, and yet your presence here may be a proof that there is. Others have been watching you: you have not given up the theatre, maybe, or the card-table or the race-track, yet something about you is different; there is some hankering after God; you are not indifferent when people speak to you of Him: you are not a persecutor of God's people. The people of God have noticed all these things, and they say, There is hope for that person.

Rahab has the "cord", and the Spirit of God tells us in the Scriptures that she "sent them out another way", (James 2:25). I have known persons who went to the card-table, to the race-track, or to the theatre, who would tell a christian not to go that way. They were themselves under the power of these things, but they would advise others not to go to them. I have known people like that. Why would they advise others not to go that way? They had a judgment of the thing that yet held them in bondage. Maybe there is someone here like that. The gospel comes to deliver you, that you might not go that way. Rahab sent the spies "another way", and it was the right way; they were preserved in it. Though you may be advising young people, or others, not to go your way, you are still going that way; and the gospel is to turn you, to show you that the ways of the world are "the ways of death". "The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath" (Proverbs 15:24); and, moreover, the wise man in the book of Proverbs says that people are caught by the woman who stands at the door of her house, and invites them in; and of the one who turns in thither he says, "he knoweth not that the dead are there" (chapter 9:18). How many are like that! They do not know the depths of these things; that

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"the dead are there, and that her guests are in the depths of hell".

Now Rahab was a subject of the work of God, but in extraordinary circumstances, not having lost her name of disrepute. She still bears it; but she has got this "thread". There are three words used in this chapter about this remarkable thing that she had in her house; it is called "a cord" first, in verse 15, which is a suggestion of something having strength. It was that by which she let down the spies; it was of such strength that they risked their lives on it. What confidence they had! Then it is called a "thread" (verse 18); then it is called a "line" (verse 21). All that is needed when the word "scarlet" is attached to it, is the thought of a "thread", and then the "line". There would be a testimony in the thread or line in her window of the reality of Rahab's faith. Indeed, without the work of God in your soul, evidenced in faith, the gospel must be a dead letter in your ear. It is the work of God in your soul that makes possible the effect of the gospel; for it is, as we are told, "the righteousness of God which is ... unto all", and it is on the principle of faith, to faith (Romans 1:17). Where does the faith come from? It is the result of the work of God. We may thank God for that. The work of God in Rahab's soul implied that she had faith, in spite of the terrible name of disrepute that attached to her; and her faith caused her to listen to the spies. She listened to the truth; she needed salvation. She knew judgment was coming. Do you know it? It is at your very door; we hardly realize how near it is. The wrath of God has been revealed from heaven for centuries, but it is about to be poured out. This woman knew it; she knew that the judgment of God was coming immediately against Jericho, which signifies the world.

I have been speaking about people in whose souls God is working, or has worked, but who are clinging

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to the world. The apostle Paul says to such as you, that, "if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged", (1 Corinthians 11:31). The matter is in your own hands. Did you ever judge yourself? Sit on the throne one day, or one night, and make yourself the culprit! Be the judge yourself; if you do it rightly, you will never be judged with the world. It is a terrible thing to be judged with the world in all its guilt, from the death of Abel onwards. How am I to escape? By judging myself and accepting the gospel. The apostle Paul in urging you to judge yourself would tell you that the Lord sends discipline upon you, sicknesses, financial troubles, family troubles, etc. He sends all these things upon you that you might judge yourself. These things mean that the Lord does not wish you to be judged with the world. Rahab wished to avoid the pending judgment on Jericho, and she escapes it. How? She accepted the word of the spies, she believed the gospel: also, she used what she had. They did not give her the cord, she had it: typically, it is the effect of the work of God. It may be you have faith, but you have not realised it. Nor did that woman in Luke 7; the Lord says to her: "Thy faith hath saved thee: go in peace" (verse 50). So this woman had the thread. Look through your wares and see what you have -- I mean spiritually. See if you have not something like this cord. It means something had taken place. Rahab had flax: dried, scorched, spun; that can be made a cord. All that is a matter of exercise. This woman may have done all that without any thought of what it meant, but God knew it was to be used, and she had it ready when the spies came. The very thing you have made yourself is to be used.

The thread is scarlet. It is not said to be scarlet at first, because the point then was the strength of it, it was sufficient to let the spies down; but the second point is that it was something to catch the eye.

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Something was to be seen when Israel's hosts marched around Jericho, as they did for seven days, and the last day seven times over. You can understand that these spies would look up and see this scarlet thread. It would remind them of the faith that was inside. Every time they passed by there it was, and would they not say in effect, Thy faith hath saved thee? And that is what the Lord would say to you, as you believe in Him. He is the Judge, He it is who will overthrow the world; He it is who would bring it down. He would say to you, "Thy faith hath saved thee". That means that He can see the scarlet thread -- not inside, but outside the house on the wall. I wonder if you have put this up yet. It may take the form of confession of the Lord Jesus; there are many ways in which the scarlet thread may be displayed; and as soon as you let it be seen the Lord would say to you that it indicates your faith. That scarlet thread belonged to nobody but Rahab; it was hers, and because of it, all that were in her house were saved.

The scarlet thread is what catches the eye. It is not now a question of its latent power, but of the colour of it, that it was to be seen; it was her faith. The idea is reduced when the colour is mentioned; for a thread is much weaker than a cord which is a strong twisted thing; it is more than a thread; it is composed of twisted threads. So that the idea being reduced according to verse 18, is in order to show the sinner, and Rahab was a great sinner, that the least bit of faith is enough. It is your faith; it is faith that God has given you, it is yours. Thus Rahab was saved and her house. Joshua took care of that, and the two spies were used to bring out Rahab and those with her, so that she was not judged with the world. Oh, I do warn you worldly christians and world borderers! You may be drifting so far that you are in danger of being judged with the world;

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and the Lord is pained. He disciplines you so that it may not be so.

Yellow is something extraordinary in the way of sin. Maybe there is an infidel here, a sceptic, a modernist, or a unitarian. It is in the head, and points to evil working in the mind. The word "yellow" is only used here in Leviticus 13, and once elsewhere in Scripture. It is used here very significantly; it refers to sins, including modernism, relating to christendom, where men work out evil things mentally. This is a question of what is in the head of a man or woman. The schools are full of it -- this leprosy in the head -- and the children are imbibing it; that is what the devil is aiming at. If there is one who does not believe in the deity of Christ, or in eternal punishment, or in the inspiration of the Scriptures, or the facts of the gospel, due to the influence of what men have evolved out of their heads by the devil's power, this word is for you. It is the worst kind of sin. The priest searches no further; as soon as he sees the yellow hair all is settled. The person is a leper. What is he to do? He must go outside the camp and put a covering on his lip, and say, "Unclean, unclean!" He has to admit the leprosy. As soon as he admits and confesses it, the next chapter tells us how he may be cleansed, so that he does not need to stay outside the camp. I cannot speak more of that now; I am mainly speaking of what is set forth in the colour.

Now in Song of Songs we have blackness, and the speaker tells us the cause of it. It is a question of the governmental dealings of God. Many are under the governmental dealings of God. "The sun hath looked upon me", she says. She is a believer; and not only so, she is comely, as she says in verse 5, "as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon". She is comely, a true believer -- but under the governmental dealings of God she is

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black, and it is known; she knows it herself. It may be there are some like that here. They have turned away from the people of God, and allowed their wills to govern them; they have got into the ways of the world; they have gone into business and into debt, and there they are; instead of being white and ruddy, like the Nazarites of God, they are black, and the saints know it, heaven knows it. The sun has looked upon them.

Well, this book tells us how all this is altered. This woman had an appreciation of colours. If you look at her description of Christ in chapter 5:10, you will see this. "My beloved is white and ruddy", she says. White is a symbol of purity, as we had it in Isaiah 1:18; "white as snow"; it means purity according to God; but in the setting of this book, which is highly poetical and full of feeling and holy sentiment centring in Christ, we have a blend of whiteness and ruddiness, it is beautification. "My beloved", she says, "is white and ruddy". So that whiteness and redness have a different meaning now; combined, they mean beautification.

This speaker, as she begins to speak, knows she is without it, but she knows the Beloved has it. That is to say, one in such a case judges himself; he has not a word to say in self-vindication, but he has much to say about Jesus. The feminine speaker in Song of Songs comes herself also into beautification, for Christ takes her in hand. If there is anyone here "black" under the government of God, as she was, I would urge you to read this book, to study it. It will bring you to see that the Lord Jesus has means not only of purifying you, of removing the blackness, but of beautifying you. He will make you a nazarite, whiter than snow! Jeremiah in his plaint in Lamentations 4:7 speaks about the Nazarites of Zion, and what they had been. He says, they were "purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more

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ruddy in body than rubies". That is what they were, but now he says that they are black, they are "blacker than a coal" or as the margin reads, "darker than blackness".

Is anyone in the sense of being black, unfit, feeling that he does not shine amongst his brethren, that he is not among the lilies? I would urge him to look into this book. It is within the range of the gospel, for why should I be black when others are white and ruddy? If I am to be in the assembly of God, it must be as corresponding with Christ. Can I afford, as one of His, to be outside the range of His assembly where every moral beauty is reflected from His face as it shines there? I cannot. Then read this book and you will see how one who is black becomes white and ruddy, and the form like sapphire, as Jeremiah says. Not only is there beautification in relation to these colours and combinations of colours as seen in the countenance, but their form is like sapphire. That becomes possible, and a certainty, as in faith I face my blackness, as did the feminine speaker here: she faced the matter. She knew her comeliness that she was a subject of the work of God; but she becomes black by the government of God which overtook her. Many have met with disaster in that way in recent years through the working of the will, through the desire to be rich, to better themselves in this world; and if we are found on that line the government of God will overtake us, and we shall lose our colour and become black instead of being whiter than snow and more ruddy than rubies.

There are other colours, as indeed the purple, and one can hardly finish without referring to that. It is one of the most distinguished of colours. It alludes to royalty. Scarlet does also in another setting, but scarlet alludes to the earthly glory in which Christ will appear as He reigns on mount Zion gloriously. He will take on all the glory of this world as according

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to God; but the purple is more imperial glory, for not only is He king of Israel, but King of kings. He comes out of heaven as "King of kings", in Revelation 19:16; the purple alludes to that. Now what is the answer to all that? No doubt, as most of you know, it is suffering now; purple alludes to suffering. The Lord Jesus as led into the Praetorium was clothed by the soldiers with a purple robe (Mark 15:17). It is also called a scarlet robe elsewhere, showing how intimately the two colours are linked together, both referring to royalty; but the purple alludes to suffering. It is a question of whether one takes sides with Jesus. He has done everything for us, now it is given to us "in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake", (Philippians 1:29). It is reigning morally; for the man who suffers and is prepared to suffer, is never overcome, he is always reigning in a moral sense, always in victory. The further down he goes in men's eyes, the higher he is in heaven's eyes. The Corinthians were reigning as kings, as men in the world reign, but Paul said to them, "I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last" (1 Corinthians 4:9); he says, God has done it. Why? God was honouring them. Paul says, "we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day", (verse 13). That is the thought. The apostles were wearing the purple, and any spiritual eye could see it. They were sufferers with Christ, and sufferers with Christ will reign with Christ.

Other colours are mentioned, such as blue, green, bay, etc., but those spoken of have been specially before me. I think you will, conclude that if these scriptures are followed out they furnish a language with which to preach the gospel to sinners and to saints. There is not a saint on earth who does not need the gospel. The most spiritual saint needs the gospel. There is "the gospel of God" (Romans 15:16), "the gospel

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of your salvation" (Ephesians 1:13), "the gospel of the glory of the blessed God" (1 Timothy 1:11), and "the gospel of the unsearchable riches of Christ" (Ephesians 3:8), and other special designations of the gospel. Is there anyone who would say he does not need these features of it? I am sure every spiritual man and woman would say the contrary; and not only do they love to hear it, but each one says, I need it. It is essential to our enjoyment of the knowledge of God and our testimony here that we should be grounded in the gospel in all its features.